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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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lly. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. larry: so forget the biden fol ly. the big story the trump rnc platform pro-growth america first. unity through success. read it. 20 bullets that's all it takes. liz macdonald, pro-growth, she's got it all. liz: that's right we have new details on that this hour, larry pretty exciting stuff. happy 4th to you. joining us now let's get right at it. the evening edit we have from the house doctor's caucus he's
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the co-chair congressman dr. greg murphy joins us. doctor, it's so good for you to join us. we need you on this story. the biden white house credibility just fell through the floor again today on biden's decline. they're now past the point of no return where no one believes him anymore. congressman? so trump is out with his pro- growth contract with america but the white house press briefing exploded today in chaos because a renowned parkinson's specialist visited the biden white house eight times in eight months? they won't say who he met with, implied he may have been visit ing someone other than the president? why didn't that person just go to walter reed? does everybody in the white house just get their own visit ing specialist? >> well i think it's very funny , liz. this is something where it goes with the democratic montra, don't believe what you see. believe what we tell you and we've been talking this for , you know, several years now that cognitive decline of the president. it took literally a pinnacle moment him on stage by himself
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with cameras looking at him for america to finally wake up and the fact now that the white house is trying to hide this and the fact that they had a specialist come in eight times over many many months to deal with parkinson's really just goes to show that they've been lying. they've not been transparent the whole time. i think that the history will show that this is one of the biggest scam jobs the nation has ever seen. liz: doctor, do you see more democrats saying biden should step aside? he's telling democrats he will not. we have nine democrats led by jerry nadler saying he should. they are panicked they will lose congress. he's turning blue states into swing states. do you see more democrats saying he should step aside? >> i do, and this is the point, you know, liz, where it's humorous. he's been in washington d.c. so long he wants to hold on to power so long long or his family, his wife, brothers everybody else want to hold on to power so long and this is where you're not serving the country. you're serving yourself.
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it'll be interesting to see. i think the democrats are panicked about it because they see that the curtain has been pulled back on the lies they've had for several years. liz: i mean that briefing room chaos today the front row satya nadella b c, cbs, the associated press, exploded at the press secretary, kjp. she could not answer who the person met with. i mean, its gotten so bad even a xios reports biden gets detailed instructions on large notecards with big print type telling him where to walk up to podiums, where to stand. you know, we saw this with the notecards starting in 2022 that he is given ahead of time to call on pre-selected reporters who get scripted questions. this has been going on for years >> yeah, and it's sad, liz, to be very honest with you. i've dealt with elderly patients for 35 years, and seen so many devolve into cognitive decline but it's sad this is becoming
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the issue for the american people. the real issue is the decline in the country over the last three and a half years when this person has been at the helm no wonder who has been making the decisions? i think that we'll find out one-day who has been making decisions because it sure has not been joe biden. liz: well now he's turning it to full blown nixon today, yelling about elites like richard nixon did, blaming elites. let's get your reaction to that. he out of the blue called msnbc this morning. at one point you could hear him flipping again through scripts. those are not in the sound bites you'll hear but we heard it. let's listen to this. watch. >> talk about how i don't have the black support. come on. give me a break. come with me. watch, watch, i'm getting so frustrated by the elites. i'm not talking about you guys but by the elites in the party who they know so much more. if there was something that was wrong that night, it's not like
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that's one night and it goes away. that's why i'm testing myself and testing everywhere i go. going out and making the case. the night of that debate, i went out. i was out until 2:00 in the morning that very night, that very night. it drives me nuts people talking about this. liz: i mean, so what you're up until 2:00 in the morning. what does he mean he's been testing himself? by the way we got usa today poll 51% approve of trump's job performance when he was president versus 41% for biden. who were the elites he's blaming now? >> well, i think he has some white liberal elites who are progressives who are now turning their tides on him. this is one thing we've talked about with the democratic party for quite some time. one thing that happens when folks have cognitive issues they tend to become unleashed a lot more. people get upset because they can't hold on to everything that they want and he's frustrated as hell because people are pointing out finally the media
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is finally pointing out what america and especially we republicans have been seeing now for a couple years. i'd be frustrated too. liz: doctor, so in your opinion, the new york times said, "the public needs to know why biden is clearly having mental lapses, rambling, mid-sentence stumbles, abnormally weak vocals , apparent loss of concentration, open-mouth gaping , flat facial expressions ." in your opinion, doctor, what does this sound like? >> well, you know, parkinson's has a rolling gate, bradykinesia, and stiffness in what you say. i'm not a neurologist so i can't diagnose this but if you compare him to who he was five, six years ago before all the plastic surgery and everything that's a different person. it's an absolutely different person and we saw that person the other night. no amount of makeup they put on him is going to change that. liz: congressman greg murphy thank you so much for being with us at the top of the hour. great to see you again. happy 4th.
