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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  June 24, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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so is joe biden digging the u.s. economy into r his grave we'll ask art laffer, steve moore and william shakespeares grave digger, but first with 4 days until cnn presidential debate, how are biden and trump preparing for it, fox news aishah hasnie with more. what you got? reporter: larry, we know that president biden right now is surrounded by a whopping 16 debate preppers, that is a lot. his campaign says he will plow -- blow everyone away. >> you will see a very energized president biden, i can assure you of that. reporter: we won't see biden until debate day, the campaign is flooding airwaves with new ads marking anniversary of the dobbs decision and deploying vice president kamala harris who threw shade at president
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trump today. president trump is holding rallies and meeting with supporters while his campaign is going after the moderators. >> takes someone 5 minutes to google jake tapper, donald trump. >> ma'am i'm stopping this interview. >> i'm stating. >> if you continue to attack my colleagues. >> i am just stating. reporter: trump campaign is now offering a few questions for president biden. like whether he still thinks that hunter biden laptop is russian disinformation and the white house faces criticism over the promotion of staffer tyler cherry in light of controversial things he has tweeted, including police are the direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs he
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mosted on x, that past social media posts when i youngser do not reflect my current views period. larry: when was he younger, how long was that 20 mip minutes ago. reporter: i am glad you caught that. i would assume the tweets happened recently. i don't know he was that much younger. larry: i think a half hour ago. aishah hasnie thank you. >> you got it. larry: all right, it bidenomics digging america's economic grave? that is the subject of the riff. the average voter watching upcoming cnn presidential debate, probably won't
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recognize the term modern monetary theory, if mr. trump refer to unlimited federal spending, borrowing, money inflating taxing or regulating, the average viewer will have an a-ha moment, i recognize that, that is bidenomics, art laffer and steve moore will be here in a moment, wrote about it in "wall street journal" today and editorial pain talks about tax armageddon, newt gingrich refers to modern monetary theory as big government socialism, spot on. common sense principles con contradicting joe biden, you can't tax your way to prosperity or deval you your currency to prosperity. mr. biden may never admit it but the journal is write should the democrats regain
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the white house and congress, they will hold middle class tax cuts hostage to a huge overall tax hike. left wing luminaries like senator elizabeth warren in favor of imposing a wealth tax on anyone making 50 to 100 million bucks. they would be happy with an unrealized capital gains tax. unfortunately last week a supreme court decision leaves the door open to that wealth confiscating idea. as we have noted, latest congressional budget office baseline score card now shows 2 trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, leading to a 51 trillion dollar federal debt by the end of the next decade. a tidy borrowing sum. that would get you to 122% of gdp .
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in peacetime no less, without emergency, even full implement. john maynard keynes should be turning over in his grave. even shakespear last -- grave digger. should have worried, the more biden omics would dig and larger grave for the entire american economy. just saying. that is my riff. alas poor york, the benefits of a classical education, joining me now art laffer former reagan economist and steve moore, host of moore money. art laffer. alas poor youric, you are a eda -- i don't know. >> i do. larry: good.
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>> he held the skull in his hands. >> okay we -- do we have a picture of him holding the skull, shakespeare was a fantastic, all right. we'll get to steve moore who new alas poor york on a first name basis, here is what mr. trump said in philadelphia about deficits on the economy. >> it was just announced that budget deficit is now expected to be 2 trillion dollars that is all of his grind new scam stuff -- green new scam stuff. brutal inflation is worse than anyone imagined, i believe it is the worst that country had, to stop bidenplati. larry: what is it, . >> grave diggers. >> what they say is they can
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go unlimited amounts of borrowing the marketing the tolerate it. the problem is really very simple. you know if you use -- if you borrow 2%. and use the money to create economic growth and have yields of 5% you should borrow a lot, you are making profits and creating a better country like we did with reagan, when you borrow money, no matter what price and you use it to pay people to not work and destroy economy value, then you should not borrow, but they are por buyero -- borrowing it and uses the badly. nothing matches frum trump's first term in office until covid hit it was the best economy i think in a first term ever. >> people may not recognize
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the term modern monetary theory, you talk about limitless spending borrowing, the other key is the modern mop monetary people, unlimited money printing they argue because the dollar is world's reserve currency, quote, unquote for the moment, we could the government could or federal reserve could buy all of the bonds that are sold. could print all of the money necessary. and that is really the clincher for modern monitor theory, they're not worried about inflation or regulation as art said, not worried about sluggish growth. have they been proven right or wrong so far. >> important for people to realize where this came remember, remember, when obama was president, his 800 billion dollar so-called
