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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 19, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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maria: i want to thank this incredible panel, rebecca walser, adam johnson and lee carter. great show you guys. >> always good being with you. maria: great to see you. markets are closed today, "varney" & company picks it up now, stu take it away. stuart: good morning, maria, and good morning, everyone, it is june 19, juneteenth, the day we celebrate the arrival of federal troops in gavin newsom at on, texas to ensure allen slaved people are free. it is a day of celebration.
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wall street is closed but celebrating a new champion. nvidia is the most valuable publicly-traded company $3.334 trillion. it just edged past microsoft at $3.32 trillion. it has been a rise, five years ago, nvidia was not even in the top 20 in terms of valuation now it's number one. the stock is up 170% this year. more on nvidia coming up. politics. a difficult day for president biden tuesday. introducing his migrant amnesty program he showed another senior moment. watch this. >> i'm joe biden's husband. >> [laughter] >> thanks to all of the members of congress and homeland security secretary, i'm not sure i'm going to introduce you all by the a, but all kidding aside. stuart: okay another problem. just as biden allowed hundreds of thousands of illegals to stay and work and illegal from ecuador was arrested for
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allegedly raping a 13-year-old girl in a new york city public park. another illegal was arrested for the murder of a mother of five in maryland. biden's open border gets the blame. on the show today, a non- political issue that every parent's talking about, cell phones in schools. california governor newsom has called for statewide ban. republican of florida and indiana already have restriction s. the no phones in school movement is going national. and, intolerant vegans. a restaurant in california put meat and dairy back on the menu, furious vegans invaded the restaurant and shut it down on father's day. wednesday, juneteenth, 2024. "varney" & company is about to begin. ♪
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stuart: very good choice of music this morning. "the heat is on." lauren: for the weather? stuart: yeah, talking the weather. lauren: okay good. stuart: not politics. not the markets. no this is the weather. the heat is really on in new york city. we're looking to about almost 9. lauren: yeah. stuart: but that is summertime. lauren: the heat index is close to 100. stuart: that's true. little confusing those isn't it? heat index versus actual temperature. lauren: it feels hotter than it is. stuart: let's get on with it starting with a new poll from the washington postal about the battleground states which will likely decide the election. lauren: slightly towards trump so these are, what's called low information, young voters, registered voters, but un committed ones meaning they can be swayed and because they are in the swing states, they will likely determine who wins in november. here is some key points. when asked how likely are you to vote for biden 59% said not likely, but asked about trump,
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54% said not likely. my interpretation of that is they are double hitters. they do agree on one thing. the economy is their number one issue, followed by threats to democracy and crime, on all three including democracy, more trust trump. stuart: did you use the expression low information voters? that's rush limbaugh. that was his expression back in the day. lauren: i read it from one of nate silver's bulletins and it stuck with me because at first i thought it was a little bit insulting but then it's like no, those who just tune in and out, they don't, you know? stuart: it's an accurate description. all right, let's move on. listen to what senator j. d. vance said about the possibility of him becoming donald trump's runningmate. watch this. >> trump picks up the phone and calls you. the first sort of thought you have to have with yourself is, not just could i be vice president but could i stand ultimately in the big chair and look, if he asks me i'll think about it but i think the answer is yes. i know trump very well. i like him.
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he's in very good health and so i think whoever he selects as vice president is going to have a real opportunity to be very good vice president for the country for the next four years. stuart: charlie hurt with me this morning. charlie, whomever trump picks that person could be the next president if trump wins this november. this is the most important vice presidential pick that i can remember. >> i think on both sides, it's the most important presidential pick, especially because if donald trump wins, you're talking about a four-year term and so who is that mantel of the america-first trump agenda going to be handed to so i agree with you and i think it's the most important that we've ever seen. stuart: who do you think is the front runner? you're in politics. come on, tell us. >> i think that j. d. vance is certainly in that top group of people. i think that doug burgum, i think marco rubio is probably up there, and i think that donald trump is looking at people.
