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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  July 15, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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wants to keep his job and his desk is on k street as soon as donald trump is elected. charles: less than 30 seconds. this rotation. how do you play it? do you keep some of these large cap winners? apple is up again today. some of the large cap names continue to move up maybe not at the pace they were but moving higher. >> so apple and nvidia are still the golden girls. we're seeing that. there's still these buy targets out there. tesla today we're seeing going up but it is certain point when you have something like 20,000 gpu's being collected by venture capitolists you know you're at the top. charles: hillary kramer. folks markets looking pretty good. you've got to buckle up for the last hour with liz claman. liz: oh, yes buckle up. it is already a very bumpy ride here. breaking news, folks, the air is electric from wall street to milwaukee at this hour. the markets are charging higher just as the republican national convention roll call in milwaukee begins.
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right now, the process kicking off at the moment involves each state in the union announcing the number of delegates they will deliver to officially nominate former president donald trump but it is the chatter about what could be an imminent announcement on trump's vice presidential pick that has the nation buzzing. the reveal could come at any time and here is the latest names being mentioned ohio senator j.d. vance, virginia governor glenn youngkin, dark horse former south carolina governor nikki haley and south carolina senator tim scott. sources are telling fox news that this , north dakota governor doug burgum, and florida senator marco rubio have been told they are not trump's vp pick. that according to fox news. over to stocks a very bullish market backdrop as they begin. right now, both the dow and the s&p are at all times records. we have the dow jones industrials up 281 points. the s&p jumping 24 and check out
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the small caps. day three of the roaring russel rotation, this 43 point gain, what does that mean? well that pushes the three-day total to about 138. listen, it's a moving target here but we're in the final hours of the first trading day since saturday when the former president literally dodged a bullet at a rally in butler park, pennsylvania. there is breaking news on several fronts about the 20-year-old alleged gunman just hours before thomas matthew crooks tomb aim at former president, grazed him and killed a rally attendee. law enforcement sources are saying he purchased 50 rounds of ammunition for his ar-style rifle. we have every angle of the story covered for the entire hour and how of course individual stocks and sectors are reacting as president trump in many polls is taking the lead but we begin with fox news cb cotton live in butler, pennsylvania just 300 yards from where the tragic
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and horrifying shooting went down. cb? reporter: hi, liz. good afternoon to you. what we know federal agents are still trying to get access to the shooter's phone to determine what may have been his motivation. this as criticism of the secret service ramps up mostly because people want to know how the shooter was able to gain access to the roof behind me that had a direct vantage pointless than 200 yards to the rally stage where the former president was standing. we are being kept away from the crime scene but there are a lot of officers moving about at this hour. you can see where the american flag is blowing in the wind, that's where the rally took place. we know it was rally-goers who first spotted crooks crawling on top of the building. a federal law enforcement source told fox on monday, local law enforcement had responsibility for securing that roof top. that same source tells us one officer climbed to the top, saw crooks armed with a rifle and then retreated. soon after, we know crooks began
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to fire and that's when he was killed by a secret service counter sniper. officials say crooks was the lone gunman and he reportedly purchased 50 rounds of ammunition just hours before the shooting. bomb-making materials found inside the shooter's home and car have been shipped to the fbi's lab in quantico. we learned a social media profile the shooter had on discord has now been removed. a spokesperson telling fox, the account was rarely used, hadn't been active in recent months and there was no evidence it was used to plan the shooting. fbi agents were spotted today continuing their work at the shooter's home and speaking with neighbors door-to-door and now, for the first time, on fox, we are hearing from a veteran who tried to help save the firefighter who was tragically killed. >> at that moment, we have a life to save and we're going to do all we can to save him. the doctor, he provided cpr and
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tried to save him. i held his head and all i could think about, and we made eye contact on several occasions and it was like, we have to do what we can until medical gets here. we have to preserve life until the team gets here to take him. reporter: the secret service and the secret service now pushing back against criticisms of its handling of the rally security saying it bolstered security detail for the former president back in june and saying they've made changes to his security detail since this tragedy on saturday. back to you. liz: okay cb, thank you very much. the question everyone has been asking from pretty much the second after this very moment happened since the shooting. how could something like this have been allowed to happen? many are pointing the finger at secret service and its director kimberly cheatle and its video
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from social media showing rally-goers frantically trying to warn law enforcement about a man with a gun bear climbing up the roof of a nearby building several minutes before the shooting so we've put some of those clips together for you. watch. >> yeah, someone's on top of the roof. look. there he is right there. >> where? >> right there, do you see him? he's laying down. do you see him? >> yes. >> [overlapping speakers] >> "he's got a gun." >> "he's on the roof." >> they got him. >> they got him. liz: let's bring in charles marino who served as a supervisory special agent and protected three us presidents. charles, welcome. thank you for being here.