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stimulus plan with shovel read projects was to stimulate the economy it did nothing. what was the reaction. it should have been that spending and debt does not work. and what they came up with, this idea. they didn't spend and borrow enough money, if they just borrowed 5 trillion more it would have worked. so biden comes in buys this crack pot theory, now we have that experiment with bidenomics it is modern monetary theory, the . of the -- point of the piece that art and i wrote who would be the victims of, that is the middle cl class, the average american is poorer as a result of this this idea does not work, hopefully we can put this in the grave and pour
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salt on the soil s so it neffnever comes back, you talked about reaganomics, you cut taxes and rebuilt the american economy to build the cold war that was paid for by borrowing but look at the payoff it was a booming economy, we won the cold war, borrowing in and of itself is not a bad idea, but what do we have with bidenomics? nothing. larry: i agree, real defense spending underr bidenomic its shrinking at worst possible ti time. art, the bidens want to tax wealth, heavily, and unfortunately the supreme court in its decision last
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week opened that door to a wealth tax and perhaps to an unrealized tax on capital gains that is another confiscation of wealth, i think both would be harmful to the economy. i don't want to tax wealth, i don't want to tax investment, maybe consumption to a points, but investment that creates real wages and productivity. that creates advance technologies, art, i i don't i -- i don't want to tax capital gains at all. >> you know, when you look at the thing that supreme court did, if you look at it, we have a wealth t tax here at local level, called property taxes, you put a wealth tax on, annual wealth tax you can't escape that lowers rate of return on capital to the holders of the capital, and the value of the wealth falls tram attic -- dramatically with the wealth tax you will see
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you pay the tax, but you pay is what they collect. but, when happens is the value of wealth itself goes down by huge amount. we find on property taxes, a 1% property tax, 1% property tax, will drop the value of a p property by 12% in additioned to the tax. that you actually paid, this wealth tax, has a double -- whammy, a tax like all others but after the tax you don't get to keep your wealth, they will tax it again next year and the year after that it is a huge asset decline which is terrible. larry: you railed against this 4 years ago, prop 13. >> yes. larry: the california state supreme court won't let california voters today vote on another local tax limitation, which is really bad. talk about no democracy.
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you are right on that, steve moore. one hopes or assumes that mr. trump will be very facile in describes the kitchen table consequences of bidenomics at cnn presidential debate. high knows this stuff -- trump knows this stuff cold, as aishah hasnie reported biden has 16 advisers at camp david, quantity does not produce quality, give me a pa for instance. >> i will give you one that we have talked to trump about under trump real median family income rose by 6,000 dollars, i think you have used that example of yourself. under biden according to latest date aaverage family has lost 2100 dollars, if my math is right that is $8 thousand swing, i'm not talking rich people, i'm
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talking people at top of the income scale. we also have one other wealth tax, that i think is most iimmoral of all the death tax that tax does not raise money, we have a half of a percent of our revenue that that stupid tax it employees accountants and lawyers and attorneys get rid of this -- look, if you want more of something, you don't tax it more. how complicated is this, we want more wealth and more investment and more savings they want to -- they want to tax it all. and they will turn america into california. which has highest taxes and everyone is leaving. >> that is the model, a good point. those guys, california is the bidenomics model, art the last word biden has 16 advisers prepping him for the debate, right? what if all 16 are wrong. what if they give him really
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bad advice, imagine that. >> imagine that that just a shocking thought. you are incorrect about california. you know bidenomics is illinois, california at least has prop 13, the one breathing hole if you will that keeps call from being west virginia. 16% i -- 16 people is wrong for them, you don't want to overwhelm the guy, push so many ideas on him he can't keep is straight, he gets confused naturally, if i were biden team i would not have 16 advisers yelling at him nonstop, he should have one ad adviser he would have one mistake to correct. larry: alas poor york. the grave digger. >> i'll tell him what you say. >> art laffer and steve moore and william
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shakespeare. >> coming up biden's border catastrophe is killing innocent americans, how is trump fixing that? we'll discuss it with congressman scott perry and doug collins next up on kudlow, alas poor, york we're burying the economy into another state yard, oh, my goodness, oh, my goodness. (♪) heartburn makes you queasy? get fast relief with new tums+ upset stomach & nausea support, and love food back. (♪) [♪] can a personal loan unlock your ambitions? oh yeah. consolidate bad debt and save money for your next goal.
