tv The Evening Edit FOX Business June 24, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. so if you have this and want less out-of-pocket costs... and more peace of mind... consider adding this. an aarp medicare supplement plan. take charge of your health care today. just use this...or this to call unitedhealthcare about an aarp medicare supplement plan. larry: so you know, unlimited federal spending, borrowing and money printing will dig a grave for the us economy. please, let's find a different model, and to explore that, elizabeth macdonald, up next. liz: i always love hearing you do that like shakespeare, larry. larry: [laughter] you know it. liz: it was terrific.
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i was waiting for the funeral but next time, larry thank you so much. we've got to get to this news coming in let's welcome to the show from commerce congresswoman and dr. marionette miller-meeks. we appreciate your time given your dealing with massive flooding in the home state of iowa but congresswoman we need your assessment as a doctor on this new controversy now blowing up. what do you make of this , the media including cnn is pushing back on lawmakers demanding that president biden take a drug test before and after the cnn presidential debate to see if biden is taking any stimulants or drugs but it looks like this biden white house, congresswoman, has so bullied and threatened the media with cutting them off, the media is saying cover this up. deny it, denounce this. keep americans in the dark about biden's true condition. you know, this sounds like biden 's version of don't ask, don't tell. everything he does is on a tele prompter or scripted.
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where do you come down, doctor, on this? >> well first and foremost, let me say as an ophthalmolagist, ideal mostly with elderly patients and my mother had alzheimerers and number three i've been to the white house several times for bill signings and all of us have seen the degredation of president biden's cognitive facilities. this isn't an age issue. this is cognitive and performance functions and as we also in the state of the union address we saw much different biden than we had seen before and many of the doctors in congress felt that he was on some type of stimulant whether it was ritalin, steroids or something else. he was very amped up, very aggressive, and almost yelling at the time that he was there. it was a campaign speech, not a state of the union speech, so we anticipate that for this first debate, he will be on something, and the response of the press has been to cover it up, and so we've seen that with karine
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jean-pierre saying these are deep fakes. this is misinformation. the videos we have seen of president biden's cognitive decline are not false. they are not, you know, manufactured. they are not deep fakes. the president has significant cognitive decline as we've all seen, and, you know, both here and abroad and internationally people are wondering about his cognitive state and the ability so instead of, you know, they made the decision to go forward with president biden, now they are trying to cover up the cognitive decline and just get him through the election. liz: you know, you're raising important points. the 2020 debate moderated by chris wallace was criticized as a disaster, wall as not asking tough questions of biden so now cover up biden's condition is the same as covering up hunter biden's laptop so don't talk about biden having to be out for a full week at camp david, to focus on training to stand up for an hour and a half without a
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teleprompter, without notes, no notes allowed. look at usa today, congresswoman , saying, "it's up to biden politico prove to prove he's okay. the evidence is there that he's not, so the white house is demanding the american people believe joe biden's decline is a gop conspiracy but usa today says americans are not stupid. polls show voters are concerned about biden's age and mental decline. is it up to biden to prove it? >> absolutely it's up to president biden to prove it. you know in the 2020 election he could hide in the basement. he is the president of the united states now. he can't hide. they tried to keep him off cameras and off video. they tried to hide him when he was walking to marine one but they aren't going to be able to hide this during this debate and as i said there are many of us who talked about this when he gave the state of the union address that he was obviously on stimulants or something other, because it wasn't his typical
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demeanor as typical performance, and so we fully expect they are trying to hide the fact that he has cognitive decline. again, this is not an age issue. this is a cognitive decline issue. remember what big deal they made of john mccain and his age and certainly john mccain at a similar age was, well he was even younger than president biden is now, was much better intune cognitively than president biden is now, so all of us is seen the cognitive decline, the embarrassment of the g-7 summit where he turns away, looks a different way, and then they tried to cover that up by saying he was turning around to look at veterans. we all know that the appearance was he didn't know where he was or what he was doing. we've seen the hand-holding. significant cognitive decline. you can't hide that anymore so they don't want us to believe our eyes or our ears. they want us to believe their narrative which is we're just