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let's welcome back to the show let's move on to american majority ceo ned ryan. you've been watching this. now, we've got media watchdogs hammering the media. members of the media joining in four years of deception, cover ing up biden's decline. the press propaganda. watch this. political analyst mark halprin says this mess of cover-up of biden's decline ranks up there with the false claim iraq had wmd's or the debunk trump russia collusion story. some say watergate. where do you put it? >> yeah, no, i think it's right up there. you're seeing a massive conspiracy of silence and lies from the biden white house, kamala harris, and a lot in the corporate propaganda is to cover up what they know for the last three and a half years that joe biden has been in mental and physical decline and i don't think the frustration has anything to do with ethics at all, liz. i think they are frustrated politically because this is not a campaign or white house
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imploding. this is really a scam. a scam on the american people that's imploding in realtime and the amazing part to me is what happened today at the biden white house. not that crazy press conference. two things. biden refused to meet with senator mark warren and other democratic senators coming to meet with him about his future as the nominee. they didn't meet, and then they issued a relatively long statement in which dr. jill and the oligarchs running the biden white house made it very clear. they're not, right now they hold the legal high ground and i think that the matter for the short-term is at least it's a done deal. biden's not going anywhere. he will be the nominee for the foreseeable future. liz: we're in unchartered waters , and it looks like this biden white house did cross a point of no return. they've been in a no-man's land of zero credibility. people just don't believe them anymore. we've got multiple reports, media outlets, even from the nation talking left wing
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media through the new york times , to the washington post to centrist media saying his clean- up interview with abc's george stephanopoulos did not fix the debate debacle. did not stop talk of this decline he flopped. at one point he said he couldn't answer, he said he's claimed he couldn't remember if he watched the debate afterwards. really? he doesn't remember? >> so if biden does not consent to go, he's not going anywhere and i think there's a couple turning points that will take place over the next few weeks, liz. again the credentials committee for the dnc is meeting july 21 and if they endorse biden, game on. if it gets to the actual august dnc, will democrats say we've had enough and have a full evolt i don't think they will, liz. it's only a few weeks before ballots drop in north carolina and i think at that point they all fall back into line. democrat the propaganda can say well, joe biden's our guy. we'll push him all the way to the finish line on november 5.
