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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 21, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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edward: maybe they'd tax the tax if they could, larry. it's a debate with jonathan turley and i'm edward lawrence in for elizabeth macdonald and the evening edit starts right now. welcome congresswoman nancy mace on the house oversight committee and weeks before both party conventions and president biden is former president trump received large donations from billionaires and trump raised over biden last month and the dnc raised $157 in may and total contributions to the trump campaign and rnc $170 million. representative mace, does cash make a difference? >> it does, especially when you're trying to convince independent or swing state voters to change their vote.
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this election is the most consequential of our lifetime, every dime matters. even more significantly in donald trump's fundraising numbers is statistically significant portion of the donors this quarter were new do nors and never donated to donald trump and that shows overwhelming support for him across the country right no. >> stuart: that was 30% and announced a trip to north carolina after the debate next thursday. why is the president going after north carolina? >> well, obviously they view north carolina as a possible state that they can win as a swing state and i never thought i'd see georgia go to donald trump in my lifetime and there are many folks that are unaffiliated with the republican party or the democrat party and both sides will have to vie for and buy for their vote in november.
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i'll tell you i have about 40% in my district who are unaffiliated that are on voters and the thing i'm hearing day in and day out right now is that we can have four more years of joe biden. they don't care about the mean tweets but they don't want his weakness in the white house and that means weakness on the world stage and they want strength in their leader and they're leaning towards donald trump today. edward: your supporter of former president trump, eight names pop out on his vice president list including your senator in south carolina who's at the top of the list in your mind? >> well, senator tim scott and senator from south carolina and he's a constituent and we love senator tim scott and would love to see him go through the process and become vice president and honestly there's a lot of great names on that list and i don't think donald trump can go wrong. edward: this way, sources telling ax owes that fundraising ability might be a key factor in form riprap's choice for his
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running mate. >> he's a political savant and understand immigration and he also understands women's issues and going to reach out to female voters across the nation to show them why they will be safer communities across the country and he get it is and i'm looking forward and excited to seeing the vetting process and who he pick and why.
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>> if he walks out and lower in the polls, it's panic in the party and can handle against donald trump and a run away train, a locomotive, a raging bull, then this guy deserves another shot to be president because that is tough. >> i'm looking forward to seeing donald trump wipe the floor with joe biden next week. edward: nancy mace, we'll all be watching from south carolina
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appreciate your time. happy friday. >> thank you. edward: i want to bring in liz peek and darius dale and new cbo analysis with biden student loan bailout was the biggest driver of the nation soaring debt and costing taxpayers $145 billion in 2024 and overall deficit that went from the original estimate of 1.6 trillion and 1.9 trillion and, liz, i thought this was a president that reduced deficits? >> yeah, that's what we keep hearing but guess what, it hasn't happened. according to the cbo, we have $2 trillion per year deficits going out pretty much indefinitely and there's no interest in this administration in forging incredible spending and in fact it continues to get worse and the problem with the student loan forgiveness and one
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is politically unpopular, edward. number two, there's no counter measure and in other words if you cut taxes to run up the deficit and the behavior and going with the deficit and student loan aims to throw money up in the air and this is unpopular for a whole host of reasons and it really is unpopular and should be because it's driving deficits. edward: darius, listen to trump economic adviser and economist steven moore on biden's infrastructure role on the massive spending plans. listen to this. >> it's cunning and covid ended three years ago and it was spending and there was so much money that you could slash from this deficit and when people come -- when it comes right down to it and choosing between biden is trump, what you're choosing between is somebody's run
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businesses before and been extremely successful and matter of payroll and built things and joe biden that's a career million tigers and in fact he even brags he's never had a real job. so why would we even expect for him to be able to deal with these issues like, you know, building these ev chargers or they're spending the chargers and how crazy is that? edward: darius, two years after president biden and was built and spending a lot of money and this following this messaging and going for that and it's falling for the fourth turning regime and both in our opinion and both the biden agenda and the trump agenda representing fourth turning presidents by which we should expect continued growth significant growth in federal debts and deficits. you know, a couple of statistics that the growth for trump with