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making this up and it's a conspiracy. this is no gop conspiracy. liz: yeah, this white house has notably been bullying the media. joe biden and his team and joe biden himself has been bullying the media, trying to shut them down. he's done the least amount of news conferences and interviews than any other president in recent us history. usa today reported that. he gets notes and cheat sheets. he gets pre-approved names to call on. biden won't have any of that at the debate. watch also trump will get the last word on that cnn debate night. he's going to cap the night with closing arguments. trump has been doing debate warm -ups, barnstorming the battlegrounds and with rall ies. let's please watch this. take a listen. >> i don't know why we're surprised by trump. how many times does he have to prove we can't be trusted? >> we choose truth over facts. >> after i signed the pact act into law, i handed the pen that
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i signed it with the most personal response from the legislation? >> teach donald trump a valuable lesson. don't mess with the men in america unless you want to get the benefit. >> the books and black experiences. >> and all of the members of congress and homeless security secretary, i'm not sure. >> because right now -- >> [applause] >> -- as you know it's reported that crooked joe has gone to a log cabin to study, prepare. no, he's sleeping now, so a little before debate time he gets a shot in the -- they want to strengthen him up, so he comes out, he'll come out. okay, i say he'll come out all jacked up, right? there's two of us and two of them. it's like death. this could be the most boring or it could be quite exciting. who knows. liz: final word, congresswoman.
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i guess you're saying the president will come off as shouty and aggressive again and amped up like an auctioneer. final word. >> i think that's what's going to happen to the president but our eyes and our ears cannot be deceived. this president, president biden is in severe cognitive decline. i'm looking forward to the debate because i think president trump is going to be able to do extremely well in this debate. liz: congresswoman thanks for joining us good to see you and look whose back with us now. the former ceo and chairman of chrysler, the former ceo of home depot, the one and only, bob nar delli. we've got breaking news coming out of politico. this is a big blow to the biden campaign. a major lack of enthusiasm for biden among black voters in milwaukee in the critical battleground state of wisconsin. you know, bob, they're citing biden's botched handling of the border collapse leading to crime in milwaukee. they don't want the influx of illegal aliens like "nearby chicago" and they are also cit ing biden's failed promise at
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changing the criminal justice system. how worried, bob, do you think the biden campaign should be over this one? >> well, they should be very worried about it and thank you for having me on. i read that report page-by-page and almost every issue that was brought up from inflation to crime to border, you name it, has had tremendous impact on the decision that we'll make in november relative to whose the right next person to lead this country, and i would say, you know, this whole issue about inflation has been a lot like carbon monoxide. the longer you breathe it the more lethal it becomes and we've been breathing this now for almost three years, elizabeth, and every dimension you mention, for example, property tax. politicians will say i'm not going to increase it and they don't. all they do is revalue the home from 500,000 to 1 million. if you use the surrogate of the
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consumer's doing well that's correct, elizabeth. for example, i filled my tank this weekend. it was $45. does that mean i'm driving more? no, i'm paying more, right? so whether it's home insurance, whether it's whatever service you get , everybody's using dynamic pricing, because they can and they are going to use it until they can't, so every service you buy. all of the middle market family- owned businesses that i deal with are really throwing in the towel, elizabeth, because inflation is just crushing them and we've seen thousands of retail stores closed now because what do you expect when you in some cases get a 40% wage increase like we've seen in the auto industry. businesses have only one choice and that's to increase price and try to drive productivity and efficiency and we'll see that with a.i. coming in. liz: you know, trump really beats biden by 21 points in the economy. that's in the latest marquette poll. trump is beating biden by 12 points in the latest quinnipiac poll and by five points on the
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economy in the fox news poll the polls show biden is down with hispanic voters, dropped with blacks and women voters. biden has no margin for error on this. let's watch what's going on, watch. >> the obama-biden coalition is in trouble. it's in trouble, and i get beat up every time i say it but it's obvious that it's in trouble and it has to deal with a number of things. number one, the white working class guys left for your campaign in 2016 the democratic party and now, black and latin working class guys are following along. >> 45% of hispanic voters prefer biden compared to 39% for trump. last time he won 59% in 2020 so he's lost 14 points. black voters under 50 he led by 80 points in 2020 now by 37 still a lot but he's lost 43