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us homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas is now saying that president biden has now directed him to work with secret service to provide protection for robert kennedy jr. , the independent candidate of of course president trump, former president trump had said that robert f. kennedy should be protected right away, considering what happened to trump over the weekend. first your thought on that and then we've got to know what you think about where the breakdown was on saturday. >> well i think the protection for rfk jr. is long overdue. he's met the criteria for quite some time. he's one of the earliest candidates to identify a vp runningmate, so this should have been set in motion long ago, especially in this heightened threat environment in the us and around politics so that's the right decision and i'm glad personally to hear that he's going to be protected. as far as what happened with
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former president trump, look, we saw a catastrophic failure of the overall security plan. the secret service relies on support from state and local law enforcement all over the united states to fulfill their mission; however, the secret service creates and owns the overall security plan and this extends out to the outer perimeter to include locations that cause concern for elevated threat like this building location which had a direct line of sight to the stage, so the secret service is not only responsible for creating the plan but also making sure that it's effectively implemented. that means if the decision has jointly been made between the secret service and local police, to provide coverage of that building, to make sure nobody can obtain access to the roof then they have to ensure that that coverage is in fact in
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place prior to and during the visit, and that seems to be the case where that did not occur. liz: sir, let me just interrupt for a moment. we have breaking news, folks, you see it on the bottom banner here. it appears that president trump has picked ohio senator j.d. vance as his runningmate. now, president trump has been posting this on truth social in just the last couple of seconds. of course j.d. vance, first name is james david vance, the junior ohio senator whose shown a lot of energy for president trump. i don't know, sir, if you know j.d. vance but you have protected a lot of people through all of this. your reaction to this announcement and perhaps also, the fact that former president trump has forged ahead and probably pushed up this announcement since this horrific and tragic situation this weekend. >> yeah, not sure about
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the timing of the announcement as it relates to the events that took place the other day; however, i will tell you this was likely coordinated with the secret service in advance so that they immediately could provide protective operations to senator vance. liz: the protection is so incredibly important. from your standpoint about secret service as we're gathering more information regarding president trump's pick of j.d. vance as his runningmate here, this is hitting the wires right now. it is big, big news, and i believe we're pretty much among the first to get this to our viewers. president trump was not the only prominent figure there. there were other senators. there were congressman, local politicians. how does this square with you when you look at the need right now of the number of secret service agents. is it matching the reality of the staffing of these events? >> yeah, it's a great question.
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more events, certainly, especially in a campaign season. more responsibilities, protectees, so this is something that's going to be looked at. look the secret service is going to be forced to take a hard look at itself after this incident, and there's also going to be external investigations going on. the bureau being the first that they're going to be getting looked at as well so they are under the microscope. there's no way to sugar coat it. it's going to be a long, bumpy road. hopefully the secret service comes out stronger as a result of this and as a result of many organizations taking a hard look, but the resources are going to be a number one area of where investigators look. liz: absolutely and again, how this could even happen, especially with the video that we had showed our viewers leading up to this. so many frantic rally-goers were saying don't you see this guy? he's crawling up the building. it's the whole thing is just
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awful. really quick before we go, charles. do you think that kimberly cheatle should resign? she's supposed to report before a house committee july 22. >> yeah, look. she's got a long road ahead. congress, she's going up there later next week and what i can tell you is she's going to have to prove to members of congress and others that she's been doing a good job as the director of the secret service. i don't know if she's going to be resigning or not. i'm not going to ofine on that, but she's definitely in the hot seat and i know that many are calling for her to do so, so we'll see how this turns out, but her leadership is going to be questioned greatly as a result of this situation and she's going to have to articulate why she deserves to stay. liz: yeah, there's going to be a lot of articulating that she will be demanded to make. charles marino, we thank you very much. again the breaking news at this moment just as the rnc roll
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call began, we got this from former president trump via truth social. he has picked ohio senator j.d. vance, 39-year-old served in the marines as his runningmated. let's get market reaction as we look at the dow jones industrials and if it's possible we should really put up an intraday here because at the highs of the session just around 11:30 a.m. eastern the dow was up about 350 points. then it moderated and came down and was up still triple digits but with a one handle right now popping back up to 292 points of gains. no doubt a surge and that began this morning on fresh polls out showing increased odds of a trump election victory. the economists new prediction model which combines state and national polls with economic indicators perfect for our audience shows trump has a three and four chance of winning the electoral college. well as we said the dow judgerred, we can flip it over
