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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 10, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: world, hold on. what is that a reference to? biden holding onto the presidency? i don't know.
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lauren: the nato summit? stuart: i don't know. good morning, every one. it is 10:00 eastern time. to the money, doubt turns around again. 10 points higher. the nasdaq is up one hundred points. big tech doing well all over again, the yield on the 10 year treasury is 4. 29%. the price of oil is $89 a barrel, gas going up a little. bitcoin not much movement, 57-8 as we speak. the markets on wednesday morning. how about this? the president and his inner circle are trying to hide his true mental and physical condition. it's a struggle. hunter has been living at the white house since the disastrous debate. jill biden is circling around the president, they built a wall of denial around him. it is not holding up.
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the bottom line is nobody believes president biden can be president for four more years and that includes george stephanopoulos who asked him if he was frail? no. my memory is fine. could you serve four more years, i wouldn't be running if i didn't think i could. that's a nonanswer. stephanopoulos was caught on camera saying he didn't think biden could last. that was an honest answer. the walls are crumbling. michael bennett became the first democrat senator to break ranks. he came out with it biden can't win, trump may win in a landslide. obama's former staffer david axelrod says biden can't win. bill clinton's guy says you can't win. the immediate issue is parkinson's disease which affects the nervous system. does the president have it? no, says his inner circle, yes says some doctors who never examined him but observed his
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difficulties. the president himself could make his doctor available for questions. not going to happen. that the privacy issue. maybe he should take a cognitive test, no, says biden. i take a test every day. another problem for the president, the polls are moving against him. the latest is the cook political report, three swing states, arizona, nevada, and georgia, moved from tossup to leaning republican. politico says deep blue new york has become a battleground state. the democrats are stuck with their own problem. they don't think biden can win but can't get him out. one last point. biden is scheduled to do a stars conference tomorrow. he will have his notecards and maybe a teleprompter. not so much what he says as how he says it. that is what everyone wants to know. can he do the job for four more years?
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second hour of varney just getting started. stuart: cnn host says people are silently screaming over how to handle the biden situation. >> for many more people, the silent scream on the inside. people are nervous. a democratic source who is not on the whole but is well-connected and the sentiment was basically this is so bad. after the stephanopoulos interview. people are still freaking out, people are still freaking out about biden's state on the ticket and what could happen if he doesn't because that alternative is, for some
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people, as scary as the prospects of biden staying on the ticket. stuart: i am not being facetious, looks like a problem. is it too late for them to push biden out? >> still could happen but biden is dug in and surrounded by an ever shrinking group of people whose self-interest lies with him staying in the race including kamala harris, because if he is elected, nikki haley is right, a vote for joe biden is a vote for kamala harris because there's no way he can serve four more years and that goes for hunter biden, hunter biden can go to jail. his father is in the white house, he probably won't. jill biden -- the sad thing is i almost think he believes some of the stuff he's talking about, that his polling got better. they probably found one weirdo poll to show to him and say your numbers bumped.
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not as bad as you think part this is a catastrophe for the democrats and only themselves to blame. stuart: it is deception. >> they think they pooled the wall over everybody's eyes. what is hilarious is the new york times, it is not so silent, new york times had another almost full-page editorial board op-ed today saying got to go. they are so offended that having told him a week ago he had to get out, i am so sorry, i am not up to it, the washington post, everybody told him to get out. stuart: you've got an op-ed saying biden's biggest failures, his age is not his biggest failure. what are his biggest failures? >> why did people turn on him? his polling was atrocious before he started this campaign. afghanistan pulled out one of the most embarrassing episodes in american history. inflation, gasoline prices
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going to $5 with an anti-energy president in charge of decision-making get, and the border, 11 million people coming into the country illegally, the white house completely ignored and it became appalling issue. this president has been a remarkable failure, the only thing democrats can point to as a success is past with the help of congress a lot of bills the call for spending, so much money, trillion dollar deficits going forever and inflation very hard to tamp down. j powell is reluctant to say this but the white house is moving in opposition to jay powell and the federal reserve raising rates to slow down the economy spending record amounts in terms of deficit spending that pumps up the economy and makes it hard to slow it down. stuart: it sure is, that's a
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conundrum and 1/2. thanks very much, then we have nikki haley who released her delegates ahead of next week's republican convention telling them to vote trump. she is not endorsing trump. >> it is all semantics, she has not endorsed trump. she's not going to the convention next week. trump did not invite her. she said a few weeks ago she is voting for trump and now she's encouraging her 97 delegates to back him. no outright endorsement, no invite to the rnc and presumably no vp. stuart: that's what everyone is thinking about. check those futures, 37 minutes into the trading session, bitcoin at 58,040. the dow industrials up a point,
