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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: you can't match this. it is going to be hot in new york today. the producers have an easy time figuring out the mary men who i never heard in my life. i have heard this song frequently. good morning, everyone. 10:00 eastern, june 19th, juneteenth, 2024. it will hit 88 degrees in new york city today. the markets are closed for juneteenth but we can check futures for you, still actively dow down 40, nasdaq up 40, the trend, the volume is extremely light. big tech futures, there is some movement, not much. we have nvidia up at 136. apple is down, microsoft, amazon it off about up a few cents apiece. look at the trend rather than the actual trading volume.
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bitcoin $60,000 a coin. the price of oil beginning to move up, $81.62. the price of gas remains the same, no change, diesel up to cents at 380. the latest read on homebuilder confidence. >> reporter: the national association of homebuilders dealing with rates for construction for the loans they need to build, chronic labor shortages and if you look at the inflation readings the fed is unable to get to 2%, shelter in place is a big reason for that. what if they can get homebuilders better loan terms. that could bring inflation down. stuart: it surely would. i think they shall be. thank you, now this. is there such a thing as a bipartisan issue? something agreed on by both sides.
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an issue without politics? there is. cell phones in schools. all across the country schools are putting restrictions on smart phones in the classroom. in indiana a total ban is coming this fall. and democrat los angeles there is no cell phone use during class time and they are okay during breaks. democrat governor newsom calling for a statewide ban like republican florida, the no cell phones in schools movement is going national. both sides agree smart phones are a distraction. you can't learn from the teacher if it is flashing messages, some worry their child needs a phone in emergencies, teachers worry they have to enforce the ban but there is wide agreement that in class a phone is a distraction. next question. at what age should youngsters get a phone. that the parents call. parents should have the tools to control what their child can see? should there be warning labels on social media platforms, that's what the surgeon general
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wants are likely to get bipartisan support, how to stop cyber bullying in schools, getting phones out of classroom surely helps. the smart phone has been around less than 20 years, learning how to get some degree of control when it takes over your child's school time. it's a good start. second hour of varney just getting started. >> more on the classroom phone lan later this hour. the white house canceled an upcoming meeting with israeli officials about iran. the decision was made after benjamin netanyahu released a video claiming the us was delaying aid to israel. karl rove with me this morning. one of the applications for thomistic politics with the cancellation of this meeting?
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>> historically american jews have been a supporter of the democratic party, that has come under fire in recent years. a modest impact if any at all but it is a sign of the poor relationship the government has with the government of israel. benjamin netanyahu. stuart: the mainstream media is defending claims from the white house that videos of biden's frailty are cheap fakes. >> there's a growing, to take highly misleading, for president biden's fitness for office. >> many clips responded claiming the videos are unedited. and keep posting them. >> i want to talk about the joe biden republicans want you to see in the pipeline of videos that aren't telling the full truth. >> we been worried about ai deep chase, cheap fakes are
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simpler. they are distorted, out of context videos. >> we need to be careful about what it is. stuart: i don't think the narrative works because we can all see the tape and we know it wasn't doctor or faked or anything else. i don't think this narrative works for them. >> there are couple of instances, we saw the president in rome, should be in italy, the parachutist landed a few feet from and exchanged words with him and back into the picture by the italian leader for the group photo but you are right. we have seen too much footage of him providing gobbledygook, word salad and footage from him at the juneteenth celebration, standing slack-jawed while everybody around him is dancing to the music and he just looks
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old and he is old. we 've seen too much as the american people of unedited clearly problematic footage of president biden. 's critics got to be careful. don't overstretch, don't give a excuses to the left to defend him but the problem is the president is seen by a majority of his own party and a significant majority of the american people as being too old and lacking the mental acuity to serve the next four years as president. stuart: i think the president's cognitive decline will be the big issue in the election. am i going too far? >> not at all. it won't just be in the election. it will be in my opinion a determinative fact of the debate. if we see president biden in clear decline, sentences that don't make sense, offering responses the don't seem tethered to the issue, showing