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one administration and going 7.2 trillion and biden is tracking a right around the same when you look at the growth of the debt through june. a positive shop to growth and shock to inflation and shock to the economy and going for more. edward: under the trump administration and last trillion and was covid spe spending and t was one time covid and may not be there in the second trump year and voters will have to flush that out. liz, inflation is expected to outpace salaries for a few more years according to analysis from money wise. if you look at month president biden came into office in real wages are down 2.2%. if inflation eventually falls and real wages are 3.5 years in president biden's term. >> and look, inflation is down
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but not down to 2% and we have a weakening jobs market and jobs are being added more and nor and by the way, the people by inflation and people at lower end of the income spectrum and those people's wages are being driven down by the incredible torrent of people coming across the boarder and now working either legally or illegally in our country so i don't think he's going to make up the ground he's lost with hispanics, black voters and other people who are not making millions of dollars. guess what, the rich are doing great in our country right now. other people not so much. edward: the president mass been branding himself as champion for younger voters of the student loan forgiveness and a champion of the environment with his forced transition to electric and champion of the economy with inflation coming down from its peak at 9.1%, a year into president biden's term and why
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are these messages not resinating in the polls? >> well, it's everything liz said and we agree with, the policies of the biden administration put forth are more beneficial to members of the upper income, upper side of the income distribution and we have to pay for this in the polls in november. edward: darius and liz, thank you for the insight and the debate will continue and we'll watch next week. >> thanks, edward. edward: ambassador for large and nathan sails and the war of words between israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu and white house continues over his claim the u.s. is withholding weapons according to fox news polls with 63% of voters disapprove as president biden handling of hamas and israel war next on "the evening edit". ♪
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edward: the white house pushing back against benjamin netanyahu's claims that the white house is withholding weapons to israel and lucas tomlin son at the white house. what he saying, lucas? >> weapons from israel after that was posted and israeli prime minister netanyahu and
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john kirby said that video caught them off guard. >> it's per flexing to say the least and certainly disappointing and especially given that no other country is doing more to help defend itself. edward: kirby reminded them the fighter that shooting down iranian drones back in april. going to help back and offer this time line. the handling of hamas and tom
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cotton wrote the white house and administration is engaged in bureaucratic slight of hand to withhold this crucial aid to israel during a shooting war. your administration can then claim that the weapons are in process while never delivering them. next month netanyahu plans to address the special joint session of congress here in washington. senator elizabeth warren says she plans to boycott the speech. edward. edward: thank you, lucas tomlin son on the white house and welcome in former ambassador at large and former counter for terrorism nathan sails to sort this all out and i want to get your reaction and are democrats preventing weapons to israel? >> well, edward, it's very much a he said he said type situation here. look, we don't really know what is going on behind the scenes. one of the reasons why so many people find president biden's allegations here to be so plausible is because we've actually seen the story before.
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this is exactly how the biden white house is handled ukraine for the past two and a half years and no rolling weapons and you can use this weapon but not that one. attack this kind of target and that one and only to eventually relent in the face of congressional pressure. it's quite plausible they're using the same play book now with respect to israel and, look, the white house is needing to ask itself a very basic question, do we want our friends to win or not? if the answer is yes, as it should be, we need to stop making a fight with one hand and more. edward: what does that all do for the world as they look at the united states? what does it show the other countries about us? >> well, i think it shows that you can't always count on the americans. we just celebrated the anniversary of d-day.
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80 years and with lots of western leaders there to talk about solidarity and standing up together in the space of authoritarianism and tierney and what's the islamic irony and stand up to today's tyrants and today's autocrats and the way to do that is to back our allies and partners to the hill and if we don't, the rest of the world will think america is a paper tieinger and we're going to lose our ability to determine oure adversaries and ability to rally our friends behind a common cause. edward: we didn't have this much unrest in the world under former president trump and president biden is he green lighted the pipeline and basically said don't when russia amassed troops on the ukrainian boarder and they did. we slow walked that and talks to ukraine and prolonging the war there and iran exports record amount of oil and we have the rise of bricks and now we have an open border. what happened?
