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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 2, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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against the supreme court and its kitchen tables and closing the border and issues success the country. liz mcdonald is going to unite everybody in just a moment. >> yes we will. it's like watching a torpedo
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going on a chimney and blowing up the house. this is a presidency in crisis. this is u.s. history in the making, we've never been here before and this nation so it's fun to sit with you and cover it wall-to-wall. we'll go right at it. joining us now from senate homeland security senator ron johnson. his great to have you back on the show. we got this news coming in to today, we'd like your reaction to new york judge judge merchan for president trump sentencing and that your case to mid-september, the trump team is saying the case should be tossed out. the trump team saying it's an admissible evidence. are all these cases falling apart? >> they shouldn't have been brought in the first place. i'll start there. in terms of legalism's whether this would be prevented from
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moving forward because of the supreme court decision i will say the decision to me was obvious and that means you have three justices who didn't realize this nonpartisan issue, take president biden for exa example, was he just an ordinary citizen helping people cross the border? those same people name rapes and murders prosecutors aiding and abetting those crimes so it is an obvious decision president when acting under his capacity has to be immune from prosecution or we lose all checks and balances in this nation really becomes a banana republic. >> k jp again today said the president had a cold that the cnn debate, somebody should alert britain's common cold can trigger incoherent thoughts of debate multiple times.
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we got news coming in, the washington post reporting biden's chief of staff holding all hands on deck some phone call 1230 tomorrow and biden campaign cochair james clyburn parking kamala harris is an option. no more information beyond that. what you make of the president supreme court? he's not talking positive growth policies for america, it's raging against the supreme co court, plus jonathan turley said president biden is led with the ruling actually said. >> i think you been interviewing me long enough even before the 2020 election, joe biden was unfit for office because the corrupt nature of his family and peddling influence so unfit so for the entire state of his presidency we witnessed, it's sad to witness, not fun to watch
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any elderly person but we seen mental decline. we see the mainstream media is shocked about this and forced to report it because he performs so badly in the 90 minute debate. i was surprised to figure out a cocktail, he's got him off energized again his decline is so significant the can't hide anymore but they been hiding it in the most significant people have to understand the mainstream media democrats and members of congress, democrats radical leftists in the media covering up for mentally and physically and integrity impaired president for years. >> let's watch the president again make another cap while reading from a teleprompter and read the teleprompter instructions. his white house engulfed in a firestorm, more and more white house aides are leaking about
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his mental fitness, anger issues and cognitive decline, watch what happened. >> i will respect powers i have for three and a half years. >> supreme court blocked be but that didn't stop me. i concur with the dissent today. she said in every use of visual power the president is now thinking of the law with fear for our democracy, i dissent. [inaudible] >> what makes you so confident to be the president? >> he said he respect the presidential power when he did the student loan bailout collapse border with 100 actions due to vaccine mandate. what you make of should not run again? we are hearing from peter welsh
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and the white house saying it's a disaster former senator tom harkin also saying he should step aside? >> first of all, president biden is a pathological liar. he's leading a lawless administration. the decision on student loans is one example, the supreme court ruled you can't extend moratorium on leases and sent them anyway. a lawless administration. it is obvious to me have been saying since last summer he be the nominee. i was surprised he's as energized at the state of the union and every day goes by is more likely he's going to just hang in there. hunter biden is now coming into the oval office are taking part in meetings in the white house. hunter biden? are getting advice from hunter biden? it's amazing so i can understand why democrats want a different
