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tv   Barrons Roundtable  FOX Business  June 23, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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whole lot of guacamole, we will be following this on "mornings with maria" weekdays 6 - 9:00 a.m. eastern, i hope you will join me on fox business and i hope you'll join me on fox news channel, see you on sunday morning on the fox news channel at 10:00 a.m. eastern, like for the "sunday morning futures", exclusive interviews this week and will trump organization vice president eric trump ahead of the big debate next week in texas congressman doctor ronny jackson, i'll be joined by retired army general jack keane, join us sunday on fox news channel. that will do it here for us on fox business, thank you so much for joining me. hope you have a great rest of the weekend. i will see you again next time. ♪ >> "barron's roundtable" sponsored by global x etf's.
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jack: welcome to "barron's roundtable" where we get behind the headlines and prepare you for the week ahead, i am jack otter, a.i. is advancing in biotech is booming, andy acker on obesity drugs and big investment opportunities on the healthcare sector, more housing hurdles as the price tag for buying a home has a new record in mortgage rates remain high, we begin with the expert panel and three things investors out of think about right now on the "barron's roundtable" my colleagues ben levisohn elizabeth o'brien and jack hough and how the dow was a little index it could and it beat the nasdaq and s&p. >> i finally don't have to talk about how terrible of an index it is this week it was the dow that went higher up 1.5%, the nasdaq technically but it was up .003%. >> that is still in the green. >> really what we saw was a big
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reversal all the stocks in the dow that even terrible, the dow has tech stocks but they have been bad and cisco, they had great weeks and a lot of the semiconductor stocks really had a tough time, other stocks had a tough time so you really did see the reversal happened it was about time for it to happen. jack: why did the stodgy or stocks outperform it isn't just the others are too expensive. >> i'm not sure if it's an evaluation were more of a technical thing that they've gone up so much, i'm going to drop into my technical jargon, they have the moving averages that are going to give you a sense of where the trend is and they shot so far above the moving averages almost to a point that he can't see buying the stocks anymore and i think they needed a breather. jack: the bond market look flat on the charts, anything going on there. >> a steady move lower in yields, it's been pretty good, municipal bonds have turned positive on the year end even something like ief which is an etf 7 - 10 year treasuries is only down .8% on the year,
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that's a total return. were starting to see bonds trending in the right way, things go, bonds don't look so bad. jack: of the coming week we have another read on inflation. we get pc in deflator, that is the feds favorite inflation metric, we have decent news out of the cpi and ppi looks like the inflator could be up to .6%, still not to the feds% target but heading in the right direction. jack: housing market slowing in the labor market slowing which is been the right direction but gdp over 3% according to atlanta fed. elizabeth, as ben mentioned the cool kids had a rough week but they still completely dominate the market. >> absolutely nvidia has traded places with microsoft in the biggest company in the world that overtook microsoft this past week but slipped onto number two, the two tech giants have a very top-heavy market, five accounted for 60% of the market return so far this year.
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jack: that is huge, what people should understand if you don't own the stocks outright you still have enormous exposure to them through an index fund were most growth funds. >> just to put that into perspective if you had $100,000 in the s&p 500 index, you have over 21000, about $21000 in nvidia, microsoft and apple alone, if that makes you uncomfortable you could consider investing in equal weight index and that holds all stocks in equal fixed amount to a cap weighted index were their health in proportion to their size. juan: at a cocktail party you could say i own nvidia. >> absolutely. what if i say i do want more exposure to the monsters but i want more a.i. exposure, what are some stocks we get back to you. >> our colleague had some ideas there are other a.i. plays that are attractive maybe not so pricey including micron technology which makes memory for a.i. and cisco which makes fiber-optic cables that have
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a.i. server tracks. >> and all the iphones. you pinned at the annual or the bulk of the annual. story on the top 25 ceos in the country. what is happening in the corner office. >> 25 names but 24 companies, netflix has two managerial conjoined executives that the proper term a.i. as we talked about was a huge theme half of the companies that made the list are involved in they make chips for a.i. and sell cloud computing and use algorithms to sharpen the marketing and some sell electricity to data centers, big thing was the end of excuses, we are four years beyond the pandemic, demand has largely bounced back, supply chain has eased in interest rates are more normal than not it inflation as well off the highs. if you're in an s&p 500 company out there talking about the
