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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 21, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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very important primary for a congressional seat now being held by a left wing democrat, jamal bowman. if the democrat centrist challenger that's george lattimer wins, it tells me there's no choice but moving to the center. maria: thomas, final thoughts? >> all eyes on that and busy weekend for president trump and he's out campaigning across the country and you never see biden campaigning. i don't see any biden events going on and i don't really know what he's up to. probably on the beach in delaware like he seems to be most of the time. maria: he stayed in the basement last time and worked for him, i guess. thomas corbett dylan and john lonski, thank you very much. over to "varney & co.". stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, maria. good morning, everyone.
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there's a spike in migrant crime and become ago political issue. latest outrage and two venezuelan migrants arrested for strangulation murder for a 12-year-old girl in texas and this country claimed he feared for his life back home. this follows illegal ecuador arrested for rape of 13-year-old girl in a public park. migrant from el salvador arrested more murder of mother of five in maryland n. the 2016 campaign, trump played up killing of kate and it's illegal migrant doing the same thing now with migrant crime. to the markets, fairly quiet for stocks to be summer dull drop and not sure how things close out this afternoon. dow's off 9 and nasdaq up 4. no big price movement. big coin down to $63,000 a coin as of this morning and 10-year treasury and yield below 4.25 and at 4.22 and 2-year at 4.70.
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oil $81 per barrel as we speak. yes, it is. honestly, $81. gasoline no change for regular, $3.45 and diesel no change, $3.80. politics, donald trump is raising a lot more money than president biden. $141 million in may compared to $85 million for biden. trump pulled in $53 million just in the first hour after new york's guilty verdicts. he's raising most of his money from small donations. biden is tapping hollywood and the billionaire class. preparations for next week's cnn presidential debate in full swing, at least for the president. he's hold up at camp david doing mach debates and more decisions on the supreme court after 10:00 eastern and waiting for presidential immunity and which ever way that goes and trump's court date and election
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affected. friday, june 21, 2024. "varney & co." in a very hot new york city is about to begin. ♪ stuart: even though that's my generation. >> what were you doing? lauren: burning in the heat or the polls. stuart: we're going to start with the polls. is that okay with you, lauren? we start with the polls. nlauren: 45% approve of biden ad
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that's the same as march. flip to immigration, approval ticks up to 35%. why? he got high marks on that executive order two weeks ago to reduce the number of asylum seekers at southern border. a majority of voters actually approve of that. stuart: oh, dear. that's called false conscious i believe. brian brenberg with me. >> whoa, false consciousism. that's marxism. stuart: bring that up on a friday morning. as i said, brian burg is on the show -- brian brenberg is on the show. why did biden's approval rating go up? >> well, lauren has it. he did an executive action and a few people in america saying oh, he's doing something about the border and up to 35% and 63% disapprove of the border and he's got 45% and 35 and that's
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the point. lauren: it's low but cutting in. >> let's talk when he gets near that 50% approval marker and then maybe something has changed in the country. talk to anybody out there and said oh, that executive action and biden on the board and it's not like that . stuart: depends on the circles in which you move. depends on who you're working with. lauren: trying not to say something we're going to talk about in another segment. that's why i'm keeping my lips sealed. stuart: tram and biden preparing to face off next week. listen to what cnn van jones said about the faceoff, roll it. >> this is the entire election as far as i'm concerned. if biden goes out and messes up, it's game over. if he walks out and a week later he's lower in the polls, it's panic in the party. if he goes in and can handle himself against donald trump, a run away train, a locomotive, a raging bull, this guy deserves