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points. only 36% of student debt-holders and he's lost 8% off women, since 2020. liz: yeah, i mean, bob, that first quarter gdp growth number is going to be coming out the final number on thursday. we're at stagflation growing at 1.4%. we have a may pce inflation data out friday and inflation will still show it's sticky and high. final word, bob. >> yeah, so elizabeth, look. facts are friendly. you can talk all you want but it's the tail of the tape. even if you look at employment the second-largest employer last year was the government and the return of investment while manufacturing jobs have really evaporated. i think the tail of the tape here certainly points to a change in administration come november, elizabeth. liz: bob nardelli. thanks for joining us appreciate you. still ahead former acting dhs secretary chad wolf
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and sam dooey, a former congressional investor. former doj attorney hans van and tudor dixon and talk show radio host jason rantz. we've got a lot to cover. the unconstitutional debate involving special counsel jack smith and smith again fighting for a gag order on former president trump and we've got more also on judge aileen cannon now pushing back hard on jack smith and even judge judy is weighing in, saying manhattan da alvin bragg should catch criminals instead of getting trump on "nonsense" and democrat strategist james carvel le again torched by his economy saying this time it is not working for young voters. that's our debate panel tonight. what pollsters are now examining how will the economy hit the
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youth turnout vote for biden and we dig into a new bombshell report that california is issuing. california, the state is now saying that it had virtually no net jobs growth in 2023 for a second straight year we'll dig in and also this story. what california is saying, could that rebutt and undercut biden's messaging about jobs at the upcoming cnn presidential debate plus, the details on trump's proposal to give green cards to foreign graduates of us colleges , to keep the best and the brightest. he's slamming biden on the campaign trail after a horrific week of over-the-top border crisis crimes. coming up, all of this on the " "evening edit"" tonight. we'll be right back, stay right there. [thunder rumbles]
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liz: welcome back to the "evening edit." this new proposal out of former president trump give green cards to foreign graduates of us colleges. let's get more details on this from grady trimble in washington with the latest. grady? reporter: good evening, liz. former president trump first floated this green cards for grads policy proposal during a podcast interview. he says foreign graduates of us colleges should automatically
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become permanent residents as part of their diploma. that includes, he says, two-year colleges. the goal, he adds, is to keep top talent in the country to help us businesses. the us chamber of commerce in response says given the critical need for american companies to innovate and create cutting-edge cybersecurity tools, harness significant advancements in artificial intelligence, and expand domestic semiconductor manufacturing capacity, providing more international students with the ability to build their careers in the us post-graduation is necessary for our nation to succeed in these endeavors. at a rally in philadelphia over the weekend, the former president attacked president biden on his handling of the crisis at the southern border, and he promised other major changes to stop illegal immigration if he's elected. >> we will shutdown deadly sanctuary cities and i'll ship
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massive portions to immigration law enforcement on day one we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. >> [applause] reporter: the biden campaign immediately attacked trump on this proposal for foreign grads of us colleges calling it an empty promise, a lie, and an insult, but the trump campaign defended it, saying it would only apply to "the most thoroughly vetted college graduates who would never undercut american wages or workers." both candidates, liz, will have a chance to outline and contrast their policies on immigration and a whole lot more later this week. liz? liz: grady trimble thank you so much. joining us former acting dhs secretary chad wolf. thanks for joining us this monday night, chad. we heard grady trimble's report. so much of what's going on with the border collapse, its been by the way a week of horrific crime what's going on with the border collapse is like americans are
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the collateral damage to this bitter divisive fight between biden and trump. trump tried to fix the border. biden undid trump's policies. now you've got a 13-year-old girl allegedly raped by an illegal alien in queens. her father's blaming biden's open border policy and two illegal aliens to venezuela murdered 12-year-old jocelyn nungari and threw her body in a creek. rachel moralin in maryland mom of five voters are saying shut the border. rand paul senator is saying illegal alien crime should be enough to disqualify biden. biden could stop this , shut the border but he won't, why? >> well that's a great question look, i think over three and a half years of the biden administration we've seen his failed strategy along that border and for many instances and several of which you just outlined, those are dire consequences so i think the american people, a majority an overwhelming majority say look, i'm tired of looking at these images.
