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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 8, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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>> hi really believes he's fine and even though he thinks it's his mission to beat donald trump. if the money isn't behind him, he's ain't winning. >> we need to focus on the damage he's done to the country whether it's the run away inflation, out of control border, crime in the cities, mayhem on the campuses. they're all a direct result of biden policies. >> msnbc are pathetic saying we'll do a phone interview. that the president doesn't have access to a studio in i'm in my basement talking to you. they didn't put it on video so they could answer questions by reading them. >> this idea that checking ids is somehow discriminatory or whatever else that the left says is just nonsense. the majority of americans
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support this. david: hi, everyone. i'm david asman in for stuart varney. he'll be back tomorrow, don't worry. the dow is the big winner right now up 170 points, s&p up about 5 points, 4.35. nasdaq up -- 4.5, nasdaq up about 10. give them an extra three quarters of a point. big tech and they're all in the red and president biden spoke with msnbc and during the wide
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ranging talk he took a shot at donald trump's wide ranging vision for the future. >> don't see a lot of ceos talking to trump or the major economists talking about what i've bye bye bye able to co. i don't hear anybody talking about his economic plan likely to bring america around and keep america first. david: steve forbes joining peak spl now. it's the simple phrase that ronald reagan used, do you feel better now than you did four years ago? overwhelming majority of americans say no, they don't. how can he sell something that americans say isn't true? jot real inflation rate is twice what it was and people don't feel that i can talk about wages going up but a slower pace than a year ago and peep don't feel they're getting ahead, and especially people about half the people today feel they're
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falling behind and some are doing well, but a lot aren't and there's massive spending and spending on defense and already paying on interest, which will just get worse. david: you mentioned the word future, it's all about the future and expectations for americans are always high and entitled to the american dream including property. we know about inflation being bad. americans are under water with inflation but they're terribly under water for interest rates and cost of owning a home has increased 100% in the past four years and monthly cost of paying your mortgage has increased 100%. >> then the crazy regulations and can't have a wood stove and air burning stove and air-conditioning and anything that makes life better, they have regulations to make it
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worse. when was the last new dishwasher made that could do a load under 10 hours. david: steve, my apartment building in new york has been without natural gas for over three months now. governor hochul has been ratcheting up all the regulations and has this idea of getting rid of natural gas for the city of new york and in fact the state of new york. it's happening not only on the federal level but the local level as well. david: that's right. you've talked alaska using regulations to socialize the economy, do it in many ways and senator bernie sanders knows a thing about socialism and urging president biden to put aside age concerns and focus on economic agenda. roll it. >> the american people want an agenda for the next four years that speaks to the needs of the working class of this country. frankly, i don't think the president has brought that agenda forward. he has to say i'm prepared to
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take on corporate greed, massive income and wealth and inequality and stand with the working class of this country. he does that, he's going to win and win big. david: some say he's been fulfilling the bernie sanders economic policy but bernie wants him to go the full bernie. the full bernie, and that is pure socialism. any chance he does that or pairing back to the middle? >> there's regulations and don't need congress and virtually on the way to banning the internal combustion engine and no more gas and diesel fueled cars and trucks in the future. that was not passed by congress. that was done by decree, and piling on all the decrees and regulations and hurting the economy, which will be a huge burden when trump takes office next january on doing this enormous damage. so he's already going full boar.
