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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  June 21, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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ibly1 just for you. doesn't sound right with a british accent, does it? 10:00 eastern. let's get to the money. i see some green in a downed us trail that 50 points, nasdaq down 45, the 10 year treasury yield was below 4. 4%. 10 year now yields 4.25%. the price of oil at 81, bitcoin came down to 65,000, 63,000 now. now, very important numbers, realtors across the country. how many existing home sales? lauren: home sales fell in may to seasonally adjusted annual
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rate of 4.11 million. somewhat better-than-expected. stuart: that is very low. selling homes 4. 11 million on an annual basis. i say this every month, remember when it was more like 6 million what was being sold on an annual basis in the boom of the century. lauren: prices continue to grow up we are getting the latest number, prices coming into may well over 400,000. stuart: got the median price on existing homes, all right. that's the numbers and now this. july 1, 2015, 52-year-old kate steinle was shot and killed one walking with her father on a 14 in san francisco. the man who fired the gun was an illegal immigrant taking advantage of san francisco's into a city status. there was an immediate uproar.
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donald trump came down the golden escalator to begin his campaign two weeks before steinle's killing. he made illegal migration a big part of his campaign. he won. 's fast-forward to the president. look at this, two venezuelan migrants arrested and charged with murdering a 12-year-old girl, one came here in april, the other arrived in may, released in the country because he said he feared for his life. in new york police arrested a migrant from ecuador who allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl in a public park which he had been ordered out of the country but in a sanctuary city, he is safe. victor martinez fernandez from el salvador's wanted for murder in his home country but still managed to cross the border three times before allegedly killing a mother of 5. these cases all made headlines this week bringing migrant crime right into the middle of an election where the border and migration are board dishes,
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biden is playing defense here and so he should because it is his open border, these are his migrants, no surprises, trump is going on the attack and so he should. migrant crime spree is a political issue just as it was in 2016. second hour of varney just getting started. stuart: tammy bruce with us on friday morning. migrant crime change the election? >> i think so. people are working hard, living their lives trying to pay the bills thinking about their own futures, kids in school and what's going on with your personal life, the united states and every government should be helping us to facilitate being able to do that in peace, that we don't have to worry about the government or what the government is doing that makes our neighborhood dangerous. there's always going to be
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crime and problems but what's important about this issue, it's a result of decision-making in washington. a policy that occurs. kate steinle, america is the greatest country on earth, people want to come here but illegal immigration has been a major issue and not just because it's not fair, for those coming here illegally which we want to have migrants obviously. we are a country of migrants but the issue is law and order, that becomes the issue for americans. this is a symptom. you file lump and you know it is more serious. you've got to deal with all of it. you have individuals, we don't know of all the crime so these are the ones that we see and it's a reminder that if this is out of control and the government knows it is a problem and facilitates it, what else are they doing?
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how can we rely on the future and the answer is you can't when the shopping cart is the most expensive vehicle now, what are we expecting when clearly it matters to americans and democrats through biden and some republicans are almost punishing us for caring about the border saying like a battering husband because you like that, i'm going to destroy it. that's what this feels like. we will have a quiet riot in the voting booth and that's what's going to happen. stuart: take a look at this from neil ochsman, quote, democrats are enthusiastic about trying to win the senate and the house. they are not enthusiastic about biden's reelection. why don't they replace him? >> they say democrats, they don't mean the average grassroots democrat who is not thinking about taking the senate, they know democrats have been in charge, it's
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obvious and they can't put a protein on the table, can't create the best lunchbox for their could, they had to take their savings to pay the bills and once again go into their own college fund for their kid to pay the bills, maybe they think working from home and don't want to and making this money because they still can't afford gasoline. the average grassroots democrat is thinking who is going to make my life better? who's responsible for? they are not sitting around, it's the elite, democrat leadership, i want the senate, start thinking about what is on someone's table, start thinking about whether or not a child can walk home from school safely, start thinking about a mom of 5 who should be able to jog in her park and not get murdered. that is what you should be thinking about but they are not, they are putting all their energy in hiding biden in doing vote -- there's a cheap fake
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involved, biden's presidency is the cheap fake we've all been dealing with, that's what they should be concerned about and they are not, trump is, trump is concerned about improving the quality of americans lives whether you like him personally are not that's the leader of our time and i think he's going to win. stuart: took you while but you built up to the fire of friday morning. i am woman, hear me roar. >> you are going to hear from a lot of americans on november 5th. stuart: a new report from actio's with insight on how trump will pick his running mate. how is he going to pick his running mate? >> who can fund raise the best and the most. is a businessman. he's a showman too. reality tv star. if you do good on the talk shows and make money you will be a great vp, that according to actio's. stuart: have any politicians would say that. if you can bring a lot of money, who would say that? >> not any. here's the short list let's dig in a little bit further.