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there's a basic sense of fairness at play here and then they see the impact on their communities and they want a different solution set and so i think, you know, come this thursday, and the debate and moving forward there's a clear difference on how do you secure that border, protect americans, and make sure that we're keeping bad people and bad things out of this country, and president trump did that in part during his first term and i think that's obviously the message he's sending today as well. liz: the border is a crime scene it's about crime. this is not a red or blue state issue. this is not about a democrat or republican issue but democrats are treating it like a political issue and so that's where americans are saying wait a second. it's affecting us. we're paying your paycheck. we're paying for you, joe biden, to be in d.c. for 50 years. all this time these problems have blown up while you've been down there and you've done nothing. >> yeah, i think that it's
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clear to the american people that the actions that they took in 2021 and every year since then have caused this crisis along the border and instead of standing up at the white house and talking about work authorization for alien spouses of us citizens, they should be standing up and talking about here is how we're going to secure the border. here is how we're going to protect american communities. keep meant international out of our streets. these are the answers that americans are saying we want answers to the questions we want answers to and the biden administration is pretty much silent on it. liz: let's get your reaction to this. watch this. >> trump is up, has a 23 point edge with latinos on the issue of border security. i feel like this is another one of those issues where democrats are trying to be so unracist are actually kind of racist because they don't seem to see latinos as americans.
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>> right. >> like they care about border security too. they're here and to just open the borders with no plan, you don't know where they go, you don't know whose going to pay for them, they wind up in cities all across the country. >> there's a lack of a sense of urgency here, and that's really important. >> a lack of sense of urgency among members of the public or the government? >> the administration. we need to hear what the administration is doing about this in a broad sense, right? >> so to me, it's simple. secure border, secure border, secure border. >> there have been more than 6.9 million apprehensions at the southern border thus far in biden's term. there were just over 2 million in donald trump's entire term. what did the president do wrong? >> this isn't about what the president did wrong. >> within moments of taking the oath of office, i will seal the border, stop the invasion and send joe biden's illegal aliens back home where they belong. >> [applause]
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liz: so your reaction to all of that. you heard from david brooks and the new york times and from former cia official mike morrel. he co-signed that letter from 51 us intelligence officials falsely speculating hunter biden 's laptop with russian disinformation. now he's saying that the biden administration is failing on catching terrorists crossing. that by the way, we counted, we looked through the numbers, 1,664 illegal aliens with links to terrorism on biden's watch. we don't even know among the nearly 2 million gotaways who are in there. >> yeah, absolutely. look, a couple points here. one, latinos are upset because they are just like any other american. they see what's going on on that border and they don't like it from a fairness issue but also from a security issue, so it doesn't surprise me that obviously former president trump is getting high marks with this group, because they are just as frustrated with any other group in america. look from a national security threats coming across that
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border, from director wray to deputy director of the cia mike morrel, former deputy director they are all saying the same thing which is we have a number of high security concerns with what's going on in the world and how that manifest itself at the southern border and why the biden administration is not heeding all of these warnings and all of these concerns from the american people and coming out with a plan. they are three and a half years into this and it's like they are trying to wake up five months before the election but i think most americans are going to say it's way too little, way too late and they are going to hold him accountable i believe. liz: chad wolf good to see you. still ahead we have hans von spakovsky, supreme court action hitting the cases against former president trump, and more on judge judy slamming manhattan da alvin bragg, for not stopping chaotic out of control time in new york city but he's instead going after trump on "nonsense."
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that's what judge judy said and a judge pushing back hard on potentially constitutional violations in the trump cases, but special counsel jack smith again fights for a gag order on trump. we've got it all coming up in the evening edit. we'll be right back. stay right there. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track.
