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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  July 10, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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♪♪ ♪ you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. when the sawdust settles and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels different - your wallet. whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪ liz: breaking news, if these market gains can hold for the next 59 minutes you are going to witness something we haven't seen in more than two
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and a half years, with this point gain of about 41, the s&p appears to be sprinting to its sixth straight record. that be the longest winning streak since november of 2021. nasdaq flip it over you can see it's running at a nice clip, gaining about 179 points, pretty much at session highs, but even if it were to stumble to just a single point gain by the end of the market day, that's enough for another record close. the dow look at the dow coming along for the ride here gaining 242 points or two-thirds of a percent rise here. russel 2000, up two-thirds of a percent and it too is at session highs, gaining about 13 points. what will keep the music on blast at this bull dance party which appears to be only in the first or second hour at least. blackrock says plain and simple, it is a.i. analysts at the financial giant point to enormous amounts of capital spending by companies of all stripes as the gun powder which set off the fireworks back
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in november of 2022 when open a.i. unveiled its chatbot, chatgpt right now as we kickoff the final hour of trade, you can see blackrock scenario is playing out. chipmakers, amd, nvidia, server and storage solutions leader smc i, big data company which is hitting a one year high all showing a significant two-year gains and it does lead to the question if there's so many winners where are the losers? well don't look at alphabet. analysts had predicted its almighty google search engine be rendered impotent by the super-smart chat go chatgpt which you have to go back to november 30, 2022 and alphabet shares, at the two-year chart initially wobbled but since then the stock soared 60%. wall street's top internet analyst evercore mark mahaney is about to reveal surprising insight he and evercore have just gotten on where alphabet
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goes from here and how particularly strong the google search engine still is. now, of course, if you look at these numbers with the dow up 242, the federal reserve chair has a role in keeping the bull's fuse lit today during his second day of congressional testimony, this time before the house financial services committee, he flat out said the central bank does not want to wait until inflation drops to 2% before cutting interest rates. republican congressman byron donalds of florida sits on the house financial services committee. he's getting in front of our cameras on the hill. he's going to join us on that plus he has spent a lot of time lately with donald trump. we are going to ask him about the news, just breaking on politico that house democratic leader hakeem jefferies told lawmakers he will relay their concerns to president biden and how maybe the trump campaign will take that and run with it.
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back to the markets in this a.i. call by blackrock, tesla is a monster on pace for its 11th win in a row right now. it is gaining just under 1%. ceo elon musk tweeting that the design for tesla's optimus a.i. human robot will be complete by the end of this year. now, last month, musk declared o ptimus will lift the company's valuation currently which stands at $844 billion to 25 trillion. all right we shall see but brave new world or investing caution ahead. to the floor show, brent shutey chief investment officer at northwest earn mutual along with chief investment strategist sam stovall. guys, it's not just tesla. taiwan semiconductor is getting close to a trillion dollar valuation. i just checked it's around $987 billion. apple's catch-up strategy on a.i. has the stock on track for its 7th straight record. sam, is this too much of everything all at once or is
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blackrock's call correct? >> well, i'm thinking that we're seeing an awful lot of enthusiasm come all at once, when you look at the s&p trading at a 36% premium to its 20 year average forward pe and technology sector at a 75% premium, my feeling is that while a.i. certainly is still in the stage i believe that we probably have to digest these gains before we can move comfortably so brent, i know that you're getting a little cool on large cap at the moment, but do you think that it really is a.i.,
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which will generate so much of the excitement for at least the next couple of months? >> possibly. i mean, i think investors like sam rockwell too over-confident and too optimistic. all this is happening while the us economy is slowing and it's slowing quite a bit. the reason why chair powell is talking about cutting rates is because the jobs market is slowing and has been for some time. i want to remind investors that the federal reserve before the last four recessions has actually cut rates and we still had recessions. so, to me i think investors need to pump the brakes just a bit especially on the enthusiasm for large cap technology stocks. the good news is that there are parts of the market that are trading at recession levels. think about small cap stocks you opened up by saying things were finally participating today but they haven't been for some time and that's where i think despite a recession that i still think is on the horizon i still think you have parts of the market that have traded like that and are cheaper where investors should be putting money going forward. liz: well, i understand, sam's optimism here, particularly because you've got pwc, the big
