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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  July 3, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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- ah yes, couldn't stay away huh? what mask are you wearing now? - but despite his claim to be avenging a wrong done to his family by wells fargo, charles boles never sends one dime home, revealing the truth about the real man. in february, 1888 boles and his alter ego, black bart, disappear for the last time, leaving behind a legacy of crime and a true legend of the real west. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm lar ry kudlow. president trump sentencing
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in his new york hush money case has been delayed until september 18, our legal experts on that in a moment but first, lydia hu has all of the details. the beat goes on. >> a busy day. over at john merchan's chambers in manhattan. he weighed in this afternoon. now delayed to september, and otherwise would have happened next week. on july 11. this delay is coming after manhattan prosecutors agreed to postponement of sentencing requested by lawyers for former president trump hours after yesterday's landmark supreme court ruling on presidential immunity. trump's lawyers asked for a delay in the inten in the -- sentences to brief the court on immunity, argue that trump's conviction for falsecasion of business records must be set aside after yesterday's decision,
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the new timeline we'll pull up on next series of events in july the briefing from defense attorneys, from then september 6 merchan will decide the motion how immunity impacts the network criminal 1 vicktion, and -- impacts the new york criminal conviction. and then we have 6 presidential debate, and then the sentencing in the new york criminal case. a lot packed in to two weeks in cement. september. supreme court ruled that a former president is immunity from prosecution based on official actions, it ruled that prosecutors cannot use evidence that involves official acts to prove other claims. but trump's lawyers say that is what happened in the trial. they say, the jury was able to hear evidence relating to official actions like,
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witness testimony about events in the oval was on the, that is madelei mad and social media post, and records of calls involving trump while in office in 20 sphain. trump was convicted 17. now, sentencing delayed in an unexpected twist, not past the election but right up against it. the other cases now delayed, past the election. >> wow thank you lid wh lydia hu. >> joe biden is now running against the supreme court that a big mistake. and the subject of the riff. looks like joe biden and democrats will run against supreme court. in name of democracy. this is a big mistake. court's decision to give any
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president by the way, absolute immunity from civil suits for acts within the outer perimeter is not even remotely radical it was taken from the nixon versus fitzgerald court opinion way back in 1982. similarly, court followed constitution and offer absolute immunity for actions within the corepower of the executive, this is something that could benefit joe biden or any other president. and the court opined a president has presumptive immunity outside of his court powers, and mr. trump did not get everything that he wanted but no got a good deal, a deal that protects the chief executive historically for all time, without questions they will pin special counsel jack smith's ears way back, because jack smith went beyond the constitution. and at a minimum all of
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these court cases, including alvin bragg's sham trial in new york, j6 in washington, classified documents in south flood florida and rico lawsuit in atlanta will be push backed beyond the election, some may be tossed out. i'll leave the forecast to the lawyers. but, the key point, is that biden and the democrats running against the the supremes has nothing to do with key issues driving voters this election will be about kitchen table issues, affordability crisis, high price, huge borrowing costs and falling real wages and biden's open board catastrophe with horrific crimes, murders, and rains and general criminality and break down of public safety true out the nation -- throughout the nation and public rejection of woke progressive policies.
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threatening traditional family values and attack on the supreme court has nothing to do with world on fire during the biden president see, americans yearn for peace and prosperity, they want a spronstrong capable president at helm, toughness biden's lawfare campaign against mr. trump has been a losing issue since the get go, if anything it helped former supreme court in a sense supreme court decision, confirming in voters' minds that how phony and politically motivated trump lawsuits always were. biden's legal weaponization attack on trump has been dead in the water for quite some time. just take a look at the polls, yes biden badly lost last week's debate because of his clear cognitive impairment and overall break down. which itself is something voters have observed mr. mafor many months.