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we'll get you there. liz: okay, let's take this on. welcome back. welcome back to the show. former congressional investigator sam dooey joins us now. great to have you on again, sam. the media was really upset over this that the supreme court did not take up trump's claim of absolute presidential immunity from criminal prosecution. they didn't do it friday, but they could come out in the coming months. what's your position on this one >> i mean, timing is timing. the case is going to come out soon and there's going to be a decision. i think you'll get , there is immunity but it needs to go back to the trial court to decide it, and that's the way it works.
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cases take time. liz: and there's this. there's a big fight in the debate ratcheting up over constitutional violations. let's take this on. special counsel jack smith again demands a limited gag order on former president trump. he claims the safety of law enforcement involving the rate on trump's mar-a-lago. what do you think? >> i mean, i think no. i think when you bring a type of case like that, it is political and the defendant has to be able to a defend themselves against political attack and b, run their campaign. liz: also this constitutional problem. judge aileen cannon, she's on the classified documents case, what do you think of this , sam? the judge really grilled jack smith's team to reveal how closely attorney general garland overseas their work. the judge said "there's a constitutional separation of powers concern" and she's asking how come jack smith's team cannot see this constitutional challenge? it's this. what do you think, sam?
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should taxpayers limitlessly un endingly fund jack smith for as long as jack smith wants? should taxpayers be okay with limitless and knowing that congress holds the purse strings judge aileen cannon is pushing on that saying wait a second. is this okay? >> no. i think she was absolutely right to ask those questions and then dig into the details. when i was a young lawyer, my grandfather taught me most things worth knowing, would say how does it actually work? what are the facts of the case? and she was drilling down on that, and what she got back was there is no supervision according to doj. jack smith is a law unto himself and think about how many times he's violated doj policy or done things that someone with some sort of judgment would say well you really want to be that aggressive with a former president where there's no precedent? do you really want to do that, so digging into those specific facts, that was important and shows she gets it.
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liz: real pushback on the trump cases. sam, thank you so much. joining us now former justice department attorney hans von spakovsky. hans, we need you on this story. there was a new supreme court decision last week that had nothing to do with the trump cases directly but the high court ruled that a jury must be unanimous to convict someone of a crime. that could open the door for former president trump to challenge the new york conviction, potentially get a mistrial because of alleged judicial misconduct by the judge that's the debate because the judge's instructions for the new york jury's deliberation process stated that jurors do not have to agree unanimously on exactly how the alleged crime was committed so hans, what do you think the language of the supreme court ruling firmly references the fifth and sixth amendment, constitutional violations that could point to judge in the new york case? >> oh, i think that holding, by the us supreme court, is
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directly applicable to what happened to president trump in new york and that just adds to the long list of mistakes made by the trial judge in new york, judge merchin and gives him a direct reason to appeal the case and get it overturned and the case is just like i said, it's just another outstanding reason for the conviction to be overturned. liz: and there's also this. the famous judge judy. judge judy, along with other slamming trump's new york trial. show what judge judy said. i be happier as someone who owns property in manhattan if the manhattan district attorney of new york county would take care of criminals who are making it impossible for citizens to walk in the streets and use the subway that he should use his efforts to keep those people off the street, rather than spending 5 million or 10 billion of taxpayer money, trying donald trump on this nonsense. that's my view. what do you think of judge judy
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here? >> oh, she's absolutely right. look, this was a political vendetta by bragg. compare that to his everyday job recent report, over 60% of the felonies that his office handles, he reduces them to misdemeanors, and even the cases , the felonies that he actually goes to court on, he loses 50% of them. that's how bad a prosecutor he is and how uninterested he is and actually what he's supposed to be doing which is protecting the public in the city from the everyday crime that happens there. liz: you know whose also going after what the manhattan d. a. did and saying the trump conviction was wrong? it's also former new york governor andrew cuomo. watch bill maher and andrew cuomo on this. listen. >> the attorney general's case in new york frankly should have never been brought, and if his name was not donald trump, and if he wasn't running for president, and the former ag in new york i'm