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usually presidential nominees look at vice presidential picks trying to find somebody that's going to help them. i don't think that any one of these people is going to help him strategically on the campaign map, because people are going to vote for trump whoever based on trump. not second person and i think that what donald trump is really looking for is somebody who gets the trump agenda and is going to be a great fighter for the trump agenda and quite frankly, somebody who can carry on that agenda after four years. stuart: exactly. exactly. we're eight days out from the first debate. we've got a new national poll. this is not the battleground state but a national poll that shows trump and biden dead-even, 49-49. you know, charlie, biden doesn't seem to have been hurt by his daily gaffs and stumbles, right? >> it's incredible. i'm always amazed to look at these horse race numbers. obviously, at this point, they are kind of meaningless, because
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as lauren was pointing out there's a lot of voters who don't follow politics as closely as you and i do, but are going to dial in over the next couple of months. my assumption is my prediction is that as we sort of get closer to the election, and more people dial into the issues of particular, i think we'll see numbers change a lot and quite frankly we'll see them change in trump's favor because on the issue, if you hate both candidates and decide to just vote on the issues, trump is going to win, because on the issues, people agree with trump on all of the major issues economic border, security, things like that. stuart: honestly, i think his age and decline is becoming more and more serious a question in this election. thanks for being with us on this holiday. always appreciate it. see you again soon. president biden's candidates heading out across the opportunity are to tout the administration's accomplishments just before the first debate. lauren, i'm not being sarcastic
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but what accomplishments are they going to to the? lauren: the economic accomplishments. stuart: which one? lauren: i actually don't have answers but i can tell you who will be where and when. 18 cabinet members holding events across 15 states including the battlegrounds to promote ways the administration has worked to reduce costs. so, the energy secretary will be in nevada talking energy savings the treasury secretary minnesota , talking housing. savings on housing in minnesota. stuart: okay. lauren: question mark. look, the campaign is on defense now, because trump keeps hitting them repeatedly on the economy and inflation. stuart: they will have a tough time going around the country. wonder what kind of crowds they will draw. that will be interesting. lauren: for a labor secretary or a treasury secretary? stuart: yes. not huge. lauren: not many. stuart: we've got to get back to this. okay, nvidia, dethroned microsoft and apple to become the world's most value all company. lauren: nvidia is worth
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$3.34 trillion. microsoft $3.32 trillion. a difference of $20 billion. that's it. nvidia is number one, their chip s are the workhorses of the a.i. boom. demand for them outstrips supply of them. nice problem to have. there's been this flow of money into a.i. this is an older number but it's a good one, sequoia capital says last year $50 billion was invest ed in nvidia chips but the generative ai start-ups are making those investments brought in just 3 billion in sales. invest 50 billion, make 3 billion in sales that's a mismatch, and some people on wall street are raising eyebrows that this rally might be coming to, i'm not saying end, pause. stuart: pause, okay, well you know who we need? we need a guy called kyle wolf. lauren: maybe someone who recommended nvidia? stuart: yes as a matter of fact 18 months ago on this program, the aforementioned kyle wolf was on, and it was $250 a share 18 months a.g. and he said buy it
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and he's sitting next to us right now here in new york city. okay, is there going to be a pause in nvidia's rapid assent? >> i think you have to look at the price to earnings ratio. nvidia is about 97 right now on the pe. stuart: that's huge. >> it's getting up there. a few months ago it was in the low 60s and pretty cheap in my opinion but continuing to move up especially after the split, so i think nvidia might see a pause and if you look back to the dot com boom what was the largest company? stuart: cisco. >> but who benefited in the next 10-15 years? the people in the software side of the industry. it was microsoft, amazon using the e-commerce part of the software and a lot of these new a.i. companies whether it's open a.i. or an thropic could be the next ones, they are still private but taking a lot of money from people like sequoia. stuart: this is a huge run-up for nvidia. does it not remind you a little of the dot com bubble? >> a little bit but the pe is not completely out of whack but if you look at the two
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competitors they are only at 52 pe, even though the stocks are up 233% year-to-date it's still not that expensive but i don't think i'd be throwing in new money at this level. stuart: us companies dominate a.i. that's the way i look at things. can europe compete or are they just going to investigate and fine us for our success? a little sour on the europeans. yeah, europe's really not been a leader in the technology market in general. you have a couple companies, saf and that but none compare to our microsoft, oracle and when you look at a.i., whose competing in europe against nvidia or super micro? i don't see anyone. stuart: do you have an answer? >> i would say they can keep fining us as their business model. stuart: boy. kyle, congratulations on your success over the last 18 months. recommending nvidia. thank you very much indeed. coming up the los angeles school board has voted to ban cell phones in schools for nearly a half million students. how exactly would the ban be enforced and what will be the