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another shot to be president because that's tough. stuart: well, the bar is set pretty low. >> not even a bar. the bar is off the ground. they paint adeline on the ground. he needs to walk over the line and they'll say look how he did against the raging bull, the maniac on stage, president trump. stuart: who's the raging bull maniac on this set? >> maybe i am. maybe that's right. maybe on a friday morning i'm trying to bring a bit of energy to this program. lauren: really? does the program need energy? >> well. lauren: that's coming from the marxist. >> the markist. we're talking about an important debate. van jones is right and he doesn't get out of the race if he does badly. you're on the other side of that equation but i think they're setting the bar very low and look like the guy that beats expectations and needs to beat expectations and his expectations stink. stuart: if you stay standing for 90 minutes, you'll have won. >> you're right about that. stuart: brian, stay there. we just got the latest
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fundraising numbers from trump and biden. this is for the month of may. okay. who raised more? lauren: trump by a lot. $141 million in may and the money gushed in right after the guilty verdict in the new york case and that was on may 30th. the june numbers are going to be good too. meanwhile biden and dnc raised $85 million in may. all in cash on hand goes to biden. he has $212 million. that's more than the trump side. stuart: billionaire michael bloomburg, he's shelling out a lot of money giving it to president biden hoping he's going to beat trump. how much are we talking about? lauren: nearly $20 billion and wrote a check to future forward pact, that's the main super pact that supports biden's second term. bloomburg is 82 years old. stuart: is he? lauren: he's 82. look, this is being matched and super ceded by a $50 million donation by the conservative billionaire timothy mullen and
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it was the super pact and came right after trump's conviction and that is 50 million and largest contribution and election season and timothy mullen is 81 years old. i'm just surprised by the ages of the men running for president and the men backing them. stuart: it'll be a generational change. stuart: didn't billion issues on race. >> that's the constitutional republic and that's what they represent and guys giving big money and would i want to bekyiv touchdown pass my kids and what part is the election playing at and that's big stuff and the big
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money got mobilized. stuart: it was $70.27 and 25% of donors first time givers. that tells you a lot. >> in this environment to give like that, that's a big sell. lauren: if they don't like what they're seeing but also make the case that in some polls biden is up in the past one or two weeks. the sentencing for trump is on july 11, four days before rnc. he could be sentenced to prison. the money would flow in. stuart: if the donation goes through the roof. lauren: he'd win. stuart: thanks, lauren. getting to the markets on a friday morning. check futures and mixed picture and mostly lower but only just. kenny polcari with us. all right, kenny, are you waiting for a pullback? >> absolutely, and i'm hoping this weakness we saw yesterday in nvidia and i think it's down again this morning and this little bit will be the catalyst
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to ignite that pullback and like any -- like a wealth manager looking for opportunity and don't necessarily want to chase things at their highs. you want to be buying things kind of at a discount and i'm still hoping that we get this pullback. stuart: have you bought any nvidia yet? yet? >> well, i've own it had and after the split my average cost was $13. i own it, the firm owns it. i have not bought it yet since the split; right. i've not chase it hads up here. i considered it, then it started getting away from me so once again i said i'm going to wait for a pullback because it's going to paul-back. it's done nothing but go up straight in a row, straight line up. it's got to pull back. i'll buy when it pulls back. stuart: on a sunny friday morning in summer, kenny polcari is hoping for a downturn in the stock market. you have a nice weekend, kenny. >> not a crash. don't make it sound like it's a disaster. i just want to see it pull back a little bit, take some of the fluff out, shake the branches. stuart: how long you been saying
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this for? >> i've been saying it for awhile and look what happened. one day i'm going to be right because one day you know we're going to get hit with something that nobody expects and suddenly the bottom will fall out and everyone will go oh my god. that's going to be the opportunity. stuart: that will be the polcari moment and we'll bring you back on for that particular moment. kenny, you're all right. have a great weekend and we'll see you soon, promise. >> you too. stuart: biden's allies raising millions of dollar just to keep up with trump on social media. do viral videos actually work? do they bring in more votes? we'll get into that. number of registered palestinian refugees just passed 6 million and group of democrats wants to bring some to the united states. chad wolf takes that on. two migrants are accused of strangling a 12-year-old girl and dumping her body in a bayou in texas. one of the suspects reportedly crossed the border less than a month ago and disturbing report for you coming up next.
