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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 17, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: you know, it looks like mr. trump is successfully wooing blacks, win or it, working folks on the issues which is really the same for everybody on the issues and i'm going to be elizabeth macdonald like everybody else. >> you better. you'll be in big trouble, larry. larry: i wouldn't dare not to. >> larry you're great. thank you so much good to see
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you. welcome to the "evening edit" i'm elizabeth macdonald. we've got news coming in. there are serious reports about top democrats debating replacing biden on the ticket. we're going to get to more in just a second. now the white house today trying to pushback hard on videos showing biden looking frail and fragile at that hollywood fundraiser after the g-7 videos last week and former president trump was a smash hit with black voters in detroit. edward lawrence is going to take all of this on at the white house. he's got more on this story. edward? reporter: liz, president joe biden stumbling when it comes to minority voters. a new usa today university poll shows that more than 15% of black or multi-racial voters would support former president trump. 54% would support president biden. now, president biden got 94% of the black vote in detroit in 2020 but over the weekend that's exactly where we found former president trump, in a historical ly black church in detroit. republicans say minority votes
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for president biden is shifting. >> has not worked for americans it has not worked for black americans so they want to change and i think you're starting to see this bubble up more and more i mean, obviously, you have to execute this through the campaign and make sure that you turn those voters out, but i truly believe they're there and i think you're going to see some very interesting shifts this november. reporter: a very different scene where president biden campaigned in los angeles with a-listers. the biden campaign raked in $30 million with the help of former president obama but in a moment that set back the campaign at the end, former president obama grabs the arm of president biden and leads him off stage. the white house press secretary brushed off the moment like this >> you saw the president put his hand on the back of president biden and they walked off the stage after taking questions or at an event taking questions from jimmy kimmel. that is what you saw.
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reporter: president biden trying to change poll numbers and also perception going into this election. back to you, liz. >> great reporting edward. let's get at it with byron york. byron, okay. what do you make of press secretary karine jean-pierre saying these videos are cheap videos, disinformation, this is after the foreign press in the uk and italy reported that g-7 leaders were worried about biden's physical and mental condition. byron, we looked at the video. what do you think? >> yeah. well, this is part of kind of a new white house strategy we saw come out last night when we started seeing videos of what had happened in hollywood and a number of people, including a white house spokesman said, this did not happen. maybe you think you're looking at it on video but it just didn't happen, and it's a hard case to make, because clearly,
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former president obama thought that president biden needed a little help, a little guidance to get off the stage and i think it's very important when you think about this event in hollywood to remember the june teenth episode, just last week at the white house in which president biden seemed to freeze among a number of people who were clapping and swaying, listening to music, and the president is just absolutely froze and it went on for nearly a minute, which is really a very very long time. it was a really weird situation and the white house did not come out and say this did not happen. >> yeah and critics looking at the videos say that the president is not blinking, that he's holding the stare for 45 seconds up to a minute. that's a long time. you know, trump turns out a rally on his own but biden needs clinton and obama to turn out a rally. let's get to the breaking news, byron. what do you think of former top clinton advise or and pollster
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mark penn and former washington post journalist charlie speering talking to d.c. insider s who say the reason why democrats purposely and deliberately pushed way up to june, the debate with trump that's the earliest ever in us history is because it's a test run for top democrats obama, bill clinton, hillary clinton, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer to decide whether to pull biden and replace him on the ticket to see if he's up for a second term based on that debate, but who can they replace him with at this late date? >> it be very difficult. obviously, there's only one choice and that is vice president kamala harris who was elected on the ticket with biden in 2020 is his constitutional successor, if he were to die tomorrow, she be the president of the united states and she's also, especially important to the democratic party, the first woman, vice president of color. it seems to me to be absolutely impossible that the democratic party would go to her and say well, president biden is leaving
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the ticket and we're going to dump you too because your polls aren't very good. that is just simply not going to happen, so i do think that if president biden for any reason were to leave the ticket and i don't think there's anything going on really in the party to try to make that happen, but if he were to leave the ticket, i think there would just be one successor and that's the current vice president. >> interesting stuff, there's also reports coming in. both will be standing at their podiums at the cnn debate for about 90 minutes is the rule biden's team is reportedly trying really hard to have him sit down instead. two-thirds to 86% say biden is too old. can't finish a second term. we got that new usa suffolk poll black voter support for biden in the swing states of pennsylvania and michigan dropping 20-22 points respectively since 2020. watch the footage here of trump in detroit and criticism of obama for not going enough and then you could just see biden at the fundraiser in hollywood.