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senator j d vance is the person who hooked trump up with david sass in silicon valley, bringing in all that west coast money, then you have governor derg -- doug bergam. senator jim scott going to want big time wall street donors. ken griffin reportedly will not endorse donald trump until he knows who the vp is. stuart: and he has his horse in the race. lauren: he hasn't said. i would gamble nikki haley. because ken griffin has been very positive. lauren: need someone, he's had a lot of betrayal that he needs a vice president who unequivocally has his back. that's all i'm saying. i like nikki haley. we want producers are trying to hold him back. >> i like nikki haley. >> ken griffin.
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>> desantis is on that list. stuart: check out the markets on friday morning. here we go, the dow up 60, nasdaq down 50. dr barton with me. i want to talk about nvidia. you say nvidia is nvidia's world, you tell us, where is nvidia's. going, how high can it climb? >> it has such an upper limit it is kind of frightening. i've heard people on your show, people i respect give $200 target. i don't dislike that targeted i think it is attainable. one of the things i said in my note yesterday showed that a whole new industry is spawning to rent gpu units to these huge data centers and ai large language model processors so there are industries growing up around this company right
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before our eyes. stuart: you brought with you a couple stealth ai stock picks. qualcomm and marvel. explain. >> the second one first. marvel is a stock we've talked about on the show before and they do some nuts and bolts, some heavy lifting. some nitty-gritty hitting analog, things that are in the real world, to talk to the digital on a chip. so they do some of that cross of translation for the ai world. i think they will play a lot of catch-up in the coming year or two. qualcomm similar story, they do a lot, most of their business on the cell phone world and i believe what we are seeing now is the next generation cell phones with ai technology are
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going to be the next must-have part of the world. stuart: wait and see. you have a great weekend. lauren is looking at the movers. what is amazon doing? lauren: reuters is considering a monthly fee to use alexa, their assistant. she hasn't been upgraded in a decade. they will use conversational generative ai to do that charging $5 to $10 a month but also have a free option. blue ones that will be -- lauren: maybe alexa can do more than give you the weather. stuart: people have to start paying for it, there's an option of a free alexa? lauren: and a monthly fee also depending on what she can do. with one the stock has been all over the place. lauren: stocks up 2.5%, profitable in the last quarter.
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selling prices coming down. the average cars costing $26,000, you would think that 2% or 3% decline would be bad but carmax says that will juice sales. speaking of price, got the median price on an existing home in may. all time high, $419,300. stuart: selling homes on an annual basis, 4.1 million annualized, same price is 19,000, never been higher. northrop grumman. lauren: they got a downgrade, stock is down one. 2%, price target 77 which is higher than they are now, they don't see any catalysts right now. stuart: a senate bill requiring women to sign up for the blizzard draft has become highly partisan issue. what are the chances the bill makes it to the floor? details on that. the white house pushing back against netanyahu's claims that
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the us is withholding weapons. is the left blocking arms deliveries to israel? christian whiten on that next. ♪ [thunder rumbles]
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stuart: very quiet day on wall street, could be the summer doldrums, the dow is up 75, the nasdaq down 27. the white house pushing back on netanyahu's claims the it ministration is slow walking aid to israel. lucas tomlinson joins me from the white house, what the administration saying about this? >> the administration is denying that it's withholding major weapons shipments days
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after benjamin netanyahu posted that video and publicly accused the white house of doing that. here's john kirby at the white house yesterday. >> we didn't know that video was coming. it was perplexing to say the least. certainly disappointing given that no other countries doing more to help israel defend itself from the threat from hamas. >> kirby reminded reporters the u.s. air force and two squadrons of fighter jets including one from seymour johnson air force base to issue down dozens of cruise missiles during the massive attack in april. president biden huddling with his top security advisors. netanyahu doubling down on his claim biden is withholding weapons saying we began to see that we had significant problems a few months ago.