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s&p down 5 points, s&p up 17. scott shelladdy. emap. the ai rally is taking a breather but you like it. tell me more. >> i coverage on my show every day. and a 12 time record highs, paying $1300, a movement with the s&p and the nasdaq largely due to ai, and start to see the s&p and the nasdaq, we've come too far, it can be good even though might be taking a breather even if it comes a lot
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lower. as the stock market says trees don't go to the sky, take your chance, the personal thing for me, and 1500 years ago, what is going to do, it was 950, i am going to buy it. we can start to see the nasdaq and s&p giving back a little bit, not totally cash up but only one or 2 misses away from quarterly earnings. stuart: i've seen a few real estate experts say that we are heading for housing crash. that seems extreme to me. >> this is another personal thing. i need to buy a house too, i
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have been watching the market like a hawk. that is the problem. making interest rate cuts, i don't know how making mortgages more affordable, doesn't make sense to me. i think we will get one, not because of they should, we will cut rates because we got inflation under control but because the economy is starting to falter. i heard that yesterday. makes things better. it probably won't do a lot but will reinvigorate that. i have been all over it, they are coming off of the top.
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i haven't seen any dramatic move lobar. we still have an undersupply, the demand is still there. stuart: on your shopping list we have nvidia and a new house. all right. >> can't live in my nvidia. stuart: see you again tomorrow. lauren looking at movers. supermicro is moving down $10. lauren: up 250% and i will tell you they got a downgrade. they voted neutral, price target is $930, stock is at 885. there are order uncertainties. maybe some customers pulling back a little bit and liquid
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cooling, lowering the temperature. stuart: a lot of people think the bull run is plateauing and nvidia is in pension and capital gain, that is happening. lauren: the tree does grow to the sky and stays there. tell me about into it. lauren: it should be down by 3%. 10% of staff, they are investing in artificial intelligence. they are eventually going to rehire 10%, but think engineers. stuart: what is going on? lauren: they are buying air products, natural gas process technology business for $1.8 billion, growing demand
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for fuel in the power industry, the fourth acquisition this year. stuart: power for data centers, extraordinary story. vice president harris defends anti-israel, pro-hamas protesters. and funded all of this unrest. we have that story. hunter biden has been involved in meetings at the white house. the first son is accused of influence peddling. this is a conflict of interest. house ways and means committee chair jason smith takes that on. ♪ ♪
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stuart: democrats are divided on supporting biden as their nominee. which democrats are calling on biden to drop out of the race? >> reporter: the biggest one was michael bennett, the first sitting senator:president biden to step aside, more senators could follow the lead. you, senator john tester, said you don't think president biden can win in 2024. is that true? >> it is true that i said that.
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you asked whether i said it and that is what i said. >> reporter: john tester and sherrod brown, vulnerable democrats have not called her president biden, an uphill battle. and american democrat, michael sherell from new jersey, calling for biden to go as well, after to our private meeting that ended with no consensus, speaker pelosi with interesting advice for democrats and president biden. >> i want him to do whatever he decides to do. whatever he decides to do, let's hold off whatever you are thinking, tell somebody, how do you do that this week?
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>> and to stay in this race. and remember dean phillips, the carcass one who ran against the president, tried to primary him by democrats in the party, told the media democrats are coming up to him and apologizing saying -- >> they were nasty to him. karine jean-pierre, hunter biden is involved in meetings at the white house. role it. >> president biden said he and his son have no business dealings. what is hunter biden doing? >> if that you are talking about the meeting where they came together from camp david
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and the two of them walked to the meeting and he was there? >> aids were struck by his presence. >> i won't get into private conversations that occur, spoke to this before. >> it was classified information. stuart: jason smith joins us, mister chairman is biden surrounded by aids and family. is hunter in charge of the president? >> hunter affects the president's judgment. and we found numerous documentation. and without a doubt, we always try to protect the brand, the brand is joe biden, that is what they are selling for
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millions of dollars of access. the last thing hunter biden would want, and the brand needs to protect him because of the justice department, the joe biden states president. stuart: would you say, hunter is a national security risk. >> hunter is probably around a lot of classified information, that is risky for all americans. stuart: next one, the director of national intelligence, iran is funding the pro-hamas protests in the united states. do you think the justice department can stop this? >> at the ways and means committee, the actions of a lot
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of 500 c34s, they have been subsidizing. we have called on the irs, and the palestine chronicle, the newspaper of the reporter, there has been support. when tax dollars are subsidizing terrorism is an acceptable and that is what we are looking at. stuart: the charge here, agents operating on behalf of iran authorizing pro-hamas demonstrations on campuses to simplify it, that's what the charge is. >> we are following the money.