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watch this. >> president trump, i'm so humbled that you be here. president obama never came to the hood, so to speak. >> [applause] >> president joe biden, he went to the big naacp dinner but he never came to the hood, so thank you. let us bow our heads. heavenly father, we thank you for the 45th president of the united states of america. he was charged with 34 felonies. then he raised 53 million in 24 hours. >> [applause] >> he has the potential to be the 47th president of the united states of america. >> [applause] >> and joe biden has done nothing for you except talk. we achieved the lowest african americans unemployment rate and the lowest african american poverty rate ever recorded. he wrote the 1994 crime bill that you talk about so much. i guess everybody here knows about that. especially if you happen to be black. >> byron, you know, there's also this. the washington post reports
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biden's approval rating is hovering around 38%. that's one of the lowest for a sitting president in decades, and the picture is worse in the swing states. look at the des moines register poll. this is new coming in. trump has a nearly 20-point lead ahead of biden in iowa, 50-32. take it away, byron. >> well, that's really huge in iowa. trump did win iowa in 2020, by eight points but a lead of 18 points now? the job approval rating is extremely concerning for the president because it's a really good predictor of how a president is going to fare in his re-election voting, and no president has been in the 30s job approval rating in june and gone on to win re-election in november. it just doesn't happen. you have seen president obama went down into the low to mid 40 s in 2012 and then he won re-election. bill clinton went down in 1996
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and he won re-election but nobody's gone down into the 30s. joe biden would just have to perform a herculean feet to get back approve 50%. >> yeah, gap all is saying he's polling at levels than carter and george h. w. bush lost. let's welcome to the show from house oversight and house judiciary, congressman andy biggs. okay, it's good to see you again , congressman. house speaker johnson met with former president trump and republican lawmakers at mar-a-lago to talk about trump's governing plan if he gets re-elected. what were they talking about? >> well, i think we're talking about the first 100 days. we're talking about personnel. we're talking about goals, things like the border, what are you going to do about the inflation and energy and economy. how do we enact that. how do we go forward. how do we execute the plan and get this done and delivered to the american people. the promises that president
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trump's making and the republicans need to actually implement and that, i think, this is a good move to be doing this this early and getting ready because i do believe that republicans are going to have a great shot at governing come november. or january actually. >> yeah, let's get your reaction to what cnn has to say about the polls now and what's going on with black voters migrating to trump away from biden. cnn is describing this as a historic shift. watch. >> in 2020, joe biden was getting 86% of the african american vote. look at where it is now. it's 70%. that's a 16-point drop, john, and more than that, it's not just that joe biden is losing ground. it's that donald trump is gaining ground. >> let's talk about the campaign because trump was in battleground michigan last night making a pitch to african american voters. polls show biden trailing trump in key battleground states and polling well-behind your senate colleagues who are running for
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re-election. how can you look at this , these statistics, these numbers, and not conclude that joe biden is a drag on the ticket? >> okay that's jake tapper saying joe biden is a drag on the ticket. there's also cbs is reporting the biden white house is making plans to affluence one of the largest immigration relief programs to give legal status to hundreds of thousands of legal aliens married to us citizens. you know, pew research says, congressman, there are over 25 million non-us citizens in the us but that's as of four years ago. now the new york post is reporting the open border is a pipeline for votes. how worried are you about this , the biden administration's push, to get federal agencies to basically get out the vote, including potentially non-us citizens if they are signing up for trying to get welfare for example. >> well i'm glad you're highlighting this because i think it is an area that i'm particularly concerned about. there's only one state and that's my own that's actually
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engaged sin requiring us citizenship proof before you can register but even that's only on state elections in arizona, but when you see that the number of illegal aliens who then go to get benefits at offices and they don't have to provide any kind of frankly any real meaningful identification, to get the benefits, and joe biden is now using it to recruit and register voters, i think that is something that is really frightening. it should be frightening to both sides quite frankly, but it actually proves the point that we say that one of the reasons that the democrats want an open border is because the electorate is turned against them. >> well how do you stop it? lara trump is reportedly building an army of 100,000 poll watchers and 500 lawyers to deploy all across america for the election at the polls. how does congress, how do house lawmakers and the senate stop it >> well there's two ways here.