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weakness, lack of mental clarity in the debate that could settle the campaign. the campaign is as tight as it is depending on the pole you look at, the president and former president virtually tied within the margin of error nationwide, donald trump leads by outside the margin error in three background states in the south and southwest but the great lakes state where the election will be settled are very tight, but this could blow wide open if on the 20 seventh president biden has a bad night. it it is 11 weeks until the next debate and there's going to be nothing in between to solve that problem if it occurs that night. stuart: thank you very much. i know we will see you again soon. next week is the first debate. rfk junior says he would qualify when it was announced. >> it doesn't appear so. so far he has failed two of the
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criteria, he is polling at 15% in 3 national polls, not for and only on the ballot in 9 states, that means he's not eligible for enough electoral college votes to debate. he is likely going to miss this month's debate, the next one in september 10th on abc. perhaps he can make that one. stuart: rachel maddow think trump will come after them if he wins in november. i find that ridiculous. lauren: stoking the flames of revenge. >> i think he is so vindictive that he will go after, the irs may be or sponsors to get us off the air. how seriously should we be taking that? >> it's bad to have somebody saying give me as much power as
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you can so i can use it to go after other americans, to go after the subhuman internal enemies and i will destroy them. that's not a good system. i don't think anybody is safe. lauren: it is unhealthy to think that and to say that. that is trump derangement syndrome. to keep track, if trump is reelected, she says the view will be canceled because he will go after sponsors. maddow also said trump will put her in camps with illegals, aoc said trump will put her in prison. none of that is going to happen. stuart: thank you. the markets are closed for juneteenth. you can see futures activity on the left-hand side of the screen. i've got to talk nvidia, the world's most valuable company topping microsoft. how much longer can this incredible run of nvidia go on?
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>> you have asked the million dollar question, up 173%, and obviously if this is noteworthy taking the lead like this is a significant thing but how long will it last? that is a great question. once you become so big, becomes challenging for that type of trend. what nvidia did really well is there were two psychological effects of that happened. what ultimately happened was perception of value increased from 1200 to 120. if you were buying biweekly, for $1,200 you could only buy one share and you could buy 10 so it is perceived to have more. the other part of that is when you see nvidia, it has been 1200 before and will go back to that level. that is what people think. nvidia may have run a little
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bit more based on this psychology but it is getting tough. stuart: there must be a lot of people like me who don't have a strong enough stomach to purchase a stock that has gone up one hundred 73% this year. a lot of people like me surely. >> no question and those who have had the stomach see different markers like this that we have achieved it. it's an okay time to pump the brakes up one hundred 73%, from one hundred billion dollar company five years ago to the biggest in the world. that is a massive massive lift. there's going to be some profittaking and we need similar sentiments. stuart: i will change the subject. i find it intriguing we are printing $1 trillion every hundred days but the market doesn't seem to be responding to that, nor does the economy. trillion dollar printing every hundred days.
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>> if outgo exceeds your income your upkeep will be your downfall. this is true of the consumer. we are in big trouble right now, 35 trillion on the balance sheet, biden added 10 since taking office 3 years ago. this is unsustainable. the last part of that is medicare and social security, 66%, federal taxes received, we do more than two things in this world as a federal government, we have a lot to challenge us. stuart: thanks for joining us. see you again soon to have a good holiday. environmental protesters back at it vandalizing stonehenge with orange powder paint. we will bring you the full video. doctor fauci admits shutting down schools for months on end was a big mistake. >> initially to close it down was correct.
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keeping it for a year was not a good idea. stuart: the question, would he do it again? we do have his answer. a migrant under arrest accused of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old in broad daylight in a new york city park. should be kicked out of the country two years ago, what happened? that report is next. power outages due to outdated grids and volatile weather conditions are leaving homes without power, but not yours. you took control. you took action. you made your home a generac home. when the power goes out,
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do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. stuart: a migrant accused of sexually assaulting a girl in new york city is about to be arraigned. he ordered deported two years ago. >> shouldn't of been here in the first place.
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it is unbelievable. the illegal migrant charged with raping a 13-year-old girl was reportedly ordered to be deported but he never was. he stayed here. immigration judge ordered him to leave the country on february 2, 2022, according to the new york post. across the southern border of texas, illegally in 2,020 one. he had minor run ins with police and texas and new york city. this includes rape, sexual assault and kidnapping. police say he pulled a machete style knife on two teens, in a park in the bureau of queens, raped a 13-year-old girl. they recognized him from the wanted posters you see in this video, they pounced on land and held him for the cops. she is the one who called 911. >> that's the point.