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but, in is an important but, while biden lost the debate, mr. trump won the debate on the issues. trump was on message. concerning voter worries about inflation, the economy and border, when biden talked about january 6 in debate here is donald trump's answer. >> on january 6, we had a great border. nobody coming through, very few, on january 6, we were energy inspeimen independent and lowert taxes and lowest regulations and we were respected all over the world. larry: those are the issues and biden started up again about so-called trump retribution, here is another billion answer. >> my retribution will be success. what we did was incredible we rebuilt the military, we got largest tax cut in
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history and largest regulation cut he has jobs because i cut rig layi regulations that gave job but he is putting them back on. larry: supreme court will not be on ballot, donald trump will be. even on issue of democracy, trump has a significant lead in polls mr. biden will do anything to avoid and distraction from key issues on which he has such a poor track record. mr. trump is saying, his policies, his strength his energy will bring great success to the country. and success will be a great unifier and that is something that voters yearn for biden can attack supremes as much as he wants but mr. trump putting together a massive works class coalition that can bring him to victory, that my riff, joining me leo
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terrell. and andrew cherkasky. welcome. mr. terrell, look like they are all running from the hills right now, they are run away. it is all pushed back and alvin bragg in new york, what do you make of this? >> first, that was a perfect opening statement, package it up and give it to trump. >> thank you. >> president trump had a perfect week. a perfect week not only from debate but supreme court ruling and you see a rippling affect 5 minutes after that ruling i said trump should file a motion to sit aside new york fake hush money case it is happening. because that case was built on evidence that is inadmissible per supreme court ruling, and with judge merchan's ruling on september 18, he will hava
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ruling necessary, you know why, it may not be necessary, that case should be thrown out, that case was built on false inadmissible evidence, you have that and you have the situation with the january 6 case. all of these political cases, that were motivated by politics, and not justice, are on life support, they are dead on arrival it has been a great week, none of these cases will have any affect prior to the election in november, when trump becomes president, larry. larry: you know, that is -- andrew another point, remember that so-called enron decision that was friday by the supreme court. they took that out. they said, it was crazy, this was meant to be for a financial issue. sarbane's oxley and enron scandal. not for people on the lawn at the capitol, what has mr. trump done wrong, you look at cases and supreme
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court said, which many lawyers have said. it was not that radical, it was based -- in my reading, nixon, i read the decision, nixon vs fitzgerald what has trump done wrong and what happens to the cases. >> there was nothing extreme or over the top with this supreme court decision. it holds that is what we have seen in our country throughout the history of our country. one party or other could have seen as criminal. in 1980s we have nixon decision that says civil penalties can't be imposed on a president, and criminal sanctions would be higher, there is nothing extreme there. i see the left trying to
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create some historyonics, some hyperbole to motivate their base, but the supreme court is doing their job in looking at the law, it is taking a long time for trump to have his fair day in court and due process to work his way, i see that, it takes a long time. to win and unral an and uanan. >> unrav gr leo come back to that, i don't think that any of these cases will come to trial before the election. and you are both suggests that some of this stuff will be tossed out. and so this is the total failure of biden's weaponization if you will. from the get go, i saw "washington post" poll in swing states trump comes out ahead to democracy, you think it will get tossed
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out? leo? >> i believe so, first threshold, everyone knows that these cases were motivated because they did not -- the democrats did not want president trump to run for reelection, that is the motivation, they could have been brought before, but they timed them it was wrong. they have lost motivation per supreme court ruling, that new york case to me is dead. because, how do you segregate inadmissible evidence, jack smith will not have an opportunity to generate a case prior to the enough election. -- november election, trump will have right to appeal any adverse ruling at district court level, and january 6. classified document case, judge is doing her due diligence to maker sure everything is fair, not one of these cases. will see a court rule trial
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date prive to november election. larry: we'll save the tape we save them all. andrew. in this decision, i was reading it last night, having going for an economics guy, the -- it was justice thomas who raised the issue that jack smith should not be special prosecutor in first place, a reference to the ed meese, michael mccasey amicus i guess to decisions in this south florida, and eilleen canon will locan -- will look at that is there a chance that jack smith will be thrown out? >> i think we have a lot of steps to get there before he is directly challenged, a lot of evidence and charges will be challenged first but jack smith that appointment is something that should be
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unsettling to american people. larry: he was never confirmed by senate. >> he is not election or confirmed there sn there is no consequence, he is bear plea on barely on the payroll. there is a special trust in a special process that goes through, the idea that we have one person appointed to the position, by the political enemy of a former president and not go through a democratic process is in its own right an attack on democracy that is the sort of thing that left is screaming about, with donald trump. but, that does not seem to be all that consistent. it is contradictory, not just jack smith we see it with other special counsel ash poiappoint. the doj is run by president of united states, that is what supreme court says. larry: it time to look at, that it has run rampant, you
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can't keep using it as a weapon. this is illegal. it seems to violate due process if judge cannon rules it on, it would be a good thing. >> they will go crazy if she goes that direction. it will go through an appellate process and work its way up, i think that when -- i look at jack smith issue, we have to look at joe biden issue. he is in charge of the doj he denies his involvement in various prosecutions related to -- prosecutions related to don but she in charge, he sends messages like he did yesterday to keep pushing against donald trump. larry: i watched, he shuffled his way out. thank you so much leo terrell and andrew cherkasky. on kudlow, joe biden and media can't help themselves from lying about the economy. and recent data coming out.
