tv Kudlow FOX Business June 27, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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so, optimistic vision of growth, opportunity and optimism is always a winner and that i that will be the big picture message from president trump at cnn debate. successful policies will unnye the country. success is always the best revenge. we'll have senator tommy tuberville in just a few moments. first up our own grady trimble, he has got the latest from hotlanta. grady what you got? you're out of the barbershop today. what is cooking right now? >> reporter: larry, we saw president biden at a surprise campaign stop shaking hands with supporters. we also watched former president trump's plane take off on a video feed from the palm beach international airport. he is expected to land here next hour. we are just about five hours away from these two men standing on the debate stage together for the first time in four years. and, we are eager to see what they say individually but also
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to see their dynamic together. we don't know a lot about what is going to happen tonight. we don't even know if the two men will shake hands if they get on stage together. we don't know which candidate benefits, if any, there is no audience and the micss will be cut when their time is up. key insights from a new poll from "new york times," sienna college. one that trump has four point lead on biden nationally going into tonight. the other, voters have higher expectations for trump than they do for biden tonight. >> president trump absolutely is the front-runner in this race. he has the money. he outraised the democrats in the months of april and may. he has the momentum. if you look at every poll, he is winning in all the battle frowned states, independents, hispanic-americans. winning a huge margin of the plaque vote right now and it is because he has a winning message
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>> reporter: tonight president biden will have to try to win over not just undecided voters but also members of his own party. 56% of democrats say they would prefer another candidate. that is according to a gallup poll also out this morning. so tonight, larry, we'll be listening to what the candidates have to say but also how they say it. will the former president stick to policy discussion, win over those people who might not be happy with his demeanor sometimes at rallies and for biden, can he prove those who say he is too old to be president for four more years wrong? we don't see him often without a teleprompter, prewritten notes. this is 90 minutes of. that we'll very to see how he performs, larry. larry: we report, you decide. grady trimble in atlanta. thank you, grady. optimistic growth and opportunity is always a winner that is the subject of tonight's riff. ♪ seems like the entire liberal
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media are rooting for mudslinging and mud wrestling at tonight's cnn presidential debate but voters completely disagree. they want issues and no one seems to be listening to former president trump who keeps saying to people that successful poll ses will unify the country. so i'm going to buck the media tide and suggest there will be some jabbing and some counter punping in this 90 minute debate. trump's overarching theme of success to build unity across the country will be on display at tonight's debate. that is just my view. biden can do what he is going to do but i think mr. trump will come out of this as the optimist, and optimists always win. trump has record of low inflation, significant growth, rising wages for all working americans, closing the border, cutting taxes, overturning
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overregulated business sector and of course drill, baby, drill and seeking peace through strength in foreign affairs. on everyone of these issues mr. biden has a very poor record. on everyone of these issues mr. trump's successful first term shows what can be done and gives him much to build on in a second term. i would love to see trump start early by asking biden if he agrees on the tax-exempt tipping idea for waitresses, golf caddies and uber-drivers, tens of millions of people in the gig economist smoke out mr. biden early. see if he comes out against working folks. see if mr. biden defends the plan for massive tax hikes which will surely stifle growth, increase inflation, ultimately lead to recession. it will be an interesting ploy by mr. trump, sticking to the issues and of course he will stay out of thed mud. mr. trump will haller away at
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the affordability crisis and particularly talk about the housing affordability crisis for young voters who are priced out of the market and out of the american dream and who appear to be deserting joe biden and democratic party by droves. this is big night for candidates, a bigger night for the voters. but let me repeat, an optimistic vision of growth, prosperity, opportunity, it's always a winner and i believe mr. donald trump knows that and that's the riff. all right, having said all of that, joining us now we welcome back to the show alabama senator tommy tuberville. senator tuberville as always, sir it is great to see you, what do you think? i'm just making a forecast. i think that's where trump wants to go. he wants to talk about success and unity. he doesn't want to do mudslinging. biden will do what biden is going to do but i think trump has a clear vision here. what do you think, can he do it? >> oh, i think he can do it