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punishment for having a phone? we have the full story for you. president biden wasted no time going after republicans during his speech about his new mass amnesty program. roll tape. >> we're about to move forward and republicans walked away from a deal and the most pathetic and petty reasons and so much republicans caring about the border. stuart: congressman russel frye will take issue no doubt, and he's here to respond next. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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stuart: the first presidential debate is just eight days away. lucas tomlinson at the white house. all right, lucas. how are trump and biden preparing for this? reporter: well, stuart, former
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president donald trump says he's ready to debate any time, any place, and for president biden, it's likely those four trips across the atlantic and two cross-country aboard air force one gave him time to prepare. of course both leaders are expected to face questions about their age and mental fitness. president biden more questions were asked yesterday here at the white house, stuart, after this occurrence at the white house where the president appeared to forget about his own dhs sebaceous' name. >> my name's joe biden. i'm joe biden's husband. >> [laughter] >> thanks to all of the members of congress and homeland security secretary, i'm not sure i'm going to introduce you all the way but all kidding aside. reporter: a new fox news poll said, do you think joe biden is has the mental soundness to serve effectively as president or not, stuart. only 41% said yes, and a majority of respondents 57% said no. 2% said they don't know, when
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the same respondents were asked if donald trump has the mental soundness to serve effectively as president, 50% said yes, 49% said no. it's likely that was split along party lines, stuart. now an abc poll from april showed a quarter of those poll think biden is too old to be president and only 2% said the same about donald trump who recently turned 78. first lady jill biden said both candidates are too old and of course the polls i just read say otherwise as to how donald trump was preparing, he was just on capitol hill here in washington meeting with lawmakers starting his debate prep and by the way just one more poll, stuart. we talked about the abc poll and fox polls. according to nbc now, asked the necessary mental and physical health to be present only 26% said joe biden is better. 45% said donald trump is better, so here at the white house, president biden who is in rehobe th beach plans to be preparing for his upcoming debate in less than a week now,
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stuart, by going to camp david. president biden is spending a week at camp david for the debate and former president donald trump continues to campaign likely doing his prep on the road. stuart: age and cognitive ability are huge issues for biden in particular. lucas, thanks very much indeed. see you again later. once again, president biden is blaming republicans for the border crisis. roll it. >> republicans walked away from the deal and the most pathetic and petty reasons. donald trump got on the phone literally and started on the press to confirm this and calling senators saying don't. don't go ahead and do this. don't support this legislation that had bipartisan support and when asked why, they said it would hurt him politically and help me instead. so much republicans caring about the border. stuart: congressman russel frye, republican south carolina joins me now. congressman, the republicans are to blame because they wouldn't support the border bill.
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how do you see it? what's your response to that? >> well, it's laughable at-best anyone who pays attention at all , who just looks up, sees that the border crisis started at joe biden's inauguration, when he took 60 executive actions to undo sound policy on the border we never had it worse you ask anyone down there or in any community across this country. this is squarely at the hands of joe biden this border crisis. stuart: now, donald trump, he issued a warning after a migrant was arrested for the rape of a 13-year-old girl in new york city. he said biden's migrants are flooding the country and it's just the beginning unless he's e rented president. congressman, just the beginning? that's a frightening thought. >> well it is and we see stories like this in new york, which is terribly tragic. we see lakin riley in georgia and others and this is a daily occurrence and you look at these
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migrants coming here and this one in new york came in 2021. had a bunch of petty crimes, but this is the result of liberal policies in new york, liberal policies at the federal level that refuse to enforce the law that play cute and do things like sanctuary status or cities they don't actually do anything to secure the border to enforce law and order and you're going to continue to see this. we know that people are coming. they're coming from all over the world. two and a half to 3 million gotaways that we know about, almost 10 million encounters at the southern border. it's unsustainable but these are the people that because of the lawlessness of joe biden's administration, that are coming here into this country. stuart: listen to what donald trump had to say about the new york criminal trial while he was campaigning in wisconsin. roll it, please. >> the numbers we've had, we've never had numbers better than this and they've really gone up a lot since that fake deal was started, but since the rigged