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first of all the law has to happen before you get to election day. i'm telling you if you're waiting until election day to bring your lawsuits you're too late. you need to be doing it right now. second thing is congress needs to be using the budget the purse strings to actually bring this under control and we need to modify the vra, the voting rights act, because that gives the punitive authority to the president to do what he's trying to engage in. i don't think he gives indirect authority but that's what he's hanging his hat on. we have to fix that and takeaway the funding to do this type of activity. you can not, we should not be allowing registration of voters without proof. >> got it. congressman bigs, thank you for joining us tonight. still ahead, congresswoman kat cammack from the law enforcement caucus. and house oversight and former justice attorney and economist e j an toni from the heritage foundation and the hill newspaper julia
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manchester and mark simone. we take on this debate of the white house's full court press on the media this weekend after hunter biden's historic conviction on gun charges but this under-reported back story. the congressional probe into the biden family selling access to joe biden and government, how much of that influence pedaling is tied to biden's reported long , long love affair with big houses? and it is a trump vs. biden battle that's heating up. trump's new push, his no taxes on tipping plan goes viral nationwide. we've got the story, and the biden white house pushing back hard on this story. more details about the timeline of the biden white house as alleged connections to the trump prosecutions. plus, historians and critics slam president biden for his new attack on the supreme court. they're saying this is out of the norm and out of bounds and an illegal alien suspected of murder in el salvador now charged for the rape and murder
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of a maryland mother of five, as law enforcement pushes back on biden's border collapse and the gop house intelligence chief warns the us "faces the highest terror threat possible" amid biden's border crisis. i'll have all of this coming up on the "evening edit." we'll be right back. stay right there. we've always been competitive. yeah... one of us always had to be first. first! first! [continue bickering in background] hold on, guys! [car honk] first. today, we're first together. we love you, mom and dad. thank you so much for making it possible. and now you can finally put yourselves first. vanguard investments and advice. for college, retirement, and all of life's firsts. that's the value of ownership. hi, i'm greg.
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>> welcome back. okay this story. while president biden was fundraising in hollywood, an illegal alien wanted for murder in el salvador arrested and charged with the murder of a mother of five. fox news david spunt live in washington with the details. reporter: her name was rachel mo rin, she was just 37 years old with five kids and last august she was found dead along an outdoor running trail in bell air, maryland. about 30 miles northeast of baltimore on the way to the delaware state line. now, for almost a year, no word about her killer. her family living with the pain of knowing someone raped and murdered her was walking the streets potentially ready to attack again, but no more. police say they have their suspect. on friday, authorities in tulsa, oklahoma arrested victor antonio martinez hernandez, he's 23 years old charged with her rape and murder from el salvador. fox news is told he illegally crossed the border into the united states in february 2023. police say he killed a woman in
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el salvador before escaping to the united states and authorities obtained a dna match from home invasion in los angeles. this is surveillance video of that event in march 2023 where several people including a child were assaulted. the surveillances disappeared but police say he is that suspect and here is miss morin's mother. >> when things seemed really bleak and hopeless, the lead detective said to me, he said patience will win in the end, and that's what they've been doing. they have been diligently workin reporter: the suspect is expected to face extradition ma. it could take several weeks if convicted he will likely spend the rest of his life behind bars back to you. >> david spunt thank you so much. joining us kat cammack from the house law enforcement caucus congresswoman your reaction to that report? okay, killed in georgia, kayla hamilton killed in maryland all
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by illegal aliens. this is biden's border collapse. >> absolutely, liz, and it's just absolutely heartbreaking not just for rachel's parents and her family and her five children but for all of the families, all of the angel families around the country who are victims at the hands of illegals who should have never been here in the first place. i spoke to the sheriff of that county, hartford county today and he said not only are they exceptionally confident in the conviction of this illegal whose in the country illegally but he pleaded that we need to get that border secure. it was just this time last year that they had a 17-year-old that was murdered at the hands of an illegal in that same county. every town in america is a border town as a result of biden 's open border crisis. full stop. you have to get this under control. >> yeah, another networks misleading america when trump is saying deportation. he's talking about deportation of criminals, of killers