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there's no doubt because it's, this is his forte. president trump does good off-the-cuff. i'm not sure about president biden. i don't know where he is at mentally or fiscally but let me tell you, larry, we've been on recess for week 1/2. i've been all over the country, out in the field talking to people. i have never seen people more angry and more upset, looking more forward to a debate than this one. this will be interesting. here is what they tell me. they want onses from jobe, why, why have you done this to the country, border, crime, inflation, no gas and oil, foreign wars? why have you done this to the american people, we can't afford it? joe biden is really the guy on trial tonight. he will have to answer these tough questions, if he doesn't answer them he will be really, really trouble when it comes to november. larry: do you think it is possible mr. trump would put it to biden early on using this tax
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-free tipping idea which is so unpopular, popular rather. i saw a poll, 65%, 70% favor the idea of tax-free tips for the gig economy and waitresses, whatever. what if he smokes out biden right away, asks biden if he agrees it is time to stop taxing all these people who are working hard but need to have better after tax, after inflation income? what do you think about that? would you do it if you were debating, try to smoke him out? >> you dang right i would do it. i would bring him out real quick, because what he has done, larry, joe biden has done, he has almost ruined the middle class. the middle class are the people that go to work every day, don't make a lot of money, but if they get a little extra money, they would love not to have to pay taxes on it. that is exactly what is happening here with the no tax on tips. these are young people. i have talked to more young people, larry, generation-x and z, all these young people that you would say, well they're all
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liberal and, you know they're looking voting democrat, they are dead wong. these kids understand. they want a better life than their parents. they see right now the direction we're heading with all these high taxes and everything that is going on with joe biden, they're not going to have the same life that their parent had. they're exactly right if we stay down this same road. larry: i think that raises another important point, housing affordability has crashed and i think for the younger kids, the voters, young voters who are working, senator tuberville, you know, i think they see the american dream as out of reach. it is very discouraging to them. they don't like it one bit. home prices are record highs. home sales are crashing. mortgage rates are too high, so forth, so on. this is something, trump i think should make hay on. there is overall affordability crisis but especially with the young. >> oh, it is going to get worse too, larry.
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i talked to a group of homebuilders just a few days ago. they say in the very near future you will see a median sized home be somewhere 12 to 1300 square feet. i'm not talking about 1000. i'm talking about 12 to 1300 that is smaller than a single wide trailer. these kids are looking down the barrel of a gun, paying high taxes, more taxes to pay down the debt, all these regulations and they're going, not going to be able to afford because of the high-riseing inflation anything over 12, 14, 1500 square feet and a new home. i feel sorry for them. but we can get back to it. just give president trump a chance to get this country back going again because obviously president biden and his staff have zero answers. larry: so the other thing of course, mr. trump has got to get to the border fast. it is a gigantic issues. some poll show it the number one issue. some polls say it is tied with the inflation and the economy.
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this terrible tragic murder of a young woman in houston, texas. we had it in georgia. we had it up in new york. mayorkas, mayorkas has a tin ear. he doesn't know how to talk about it. biden never even talks about it. the border has become front and center, i would reckon mr. trump would have to get to the border issue pretty fast also tonight? >> you have got to remember, larry, this is away game for president trump. he is on foreign soil in terms of being at cnn. he has referees not on his side. he has all the rules going against him and he has to make sure that he gets exactly what you said up front and close very clear and very quick in this debate and that's the border. everything else we can take care of. we can pay down the debt. we can get inflation down. we can slow the crime down. we can get out of these foreign wars. but if we continue to open that border and president trump knows this, he talks about it every time i talk to him, if they continue to stay open all this
