tv Maria Bartiromos Wall Street FOX Business June 22, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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immediately and that's a great sign citigroup says a great confidence if you can own an airline is not great stock but if you want to own it you want to own and delta. >> 1945 ben graham said don't own airline stocks for 70 years, he was right do i ignore that or is this a trade. >> i would say airlines are more than a trade that a buy but delta may be the exception. jack: a good airline, thank you, except for you jack, no thanks to you. jack: great ideas, to read more check of this edition of barron', don't forget to follow us on social media for more of the favorite moments from the show, that is all for us, we will see you next week on "barron's roundtable". >> from this fox studio in new york city this is "maria
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bartiromo wall street". >> happy weekend to all, welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was in position you for the weekend. i am maria bartiromo, team biden tried to turn the tide as more voters say they trust president trump's handling of the economy overbite, cabinet members fanning out across the country over the next week trying to drum up support for biden's economic accomplishments as we count down to the cnn presidential debate. >> the president has taken action to bring down the deficit that he saw in the trillion dollars in deficit reduction already improve tax fairness put forward in the affordability agenda that is heavily focused on bringing down these cost. >> is not forget on the deficit the congressional budget office reported that biden's massive spending and student loan bailout plan is behind the 27% increase to the deficit, estimated for 2024, that is up
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by $400 billion, biden's overall approval rating on top issues remain underwater according to the latest fox news polls a whopping 68% of voters rate the current state of the economy as poor and 45% of voters say that they are falling behind financially under this administration, joining me now tennessee senator and senate finance committee marsha blackburn, great to see you this weekend, thank you so much for being here, your reaction to all of this ahead of the debate on thursday were expecting all these issues will be front and center. maria the american consumer knows that they are worse off now than they were under donald trump. they are looking what they're paying when they fill up the tank when they go to the grocery store, they are looking at their heating bill, the rent is going up and they are saying i can't afford this we hear all the different tennesseans, they know
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that the first thing that needs to happen is government spending that is out of control needs to be dealt with, when you have an administration who keeps running the printing press and their overspent, think about that they are overspent by $1.92 trillion, then the american consumer is saying wait a minute, something's got to give we are tired of this is going to help donald trump when the selection in november. maria: your colleague said a majority whip durbin with 68 democrat lawmakers sent a letter to secretary of state anthony blinken and homeland security alejandro mayorkas this week they are pushing to create a new pathway for palestinian refugees to more easily enter this country, all of this on top of the 10 million illegals already in the country on biden's watch, your reaction. >> what we need to do is make
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certain that we know who is coming in this country in the reason that they are coming in, people will tell you that they do not know if someone is telling them the truth about who they are and where they're from and of course as we hear about the migrant crimes that are coming up in the lack of vetting in the individuals that came in contact with asylum officers and border patrol and now they're committing the crime in the country, this is heartbreaking in the american people are saying this has to be dealt with, security moms are out in full force and saying we want to know who is coming into the country and why they are here. maria: we are learning that more than 1500 migrants from to seek a stand are here. a country known as a hotbed of isis terrorist, they have been flocking across the southern border for the past three and
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half years, they are here and more experts are issuing warnings as a result of an imminent terrorist attack on u.s. soil, how do you see it. we are very concerned about th this. when you have the 10 million that we know what and then you have the known and unknown got a ways and not knowing who is here, this is very troubling to the american people with the fbi director says sisi red lights flashing everywhere that he looks when it comes to the issue of terrorism and terrorist attacks on the u.s. soil. we have heard stories this week where the border patrol confirmed that the mother of five rachel morin was killed by an illegal who entered the country during the last couple of years, a 13-year-old raped by in illegal who entered the country in the last three years, i got away, all of these stories