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bernie sanders is jell yous that joe -- jealous that joe got the job instead of bernie himself. david: i asked steve moore if the economy was slowing down to a recession level, will trump have to dig his way out, spend time in the first part if he's elected, digging his way out of a recession. >> well, the best way even without a recession is what do you do? cut tax rates, stablingize the value of the dollar, do serious deregulation, which he started to do in his first term. david: which is essentially by the way what ronald reagan did when he took over in 1980 and didn't have to deal with the recession for about a year and a half before the tax cuts kicked in. >> well, when you have 15% inflation, there's a problem. fortunately we're not there yet. key thing is move on the growth, have the federal reserve focus not on trashing the economy but on having a stable dollar and by golly, miraculous things will happen. david: okay. before we go, steve, i want to
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focus on something that happened overseas and riots erupting in france after a left wing coalition surge in the far right national rally fell short in elections. no coalition captured a majority meaning months of gridlock could lie ahead. steve, look at what's happening in france and make our deficits look small and yet the new left wing power that is now part of the people that will be making the decisions wants even more government spending. what will happen to france if that happens? >> sadly france will get worse and not better. their tax rates and payroll tax in this country 15% per employee, in france it gets as high depending on where you work as high as 65%. it's disastrous and president macron never attacked those rates and did a few things and
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nipped at enemieses but didn't do the opportunity wantal reforms to get that economy moving and france is hitting below the weight, boxing below the weight yet again. david: they had a wealth tax and it was a disaster and pulled out and now want to bring it back. they want a wealth tax back and more housing benefits and sector wages. >> it's addictive. david: steve forbes, good to see you. tell that to the yankees. jason catas katz with us now. we have a good day in the market and news about inflation and financial report reports and are investors waiting for that news before committing fully to getting in or out? >> yeah, we're at a cross roads and cpi and ppi are moving in the right direction but nowhere near the fed target and as much as the fed should cut ahead of a pileup, they're probably going
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to wait till after the election for the first rate cut. david: some listen to jerome powell saying we heard signs it's slowing and could get a september rate cut. you don't think that'll happen? >> no, again what the fed should do versus what it will do are two very different things. david: talk about specific stocks and ai winners. data centers. data centers are winners. explain what that means to investors. >> data growing ex-potentially 30% a year and no vacancies in data centers right now and this data needs to be secured and needs to be accessed easily so data center leasing to
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hyper-scalers like google and amazon are the best risk reward way to play and bricks and mortar way play to that's grossly undersupplied. david: it's the second half of the year now, do you reposition things in the portfolio? >> that's what we talk about and what took us to the dance may not take us home. don't abandon the large cap tech stocks and fixed income and reinvestment with the cash you're sitting on and lock in higher rates. david: by the way, before you go on, long term rates or shorter term rates? the 2-year get a pretty good deal on a 2-year? >> sure, but what happens in 12 or 24 months from now when the fed cut 2-4 times? you want to extend duration, lock in longer term bonds and see price appreciation on those bonds as rates fall. david: talking 10 years? >> 10 years and longer.
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david: jason katz, good stuff. appreciate it. lauren, looking at goldman sachs? lauren: 474 was a high for goldman and hitted to and 472. this is ahead of friday's big bang stark reporting and kicking off earning season and investors are looking for clues first rate cut could be in september. david: taiwan semiconductor company? lauren: hitting $1 trillion and makes sense because it's the largest chip foundry and have two $3 trillion customers, app and will nvidia and they hit $1 trillion in valuation. david: good old dominoes pizza? lauren: 499 and upgrade to outperform and set ago price target of 580 and like the strategy. david: good stuff. lauren, thank you.
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jason, good to have you here. appreciate it. coming up, it's congressman chip roy planning to remove the president and planning to talk to fellow congressmen about it this week and the congressman is on the show and new report from cdo that the nationalize is on pace to reach a national crisis over the next four years. president biden welcoming leaders of nato to washington tomorrow. but after numerous displays of physical frailty and mental weakness, how will he be perceived by these world leaders? kt mcfarland taking that oncoming next. ♪
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david: president biden hosting high level talks with nato leaders inside the beltway and kt mcfarland joinings me now to talk about that and other things. kt after that horrible moment in the g7 meeting in italy where biden was off wandering when the group was supposed to be together for a picture,ed leader of italy had to come over and pull him back into the picture. what is their overall impression of the president of the united states? >> most of these leaders have known biden since he was vice president if not before. they've seen him in action, and i think it's very aimportant to them the decline and now increasingly rapid decline and what i'm looking at and what i'm match more concerned with is not what the nato leaders think of him necessarily or what the
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country thinks of him in joe biden's reelection prospects. i'm concerned what thed a versus adversaries are seeing because normally when the united states is in an election season, nothing gets done or anything significant happens. everybody is playing it safe. then we have that period between the election and inauguration, three months it's one of the longest periods in the world and at that point, nothing happens because there's an out going president and incoming president and adversaries have always done something to take advantage of us during that period and now that you have a perceived president who wanders off and isn't really sure what he's doing, this is the moment of maximum vulnerability for the united states. bad guys are all looking at this too and thinking my time. window's closing. david: kt we saw that happen in very soon after afghanistan, the horrible afghanistan withdrawal.