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consulting firm saying a.i. will fundamentally change how business gets done. that said, sam, you are not picking on your favorites list any a.i. names, or are you? i don't know. amgen, you've got proctor and gamble. give me a sense of what you see here. well, what i described and sent to you earlier, liz, was basically those companies that i think could holdup when we go through this digestive phase. granted, we do have buy recommendations on technology issues, certainly in the semiconductor space like nvidia, like amd, et cetera, but in terms of what investors be looking to pick-up now, because i'm in agreement with brett that there could be some digestion of gains going forward , as i had mentioned, i think we're going to be going through these shake and bake process, bake based on the temperature outside, but the shake because i'm expecting another decline in excess of 5% this year, and that be obviously leading to excess volatility and
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it's usually the defensive areas like staples, healthcare, utilities, that tend to be the safe havens for investors, when we do go through such a shock. liz: oh, okay do you see any kind of shock like that, brent, and that said, is that what is really pushing your call to kind of cool off on some of these large caps and go more small and mid-cap? >> yeah, is kind of ironic if i was concerned about the economy i wouldn't be investing in small and mid cap stocks, you think about being overweight but that's where the market is bifurcated and some parts of the market like the s&p 600 small cap stocks they traded eight times. if i look in the last 25 years the times they've traded have been coming out or are in a recession so this is where i think investors have been pushing money towards the mag 7 because they believe they are economically in in per very us which we find out if they are not, and ignoring everything else. that's where i think it's kind of an odd period of time where i come on your show and i say i think there's likely to be a recession and then i'm asking
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people if they are thinking about putting money in economic ally sensitive things. look, risk on, risk off when we were on these shows before means stocks bonds and risk off or concerns about recession is putting money into the mag 7 and risk on is putting money into the s&p 494 and 493 and that's where i think the opportunities because we've already traded as if there's a recession. liz: sam, maybe a canary in a coal mine and it's not that big a deal, but guggenheim the other day, they cut their rating on service now, which has been pounding the table on its a.i. offerings. they cut their rating to a sell, and the belief is simply that they just feel like that there might not be enough there and too much spending. is that some type of sign that should be maybe just a little bit of a warning flag for investors who are watching right now? >> i think so. i'm hearing an awful local of things that remind me of what i was hearing back in the late 1999 early 2000 and when you
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look to the s&p technologies representation within the 500, it is less than one-half of 1% away from that all-time peak, at 33.6%. we're also looking at the cap weighted tech sector that's more than two standard deviations above the normal relationship with the equal weight tech sector, so, i would tend to say that there could be better times for the mid and small-caps, what are trading at more than 30% discounts to their average relative pe's and remember, 200p stocks in positive territory while the s&p was falling those two years. liz: that was a long time ago. people have been waiting for the small and mid-caps to rear their head, and finally at least get even close to the mid and larger cap stocks. gentlemen good to see you both thank you very much. we are just hitting a brand new high on the dow jones industrial s folks up 256 points.
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you've gotta call this a glow-up it's happening right now and as the markets race higher, the 2024 presidential race is about to hit full speed with the conventions right around the corner, the scrutiny on what the federal reserve will do is intensifying. up next, republican congressman byron donalds of florida joins us live from capitol hill to talk about fed chair jerome powell's testimony on interest rates and inflation. president joe biden's struggle against his own party and the chatter about donald's chances of getting the call to be trump's runningmate. stay tuned we're coming right back. the dow holding on to gains at this hour leading in the blue chips higher we have honeywell, home depot, travelers and apple. laggards are visa, walt disney, dow, salesforce, nike and american express. do you want to close out? should i? normally i'd hold.