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other stuff is moot. this drags everything else down, people coming across we're paying billions of dollars every quarter just to take care of them. larry: it is bankrupting the country. of course innocent civilians are getting killed which is awful too but you know what else? last one, senator tuberville, regarding crime and law and order, seems to me the open border issue as it grows has spread crime and public safety as an issue throughout the country. it might not have been there a few years ago but now the issue of crime, law and order and public safety has become a huge issue. again, mr. biden seems to have a tin ear and i'm expecting mr. trump to go right toward it. >> oh, he should go straight for it, because when you lose streets and neighborhood, safety, you can't let your kids go outside to play, you're afraid to go to the park. you can't go to the store. you're even scared to stop at a gas station because you might
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get mugged at a gas station, enough is enough of this. the american people, larry, democrats included are sick of this direction that we're going. we have to stop this madness but the madness is getting worse and worse. i'm worried about the next six months even when president trump does win, what this group can do to continue to bring the downfall of our down through. our can country is in bad trouble. we need help. donald trump is the one going to do it. it will be tough pour him to win tonight because everything is stacked against him. he has answers, i want to hear any answer, any answer that joe biden has to these bad problems that we're having that he actually started himself. larry: amen to all of that. senator tuberville, thank you as always, we appreciate your time. folks here is an important reminder, it is still the economy, stupid. we'll whip in david malpass, my good friend, former president of the world bank group, former undersecretary of treasury. wrote a great op-ed, inflation
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will be defining topic of today's debate. years past, david, but it is still the economy, stupid. let me ask you something, if anyone is worried about inflation, wouldn't growth solution, a prosperity solution, not root canal, but growth, prosperity, new opportunity, for all sectors, working folks of all colors, racing and creed, wouldn't you want a growth solution? shouldn't that come out tonight? shouldn't that be very much part of mr. trump's argument? >> for sure, that should be the core of the debate. you've got a growth program against a shrink program. so i think the burden is on president biden to say what of the good ideas that are out there are you willing to do any of them? one would be to stop taxing tips. one would be to allow energy production. you know is put in place this prohibition on the export of natural gas. it is killing europe.
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you could lift that tomorrow. he could do that. he could refill "spro" and say he is going to -- that is the strategic petroleum reserve, so that we're safe into the future. he could say, president biden could say tomorrow that he wants growth and that he wants to defend the dollar. he doesn't say any of those things. so i think the burden is on him and i hope president trump can simply say my plan is to make things better. what's yours? larry: you know i think what you said, the tax exemption of tips in the economy, it wouldn't be the biggest tax cut but it would be a major tax cut and to some extent, david, you know it's symbolic, okay? one candidate would be for cutting taxes on tips for working folks and i'm assuming biden would be against it. i don't know that for sure but it would be a cutting-edge issue. it is like growth versus recession. opportunity, you know, versus
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redistribution or squelching opportunity. right then and there, that's why the tip thing, not taxing tips, it has enormous importance and significant all of a sudden. >> that's right. biden wants to blame businesses for being greedy and the reality is government is just too big. so one key issue for the debate is do you want bigger government? try to get biden to actually take a stand and admit he has been for big government and more regulation. so if that can be you know, the focus to say, we should have fewer regulations. for example, just take all of the appliances. the government is intensely regulating the appliances. it puts the prices up. people can't afford new homes in part because the appliance costs are too high. just put him on the spot. the burden is on biden, will he do anything differently than what he's doing to make things
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better. his budget is just huge, out of sight, on spending s that really what he stands for. larry: optimism, optimism, growth, prosperity, opportunity. optimists always win. david malpass -- >> it will work. larry: you're a great optimist yourself, thank you ever so much. folks don't miss fox news simulcast of the cnn presidential debate. that's tonight 9:00 p.m. eastern. coming up here on "kudlow," president trump held a black business roundtable in a hotlanta barbershop yesterday right in the middle of hot lanta. he wasn't exactlily there but mr. trump was there. we'll find out the real story with prominent house members, wesley hunt and byron donalds on "kudlow." please stick around. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different.