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we tried in many quiet conversations between me and the president to iron out this dim you should've supply. we haven't been able to solve it. a new fox news poll shows the president's approval remains underwater. yesterday, senator tom cotton wrote to the white house saying, quote, your administration is engaging bureaucratic slate of hand to withhold crucial aid to israel during a shooting war. the administration can then claim the weapons are in process, never delivering them. some of the biden administration trying to rescue the 5 american hostages in hamas captivity and gaza. over 40 americans were killed in the hamas massacre. stuart: got it, thanks very much indeed. former state about official christian whiten joins us. is the left preventing arms shipments to israel? >> we don't know but it sounds
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like it. this is a familiar pattern we see a lot with taiwan where we agree to sell weapons to taiwan, taiwan buys them and when something is coming up with china and the china and says something, arms supplies are slow walk, it's not big systems like completed of 25s or patriot systems. the spare missiles, the huge logistical chain that goes into a military that gets slowed down and this syncs up with when the biden administration was putting maximum pressure on israel to accept its deal that hamas itself didn't accept. stuart: the problem is it is such a huge block in the democratic party the does not support israel or giving them more financial weapons aid. that is a badly divided party which restricts the president's freedom of action. >> the foreign policy communicator 4 obama wrote in
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foreign affairs on the argument for foreign policy very much at odds with president biden in the administration saying they were wrong in helping 0, they are more partial to home are scott matt and the palestinians earlier and biden divided the democratic caucus, slowly building up as he has become more hostile to israel but states like michigan where there is a small but perhaps decisive muslim vote, to mr. politics driving biden. stuart: the administration announced they will pause exports of weapons to our allies and redirect those weapons to ukraine. the white house called the decision difficult but necessary. my question, if we have a pause to our allies to give to ukraine do we have weapons shortage? we are not producing enough weapons supply? >> correct. are supply-chain and industrial
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base is in terrible condition, we can barely build one submarine per year. we used to lead the world in shipbuilding is a lot of that moved to asia but europe is able to do some. these munitions are extremely expensive. very high-tech intelligence with drones that only cost one thousand dollars or $20,000 which if you look at the red sea we are firing interceptor missiles that cost one or $2 million to shoot drones that cost a couple grand and we can't keep up, they had ministration said helping ukraine wouldn't make us defenseless or less secure elsewhere but you can bet arms that should be going to places like taiwan to deter china or south korea are being delayed. stuart: bladder putin seems to have weapons shortage it is solving that by going to north korea for ammunition. is that right? >> that's right. usually it's the north korean dictator who has to supplicate to russia. kim jong il took his armored
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train, he was there once 20 years ago. now he is the one supplicating in pyongyang and it is those 155 mm howitzers, something that is very useful to russia, firing extremely large numbers that put russia not only dependent on china and iran for arms but north korea. stuart: not a pretty picture around the world for american power. thanks for joining us, see you soon. no amendments to a senate bill would require women to register for the draft. what are lawmakers saying about that? >> republicans are more likely to say requiring women to register is a consequence of a woke agenda. democrats more likely to say they are needed and better in positions like cyber and intelligence, linguistics was
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all of this makes sense. the bill is a tough vote for it senate democrats in tight races, jon tester, democrat montana, jackie rosen, democrat nevada. will this happen? a senate but he has to vote on it first, then it has to be approved in both houses for congress and has to be signed by the president. stuart: if you bring back the draft it has to be for men and women. can't have a just for men, can't do that. lauren: you have to mandate women. stuart: okay. lauren: is a tough one. when was the last draft? stuart: just after i arrived in america. 73. i had a high draft number but could have been. anyway. thank you very much. buying a home more expensive than ever. so is selling, real estate guy mitch rishel has that story.
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in a report shows people from blue states are leaving from red states in droves, some cities can't keep up with all new residents. madison alworth has that story next. ♪ ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪
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stuart: one hour into the trading session, nice david outcome up one hundred 20, small loss for the nasdaq down 50. i want to know what's going on with apple and lahren is going to tells. lauren: bernstein take their price targeted $240 under dan ives at 250, they see four different opportunities to monetize ai including driving apps store spending and ad revenue to name a few. stuart: that another one i missed. jill -- del. lauren: down 4%. supermicro down 3.5%, the ai chip is cooling, the pause that refreshes.
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is this healthy for the market, look at nvidia, 125 down two days in a row. it could be the first losing week in nine weeks. we one kenny polcari earlier was hoping for a downturn. lauren: they are rolling out a generative ai chat bot, stocks up 1.5%. let's say you ask where can i find milk? the chat pot can tell the employee and the employee can tell you. we went ai has to have come that far to tell me where i can buy milk. if that is what we are using ai for we are under using it. lauren: i just thought of the idea off the top of my head. i'm sure there's better uses. stuart: new report from shows blue state exodus is underway.