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liz: fox business alert. federal reserve chair jerome powell back on capitol hill today this time in front of the house financial services committee to talk inflation, banking, regulation, and yes, the timing of a much-awaited interest rate cut. in perhaps the clearest terms yet, powell gave his answer. >> that's he was very clear, we don't have to wait until inflation gets down to 2% before we will see an interest rate cut. powell keeping rate cut hopes
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alive but what's at stake here as we plow full speed ahead toward the presidential election florida congressman byron donald s sits on the house financial services committee. he joins me live from capitol hill. congressman, from your constituent standpoint, do you welcome an interest rate cut, which of course would bring borrowing costs down? do you welcome it sooner rather than later? >> well, look, i know that my constituents would always welcome that. it would make the cost of capital cheaper, cost of borrowing cheaper, but we're in a tough spot in this biden economy. the economy is stagnating. jobs is a very nebulous topic. the last two job reports, you had them actually cut down the number of jobs created in the country, down about 200,000, the last two reports, and so we're in this quandary where we are stagnating out as a country, inflation is still stubbornly high and i know everybody's looking at the 2% measure year-over-year but we are still dealing with prices up massively
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on working families, on small business owners in the united states, so i think a rate cut is welcomed but what is going to be the long-term game plan with respect to inflation number one, but to the growth of our economy which is the bigger issue. we need to have massive economic growth so the american people can actually be able to grow their way out of this devastating inflation, brought to us by joe biden, and his radical agenda with vice president harris. liz: well, let me push you on the timing, because he said, meaning powell said, that you don't want to wait until 2%. tomorrow, we are getting the consumer price index number for the month of june. that will give us a sense of consumer inflation. the precious number and we'll be looking forward to that, but, the timing of a rate cut becomes a little concerning, does it not i mean, the next meeting is jul. that's off the table. september is what people are talking about but that's just two months before the presidential election, and then there is none in october.
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the next one is november, just a day or two after the presidential election, which who knows if it's going to be decided at that point, if there's some questions about any kind of vote counts, et cetera. so would you say, for your constituents, we've gotta do it by september? >> no. i think a rate cut needs to occur when the economy will be able to absorb that and we can move forward as a country. i think to joe biden's prospects , i think that stuffs already baked into the cake. i don't think he's winning re-election, obviously, donald trump is going to be the next president of the united states because he's done a terrible job , number one and now we know he's not capable of doing the job going forward, so i think when it comes to what the federal reserve is going to do around interest rates, that needs to be solely focused on our economy, politics obviously, and i think i'm probably speaking for chair powell. they are not going to play into that whatsoever. i think a rate cut isn't going to help joe biden in any way, shape, or form because as far as i'm concerned it's already over for him anyway. liz: well let's follow on that
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line of questioning. new jersey congresswoman mikey cheryl, democrat of new jersey, yes, she is the latest, one of the latest to join this somewhat growing group. eight now, of house democrats who have publicly come out against biden. cheryl said the stakes are too high, the threat is too real. they're trying to push president biden to withdraw. hakeem jeffrey, according to politico in the last couple of minutes said he will tell lawmakers he will relay the concerns about biden's erent ability to the president. that liens to the question. how does the trump campaign handle this? because some would say that the best thing for donald trump is if joe biden stays in the race, but if he were to step down and some rising stars in the democratic party were to come up, does that not concern you that that might generate some excitement within the party and within centrist voters? >> well, two things there. first of all, rising stars in a democrat party, if you look at
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their policy agenda, those aren't rising stars. there's a lot of them over there because the agenda remains the same regardless of who they pick. now to actually what they are going to do, joe biden is their nominee. the voters voted for him. they setup a primary process that was in name only. they squeezed everybody else out to protect joe so what people are seeing is the selfishness that does happen with politicians on capitol hill when everybody is thinking about how are they going to get re-elected. that's why you have these members coming out because they all knew that joe biden was not capable of doing this job. they all knew about what was happening with his mental
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condition. they did not care to talk about this , until it was exposed for the entire world to see. so, that's their problem. unfortunately, this is what the democrat party is brought for us but there's not a lot of stars there i could tell you that. liz: you know what's gotten lost in the shuffle of these shiny objects and these exciting moments or depressing moments about whether joe biden can even stay in this race is actual policy from either side. now the gop just put out the platform. rnc it's on the website, there are 20 bullet points and among them i'm just picking out some, seal the border, end inflation, large tax cuts for workers, strengthen and modernize our military, many americans would absolutely agree with some of this. one thing that my team and i found missing, and it has a huge investment component, because people are watching healthcare costs, and it's a plan for universal healthcare. nothing on here is about that, and yet, and i've got two "wall street journal", this is yesterday and today, two huge
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headlines about all kinds of crazy costs. we can put these up on the screen here. medicare paid $50 billion to insurers for patients who were never treated for diseases that medicare paid for , because there was fraud. i mean, who knows what was going on, and then pharmacy benefit managers. these are the middlemen between the insurers and pharmacies steering patients away from less expensive medicines? what is the gop plan for cover ing all the uninsured in this country of which there are at least 25.5 million and 43 %, congressman, of working adults are under-insured. what's the gop plan? >> the reason why we have an uninsured crisis in the united states is because when the democrats passed obamacare the affordable care act, they did not take into account that when you over- regulate healthcare, you are going to rise prices across-the-board.