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nominee should of been talking about that like a real primary. rfk junior wanted to run a primary and blocked him every step of the way. this is a party concerned about democracy and blocked their own primary so here they are, james clyburn has a right, it will be difficult to not replace biden with kamala harris and she's famous for her words salads and most americans realize she's unqualified to be president of the united states so democrats are in a pickle here. >> a pleasure having you on, thanks for joining us. the far left having a meltdown over the supreme court ruling based on the constitution about presidential immunity and the trump 2020 case, aisha hutchinson live in washington with the story. good to see you. >> good evening deal. house democrats and senate democrats need something else to talk about other than president biden and now it is a supreme court justices, at least those
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conservative appointed justices. joke morale of new york announced just moments after that immunity decision yesterday that he's going to undo what the supreme court did and in a post on x he says i will introduce a constitutional amendment to reverse harmful decisions and ensure no president is above the law. the eminent will do prioritize our democracy. any such amendment to the constitution needs a two thirds majority in the house or senate where the boats are right now, he falls progressive firebrand aoc says she will when she returns to capitol hill. articles of impeachment against the court and said to supreme court has become corruption crisis beyond control. not likely to happen with a republican majority in the house and democratic leader hakeem jeffries promising the democrats
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will engage in aggressive oversight legislative activity to try to bring our right justice into compliance with the constitution. over in the senate, much of the same verbal language we are hearing angry democrats calling these justices politicians and senate judiciary chairman durbin blasted chief justice roberts specifically for not forcing justices alito and thomas to recuse themselves and will push in ethics bill but that looks like it might fail and has so far failed to gain votes so far so what we have here is what's turning into a campaign issue for house and senate democrats in a very interesting perilous time for them when nobody wants to talk about anything other than president biden and his health and age. >> thank you. that was great reporting. from the terrific aisha
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hutchinson, look who's here, legal analyst greg jarrett, author of a fantastic book bestseller constitution of the u.s. and patriotic documents. what you make of democrats and media hitting the panic button claiming the supreme court ruling green lights presidents to commit crimes and attack their rivals? >> good to see you, the history on a freak out by democrats is very predictable if not melodramatic. the end of democracy is the favorite narrative scare tactics by the usual suspects chuck schumer, richard blumenthal, durbin not do a outdone the justices borrow limited language as if and even joe biden declared there are no limits on
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what the president can do, that's not what the ruling said. just the opposite. the court placed guardrails on presidential power so biden is deceiving americans and the silly coaching democracy is on the purposes ignores checks and balances and safeguards in our constitution that has worked for more than two centuries. president can be impeached and removed by congress and joined by federal courts and the ultimate remedy can always be found at the ballot box. people should be worried about a mentally failing president, not "the supremes" doing their jobs. >> the propaganda and gas lighting including misleading from the oval office was striking. let's get your reaction to former attorney general bill far saying the supreme court did not grant the president authority to commit crimes. watch how crazy they are getting
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at msnbc talking about the president could use military to take out rivals under this ruling. >> the worst example i think the one that makes no sense whatsoever is the idea that he can use seal team to kill a political opponent. he doesn't have the authority to assassinate people so whether he uses seal team or a private hitman, it doesn't matter carrying out his authority so horror stories are false. >> people are exploring options if they think they can be targeted for prosecution by donald trump because targeting you and me and the official act based on today's decision. >> i guess theoretically president biden acting within the scope of his official duties could dispatch the military and take out the conservative justices on the court.