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anti-semitic protests for college campuses. the ways and means committee held woke yearly college universities accountable by marking of legislation, penalizing those not supporting students and online anti-semitism to run rampant on campuses. stuart: thank you for joining us. appreciate it. kamala harris defended pro-hamas protesters. lauren: it is a profile piece, and what the human emotion should be. and don't need to endorse that and navigate it. i understand the emotion behind it. death to israel, death to america, burning the flag, supporting hamas, supporting violence.
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she can understand that. in minnesota and wisconsin, a potential president, and much more hostile to israel. stuart: looks like it. still ahead, the white house defended biden after he got back lash for saying he shot vladimir putin down. >> does he really think he shut vladimir putin down? >> he held mister putin and russia accountable for what they try to do to ukraine. >> he didn't shut plan report down. >> rethink vladimir putin wanted to do he hasn't done. stuart: robert greenway will response to kirby's response, the president will be front and center at the nato summit. it comes after the president carefully read from teleprompters to give his opening speech. edward lawrence reports from washington next.
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to again of 100 points. record high for the nasdaq, another intraday high, lauren is looking at the movers and i want to know about mastercard and visa. lauren: both cut to neutral. they just a limited upside potential with the regulatory environment. stuart: i notice a lot of people gets around credit cards. lauren: there is no fees. stuart: it is making headway into mastercard. carvana. lauren: only up 2%. it is going $160, highest on the street, almost 30%. they like that they keep increasing their footprint and do same-day delivery. stuart: amd chipmaker.
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lauren: the largest private ai lab in europe. price tag $665 million cash. look at the stock at 186. stuart: boom as they say. president biden is hosting world leaders in washington for the second day of the nato summit after carefully read teleprompters giving his opening speech. edward lawrence at the summit. is he going to use a teleprompter today? >> reporter: he will when he gets his addresses. in the meetings he has probably not but people have notecards most likely. the president in full campaign mode juggling response abilities at the nato summit. the president and 30 minutes is going to try to get afl-cio folks to quell the fears about him stepping aside and he comes to the nato summit. tomorrow the president reaching out to president zelenskyy, countering russian aggression
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is one of the number one priorities. the secretary-general says he believes help for ukraine will continue because donald trump's issue was not nato itself but the allies not spending 50% more. >> it has changed in the last year, a dramatic increase and a record high number of allies, not yet there. they are 2% soon. >> only 8 members are not there yet so president biden's performance on full display from his address last night a closed-door meetings, national security expert say regardless of the priorities at this year's summit, president biden's mental fitness could overshadow what is happening here. >> no matter how well he does they will remember that debate performance. they should be doing work at the nato summit instead of
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everybody talking about whether he can get through a sentence or how he will do in the press conference. they had real issues with ukraine. >> reporter: later today the president will meet the new prime minister of the united kingdom at the oval office. we will see if he holds those notecards which he probably will. stuart: very probably, thank you very much. the white house defended biden's claim that he, quote, shut vladimir putin down. >> does he really think he shut vladimir putin down? >> he has held mister putin and russia accountable. you so what happened with children's hospital being hit the other day. nobody is saying -- nobody is saying they are not still capable of attacking ukraine but you can't tell me by looking at what vladimir putin said he was going to do two years ago that he has accomplished any for strategic goals and that's what the president was talking about.