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is a recession now in the making? we'll talk all that with steve moore, and mike faulkender when kudlow returns, i don't know, toss them out, we'll be right back. things will go wrong for your customers. but your business can make it right, with watsonx assistant.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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larry: liberal media pushing sex, lying lies and videotape, i want to know if there is a recession in the making, joining us now steve moore. and mike faulkender. chief economist at afpi, faulkender, i want to get to the lies in a moment but you know, you get a string of bad economic numbers, atlanta fed is now down to 1. 7% in second quarter that ended june 30. we had 1.4 in first quarter. ism manufacturing down big time. housing is crashing, left and right. the labor market is weakening. retail sales consumers look like they are slumping, what do you think there that, are we headed for a recession?
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>> well you know, i have been thinking that private sector has been in a recession for a while and government spending that is keeping the economy going if you look at manufacturing, and, services, a lot of these industries have not been seeing job growth. it has been for a number of months new centered in healthcare, in government spending and social assistance, very much funded by government. as we have discussed biden administration is intent on filling thetic w the economy with government money i don't see it immediately on the hospitalization but this is not sustain -- on the head, but thhorizon, this cannot sustain itself, the government has to pullback, so if i is unlikely. larry: so that was a no.
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steve moore. >> i don't think we'll get a recession. i think you made point we have this secular statio stagnation, the economy you know how many months in a row of growth rate of one, and one and a half percent, we need it to be twice that rate. biden has been putting bricks on the back of the economy, they are weighing it down, i'm not predicting a resolution, we have a -- resolutiorecession. we have a robust market. you take out a.i. industry we now vot have much of a stock market today. larry: i noticed nvidia.
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steve moore, you will like it. let's play tape, joe biden, sex, lies and videotape. >> take a look at what i was left when i became president, we had an economy that was in freefall, it collapsed. there were no jobs, unemployment rate rose to 15% it was terrible. larry: steve moore, the economy was in freefall, it is funny, i remember a v-shape recovery but mr. biden said freefall, what do you say. >> what was interesting that people talk about how incoherent biden was, he was half of the time, i was more disturbed by what he said when he was coherent. he put out the lies. one thing that surprises me, media, commen kept saying, that biden was coherent and
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trump lies, no biden was incoherent and h lied. another quoo one that sticks in my craw, media and biden say that trump caused inflation, what are they talking about, last 4 months trump in office, 1.4% inflation. how is that a -- then biden takes 18 months later to 9.51% that is trump's fault? you have economic ignore in the white house. >> only thing worse was his coherence. mike faulkender, mr. biden said that trump really was the biggest borrower, i noticed some media picked that up and "wall street journal" wrote about it, not editorial page.
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about trump create more debt than biden? >> no, not at all, we had a lot of debt issued during the pandemic, but prior to that, we were not issuing -- deficits we were running were not that extraordinary. if luke at largest -- 4 largest deficit, three occurred under biden administration and other during covid. you look at spending they have enacted whether ira or just the increase in discretionary spending, if look at cboforecast where debt is going compared to what biden came into was with it has exploded, they are only looking at numbers that have been issued so far not the projections that arising from all acts that biden is taking. biden really has put ut on a
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path to devastation. larry: i think that janet yellen, treasure secretary is the biggest bond salesman in the history of the republic. i do. she could sell more bonds. did way, thank you so much steve moore and mike faulkender. coming up, is georg is -- joe biden pe come a national security risk we asked in governor doug durum comi but burgum coming up. >> kudlow is available as a podcast right after the show. i'll be right back. did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered.