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as soon as biden came in removed maximum pressure and they made billions of more dollars and some of which they shared with hamas, hezbollah and all the bad people around the world with that -- i think plausibly saying that helped add to the push by hamas that caused october 7 horrible massacre in israel. so many different things happened already by our adversaries as a result of a weak president. >> yeah and you're right to point out the money part and the energy policies of president biden reversing trump's energy dominance and independence and the money has doubled if not tripled and given iran $100 billion passing on to the proxy and $100 billion working
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on oturu nuclear program and same thing with russia and they're all looking a the this moment thinking, yikes, if trump comes back, we're in trouble. oil comes back down and we'll be broke. china is looking to think if trump comes back, there's tariff ware fair and thinks to make the move now and exploit the president that completely befuddled. david: not hot spot, ukraine. nato leaders expected to pledge for weaponed and aid for ukraine. should we keep pouring money and weapons into ukraine? >> there's no plan. i mean, when you ask european leaders and i've done a certain amount of traveling to eastern europe in the last several months, they all say, well, russia wins, that's bad. if ukraine loses, that's bad. i get that, but what's the plan? how do you win.
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there's no plan to reverse this and as a result they're not even contemplating and negotiated settlement and think we're just going to keep doing that and maybe, maybe america can come in militarily. it's just not going to happen. david: meanwhile, president biden has made clear he wants ukraine to join nato. it's probably going to be a point of discussion this week. what do you any about that? clearly putin put out the word that if something like that happens, he's going to double up his campaign against ukraine. will the nato allies advise biden against this? an attack against one is an attack against all and we'll all go to war if somebody attacks one of us f. we have ukraine join nato at this time, we're declaring war on russia. there's a nato and russia war
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and nobody in the united states want this is or the european leaders either. david: kt mcfarland, always a pleasure. thank you for being here. now this, winners of elections in france and britain are faced with soaring debts and deficits. lauren, any plan to tackle the debt? lauren: yeah, spend more money. that's the plan. david: that's smart. that's smart. lauren: we spoke about this with steve forbes earlier and the party with the most seats in the french parliament wants to increase the minimum wage and lower retirement age and freeze prprices and in the uk spend on national healthcare and spending fuels the national debt and the numbers if you look at france, increased to 104% of the gross domestic products this year. that's for the uk and in france, 112% of gdp. that's according to the imf. look, we have similar debt levels in the u.s., it's no party here. however, we have more growth than those specific europeans. david: that's the point. not only do they want to spend more but tax more and
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re-imposing the wealth tax would send more corporations out and that would also send tax revenue out and not only spending more but receiving less in tax revenue. lauren: regulate and fine our american companies and ingenuity that do business. david: crazy stuff. lauren, thank you very much. check the biggest winners on the dow. we can see intel, boeing and big legal decision that boeing admitted to and home depot, goldman sachs up 1.25% and travel herreras. get a look -- travelers and look at 2-year treasury yield up about 3.1 basis points. we just did a guess on suggestings that now is the time to transition from stocks to more bonds in your portfolio. yield for the 2-year now 4.635. coming up, sam's club is removing a perk for its subscribers. customers are not happy and some are even threatening to shop at costco instead. we bring you the full story. and house democrats are fighting against a bill that would require voters to show id to
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cast their ballots. 81% of voters say they're in favor of that rule. congressman chip roy is here to respond coming up next. ♪
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david: checking the markets and they've lost steam but the dow was up over 200 and now up -- 100 and trading up 54 and s&p up 55 and nasdaq gained the most while the others lost a little. it's now trading up 51 points. lauren, look at boeing. they had a big legal decision today. lauren: yeah, big and bad. the stock is up 2% and they'll plead guilty to misleading air safety regulators in the run up to two deadly 737 max crashes about five years ago. this essentially makes boeing a felon but they did avoid a lengthy courtroom drama hence the stock is up 2.3%. david: yeah, and sell on the news, buy on the rumor, sell on the news or vice versa depending if it's good or bad news. amc. lauren: had busiest weekend of the year and 4 million movie goers thanks to despicable me 4 and amc said merchandise sales
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and take the kids and buy the toys, second to taylor swift movie and it's a feat. david: i remember the sales in toy story part 4 and i understand there's another one coming out. a buzz in dc about whether the 25th amendment could or should be used to remove president biden from office. chad pergram is on capitol hill with the details on this. chad. reporter: david, good morning. the 25th amendment to the constitution features a safety valve to remove a president who is not fit to serve. don't expect a vote in the house on that any time soon but lawmakers are discussing it. >> what we are seeing is that they have decided to cover up for joe biden to protect their radical agenda as opposed to doing what's in the best interest of the american people. if that resolution hits the floor, i would vote for it 100%.