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and you can see the s&p is also heading back up to session highs. s&p is tracking to close in record territory as odds of a trump election wins soar. nasdaq also extending its six-week winning streak we see it gaining about 92 points still off the highs of the day. records don't stop there, big tech and financials telling a very bullish tail, apple hitting a record after morgan stanley raised its price target and named it as a top pick. apple also reported record sales in india. they grew 33% and goldman sachs let's look at financials because they could play very interestingly into a trump presidency once again. less regulation, he hates regulation. we've got goldman sachs hitting another record. it's up $12 to $491 and change. let's bring in our floor show voices here options trader allen nuchman, andre monday james washington policy analyst ed mills. alan, i'm going to begin with you. what's the options activity you
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see right now? >> well first off, liz, hello. i'm at home in michigan so we're in the iron belt. this is where we mine the iron, that we turn into steel that makes america, that makes cars, so what's going to happen here is the resource markets really going to benefit from this action i think and i think that's where the risk reward is right now but if you look at the options market, schlumberger and halliburton in the last couple of weeks have had some money flow into those options which tells me something, and recently today, some interesting actions also happening in some of the bitcoin stocks. you've got coin, you've got clean spark -- liz: oh, my gosh bitcoin is roaring. let me just interrupt you. bitcoin is roaring higher right now it's up nearly 10% to 63, 561. president trump has said if he were re-elected, or get that second term, he would be very crypto-friendly. go ahead. >> yeah, so that's the thought there, but i think the risk
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reward is we're in an everything bull market. the one piece that hasn't played ball has been the oil, the energy sector, the pe on that is like eight so it's a very good value so all these energy stocks and all of these resource companies will become unleashed and so their profitability obviously will increase and i think that's where the opportunity is. the big issue is the dollar. we know we're going to cut rates and the dollar if that declines that helps all assets and that could be the next catalyst for acceleration of this market that's already seen 40 new all-time highs this year in the s&p alone. liz: alan thank you, dow is up 300 points. ed mills, alan was just talking about energy. what are the sectors that could benefit from a trump presidency? >> well, financials, healthcare, energy, the top regulated things in this economy launch for conversation about potential inflation, a yield steep sweetener but buy america because especially with the j.d. vance pick, there's going to be a sense that we're going to have
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more onshoring and that is going to help small-caps with a lot of us exposure. that's what the clients at raymond james are asking me the most today. liz: iwm, which is the etf that encompasses the russel 2000 is up 2.25%. if you saw intraday high we'd see it, well at least a two-year move to the upside here. alan knuckman, and ed mills great to see you. we're coming right back the markets are continuing to thrust higher on the news that president trump, as a candidate, has named j.d. vance of ohio as his runningmate. that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks! thanks! voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices so you can reach today's financial goals. that one! and look forward, to a more confident future.
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liz: breaking news, we want to take you right to the floor of
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milwaukee's fiserv arena that's eric trump, the son of former president donald trump, with don jr. and they look very excited because the state of florida just gave its delegate count which puts the former president right over the line to officially become the nominee of the republican party. trump has won the republican nomination. that much was expected, but when you get the official announcement, there is a lot of energy here. you know, we should just listen in for a minute. >> 125 votes president trump. >> [applause] >> ♪ ♪ >> [applause]
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liz: oh, yes to the tune of "celebrate" and a huge screen with fireworks that say"over-the-top president trump" has won the republican nomination. he will have picked, because it is official now, j.d. vance, the junior senator from ohio as his runningmate. ohio of course a very important state. some people have thought that in the last second or two, glenn youngkin, the governor of virginia, might be the dark horse pick. virginia is key in all of this. it was not so. nikki haley, the former south carolina governor, people thought maybe her. there was some chatter there that he might have torn up the script basically of what he had planned to do. president trump is one of those people as we all know who is deciding at the last second, he changes his mind and he and only he knew up until the last second whom he would choose and
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as people dance on your screen here, this does bring us back to the tragedy of the weekend. of course, it was saturday when president trump nearly lost his life, when a gunman took aim and missed president trump's head at a rally in pennsylvania by a nanoinch in the chaos following that rally, and the attempted assassination of former president trump, one brave doctor sprung into action because a rally-goer had been hit right in the head. you will hear his attempt as he attempted to save a shooting victim's life. that's next. and we need to tell you this. please, tune in tomorrow. you can't miss it and if you can't tune in live, set your dvr right now. we have an all-star lineup. paramount shareholder
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mario gabelli, kyle bass, famed investor and all-in podcast host, jason kalkanus, tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. eastern only on the "clayman countdown" and fox business. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. when the sawdust settles and the engine roars the thing you care about is a job well done. but when you get your tools from harbor freight
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but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? liz: fox business alert let's take a look at shares of trump media and technology group. ticker symbol djt. now, earlier, it was popping more than 50%. then it went up about 20%, moderated a bit. it is now climbing higher by