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do it all on the network made for streaming, and bring on the good stuff. larry: tragic story illegal migrant in court this tragic murder of a 12-year-old texas girl, nate foy has the latest. what you can tell us. reporter: larry, the judge set bail at 10 million for pena, first of two ek elegal venezuelan migrants for murder district attorney here said this. >> our immigration system is broken if there was ever a case that reflected that, it is this one. reporter: today in court prosecutor reveal p pena
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wore an i.c.e. g gps tracking device. prosecutor also say that two illegal migrants tried to leaving town asking their boss at their job for money. to avoid punishment. >> boss came forward and spoke to the police, that is one of the way that lease were able to determine who they are. reporter: prosecutors say pena admitted to kissing the 12-year-old, claims his codefendant committed more heinous acts here is jocelyn 's mother. >> she was my first born, i was a teen mom, i fought for her at 15, she was a very special little girl.
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that deserves her justice. reporter: the district attorney said they are waiting on test results to come back if it is found that migrants sexually assaulted jocelyn, the case would be eligible for the death penalty. jocelyn a funeral is thursday. back to you. larry: all right, thank you, nate foy, a tough story. for more on this and joe biden's catastrophe at border we spring in pennsylvania congressman scott perry and former georgia congressman doug collins. this texas tragedy, this guy was a criminal. and somehow he was loose. i don't know he was released back back to the interior. it was a criminal, tragic rachel in the suburbs of baltimore, maryland. you had criminal in this
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terrible raping of the teenager in queens, new york. i don't understand how anybody is tolerate it, i don't understand why it is the country is not in favor of deporting the criminals, how do they get into this country? this texas story that nate foy just wanted to, the i.c.e. people knew he was a criminal. and released him? i don't understand, that i don't understand how that is possible. >> well, it is good to be with you, this is a sad story, and we didn't even mention laken riley in athens same thing, this is what happens when you have a border which is unprotected and men and women of border control, instead of doing their job they are told to hand hold people and send them away from border so biden administration can't show pictures of people at border, this is a willful
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attempt by biden administration to forego our immigration laws and putting rest of the nation in peril, best thing that could have happened for people to understand we're in danger inflational security risk at the border is when they start farming them out and people began to see how this was over growing the system, taking the security to a risk, and we see these like this, they are bad. but we're not counting those who walk across from terrorism w watch lists. larry: you know i scott perry, open border catastrophe, has created a national safety crisis. national safety crisis. no state is safe. in a sense as others have said, we're all border states now, does not matter where you are geographically. let me ask you, in washington so biden has an executive order, that
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executive order has reduced the volume of illegals by about 20-25%, but the numbers are still running well ahead of the 2500 a day that biden advertised and said for example he would close down the border, until it got lower, i don't see that executive order being enforced that is what troubles me. >> well, larry th thank you. good to be with you and my friend doug, we have been in this battle for a long time, starting with the executive order, it is meaningless, remember too who keeping the numbers, the same administration that has told you for 3 1/2 years they could not do anything about this executive order is full of loopholes i suspect actually that the number are higher, but whether you are in georgia or in baltimore, by the way lady that -- young lady killed outside of baltimore also a suburb of
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pennsylvania. just a short drive from pennsylvania. and i don't know the location of laken riley's death, you know what that community looked like, but it is far from mexico and southern border and far from new york border. the lady that was -- lost her life that was murdered brutally just in a place called bel air, maryland was out the rail trail, and when you talk about the safety and security of americans, this is all collateral damage to the biden administration to president biden and democrats. they don't care about americans, and lives of americans and terror that americans feel unsafe to go out in their homes as language they can continue -- long as they can continue with their agenda that is unstoppable, un unlegal immigration. if criminals and terrorists have to come to get voters so be it. if peal p people
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like, 12 years old, the 37-year-old or l laken riley lost their lives, the biden administration and democrats say so be it. larry: we have the quote trump on the kids going to school. if you get a diploma you should get a green card? can we play that. all right. let me let your two congressmen hear this quote. from former president trump. >> what i want to do, what i will do, is you graduate from a college. i think you should get automatically part of your diploma a green card, you need p brilliant people. larry: >> no one of 'cus mr. trump cause mr. trump of being soft on the border. he talked about a massive deportation program. it is an interesting wrinkle. i interviewed him before the
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be round table. 10 or 12 days ago, he made this point. if you get a diploma from from a college or graduate school you should get a green card. doug collins what do you think? >> i agree with you not taking anything away from stopping them at border he how would you down front but dealing with folks who are here with a pathway this issue has come up before. we can't do this, i think that donald trump understanding this until we actually close the border then get a handle on other problems with t immigration system, high is looking forward and understands -- he is look forward and understands the situation but he does understand you have to stop the flow at border. larry: scott perry, the last word, deportation idea he goes eisenhower.