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liz: the issue for voters is you do want to reelect somebody whose had potentially a parkinson's specialist visit that person that maybe the president we don't know in the white house. i mean, the denialism critics say from biden about his situation is "truly alarming." watch this. we want to get your reaction to the philadelphia radio host reveal on cnn saturday that the white house and the biden campaign did give her ahead of time scripted questions to ask biden, a second radio host said they did that, they did the same thing. you'll hear biden still dove the scripted questions and then one of the radio hosts was let go after this. watch this. >> did you ever watch the debate afterwards? >> i don't think i did. look, i had every single day i have a cognitive test. >> if you stay in and trump is elected and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in january? >> i feel that i gave it my all
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and i did the goodest job that i know i can do. that's what this is about. >> i'm proud to be, as i said, the first vice president, first black woman, to serve with a black president. the first president get elected statewide in state of delaware. >> the white house sent the questions to you ahead of the interview? >> yes. i got several questions. eight of them and the four chosen were the ones i approved. liz: unfortunately that person was let go, so he said he got elected as a kid, as a senator? he said he was the first black vice president? i mean, they've been pointing to these radio interviews as evidence he's fine when the white house gave them scripted questions ahead of time how does that prove he's okay? >> well again it shows that this has been a highly choreographed scripted conspiracy to hide this from the american people and it's all
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crumbling in realtime, liz. again when 51 million people saw that debate and realized this man is not well, the gig is up, right? so i guess the real question the american people have to ask themselves between now and november 5 is whose actually running the white house? it's clearly not the duly- elected president. are we comfortable with this situation? are we comfortable with the oligarchy running the biden white house? is that really how we conduct democratic elections here in this country? liz: ned ryan appreciate you so much coming on. we'll have you back on again very soon. still ahead, congresswoman anna luna from house oversight, former trump state department spokes person morgan ortegas, former federal prosecutor kelly stimson, wall street pro nancy tengler, national review reporter caroline downey, and conservative commentated or , kayleigh mcgee white. house oversight chair james comer demands biden's white house doctor dvornikov why he said biden is fit to serve.
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also, why did that doctor meet with that parkinson's specialist we're staying on the story and house impeachment managers claim they've got proof biden's white house doctor was also involved in the biden family deals profiting off of government access, and the "evening edit" debate tonight. media watchdogs hammering the media as a "propaganda press " for joining in years of" cover-up" about biden's physical and mental fitness. we've got new details this hour on trump's pro-growth contract with america. the rnc platform is out ahead of its convention in milwaukee next week. we've got the details and the former president trump's supreme court victory on immunity now hitting all of the trump prosecutions. we're digging in, plus d.c. is bracing for biden hosting this week's nato summit amid growing concerns among european leaders about his decline and
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trump again hammers bidenomics as a failure as the june jobs report signals a potential slowdown. we've got it all on the "evening edit" tonight. we'll be right back. stay right there. protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower
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liz: okay, welcome back. the details coming in this hour. trump's contract with america, the rnc platform, is out ahead of the convention next week and it includes shut the border, do deportation, stop inflation, stop electric carman dates, make america the number one energy producer in the world, big tax cuts for workers, no taxes on tips, protect social security and medicare, plus, there's much more. also this. we're looking under the hood of the white house's claims about a robust economy. we've got economists saying there are concerns about a potential slowdown. we've got to get right to grady trimble. he's live in d.c. with the story grady, great to see you. reporter: you too, liz. the white house press secretary started today's briefing by boasting about last friday's jobs report. 20 6,000 jobs added, but she did not note that the same report indicates a labor market that's cooling. when you look deeper into the numbers, there are some themes that at the very least are making some economists
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question whether the economy is as strong as the biden administration says it is. one of the most glaring examples , roughly one-third of all new jobs added last month were in government. here is how acting labor second julie shu explained that to our colleague edward lawrence. >> you always ask me about local government jobs like it's not a good thing they are growing but when they grow, it means more police officers in your community. it means more firefighters to respond to 911 calls. it means more lifeguards at the city pool, librarians, you know? those are a sign when they grow of confidence in the economy. reporter: the report also shows the number of people with multiple jobs and part-time workers increased while the economy shed full-time jobs, and over the past year, foreign- born workers gained nearly 1.2 million jobs while