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crossing. fox news bill melugin reports there are now more than 7 million illegal aliens ordered to leave the us. they were released into the us interior because immigration courts are so clogged and backed up due to this border collapse. we're hearing reports out of places like venezuela that prison population is down in certain parts of that nation. >> absolutely, liz. i spoke to border patrol agents virtually in every sector for the last couple of weeks and i myself have been to the border nine times and seen the crisis at the border and of course in the interior we're seeing just like with rachel morin's family there is tragedy occurring across the country but in light of this new executive order biden passed to try to "secure the border" it's actually making it worse. homeland security not only has decreased the amount of beds for i.c.e. but they have gotten rid of the infrastructure necessary to actually get these
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criminals out of the country. we have nowhere to send them so what do they do? they parole them into the country with no way of knowing where they're going and what they're doing. >> no vetting. >> there's no follow-up so trump has a hard job in getting this under control when he assumes office in january. >> watch house intelligence share congressman mike turner warn about a potential terror attack coming in the us, possibly we don't know when but he's burning about it. listen tohbo's bill moore on that illegal alien arrest in maryland of the murder of the mother of five suspect. watch this. >> what's important about these reports and what we're seeing, especially in conjunction with director wray's public statement that we are at the highest level of a possible terrorist threat, that the administration's policies have absolutely directly related to threats to americans, but as a result of the administration's policies
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allowing people to cross the border unvetted, we have terrorists that are actively working with inside the united states who are a threat to americans. >> voters keep saying over and over again. we are not comfortable with this level of immigration. i understand why and it doesn't make you a racist to say that. it's going to get election day. >> i want to now direct these comments to 1600 pennsylvania avenue and to every member in both chambers of congress. we are 1,800 miles away here in hartford county. 1,800 miles away from the southern border and the american citizens are not safe because of failed immigration policies. >> you hear that, american citizens are not safe anywhere. okay let me back up. why just a generation after 9/11 did biden decide to collapse the border. let me eshow you the new york times. what have we liberals done to the west coast saying the bluest parts of the country, the cities on the west coast are a "mess." so collapse the border just a
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generation out of 9/11, go weak on crime but collapse the border where's the common sense in this >> well, i guess the jig is up. there is no common sense in that , and what a refreshing moment of truth and honesty in talking about how the progressive movement hasn't really resulted in a whole lot of progress. moreso a mess than anything. like i said i spoke to sheriff g ollar today and he said exactly that. this is a failure of national security and there's plenty of people pointing blame but the fact remains is that biden did this willingly. bragged about border security policies and then dismantled customs and border patrol bit by bit, when you have 151 different nationalities coming across the border to the tune of over 11 million people illegally on top of 2 million gotaways in a span of three and a half years there's no way you can consider that secure. of course there's going to be crime, echoing what chairman
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turner said. it's not a question of if but when there's a terrorist attack. >> terrible. >> we know there's innocent life lost because of this disastrous policy and it's all because they wanted power and control and they wanted more people to show up at the elections that's why they're trying to strip citizenship requirements at the polls. it's shameful and that's why we have to elect donald trump. >> congresswoman, thanks for joining us. still ahead, we have former judy miller attorney hans von spakovsky and the white house is pushing back hard on this time line of the biden white house alleged connections to trump prosecutions and this as the biden campaign reportedly dropping 50 million bucks in new ads calling trump a convicted felon, plus e. j. an t oni, the battle is heat ing up and the former president donald trump's no taxes on tips is taking off nationwide. it's going viral. and trump is promising to make his tax cuts permanent but biden wants nearly $5 trillion in tax
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hikes over the next decade if he's re-elected. wow. the "evening edit" is taking it on. we'll be right back. ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors. we'll get you there. did i read this? did i get eggs?
