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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 12, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit stuart: all little less conversation. good morning, it's 10:00 eastern. straight to the money. i see some green but not much,
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thousand 100, nasdaq 129 points but a lot of selling yesterday, look at the dow 30. a few are in the red. the 10 year treasury yield, where is this morning? 4.19%, is below 420, the price of oil getting up to 82, $83 a barrel this morning and bitcoin 57 grand, now it's 58. we just received an important economic report about consumer sentiment. lauren: a july number. it fell to 66 in the month of july, the lowest since november. shockingly it is falling as inflation expectations are dropping. you would think that would boost the confidence level. the one year and 5 your expectation came in at 2.9%. that would be the good news. stuart: but confidence is down
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at the markets picked up on that. that is consumer confidence and now this. last night's press conference did not end the democrats dilemma. it prolonged it. they have a candidate who looks like he's going to lose to trump, a candidate whose public decline is obvious that he won't leave. he was defiant, he was emphatic, he is staying in the race. but he is isolated from his own party. is isolated in the white house surrounded by hunter, jill and a coterie of advisers, he is isolated from his cabinet and has no meeting with them since october. this is the day after the comeback press conference and there's no come back. there's a slow drip of defectors, several more democrats walked away from him this morning, cbs's early next week a large group of congressional democrats will en masse tell him it's time to go. the donors closing their wallet to the money is drying up, the obama team wants about as well.
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from here on out every move he makes will be scrutinized intensely. democrats in particular will be looking good for more evidence that he had to serve another four years and more to the point, he can't beat trump. the party is getting desperate, they want him out and they want them out soon but he won't go. that is the democrats dilemma. one last thing. next week, republicans open their convention in milwaukee, donald trump will be commanding the headlines, democrats would love to engineer a few headlines of their own, don't be surprised to see a confrontation between the president and his party and maybe a change at the top of the ticket. that would really be a distraction for trump. things are moving fast. second hour of varney just getting started.
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president biden struggled to complete a sentence in his speech last night, kept saying anyway. when he lost his train of thought. >> look, folks, this is -- anyway, the next dba, i'm not going to be traveling in 15 time zones the week before. anyway. i'm catching hell from my wife. anyway. it wasn't about just -- anyway. read what his objective is. anyway. but that again better than a lot of other people here too but anyway. stuart: sorry about that was a recent poll shows 67% of voters think biden should step aside and that was taken before last night's speech. did biden convince voters he could stay in office another four years? i know you're going to say no. tammy:it is clear from the reaction he gained some time. maybe he can stay in office and be functional. i don't think he's been
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functional the last four years. this has been a fraud. the anyway dynamic is a crutch obviously, he's been trained to do that so there isn't silence when he loses his train of thought. it doesn't help. it is worse in away. it's the same. this is what we've got, the american people are watching but his handlers know this as well. almost as if they have no choice. it proves, they are argument is that was a bad night which means everything should be fine. it is proving it wasn't a bad night, the the debate, none of these are bad days, this is how he is. stuart: pressure is mounting. a large group of democrats saying joe, you've got to go. what do you think of a dramatic headline from the democrats early next week to outshine the republican convention which starts next week? >> highlighting the chaos that you have no leadership is not
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the way to do it. they have their own convention. at the same time these are people, pelosi and obama and all the democrats, they are the ones responsible for this. they don't want to be held accountable by a reckoning on november 5th. biden has always been the front man. he's he is not making the decisions that set the country on table. stuart: are obama and policy leading the charge? >> of course, this is been there game. it has been obama noted when biden was first elected that 90% of the people in the white house where his people. obviously biden, the fraud has been revealed that he has not been making decisions. unnamed unknown unelected perhaps people have been. not a cabinet meeting since october, who has been able to tell us that? where has the cabinet been? everyone has been complicit in this cover-up and now they want him out.