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everything vladimir putin said he wanted to do to ukraine he hasn't done. ukraine is an independent covering country and that's not by accident. stuart: quite an answer. robert greenway joins us now. do you think biden shut vladimir putin down? >> no question the largest land conflict since the second world war started because of his lack of maintaining the deterrence we have enjoyed for decades. he can't spin this in any other direction, can't allow a fire to start and claim credit for the response of the fire department, the insurance comedy doesn't want to hear and neither do the american people. stuart: are we are in a forever war in ukraine? >> until russia begins to pay an economic price and we have a clear path to conflict termination it appears the war of attrition will continue which again belies the claim he shut vladimir putin down and russia's economy is going 3. 5% gdp growth in 2,023 which is representative point greater
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than ours, they are in the tune of $120 billion and it does appear unless we see a strategy and real leadership which is in question this conflict will continue and it will have an incredible cost on the people of ukraine and the american taxpayer. stuart: sounds like you want peace talks now, some kind of resolution now very soon. what would that look like? >> to enter negotiation on terms favorable to the united states, nato and key of we need to apply genuine economic pressure. they have got to feel the pain at bay the price and there has to be a real tangible military threat and a leader in washington that has the respect and fear in moscow. we saw that under donald trump. we've not seen that under president biden. stuart: of america went after moscow's boil where they get their revenue, if you stop that the price of gasoline would go
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up all around the world and president biden would get the blame. >> it is going to be difficult to manage but donald trump manages to take iran and venezuela off the market as prices at $55 a barrel. it can be done, it's going to be careful, something that has to be done over russia pays in a comic price, we won't get the conflict termination. stuart: conflict termination. thanks for joining us. see you again soon. a new poll shows voters prefer someone else at the top of the democrat ticket. which paul and who is it? lauren: the ben dixon poll shared with politico. the answer is hillary clinton. hillary clinton is out of donald trump 30% to 31% and kamala harris is also ahead of trump, 42% to 41%. there's a lot of talk if kamala takes the top of the ticket, who would be her vp?
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how about swing state michigan governor gretchen witmer? >> you say kamala is the heir apparent. would you run as her vice president? >> i have never looked at opportunities in washington dc with a lot of excitement. i will never say never but that's not something i'm angling for. lauren: she keeps saying she doesn't have political ambitions but she came out with her memoir and biden is struggling particularly in swing states. in michigan trump is up 0.6 but he is higher. stuart: ever so slightly. shocking video appears to show two planes on collision course, the latest on the faa investigation. lauren: the police officer just watching it. stuart: that is where it came from. over the weekend, 90 people
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killed, 100 injured in chicago. mayor johnson is blaming richard nixon. garrett tenney has the report from chicago. i'm out here telling people how they can save money with experian. do you have a lot of subscriptions? like the streaming services, music, fitness apps? probably like 6 or 7 around there. i do. i have a lot. what if there was a place where you could see your subscriptions and cancel the ones you don't like, all in one place? experian has that. oh, wow, i love it. i need that. and you could save $270 dollars a year. you're making adulting so easy. get started now with the experian app. (♪) 15% return with zero risk?
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stuart: two us marshals guarding sonia sotomayor's home were involved in a shooting. lauren: on friday after the fourth of july, and 18-year-old pulled 4 july, and 18-year-old pulled a gun on two marshals outside the supreme court justice's home. in response the marshal shot at the team, the team was sent to the hospital and arrested, charged with armed carjacking and carrying a gun without a license. fortunately, sotomayor was not home at the time but it's another instance of violence
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surrounded a supreme court justice and another attempted carjacking involving a teenager. stuart: yes. stuart: lauren: in the nation's capital, over and over again. stuart: next case. the mayor of chicago blaming richard nixon for the rampant violence in his city over the holiday weekend. garrett tenney is on this. how does the mayor link 19 dead and 100 injured over the weekend with richard nixon? >> this is a new one. instead of calling it games or drugs or violent crime, richard nixon left office 50 years ago. at a press conference this week talking about the deadly holiday weekend, brandon johnson decent it is summer safety plan and said the administration took the necessary steps to prepare for one of the most violent weekends of the year and then raised a lot of eyebrows by pointing the finger for
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chicago's violence at former republican president who has been dead for 30 years. >> black death has been accepted in this country for a long time. we had a chance 60 years ago to get at the root causes, people marked president johnson and we ended up with richard nixon. >> reporter: those comments went viral, the mayor is a former social studies teacher is getting a lot of blowback online including from the president of the richard nixon foundation who told fox digital richard nixon was a champion of civil rights as vice president and as president. what is happening in chicago, i imagine the people of chicago want leaders who take respond to build and work together to solve problems rather than try to pass the blame ridiculously and gratuitously. we've reached out to the mayor's office multiple times to get clarification on his remarks.