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the number of native-born job holders has dropped by 943,000. >> the economy has been weakening. there's no doubt about that and it's actually been pretty weak throughout biden's presidency but i think what would happen if trump wins is you're just going to have this explosion of optimism and lower tax rates relative to the rest of the world. we're going to start drilling for all american energy. we're going to get the border under control. reporter: and, liz, you mentioned the rnc next week, an opportunity for the republican party to highlight its plans for the economy, contrast it with the biden administrations. we learned today that next monday, they will be kicking off the entire convention, focused on the economy, so we look forward to that. i'll be there, liz. liz: grady trimble, you're terrific thank you so much. look whose here. tengler investment cio, nancy tengler. it's so good to have you on this show, because you know, you heard grady's report. much of this election, nancy, is
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driven by what voters see as the truth about the economy, but there's this mystery about the biden white house and democrats touting the initial jobs report as robust and healthy, but then they were revised down by i think nearly 800,000 last year. now a quarter of a million jobs so far knocked out in the revisions this year, so that's like more than a million jobs knocked out that didn't exist based on the bls model here. >> yeah, i mean, they are very unreliable numbers we are learning. this last round we heard 20 6,000 in payrolls but then when you look at the revisions it was as you pointed out it's 111,000 jobs that were not added that we thought were added in may and june. that's a 25% miss, liz, and i don't even think that's good for government work, so i do think people are skeptical of the numbers. grady rightly pointed out that
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part-time jobs are up. there's over 4 million people, 4.2 million that have part-time work that want full-time work, but that is not the kind of job market that's going to inspire and then the acting secretary pointing out that government jobs are good. there is no multiplier in government jobs so we had 70,000 new government jobs versus an average of 49,000 new government jobs over the last 12 months, monthly, and yet construction was up modestly but manufacturing was down. those are the jobs you want to see growing in a robust economy. liz: that's interesting. they had more of a halo effect creating other jobs. senator john kennedy is slamming the biden administration saying that they prioritize gas stoves and prioritize whether a man can breast feed. that's what he said, instead of the economy. you know, the white house press secretary today boasted about biden again, tapping and selling off a million barrels out of us
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strategic reserves as if that's a great thing. nancy, let's get your reaction to this watch. >> speaking of which, last week , we sold 1 million-barrels of gasoline to help lower gas prices ahead of the 4th of july, which saw the lowest gas prices in three years. liz: why is that a good thing? i mean, she didn't say that i think the national average for gas is up about 46% since biden took office. why is it such a good thing to sell the strategic reserves? trump is saying wait a minute. we want to make the us a dominant energy producer, not selling off what we need to refill. >> yeah, and they have been selling off. i mean, this is not the first summer that we saw the strategic petroleum reserves depleted. this is upside down in so many ways, liz, but i think what reminds me of is when you have an administration that calls for corporate greed, what about
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government greed, where we're spending money we don't have and we're reducing petroleum reserves that we have not replaced and they are for emergencies. that was the whole purpose of putting that in place so i think president trump, former president trump's on the right track. we should be producing more because we can and we produce the cleanest energy in the world , so i don't really understand why this is a problem when it's okay for iran to produce dirty, dirty oil and venezuela. same universe, same ozone. we should be producing the majority and are by the way now. that's the great, untold secret. the us picked up the slack of the opec cuts so we're producing 13.5 million-barrels a day. liz: interesting. nancy tengler, thanks for being on the show. it's good to have you on. still ahead, we tackle this story. former federal prosecutor simi valley it stimson will help us out on this one, and it's the , you know, the rnc convention is just a week away. trump could soon announce his pick for vp but we've got more
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details on how the trump prosecutions are hitting a wall including his new york conviction. they are being thrown up into the air after the supreme court immunity decision. we've got the update, plus former state department spokesperson morgan ortegas joins us. washington d.c. is bracing for biden, hosting the nato summit this week amid growing signs of the president's decline european leaders are weighing in we've got it all in the "evening edit" coming up. we will be right back. stay right there. ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people.