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stuart: the dow is down 3 and nasdaq up 4. two venezuelan migrants arrested and charged with the murder of 12-year-old girl in texas and both reportedly crossed the border illegally into el paso. mike turbine joins me. these migrants with r in custody before the murder happened and why were they released? >> two different reasons and getting to that at the end of the report. they crossed into el paso illegally and apprehended by border patrol and released and now a 12-year-old texas girl is dead. police arrested the men for her brutal death and last time her
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mom saw her, she was going to bed last sunday night. jocelynn snuck out of her room and not clear how she made contact with the suspects and captured right up to the last moments of her life. walked to a bridge where the 12-year-old was murdered and dumped in a bayou and later found in a creek and the medical examiner said the cause of death was strangulation and the suspects picked up by police early thursday. >> hearing the gentlemen were found and caught and taken in for questioning, it was like an -- it was the greatest news. >> if there was ever a circumstance where you do not give someone bail, this is it. >> sources tell fox news 26-year-old jose pena ramos crossed last may and caught by border parole and released with a notice to appear at a later date. one crossed into el paso in
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march and he was also picked up by border patrol and the status of his release in the area not clear and the capital murder charge applies and makes the death penalty applies. stuart: take a look at this. migrant crime surging in the u.s. under president biden. stuart: chad, why can't we keep criminals out and we've got them in custody, we release them. >> it's a great question and the fundamental answer to that is because the majority of individuals coming across and noting held and who they are and why they want to come to the u.s. instead and last 3.5 years of president biden and this catch and release policy and what does that mean? border patrol apprehends these individuals but ice being directed to release them into the country and individuals with
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them coming into the country and coming for the american communities and then certainly taking them for this dangerous actions whether it's there in houston and it's in georgia or wherever it might be in maryland or wherever it might be and we're seeing the deadly consequences of this policy. stuart: maybe we get more in more quickly. i believe that may happen. >> what we've seen is that the fundamental goal of the biden administration has been the process these individuals into the country quicker and faster; right. the problem they're trying to solve is the lines and the backlog and not having migrants huddled in border patrol facilities or under bridges in del rio as we saw back in 2022. so what they've designed as a system that allows the individuals into the country quicker and quicker and quicker and that's what you're seeing here. i believe one of the migrants --
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one of the illegal aliens that came over had an ankle bracelet, gps tracker. we call that alternatives to detention. the biden administration are proud they're putting more and more individuals on alternative to detention but does no good if they're going to offend and not going to be removed. why do you have the program to begin with? stuart: a group of nearly 70 democrats wants the administration to consider opening pathways for palestinian refugees to come to america. is that a good idea? >> i don't. i don't understand why the united states needs to take this step. there's numerous countries in that region in europe and elsewhere that could provide refuge for individuals trying to leave gaza if that's what they want to do. the idea of moving individuals out of conflict area like gaza should be you find refuge in the safest third country possible so
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that when conditions come back to the home country, my guess is if any of the individuals come to the united states, they'll have no intention of leaving the united states and going back so i don't understand the approach. the united states is not the only country that individuals can seek refuge in. stuart: how many times have we had this conversation, chad wolf. just had another one. chad wolf, thank you very much indeed. see you again soon. lauren, do we know how voters feel about biden's handling of the border? lauren: fox asked the following question to two different groups, oh one group split in half and half asked how do you feel about biden's executive order limiting the number of asylum claims and 57% approved and other half were asked how do you feel about limited asylum claims and didn't mention biden or use the term executive order. a larger 66% approved. are you guys following? the bot toll line is american support illegal immigration restrictions and they support
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them even more when biden has nothing to do about you. >> i got it. lauren: we want to restrict the immigrants coming here illegally and might not like the way biden does. >> don't think biden's will work and his are window dressings and not reality. stuart: lauren, remember when the protesters of columbia university and barricaded themselves inside a campus building while those students who were arrested, the charges against them have been dropped. lauren: for 31 of the 46. 31 of the 46 had their criminal trespassing in the third degree charges dismissed. the da, alvin bragg's office, said they don't have enough evidence. they don't have enough evidence to support the charges or to show property damage or to show that anyone was hurt. stuart: we can show them property damage. we've got the video. lauren: ask the jewish students with the video and said the protesters wore masks and hard to tell who they are. uh-huh. not to mention the cost -- a couple more things. you guys want to get in badly.
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the cost to taxpayers for overtime for the new york police department, $53 million. stuart: got to be kidding me. lauren: am i being overly opposition to movement mystic but the da put out in part that said there are ongoing school disciplinary proceedings for the students who had their cases dismissed. does anyone believe that columbia is going to discipline those students? stuart: nope. where does this lead? if you're a jewish student, this says you're not welcome. >> buyer beware, going to this school, it's one of the ways to fend for yourself. there i am, i was out there talking to these guys and they didn't want to talk to me because i was asking them real questions. by the way, they didn't have good answers when i asked them real questions. all they want to do is chant so when a jewish student walks by, they yell at them and chant at them and they intimidate them. that's what it's going to be after this next year in columbia, that's what it'll be
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again. stuart: 1930s germany, disgusting. check futures and real fast. going to get on this. take you to the opening bell, next. ♪ this is clem. clem's not a morning person. or a night person. or a...people person. but he is an "i can solve this in 4 different ways" person. and that person... is impossible to replace. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you help clem with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him.