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so far, we 've not received a response. stuart: look at this. two planes appear to come close to one another. they were flying over an airport in syracuse, new york. lauren: you can see from the ground as police officers captured that, the planes literally crisscrossed each other in the sky. one was taking off, one was landing, 700 feet of each other, we don't know the horizontal distance. the faa is investigating. they say and air traffic controller instructed the landing plane to go around, not sure why that did not happen. they were both regional flights. they did take off and land safely. stuart: more weight loss drugs with cheaper price tags are hitting the market. are they as effective as part of the brands like ozempic? biden shows classic features of parkinson's disease.
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role tape. >> classic features of neurodegeneration. we are finding difficulties, he couldn't find the word from degeneration of that area. i am a democrat thinking it is just like this guy is not a hard case. stuart: doctor marty makary gives his take on the president's health next. ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment...
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stuart: the navy says a sailor try to access biden's medical records. lauren: a junior sailor made three different attempts right after the special counsel's report cited biden's poor memory for not pressing charges. the sailor tried to use the health system database to get biden's medical records, he was curious. he failed, he has been disciplined but is still with the navy. stuart: the white house now admits parkinson's specialist doctor kevin kennard did examine biden as part of an
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annual physical. listen to what a leading neurologist had to say about biden's health. >> classic features of neurodegeneration. word finding difficulties from degeneration, loss of arm swing, standing robotically. when he turns, it's block turning not a quick turn. that's one of the hallmarks of parkinson's, rigidity, slow movement and he has that hallmark. it is just like this guy is not a hard case. stuart: doctor marty makary joins me now. in your opinion do you believe he could be in the early stages of parkinson's? >> there are clear features of parkinson's. one key feature you don't see is the resting tremor that's present in 80% of patients with parkinson's. the white house has also said
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emphatically that he does not have an and is not on the medication for parkinson's. i don't know if that's believable or not but i've got republican and democrat patients, i will tell you that he clearly has the rigidity, confusion and other symptoms that are at minimum consistent with age related dementia which is likely what he has. stuart: age related dementia are like cognitive decline. does it get worse with age? is there any coming back from it? >> the difference between age-related dementia and dementia one may have after a stroke or the word salad, difficulty finding the right words someone may have from some sort of acute or sudden event, with age related dementia does not get better. you saw senator john fetterman get better after his stroke.
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that was an acute event, not with age-related dementia. this will continue to progress. we have seen the trajectory over the last four or five years if you look at his actions and speech four or five years ago, there's clearly a change that will continue to progress in all likelihood. stuart: can he serve another four years? >> i personally don't think he's functioning at a capacity where he can. a ceo of a company, i was performing like this, the shareholders would ask for that ceo to be removed and no one would purchase that stock, this is a higher job. stuart: researchers are developing cheaper weight loss drugs to compete with ozempic. what can you tell us about these drugs? are they safe? are they as effective? >> they appear to be mimicking the same hormone that's normally in the body.
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we expect them to be safe, they've got to run their trials but the game changer will be the hormone, the medication that does not result in muscle wasteing, that will rise to the top, the standard of care, ozempic is dated. once somebody figured out how to successfully block receptors on the muscle so there is no muscle wasteing, that addresses the concern people have that these drugs accelerate aging and frailty. stuart: when older people are forgetful, can't from number why they went into a room, is that common for people in their late 70s or early 80s? >> question is the frequency, that's why we have standardized exams. everyone can forget their keys are forget a name even of a relative. when it is frequent, we
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evaluate somebody. president biden could settle controversy by taking one of these tests. stuart: sorry i am out of time. we will talk about this on another occasion. still ahead, south carolina congressman russell fry on a proposal to find attorney general merrick garland for refusing to hand over the audiotapes. ben domenech over the democratic divide of naming biden as their nominee. does biden provide the leadership the western world needs? the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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>> they do not care that the president is mentally shot in the white house. all they care about is because he's mentally shot in the white house, it's going to cost them politically. >> either they're lying to us or this is an effort to deceive the american people because if he doesn't have parkinsons, he has something very similar. the man is ill and he's not well or fit to be our commander in chief. >> biden's policies are helping to keep prices


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