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madison, which states are losing the most people and where are they going? >> you might know the answer but i will give to you anyway. two of the state seeing the most folks leave for reder pastures are new york and california. republican counties across the country, 3. 7 million more people than they lost since 2,020, democrat lead counties losing the same amount in the same time according to analysis of u.s. census data. what's driving this migration is lower home prices and financially friendly environments. looking at the empire state, 19% of empire state evacuees are looking to florida for a new home, 9% setting search sites on pennsylvania and 7%, north carolina. look at california. over 10% of home shoppers look to florida. 7% looking at texas for their
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new home, 7% checking out arizona. election year. this doesn't necessarily mean politics are moving with all of these folks. turbo tenet, property management soccer company for landlords told some of these folks are taking advantage of lower prices in red states to get into real estate investing, not necessarily moving there but using the homes as rentals. we are talking millions of people. even if a fraction of those millions moving from new york and california have moved to places and 2020 that voted republican you can expect 2024 voting to look different than it did last election. of the one as long as they don't take their politics with them. >> i think it is happening but time will tell. stuart: thank you very much indeed. existing home sales, we've got the numbers, came in at an annualized rate of 4.1 million. that's a 30 year low.
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we need a housing guy and this and have got one, mitch rishel, 30 year low in terms of existing home sales is extraordinary and all-time high in the median price of those homes, $419,000. real estate is a mess. >> sort of makes no sense, selling less homes than we ever sold before but price is going up, that suggests my hypothesis that this is about supply and demand, 3.5 months of supply ticked up a little bit but not enough and demand is still there, we have this migration of people moving across the country for a variety of reasons. they can't find it when they find it. stuart: the stock market have something to do with of this? we had a huge rally, a lot of people made a lot of money. maybe some are taking it out of stocks and putting it into real estate. that's why prices keep going up. >> i think people, investor
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types, taking gains out of the stock market and buying rental. that's a possibility. in terms of owner-occupied primary residents, the average buyer of a home doesn't have down payment money in stocks or more liquid because when they find that they need to turn it the next month. stuart: mortgage rates, 3 weeks in a row, 6.7%, that is not much of a decline doesn't offer glimmer of hope for a lot of rates. >> the fed that talks about housing from time to time hasn't done anything to ease the housing market by lowering rates but the free market has. the bond market, gone up rally a little bit. that provided some relief which
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suggests if we continue down this path, free market will help a little bit and we will see mortgage rates. we when you've got a long way to go, 30 year fixed, below 6%, long way to go. >> the inflection point for people on the sidelines waiting for interest rates to come down, you want to buy a home, that inflection point is 5 something. when i talk to buyers you are waiting on the sidelines. what do you need to 30 year fixed to be, 5%. selling your home, you've got a report on this. the true cost of selling your home is higher than you think. >> brokerage commissions which everybody knows about, no one thinks about the concessions you need to give, the buyer does an inspection and find things that are broken, that is on average $7200.
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i think around 15% of what you sell the house for ends up things you come out between closing costs and repairs and brokerage commission, 85% of sales price. stuart: you may not realize that before you go into it. stuart: when you buy a car, realize the warranty and other things. it is considerably more, it is going to the realtors. stuart: not doing the housing market much good. >> just talking truth. some said news. actor of mash and the hunger games fame, donald sutherland, passed away. his breakout role as doctor
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hawkeye pierce in mash led to a decade-long career in film and television. he is survived by his wife and 5 to loveland. his son kiefer sutherland posted this, he loved what he did and did what he loved. one can never ask for more than that. a life well lived. donald sutherland was 80. when was the last time you checked in on your heart? with kardiamobile, the personal ekg device, you can check it from home using your smartphone. i use kardiamobile every day. sometimes twice a day. every morning i check, make sure i'm in good shape. and it makes me feel pretty
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stuart: a mixed picture, dollars up 60, nasdaq down 63. closing thousands of brick and mortar stores across the country in times square. how many stores have been forced to shut down this year. >> 3,457. that are 22% spike versus where we are at this point since last year. in general we are seeing more retail stores open and close across the country.
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these are the big names you recognize that are experiencing some trouble, family dollar closing 600, cvs over 300, notice clothing retailer express which declared bankruptcy on that list. i'm one of those locations, we are in the middle of times square. this is not lack of foot traffic but a location down the way that is also making retail locations so what is driving this? a number of reasons, some of these company's are carrying a lot of debt, theft, online shopping, think of your online habits, not thoroughly going into a store. we spoke to the ceo of toys "r quote us, the sales to cost ratio. >> retailers have to generate same-store sales 3% to 4% and they don't do that, they can't
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pay the wage increases for of people, rent increases, cost of living, up by 3% to 4% a year. >> reporter: overall retail sales grew 2.3% over the last year, inflation at 3.3%. sales aren't keeping up with inflation. and inflation, they are going to struggle more. stuart: thanks very much. stores closing to a brand making a big comeback. jackie: it was so popular. a mall favorite. the malls are not popular now but limited is becoming popular again, it's not stout or. the older generation remembers what they liked as kids.