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stuart: market opens in about three minutes. prior to that, future suggests minor losses for the dow and s&p dead flat on the nasdaq. show me nvidia, please. that's the stock of the day, the month, weekend or year if not the decade. this morning, premarket down 2%. 127 is your quote. ray wong is with me this morning. what's your price target for nvidia, now? >> happy friday, the target is $200. but that's because of a couple modes. stuart: okay. go ahead. make your case for $200 on -- by the end of this year i take it on nvidia. >> well, ai begins and ends with nvidia as high fare to entry and few competitors getting into the chip game and going for the cost and going for the software side and going to get off and there's a dominant one for market share and competitors barely catching up and we're only seeing one
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tenth as we have been delivering in the standard and ai on the growth numbers don't lie and look at sales to be there and p numbers are crazy and it's catching up with the sales numbers and you've got a visionary founder. stuart: okay, give me your list of winners in ai. i've got nvidia, who's second, third, fourth and fifth. who you got? >> the big 3-inch and definitely right. with microsoft they're winning on the side and apple fixed everything on the ai conversation and they're re-branded apple intelligence with the focus on the consumer and they're there and going for the chip manufacturer and going hpe, c3 and palantir and other players going there because they surprised our course catching up and all the ai demands going for
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the clout or oracles capability. stuart: back to nvidia and going for them and going to calculate back and it's probably at 25 and probably 50 as well. stuart: have you ever sold much? >> i did a few weeks back. stuart: why? come on, why? >> trying to pay for a large purchase for a relative so, yes. stuart: okay, this is good enough reason, what's wrong with that? of course you've got to bail a tax on it. that's the way it is. ray wang, have a great weekend. the market is about to open. five or six seconds with price movement at opening bell and you just never know how things are going to close. here we go. that's the button and up we are going and running and the dow is
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open with not a bad gain. you're up 76 points and 0.19% and actual market doing better than the futures indicated and look at dow 30, majority are in the green. s&p 500 for the fractional loss down 0.15% and nasdaq composite is open ever so slightly. not bad. it's a quarter of a per sen, 17680. big tech, please. we always do this whenever the markets open and first thing is big tech and amazon, apple, microsoft, alphabet, they're all up and only loser i see on the list there is meta. now that just turned around and $501 a share and meta and all the big tech stocks are up. fumbling a little, brian. just friday morning for you. trump media closed down 15% almost yesterday. but it's down a bit more. lauren: oh, geez. down 27% this week. that's why i said ogees. just keeps going down.
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>> said that like a minnesotan, oh geez. stuart: italian from staten island. lauren: oh, cheese. down 42% since trump's conviction because this stock on donald trump. the news for the decline yesterday this week is sec cleared registration for this and dilutes the stock. but like i said, it's about that conviction acting like a meme stock and going for them. stuart: absolutely you've got this right. lauren: down to $75 a share and blames the loss of executive talent and there's no compelling
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new product and i fail this as brian knows and he's a sneaker guy and has kids. adidas onlals and nike competitor, they're all the rage. >> stop it, what is that? lauren: samba and gazelles. the ones with the three stripes, everyone is wearing them. keep moving on. >> come on, stuart. stuart: olive garden plans to keep raising menu prices. wait a minute, didn't their sales drop in the last quarter? so if they raised prices, what sale drops? lauren: i'd imagine that's the case. olive garden sales fell 1.5% or 2.5 will grow and those two companies because the low end and that's the high end and it's still going to have the next 12 months. >> i took my wife to olive
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garden for prom in high school. lauren: i thought you were going to say recently. >> very fancy for us back in the day. element these price increases. lauren: do they still do unlimited bread sticks? >> they better. stuart: who got in trouble with unlimited shrimp? lauren: red lobster. >> americanscan eat. lauren: and ordered nothing else. maybe a drink. and unlimited shrimp. stuart: casino operator boyd gaming look to make a deal with penn entertainment. what kind of deal? lauren: riders reporting that boyd wants to buy lauren: lots of potential problems. stuart: the story that worries me and american airlines flight
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attendants preparing to strike. what's the problem? lauren: 28,000 walking off the job and haven't gotten a raise in five years time. this summer, here's the deal and americans came in and offer them an immediate wage increase of 17%. and the 28,000 strong union says we're done. that's just not the way it works but national mediation board needs to come in and grant this mandated cooling off period and it's 30 days. then after that month's time, they could potentially strike but president biden could come in and tell more. yes, it could happen this summer and it's likely not to happen. doing for the office and that's a lot of people but are they