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deductibles are up. premiums are up, and then with the higher inflation people are having to make a decision now. do i put food on the table or do i have an insurance policy. very unfortunate to talk about it in those terms. liz: so what is the plan for the rnc? >> the gop plan is going to be centered around affordability for the american people. what i'm not going to do is step out in front of where the trump campaign is trying to go with respect to plans on healthcare but i will tell you, conversations with my colleagues on the hill is about affordability first, second, and third. liz: okay are you guys ready? >> then you go ahead and you can deal with the people uninsured. liz: let me just ask. are you and your fellow republican congressman willing to take on the insurer lobby? because it is strong. >> we are ready to take on any lobby as long as it puts the american people first. and that is why we are behind donald trump 100% to be the next president of the united states, because we can't continue the games that have been hurting the forgotten men and women of this country. they are the ones that have to be put first and foremost. our colleagues prepare to join
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the president in that work to get it done for the american people. liz: would you say yes to being his vice president? i bring that up because your name has been mentioned. >> oh, of course i would. look, i would say yes to that, but president trump is going to decide that probably sometime over the next couple of days and look, i look forward to his decision, because that's going to solidify our ticket that we're going to unify as a party and win back the white house and win back the senate and keep the house. liz: we will watch every minute of this , between now and of course election day. congressman byron donalds thank you so much for joining us. thank you. of no doubt the discussion with russia's war with ukraine is front and center because it is right now at the nato summit going in in washington.
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president joe biden meeting with america's european allies as they announce new support for ukraine air defenses. what we're going to do is take you straight to the nations capitol for pay live report on the breaking action and later, one of the nations top internet analysts mark mahaney of evercore is here to tell us if he thinks google is falling behind in the a.i. race, or about to leap ahead. plus, he's got one tech stock that could speak volumes for your portfolio in any language, that's a hint by the way. here is a look at nasdaq leaders at this hour, walgreens boots alliance, micron, on semi and as m holdings, no surprise the last three on that list are of course a.i. and chip-related. we're coming right back dow is charging higher by 264 points.
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or go to liz: breaking news. the athletic is recording that the national basketball association has finalized three separate deals for coverage. the three winners, disney's espn , which will retain control of the nba finals, comcast nbc, and amazon prime. the deal would span 11 years and if you combine them all together , it's worth $76 billion. left out in the cold? warner brothers discovery tnt sports; however, there is some language in there that warner brothers discovery could use in the current contract to remain involved in
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league broadcasts. the report says it is expected to target amazon's package, if that is indeed the case, but doesn't look like warner brothers discovery is going to be one of the really big winners here. breaking news, the nato summit well underway today as world leaders are meeting right now in their first working session. president joe biden and nato secretary general have already delivered opening remarks with the president remaining steadfast in his support of ukraine and the military alliance. >> we can and will defend every inch of nato territory and will do it together and that we're investing in our future strength to ensure nato will always be ready for whatever threats we will face should be a clear message. liz: edward lawrence is live right there at the site of the nato summit in washington convention center with the details on this new round of help for ukraine, edward? reporter: yeah, liz, exactly. two big announcements today.