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trial in new york and think of this. the poll numbers have increased very substantially and the fundraising has i think set all-time records. >> [applause] >> i think, and you know what? if you understand this stuff, if it hadn't, it would have gone the opposite way. if this was real stuff, it would have been the opposite. most of the time it be but i'm able, i have a nice platform, i was able to explain what it is. stuart: well, congressman, trump says the trial is actually helping him. would you agree with that? >> oh, i do. i think polling back setup most americans according to polling believe that the trial was more about politics than it was about some violation of the law. people look at this and they say if this can happen to a former president, can it happen to me? is this the weaponized federal government coming after me that based on your political beliefs that they are going to target you? we're seeing it in realtime and of course it's resonating with people which explains the substantial fundraising
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they've had the jump in the poll s. every time they indict president trump his numbers seem to go up. every time they have a trial his numbers seem to go up and of course people are responding with their pocketbooks even in this joe biden economy and donating in record numbers to the republican nominee donald trump. stuart: i guess new york doesn't look too good in the carolinas doesn't it? congressman russel fry, thank you very much for joining us appreciate it. thousands of migrants crossing the border reportedly relocating to utah. why are they choosing utah? lauren: the large mormon population. the migrants believe they will be generous in welcoming them in not joking. but the inn is full and the state says their resources are taxed and we'll show you those fliers in english and spanish at the border warning the migrants, look, no shelter space is available. you'll not be placed in a hotel, housing is difficult to find and the food banks are running out of basic needs and the governor of utah is so mad at denver, because denver keeps sending
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them their migrants because their inn is full too and they aren't giving them a heads up so every state is a border state and it's just completely taxed by the influx of migrants and little resources. stuart: nothing is changing. it simply gets worse. lauren thank you very much. coming up rachel maddow says the supreme court is corrupt and has already given trump immunity roll it. >> realistic terms, he's already got immunity because they've already delayed things so long that the stuff that he did in 2020 he's not going to be tried for before he potentially gets back in the white house. the supreme court is corrupt. stuart: the supreme court is corrupt. liz peek will respond to that. the ftc publicly announced tiktok is under investigation for violating child safety laws. why did the government go public with this? the full story, next. ♪
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safety laws. hillary vaughn take us through it, please. reporter: stuart what's interesting is there aren't many details about what tiktok actually did to potentially violate children's privacy, but the ftc says that it's so serious they want to make this referral to the doj public to warn the public, the ftc saying tiktok is violating the children's online privacy protection act, saying, "the investigation uncovered reason to believe named defendants are violating or are about to violate the law and that a proceeding is in the public interest, although the commission does not typically make the public the fact that it has referred a complaint we have determined that doing so here is in the public interest. " this isn't the first time tiktok has broken child privacy laws. in 2018, their former parent company had to pay a $5 million fine and make changes to comply with the law, but it doesn't seem like the ftx thinks that tiktok is holding up their end of the deal. tiktok is denying wrongdoing saying we're disappointed the
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agency is pursuing litigation instead of continuing to work with us on a reasonable solution, we strongly disagree with the ftc's allegations. many of which relate to past events and practices and are factually inaccurate or have been addressed. this news comes on the heels of the surgeon general, wanting to put a warning label on social media for children, saying that it's fueling the mental health crisis in america. >> there isn't enough data to tell us social media is safe for our kids and instead, what we're seeing is more and more data that raises concerns about harm. these harms have the potential to really fuel the youth mental health crisis which has become the defining public health issue of our time. reporter: and, stuart, this ftc referral to the doj is completely separate than the other ordeal that tiktok is facing which is ultimately a ban on january 19 if they do not divest. of course they are suing over that bill that congress passed. stuart? stuart: got it. hillary thanks very much indeed. of course this is juneteenth. the markets are closed today.