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massive missile strike ahead of the nato summit in d.c. hosted by president biden this week. edward lawrence is at the white house with more on this story. edward? reporter: well, liz, nato leader s rather silent when it comes to president joe biden's mental fitness. the elephant in the room for the meetings at nato will be that mental fitness of president joe biden. now the nato secretary general was asked about it. we added the response from a republican who his comments. listen. >> if i start to answer questions like that, i will be dragged into a us internal debate and the reason why nato is the most successful in history is that we have stayed out of domestic issues and i aim to continue to do so. >> let me translated diplomatic speak. of course they're talking about joe biden's mental competence. otherwise the swift answer would have been of course not. joe biden's great. the answer was yes, of course we're talking about that but we're not going to get into that
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and that's probably the appropriate answer for the position. reporter: president joe biden believes he is the only one who can stand up to russian president vladimir putin even though the invasion happened on his watch. in the white house briefing the press secretary wanted to talk about nato but got more questions about a parkinson's specialist visiting the white house 10 times this year. >> hold on a second. there's no reason to get and go back and forth in this aggressive way. >> around here about how information has been shared. >> everything he just asked about. >> and then every time, i come back and i answer the question that you guys asked >> and we have to come back and clean it up. >> i never answered the question incorrectly. i was asked about a medical exam and a physical in the line of questions that i answered and i said no, he did not have a medical exam and i still stand by that. reporter: the question that she never answered was if the president actually met with that specific parkinson's expert. liz? liz: edward lawrence, always great reporting from you. that was really interesting what
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happened today. let's bring in former state department spokesperson morgan ortegas. thanks for joining us. it was a wild day in the does c press briefing with the press secretary not still saying who did the parkinson's specialist meet with. i mean, you've been in the white house. we've got reports that european leaders are worried about the president looking older and increasingly old. you've been in that white house. do people get their own specialists just showing up? >> not that i know of. i mean, listen. they have to have a full disclosure to the american people about what's gone on for the past four years. everyone's seen it. the press is culpable here. the fact that they are angry today and actually doing their job for once in four years is a little bit of a joke. these are the same people that allowed him to campaign from basement and even though a lot of people were warning that he may not be up to the job for the last four years, the press is by and large ignor ed it. you know what's more troubling
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to me, liz, especially from a foreign policy perspective is what has gone on in those one on one meetings or those small group meetings between the president and putin, between the president and xi-jinping. you know, all of these people meet with president biden and then they come away, our enemies come away making calculations for what they can getaway with but let me also just say, liz this isn't just about biden. this is about bad policy. this is essentially president obama's third term when it comes to foreign policy, the same people running obama's second term are the people running this first term of the biden administration and it's bad policy that happened in the obama administration again repeated in this administration. it's not just the personality. it's not just the president. that's a part of it but it's bad policy that's got us to the chaos where we are around the world today. liz: i mean, how does biden's decline affect us standing overseas? because politico reports world leaders are getting ready for trump to return. the washington post reports
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biden's aging and decline is accelerating that he has slowed considerably over the last several months that's according to 21 people close to the situation. how does this affect america overseas? >> you have to remember to put it in context. the american president and the international press is dominated by western european press so what do i mean by that? when you read all these articles that talks about the reaction of trump, you're not necessarily hearing the reaction from key strategic allies in the middle east and in east asia. i spend a lot of time with leaders from those countries. i worked in national security for 20 years and i can tell you it's often western europe that is bitching to be quite frank about trump but that's not the case when you go to the rest of the world. people on the front lines of dealing with putin's aggression in eastern europe, people like our arab allies in the middle east who have to deal with iran and of course our allies in east asia that see chinese aggression , these people that i talk to are going to accept the
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democratic outcome in america but there's no negative reaction to president trump. in fact, i think that they welcome the days whenever a president meant what he said when they knew where the red lines were and when they could count on america to be tough and strong. not just in rhetoric but in action and that's the principal problem of the biden administration foreign policy. it's a communications exercise. it's a rhetoric exercise, but there's no meat on the bone when you peel it back. putin knows it. xi-jinping knows it. the ayatollah knows it and kim j ung knows it. liz: interesting morgan, you just encapsulated the four years and foreign policy. terrific, that was great. good stuff. joining us now, we've got heritage foundation senior legal fellow former federal prosecutor kelly stimson, is terrific. kelly so we want to ask you this did anyone see this coming last year? it was all gung ho, we'll get trump, the trump