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going for that. lauren: not getting promotions literally and not seem to not mind at all working from home and that speaks to the benefits and the savings of working from home and child care and food and transportation. do you know what tolls are into new york city? stuart: $16 a car. lauren: and we know how much the cost is to buy a sandwich. employees are saying that inflation is biting and we're being paid well and i'd rather save money and work from home and go for that promotion. stuart: if you're in a kind of job with there's not that many promotional opportunities. say good-bye to that. and manage working from home. >> this labor market playing chicken and finding somebody else to do the jobs and nobody can find people for these jobs. lauren: dell is a technology company and arguably easier to work from home. when you do, how do you get your employees back if they're giving you pushback? stuart: a lot of employees facing exactly the same
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situation. then smith and wesson reporting strong sales. why is it down $10%? lauren: quarterly sales rose about 10% from a year ago and ceo want co-tonight in fiscal '25 and the stock is down because the cfo said they expect current quarter sales down about 10% from a year ago. they did well last quarter and might not do well this quarter, but for the whole fiscal 2025 it's fine. stuart: know what they need? democrats to turn and say we need stronger gun control and everybody going to buy guns. that's how it works. all right, lauren, coming up. a good one, climate activists trying to take aim at taylor swift and thought they spray painted her private jet and turns out they've got the wrong player. for the first time ever, women could soon be required to sign up for the draft. it's under consideration but
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some can say must be opposed at all costs and we have that story. missouri suing ibm claiming it discriminates based on gerunder and race. attorney general of missouri andrew bailey leading the charge and he joins me next. ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings.
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new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. stuart: named big three by our own lauren cinco de mayo and thought we'd put -- lauren simonetti and all worth $3 trillion. lauren: i feel heard. stuart: nvidia down a bit more after a big selloff yesterday and apple up 93-cents and microsoft close to $4 a 50 and
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we'll all -- $450 and we'll all be pleased to see. the supreme court set to have more rulings at the top of the hour. lydia hu joining me. >> the supreme court is adding additional dates for opinion releases and expecting more to come out next wednesday so we'll see what we're going to get here momentarily and all eyes on the trump immunity case and this is dealing with directly jack smith's prosecution of the former president over his alleged actions to overturn the 2020 election results. but the results of today's case could potentially impact other pending criminal matters here for the former president and as you'll recall, the lower court in dc are rejecting the claim for full immunity and it was interesting on appeal for the supreme court and the justices, stuart, appeared very concerned about rejecting immunity for a former president whether that's trump or someone else and the precedent it would set.
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moving for prosecution and political party and something we'd not want to allow. we're waiting on a case brought by a group of fishermen and it was an interesting one and challenging the reach of administrative state and after an agency and in order to pay $70 per day for a federal government worker to ride on board their vessels and the federal government warrants these workers catching and where and the fishermen said, hey, no problem taking them on board with us and it is overreach to make the fishermen pay for that and fishermen have to pay up and what the court decides here, sweeping consequences really for biden green agenda. think about all the epa rules and regulations they've issued about stoves and evs. if they undermine this, the chevron doctor is what it's called in this particular case
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regarding the fishermen have wide range of consequences for the green agenda. stuart: that far reaching indeed. >> would impact us all. stuart: great report, lydia. not aware of the significance of that ruling. the state of missouri launched a lawsuit against i bm claiming ibm discriminates based on gerunder and race. but the company has responded. ibm does not use quotas and never has. any suggestion otherwise is false. attorney general of missouri is andrew bailey and he joins me now. spell it out, sir, in what way to ibm discriminate on gender and race? >> well, ibm's own ceo is on video demanding that his corporate executives enforce these racist quotas and discriminate against certain ethnicities to include asians where he says asians are not an underrepresented minority group and must be punished. other agents of ibm on the video brag about having terminated
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other corporate executives for not enforcing the racist quotas. they're queerly violative of thr human rights act that affect employment decisions and we need an injunction in place to protect missouri workers and going for corporate racism and still racism and has no place in america. stuart: mr. attorney general, you're planning to sue new york state over their case with donald trump. on what grounds are you suing them? >> well, the state of missouri and voters of missouri had a sovereign interest in being and having access to physical access to and hearing from a presidential candidate for the top office in the united states government and you've got leftist in blue states committing lawfare before and going for president trump and denying to their chosen presidential candidates and millions and millions voted for president trump and deserve the ability to hear from him.