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we're going to bring you some individual stock quotes and we can show you futures. the trend is what you should be looking at. nasdaq up again 49 points, that's futures and the trading will be very limited today. whose here now? dennis gartman is back with us fortunately. dennis good to see you again. >> good to be seen. stuart: [laughter] you think the nvidia bull run will end. okay, when? >> it'll end when it ends and not a moment before. that's the best that i can tell you. what amuses me, what i find fascinating is that nvidia, as of last week, was worth more than the dax in france and germany. you get to those sorts of extreme valuations at market highs, it'll continue. it may continue to go up. it'll go up without me but it is egregiously expensive, and any measurement that you want to put on it, whether it's price to earnings, price to sales, price to book, price to the dax, price
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to the nikkei, price to the dow jones industry alls, it is extremely expensive. it may go higher but it l do so without me. stuart: does it not remind you at least a little bit of the dot com bubble that burst so dramatically? >> no not a little bit. a whole lot. it reminds me a whole lot of the .com bubble that we had in 1999-2000 and reminds me when the japanese, the emperor's palace sold more than the value of the california real estate. stuart: that's right. >> you get those sorts of egregious over-prices at market highs and market peaks, and yes, it reminds me very much of the bubble that we had in 2000 to go with the dot com. it reminds me of the tulip bulb crisis of the 15th century in holland, and the south sea bubble in france and england. these things happen from time to time and as my good friend gary shilling says the market
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can remain irrational for longer than you or i can remain solvent. stuart: one last one. are you still bullish on gold? >> yes, i'm still bullish on gold. i think the long-term trend is clearly from the lower left to the upper right. obviously the governments and the united states and europe and japan and canada around the world are all egregiously over-extending themselves and there's no question that that trend will continue. we had a little bit of a break in the major trend in of course the last two or three weeks. i had a large position on in gold until two weeks ago, sold it all out and i bought half of it back yesterday and the major trend continues to be from the lower left to the upper right so that's not going to change anytime soon. that's i think gold goes to 3,000 or higher over the course of the next year. stuart: okay, dennis good to have you back again. i hope you have a great day on this juneteenth and we'll see you again soon, i hope. >> thanks, stuart. good to see you. stuart: we do have some individual stocks we can report on. let's start with djt, donald trump's thing. why are they down so much.
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lauren: such a volatile stock. the sec cleared resale of certain warrants so 14 million shares could become issuable when those warrants are exercised. that could dilute the value of the current stock but the company says look, they expect to be well-positioned to pursue tv streaming and maybe some m&a activity. stuart: why not. we got a quote on boeing this morning because david calhoun testified about the problems of the company yesterday. what did he say? lauren: i'm sorry to the families of the victims of the two fatal max crashes about five years ago, when he was not ceo. he said i'm sorry to the senator s asking why you give us this data that we're requesting and it's in decipherable. what's going on and then he acknowledged that boeing does retaliate against employees who raise red flags. yet the whistleblowers keep coming. the floodgates are open, and they are shedding light on boeing mismanagement and poor engineering decisions. stuart: the stocks down to 175.
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the fda claims dollar tree failed to remove a recalled item from its shelves. what was the item? lauren: the apple pouches you screw off the top and the kids suck out the applesauce? one made by wana bana, it was found to have high levels of led and chromium, that sickened 500 children across 44 states. it was recalled eight months ago , yet some on the dollar tree store selves. stuart: that's bad news lauren: bad news, yes. stuart: get that out. lauren: some kids were, i let my kids sometimes open things in the store just to keep them quiet and there's a report one kid opened it in the store and it was brought to everybody's attention, hey that's a recall product. stuart: really? observant public, good thing too next case silicon valley, they are camping up security vetting of employees. is this about china? lauren: 100%. the financial times says the heavyweights in tech google, open a.i. and sequoia, they are extra-vetting employees because they are worried about chinese
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spies infiltrating their systems i'm not exaggerating. palantir calls chinese espionage a huge problem and what was the story we did a couple months ago. the us in march charged an ex- google software engineer with stealing a.i. secrets while he was secretly working for not one but two chinese-based companies. stuart: next one, amazon. they were fined. i do know how big the fine was. lauren: not big. stuart: over their practices at two warehouses in california. what were they supposed to -- lauren: $5.9 million fine. so those warehouses over four months were slapped with more than 59,000 violations for violating a california law that says factory workers must be given written quotas. how many tasks they need to perform per-hour and what happens when they don't. stuart: that's california for you isn't it? lauren: the idea is to protect workers from dangerous work speeds and amazon moves fast. prime delivery, right? you get it in two hours sometimes and a report of a zen
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room in the factories or some workers called it a scream room. they would go in there just to let their frustrations out. they felt very over-worked. amazon says they plan to appeal this citation and that they don't even have fixed quotas so they don't have anything that they would give to the employees stuart: california just wants to clamp down on everything. investigate and -- lauren: slow it down and work less. stuart: thank you very much indeed lauren. check out the price of gold this juneteenth morning, please we're at $2,343 per ounce. bitcoin, around about the mid- 60,000 level at 65,000 right now. the price of oil i believe just moved to $81. its been moving up recently. nat gas, not much going on. it's at 287. gasoline the average price for a gallon of regular is coming in at 3.44 and that is let me see now, no change there. diesel at 3.78. coming up, senator j. d. vance gave details about his debate prep with trump.