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so you don't run. it is just me and jeffrey screaming. we found the rapist. >> reporter: donald trump is a queens native, he blames the biden administration for the immigration policies, allowing him for staying here. something like this was unthinkable years ago. i would like to pay my highest respect to parents and family members, this tragedy should never have happened. the department of homeland security, we haven't heard anything back from them. supposed to be arraigned in court in queens any moment now so expect that to happen, didn't see immigration court but now he is in criminal court.
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stuart: a reporter with the new york post, trump warns the migrant crisis will only get worse if he is not reelected. is that what you see in new york? is it getting worse? >> hard to overstate the magnitude of the problem, hundreds of thousands coming into the country and we don't know where they are going and that's only the ones we know about. we don't know, and in new york, and they are like war zones. i rented a bicycle on randall's island. you can see the tent city and there are 5 or 6 cop cars to manage just like rikers island that's built into the community. this is not the first time we've seen migrant violence in new york. a few months ago the incident with migrants beating up the nypd officer, this will keep happening.
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would you call that a migrant? i wouldn't. i don't think we are using the right term for this. stuart: being a sanctuary city when ice is not supposed to go after migrants. that complicates everything. >> for american citizens. >> she is so trauma steroids. a very accurate discussion of her rapist. no way around it. blue and changing the subject, a squad member, jamaal bowman, his seat might be in jeopardy. he has been creek love is real. is he going to lose his seat because of his stance on israel? >> that's part of it. jamaal bowman represents one of
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the most jewish neighborhoods in america, westchester, my mother and father -- there is other stuff going on here. the fact that he's out of step with democrats. and he voted against president biden's infrastructure bill. it would come to the district and did come to the district, he voted against it. that has been a more salient issue than israel. israel is motivating jewish voters as well. accommodation of things. there is general incompetence. has fire alarm stunt censured by house colleagues and pled guilty. stuart: is it the beginning of a pushback against squad members, bernie sanders, socialists, beginning to be a pushback. >> elections next week a we will see how it goes. there might be. he is down double digits in polls. cory bush is facing similar
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head winds in missouri, another squad never, down double digits. looks like we might be seeing of the beginning of a pushback but i don't think chickens should be counted until we see the vote totals. stuart: thank you very much. look at this, the cover of new york magazine shows a caricature of republican women getting dragged online. a form of criticism, to be dragged online. a modern expression was accused of being sexist and hypocritical. we are all over it. rents on the rise in the midwest with people paying, they can't afford to buy a house. it is ugly out there. report coming up next. ♪ ♪
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stuart: the latest consumer price report shows rents day and fled over the next year but doesn't tell the whole story. in some places, there has been a record spike big time. kelly, which areas have been hit the hardest? >> reporter: i will tell you
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what is based in the metro areas, these are places we've seen new rents being increased by 5%, honolulu, hartford, connecticut, providence, rhode island. the sunbelt is driving figures nationally to appear flat. the wrench growth is supposed to be negative, things like austin, nashville, phoenix where the cost of rent on new leases is declining. this is getting in the way of the federal reserve cutting interest rates. shelter inflation with rent and utility payments for people renting both homes and apartments. according to the bureau of labor statistics, shelter inflation was 5.4% higher last month than it was a year ago. >> i expect interest rates the next few years to come back
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down to normal levels. the job number one is make sure inflation back to 2%, it is painful for everybody, where the economy remains strong. dealing with affordability and the mortgage rate issue. >> reporter: experts say strong job growth is contributing to landlords increasing their prices. stuart: thanks. got it. according to a new estimate the us is short 4. 5 million homes in 2,022. don't know what it is like now. nahb president jim tobin is with me, national institute, national housing, homebuilders association. you are not building off homes, can you spell out why?
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>> shelter inflation is the largest problem with inflation coming down, we are stuck in this gives shelter inflation. drive shelter inflation. stuart: why can't you? >> it is the financing mechanism for development and construction financing. that is killing members, and regulatory burdens -- stuart: those regulations. and 5 or 6 years ago. they built a lot of homes. >> better regular environment, and and inflation is people pulling back from the market place.