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>> welcome back. joining us now is economist e. j. antoni from the heritage foundation and the committee to unleash prosperity. okay e. j., this is a moment we need to focus on a big issue affecting everybody's pocket books. biden is campaigning on raising taxes by nearly $5 trillion over a decade if he wins. that's going to hit all taxpayer s but trump is campaign ing massive tax cuts for all americans. taxpayers, small businesses. have you ever heard of a candidate campaigning on tax hikes? i don't think even jimmy carter did that. >> no, certainly not, liz, but let's not forget that the entire biden agenda is based off of tax hikes and it's not just the explicit tax hikes, which
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he's offering the american people right now, but it's also the tax hikes we've already seen during his first term which is chiefly the hidden tax of inflation. americans today are literally paying trillions more in taxes. they are just paying it through higher prices at the pump and at the grocery store, at the hardware store, you name it. liz: you know, let me just get you updated on this. i want to tell the viewers treasury secretary yellen just admitted today, "over the last three years, there's been a significant increase in inflation" so she said that. so let's listen to former president trump on tax cuts here watch. >> we will make the trump tax cuts permanent and cut taxes even more for working families and small businesses. >> [applause] >> in fact i'd like to bring them down further for the middle class bring them down even more. they are going to let them expire and give you the biggest tax increase you had ever by four times. as part of the tax cuts i have announced i will eliminate taxes
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on tips for restaurant workers and hospitality workers. >> [applause] >> and anyone else relying on tips. no more taxes on tips. >> [applause] >> no taxes on tips. none. liz: wow. you know, it's now going viral on social media. no taxes on tips. you know, i'm looking at 6 million workers nationwide, made about $40 billion in tips. that's a lot of money. what do you think? >> it certainly is, liz, and let's not forget that this is a group of workers who are especially in need of tax relief , because they have been hit so hard, much harder than the average american by this hidden tax of inflation, and so if you can provide tax relief to those folks, i mean, it's no surprise that president trump is getting such wildly positive receptions when he announced this plan and every time he has mentioned it since. people really like this idea and actually, liz, people on the left should also like it
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because it would make the tax code slightly more progressive by reducing taxes on low income folks. liz: you know, e. j., more voter s are saying, what are you doing, biden, with all your taxation when government has been over-spending under you. you're doing record war time spending without the war, and you know, we know the san francisco fed and the chicago fed research are saying that government over-spending is keeping inflation high and that's then causing interest rates to stay high, but you know , the nearly 5 trillion tax hikes from the gao has found, the government accountability office has found, e. j., $1.6 trillion in government waste fraud and abuse from 2018- 2022. how about stopping that instead of nickel and diming and going after taxpayers e. j.? >> liz, you're spot-on here. we have to get government spending down and that starts by reducing the waste, fraud, and abuse and after that, we need to tackle things like entitlement
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reform. it has to be done. liz: e. j. antoni, thanks for joining us. let's welcome back to the show former judy miller attorney former ftc commissioner hans von spakovsky. hans? we needed you on this story. thanks for joining us. the biden white house is pushing back hard on this new timeline of connections to the trump campaign, excuse me, trump prosecutions, and the biden white house. we were talking representative andy biggs and breitbart. special counsel jack smith, meets with the white house, all of this ramped up right after the mid-terms. right after trump indicated he would run again and after biden said we will not let trump "take back power." >> yeah, you know, there's an old saying in washington. there are no coincidences and that's what the biden white house is expecting us to believe that all these discussions between the white house and local prosecutors, the number
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three top official in the justice department suddenly leaving justice to take a pay cut and go to new york to help criminally prosecute donald trump? we're supposed to believe that's all just a coincidence? well, i certainly don't and i don't think the american voters do either. liz: and a lot of that stuff happened on the same day it looks like november 18 after the mid-terms. so there's that and now you've got judge aileen cannon will hear arguments made by constitutional scholars, former attorneys general and on june 21 and whether special counsel jack smith's entire office should be abolished on the entire classified documents case against trump get tossed out because his office is unlawful and unconstitutional. what do you think? >> oh, i think they've made a very strong argument and the argument basically is look. jack smith was given more power than all of the us attorneys all across the country. well, to be a us attorney, you