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are happening and we are actually now seeing the impact of all of the unknown, the unknown questions coming over the border. indeed we are and i talked with the sheriff from hartford coun county, that is the community considered to be a very safe community and they have had two individuals murdered now by illegal aliens in this country that have come into contact with law enforcement they have not been deported and now they are carrying out these crimes, people are fearful of what is going on in their community and neighborhoods that they may not know about and worried about the illegal aliens that are coming in that are not being apprehended or if there apprehended by law enforcement then nice is not deporting them, this is why every town is a
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border day in every town is a border state. what can you do as an elected official, when is this going to end. one of the things that we know the border was most secure under president donald trump and biden's order policy is an open border i have legislation, the clear act that would require the deportation of criminal illegal aliens and we are working overtime trying to build a bipartisan support for them because this would require. it would require for the illegal aliens when they have committed a crime to be deported and barred from ever entering the country, this is what people are wanting to see and after donald trump goes back to the white house in january and builds the wall and make certain that there is better technology at the
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border and make certain that the criminal illegal aliens once there apprehended at the local level for some type of crime commission then they are deported and barred from ever coming back in the country. maria: we will be watching this, people are scared, great to have you this weekend thank you for your leadership on the subject. senator marsha blackburn joining us, thank you so much. meanwhile another record week for stocks, how long can the rally last, market strategis
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welcome back take a look at where markets and did more record highs, the s&p 500 crossing 5500 for the first time ever on thursday, driven by shares of nvidia which also pals are underpowered the nasdaq but where do markets go from here, the bear traps report founder and new york times best-selling author larry mcdonald, great to see you again, thank you so
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much for being here i want to get your take on the records what are you expecting for the second half of the year here we are closing in on the end of the first half. >> a year ago will be acted on economy showing weakness there was a lot of negative sentiment on the economy, a lot of stocks were outperforming lulu them in, your big consumer names were outperforming, mcdonald's, today were seen consumer discretionary names, a lot of big hall of fame names underperforming the market, that is telling you for the first time underneath the surface there is a lot more concerned about the economy that meets the eye. maria: do you think investors will pivot or are they going to continue piling and big tech, look at nvidia becoming the most valuable company in the world this week $3.3 trillion in market value. >> exactly, the citigroup
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economic surprise indexes making new lows, u.s. ten year yields are being bid otherwise bonds our bid, nvidia trading id this week and it treated 96% above the 200 day moving average for $3.3 trillion company, 97% above the 200 day moving average. the best apple could ever do in the last five years but it was applicable company was 61% above the 200 day moving average, the best microsoft could ever do was about 36% above the 200 day moving average this is complete insanity nosebleed territory it is a company that has 70 or 80% of the sales to 14 or 15 counterparties, it's not like they have billions of sales to billions of people. you've also noted a movie the
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transport, tell me about the transportation average and what is telling you right now. >> super regional banks like u.s. bank, and the transports are both not confirming the big rally in equity. in other words economically sensitive equities are much weaker than the market. at the same time the high-yield is a trip triple c so the junk of the junk, all year long when stocks made new highs the high-yield market junk bonds were confirming the equities, now money is coming out of high-yield and that tells me that some of the smart money is going to take the rest of the year off and go to a nice juicy 5% money market fund. maria: i was noting that the ten year treasury this week all the way back down to 4.2%, you would expect some yields to be up, why is the tenure going down.
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>> that's another weird thing in the first quarter when stocks are making new highs, bonds were selling off so it was higher yields. now the economic concern under the surface, look at jobless claims. if you look at the ten day moving average on jobless claims that's like moving at a very high accelerated rate higher. bonds know something, high-yield bonds know something, the transports know something in the breath inside of the market is deteriorating at the fastest pace that we've seeded about over a year where other words 21% of the s&p, 21% of the s&p entry stocks. in 2019 the top three stocks were only 8% of the s&p 500, ladies and gentlemen, sitting at home your 401k has been hijacked. maria: it is really incredible.