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>> what you think? >> these people have lost their minds. i must say i was disappointed in the misleading exaggerations in her rant from the bench. the king above the law, she s said. the chief justice correctly scolded her for misleading people that's not what the majority opinion said. it literally said the president is not above the law and laid out what is not immune from prosecution. but the angry democrats don't comprehend is this ruling protects joe biden and all future democrat presidents the same what denies law for partisans deployed against trump and hopefully forecloses any republican retribution exploiting or manipulating statues punish a political opponent for otherwise
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legitimate residential lacks. this was only necessary because democrats weaponize and contorted the law for electoral gain. >> this feels like an abnormal ahistorical. we are in good do you feel the same way? have we seen anything what we endured over the last four to eight years? >> some of the ugliest rhetoric was uttered and written in the 1800 election and just before that and just after that using pseudonyms to smear and defame presidential candidates. there have been periods of ugliness in american history and the great thing about this country and constitutional republic is we endure, we survived because americans are
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smart and always engage in course correction democrats have used the irs of the "wall street journal" and testified to congress about irs audits push by politicians going back to jfk even fdr so those political attacks but an entire push to go after political rival through the justice system. we are on new ground. thank you so much. still ahead, president trump warmer ambassador at large president trump national security advisor. tudor dixon and raise your taxes, he's not talking about stopping trillions of dollars literally and massive government waste and your tax dollars. hhs paid out a whopping 260
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million dollars to cover dead people. more details. tonight's evening edit debate, follow this. new house and dedicatory report coming out right before the election and biden's botched exit out of afghanistan. jen psaki is set to testify. will this change voters mindset? a new landmark supreme court decision about to unleash the might and power of u.s. oil and gas, a major, potentially fatal blow to biden's electric car mandate and climate change push attacking u.s. oil and gas. more on watergate reporter carl bernstein saying sources close to biden's off of two 20 episodes of cognitive decline including stiff rigor mortis plus the white house literally trying to call more than 500 democrat donors saying they're
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going to pull the plug biden doesn't drop out coming up, all of this on "the evening edit" tonight. stay right there. ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i'd buy stilts. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪ if you're a grandparent, you know what i'm talking about when your little grandchild starts talking to you. something i couldn't hear for a long time. it's funny how something like just a hearing loss can have an effect on a relationship.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. let's get right at this former michigan gubernatorial candidate and host of the tudor dixon
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podcast. what you think of this story watergate report bernstein on cnn calling biden's cnn debate a horror show up to 20 episodes of people close to biden? cognitive decline stepping up to rigor mortis and a lot of blame pointed in d.c. according to leaks, what you think? >> i think they kept the inner circle smaller and smaller so people couldn't tell the true story but we've seen it, it's not a huge surprise. is this is something we were seeing after the g7 and uc the white house come out and see cream shop year trying to explain that away earlier today and her first press conference which was a debacle for them and the clear, people in the white
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house are truly freaking out. aides are saying we seen him but in the last few months the circle has become smaller and smaller, we haven't seen it and maybe it is because his decline is getting progressively worse. there's no question we know that's what it is. the question is, why has it been hidden from the american people? >> reports coming in biden's campaign chair had to hold an urgent call with 500 donors monday night to keep them on board, a lot of them want out, it's a put up or shut up time, everything is okay as white house claims and why doesn't biden doing an unscripted no teleprompter press conference? the president is set to do it taped not live interview with abc's george stephanopoulos so know why not do that, life? >> we know why, we saw thursday night he can't handle it and i don't think he can handle it any time of idea.
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he's good from 10:00 to 6:00, give me a break. he would come out -- now we know why he hasn't talked. we know why he hasn't done any press conferences and hard to talk to. he doesn't answer questions and why he has the reporters he's going to call on in advance. it's been pre-orchestrated. >> a new cnn poll, trump leads biden 49 -- 43%. he's got a two-point lead trump over biden. not one that stay in 24 years. watch this report, record percentage of reporters say biden is too old to run again. the percentage has doubled what it was for john mccain, triple for reagan and carl bernstein. watch this. >> this is worry within his own party, concern within his own party. 45% of democrats saying biden should step aside. it's a gallup poll just before the debate it already going into the debate 67% of voters said they considered biden too old to
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be president. the biden number is a number we've never seen for any candidate before. >> the joe biden we saw is not a one off. there have been 15, 20 occasions in the last year end a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did and that horror show. there was a fundraiser which he started and became very stiff according to the people there as if a rigor mortis setting in. >> june of -- >> a year ago almost exactly at the four seasons restaurant on park avenue. he became stiff and the chair had to be brought for him to do the latter part of the event. >> they had to bring a chair to him. >> all i can say is the cat is out of the bag, you can't put the tooth back. they can't un- see it and they