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i would be furious, they should not move because this was the agreement, they agreed to do this, to be the ones in front and now because there grand plan to kneecap donald trump failed remember what yesterday was, donald trump was going to be sent to jail yesterday. reminds you we make plans and god laughs especially at the democrats, this was their plan. they are unprepared for this. it didn't matter that they were setting the country on fire or the left was getting their wish list because americans were going to have no choice on july 12th the. that was the planet it was going to be whatever it is and that failed and now president biden is thinking i am the one it's going to go under the bus. there needs to be a reckoning. they need to be held accountable, americans deserve that, democrats who were lied to, the republicans who were not listened to. they need to be humiliated on november 5th, they know they will be and they want to shift
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things around and it is not appropriate. biden has been voted for. stuart: i wish on a friday morning sometimes you would tell us how you really feel. thanks very much. democrat senator says his concerns over biden were deepened after meeting with his campaign advisers. lauren: he wasn't convinced and nothing they told him convinced him that biden can beat trump so he asked the campaign do you have more data you can provide backing up why you think and why he thinks he can win? biden has to do at least a weekly pressure to convince the public that he is, and, strong and clear on a path to the country. stuart: former cnn host thinks it is possible the white house actively covered up biden's decline. what is he saying? lauren: he's calling for some
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sort of white house investigation. >> the white house good reasons for what they do, they have a communication strategy, there are real professionals behind the scenes, they deserve some respect but i think they also deserve to be scrutinized about whether there was a cover up and whether they were covering up something about biden keeping away from the press. this point those are fair questions to ask and they will be asked to this afternoon. neil: the media that's part of the democratic machine feels duped, they feel lied to because they were mouthpieces and blind believers over being journalists. one other one for you. other journalists like the wisconsin radio station the did interview biden say they agree to make two edits to their interview at the request of the white house, this is the civic media statement, they apologize and say they are standing by their host who did not lose his job but also said the white house gave me 5 questions to ask.
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stuart: you are not supposed to do that. back to the markets pulleys. the dow is up 120 points, nasdaq is doing well too but huge losses yesterday. i want to get to this. you are talking about market melt up in the immediate future. >> i think we are there. look at it right now, the market has been going up almost every day even though yesterday the nasdaq and s&p were down. every other sector that's interest-rate sensitive was a huge, real estate stocks were up 3% and that's the other thing to think about, we are starting to broaden out going into other sectors and asset classes where all the money is being funneled in to what you've seen most of the year. stuart: is that a tech bubble? >> i think it is and here's what i think is going to happen, the fed inadvertently is going to make this bubble go even larger. at this point we are probably pretty sure the fed is going to
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cut come september, you still have $6.14 trillion in money market funds right now and we saw 10 billion come out of money market funds because the money market funds cut interest rates. where's the money going to go? the stock market blows my mind, the only place prices get more expensive people just jump at it. if you are going to buy a new car in the price went up one hundred 50% would be more likely to buy that car are less likely to buy that car? nvidia is up one hundred 60% and people want to buy more of it at these high valuations so the way to protect yourself right now is the market is going to go higher, the fed is going to cut in september but diversify your exposure. we saw a real rotation going on. don't just come around to this massive bubble because what happens after the bubble goes up? it comes down? stuart: big tech is so attractive because that is where the money is and where the profits are and that is where ai is and you say it is a bubble but the bubble isn't
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bursting to. it's going to go higher. >> i don't know if the bubble is going to burst but it is not cheap, markets tend to punish you longer-term. also getting lower valuations, baby boomers need cash flow. everything not tech right now not to be provocative, one of the best opportunities i have seen in my lifetime in every asset class. stuart: you are barely 50 years old. that is a very interesting point of view. lauren has got for moving as we start with tesla. lauren: they are up 2%. several price target increases, dan ives at webb. $300 a share reiterating the bauer, after the reported
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delay, they could care less. they say they are bullish on ai. city at 274, hsbc is up. stuart: i told you that robo taxi thing is not an event. tell me about fastenall. lauren: they make industrial supplies, stock is up 42%, sales stronger-than-expected up 1.8% but you got an increase so a big report card. be 16 black amusement parks. lauren: people are going just a couple days ago, that the older ticker, they merged with cedar fair that closed, the new ticker is fun. that stock is up 2.5%. they are initiating at a by, they think the stock which is currently at 53 is going to 68 which is 28% gain. stuart: thanks. coming up. hungary's by minister left the nato summit early. where did he go?