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reporter: the vice president and half the cabinet must agree the president cannot continue to serve but the president could override them and stay put. however, a two-thirds vote by both the house and senate could quash that and remove the president. the u.s. has never used this 25th amendment before. >> we're living in unparalleled times and we've never done this before. it really matters that everyone trust the process and those steps are carried out before we go into true banana republic territory. reporter: questions of the president's fitness or why house republicans insist that attorney general merrick garland front pe tapes with special council robert hur and a vote could come wednesday and the house had tried to get the tapes for months. >> there's people like garland willing to break the law in trying to protect him and for
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the american people and even democrats concerned about biden being the nominee, what is on these tapes they'd go to such great lengths to essentially basically protect him? reporter: before the recess, house speaker mike johnson said the cabinet should consider the 25th amendment. chip roy of texas plans to talk about his resolution regarding the 25th amendment with house republicans tomorrow. david. david: thank you, chad. chip roy from texas joining me to talk more about this. when your enemy is in trouble, you let them stew there and don't try to help them get out of it. deputies are in trouble right now with biden. you're about to face him in november. why would you want to help the democrats with their biden problem? >> lauren: david, good to be obstructing cerumen. chad ryan higgins ticklated the state of play in washington and it's the state of the president of the united states. state of the commander in chief. the ability of the commander in
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chief to make the decisions necessary to carry out the powers of the duties of the office which he holds. he has a nuclear codes, we are engaged in all sorts of conflicts around the world. directly or indirectly and making tough and difficult decisions every day but here's the issue, he's not making all of those. we know that. you know that. everybody watching this knows that. you have democrats stepping up saying we need a president by committee and former secretary of homeland security jay johnson, members of congress, members of his administration are saying hey, we need to decide this. all these great people he has around him. he doesn't have a lot of great people around him. the founderrings made very clear they didn't want a president by committee. that's what you have right now, that's unconstitutional. we should say it, and i'm not afraid to run against joe biden or kamala harris and neither is donald trump. he would wipe the floor with either or both of them. david: is it conceivable that enough democrats might go along at this point, they're just so
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impotterred by the fact their presidential candidate, their current president and presidential candidate can't run the country effectively and they might join you? >> well, it's interesting. there's an increasing number of democrats that raised the issue of the president's mental capacity and anls and you're seeing those numbers stack up and the conversations that have leaked out of the democratic call yesterday where for example don buyer, former donald trump governor of virginia and member of congress for virginia raised issues they don't believe he's up for the task. many democrats are doing that. but at the end of the day, i don't think they'll go there and they can't. they're in a box and they've got to choose between a mentally incompetent president and a dei vice president and they know that they're going to be facing a problem either way. david: all right. congressman, i want to switch to another issue. house democrats are now fighting against a bill that would require voters to show id to cast their ballots. 81% of americans -- 18% of voters -- 81% of voters
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specifically are in favor of showing id. democrats are going to vote against something that 81% of americans are in favor of? really? >> yeah, i was proud to join with the speaker of the house and my friend with the act i authored and legislation that would require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. we don't think this is that complicated. it's an 80% plus issue across the board among the american people. democrats, as usual, are so out of step and out of touch that they're going to fight it. they're going to challenge it. they're going to try and stand up for the continued destruction of election integrity in this country rather than just making a simple statement that only citizens should be voting in our frailly lockerbie bomberses. we have the power to do that under the institution, we should do it, there's been credible indication and evidence of mass efforts to recruit people that are here illegally and noncitizens to vote. virginia had to clean off their rolls last year and had 1500 to clean off and thousands of examples across the country. let's fix this right now, even
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as the president has had his lawlessness destroy the borders and import millions into this country and they've acknowledged they intend to try and register these individuals to vote using welfare roles to do it, medicaid to do it. let's stand upright now as americans and say only citizens should vote and you should have to provide proof of citizenship to register. david: i would love to see who's willing to vote against something that 81% of americans are in favor of. i'd love to get that on the record. finally, i want to ask about hurricane beryl. i know you're not necessarily in direct path of it, but it has made land fall in texas. what can you tell us about what damage it's doing? >> we're getting updates. obviously i represent closer to austin and thought this was going to come our way and moved east and hitting houston and praying for people there and seeing flooding and high winds and hope that storm will move quickly through that and the flooding will recede. power is out for about 1.3, 1.5 million texans but i know the lieutenant governor dan patrick is on top of it along with the governor who's traveling and coming back soon. they're on top of it getting all