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prosecutions are victorious. now they are falling apart so rapidly. now the classified documents case is delayed because the federal judge aileen cannon is saying wait a second. that supreme court ruling on immunity, we've got to pause these deadlines in this to consider that too. >> right. well i think people who didn't have political blinders on and just were normal lawyers saw this coming a mile away because this case that the supreme court handed down last week is sweep ing, is sweeping in the sense that it doesn't just protect some actions of the former president. it protects the office of the presidency and it says that in those areas where you have exclusive control of the presidency, like pardons, you have absolute immunity and other official acts, you have the presumption of immunity and here's the kicker, liz. and any prosecution of the president for alleged official acts that fall under that presumption area, you can't use documents, people in the
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administration or other things related to the presidency , nor can you question the motive, and so that's why this is running through all of these cases and potentially could unwind some if not all of them at some level. liz: that sounds more sweeping than we realized. kelly, so what you're telling us is it doesn't seem like i'm not faulting the media. it's just it's not getting picked up. this is more detailed, the more sweeping the in units ruling and why could unwind all of the prosecutions so kelly we would like to get your reaction to this fight in the media about the attacks. first you'll see a fight between nbc and senator jd vance, and then senator marco rubio, both reportedly on trump's list. let's listen to this , watch. >> first of all you said that it happens all the time, that the number three person in the department of justice jumps ship to join a local prosecutors office to go after the president
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's political opponent? i don't think that's happened in the history of american democracy and i don't think we should legitimize it. >> president for four years didn't go offer hillary clinton, he didn't go after joe biden, didn't go after barack obama. >> so you feel comfortable you're telling me right now. >> we didn't see what we're se. >> you're telling me right now that a second trump administration would not go after any democrats, any of his political opponents full
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number three, prosecutor ghost ed da brag's team so let's just do the reporting on it. kelly, you're terrific, thank you so much for joining us tonight. still ahead, the "evening edit" nightly debate, we've got political commentator kaylee mcghee white along with national review reporter carolyn downey taking on what media watchdogs call the propaganda press. the years of deception and cover -up in the media about biden's physical and mental decline. we've got pollster nate silver saying the media become a pro-
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biden echo chamber, even filmmaker michael moore slams the biden campaign calling it, " the cruel its form of elder abuse i've ever been forced to watch." we're taking it on, first you want to check in with my buddies dagen and charlie hurt filling in for sean. what you got coming up on the bottom line? >> we've got congressman roger williams on talking about the democrat's effort to get illegals to vote and then monica crowley talking about trump's veepstakes. dagen: the heritage foundation has a earthquake of a rapport on covid and the cost to the united states of that pandemic and was it intentionally unleashed on the united states? and then former trump defense department assistant secretary on
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liz: joining us now for the
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nightly "evening edit" debate, conservative commentator kaylee mcghee white and national review reporter caroline downey. thank you so much both of you for joining us. first to you, caroline. social media's blowing up. reporters went along with the charade that all was fine with president biden for years, only asking pre-approved and scripted questions they got from the white house. show again biden's cheat sheet dating back to at least 2022 and you enter the roosevelt room, you say hello, you take your seat, shouldn't everyone have been on about that? >> they should have been, liz, and to distract from this dishonesty now legacy media outlets are claiming they were d uped about biden's advanced age even though this was the biggest political story in years, the worst kept secret in washington but this week, we're seeing a barrage of supposed bombshell scoops about biden's mental malfunctions as if the media now suddenly has permission to tell
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the truth, but in reality, you know, liz, for years, the media was engaged essentially in a conspiracy of silence, as new york magazine put it, to protect joe biden, they branded anyone who dared criticized his frailty , or crazy because their mission was not journalism. it was for the democratic line and everything was going just fine until biden didn't uphold his end of the bargain and fell apart at the debate. liz: what caroline just said, was it a question, kayleigh, of media being compromised because they enjoy the access into the halls of power or is it because the biden white house is known for epic bullying, historic bullying and yelling and shutting down reporters and saying that we're going to cutoff your access if you go negative on us, because you know , you see it from the new york times show to the washington post, just two weeks ago the post gave four pinocchio s saying these unedited