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deportation idea when poll on this, you probably know, is very popular. when you see the horrible hideous monstrous stories, in new york, in maryland, and georgia and texas. deportation of criminals will be a big issue. down you think? >> -- don't you think? >> they shoul soon shouldn't be here in first place preying on american citizens but then we have to incarcerate them and pay your taxes to keep ourselves safe from people who should not be here in the first place, we don't want to be afraid to go out of our homes at night or in the day in our own communities, many americans are afraid, a lady that served me lunch today said seeker fray -- she is afraid to live in her own country,. larry: all right. thank you. congressman scott perry and doug collins appreciate it
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very much, coming on kudlow biden white house may have just been caught in an oil permitting and leasing lie. flat out. numbers are stark, we'll talk 'it is senator john hovan from north dakota, and a good friend, i am kudlow we'll be right back. i understan. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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larry: all right so the bidens may have been caught in an oil permitting leasing drilling lie. joining us now to talk about it my good friend north dakota senator john hoeven. welcome back senator hoeven, just reading this story, i don't know if you saw the story. all of a sudden they have over estimated what the bidens permitting was permitting. and they y un estimated -- under estimated what trump
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was doing allowing 10795 leasing slash permits, okay. where bidens permitting 6700. that is a big difference. they have been saying, that biden allowed more than trump. and i don't know how you get that but the bureau of land management in the interior department was telling a big fib. what do you make of that senator? >> it is unbelievable. remarkable. and we'll go back to demand the numbers. house natural resourcing committee biden administration officials have been consistently telling us doing more leasing, they not only are inflating their permits to drill, they are also inflating number of leases available to go ahead and be drilled. that number is a lot lower too, what in the world is
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doing on here? unbelievable, and yeah. clearly this is something that in the senate energy committee we'll look into. larry: at one point, senator. the bidens a cute had to stop -- court had to issue a new order bidens were not to anything leasing whatsoever. and the court of had to step in and say, you can't there was foi going to be a mmoratorium -- the leasing. >> president biden put a moratorium on new leases when we came in office, the courts have overruled that. they still have not preceded offshore, they are barely starting up. we're 3 years into his administration and he has been ordered to do it by the courts and flurry of my
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regulations and increasing fees and royalties to drill, making it harder. larry: apart from fact, not even including closing down alaska and new mexico and the gulf of the mexico as far as i understand. you just can't make it up, i'm sure, trump will call biden on this in the debate. if and when it comes up, i hope you all do investigate it. senator hoeven biden talking about middle class this and that. but, this is a wonderful thing, university of california at berkeley of all places. there are business school shown that green new deal you know the misnamed inflation reducti reduction the subsidies, by far benefits rich people. almost -- only 10% benefited
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middle class and 60% benefited rich people. all of these green subsidies this is from the cal berkeley business school. >> that is right. inflation acceleration act, did just that. something like. 80% of the green credits sold for electric vehicles like 8 v 80% went to top 5% income erners and 50% to top quartile, t they can ato afford to buy their own electric vehicles, they don't need a big government subsidy to did that it has been, i don't know more than 50 billion dollars. it is just absolutely ridiculous.
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it has gone to the wealthiest people further more, you know talk about low income individuals remember, by holding up term production, putting hand cups on energy producer like biden administration is doing, they drive up the cost of energy, right now brent crude 85 dollars a barrel. and west texas 81, you know what that benefits? russia, and iran, and venezuela at a time funds terrorism and funding war, against you know our allies, frankly and ourselves as well with what the -- funding their wars not just making low income people pay more, subsidizing wealthy people. in terms of global situation. what is going on, in the middle east for example. larry: yes, sir, senator hoeven thank you, sir, appreciate it see you seen. >> thank you, larry. larry: all right.