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the emergency crews out there and praying for the people down in southeast texas. david: oil traders want to know where there problems with the rigs in the gulf or refiners on land? >> yeah, i don't have the full details and update on that. we'll hope to get the details in the next 24 hours, but we're obviously looking out for all those people. we need to make sure our energy continues to flow, we're proud of that in texas. it's also why we need to make sure that donald trump is elected so we can have american oil and gas flowing. david: congressman chip roy, thank you very much if being here. appreciate it. now this, texas governor greg abbott visited taiwan over the weekend. lauren, what happened during that visit? lauren: they set up a texas taiwan trade office. so texas and taiwan are major trading partners specifically in semiconductors and petro chemicals and texas attracts companies from across the world. low taxes, skilled work force, light regulation. and the governor, greg abbott, is in my opinion increasingly high profile on the world stage when it. co-s to the border, now when it comes to industry for his at a time. he's sending a message to china
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that he will help taiwan stay strong. and independent. david: he's a very strong governor and high pro file. lauren, thank you. violent holiday and weekend in -- violent holiday weekend in chicago, at least 100 people shot, 17 killed. this is coming just a month before democrats descend on that city for their convention. jason rantz will be here to talk about that. plus, the number of jobs created in june was higher than expected but if you dig into the numbers, the picture might not be as rosie as the administration wants you to believe. we've got the full breakdown coming up next. ♪
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did i recollect check the big winner on the nasdaq and intel up, marvel technologies, at the scene la, broadcom, and what's that? lauren: mercadolibre. david: thank you, lauren. that's up 2.25%. boeing, lauren, news about boeing all day. lauren: they work on written plea deal and they're reportedly in conspiracy fraud charge affects billions in contracts with the pentagon and with nasa. as a government contractor last year, those contracts were 37% of their annual sales. we're talking billions of dollars and now they would be a felon. what's the 7:pact of that? impact of that? wall sprite thinks maybe very lit and will maybe a waiver and be a major contractor and supplier to the federal government based on share price reaction and reuters reporting
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that beau asking in talk with the defense it -- boeing is in talks with the defense department on how it affects the government. david: stock up over 2%. you should notice and check the dow down there and it's now in the red. at one point this morning up over 200 point and down about 30. 206,000 jobs added last month in june. that was stronger than expected, but we also saw unemployment go back up above 4%. 4.1. grady trimble joining me now. grady, digging into the details of the report. are we seeing signs of potential slow down that maybe, maybe could lead to a recession? >> it's possible, david. the consensus is that the labor market specifically is cooling and when you look deeper boo the report, there's themes that at the very least are making some economists question whether the economy is as strong as the biden administration says it is.
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here's how julie su explained that to edward lawrence. >> you always ask me about local government jobs and it's not a good thing when they're growing but when they grow, it means more police officers in your community, means were fire fighters to respond to 911 calls. you know, it means more life guards at the city pool, librarians and they're a sign when they grow of confidence in the economy. reporter: on top of government jobs making up such a large portion of the new jobs added, the number of people with multiple jobs and part-time workers increased while the economy shed full-time jobs and over the past year, foreign-born workers gained nearly 1.2 million jobs while the number of native-born, u.s.-born job holders dropped by almost a
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million. >> the economy has been weakening. there's no doubt about that. it's actually been pretty weak throughout biden's presidency, but what would happen if trump wins is there's going to be an explosion of optimism and lower tax rates relative to the rest of the world and we'll start drilling for all american energy, we're going to get the border under control. reporter: as you well know, david, rnc is next week. that's a opportunity for the republican party to highlight its plans for the economy, contrast it with the biden administrations and by the way, we just got some info from the trump campaign, on monday the very first day of the convention next week, is when they plan to really focus in on economic issues and how the biden admin vagues' policies -- administration policies are affecting the country. david: good, they should. grady, thank you. sam's club is taking away automatic free shipping for the plus members. i would think a lot of customers are furious about this. lauren: yeah, you spend $100 for
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sam's club+ a year, you want perks. these customers are threatening to switch to costco. so at sap's club currently, you get free shipping, no minimum order it's same day shipping. starting next month, sam's club only shipping for free if you spend $50 or more. so if your order is $51, it'll ship for free otherwise ewe got to pay $8 flat. david: okay, you done want to make your customers go against you. lauren, thank you. the dow 30 stocks and a sense of what's happening and bottom right hand and market goes down and dow is down about 46 points and it was up about over 20 points earlier this the -- 200 points earlier in the morning and you can see more red than green on the screen. if you want a six-figure salary, you could get a job? seattle, get this, promoting tree equity management fighting environmental racism. a six-figure salary for that for
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a city that's supposed to have a budget crisis. jason rantz is our seattle guy. he's going to deal with that coming next. ♪ ♪ (alarm sound) ♪ amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ why not? did you forget something? ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ my protein shake. the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker.