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i'll get to that. right now president joe biden is in a working session here at the nato summit. he got here about two hours ago or so. now the president made a stop before he got here at the afl ci o. he went in there speaking with a group there. he did not have notecards, but strict instructions. listen to this. >> we're going to build this country from the bottom-up and the middle-out, not the top- down. >> [applause] >> no, i mean it. it's not a joke. it's not a joke. they are warning me not to take too much time with you all today but in terms of talking. reporter: his handlers don't want him to talk too much but the leaders here want to talk about ukraine, just about everyone arriving was asked about biden and the american political landscape. here is the belgium prime minister. >> let's be extremely clear. the american citizens will make their choice and their choice is a choice that you will respect if of course the rules of
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democracy are being followed, and we will work together and from anything i hear, nato will come out of any election stronger than it is today. reporter: so, the us announced that it will send five more patriot missile batteries made by raytheon to ukraine. the daines and dutch donated f- 16s flying over ukraine by the end of this summer. now some countries especially those closer to russia believe that nato should move it up to a 3% of gdp paid towards defense up from 2% because of the threat from russia and there are eight countries i should say, liz, the eight countries that haven't reached that 2% goal yet but now they are talking about possibly getting a 3% goal for the next time. back to you. liz:
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liz: legal zoom falling to an all-time low down 23% right now after the online legal services company cut its full year revenue outlook, and announced the departure of ceo dan warnakoff. legal zoom now expects revenue of 675 million to 685 million down from the previous outlook of 700 to 720 million. the company appointed board chair jeffrey stibel as the new ceo effective immediately as it looks to shift focus to subscription-based revenue for longer-term profitable growth and we showed you that illumina earlier was charging to the top of the nasdaq boy it is up 5% following the biotech
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acquisition of private company fluent biosciences to accelerate single cell analysis and broaden its customer base. fluent's direct competitor, genomics is dropping 13.7% on the acquisition notification after landing a downgrade by deutsche bank. the firm cut its rating to holdover the heightened competition threat. and car max shares are rising 6.25%. they are one of the top performers on the s&p after oppenheimer said it sees used car prices moderating and there could be a potential upside for the online used vehicle retailer because of that the firm reiterated its outperform rating on the stock and said it's optimistic affordability is improving quickly toward pre-pandemic levels. what goes up must come down. with markets at record highs, what is your financial advise or doing to dodge the potential
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that could at some point send wall street into a correction? we asked the ceo of one of the nations top financial advisors stifel ceo ron kreshefs ky joining us in just a moment to give you a guideline on how you need to talk to your financial manager and make sure they are on the case. it's a fox business exclusive. and of course everybody could use some advice from time to time. entrepreneur kevin o'leary, mr. wonderful was marketing cat food before his rise to becoming the mogul and shark that he is today. he's got dozens and dozens of businesses that he has started or is investing in. find out how this guy who grew up in canada and he's got all great interesting background tid bits, how did he do it and how can do it on our best of episode of everyone talks to liz download it on apple, google, spotify, iheartradio wherever you get podcasts. dow, s&p and russel, folks they are all at session highs.
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i told you it's a glow-up. 279. 279 points higher on the dow stay with me, we're coming right back. oh yeah. consolidate bad debt and save money for your next goal. sofi personal loans. low, fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. moving forward with node-positive breast cancer. my fear of recurrence could've held me back. but i'm staying focused. and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence versus hormone therapy alone. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death.