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they don't want to have a mortgage on 3% or 4%. %. stuart: homebuilder confidence number, back 43, the lowest since january. no improvement at the moment. >> with us all the gains we had at the first part of this year because interest rates stayed high. we saw interest rates and mortgage rates crest a little bit. they come back up with 7% and froze the market again. stuart: donald trump says the american dream is dead under president biden. role that tape and i need your comment. >> inflation has killed our economy. nobody can buy a house anymore. the american dream is dead. the money, the interest rates, we gave him the greatest bounce back anybody said and guess what, he blue it to shreds and that is where we are right now. biden's inflation price hikes and energy destruction caused
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the average american family and astonishing $28,000, on day one of the administration we will throw out bidenomics -- stuart: your opinion if trump is elected president again will his policies bring down inflation and improve the housing market? >> good to hear donald trump and president biden talking about housing on the national stage, number 2, if passed is prologue, lower regular environment under donald trump, more outperforming economy in the housing segment, i expect the same if donald trump is reelected. conversely, president biden pushed forward a lot of policies but we have this muddled message from this white house, a month ago we would add $20-$30,000 for the cost of a new home due to new energy regulations they are imposing
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on low income and first-generation buyers for the fha and the va. stuart: can i expect a knock on the door from a young environmental core person who wants to inspect my house for energy efficiency? i think that's coming down the pike? >> i hope not. i would pushback against that but we are seeing a push from the climate left to put more energy efficient requirements on brand-new homes and it will drive up the cost of housing for people who need help the most. stuart: thanks for being with us today. luxury beach homes by the ocean losing value by the millions. why is that happening? ashley: the price of paradise, they are in danger of falling into the ocean view they enjoy
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thanks to rising sea levels and ferocious storms from nantucket to long island to southern california. vulnerable oceanfront properties are seeing values plummet. the 2 million-dollar property in nantucket sold for 600,000 after a nor'easter obliterated 70 feet of the beach leaving the house perched on eroding stands. across the eastern gulf coasts. and the data also shows 77, they face risk from floods. losing $100 billion in value. the view is great, when you fall into it not so great. stuart: donald trump says it is time to seal the border. robert. >> sent president biden's illegal aliens back home where they belong. stuart: they are hereby the million.
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i don't think they are going back. what are we going to do with them? i will ask the vice president of the national border patrol. los angeles banning cell phones from the classroom. finally an idea most people i think can get behind but is it going to work? we take you through it next. ♪ ♪ ♪ daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence.
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with thousands of satisfied customers. number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. don't make it so hard on yourself, have a generac home standby generator. and owning a generator is easier than ever. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. call or go online now to request your free quote. stuart: los angeles unified school district voted to ban cell phones during school hours. i'm sure students don't like this.
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>> reporter: i was surprised. last night, during the session, some students spoke out in support of this band. some did like it. there are national polls that show there is not agreement among parents, about one third of parents support a ban. and certain like lunch or recess. and some experts say parents can be convinced about this. >> usually the pushback is not from the students. they get more from the parents. once the benefits are explained to the parents and they know they can do that, most parents are on board. >> reporter: los angeles has its work cut out for them. they need to get the by and for the parents so we can expect to
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see this phone ban will likely vary from school to school. some may say we have to lock your phones away, put them in lockers or pouches all day. others may tell students leave those phones at home up. this idea to limit or ban phones is gaining traction across the country. 8 states considering statewide laws. oklahoma to vermont, ohio to pennsylvania and others. what is interesting to see is we have some agreement across the political spectrum. florida governor ron desantis signed a bill prohibiting cell phone use during class time in the state of florida and on the heels of this band from los angeles, california governor gavin newsom says he wants to see a statewide ban. stuart: he just announced it yesterday. nicholas giordano joins me in new york city. the no phones in class movement is going national.
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i take it you approve of it. it's going to go national. >> cell phones have no business being on the classroom. we see proficiency of historic lows and teachers shouldn't have to compete with smart phones, students between age 8 to 12, 4 to 6 hours a day scrolling on their phones. only spent 15 minutes a day reading but we've seen across the board, academics get lower because students can't fight efficiently. we went in orlando, florida, there's a fairly strict ban on phones in the classroom, student engagement has gone up. it has been a success. tangible proof that it works. >> reporter: my colleague at the leadership institute said she reported out on this program a few months ago how student behavior has declined academically, has gone will because cell phones, i've seen a change throughout my career.