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went to mar-a-lago to visit donald trump. what the significance of that? more democrats call for president biden to withdraw from the race after he gave another gaffe filled press conference. watch this. brian: >> president biden: i want to handed over to the president of ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination, ladies and gentlemen, president putin. i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president but i think she is qualified to be president. stuart: hillary vaughan capitol hill with the latest reaction to biden's press conference. that report is next. ♪
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stuart: markets showing green, down the street is close to 200, the nasdaq up 127 points. biden's press conference may have made matters worse for his campaign. more democrats are calling for him to step aside. >> reporter: the take away from biden's backers is this is a master class demonstrating biden has one of the greatest political minds ever. >> i haven't heard anybody speak so much and so well and so knowledgeably about foreign policy. lauren: who else do we know in congress currently serving right now who could get on the
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stage last night at a press conference for nearly an hour and talk about a wide range of policy issues? president biden was at his best last night. >> reporter: biden's best not good enough are some democrats, three more called for biden to step aside after the press or some of them dropping a big bomb. they don't think biden is fit for the job? >> we can't have a situation every day we are holding our breath whether it is a press conference, the debate or rally. >> it is not about whether he can give an address conference. is he able to be up three days straight and make all the threat decisions, this is a job. >> reporter: members of the congressional black caucus insist they are standing by their man, james clyburn left the door cracked for a possible biden exit off the ticket. >> joe biden continue to make his own decisions.
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he earned that right and i am going to give him that much respect. if he decides to change his mind, we will respond to that. >> reporter: pelosi and obama reportedly met to discuss the future of biden's campaign so while this press conference bought biden more time it has not stopped the drumbeat of people calling for him to drop out and reportedly pelosi and obama do not know what the path forward is or what to do. stuart: we will find out soon. thank you very much. biden mistakenly introduced ukraine president zelenskyy as president putin last night. >> president biden: i hand it over to the president of ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination, ladies and gentlemen, president putin.
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president putin? he will beat president putin. president zelenskyy. i'm so focused on beating putin. anyway. you are a lot better. stuart: there is more. of this was the reaction from the biden team as they watched another biden gaffe referring to donald trump instead of harris, look at their faces. they are shocked by what he said. retired lieutenant colonel jamesafanoh, how does nato see biden? >> it is not as big a deal for ironies and friends around the world, one of them, they know this a book, the same playbook they got for 8 years under obama. four years under biden. they know what is going on in terms of what these guys do.
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the other thing is these people aren't stupid. nobody may have been talking about biden's mental capacity but everybody knows about it including our friends and allies around the world. this is not the earth shattering moment, they've been operating in this environment for 3 years. stuart: how does nato feel about donald trump and apostle returned to the oval office? >> i would tell you having spent a lot of time in europe, 1/3 to half of europe knows and believes trump will be good for nato and good for europe. the difference between the chattering glittering class in europe and everything is horrible and terrible, and the practical people that actual he know his people and no his policies and let's be honest, just like when you get a democrat to say i understand this isn't about a next essential threat to democracy, we want to beat trump.