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mr. hoeven mentioned how young people hurt by this, they don't want electric vehicles, a young voter story they don't want the biden electric vehicles, they are getting clobbered by housing costs, they are not votes for biden, gianno caldwell. analyst. and alec lace. welcome back to you. nice going alec we appreciate it. don't hide it. >> all right. larry: gianno. you know you read the very good editorial to "wall street journal" today, but we have known this. polling showing young people are desserts biden in part -- deserting biden, they don't want electric vehicles, they can't rforward them, you can't resell them, and other problem relate the stories. young people have given up on the american dream of
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owning their own home. home prices at record highs, mortgage rates twice as high as under trump. >> they are doing right thing by giving up on this guy, he has been trying to buy their votes with student loan bailouts, but. the biden administration has been disasterrous for all americans. and considering the fact that many young people when they graduate college they go back to live with their parents, that is their reality. inflation is eating it up, even if you are, you are wealthy person. things are more expensive. it makes sense why they are jumping ship. larry: you know. it is just very interesting, long team ago, when i worked for ronald reagan h he ran against jimmy carter, young people voted for reagan not carter. we're seeing same thing. and i know, real incomes
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have gone down, the electric vehicle thing is interesting, you can't -- it is too expensive, right. if you own one you can't sell it, you lose a lot of money, you can't pay insurance on it. that is the part a newby for me. why is that? i thought young people loved the whole climate green new deal thing alec. >> young people like a cool looking car, that is what they want to have note some plastic electric vehicle car to find the filling stations that are scattered, my son turned 18. it will be his first year voting, i said when i was his age i had a studio apartment, working as mechanic in the bronx, he is not there. he has to make like 3 grand a week to do what i did back then. he is 18 years of age there is no chance in heck he is going for anyone but donald trump in november. larry: other thing, gianno. owning your own home is part of the american dream.
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i don't care, young o or old. however younger people who don't have a home, are getting clobbered by high prices and high mortgage rates. >> that is the point, the high interests rates, the affordability factor is not there, in many cities prices on rent that are through the roof, they can barely afford to rent an apartment in some cities some landlords because they get increased costs they go up to their rent, what does that leave them? they cannot really advance their livelihood unless you get 4 jobs but young people like to use their extra income to go on vacations, and do these different things we have over a trillion in credit card debt right now, because people are trying to keep up with same times that when trump was in office the economy was great, people felt it
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was the, now not so much. larry: back to -- this whole business this so-called neo-nazi controversy that trump supposedly promoted this extremist thing is a fluke, left wing fact checker came out, and told the truth 4 years later this is the controversy started in 2017, as i recall, it is 7 or 8 years later. we'll put up on the full screen, what mr. trump said: roll it. >> you had many people in that group. now, alec, to you on this. joe biden may lie about this gain, in the debate. this should prove conclusively that trump
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ruled out both of those two extremes, never ever supported n neo-nazis or white supremacists, for 7 years they made this charge. >> most of us knew it 7 years ago, when we watched it happen live, left accuses right of doing is what they are doing, this is what they mean what they say cheap fake, you heard karine jean-pierre said cheap fake, like we need to make cheap fakes of pi biden falling, the cheap fakes is what this is. larry: this is a vicious lie from day one. >> that is what it was. larry: we phone have much time, this was a vicious lie about trump, and not the first time. they have tried to pull this, we'll see, how this turns out in the debate. what the biden continues that lie or not, gianno and alec thank you, american flag thank you. >> coming up, supreme court this week grant trump his
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presidential i immunity? does ja jack smith have a shelf life we have andy] next, i am kudlow. have surprise drop-ins, try one you'll have all to yourself. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid
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larry: all right joining us andy mccarthy, we're
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short, i apologize, let me ask you is jack smith special cou counsel appointment stat us -- status in jeopardy in your judgment. >> i think it is larry. under constitution appointment law if he is an inferior office of united states that position has to be created by an act of congress, which has not happened here, he has been apounded by recession -- appointed by regulation of justice department. larry: he would have to be approved by senate, ed meese -- friend of the court suit. >> yes two officers principals like attorney general all have to be appointed by the president and confirmed by senate. and then congress can create inferior officers and prescribe how they are confirmed or qualified, very
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off' they say senate confirmation but they have be created by statute and exp jack smith's office not. larry: s supremes coming down on identity issue. >> i expect they will find some point point the immunity, i believe they will find some scope. larry: that will slowdown the j-6 trial process? >> it depends on whether jack smith is willing to go to trial on whatever the supreme court says it not coffed by -- covered by immunity. if he is a hurry there could be pieces of his case that could go to trial prior to november. larry: timing of this, you reckon? >> yes, three days larry, wednesday, thursday and friday, they are issuing
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