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are smarter than the democrats obviously think. >> appreciate you so much. come back again soon. still ahead, fox news contributor and author of laptop from hell, miranda devine is joining us. miranda's take on one of the worst crises in u.s. history. the white house accused of trying to cut cognitive the client. new reports coming out, white house aides are scared of biden's anger and temper plus the chairman -- there he is. kevin o'leary. a landmark supreme court decision that could unleash the power and might of u.s. oil and gas plus hello, stopped dead in its tracks. biden's massive all of government push on climate change including electric car mandate. a hot show for you coming up on "the evening edit". we'll be right back. stay right there. ♪
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we got a new setback from the biden white house white with u.s. oil and gas, federal judge ruling against president biden's goals on exports of u.s. provide that gas. grady trimble has been all over this breaking news out of d.c., he's got more. great to see you. >> the department of energy tells us is reviewing the courts order and evaluating next steps and says naturally the department disagrees with the ruling but no doubt as you noted this is another setback in the biden administration's green push. the judge's ruling temporarily blocks the department of energy because on liquefied natural gas exports permits, more than a dozen republican-led states challenge the man arguing doe failed to consider concerns about the impact on national security. state revenues, employment opportunities and pollution allegedly caused by increased reliance on foreign energy
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sources. the judge agreed questioning why the department had to pause approvals in order to review permitting process and today elected officials from energy producing states are celeb celebrating. >> winning across the board and the reason we are winning is this guy is trying to act when he is no authority to do so. the biden administration shows little respect for the rule of law and that's why i'm pleased this court ruled right way and overall we have a good batting average against the biden the administration. >> this ruling is the latest in a string of roadblocks to the biden administration's climate agenda. last week the supreme court ruled against an epa rule intended to restrict smokestack emissions from power plants. the administration has issued regulations related to electric vehicles that and that of being less stringent than the original proposal after the auto industry
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and other stakeholders spoke out against it. >> it's really something. thank you so much. great reporting, let's welcome back to the show, look who's here. the chairman of o'leary ven ventures, kevin o'leary. great to have you on again. you heard the report, dozen america need economic growth? oil and gas. kept america out of recession because we just got the news that the fed downgraded second-quarter gdp growth to 1.7%. it's more than half, don't we need these guys? >> it's an economic reality. any economy owners let alone the largest which is america needs energy. you can't run an economy without energy, which sources do you use? the future of fossil fuel and carbons, existing agenda on the
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current administration is against the. as you know in dubai when the world gathered together for the first time they said it's impossible to talk about eliminating hydrocarbons anytime soon and that means 100 years. what we can do is diversify and that is the debate we have in america, how fast you diversify so this ruling is going to have your impact on the energy sector one of our 11 sectors in the s&p which is depressed if you want to call it that for price-earnings ratio he will ask for years because it was a blanket decision by agencies that enforce them not to expand pipelines, not to expand refineries and that's going to be challenged now. it's a new don. >> it's also the supreme court chevron ruling, oil and gas guys and energy process say this will stop biden's work in u.s. oil and gas and and the climate
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changes that because the ruling cuts into governments rules and regulations bureaucracy and can possibly stop biden's electric cars and start mandates. what you think of this? >> was really needed here and i think we're just starting to get the service of this, and education to the american voter what the position of hybrid car carbon industry should be because when people talk about not building refineries, it's based on technology from 1972. today he could build a refinery almost carbon neutral like scrubbing and success can carbon and same with pipelines for safer than braille so industry should take some blame on education but i think if the administration changes to the agenda that i think if he is vp, clearly a strong energy component player, we will have energy security, a very vibrant
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hydrocarbon industry with concern. >> pipelines delivering that gas out to japan or asia. reduce national debt whether it's energy secretary or vp is going to drive fantastic economic outcomes with the debt we have. >> we can't let you go without listening to this gap reading from the teleprompter about energy shortages. watch this. >> we've invested billions to enhance our power grid. expand energy shortages so refrigeration, internet other keep waves and storms and of the climate change. >> invested to expand energy shortages? >> all i can say is it speaks for itself and i think, i really
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think biden's family has to do some soul-searching. i'm not the only person saying that. i've been talking to many prominent democrats. i'm having dinner with one tomorrow just to get the download on what the thinking is. it is policy for me, i want to find out what they are really thinking and who's going to swap them out. i don't know what's going to happen. it's crazy chicken right now. >> we are in history, thank you so much. look who's here, fox news contributor and new york post columnist miranda devine. what is your take on everything going on next we have axios a brand-new headline story freaking out, turmoil in the biden white house saying the debate was a defining moment, kamala harris who one no delegates in 2020 and then in 2024, what do you think?