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their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. larry: so the trump campaign hosted a black business roundtable in in atlanta. it was actually in a barer shop. we have wesley hunt from texas, byron donalds from that. gentlemen, thank you very much for your time on a busy and important day. wesley, start with you, what happened in there? as far as i know the campaign sponsored this small business venue, as i understand it in a barbershop if that's true but then you had a surprise guest on the telephone because mr. trump
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loves byron so much he wouldn't let byron get off the phone. what happened exactly, wesley, how did this thing work and what did you all talk about? >> i want to start off by saying this, president trump is a harbinger of black excellence. to be in a black barbershop talking about issues that impact black america, by the way impact all americans in the exact same way, it was an honor to be there. and the cool thing bit when president trump called in to byron, sat on the phone for 15 minutes. how many times has a former president taken time out of his day to make a phone call to the barbershop, talk about issues that impact the black community the most. it was absolute honor to be there, share the stage with dr. ben carson, my good, good friend byron donalds and myself. it was outstanding. we talked about the border, we talked about the economy, we talked about small businesses and of course we talked about no tax on tips which directly
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impacts every single working class person in this country specifically barbers. as you can imagine it was an electric time, glad to be part of it and so glad my boy byron was with me. larry: byron, by the way i couldn't get 15 minutes on the phone with mr. trump so he just loves you but the other thing i wanted to ask you, byron, what did the people in the meeting have to say, what kind of stuff were they asking? what was the center of gravity as you saw it? >> wesley covered a lot of it. obviously the economy and inflation, but also we were just talking about politics and politicians. you know we've been talking about how donald trump, when he is focused on is agenda for all americans, whether you want to talk immigration, you want to talk education, you want to talk the economy, no tax on tips, et cetera, he has been focused on all americans and the other fact that did come up a little bit where is joe biden? where are the democrats? they're really not anywhere to be found because their agenda has been destructive of this
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country. we got into media bias, some of the things that media does in their coverage, not to just donald trump but quite frankly all republicans and conservatives and how they will try to dice and slice words to make somebody seem they're something they're not. at the end of the day great conversation in atlanta with black business owners to hear directly from them. when donald trump got on the phone, everybody had the opportunity to ask a question of him, totally unscripted, totally impromptu. it was a great event. something the american people need to see a lot more. larry: that's right. wesley hunt, it is so interesting to me, in this campaign president trump is going into the neighborhoods. he is up close and personal. not speaking to this group or other groups from a distance or some kind of a fancy place or holed up in camp david. there is nothing wrong with camp david to spend a week there preparing for a debate is not a good idea. my point is, i think jason riley has written about this, other
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people have written about this, mr. trump is the first republican in memory actually go face-to-face to speak with these groups and it seems to be paying off, wesley. if nothing else, it is a symbol how the gop has changed. >> it most certainly is and president trump went to the bronx. president trump went to philly. president trump has surrogates all across the country speaking on his behalf. where are joe biden's surrogates? he has no surrogates. i love the fact we can actually draw this contrast with people like me, byron, dr. carson, be serve the trump in our community. the most interesting part about this, president trump's mug shot came up. in the barbershop, was a never surrender mug shot of president trump during the entire conversation. president trump had no idea what was in there. people are waking up what is going on. black issues are american issues. we're sick and tired of being
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sick and tired of looked over again. we had four years of president trump. we had it good. biden has been a complete disaster and now we have the opportunity in november to make great again. larry: byron, give you the last word, byron donalds, always get the last word. >> byron gets the last word. larry: byron always gets the last word. byron, will mr. trump get this message out tonight? will he get this message out tonight? >> he will, larry, simply put. he will be able to do that because joe biden doesn't have the message. i am here in the spin room, i was asked a little while ago, will donald trump level personal attack. i said au contrare the personal attacks come from joe biden because he has nothing else to stand on. donald trump is focused on what it takes to get our country great again. you watch. larry: i see it with a optimistic positive message. whatever biden does, i see it. i agree with you guys. the rest of the media says no. i think you guys have an inside
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group, superstars, both of you, mr. wesley hunt, mr. byron donalds thank you ever so much for your time. good luck tonight. coming up here on "kudlow," president trump will fool people. you heard those two gentlemen. he will have success, unity, optimistic message, wait and see. anyway we have some political sharpshooters, marc thiessen, rich lowery, the great kelly kellyanne conway right here on set. great crowd.he w lots of company for me. we'll be right back. from her sister's in napa. who gets married in napa? my daughter. who gets married someplace more expensive? my other daughter. cancun! jamaica!! why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. can we get out of here? i thought you'd never ask. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real life conversations. empower. what's next.