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possibility that it's you not the conditions i'll give you an example, delta is absolutely killing it right now in the other airlines are mostly something financially and the problem is not air travel there is loads of passengers out the there, -- jenness delta is whatever top ceos and he invested wisely for years and has been growing premium bookings and with mx today delta earns 40% of the industry's profit with 20% of the capacity. jack: how does this work out at netflix to ceos could be problematic for becky within two boxes would not be good for business there was analysis in the harvard business is better than you think a small sample size it works well with the technological change and that's hollywood yet ted saran does green lighting shows and having the a-list celebrities over to his house and yet mark peters
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the one leading the algorithms decide who handles technology and advertising, there's tons of free cash and is funding a content budget that the legacy hollywood just can't match right now. jack: that is true, thank you very much, exciting innovation and drug discovery in the pharmaceutical industry, janice healthcare biotech portfolio and the acker on what might be the first trillion dollar healthcare company, that is (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®. (vo) explore the world the viking way
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in the healthcare industry with life-changing innovations creating huge opportunities for investors, which companies will be the biggest beneficiaries, janice healthcare biotech portfolio manager andy acker, thank you for coming on the show. >> great to be with you, thank you. >> biotech and healthcare for
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decades this is a particularly exciting time, was a tailwind by the drug industry. you mentioned a.i. and a.i. can accelerate to a half years to six months that will take a while to see, especially because of advances in genetic sequencing for example where we can do hours and hundreds of dollars historically cost billions of dollars and took decades, we can now get genetic sequencing and that will tell us what are the underlying causes of disease, were also developing all new modalities of treatment, it's a really exciting time, last year was a record year with 73 new drug approvals most of all time. >> despite all the good news, it hasn't been a great time for
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that investors, weight the differential, it's interesting if you think back a few years ago waco 19 hit healthcare biotech run the frontline of fighting the battle and were historically it took ten years to develop highly effective vaccine in a few of those in just a few ten months, that probably saved millions of lives, last year was the year the global pandemic ended the public up emergency ended, we saw substantial decline in sales about 90 billion with vaccines and therapeutics and diagnostics for covid-19 and 20 billion and it's one of the rare years were healthcare had declining earnings. in one of the healthcare's that are much more attractive and innovation remains high. jack: that's a silver lining about performance, prices get
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cheaper, the bigot ovation is obesity drugs in like eli lilly and novo nordisk. we have only eli lilly and novo nordisk for the last ten years and initially were excited about the diabetes franchise, they've taken the same medicines which are called glp-1's or incurred of invasive therapies and develop them for obesity and obesity is potentially the biggest market that i've ever seen in my career. to give you a sense, these products are already in utilizing out over $40 billion and growing over 35% as a first quarter, is widely expected this will be 100 billion-dollar market in the penetration if you look at the 800 million people that have obesity that are in the low single digit, huge growth opportunity ahead for these companies for the market leaders. jack: that's a very large tam total adjustable market, another company in the hunt not year
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that amgen that drug might be better than the competitors. >> first of all lily and novo are not standing still the goal is obsolete their own products with better products and as good as the products are today, historically we would only get t loss medicine, now we are getting 15 - 20% weight loss, these are even more this is a game changer and we know that the therapies can actually reduce the risk of death and heart attack and strokes and recently we got data on sleep apnea and labor disease, kidney disease and there are many adjacent diseases that are improved by helping patients lose weight these are still obesity 1.0 and there are many ways to improve on the therapies we want ones that are better
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tolerated, they cause side effects and nausea and vomiting in these are injectable once weekly, what if we could give it once a month or less frequently what if we could have an oral therapy that is a once a day pill, we have the therapies that cause as much muscle loss and bad loss and that's not what were going for, we want to retain muscle and also lose fat. amgen is one of the companies in the mix, they are moving into a pivotal phase three study emergency data phase two data the middle stage of testing will be out later this year, were excited to see the data. >> andy acker, thinker for the insights it's an exciting time to be in your business. >> thank you for having me. >> home sales dropping as housing prices hit an all-time high, a surprising pipit in which markets are hot and which ones are not, we'll be right back wit
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity.