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>> if you like the way the world looks and middle east being on fire, you have got a choice to make in november. if you don't and like peace through strength, there's another choice to make. edward: andrew bailey plans to sue the state of new york over unconstitutional lawfare over former president trump and saying it's time to restore the rule of law. police in houston arrest two migrants from venezuela for the murder of a 12-year-old girl who was allegedly lured away from home and strangled and dumped in a bayou. details next on "the evening edit". we'll be right back. ♪
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your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. edward: police have arrested and charged two venezuelan nationals with capital murder in the brutal strangling death of a
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12-year-old girl. fox news' mike tobin live with this and the details on this. >> with the release of the mug shot and more upsetting details about the sad and brutal death of jocelyn. she was lured under a bridge by the suspects in this case and tied up and pants removed and suspects with her for over two hours, ultimately she was strangled and her body dumped in the bayou. one of the suspects is 26-year-old franklin pena and ice said he's a venezuelan that cross intoed the u.s. in el paso and picked up by border patrol in may, relealeased with a notie to appear in court at a later date and facing a charge of capital murder and other suspect is 22-year-old joe handout jose martinez and crossed into el paso illegally and picked up in march and released with a notice to appear and facing a capital murder charge also. >> now we want justice system to do its job. if there was every a
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circumstance to not give someone bail, this is it. reporter: sunday night jocelyn smock out of her bedroom and not clear how she made contact with the two and they were tracked by surveillance cameras and they were followed all the way to the brinell where she was killed. her body found in a creek off the bayou and last time her mother saw her is when sensorineural sent her little girl to bed. >> i gave her a kiss and hug, biggest hug, and probably wouldn't have let go. reporter: harris county district attorney is now requesting a million bail for both defendants and magistrate has not yet set bond. edward. edward: mike, as a father, no words for this one. mike tobin in chicago. joining us now for more on all this, welcome national border patrol council vice president art cuello. your reaction to that horrible story? >> i'm angry and everyone i speak to is angry and the agents out there putting their lives on the line getting something done,
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they're angry. everyone should be angry and this is because of the failed policies of this administration. you have too many individuals that are coming across into the united states and just by simply asking for asylum are getting released in the u.s.. a lot of the individuals you can't check what type of criminal background they have in their own country. so the only thing you've got to rely on is on any criminal record they may have to our data base and they're obviously not going to have any type of criminal going for the case and those that don't have this administration is not willing to do anything about that and more about this. >> are democrats calling former plan and that 12-year-old would be in place and mother of five from maryland and laken riley in georgia and list is growing on
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this; right? >> you can say this is -- let's be honest, under this administration we're going through the pandemic and people that had legal documents and had real legal border crossing cards from mexico were not allowed to come through a port of entry, yet every single individual that was breaking the law coming in between the ports was being released. so where is the lodger there? edward: sounds backwards. listen to this, representative wesley hunt today, listen. >> first of all, i'm the father of two young girls. this is devastating to me. my heart goes out to the families that lost this young girl and these animals that did this deserve to rot in hell. there's blood on joe biden's hands because the executive fiat he destroyed our southern border during president trump, we had the safest southern border that we have seen in modern history. we had strength at our border. it was not run by the cartels. we didn't have these animals entering our country, and president trump said this nine
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years ago that they are not going to sit in their best and brightest here with their open boarder and now american children are dying. this is absolutely absurd. edward: so, do you think this border issue alone is enough and these issues are seeing with crime is enough for americans to say enough is enough in november november? >> definitely should be and this isn't going to stop. you're looking at millions of individuals that have come into the country and been released by claiming asylum then you add the close to $2 million got aways and can you just imagine it's so easy to come into the u.s., ask for asylum and get released. can you just imagine how horrific the actual criminal background is on those that went the extra steps to evade app re-hence and evade detection and look at those numbers, it's close to 2 million and unfortunately there's too many individuals that have been allowed to come into the country under this administration and not only have they been allowed but if you ask anyone in the