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>> they are panicking but it's another charade because they have no, the people close to joe biden and work with joe biden, they've known he's been in cognitive decline since at least 2019. it was obvious to every american saw him on the campaign trail in 2020 in iowa, new hampshire. even back then they had to drive the teleprompter into these tiny town halls to give speeches every other candidate was gi giving, could give in their sleep. he's declined ever since because it's the ailment that never gets better. they can no longer gaslight and fly to the american people and pretend videos they see, the way they see the president falling over having to take the short stick having to read off the
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teleprompter not giving press conferences, even skipping the super bowl interview which is a gimme did they've pretended to the american people that that's normal and there's nothing wrong with joe biden. they been covering up and hiding but unfortunately the 90 minutes he was on prime time television during the slow motion collapse last week is not able to be covered up. >> without this report, white house insiders are terrified of biden and anger behind the scenes. from where you sit it looks like white house aides are leaking more and more, is this the way to see that this is a possible turn, a hinge.that joe biden white house insiders reportedly hiding biden's cognitive dec decline, white house saying briefings are painful, biden's mood is unpleasant, he's being
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briefed, it's difficult. people are scared of him. he still hasn't done an interview or press conference five days after that cnn debate debacle and other politicians would have been in cleanup mode. >> yes, last night he came out and did a four-minute teleprompter speech questions internships back as we seen him for the last three and a half years. no wonder they are panicking. i'm not sure how they can manage it. hunter biden convicted felon sitting in on white house meetings with the president. joe biden and his family have tried close aides under the bus, no wonder they are leaking. >> we appreciate it, thank you so much for being on the show, who will have you back on hopefully soon. still ahead, former ambassador at large under president trump making sales. former trump deputy national security advisor. tonight evening debate.
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the fallout of this, how will voters react to house foreign affairs putting out a report right before the election on biden's botched exit out of afghanistan? this will soon take center stage in the headlines again. we got jen psaki sitting down for a house foreign affairs interview. we will debate this coming up but first, dagen and sean. what you got coming up? >> we have a great show coming up. the debate fallout for joe biden continues. it's begging the question, who's actually running the country? senator eric schmidt with us as well as biden's export ban, big news. >> a win for america, another win. the attorney general from commonwealth virginia. another state joins the massive lawsuit the tailpipe
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regulations. mandate electric vehicles across the country and caldwell, the roy murdock on how quickly does the dam break for all the democrats? they seem to be counting on pity votes come november. we break down the kj p press conference today which was laughably awful. top of the hour. ♪ [floor creaks] (♪) (♪) (♪) relax, you booked a vrbo. ♪
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. joining us now, former ambassador at large under president trump, former trump deputy national security adv advisor, victoria coates. great to have you both on. nathan, what's the fallout of this for the biden white house on house foreign affairs said to put out a new investigatory report before the election on biden's botched exit out of afghanistan former press secretary jen psaki reported the going to sit for an interview in a few weeks for this, what do you think x. >> is not good news for the biden administration. the more voters remember the withdrawal from pianist dan, the worst biden is going to look and that's saying something. americans care about afghanistan
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because today we are less secure, less safe than we were three and a half years ago by pulling out, we basically handed the country over to some of the world's most dangerous terrorists including the local isis affiliate, this group has carried out attacks across the at-year-old and just last month there were horrible reports, about eight people affiliated with isis core on prophets who came across the southern border stopped and then released intoee fact was the fbi able to track them down across the country and arrest them. thanks to the fbi doing their job but it never should have come to that were suspected isis members are able to get into our country. >> what nathan just said, axios is reporting house investigatory report could contain potentially politically damaging information about biden's decision about rushing the withdrawal they say, 13 u.s. soldiers were murdered