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telling you that case would have never been brought and that is what is offensive to people. liz: offensive to people. that's a democrat. that's mr. cuomo. what do you think? >> well he's absolutely right about that, and in fact, the public clearly recognizes that that also. this conviction not only has not diminished donald trump's support. it seems to have strengthened it and that's because the public sees that again, this was a political prosecution. it was in a case that would never have been brought against anyone else. liz: hans von spakovsky, thanks for joining us good to have you on. still ahead, we have a hot "evening edit" debate panel. look whose here former michigan gop gubernatorial candidate tudo r dixon and also, the one and only seattle talk radio host, jason rantz. what's going to happen with the turnout for the youth vote? long time democrat strategist james carvelle is saying biden's
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economy is really bad and not working for young voters. we got a new report from politico, top senate democrats think biden is the problem. we'll dig into that. first we want to check in with dagen and sean. look they're back. what's coming up on the bottom line? >> yeah, so today is the anniversary of the over turning of roe v. wade. joe biden trying to use that to lure suburban women voters to his side of the ticket. we have pollster lee carter here on that. dagen: we have the attorney general from the fine state of tennessee. tennessee one of the many states about 25 so far that have gone to ban medical treatments on children that will change their gender. the supreme court will now take up that case. jonathan skurmetti is here and a .j. anton i'm on this and the new york times publish
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championship yesterday. let's get right to fox news molly line in newton, massachusetts with the details of what happened. molly? reporter: good afternoon, liz. onlookers were swift to express their displeasure is the climate activists rushed on to the green interrupting play on the 18th hole. take a listen. fans boo'd and cursed the demonstrators about a half dozen activists released smoke bombs and some were sporting shirts reading "no golf on a dead planet ." >> [chanting] reporter: a group called extinction rebellion released video and claims responsibility for the short-lived chaos, describing themselves as an international movement that uses non-violence, civil disobedience to compel government action on the climate emergency.
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the demonstrators were swiftly taken into custody by police. while some of the golfers appeared a bit teed off by the display, espn quoted a golfer as saying had ewas scared for his life but thankfully the cops were there and kept us safe because that's, you know, that's just weird stuff. better late than never the finish of the championship was delayed by just a couple of minutes. scottie shefler got the win there and the protesters were charged with first degree criminal mischief, criminal trespass and breach of the peace liz? liz: molly you're terrific thank you so much. joining us for the evening "evening edit" debate panel, michigan gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon along with seattle talk radio host jason rantz. what do you think of this? how do these actions get people to agree with them? they say they are non-violent but they are like painting stone henge, ruining famous art work.
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what do you think? >> right if you want to make a point, don't wreck fun things. i mean, i think that should be pretty obvious. i doubt there were many people that spent all day watching a golf match and then they were like thank goodness this got delayed an extra five minutes. i'm going to buy an electric vehicle. liz: what do you think, jason? >> that's exactly right. the biggest problem for these environmentalists are the environmentalists themselves the folks engaged in this activism they are selfish narcissists and they aren't doing this because they care about the environment. they are doing this because they want you to think that they care about the environment and like what they post on social media. they will take selfies there, and "i'm a hero." they are just getting in the way of their own cause pushing people away from a cause a lot of people might agree with. liz: let's turn to this. this election, to the both of you it's ability turnout. polls show registered voters under the age of 30 or 35 the
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turnout looks like it could drop. long time democrat strategist james carvelle says "president biden has not done as well with younger voter as he should be. the fact of the matter is the economy is not good for young americans, college is expensive, mortgages are expensive. and he said they see themselves in a kind of a tight spot. jason going to come to you in a second, tudor, what do you think >> i think he's right. i think they do find themselves in a tough spot they know how to get out of tough spots with young people and they are giving away free money and having these events right next to a polling place, having rave, giving things away that are free, but it is going to be hard for couples in their 20s, couples in their 30s who are trying to buy a house and just saying look, i can't afford it and those are real issues that hit home and i don't know they can buy votes out of that issue. liz: jason, we want your reaction to this. we got a new report from politico. senate democrats are worried biden is a drag on their ticket