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administration, they don't know where they are because they haven't kept good track of where they've been. edward: president biden announced executive actions as you know and closing the border more than 42,000 migrants though have crossed since that action went into place and average somewhere about 3200 a day where it was in may, 3900 a day and that's not closing the border, is it? >> it's not. it's like turning off the sprinkler system and they've allowed during this executive action and in order to push through and they've allowed loopholes to the unaccompanied uhls and up tick in unaccompanied juveniles and they're not part of this role and they'll be allowed to be released and you're seeing various unaccompanied juveniles come across the border with younger siblings coming in because they know they'll get released and that again is something that the smuggling organizations and cartels are
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theups that utilize those and it's a destruction and again, they can get gets the win aways for meth am pet mean, fentanyl heroin each and every day. how many till it's too overwhelming for the united states? >> we surpass that had and that's been surpassed and it's too overwhelming and it's been nonstop and again, like the big problem as i said is we don't have an administration willing to stop it. for the first two years, they denied there was a problem. edward: art, thank you for your time on this. we're continuing to follow this and there'll be more. appreciate it. thanks, art. >> thank you. edward: welcome here to heritage foundation, heritage foundation senior legal foal low and dozens
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of threats made against officials connected to the case. first, is there a lawful reason the gag order should be still in place given the fact it was to protect a criminal proceedings for the trial and the trial is over. >> the sentencing is on july 11 and no jury to deal with and decide as a judge whether or not any people who are exercising their first amendment rights or issuing threats that are not protected and caused by trump speaking out. what bragg said in the filing today is that trump went on truth social and said i'm innocent.
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as if that's a violation of gag order and this is an overbroad attempt by brag to continue to try and muzzle trump. edward: history of inflammatory and threatening statements should keep the gag ordainer place and alvin bragg didn't charge the former president with making threats and is this about the law or a presidential debate you think coming up next week? >> yeah, the debate is this coming week and bragg files attempt to further muzzle the opposing party's nominee for president. i don't think it's hard to figure that one out. edward: i want to ask you about this. missouri attorney general andrew bailey announced he'll file a lawsuit against the state of new york does missouri have a
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case here? >> i don't know. we haven't seen anything and tech athletics talked about filing it and hasn't filed yet and using the term we coined rogue prosecutors in his tweets about it, but it would be a novel case at best if he can draw a connection between any harm cognizable specific harm to people of missouri based on allegations and then actions of alvin bragg in new york. that would be a pretty novel legal theory. edward: with attacking by democrats using legal proceedings against political opponents, has this changed politics do you believe forever in our country? >> i don't know about forever, but it's certainly soiled politics right now and, look, trump is the nominee or about to be the nominee after the convention for the republican party. and so you see this fundraising numbers recently and they've gone up. he's outraged biden in the last quarter. people are outraged at this
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lawfare and abuse weaponization of the legal system against him and i can understand why the attorney general in missouri and other attorney generals are unhappy, but trump is the nominee or the punitive nominee so we'll see how it plays out. edward: thank you, cullly stimson, i appreciate this and it's playing out in court and in the pull lick and next week in the -- public and next week in the debates. >> thank you. edward: still ahead, congresswoman beth van dine from the house small business committee and new polling shows president trump's proposal to except tips from workers' federal income taxes supported by a majority of voters and white house continues to defend the economy as more polls show voter disapproval. first, check in with our friends dagen and charlie hurt on the bottom line next hour. >> we have a great show ahead. ben ferguson and stacey washington talking about fall of biden's big blue wall.
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>> love that. i shouldn't laugh. yes, i should. tim kennedy and staff sergeant david bell via both here to talk about the biden administration and department of defense trying to force feed our troops lab-grown meat. what in the hell is wrong with people? mike rowe celebrating 20 years of dirty jobs, they're not dirty and we love them. gobble it up, top of the hour. ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen?
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during my entire life i have been somewhat of an outdoors person. golf, gardening around here. how can i stay out of the sun?