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roll it. >> he doesn't want to do these sort of fake theatrical things. he wants to talk about the data. he's thinking about how to translate these really really important topics into a message that works. stuart: this debate is make or break for both candidates but i think especially for joe biden. we're on that. the media going out of their way to defend biden and the white house's cheap fakes narrative. is this now the big issue in the election? karl rove on that. trump pitching his economic plan to voters ahead of next week's debate. it's maganomics versus bidenomics. that's next. ♪
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say goodbye to daily insulin injections with omnipod 5... a tubeless system that automatically adjusts insulin to help protect against highs and lows. try it today. go to for risk information and instructions for use. consult your doctor before starting on omnipod. glp-1 drugs used in weight loss treatments are a global blockbuster, even with unliked and inconvenient injections. more human study results for lexarias patented oral delivery technology are coming soon. lexaria bioscience. stuart: donald trump went
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through his economic plan to supporters in wisconsin yesterday. he promised to throw out bidenomics if he's elected. edward lawrence at the white house. has the biden campaign responded yet? reporter: yeah, the biden campaign has and they said that the former president trump lost jobs when he was president, but then failed to mention the pandemic as the cause for that. now, president biden today right now in rehobeth, delaware, at this beach house and then go tomorrow to camp david laying low, former president trump laying out the differences between bidenomics and while in wisconsin last night. >> date one elected trump tax cuts expire. if you do that you'll pay four times the amount of taxes that you're paying right now. somehow, you know, all my life i watched politicians and they always said i'm going to reduce your taxes. this is the only group i've ever seen, we're going to raise your taxes by four times. oh, let's vote for them. there's something crazy going on reporter: former president trump
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says he will eliminate taxes on tips. he says that he wants to unleash american energy and rollback regulations that handicap business. now, on the other hand, president biden said he will raise taxes on the wealthy. he wants corporations to pay more in taxes and the president hopes more incentives and regulations will push his clean energy agenda in a second term. he started a pathway for people under daca to stay in this country if they have a parent married to a us citizen and have been in this country for 10 years or more. >> we have to acknowledge that the patience and goodwill of the american people is being tested by their fears at the border. they don't understand a lot of it. these are the fears my predecessor is trying to play on reporter: now former president trump believes that the 7 million people encountered crossing illegally at the southern border under president biden should be deported and come back in this country legal ly. stu? stuart: edward, thank you very much indeed. a new report just broke down the worst-run cities in the country. which city tops the list?
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lauren: for the second year, san francisco dead last out of the analysis of 148 cities. san francisco number 148 so what they did was compare public fund management with the services that the residents receive. that's a way to gauge, in other words, the effectiveness of local leadership. well, san francisco mayor breed calls the data inaccurate and says wallet hub isn't comparing apples to el pasos but you do look at the services that residents receive and don't receive with so many homeless people, free drugs, free liquor, in some cases. i mean, what services are we looking at? free healthcare? service could be pretty good. stuart: at some point later in the show tell me which is the best-run city. lauren: a city in idaho. stuart: okay. we'll get it. lauren: you got it. stuart: lauren, next, coming up there have been quite a few difficult days for president biden and his problems are of his own making. that's my take and it's at the top of the 11:00 hour.
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a once-vegan restaurant in l.a. decided to add meat and dairy to the menu. vegan protesters were not having it. they harassed customers, vandalized the restaurant and vowed to put it out of business. the owner is fed up with california. she's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [suspenseful music] trains. [whoosh] ♪ trains that sense what isn't on the schedule. ♪ trains that use the power of dell ai and intel. ♪ to see hundreds of miles of tracks. ♪ [vroom] [train horn] [buzz] clearing the way, [whoosh] so you arrive
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stuart: well, look at this. vegan protesters took over a restaurant in los angeles after the owner announced she's adding meat and dairy products to her formerly vegan menu. watch that tape. >> [sirens sounding] >> [drumming] stuart: molly engleheart is the owner and executive chef of sage kitchen and brewery in los angeles and she joins me now you were a vegan restaurant and then you added meat and dairy.