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♪ a love song that goes on forever ♪
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♪ for worse and for better ♪ ♪ we'll two-step together ♪ ♪ and i'll hold you closer ♪ ♪ each day i go through ♪ ♪ this dance of a lifetime ♪ ♪ with you ♪ larry: sort of of breaking news, white house helds if first briefing since the debate, edward lawrence has details good afternoon to
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you what is going on. reporter: first one on camera. since debate, white house press secretary, karine jean-pierre held a -- peppered with questions about president's competency. >> we're not taking away from what you all saw. what the american people saw. we understand. it was a bad night. it is not uncommon for incumbents to have a bad night on first debate. and we are going to continue to do the work that we have been doing on behalf of the american people. reporter: when asked she said president does not have alzheimer's or dementia in one official public even president biden held he spoke after a briefing on hurricane beryl and heat, now we have first democrat calling for president biden to step aside in the election. so far message from white house, this president had a bad night was over prepared
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that got in his way. to president's speech last night, using a teleprompter accused supreme court of being political, and tried to scare americans about what the rules means, republicans say it was shameful. >> this guy, has the gall to talk about the powers of presidency, he has abused those powers every step of the way, i don't care what he has to say, the truth is when donald trump was trump he lived within the confines of presidential power. he obeyed supreme court rules. reporter: president biden will do his first one-on-one interview with ach with abc news, friday and confirming that hunter biden sat in on at least one meeting with the president and his top aides, in preparation for the speech, you saw last night, confirmation that she said, we'll see more family members around the white house because it say holiday week. larry: edward lawrence thank you. >> so, joining me now north
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dakota governor doug burgum, welcome back. we appreciate it. you know, this issue mr. biden's performance at debate was so bad, and last night, he read the teleprompter for 4 and a half minutes and shuffled away, u.s. military bases in europe are on high alert for possible terrorist threats, my question to you, is now mr. biden a national security risk because he looks so weak and if you will, almost ill, is he a security risk, sir? >> absolutely, he is a security risk. biden is for america and on multiple levels, one is as was just said, not just america that can't unsee what mae saw last thursday night. but, putin was watching, xi was watching, the ayatollahs were watching and any of our adversaries saw that, they
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look at someone who is not able to get through a debate, much less serve out the rest of his term potentially. certainly there is nothing that would indicate he could search for 4 more years, if they are thinking he has 5 months left in office, if you are planning from their side, saw let's go now, they know who is coming next is president trump, he is strength. that is one is just him? or security threat but his possiblies, his energy policies that are funding russia and iran, funding the two proxy wars that we're in against those countries, they are funds their side of it, with joe biden's energy policy, and china benefits from that and then lastly, most heartbreaking for me watching that debate joe biden looked in camera and lied said no one guide died on his watch, i thought as commander in chief, he is trying to erase memories of young men and women who died
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like in afghanistan withdrawal, he is talking during a debate to gold star mothers saying your child did not exist. how demoralizing if you were watching that in the world in uniform for united states of america, and that was our commander in chief, we have a risk to national security who will enlist in armed forces if he is commander in chief, he is security threat on many levels. >> governor, you are on the short list for vice president. on the a-lshort list. names. you name always in every single article. i know that president trump thinks that world of you. tell us in your mind, what would you bring if you were put on the ticket as vice president. what would you bring to that ticket? >> well i appreciate that question. but, i think again, there is one person that get to decide that is president trump, he will make a great decision, and figure out at
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the time of his choosing among a bunch of great candidates who'll bring what he needs for the nation, he will choose right go governing partner, and in thing that we have been focused on on, i think every american should focus on is getting president trump elected and thank goodness there have been big wins with the supreme court on friday, and yesterday. going forward, because, you knowed by inlawfare is falling apart, the democr dedemocrat party is in freefall, they a. they are compares biden's performance to obama's, it is a bad debate. if is just support the big lie. today, i think that americans are seeing through that and i don't know how they will get a single donation right now, who would write a check to the biden and her is rig
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harris right now, i think they created a bunch of rules to block people like jfk from being a part of the mix, they could have had a fully competitive primary, but now they are stuck with it they created a recalled garden to pro -- wall garden to protect him, now they have to live with it and our othey will say former president trump will be next president he was spron strong in office, if we're doing something bad, we'll do it now while joe biden is in office. larry: mr. trump has great success for successful ceos, you are a former ceo of a successful study, and state of north dakota does that put you head and shoulders above others. >> i can't comment on comparison it is accurate that i had a lot of tune in leadership as an executive in public and private sector. and i think that you know, you will never see me as a sensosenator or
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congressman, i like to get stuff done, i am an operating guy, i know trump when he gets in office he will get a lot of stuff done and have a lot of talent in next administration. up and down, and he will get -- get so much done right out of the blocks, people will be surprised and how fast he can turn the country. larry: thank you governor burgum we appreciate it very much. good luck to campaign trail. >> switching gears. we'll talk politics in ale alejandalex marlow and bedford. alex, you heard governor burgum, not touting himself there is another name surfacing for veep governor glen youngkin from virginia. virginia is are much in
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play. what do you think about younyoungkin for vice president. >> he has a compelling narrative, he could put virginia in play, someone that more moderate wing could get excited about. that could make it they might be more inclined to vote for a president trump. if they are on the fence. he is not toward the top of the list from what i heard, most names are heard on burgum and vance. i don't know if youngkin has enough time to move up, but he has his fans. larry: chris bedford, joe biden will run against the supreme court. good idea or bad? >> that does not seem to be a very good idea, democratic party's pitch to american voter in 2020, they were
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party of normalcy, values and standards and bring us back to a age of civility. if you are an american voter and you tuned in saw president of united states drooling on his stage, not controlling his facial expressions, and joe biden and alexandria ocasio-cortez talking about impeaching supreme court justice, that is a hard pitch to make. that you person that represents normalcy, you are the return to civil ti safety, good with democratic base but it pokes a hole for a lot of the independents. larry: i don't see what that has to do with the kitchen table issues, and falling real wages and high prices and gasoline and fires raging in the world. the supreme court really? will run against that. just does not make much sense to me, and you know, alex to you, i think -- i don't know if saw this.