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if you get serious europeans, we know trump is going to be just fine. stuart: hungary's prime minister ditched the nato conference and went to mar-a-lago and met with trump. what is that about? >> nothing to do with the war in ukraine and everything to do with trying to position himself as the leader of a growing, increasingly important conservative movement, broken the mold on the eu presidency post he parties and conferences and instead used it to push a political agenda to make the point that he's the most energetic influential leader in europe and that is part of it. stuart: see you again soon. have a great weekend. the us has announced plans to
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shut down the aid. gaza. lauren: it wasn't effective. the motor built it, wanted to bring humanitarian aid into gaza but it was besieged by bad weather, rough seas and security concerns transporting the humanitarian aid to shore. the us says it will soon do order pool that out permanently and it will be shut. stuart: michigan senator alicia slotkin said biden's trailing trump in her state. what the state of play? we will go into that. president biden will hold the campaign event in detroit today. how many people will he get? this event comes as the uaw's president expressed concerns about the president's ability to defeat trump. that is next.
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stuart: this developing, hakeem jeffries met with president biden last night vision a letter to democratic colleagues, jeffries says i express the breadth of insight, heartfelt perspectives and conclusions about the path forward. the letter neither endorsed biden nor asked him to drop out. the pressure is on. the dow up close to 200 points. we are looking at 180 and the nasdaq come back 127. lauren has the movers. we've got to know what's going on with boeing. lauren: there's a report the max aircraft due for delivery in europe might face additional delays of three to six months. stuart: sales of one billion. lauren: just for software. this is a $54 billion in revenue company pushing deeper into software. a lot of it used in ai.
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they looking at 1,000,000,000 x 2025. and hill is up 3%. stuart: it is the hard stuff. that we have lucid. it has been up this week we, worries now? up again? lauren: it is up 45% of this week. no longer a penny stock of 414. executives say their partnership with saudi arabia is going extremely well. called them the perfect long-term partner. funding is secured. stuart: biden is back on the campaign trail. as more democrats call for him to step aside he's going to detroit, what can we expect from the president? lauren: he will deliver remarks at a campaign event, not a rally, he will use it to contrast the dangers of the project 2025, a conservative
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blueprint created by trump allies but trump has distanced himself from it. biden is going to say trump is going to mass deport migrants and illegals and cut federal agencies like the department of education. stuart: doesn't he have united auto workers union problem detroit? lauren: the uaw endorsed him in january when he got on the picket lines with striking workers at our big 3 auto markers but there are reports the head of that union is worried about biden's ability to defeat trump and they are considering their next steps. what do they do? stuart: pressure is mounting. former chief of police james craig joins me now. biden getting no support from governor witmer. congresswoman slotkin said biden will lose michigan. what the state of play? what is the vital state?
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>> what is going on right now because no secret the left is great at gas lighting, not always telling the truth, this is the only thing i never agreed with slotkin on, trump is beating the president. the real issue is a scare tactic which what she's trying to do is create fear that if we don't move forward quickly, we have an opportunity to rehire trump. it is a scare tactic. i can see it and i'm sure so many here in detroit see as well. you brought up the issue of uaw. here's what i think. to get the head of that organization i have a chance to talk to those workers who say they are very dissatisfied with
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this administration, dissatisfied with the tv mandate because they translate into loss of jobs, 30% to 40% of worker jobs are gone. more gas lighting of this administration has been a failure the last four years. we when the president is coming detroit, what crowd might he draw? if it was trump, lines out the door and they would be waiting outside all night and get thousands. what about biden? >> i don't think he will have that turn out. people were lined up in detroit. african-american, many democrats came out to support donald trump. biden i don't think he's going to get it. he knows he is in trouble. he's trying to kowtow to black democrat voters in detroit. he said an election cycle ago
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during his campaign talking to a radio personality answer you don't vote for me you are not black. he means that. black voters are more sophisticated than that, they know better than that. recent studies show 30% african-american men are supporting trump. that is substantial. stuart: 30% back in april. >> 30% black men support trump. stuart: is that across all states? if it is -- >> across the board. if you look at detroit, detroit city is 83, 82% african-american and somebody -- more african-american men moving faster than african-american women. he is in trouble. he's going to cater to places
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like detroit, maybe chicago. we are going to turn chicago rader and this thing with illegal immigrants, what about america first. i am pro immigration but do it legally. stuart: i want to leave time for one last item. the did detroit police department is creating neighborhood response teams, they work to break up violent and illegal block parties. what is an illegal block party? how do you stop it? >> great question. i'm not with the department right now. i have my own thoughts. if a block party is not registered they can shut it down if you will but the key is finding out about the block party. when you talk about moving 80
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police officers during summer months for block party enforcement is that the wise strategy? hard for me to comment on it. i have other thoughts. another challenge in detroit, two things that come to mind are activity in downtown detroit. we deployed many officers some months on overtime details. then issues in the parks which have been somewhat of a challenge and finally illegal street racing, in the last couple years put together effective strategy but those things persist to this day. men and women who serve in detroit are the finest in america. i was proud to work alongside them. whatever strategy they implement is going to be effective. stuart: thanks for joining us. see you again later.