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we can't let states like new york deny missourians of access to that candidate. stuart: surely that conviction will be thrown out, won't it? >> eventually but it'll be too late and still interfere with the 2024 election. take ourselves back to 1860 when we allowed a southern rogue prosecutor to take abraham linn can off the cam ran -- lincoln off the campaign trail because of speeches threing with slavery? this is no different. stuart: takes the law to fight back against lawfare. missouri attorney general, thank you very much. now this, migrant crime quickly becoming a huge election issue. biden is on defense and he should be. his open border let these criminals in, that is myotake coming up at the top of the hour. a new poll shows trump trailing biden by single digits in new york. that's amazing. he's making big gains with black and jewish voters. could they put him over the top in deep blue new york?
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the president of the young republican club joins me next. ♪ (traffic noises) (♪) the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪) at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts. because we believe the more ways we all have to move forward. the further we'll all go.
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(qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency, would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him!
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(marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go! we bring you the real, in-depth school info. (marci) what were you thinking? (luke) i don't know. i. don't know. (vo) ding dong!
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stuart: biden's hour raising a whopping $10 million to keep up with trump on social media. trump has 6.5 million on tiktok and biden has 380,000. gabby wax is the president of the new york young republican club and returns to talk with us this morning. do viral videos win over young voters for either side? >> absolutely. 47% of young voters get news from social media primarily. they used to say the old adage was a voice for radio and god for politics and face for television and good for politics and now in the age of social media, you need authenticity and viral moments, and i think president trump has that and that's why he's surging ahead in all the social statistics online. i've not seen much of this. stuart: is it presented like a news item? >> can. it presents as news item or certain side of a candidate that you otherwise wouldn't see and hitting the podcast circuit and
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going for them for ufc fights or wherever he may be and young people are starting to see the appeal in they're getting on board and biden is a little scared wasting $10 million of their fundraising to try and figure out the algorithms and working in their favor. stuart: a new sienna poll showing trump is only after they're eight points behind biden in new york state. deep blue new york state and by 23 points in 2020. he's got big gains with black and jewish voters. are they going to put him over the top. is it possible to win the state. >> crazy thins have happened. stuart: is it crazy? >> the second poll and historic and gubernatorial candidate and 47% traditionally and getting a third of the vote in the city and carrying it statewide vote and everything being equal and look, he's seeing huge gains
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among working class hispanics and he's building a diverse coalition in the city and across the state and i dent know but it'll be the closest it's been in many years and that's a good thing. stuart: what do you think, brian? >> one thing you said was working class, working class, working class, talking about tips. he's on offense, okay. his opponents had him in a courtroom and he was still campaigning in the state. i think new yorkers look at somebody on offense sp and say,, i like that. stuart: reagan won new york state in 1984. 40 years ago, but he won it, he was a republican. >> what happen second-degree there was a liberal party candidate and new york hads a better ballot access for smaller parties and this will be an election for history books in terms of third party candidates and only working to president trump's advantage. stuart: hochul is not popular. >> she had her worse numbers ever come out recently drop and extremelien popular as incumbent
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and democrat may have peaked and largest number of republican members of the city council are serving right now. there's trends working our way and we can county to push. in ten years, it could be a purple state. stuart: republicans on city council in new york? i know one, joe borelli. >> he has a few friends. not many, but a few. >> holden out in -- jees yeah. holden. >> they're trying to overturn the sanctuary city thing. >> nicky padadino in brooklyn and won a seat in the bronx for the first time. things on the upswing. stuart: just imagine. just imagine trump wins new york state on november 5. can you imagine the reaction to that? >> that's a 40, 45 state landslide. stuart: tears in the street. lauren: he's getting the youth vote, youth minority vote especially in new york, but the demographic that is the most loyal voter for democrats is an older black woman. can donald trump sway that demographic?
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stuart: we shall see. november the fifth, we shall see. lauren: if he does that, he wins new york. stuart: thank you so much for coming, gavin wax. >> thank you. stuart: i like the suits. dressed up a bit. >> i wanted to get my best gear on. >> pinstripes. it's nice. stuart: thank you very much. all right, we'll be watching you at 1:00 p.m. eastern, the big money show here on fox business. still ahead, tammy bruce on the democrat's lack of enthusiasm for president biden, clay travis takes on caitlyn clark's olympic snub. tomi lahren sounding off on president biden's mental acuity and we have your feedback. 10:00 hour is next. ♪
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10:00 am
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