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their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> the american dream of owning a home got a little further out of reach to american price costing $40000 accommodation of high prices, high mortgage rates and low inventory making for tricky housing market. andrew bary joins the panel to talk about the market. first i want to go to jack to get an overview of what's happening on the real estate lien. prices of record highs, not a lot of transactions, dire shortage of existing homes for sale, homebuilders are trying to make up for some of that but it's not enough we have people who are locked in the annoying people bragging about the two and three quarters after bock did not those people are the problem and they're not selling suddenly in may inventory of home is up 19% from a year ago
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and the builder stocks have been trading off in recent months people are wondering if it's a flood of sellers, two things to keep in mind the inventories are way below historical averages in the housing market they skew old inexpensive some pie-in-the-sky prices out there and they're saying i hear people are desperate, let's see if they bite. >> maybe they'll get it to come down in price, tell us about the interesting pivot in the market the once hot markets are cold and vice versa. >> what's happening the east and west coast which is been playing catch with the sunbelt texas, florida and colorado which led the market coming out of the pandemic, you see strengthen market like new york, suburban area and san francisco inducing weakness and tampa florida which have been very hot as well as austin, texas, even in the
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hamptons room heading the summer, the market is very strong people seem to be obsessed about climate change but is not phasing them of homes near the ocean in the jersey shore. jack: the paparazzi has been tipped off. you can get mobbed. >> you can see a flip going on with what's been working and what's not been working as far as home prices. >> speaking of the east coast philadelphia ranked as the most improve housing market in terms of houses on the market in the duration and amount of days they spent on the market and other markets are in the area of new hampshire and connecticut. >> there's been weakness in southwest florida and i wonder if it's weather-related, there is damage until hurricane ian in 2002 and is projected to be one of the worst four storms, and you hear about people having trouble buying insurance, i wonder if that's playing in. >> it could be sharks. >> i get it were not to be able to buy houses, we can buy
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housing stocks, should we. >> housing stocks have come back the homebuilding stocks have come back down recently as john 2023 in early 24, down about 10% the past month which is the top to build a report this past week, they were good, not great a couple of percentage points, the housing stock is looking pretty good, trading for 8 - 10 times this year's earnings and you better balance sheets and also industry consolidation means more strength for the big builders, are interest rates are about ten times earnings and i would highlight menorah super building 10% discount in a better bet and toll brothers are leading luxury homebuilders for a million dollars or so and half a million for most of the other builders and about nine times earnings stocks about 120, it could be a takeover target for one of the two top builders and
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berkshire hathaway. what you like in the read market for investors who want access to the sector. >> multi family that owned apartment complexes, they have been benefiting as a housing affordability problem because if they have record prices are high age mortgage rates in a higher quality, two types of them yet the coastal ones which are avalon residential and the sunbelt which are mid-american and they were all around 20 times, about 40% dividend yield in the sealed avalon set of the most recent call the most lowest level of people buying out to buy new homes, that is a bullish development for those companies. we have about 45 seconds left, what happens if interest rates finally come down. >> you would think it would be good for homebuyers and house prices, the problem is when rates rose those people got stuck in their homes and nobody
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wanted to sell no inventory product enterprises shot higher. it makes you wonder if the opposite of what i expected happened when rates fall maybe a lot more houses will come to market as people move and maybe it will be so great for prices, you have to think it was a opposite on the way up and maybe on the way down to. jack: good time to be an owner not so much a buyer. elizabeth and ben have a pair of investment ideas and jack explained how sexual health company burst into the obesity drug business, stay right ther (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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jack: we heard about the booming market for obesity drugs on the program, interestingly there is a smaller company that is jumping into the business through a loophole.
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>> it is called hymns and hers the ticker is hems and i don't want any giggling at the table erectile dysfunction pills and there's other stuff for pimples and stds and preventers i think you get the idea, the stock has gone vertical, up 147% it is not the bedroom stuff it is obesity meds as you say, hymns started selling compounded versions of branded obesity drugs taken advantage of a loophole for the drugs that are in short supply other companies one called row, treated one called life and the keybank initiated that overweight when eli lilly ennobled nordisk and catch up with demand i would not go change into chasing without guidance from the fda that seems premature we went around the patent restrictions from the shortage. stiff competition. elizabeth i will go to you now
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more on actionable ideas. we'll talk about nike flat-footed this year down 12% on soft demand out of china and inflationary concerns in the olympics, i'm still healing were talking about the olympics which could market turnaround for the company and finishing development with innovation which analysts are very excited about this year. i'm sorry. jack: you should get the gold medal for that. i will go to you, you were really interesting actionable idea. >> minas delta, jack was talking about it, the stock is the best of the airlines and raised its dividend 15 cents to 10 cents, it initiated the dividend for the first time after covid back in december and it did this immediately and that's a great sign citigroup says a great confidence if you can own an
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airline is not great stock but if you want to own it you want to own and delta. >> 1945 ben graham said don't own airline stocks for 70 years, he was right do i ignore that or is this a trade. >> i would say airlines are more than a trade that a buy but delta may be the exception. jack: a good airline, thank you, except for you jack, no thanks to you. jack: great ideas, to read more check of this edition of barron', don't forget to follow us on social media for more of the favorite moments from the show, that is all for us, we will see you next week on "barron's roundtable". ♪ if ♪ ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, welcome to "sunday morning future," i'm maria bartiromo. thank you so much for joining us this morning. today, the leadup to the


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