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it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. larry: so another question before the house, did the supreme court just pave the way for more government censorship, right ahead of this election? let's ask missouri senator eric schmitt. senator schmitt, welcome, sir. missouri was involvded in this and i wonder whether you were the attorney general when this happened or whatever, but the question why did this happen? 6-3 vote which to me is the world turned upside down? >> yeah, i was attorney general
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of missouri when we filed this and really uncovered a vast censorship enterprise. the lower courts called it orwellian, you know, nothing has changed. i think that the supreme court sort of punted on this on a standing issue. it is headed back to the lower court but one thing is clear after this case, what we know now is, how broad this was, how the biden administration worked overtime, whether it was on the hunter biden laptop or he efficy of masks or covid vaccine to silence dissent. i think this is important point in the debate here in atlanta, joe biden likes to talk about threats to democracy. the real threat to democracy, censoring americans, trying to three our opponent in prison, invasion of the country, turning 10 million people into voters this is real important point for president trump to make that biden is the real threat of
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democracy. larry: "the washington post" poll that on issue of democracy, voters approve of trump. i don't know if they're going bankrupt, but the poll came up with startling result, if you're worried about democracy, quote, unquote, they favor trump. they say they had no, the states had no standing and so that wasn't clearly a decision in favor of the government's censorship or is there more to it than that? >> yeah, they clearly didn't endorse the idea that the government can you know, coerce or even collude with these social media companies. i think what happened was after we got the, essentially the restraining order, the temporary restraining order and the injunction the government sort of took a step back, thankfully from doing some of this activity but we've already seen indications larry, another senator was talking about how the intelligence community is already working with the white house and social media companies to take on
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disinformation, misinformation and to me that is code for things we don't like. so americans should be on guard as we roll into the election here, that the biden administration will work with some of the biggest companies in the history of the world to silence americans, to pevent them from seeing information that might damage joe biden. so i think we need to have our antennas up here, to be extra vigilant. larry: just last one, sir, tonight is a big night and so forth, speaking of legal issues, there he goes again. so two federal court judges, actually they were obama appointees, you know what's coming, said we'll have an injunction, we'll enown join the government from canceling student loans over 10 years. this tranche was about $500 billion. that ain't trump change. of course mr. biden through his press secretary says doesn't matter we'll continue to do it. we'll go out to cancel student loans despite the fact that the supreme court have said no and couple federal judges said no, i might add obama federal judges,
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okay? what do you make of that? law and order, sir, democracy, really? >> right, right. this is like back to the future for me too. i was the attorney general in missouri that brought the original student loan scam case before the supreme court. we won. they tried to go do this piecemeal. they tried to do this and the supreme court said you know what the supreme court already voted on this issue. young voters see how more expensive their life is, how hard to get into a home, how expensive at the grocery store. these attempts to buy off votes are illegal, they're unconstitutional, another court just said it again. larry: all right. you're supposed to obey the law. i don't know, that is what i thought democracy meant. senator eric schmitt, thank you, sir, thank you very much. good luck tonight. now let's talk a little politics. we have got marc thiessen, former white house speechwriter, fox news contributor. if that weren't enough we have
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got rich lowery, editor-in-chief of "the national review." we are talking power here. tell me i'm crazy, rich lowery, i'm saying, i said it, i was working with sandra smith on her show and here on this show and tommy tuberville, trump has a message everyone wants to ignore. the message is essentially success is the best revenge. that is to say successful policies grow the economy. that will unify the country. >> yep. larry: now i believe he will try his best to get that message out tonight. he doesn't want to go and mud wrestle. yes, he will jab back if he has to. i think he will get that message out. the whole media says no. they will do this, going to do that. what is -- >> biden will try to provoke him, call him convicted felon repeatedly. trump should defend himself fiercely i bring it back to what you are talking about. trump doesn't have to land knockout blows tonight. usually challenger against the
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incumbent you have to make the case whether he needs to be fired. people are ready to fire jobe. the guess is whether they're going with the alternative. if he is successful with people he will win the debate. trump could hurt himself a little bit, could help himself a little bit. for biden the range is much bigger, could help himself a little bit, could destroy himself. larry: we'll get kellyanne to strap in here. we're all blessed by her presence right off the acela. i think she parachuted here. right off of sixth avenue. >> magically appear. larry: chair has been filled by one of the smartest people in the country. i just want to ask, mark, on this point, rich hinted it at the end of his, of his comment, this is a bigger thing for biden tonight than it is for trump, okay? biden screws up, even a little bit and they're going to be howling. you had this, i know we're not poll driven but the "new york times/sienna poll" came out today, it's worse for