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maine congressman jared golden. a modcra moderate democrat from maine written a op-ed piece for banger, maine newspaper. he wrote a piece donald trump will win the election and democracy will be fine. >> this wise words, if you look at that debate performance, and you see the path for democrats to replace joe biden, which are almost impossible. but this looks like it will be an l for democrats, the smart move be classy, take that thei lrchti l and regroup. >> and chris, another one lloyd doggett, moderate democrat from the state of texas, he is out there is aing that b there saying
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that biden should not run. what do you make of that? >> the beginning of the break in the dam, first few days after debate there was a lot of this fantasy from democrat and reporter and media, idea to small cap joe biden out for whitmer or newsom that is fantasy talk, if you get rid of joe biden you are stuck with kamala harris. you saw congressman james clyburn saying you cannot skip over ca kamala. larry: they hkamala. >> you know, alex. if you vote for joe biden, and joe biden were to win
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the race. you might still get kamala harris. and i see that as a big hand keap for handicap for democrats. >> it huge, kamala polls terribly. she is beloved by silicon valley, establishment class, democrats are in a pickle, chris is right, kamala only easy 57 who can step in and she is not that liked by the american public. larry: thank you. >> we'll talk to the great jonathan turley, about free speech in an age of rage. stick with kudlow we'll be right back.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet.
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and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. larry: let's talk about free speech. joining us now great jonathan turley. fox news contributors and author of new book, the u, first, welcome, i love to sell books this is a very timely discussion free speech in the age of rage. i read the blush. >> tell us about the book,
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tell us about free speech in the age of rage. >> you know, thank you larry. for having me on to talk about it. the indispensable right, a book that is 30 years in the making, i didn't want to complete the book until i explore why we call it inde indispensable and why we struggle with free speech. this book talks about personalities and periods that helped shape free speech, and looking at what i think is more dangerous anti-free speech period, that is because we never faced an alliance of the government, academia, media, corporations, and we're seeing a regression of free speech across the country. and i think you could arguably say that joe biden is the most anti-free speech
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president since john adams. looking at history as book does, we're looking now at an existential fight over free speech, there are law professors that push for rewriting. amendment of the first amendment. my colleagues said it is individualistic and should be planned against notions like equity and we have books out saying we have to get beyond free speech it is dangerous. in ac academia, they have purged faculties of libertarians and decenting voices and republicans this book talks about how some professors committed suicide after being targeted by the left. we have to come to grips with this, that is what the book explores. larry: if you decent on climate change or on covid. or decented on donald trump. everyone comes down on you, from the government on
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down. and i was disappointed with the supremes saying that government could jawbone social media on speech, and so call the disinformation that is part of it today, that can't be good. >> it is not good, the book strives for is clarity, suggests ways that we can have a reawakens, free speech is part of our dna, the public does not want censorship, but the book argue thats free speech is a natural right, nothing that completes -- it is something that completes us as humans, this does not come from the government. have we to reembrace that, this was view of the founding and let's lost -- we lost it early on, we have to come to grips with the massive anti- free speech movement. that taken hold of our government and highercation and media. larry: just liking at trump stuff, and lawfare and
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weaponnization. they tried to gag donald trump. that is part of the free speech revolt. >> right, and the book talks a great deal about those efforts and why they are dangerous. in fact, one thing that book strongly indicates, i have said it in a column, is that you know the book into historical periods, that include the adams period, adams was defeated by thomas jejefferson who ran on free speech. and he won, if donald trump was smart as others running against joe biden they would make spree speech a central issue, this san francisco e transsends political divisions. >> free speech in the age of rage. get the book, thank you jonathan be right back wit
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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪


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