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before you go, real quick second half of the year how do you want to allocate capital are there areas to high if in fact you are right things are going to unravel here? >> the dollar has been very strong, that is her emerging market equities, you go back toward emerging-market, etf things like that that are globally diversified, global value, the ew etf physical value the diversified and commodity sensitive names like your bhp's, that's where you want to be for the second half. >> certainly commodities have been on move as well, great point always a pleasure to see you, thank you so much. maria: larry mcdonald joining us, have a great weekend. here we go again, trump and biden taken the debate stage next wee
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♪ ♪. maria: welcome back familiar foes set to clash this upcoming week, trump invited going head-to-head in the cnn presidential debate this thursday as we are getting new fundraising numbers trump's hall last month blowing away biden's cash advantage by $56 million, the latest pulling also showing the former president beating biden in a six key swing state, former white house deputy chief of staff a fox news contributor karl rove writes in the wall street journal this debate is unusually early make or break moment if one candidate has a bad night undecided voters could flock to his opponent in it will be difficult to rehabilitate their campaign karl rove joins
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me now, great to see you, thank you for being here, give us more insight and tell us more about your observation ahead of the debate it is a make or break an earliest presidential is not a lot of weeks after this one and if somebody screws up badly it could be difficult to recover easily. and increasing in the past of president obama hereford under bad first debate he weeks later recovered in george w. bush in 2004 and 11 weeks is an awful lot of time. maria: integrate point, the dnc chair is saying that biden has the advantage over trump if he sticks to this strategy, watch this. >> i think it's a make or break moment for donald trump because this is what joe biden is going to do he is going to focus on donald trump's record, his record as a fatal businessman, his record is a convicted felon when he was in the white house
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he led an insurrection that is a failure of donald trump. maria: i don't know how you feel about that, if i think about president trump's record i think it's pretty good, there is a split with top democrats reportedly disagreeing with the strategy ask eos report some abiding aides think focusing on the character is a losing campaign, how you see it. >> i don't think it's a smart move and i wrote my column whichever candidate spends more time talking about the trials in the case of the new york business records case in the son's case in whichever case becomes the center point, is a loser for the one who is raising you and make it issue, let's be clear and step back for a minute, what is biden need to do the most important thing for biden to do is to have a sustained mental acuity demonstrated throughout the debate, he can't give his word salad or his garden really good
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he can't freeze or lose his train of thought we have to look at them at the end of 90 minutes is that he's got what it takes to occupy the funny shaped office in the southeast quarter of the west wing, he's gotta make this a choice it's a choice between me and that guy and that does require him to go on offense against trump but i'm not certain the conviction is a thing that doesn't for him, finally he needs to say to the american people, i get you and where you are because last year bidenomics was a complete unmitigated marketing disaster because even i took a marketing course and if you have a bad product don't put your name on it and his economic policies with american people, trump poses challenges to, it's reasonable and not unhinge, remember that first debate screaming, yelling, interrupting, it was not a good look he needs to make it a referendum that is to say do you like what he did and what biden did on inflation and cost of living in immigration and finally he has to make it about
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the future not the past it's gotta be about rigged elections and mistreated in your courtrooms people want to understand what you could do in your second term and how does that affect me and my family. maria: let's face it, president trump got convicted and days later he was able to do enormous amount of money, the quote unquote l'affaire is something people believe in and they do believe that trump was treated unfairly. >> absolutely having said that it also created doubts, i don't think it's an accident that since the beginning of june we seen a tightening in the national polls and for the example the real clear politics average trump's lead is a fraction of a point and will probably go negative and trump will be behind in the real clear politics average with the last poll in march and may which was a five-point lead for him and a rasmussen poll gets dropped off the average, there are nine polls in average next national
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new poll unless it's as good as a rasmussen poll it's going to show biden slightly ahead this is good to be a close race, it's not bad for trump to be tied with him, he lost the popular vote in 2016 and one the electoral college comments on the popular vote referendum but the polling is tight and that's what the big reasons this debate is such a high-stakes moment. maria: trump has been saying it's gotta be a landslide so big that you can't really get, let me get your take on kamala harris, is it a reach to say given all the gaffes from joe biden is a reach to say if you're voting for joe biden you're voting for kamala harris? >> i run into this all the time people say i like what trump did but i don't like him personally and i would prefer not to vote for him but biden can string two sentences together, something happened to him she would be an unmitigated disaster. as bad as i did numbers are, her numbers are worse, if she's a
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drag on the democratic ticket but there's no way to replace her and they won't but it will be a factor in people's mind and a highlights how important trump's choice is, people have got a look at the person and say if something happened to trump, that person would be up to it unlike if something happened to biden kamala harris is not up to it. maria: we will leave it there, great to see you, thank you so much. thank you for having m (♪) (♪) what took you so long? i'm sorry, there was a long line at the thai place. you get the sauce i like? of course! you're the man! i wish. the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower
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exchange history, chipotle traded about $3000 since april, the stock is a better than 320% of the last five years with a copy went public in 2006, it was listed at $22 a share, that is a whole lot of guacamole, we will be following this on "mornings with maria" weekdays 6 - 9:00 a.m. eastern, i hope you will join me on fox business and i hope you'll join me on fox news channel, see you on sunday morning on the fox news channel at 10:00 a.m. eastern, like for the "sunday morning futures", exclusive interviews this week and will trump organization vice president eric trump ahead of the big debate next week in texas congressman doctor ronny jackson, i'll be joined by retired army general jack keane, join us sunday on fox news channel. that will do it here for us on fox business, thank you so much for joining me. hope you have a great rest of the weekend. i will see you again next time. ♪ >> "barron's roundtable" sponsored by global
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