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all the students would be chatting away with each other. it is silent. and there are like zombies. they are socially awkward. and you see the social damage that has been inhibited because the smart phone usage so it is up to us as leaders and parents to say enough is enough. stuart: this is fascinating. doctor fauci has admitted keeping schools closed during the pandemic was not a good idea. >> we didn't shut it down completely. major social distancing and schools was the right thing. close the bars, open the schools, open schools as quickly and safely as you
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possibly can. initially to close it down, it was not a good idea. >> wasn't a mistake in retrospect. stuart: blinken time you were closed for. >> i won't about doctor fauci and randy weingartens of the world go, and they made that advisement. europe never shut down their schools. and and people are unaware of it. and once schools shut down. they logged into the computers. when in person learning came back, they never shut up in the classroom and were accounted for. of doctor fauci and randy weingarten had done that to a life of poverty, without education you are not successful.
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stuart: randy weingarten was in cahoots with the white house and president biden, they are the ones who kept closed for a longer time. >> nearly two years especially in the most vulnerable communities. the children still going to be learning. the proficiency, it is 13% lower than students attended in person. and they continually drop, and that system. we need to up the game as others. we has the american people pick up the pieces. doctor fauci should be held accountable for what they did. stuart: the president had a difficult day at the white house.
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watch this. >> president biden: thanks to member's of congress and homeland security. stuart: just one of quite a few difficult days but his problems are of his own making. donald trump dean's to see black voters now as if he only needs them at election time. janel king will play them. ♪ ts and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. (qb) this is it. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency... (player) what? (luke) ...would we say it's good? fair...? (player 1 player 2 and qb) get out of here, man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (security) hey, grab him! (luke) excuse me. we get you real, in-depth school info.
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adam: juneteenth, the day we celebrate the arrival of federal troops in galveston, texas, in 1865 when enslaved people found out they had been freed after president lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation. today is a day of celebration. in washington post, trump says he's only dealing with the black population because they fit his narrative. janel, is that how black voters see trump, dealing with them at election time?
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>> i was trying to hold back my laughter because of the antics that come from them. this is misdirected anger. and their frustration is their own party, bernie sanders, bernie sanders introduced socialism. the young voters of the democrat party. followed by social media stepping in and taking that seed and growing it in different platforms. at the end of all of this, that getting rid of the socialism in the party. that to their fighting with. we want you to be able to vote based on the interests of your family.
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nothing wrong with is that, the reason republicans are picking up democrats is they left the party and were homeless politically. we have a home for you, come on in. >> getting backlash for the portrayal of republican women. images of marjorie taylor greene and kristi noem asking a republican women okay. mocking republican women, how do you feel about it? >> mocking all women. for a woman to sit down and write an article that takes three minutes to read, claiming to be empowering women when talking about physical appearance and mentioning nothing of inner beauty. and ones that agree with conservative women, just jealous.
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jealous that we can be homesteaders as well as city businesswomen. and be able to present it that way. lying to children about how agendas exist. and have to compete with boys for athletic scholarship, and they can't speak up and speak out and to embrace diversity they have to bow down to diversity in the democrat party. there is something else going on. we don't take it personally. we know who we are, we are confident as conservative women. we are family women. we love our children, take care of our businesses and do everything and we can do it all at once and that is creating an v and that is what i read and that is what i thought when i saw that article. stuart: you covered a lot of territory.
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real good stuff. do not be a stranger. you can come back anytime you like. here we go. another deep blue city creating a reparations task force. which one? ashley: that would be chicago. the definition of framework for reparations that would be delivered in the form of improvement in housing, education, jobs, criminal justice. the group would conduct a study to catalog policies, controversial real estate practices like redlining and restrictive covenants. brandon johnson says chicago bears the scars of systemic racism and injustice that have been inflicted around communities. not everyone agrees. chicago's alderman says the plan half-million dollars to fund this would be better spent
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elsewhere, adding that the issue is too divisive. stuart: liz peek on the president's difficult day at the white house. victor gaza tells us a few things migrants should be allowed to work. bill hemmer will preview the first presidential debate. jason rantz will tell us about the city seeing a rise in covid restrictions. will restrictions make a comeback? the 11:00 hour is next to. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> if you hate both candidates and decide to vote on issues, somethings gotta win on the issues people agree with trump on all the major issues. >> people look at this and they say this can happen to a former president cannot happen to me, is this a weaponize federal government coming after me. >> you cannot just raise minimum wage and not take that into affect ery


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