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and a beautiful website. just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. make now the future at liz: fox business alert. it may look like a great day in the markets but you always got to look ahead and morgan stanley is now warning that the markets are poised for a looming correction. cio mike wilson, whose kind of been wrong the past year and a half, by calling for a correction, well, now he's telling bloomberg that a rocky outlook for corporate earnings and election uncertainty both of those together mean a 10% drop is highly likely before the november presidential election. if and when a correction were to happen, here's a really important question, folks. does your financial advisor have a strategy already prepared, so good if they start putting it together, already prepared, to protect your portfolio? let's bring in a guy to tell you how you can be sure, ron by the
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way, second year in a row stifel has been ranked number one overall and j.d. power's us financial advisor satisfaction survey and that's great news for you guys ron and i've got to get right to it, because there are going to be a lot of unhappy people who suddenly realize when there is a correction that their guy, or their woman, who was in charge of their money, not at your place, i would imagine, but was not prepared in advance. can you tell us, what you do at stifel, and what people should be demanding of their financial advisors right now? >> well, you know what first of all? just some communication. all right? it's impossible, really. i mean its been shown. it's hard to trademark markets, liz, so you're not necessarily trying to pick bottoms and tops of markets but what you want to
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do is communicate. you want to make sure your diversified and you need to look at a market like this , and this is a parabolic market. i mean it's just melting upwards here. everyone knows it. you said it before i came on that the market just keeps going up and i will tell you, markets like this don't usually end well you just said that morgan stanley thinks there could be a 10% correction. i share that and so what you need to do, most important, is that client's human nature will have people buy at the top and when you get the correction they sell. you need to be talking to your advisor about a strategy that really when the markets correct, those are buying opportunities and you need to be a little cautious in markets like this where there's highs every day. we get people calling us every day saying the markets going up. buy me this , buy me that, and that's where good advice really
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every single person watching should make sure that if they have a financial manager that person is ready with a pile of cash to jump in when the market hits bottom. isn't that important as part of the diversification? >> absolutely. if you get cash today, i be saying if you get cash today you can put it in short-term treasuries. you're getting 5%. the risk of the market continuing this parabolic rise, it can happen. i'm not saying it can't, but i think there's a higher risk for a correction and then you can put that money to work. then, the problem though, liz, is that when that happens, people suddenly forget that as
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warren buffett used to say, when it rains, meaning there's a correction, you don't stand with an umbrella. you stand with a bucket buying stocks. you're not selling, and it's just so important and the really , the thing about it, and i can be guilty of it myself , just this morning i was saying to myself, well maybe i should buy some stocks and then the little person on my left shoulder said hey, you've been doing this too long. you know better than that, and so people should talk to an advisor. there's a lot of complications. you've got tax implications. you don't want to be selling low -base stock to try to time the market and then buying it back. those are things that a good advisor will help you navigate those terms, and you know what? i'm going to say because you gave me an opportunity so a little self-promotion. our advisors at stifel are happy we're j.d. power number one in employee satisfaction and that's because we allow our advisors
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the freedom to individually understand what every client wants and needs, communicate with them. we provide a platform to give the best advice. liz: well, ronald, congratulations on the j.d. power number one position, again , which is great. as you were talking, we continued the melt-up, the dow is now up 305 points, so my rule is don't buy on a day when the market is going higher. right? it's great to have you thank you so much. ron kruszewski of stifel. the scorching heat outside may be driving you to look for something cool but today's countdown closer says the ice will melt because it's going to be a hot owl summer for one educational tech company. and he means that in a good way. one of wall street's top internet stock analysts evercore 's mark mahaney is joining us live and he's going to give you his very side window pick and he's also talking about google and much more. the "clayman countdown" coming
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right back. ust one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults.
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liz: session highs. we're talking some serious benchmarks that we're topping right now for the s&p and the nasdaq. we are at all-time records with just seven minutes left to trade. the dow is having its best day
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since may 31st. even the little guys are having a nice moment here. russell hitting session highs, a gain of 20 point. when we went to the commercial break the dow was up 305 points. now it is up 420. we warned you at the top watch out for the meltup. it is not because of charlie, but a.i. and heavy hitters from the crypto industry. they are descending on washington, d.c. to attend a roundtable meeting by democratic congressman ro khanna. attendees talking about frustration to senior biden official that the administration is not constructing a policy framework. they say the meeting was successful but fiery. fiery, what do they mean? >> fireworks. you don't care about us. it descendinto a little bit after screaming match. not totally. there was a give and take.