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edward: new fox news polling showing former president trump's proposal to except tips from federal income worker taxes and supported by a majority of voters support highly impacted by partisan politics and grady trimble digging deeper into this for us, grady. >> hey, edward, polling shows former president trump's proposal for federal income tax is really popular and seeps president trump know it is and he keeps bringing it up over and over again at his campaign rallies. all of them in fact since he first made the proposal earlier this month. take a look at the numbers from our latest poll, 62% of voters approve of trump's proposal and 32% disapprove and our pollsters drop any reference to trump from the question, even more voters
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spore the plan while approving by 10 points when it's specifically tied to trump but approve by 40 points when his name isn't included. a group of republican senators is bruceing a bill that would exempt tips from taxation. they say it'll give americans some relief while prices are so high. >> folks are after 85,000irs agents and going after venmo and tips and going after you with inflation because, look, rich person may not know how much if costs to put gas in your tank or diesel in your truck and somebody going to work every day, they know how much it costs. >> similar to tipping proposal
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and they asked people if they support biden's recent executive order restricting asylum seekers and republicans are more likely to support that policy if biden's name is taken out of the question. so on both sides of the isle, there are examples where people like a policy proposal even if they don't like the person proports of entrying is. edward. edward: thank you, grady. seeing blue and seeing red on all this. for more on former president trump's propea sol to eliminate -- proposal to eliminate taxes and tips, let's talk to congresswoman beth van duyne from the house committee. president biden says he wants to help people making under $400,000 a year, famous line but democrats criticize the move calling for the tips on taxes and which group is right? >> i think any group looking at working families and not wanting to tax them to the hill and in a time that we've seen 20%
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increase in inflation is right. we should be looking at streamlining government and giving people more of their money back. it's not the government's money. you're letting people, you know, actually earn -- keep what they earn. and that's what this is about. when i was 16, 17, i was working two to three jobs to make ends meet and the the pump and 20% increase in inflation alone, it's killing the working families. think about the difference between what biden is offering with mass amnesty for illegal immigrants that are coming over and then you look at what trump is doing and saying, hey, we're going to help yod people that are fighting the hardest right now in this economy. tell me who's more in touch with the american people. edward: small business and remove that tax revenue, can we afford that?
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>> not just small business but ways and means and on the subcommittee and can we afford it? i don't know how people can afford it. again, we're looking at just wild rates they're paying at market and grocery store and pump and how can they continue to keep affording it and we've got to look at bidden administration is saying we're not going to harm anybody making less under $400,000 but the fact is that number is now closer to $332,000 when you take into inflation and a lot more when you add up how much they're paying. can we afford it? look at some of the ratings that these agencies have given when first coming forward with a tax cuts and jobs act in 2017. they spent more and meant the tax receipts increase and people were making, will be able to keep more of what they earn and businesses were able to invest
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this their employees and being able to invest in the growth. stuart: a video of people writing on the receipts say, hey, vote for trump with this. is this a grassroots campaign effort now >> well, i think you're see ago lot of grassroots campaigns and glad people are paying attention and being hit in the pocketbook and take action in november and voting for republicans, conservatives and trump because they understand he's going to be able to bring the economy back and working together as republicans, as conservatives streamlining government and what the government can spend and a lot of people keeping more of what they're hard earned dollars is where we need to be right now. edward: listen to treasury secretary yesterday talking to l cavuto, listen to this. >> if the president is reelected and wants to remove the trump tax cuts and not extend. would that apply to nose who did
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benefit at $400,000 and under? >> the president would protect the tax benefits that were received by families making 400,000 or less, but those with higher incomes, he would not want to see benefits from tcge extended. >> all right, those benefits or those tax cuts would remain. all others would go? >> that's right. >> got it. >> he has a number of other proposals that would promote tax fairness by asking high income individuals in corporations to pay their fair share. edward: but if you let the tax cuts expire, taxes go up on everyone. >> everybody. well, voters should know that because they're suffering through it right now. we had yellen in front of ways and means committee and the woman couldn't answer a question. she had no idea how people were being hurt and what they were paying for. this administration is so far
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away from the american working families, it's incredible. hopefully november we'll see a number of people come out and get trump back in office and start seeing this provisions that we're making our economy grow so strong, you'll see those provisions and these policies come back. edward: thank you, congresswoman beth van duyne. we'll have to leave it there, out of time i'm being told. still ahead, william luther from the institute of economic research from and real estate gaining ground and attracting residents from blue states and folks looking to flee california checking out florida and texas and looking for fewer tax regulations. we'll break it down next on "the evening edit". ♪ did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys?