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according to instagram limited to returns next month, not sure they will set up a brick and mortar or online but coming back apparently. stuart: another one, governor kathy hochul signed a bill targeting social media companies. this restricts social media feeds. lauren: it blocks social media company from targeting the kids feed. they will be required to display content chronologically, not based on the algorithm of things you might be attracted to something. notifications on the kids phones between night and 6 lock:00 in the morning. >> we are doing it now. did you think this would become a necessity? talking to a grade school guidance counselor, 40% of kids are depressed in grade school. these kids aren't set up for success. how to turn their lives around and be fulfilled, healthy adults.
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when placed as children, the most carefree time of their lives. lauren: it got bad when kids were forced to go out on their phones during covid when everything was closed, an entire generation sat in their rooms looking down and we are seeing the consequences. stuart: a lot from the wall street journal the other day. social media platforms push explicit material at young people coming to the platform. that's wrong. that is what they are trying to stop. lauren: meta and instagram or more culpable than tiktok and snapchat and meta trying to combat that. stuart: the big board right now, the dow up, dow winners at the top of that list, we have
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mcdonald's, 259, cisco, intel, coke, nike on the list, s&p 500 winners on that list. etsy, mcdonald's, nasdaq winners top the list, sirius xm, palo alto, alphabet. lauren: there were both classes of shares. we one barstool sports founder david portnoy revealed a cancer diagnosis. testifying at the senate hearings on the origins of covid. doctor steve mcveigh is certain covid came from a lab and suggested doctor fauci knew that all along. the doctor joins us next. ♪
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stuart: big tech, one loser, nvidia, 3%, the rest are winners, apple, microsoft, amazon, alphabet moving up. my next guest is the ceo doctor
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steven kwei testified at this week's senate hearings on the origins of covid. and hearing you said the probability that covid came from nature is wanting a billion. why are you so certain covid came from the lab? >> six different ways. it is spreading around the world. 1100 animals tested in the supply-chain. 30 people on the market, none of the vendors, the virus was ancestral. the virus in humans, number 3, in the fall showing a major catastrophic event. being put in charge of the lab.
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it is a smoking gun. 7 features not found in nature, a 1 billion probability it came from a lab. number 5. if you look at what was going on in the laboratory at that time you see all of this activity and a 2,018 grant identified seven features a virus, all of those from sars 2. no evidence it didn't come from the lab. we are talking about this shows the power of the cover-up four years out and only now is this cover up cracking. stuart: a cover-up. did doctor fauci cover up the origins of covid? >> the way i put it is in january 2020, when health providers should of informed frontline doctors this is a man-made virus and you treat it differently than a natural
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virus they were worried about covering up that money from the us and technology from the us were going to this laboratory. had the frontline doctors been informed what they should have done differently with a man-made virus 98% of people who died would not have died and the reason i say that is taiwan treated it as a man-made virus, they had 2% of the us death. stuart: what's the difference between treating a man-made virus hantavirus you thought came from nature? >> natural spillover virus is not going to have two things, symptomatic transmissions from the beginning and high levels of human to human transmission, they don't exist in a virus that's coming from animal to human, it took years to adapt to humans. if the frontline doctors, would
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have been more aggressive about contact with patients. we would only have 2% of our deaths. stuart: an important subject, to take it further, thank you very much indeed. friend of the show, dave portnoy, what are you saying about it? lauren: a mall on his neck, turned out it was cancer it. required a dozen stitches. >> do you have an expression you? >> cancer. >> skin cancer from no sunscreen? >> did a skin thing and scrape it and it came back cancerous. i have had a heart attack, cancer and stung by bees, beat it all. lauren: he is so nonchalant. he did not have a heart attack, he went to movies, 8 too much
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popcorn, went to the er and was fine and discharged. stuart: thanks. clay travis on trump bringing in more donations after his convictions. will democrats back off their lawfair strategy. put making deals with north korea strengthening ties with china and iran. tomi lahren on the manhattan district attorney dropping all charges against some columbia university students who were arrested at those pro-hamas protests. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪
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11:00 am


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