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with voters that they are poll ing better than biden in battleground states like pennsylvania, ohio and michigan. biden is less popular at this point than trump and obama were. let's listen and get your reaction to former president trump and then you'll hear from biden campaign co-chair mitch landreau. watch this. >> when i left office, inflation was practically nothing. during my term, we had gasoline down to $1.87 a gallon. >> [applause] >> at some points even less than that. and the 30 year mortgage rate was 2.7%. >> [applause] >> and then joe biden blew it to shreds. you know, inflation is a disaster. it's a country buster. it's a total country buster and when you look at the prices of eggs and bacon, its gone up 100% , much more than that in some cases, and people are
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making, you said we can't eat anymore. we can't. don't ever eat again. even i won't buy bacon anymore. it's too expensive. >> the problem is that all of those benefits are not flowing down to everybody as quickly as possible. liz: really? jason, is that really the problem, the biden campaign says we're all supposed to be patient, sit tight, just be patient? >> i mean, that would work if people didn't realize that they were the ones to blame for the situation that we're in they are clearly to blame and that's their biggest problem is that you've got folks who remember life, what it was like, what their pocketbooks and bank accounts were like under donald trump, now comparing life under joe biden. that's why you're seeing in a lot of cases the potential for a split ticket in which you've got voters who will vote for donald trump but then will vote for the democrat whose running for re-election and i think if you're a democrat that's probably the best position that you can be in right now, because you're not going to be able to change things for joe biden and his brand, so all you can do is hope that he doesn't drive you down too much and we'll see
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where it ends up going. liz: thanks for being on the debate panel tonight. it's great to see you both. >> thank you. liz: still ahead moody's chief economist john lonski, we've got a new bombshell report out of the state of california. the state of california is reporting it virtually had no net growth in jobs in 2023. this could have a major impact and directly undercut biden's claims about the us economy at this week's cnn presidential debate. we'll take it on in the "evening edit", coming up. can i have another pancake? from full house... empty nest... free birds. vanguard personal advisor can help you prepare for every chapter. we got this. that's the value of ownership. - it's apparent. not me. - yeah.
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>> look who's here forever moving to the economist john muskie and john we need you in this bombshell report, thank you for coming on the show, california, the legislative analyst office, said that he california had virtually zero, no net jobs growth in 2023, for the second year olds was something like something the only it was 9000 jobs overall. john: is a huge state is also believe it or not, terms of the euro under the year-over-year change from a change in jobs, as did last among all 50 states.
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it is far different in florida and texas, we have jobs broke a 2 percent and more overcoming you do even better than carolinas north and south carolina and they've jobs growth abruptly, 2.7 percent and you have this does not say much for joe biden's economic policies, and he does not say much for gavin newsom's. the leadership of the california economy. liz: it was only a look of the senses numbers, california residents are leading that hundreds of thousands. in the state lost about 1.6 million over the last decade and that is like losing the population of the san diego or san francisco and fresno combined. >> yes this is something they used to having to guess your whole rust belt, which quite frankly, the job opportunities are not that great. especially when you compare the wage and salary incomes to the
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jobs they provide relative to the cost of living in california. that is skyhigh both in terms of consumer prices as well as real estate prices and rents and on top of everything else, you had a significant decline deterioration in the quality of living in california due to higher crime and higher homeless and other social bill. >> you know john, this is debate coming up this week. liz: biden say that he will create 50 million jobs for the deals u.s. household survey shows a 2.4 million jobs and we look at what is going on in the u.s. economy, hannah state of california, dozens of restaurants in the fast food chains are now shutting. and you looking at rubio's and you see arby's and you see san francisco, just out of mcdonald's that ahead of one of the serious and for the last 30 years and you know the talking on the $20 minimum wage hike in
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california also inflation and property taxes are increasing sharply final work. john: that is right, you know you go ahead and you increase the minimum wage, you're going to lose jobs for lower paying occupations. there is no denying that. and so you know ahead, the outlook for california, that is quite dismal unless they have a change in whoever's running that state. the probably also have to have a change in washington. unfortunately liz come i think that the only way coming with u.s. economy back on the right track, will be through a recession does not forget the 1982, severe recession after the start of rickets administration and that it was smooth sailing there after's fee to john thank you for joining us and thank you thank you for watching the evening edit and it is a fresno it is time to send it over to the one and only dagen mcdowell and sean duffy at the the bottom line into getaway. dagen: thank you so much. ♪ ♪ ♪
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