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♪ looking good, guys! thanks! vacations are better with the credit gods are on your side. i'm coming up! rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. >> a new report from by the gop led state are gaining ground in attracting residents from blue states over the past four years thanks to lower home prices and financially friendlier environments, madison alworth is looking into all of this. >> two of the main states that received the most folks flee for better pastors if you will are new york and california, republican counties across the country have gained 3.7 million
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more people than they lost since 2020 with democrat leg counties losing the same amount in the same timeframe, all of this according to analysis of u.s. census data, what is driving the migration according to is lower home prices and financially friendlier environments, 19% of empire state vacuum's are looking at florida for their new home with 9% setting the search sites on pennsylvania and 7% looking to north carolina, when it comes to california over 10% of home shoppers also looked at florida with over 7% looking at texas in nearly 7% also checking out arizona. we spoke to a real estate agent and trade agent licensed in california and florida and asked her what her clients are telling her when they decide to move all the way across the country. >> they want to leave their states that have too much
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regulation, they don't like the policies or the crime or the immigration and certainly the affordability has largely been a hot button. >> this doesn't mean that the politics are moving with the folks, turbo tenet which is the property management software company for landlords, they say that some of these folks are taking advantage of lower prices and red states in order to get into real estate investing, using the homes mostly as rentals, even if a fraction of the millions of people have new polling places, you can expect that 2024 voting results will look a little different than they did four years ago. >> i'm surprised you have asked the boss leaving new york yet, thank you very much from new york, for more on all of this let's begin william luther from the macon institute of economic research, your reaction to the residents bolting the blue states for the lower cost red states, are you surprised. >> i can't say i'm surprised,
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the red states tend to have lower taxes, friendlier business climate, ultimately that results in a more economic growth and a higher standard of living, no surprise there, if you're new york why suffer a low standard of living in new york when you can have a high standard of living in florida that's why many folks are making the move. >> when you look at california is a beautiful state it's a catalyst for people to say and believe that it's gorgeous out there. >> florida has a lot of coastline as well, texas, in terms of climate in an terms of geography, you can do so with what is effectively a higher income because your taxes are lower and it's easier to start a business or gain employment. i think that makes up the difference.
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>> theoretically people are losing blue states want to bring them politics to red states and see taxes and regulations and the practices change. >> i think that is possible but i think they're more likely dynamic is the ongoing fiscal problem that the blue states are going to face particularly in a high interest-rate environment, the folks who are leaving places like new york and california are the folks who can afford to leave, they are generally earning higher incomes and paying more in taxes and so when they see those tax revenues go away, whether they do, their spending is not similarly declining so they have to raise taxes even higher on everyone that remains, we get the ongoing dynamic with the blue states look worse and worse in terms of places to live and in comparison the red states look more attractive. >> i want to get into this before we run out of time, has the american dream been killed under the weight of inflation yet higher costs for mortgage
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and higher prices of the past three years, people sitting on lower mortgage in the last three seconds is the american dream dead. >> i don't think it's dead but it certainly taken a step back a bit we had very high inflation over the last few years, it's been coming down over the last year but is still quite high that is pushed up interest-rate and makes it harder for americans to afford a home, certainly that has made it more difficult to achieve the american dream then otherwise would've been. >> i appreciate it, william luther, this is something were going to be following, you try to get the home and you look at the prices i appreciated, thank you for your time. i am edward lawrence and for elizabeth macdonald, thank you for watching "the evening edit" and now it's time for "the bottom line", president trump coming to virginia


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