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have to be nominated by a president and confirmed by the senate. that did not happen with jack smith, so to me, his appointment is clearly unconstitutional and the judge has an obligation to examine that argument because if that's true, then the entire criminal prosecution over classified documents should be dismissed. liz: so he was just hired as a private accident, right? >> that's exactly right, and that, to me, i think is unconstitutional. without the confirmation process , which is required by the constitution, he cannot exercise the kind of powers he's exercising in that case, so again, this is a very important issue, and several former attorney generals including ed m eese are all saying his appointment was improper and unlawful. that's a serious argument. you can't just dismiss. liz: you know, the system needs
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to get back on the rails. let's listen to congressman donald seer. watch this. >> when donald trump was president, he didn't have his attorney generals go after hillary clinton when she did violate the espionage act. they did not go and prosecute hillary clinton but now you have a situation where main justice has weaponized the justice department to go after donald trump. you have jack smith whose chasing down donald trump on violating the espionage act but at the same time, robert herm knows that president biden has violated the espionage act. robert herr is not prosecuting joe biden. jack smith is trying to prosecute donald trump. liz: take it away, hans, final word. >> he is exactly right. that's why we now have a two- tiered justice system and a law enforcement agency, doj being used to go after the political opponent of joe biden. liz: hans von spakovsky, thanks for joining us tonight. we'll have you back on soon. still ahead the "evening edit"
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debate panel with congressman tim bircher from house oversight and mark simonne, the biden white house, the first lady doing the media full court press this weekend, after hunter biden 's conviction on gun charges, but we're taking on this under-reported story about connections being made to the biden family's influence pedaling overseas, getting linked to president biden going into debt, due to his decades- long love affair with big houses. we'll check in with our friends first david asman and jackie deangelis in for dagen and sean. look at these two, aren't they a lovely pair? david: i have a love affair for big houses too but that's a whole other story. we have coming up a good show. first we're starting with the a -team we have liz peek, the best financial columnist in the world, and we have lee carter, the best pollster in the world, so we really got an a-team and then we're going to congressman pat fall on from
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texas. he is fired up about the border. jackie: then we've got the former epa chief of staff and we're talking about what the epa is doing now. i will give you a hint. they are funding some radical groups, david. we're also talking to chris copa k the kansas attorney general about suing pfizer over some of those misrepresentations and some of the events that happened after covid-19, so we'll be talking about the vaccine tonight. stay with us. david: we'll see you then. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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liz: joining us now for our even s edit debate panel congressman tim bircher from house over site and wor radio host mark simonne, great to have you on, gentlemen. let's sit tight and listen to biden's allies in the media claiming the hunter biden laptop story in the new york post was russian disinformation when senators chuck grassley and ron johnson say that media narrative came out of biden's team, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, before the election in 2020. watch this. >> it is so obviously disinformation. >> history will expose you all as fools. >> it's unbelievable how stupid you think americans are. >> you have no idea. you know hard drives can be manipulated by rudy giuliani or russia. >> well what's the evidence
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that happened? >> there is actual evidence of it but the point is, it's evidence based so you're engaged in a conspiracy. liz: there's no evidence for anything, they just said. doesn't all this have the hallmarks of a disinformation campaign, congressman? >> yes, ma'am. completely. that's why i've asked for all of the so-called intelligence officers to come before oversight committee and explain the chain of command on all of that and who gave them that information and how they all ended up with basically, it was like the mainstream media when they have democrat talking point s they hit on them and those people did just that. liz: what the congressman just said, mark, this is about voter consent, and informed consent, right, to vote. they aren't getting the information. we talked last week about how the president is not middle class joe. he's luxury mansion joe. you know how he claims he was the poorest man in congress? that's because his net worth likely dropped because he borrow
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ed a lot of money and took out at least three mortgages because he likes buying big houses. how is the biden family connected to that because hunter biden's laptop reportedly indicated hunter was complaining he was giving half his salary to joe biden and paying for his housing expenses. >> yeah, he's not working class joe. he's police state joe. i think the reason they have to discredit that laptop, hunter, the gun charges one thing but there's a lot of stuff in there about 10% for the big guy, the money flow, the millions of llc's the money flowing into joe. there's a lot of bad stuff in there and you talk about falsify ing documents. that letter signed by those 51 intelligence chiefs that was one of the maybe the biggest election interference, dirty trick we've ever seen, and they are going to do it again this year. merrick garland is the most dirty attorney general we've had allowing all this to go on. by the way another thing nobody ever noticed the biden administration has used tremendous influence to make sure the hunter mugshot has never been seen by anybody. liz: interesting. that's interesting but they released the trump mugshot.