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stuart: hunter biden is closely advising his father while simultaneously fighting an impending federal trial. he will go to court and there are no the deals in the works. david spunt will give us the latest on hunter's legal troubles next. ♪ what does a good investment opportunity look like? at t. rowe price we let curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and what promising new treatment advances can make a new tomorrow possible.
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hearing evaluation today. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ stuart: the list of democrats calling for president biden to step aside is growing again. a democrat from colorado is the 18th democrat to join the chorus. hunter biden sticking close to the president and he faces multiple legal battles. what the latest?
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>> reporter: facing serious legal troubles in california. more than a month ago on june 11th the president's son was convicted of gun charges in delaware. we've been at the spotlight and headlines, challenges staring him in the face but the largest, federal tax trial scheduled on september 5th in los angeles accused by david wise of spending hundred of thousands on other items. those taxes were paid back in full but wait. fox news learned there does not appear to be a plea deal inside as of now. both sides move forward with the tax trial date in early september. hunter biden recently brought on mark guerra goes to his team, he knows california well and tried many different cases. as of now, abby lowell is still on the team representing hunter in delaware.
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there are reports that hunter has been joining official white house meetings with his dad, the president and has been advising him as well. they are close but word that hunter is in meetings as republicans criticizing those decisions. watch. >> the president and the white house need to firmly state hunter biden is not going to be attending these meetings or helping the president govern. he is having difficulty making decisions, should not be turning to hunter biden. >> reporter: hunter biden's lawyers expect to be in court in los angeles for pretrial conference at the end of august though it could be pushed. stuart: thanks. former white house press secretary jen psaki says kamala harris is the best option to replace biden if he steps aside but she has one caveat. lauren: we the american people are the problem.
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kamala harris is popular but we don't see it because we are recessed and sexist as a nation. >> the alternative is clearly in my view and a lot of amazing democrat on the bench because of the timeline and everything, clearly kamala harris. almost like public opinion hasn't caught up with what she's doing and we live in a country that is sexist and racist. there is that. not everybody but there's a level of it that does impact elections. stuart: like hillary clinton and the deplorable basket. lauren: there's that and there is this, kamala harris's two major responsibilities, the border and russia. she was supposed to persuade putin not to go to ukraine and he did anyway. jen psaki says she's the party's best option should biden withdraw. that's doubling down on that policy. stuart: well done. coming up, housing prices under
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pressure in florida. and insurance costs. how to get around that, we will ask a realtor from orlando. people struggling to buy a home are turning to unconventional options. one of those options, turning shipping containers into living space. kelly has look at containers next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the prettiest tree, ♪ ♪ that you ever did see... ♪ ♪ now the tree has roots that need water to grow ♪ ♪ grow jobs, grow skills ♪ ♪ make the whole world go. ♪ ♪ make the green grass grow all around all around. ♪ ♪ make the green grass grow all around. ♪ at jpmorganchase, the investments we make help make businesses happen, that make jobs happen, that make communities happen. together, we make momentum happen.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house!
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there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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stuart: the dow is up 200 nagna points. kelly joins us from wisconsin where they are turning shipping containers into fully functional living space. how much of these container homes cost? >> reporter: first, to show you how much they cost i must show you which one we are in. this is two, 40 if orders. john mayer here with us to break down something.