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here is the thing is this, that the crypto industry is extremely, extremely cynical about the biden administration. they believe the biden administration has led the crackdown on crypto even more than trump, even though jay clayton, former trump sec chair, former sec chair went after ripple. gary gensler the new sec chair, went after even more. liz: listening to senator elizabeth warren. >> who is very close to gary gensler. that spilled out in the meeting. there was senior white house official there, apparently anita dunn attended. liz: sure. >> jeff zeints was invited. he did not go for obvious reasons. he is the chief of staff. there is existential threat to the presidency going on right now. liz: also the nato summit. >> nato summit.
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a lot of stuff is going on. the chief of staff doesn't need to be there. anthony scaramucci was there. ro khanna, i can say his name. i can say his name. liz: thank you. >> he hosted the meeting with mark cuban, good guy. known mark forever, crypto guy and a democrat. that is where there is coming from, reintroducing the democratic party to the crypto industry, trying to get them on board with the crypto industry and, i don't think they pulled it off just based on the sort of give-and-take that was going on. i mean, yes, anthony, used to be a republican, used to be trump chief of staff, trump chief spokesman. he hates trump now. cuban obviously does not like trump. khanna is a democrat. question, a representative from the white house there. the industry i still think is going heavily to trump. the question i have, you should
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have, everybody should have, i don't know. trump seems to think it is. he might be at the upcoming bitcoin summit. we don't have confirmation. when we do we'll let you know. liz: let us know. remember when chatgpt was supposed to kill google search. according to evercore isi survey, 80% of the respondents still use google as the primary search engine. we have mark mahaney. raised price on alphabet from 220 to 225. has an outperform rating. hitting a record of 191.75, mark. tell us about the google survey you took about search? it is alive and kicking. >> there is commentary, liz, that google management made at a recent customer conference, industry conference about how with the rollout of their a.i. overviews or their gemini a.i. search tool they were seeing, people take search more and
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that, that satisfaction levels are rising. we wanted to test that ourselves, do our own independent work. we ran a survey of 1200 users. lo and behold we did find that people were reacting postively to a.i. overviews and to gemini. now this is just the first time survey. i always feel like these surveys you have to be really careful, you want a track record. we'll keep doing this every quarter. i'm not terribly surprised by the quote. i think google's search tool has become better in part because chatgpt did light a fire under google and some development efforts they had underway. i'm intriguing by this. if there is really improved search at google, people will use it more, they will figure out a way to monetize it better. you have a product cycle on its hand. you have a tech company with recent valuation own product cycle you want to be long it. that is the reason google is one of our top picks. >> 191.75 is the session high, the all-time high. mark you also like uber.
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uber and lyft, you recommend both of these have opportunity for substantially robust growth, right? uber is the one you say is the pick if you had -- >> -- year-to-date, roughly in line with the market, nothing special about it. the big cap, megacap net names have materially outperformed the market like google. you womanedder whether there is more upside. google has come off recently because of fear over robo-taxis. i think they are displaced. i rode around the streets of san francisco yesterday. it is a great tool. uber wins because it is demand aggregator. you have to put them in the demand aggregator. i think it is a win. you want to buy uber on pullbacks. liz: the under the radar a.i. play, reveal it here. >> that's a tough one but i will stick with uber. i do think that they do use
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artificial intelligence and generative a.i. to improve operations but i also think you want great example of a.i. it is robo taxis. i don't think robo-taxis run over uber. i think they become part of the uber fleet. i think that is how they win. you open up your uber app, you will have uber, uber x, uber black, robo. you will have a better riding experience. liz: our outside dual play is due waa lingo. it has 111 pe. that may be unloved right now but i have to go in. mark mahaney, thank you so much. wow. [closing bell rings] a huge market day for the bulls. dance party continues. fireworks with the dow jones industrials at up 134. nasdaq ad records. we'll see you tomorrow. larry: hello, folks welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.


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