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videos showing biden clearly displaying decline were just cheap fakes. what do you think? >> well it's important to keep in mind that the legacy media has disregard for the truth isn't a new phenomenon. this has been happening for years now and caroline shively right that it's deeply ironic for these reporters an outlets to claim they were duped by this because if they bothered to ask questions from the get-go which everyone was basically begging them to do , a vast majority of americans have had concerns about biden's mental acuity for years, liz, including 85% of young voters my age and generationz. the public was basically begging them to do their job and they refused because they are more interested in propaganda than the truth. liz: why? because they want, let me back up. is it because they like being in the halls of power instead of covering it or is it because the white house threatened to cut them off? let's show more of how america
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is being mislead. watch this. >> in fact, i think he's better than he's ever been intellectual ly, analytically. >> one of the themes this election cycle is that joe biden is too old to lead and so everyone is seizing upon this and it is a classic disinformation tactic. >> there's a growing and insidious trend in right wing media broadcast, print, and social media. it is to take highly-misleading and selectively edited videos of president biden directly from republican national committee social media accounts and then use those videos to spread messages virally to cast out on president biden's fitness for office. liz: but these videos, many were , i mean the videos were un edited that we saw. what do you think, caroline? >> to your first point, liz, i do think the democratic media establishment is deeply committed to progressive government. deeply committed to biden's re-election no matter the cost,
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no matter how many voters are mislead and swindled by this false narrative that our commander-in-chief is just as agile and, you know, mentally sound as he was eight years ago when he was in the send alt and i think that they were willing to pedal this lie until the facade collapsed because after that debate, nobody could deny it any longer and so now what we're seeing is a dumpster fire of division within the democratic apparatus with the donor class, the media. there's a lot of division going on right now because how to proceed is an open question. liz: kaylee mcghee white, caroline downey thanks for being on the show. >> thank you. liz: coming up, more on the white house press briefing today that exploded in chaos as the press secretary karine jean-pierre repeatedly would not answer why a renowned parkinson's specialist was at the white house at least eight times in eight months. wouldn't say who that person
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visited, plus we're digging into why oversight chair james comer demands the white house doctor, kevin o'connor, testify on why he said biden is fit for duty. is he really potentially involved in the biden family's business deals? we're taking it on on the "evening edit", next. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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liz: listen good we like them sr conservative commentator mickey why the national review reporter, caroline family first to you kaylee, the white house press briefing today, and exploded in chaos and they furious reporters are angry, and the repeatedly declined to explain by renowned parkinson's specialist visited the biden white house eight times in eight months by karine jean-pierre and so here is that thing kaylee, will they are implying this specialist was meeting with other individuals maybe not the president and why not just walter reed it is everybody get the personal visiting spec specialist. >> well when it just disclose the name of the parkinson's list and she refused repeatedly it is safe to it was a visited the white house and yet the white
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house had disclose that it was in fact a parkinson's specialist in its bid visitor logs this reminds me back to special counsel robert her supporting her health white house is denied releasing those audio transcripts of the auto files to congressman who were trying to investigate that interview and the question remains, that if this was such a good interview for their president coming at this meeting with the parkinson's specialist, was on the big deal, why are they refusing to answer questions about his near doing themselves a massive disservice here by refusing to be transparent sweetie was a sorry running out of time house oversight sent a letter the bite is white house doctor go to testify and tear, are sing we have evidence that they were involved in james biden's business dealings with americorps and you know, advising him that he had with the va and the veterans in your word on that caroline. >> will there's concern here, that this medical professional may have inflated his assessment
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of biden's health mental and physical doctor o'connor data recommended that he take a cognitive test and isn't of such a simple stucco that he could've taken to sway some of the many americans fears that biden has suffered from cognitive decline and written down and medical but i think that would be extremely beneficial but you know the fact is that if he did profit or benefit from the family business dealings of biden and compromise him in this capacity as a do doctor. liz: thank you for being with us and joining us tomorrow, senator marsha blackburn and mark. and thank you for watching the evening edit and i'm elizabeth mcdonald and now time to send it over to dagen mcdowell and charlie thank you you guys. dagen: thank you. li.dagen: good evening and i a


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