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why did you do that? >> over the years, 13 years we've been a vegan restaurant and i believe that that was the best pathway forward for human health and for the soil and for the planet and i realized over the years that that was not true. i became a farmer to deal with all of our food waste from the restaurants and i started to realize there is no agriculture without death, that is an illusion and we need to support american farmers that are doing the right thing that are really having the animals have a better life and doing the right thing for the soil, because soil is the foundation of all of life on the planet, and so i thought the best thing to do would support california farmers and bring those products where the farmers doing the right thing into my restaurants. stuart: okay so tell me what happened. you announced the menu changes and what? all of a sudden they descended on you and invaded your restaurant? >> its been six weeks since we announced the menu change and
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pretty much non-stop on social media. this is the third in-person protest and we're really struggling right now. we've already lost two restaurants through the pandemic and we're a family business. i have five children and so this is just crazy. if they're mad go protest mcdonald's or somebody else to protest a small family business doing farm-to-table with local, organic and regenerative farms. it's the opposite of what i believe they're committed to. stuart: you're having trouble doing business in california, right? with that $20 an hour minimum wage. >> well, obviously, everybody wants their employees to be paid well, but you can't just raise minimum wage and not think that it affects everything else. it's an unhealthy ecosystem if economics in california, the pieces no longer fit together. when i opened this restaurant 13 years ago a server could live in
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this neighborhood, have an apartment, go on vacation, and have savings in the bank. now, people either are commuting very far, because they can't afford to live in this neighborhood which is not a very nice neighborhood anymore anyway. the pieces no longer fit together. a condo cost $1.2 million, a small like apartment condo in pasadena. how can that work? who can have a job to be able to pay for that apartment? these things don't fit together and i don't know why california is driving businesses like me out. organic farmer, chef, i have employed 350 people before the pandemic and they are driving people like me out. it doesn't make sense. stuart: no it doesn't. sad from california. molly thank you very much for being with us today and we wish you the very best of luck in the future. thanks very much. >> thank you, so much for telling our story. stuart: you've got it. wildfires surging across northern california. give me the latest on that,
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please. lauren: the arrow fire doubled in size overnight, 10,000-acres scorched that erupted about 70 miles east of stockton, heavy smoke drifting to napa valley. the fire now 33% contained. stuart: let's get to the record breaking heat wave, battering most of the country this week. janice dean, on the street in new york city, how long is this heat wave going to last? >> the rest of the week, to the weekend parts of new england will get some relief, but areas south of new york city still very warm and then into next week, again, up to the 90s so this is early for this time of heat. it does get hot in the summertime but again, it's early and areas across northern new england are going to hit daytime highs. let's take a look at the maps. i'll show you what's happening with this ridge of high pressure that is anchored across the northeast and that's what's helping bring these temperatures up. the humidity as well is the deadly part of this , or potentially deadly if you're not taking care of your pets and
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the elderly and your kids. those who are susceptible to heat-related illness so this is a long-duration heat wave. we've got millions of folks under some sort of heat alert including excessive heat warnings for parts of indiana, ohio and towards pennsylvania and look at up towards north of boston, concordant bangor. you're going to feel temperature s over 100 degrees and these areas a lot of them don't have air conditioning. it's not typically this warm ever in parts of northern new england so you see the heat risk , major-to-extreme for a lot of folks across the ohio valley and northeast. the national weather service, caribou, maine, first-ever excessive heat warning issuesed with heat indices up to 107 degrees possible that's why this is dangerous and widespread some areas that don't typically see temperatures like this are going to be experiencing over 100 degrees or real-feel temperatures early in the month of june. so here are your potential record highs today for caribou,
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maine, 95 it's crazy, syracuse 94, detroit 94 so parts of the midwest and northeast. okay we get 90-degree temperatures, sometimes it gets up to 100 degrees but this is early and it's far-north. that's the headline so forecast heat indices for friday, 100 in baltimore feels like 100 in philadelphia, 97 in new york city and you know it's going to go into the weekend for some of these big cities and into next week. we do have a cold front that's going to move through. this is going to bring some relief to parts of upstate new york and new england but it will be brief because temperatures are going to go up again next week. will they be as hot? no, but still above average. also want to point out, stuart, as that cold front moves through , thursday and friday, we could potentially see some severe weather, including hail, damaging winds maybe even some isolated tornadoes so we'll keep you up-to-date but yes it's hot. it happens in the summertime but this is early and very far north over to you. stuart: weather is definitely news. janice dean, thank you, see you again soon. coming up, we have karl rove,
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john levine, liz peek and bill hemmer and the whole 10:00 hour of "varney", that's next. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. .. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ (traffic noises) (♪) the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪)
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