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biden. trump's pulling away nationally much less in the swing states and on the issues. so i'm saying this is bigger for biden, isn't it? >> it is. trump is the front-runner without a doubt. it's closer than a lot of people think. i think we don't want to get irrational exuberance but i think he is going to win but he needs every single vote. so what i think one of the very interesting polls that came out recently was "new york times/sienna poll" asked, has donald trump ever said anything to offend you? six in 10 either said never or not recently. among younger voters 77% said that. >> never bothered me. i just want to put that in there. [laughter]. >> but so, you know there are a lot of people who like donald trump's policies but didn't like his behavior, didn't like his temperment, all the rest of that. we've had four years where they haven't seen him every day, haven't been exposed to him every day. in this debate he wants to go into the debate thinking about the swing voter who is looking,
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likes his policies, thinks joe biden is a disaster but isn't quite sure they can pull the lever for donald trump. how will i persuade that person, give that person permission to vote in their self-interest. larry: play it straight. kellyanne, caught your breath. we know you're running from the train. appreciate it very much. the intro here, my view, actually tommy tuberville agreed with it. wes hunt and byron donalds. president trump has a message the liberal media doesn't want to hear, that is success of policies will breed unity throughout the country. >> correct,. larry: you and i talked a million times. there is affordability crisissing housing affordability crisis. all these themes are in trump's favor. he will have a big theme and his punches are on the data point, what say you? >> i think the president will channel peoples grievances not his own. having said that people don't
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see a strong economy, strong border, strong economy, that the u.s. is strong again so we feel proud when we're entangled abroad. also fairness has become a huge governing theme in this country. trump likes to say there is two-tiered justice system against him you about most people say it is not fair for plumbers, pipe fitters to pay student loans for doctors and lawyers. not fair that a 10 million people crossed the border, larger population than 40 states. not fair you have men in women's sports, not fair the tax system is. that fairness is not what the left sells, equity, equity, equity. equity is equality of outcomes. fairness is equality of opportunity. president trump feels like you can get ahead. folks feel there is lack of control, lack of security. other thing i like to say, not just a test of wills, a cutie, agility, act, test of records if
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you purity the records side by side. larry: look at the numbers. >> i want to say something about president's trump personality. he is the guy he promised to be. he is telling david valadao, congressman from california who voted to impeach him, how can i help you. larry: larry hogan. >> endorsing larry hogan for senate, while he says i will not endorse donald trump. that is great unifier. nothing unifies us all as prosperity, growth for you will. people know in 2019, we had the best household income in history including the rising tide that lifted all boats. folks want to get back to that. cnn thinks they're doing a big civic service by muting donald trump as microphone. oh, my goodness. joe biden has to manditorily speak for half the debate? make mine a double. almost 5:00 somewhere. almost five being here. larry: i don't understand, biden is talked away for a week at
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camp david and they set up the debate set in the air hangar and so forth, so on. 16 advisors. probably twice as many. they're drilling him twice a day. >> yep. larry: i said this last night. i have most of my marbles left, if you made me do 90 minutes twice a die, throwing 16, 20 people at me, they're firing questions, darts and numbers i wouldn't get anything. >> what does it speak to, right? lack of trust. lack of trust. larry: from his own people. >> probably see him walking out to the podium and walking off the podium. everything. 9:00 p.m. for a joe biden is like 1:00 in the morning, right? so i wouldn't, i wouldn't count on him totally flubbing it, right? i wouldn't expect it necessarily but if he, if there is a major flub, especially if it is a little weird or funny can be spread on social media for days afterwards, that could be a torpedo to the bow. >> all right. mark one other thing, ben domenech said this last night on
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the show, it was a very interesting point, he said most of the people watching this debate to not believe they will be watching joe biden as president in the next four years and what he was referring to was kamala harris. >> yeah. larry: that they may see biden but no one expect the him, even if he wins to last four years. so there's kamala harris, lurking in the back ground in the shadows and that's a big negative for biden. have you thought about that? does that make any sense. >> one one 100%. this will become a theme. this is not the real nominee. there is not a single serious person who tell you joe biden will finish his second term. if you look at the social security acutarial tables. if i was advising donald trump, hint kellyanne, show up at the vice-presidential debate to debate her too. she is the real nominee. larry: oh. >> a vote for kamala. she turned vice presidency into a no-show job. most days there is nothing on the vice president's schedule today. how is this possible?