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oo this is a good book title.
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david: a mob of nearly 100 looters ransacked a gas station convenient store in oakland, california. lauren, takes through what happened. lauren: a mob of looters ransacked this convenient store at the gas station and caused thousands of dollars in damage. the owner estimates approximately maybe 100 people broke through his store's front door and grabbed everything they could get their hands on, but he says it took the police 9 hours to respond. david: what! lauren: he was on "fox & friends" over the weekend. watch. >> see something like this happens is scary, you know. it's -- shouldn't be happening in a city and a bigger city like this and inside california, it's just unbelievable. lauren: look at some of the --
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listen to the surveillance video, you can hear the looters laughing at some points because they get away with this all the time. oakland's mayor will face a recall election in november. she continues to say crime in oakland has come down. it has not come down. you can't even park your car there for fear that someone will break into it and steal it. david: lauren, thank you. in about a month, democrats will be opening their convention in chicago, a city that just had a holiday weekend of blood. 100 shootings, 17 murders. jason rantz joining me now. jason, how could democrats promise america a safe and prosperous america when their conventions in a blue city that's a bloody mess? >> because they're hoping that the media will completely discount anything that's said on this network or by the victims of these crimes. i mean, we hear from as lauren pointed out, a mayor that's pre-sending crime is going down. we hear this across the country in democrat-run cities and yet
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we're at a crisis point, and it's so important to point out that oftentimes the victims and the suspects are disproportionately juveniles and we're seeing a rise in juvenile crime all across the country. we had in ohio over the weekend, you had a 15-year-old who allegedly shot and killed a 23-year-old. you had a 13-year-old, i believe, who was also shot and killed in ohio. here in washington state, just over the weekend we also had another juvenile suspect i believe 15 or 16 years old allegedly shooting and killing a 13-year-old and isn't behind bars right now. that is the reality. it's gotten so bad just in washington state alone, we had to stop taking in juvenile suspects in the detention centers because of overpopulation. that's how bad it is under democrat policies. david: three deans at columbia university removed after sending text messages mocking jewish student's concerns about safety on campus. it's a good first step but
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doesn't columbia's president have to be held accountable as well? >> to a certain degree. the president needs to be held to account because this is not new. why did it take so long for them to make this decision? keep in mind, two of the deans involved, their titles are dean of undergraduate student life and student family support. those are the people who made these text messages and so disgusting. david: we want to move onto article that you wrote about tree equity jobs that lands you $60 an hour from the city of seattle. that's almost $125,000 a year before taxes to promote something called tree equity. jason, isn't that city dealing g with a budget crisis right now and they're talking about racist trees? >> yeah, about $250 million budget deficit end of this year into next year. in fairness, we're not the only ones getting screwed because they're taking tax dollars from
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the federal government and paying for tree equity jobs here. it's so silly because this whole idea that they can't just simply say we're looking for someone to help manage trees being planted in our city because we want more canopy and shades in neighborhoods. instead it has to be cloaked around this i'm a hero because i'm fighting racism that's led to communities of color not having tree coverage. just do your job instead of trying to get some sort of certain status. david: we looked into the job,en have to be there two days a week. it has all this remote work effort too as well. what a waste of money. now it's time for the monday trivia question, we'll give you a couple minutes to think about it but during the summer, by how much does the eiffel tower change in height? lauren: what? david: grow 6 inches, shrink 6 inches, grow 1 foot or shrink
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1 foot. the answer is incredible. the answer when we come back. ♪ it's pods biggest sale of the summer. save up to 25% on moving and storage for a limited time. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, use promo code big25 to save. visit today.
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david: before the break we asked unitrin question, during the summer how much does the eiffel tower change in height, grossing
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cinches, shrink,. >> is a a 1 foot? in summer. david: we both got a hint one of our crew members maybe the heat makes this seal expand somewhat, i'm going to say grows 6 inches, the answer is 6 inches, it did grow, you're right about a growing, you're wrong about the amount but that's alright. it's because of the warm temperatures it can get hot enough that the metal expands it makes it grow a little bit, that is all the time that we have, stu will be back tomorrow, it is now time for "coast to coast". see you later. david: thank you, president staying in the race investors stayed in the market, the latter shall we say, nicely. average is chasing once again
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