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what are we looking at for this kind of home? >> something like this, two bedroom, two bathroom, usually starting at one hundred 40, one hundred 50 or something like this but we have one bedroom and one bathroom styles. it is all right here. the best part of this place is it gives you more space. sometimes you feel confined by it and we have a living room and the kitchen over here. talk to friends and family in the living room, there's a bedroom anchor down there and another bedroom anchored behind us and in the bathroom and another one. you get everything you need and don't feel super. >> reporter: explain what makes this unique to other tiny homes. that's been a movement for a while but you are revolutionizing it. >> they are awesome. they are strong, they are going to be around for a long time.
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people don't have to worry about them blowing away in the wind, they are heavy duty and when you walk inside of them you don't feel you're in a shipping container. it is beautiful. this will not so much, we are in the early phases, but our finished product is gorgeous. lauren: pretty sure our viewers can see the finished product. thank you for being with us. would you be interested? stuart: that is intriguing, the idea of living in a large tin can in summer in wisconsin bothers me just a little, but for 50 k? see you again soon. orlando realtor and tiktok influencer freddy smith joins me now. i want to talk about florida real estate. house under pressure and that's because of high property taxes and astronomical insurance costs. that is hard to get around. >> it is.
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for current homeowners and first-time homebuyers they are struggling with rising property taxes and insurance especially in florida, people like to retire and are on fixed incomes. they might have had a home for 20 or 30 years, enjoyed the appreciation but that comes with high property taxes, high insurance and high hoh which is another issue and first-time homebuyers are being locked out of the market which as property taxes go up and financial aid goes up they need more income to qualify which they don't have. on both ends of the spectrum it's an issue. stuart: 60% believe they will never be able to afford to buy a home. trying to figure out how to position yourself to get into a home. you asked mom and dad for money or you get a cosigner. that's the best way, isn't it? >> if you're fortunate enough to have a family or friend to help you get into a home, that's a good option. if you don't have that option
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you can work on raising your income. never a bad idea to save more money and you should work on paying off your debt. your student loans, car payment and credit card monthly payments work against you trying to qualify. start tackling those early. an unpopular opinion most people are not happy with but it will become more popular, relocation. we don't want to leave jobs and family and where we grow up but there are places around the country you can still grab a home for 250, 300,000 and that might be more doable for the younger generation. might see a lot of migration. stuart: it sounds rather ghoulish but some youngsters are waiting for grandparents to pass so that they might come into some money. that sounds terrible but that is reality sometimes, isn't it? >> it is. we are watching, i have a boomer parents and we don't want to think about that, or grandparents but there's talk
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about what will happen to the 78, to $80 trillion the boomer generation will pass down, we'll go to assisted living? new taxes? or is the millennials going to get the money that will help them get into a home in the future? we don't want to think about that. stuart: fortune neatly florida doesn't have an estate tax but the feds do. they will take more of your money with it. >> reporter: we got to hope they don't take as much money and give the money back to the people, need it more than ever. hopefully we can get a break on property taxes. a lot of people trying to help with property tax and reducing or eliminating them? that's another conversation. people need more money in their pockets. stuart: appreciate you being with us and see you again soon. thank you very much.
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i've got an issue with the president on rent increases. i be leave in the press conference last night, came out and said going to limit rent increases to 5%. that's what he said. lauren: sounds like national rent control. can't give you many specifics, he is going after big bad landlords and big bad corporations, they are the ones gouging you. >> president biden: if i am reelected we will make sure rents are kept at 5% increase, are limited to 5%. we will make a lot of changes and continue to grow the economy. stuart: there is no such thing as national rent control. still ahead on this program this friday, steve hilton, tomi lahren, the 11:00 hour is next.
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>> didn't have a full impression but he reminded the world that he's just not up to the task. >> i don't think any


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