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how is she the least busy person we know? i think you will see a lot more money behind that entire notion. in fact the trump campaign is releasing two ads tonight during the debate. one is called promises. shows joe biden lack of promise keeping but it also, the second one really makes this case, that a vote for joe biden is a vote for kamala harris. and that's scary. if you don't believe us, believe democrats. people so excited about kamala harris as vice president. i want to talk to you about the weather and your kids. they may be standing in a rainstorm you may not even have kids they want to talk about the weather and kids not kamala. i personally know donors, want to put their money, their treasure, talent behind this kind of initiative going into the fall which is you have to be afraid of her. people have seen her in action. she has said 28 senior staffers. let me make one pitch for trump's personality. you don't get these policies without his personality. don't get the trade deal. >> biden is not doing public
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events. kamala is not doing public events. >> a.i. generated. larry: i want a last thought, doug burgum of north dakota look the a lot like george washington. kellyanne, marc, rich lowery, thank you very much. another tragic by an illegal alien. joe biden won't talk about it, mayorkas won't talk about it. we'll talk about it with senator marsha blackburn. thank you all very much.h. appreciate it get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. (♪) (♪) what took you so long? i'm sorry, there was a long line at the thai place. you get the sauce i like? of course! you're the man!
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larry: look at joe biden's open border killing americans. joining us to talk about this, tennessee senator marsha blackburn. thank you, ma'am, as always. today is a very, very sad day. funeral, this 12-year-old girl, jocelyn nungaray, down in texas killed by two illegals, i guess from venezuela, maybe from one of the gangs. maybe not. rachel morin was another one in baltimore, maryland. laken riley in georgia. the thing that's so amazing is here you have dhs secretary mayorkas refusing to take any blame for it. he says it's just about the indivindividuals and has nothino do with the border policy, and his boss, joe biden, never ever mentions the names of these
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individuals. what's your thinking here heading towards the debate tonight, senator blackburn? >> larry, we should say their names, and we should remember them. the angel fames out there want us to talk about these that have lost their lives and remember them. as we go into the debate tonight, what we need to remember is that the border, that open border, joe biden's border policy is one of the top things on the minds of american people. they see it and they're living it in their communities. they know that president donald trump is going to have the border secure and it's going to be a top priority for him.
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impact on hearing across tennessee and i talk with our sheriff's and local officials, every town's a border town, every state is a border state because of the drugs. human trafficking, sex trafficking and the crime that is coming to communities because of the open border. larry: why do you think it is, senator, here's joe biden, been in office 50 years plus. it's just not in his dna to understand what you just described, to understand the tragedy of his policies, but he never mentions the individuals. he shows no compassion orem wow. think with it. or empathy with it. never seen anything like it. even if you make a mistake, show empathy. he doesn't do any of that. why is that, senator blackburn? >> it is baffling that he does not have that ability to be empathetic and listen to the local officials, and i have been in several tennessee county this
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is week, larry, and they will talk with you and talk about duis that are up and talk about crime that's up and talk about the heart break of dealing with families because of the drugs and the crime they're seeing, and they know that president trump relates to this. he talked with these families and he is going to do something about it. and he is q ing to go back to building that ball and and going to make sure that local law enforcement has what they need to do the job. local law enforcement, they know that donald trump is going to be with them on dea dealing with this. larry: thank you, senator. thank you very much.
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