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in the bombing of the kabul airport, what you think? >> it's good to be with you. i strongly agree, i think this is going to compound the problem the white house encountered last thursday night with biden's disastrous debate performance. one of the worst things about that performance was when he basically said nobody died getting out of afghanistan. thirteen heroes died unnecessarily. it didn't have to happen. this is because the president was making a terrible series of decisions forcing policy word, his cognitive decline was not as obvious as it is now but looking back over the last three years, you can see that decisions were being made from the get-go and are deeply undermined national securities what we have to show for it. >> the probe has inconsistent sisi between what biden and what the white house says publicly
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including u.s. commander in commander retired general austin scott testified he warned higher ups this would get very bad and serious very fast and was troubled by the biden white house lack of understanding of the risk of what's happening. what you think? >> we've heard mixed messages from the white house, but the president told us nobody advised him to stay and that turned out not to be the case. we now know across the entire u.s. government he was being warned if you withdraw, hand the country over to the tell a man on a silver platter, it's going to be a very dangerous situation for americans and that's what has come to pass. you never want your prediction of doom and gloom to be accurate but all of the people warning biden about the dangers of withdrawal without leaving the capability to take out terrorists or threatening us, all of those people unfortunately have been
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vindicated. >> final word? >> i would say this reminds me, very disturbingly of 2014, 15 timeframe when isis out of syria shocking obama administration and vice president biden and we had attacks in europe and the united states has san bern bernardino. nathan knows this better than anyone and i worry we are looking at something similar,. >> thanks for joining us, great to have you on. advisors pounding partner mitch roschelle slamming biden for demanding trillions and tax hikes, why does he insistently ignore the government blue and wasted $2.7 trillion of your money on waste and fraud since 2003? this story coming up. ♪ i
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alone. if you want to point fingers at other presidents that is fine, how about under your watch, close to a trillion dollars has been wasted. this is not about getting revenue from taxpayers, this is about 15 departments that report to commander in chief getting them to not waste taxpayer's money. elizabeth: he wants to raise taxes on small businesses to 28%, you have ippei inspector general for hhs, saying they paid out 260 million to cover dead people. rreimbursing heat care providers. >> you know. all -- what is amazing to me is the work to uncover this came from the government accountability office. and what strikes me there is
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zorro account dill -- zero accountability, wasting money seems to be the status quo, there is no accountability this is in the executive branch, this is not you know, just this is the administrative state of this government this just wastes money as their purpose in life. elizabeth: mitch, you have the atlanta federal reserve, gdp forecast showing second quarter gdp will be 1.7%, it was 1.4% in first quarter. that is really a downgrade when they said it would be over 4% in may. so is this big government spending approach working, mitch? >> no. the big government spending does not work, if you look at job creation, the numbers government jobs is growing, the number of private sectors, high paying white collar jobs is shrinking, this is more follow the
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money, where is it going through the government. this has not growing -- government spending does not grow the economy. elizabeth: do you think we're headed to a downturn? >> when i look in and parse through economic data i put two bad reports on one side and one report on the other side. i think that plurality of data disturbing and i believe that jobs numbers will signal that friday. elizabeth: misch rochelle you are terrific thank you, thank you for watching, i am elizabeth macdonald on "the evening edit," time for my buddy on "the bottom line," sending it over to dagen and sean. dagen: thank you, emac. elizabeth: sure. ♪ ♪ dagen: i am dagen mcdowell


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