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okay this. what mark just said, let's get back to biden's love affair with big houses. congressman, so biden reportedly sold a luxury home to a top executive getting its full 1.2 million asking price, even though it was reportedly in disrepair. how is biden's love affair of big houses connected to the influence pedaling scandal? >> obviously the big boys always take care of their own and that's why he's in the white house. he can't find the soft serve ice cream machine in the white house yet this bunch has so much invested in him that's why they keep propping him up, liz, and they will continue to until gavin newsom takes the helm at the convention. liz: wait do you think this is connected? do you think his love affair with big houses is connected to influence pedaling in order to bring in the money? >> oh, absolutely. this group, they all take care of their own, liz. they run in little circles and are up there nantucket or wherever and they cut their little back room deals and you and i would never even know anything about it. we might not know some people
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involved. they are behind the scenes, billionaires. they travel, they are intercontinental. they don't pay any attention to little people like you and me and they sure don't follow our rules or laws and that's why joe biden thinks he's one of them. that's the other fellow, i forget your name, sorry but they have $20 million flowed through this family and then you see the irs says they are going to let them slide on paying taxes. they let the statute run. liz, if you stole $500 worth of baseball cards on ebay, you're going to get a call from the irs liz: show the new yorker story, mark, we reported him saying on this new yorker story a few years ago how the biden family has a history of excessive profiteering back to world war i on government contracts for the army and the navy, and that it was so bad the government had to clawback at least $8 million in profits and world war ii. that's what put the biden family 's ship repair business
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for the us navy out of business and that guy was out of work, so the poor man joe story has more complicated roots. final word, mark. >> yeah, you had a guy, joe biden was on a congressman salary living in the dupont mansion. he's been doing this all his life. this trump policy of no tax on tips will be great for the biden s since that's what they are all about is getting tipped for their service. liz: congressman, mark simonne, fun to have that debate. good to see you still ahead the hill newspaper reporter julia manchester in an unusual move for us president, president biden this weekend openly attacked the supreme court. critics and historians say this is out of bounds out of the norm. all of this coming up on the "evening edit." [introspective music] recipes.
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>> this paper political reporter jillian manchester coming it is great to see you julia the president of the hollywood celebrity fundraiser in california checking the supreme court people say that this is unseemly is not like decisions they're doing and you know, this will people say this is out of bounds and out of the norm and what you think. julia: okay pretty at a time
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when were sing to conservative supreme court justices phase a lot of negative headlines alito in paris homes going back in 2016, we've seen republicans really masterfully, makers of rt and of the courts and judges in particular, getting judged conservative judges of the course of the high court etc. and a campaign issue and admits have struggled to make this an issue so i think that right now come you see bided for the group of donors, essentially trying to make that case attacking fees to conservative judges in hopes for the justice in hopes of really galvanizing democratic donor base making the supreme court issue for the democrats is a successfully been an issue for the republicans. >> this unseemly and symptomatic how about going to develop policies americans light and then you can dominate your own justices most was know what they say, watch this. >> the supreme court is never been is out of kilter, as it is today.
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biden: nme never the fact of the matter is, that this is never been a court this then this apparatus depth. julia: why can to be hoping for the senate having pain yet, certainly understand that would require 60 votes and sing to be enforced. kalyna: about jim saki to testify about the botched exit out of afghanistan. liz: is cognizable any goes excellent nations top court, because they feel the cordis at a step out of kilter with what democrats want and that is going to get trying to twist and distort, the nations top court to what they want and this is not what america is about an it's not about immigrant override just their stuffing run. him from there getting the way of the high court. >> we know a going to continue see democrats make this decision we've seen the make this message really since roe v. wade nothing is only intensified in recent weeks because of those negative
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headlines i think you seen chief justice john roberts drawing there by not going before the senate judiciary committee and meet with senate judiciary committee democrats it was not a bipartisan group and so that is why you have a chief justice getting involved in saying okay, let's centerline no not acknowledged politics. liz: adjusted a ban on bump stops is enacted under trump final word. >> he did that it also come they did with the past from the misoprostol band and it was also seen as victory so you don't look, we can back with while you still see the democrats continue to push this language with negative about the court. liz: thank you for joining us and think you for watching the evening edit is time to senate avenue upon them and line and dagen mcdowell and jackie is so good to see you guys. ♪ ♪


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