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31.6%. he is, of course the major shareholder in the social media stock here, and at the moment it stands at $40.65. it is a little bit of a tough transition i must tell you, but as we watched the developments in the wake of saturday's shooting attempt, the assassination attempt on former president trump, we must not forget two other victims. one was killed, corey comperatore, was a 50-year-old firefighter who was shot in the head when he was shielding his daughters and his wife from on coming bullets. pennsylvania governor josh shapiro said corey loved his community and most especially his family. he is survived by his wife and two daughters, and one other rally-goer was shot in the arm. i want to bring in the man who tried desperately to save corey in the panic after the shooting, dr. jim sweetland is an emergency response doctor the man who gave corey cpr right in front of his family to try
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and save his life. dr. sweetland joins us now. first of all, doctor, i speak on behalf of the entire nation when we say thank you. thank you for at least trying and i'd like to know how you are doing today. >> i'm doing better than i was yesterday and liz, thank you for having me on your show. liz: of course. of course. we appreciate you speaking about this , because one thing our viewers and many people across the nation were so amazed by was that you just sprung into action, and as we look at how close the bullet came to president trump's head, it may have been the one that wizzed past and hit corey, and i want to know how close you were to corey physically and what you did as you sprang into action. >> corey was, if you're looking at the stage, corey was in the left bandstand or grandstand. i was up above him, and to his
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left. i was all the way in the upper right hand corner just underneath the jumbotron, and i was enjoying the rally. it was a warm day. trump fans were very gracious, sharing water. liz: okay, hold on. we just lost dr. sweetland. we'll try and get him back but one of the things we want to show you some of the pictures of dr. sweetland, as he sprung into action, so here is the video that is sort of the preamble where president trump came up on stage. he actually credits a screen to his right that had a graphic about migrants on it and he turned his head at that very moment which for some reason we don't see , maybe we can get that piece of the video. he turned his head at that moment, and that's when the bullet wizzed by, pierced his ear. that is the screen. he had pointed to it, but
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for that screen, president trump has already said that graphic saved his life, but the bullets, you could see actually wizzing past, because some of the still photos, you can see it and we've circled some of that, and there were eight shots fired from a high-powered rifle and one of them hit that firefighter who instantly died but dr. sweetland was the one who came right out, jumped in and he began to actually, here is that moment of the shooting. he got down and so it be to your screen right that corey was and dr. sweetland leapt into action. the first thing he did was try and give cpr to corey. there's that little line. it's actually the bullet passing past former president trump
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taken by doug mills of the new york times. unbelievable. there are going to be a lot of pulitzer's at that point we can imagine. there were so many incredible photos taken. the press remain quite brave. stood their ground and were able to take photos and video much of which will be used by the fbi and the secret service to try and figure out how this could have happened and what could have gone wrong. i am told that we're going to try to continue. unfortunately we don't have him right now but we'll try and continue to reestablish communication with dr. sweetland. in the meantime breaking news is coming out fast and furious from the rnc, we now have an official gop ticket with former president trump and ohio senator j.d. vance as his runningmate . the theme at the republican national convention at least for this first day that may change everyday but for this first day is make america wealthy again and as it kicks off in milwaukee our former panel of presidential
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candidates, one of them from ohio, a republican and a democrat join us next. what does a good investment opportunity look like? at t. rowe price we let curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and what promising new treatment advances can make a new tomorrow possible. better questions. better outcomes. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart ♪ ♪ as time went on, it was easy to seeee ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type two diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital, yeast, or urinary tract infections.
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(husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. liz: whoa i've got to tell you folks a lot is happening. we are now getting this breaking news. president biden has just weighed in on donald trump's just-announced runningmate ohio senator j.d. vance. it comes as trump officially, in the last 38 minutes, won the republican nomination at the republican national convention, and as the states continue their roll call, president biden posted on x and it came after trump named ohio senator j.d. vance as the runningmate, "there's the deal about j.d. vance. here's the deal about j.d. vance. he talks a big game about working people, but now, he and trump want to raise taxes on middle class families while pushing more tax cuts for the rich."
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well, i don't intend to let them. i guess politics is back in action. although, both sides have said they will bring down the hot, hot tenor that has been leading up in these months to this weekend where we had the tragic shootingment joining me to weigh in on all of this is former ambassador former senator and governor of kansas and former 2008 gop presidential candidate sam brown as well as , it's a lot, sam, i know, as well as former 2004 and 2008 democratic presidential candidate former ohio congressman and cleveland mayor dennis kusenich. great to have you both. governor, eye i've got to starth you give me your gut reaction abdomen the announcement j.d. vance and president trump as the official nominee. >> well i think vance is a great pick that really solidifies the party going after working class and really trying
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to address the issues for people that make $50,000 or thereabouts. i mean, j.d. vance is really targeted in on this category. i think it's a key category for the party. i think we're going to sweep the blue wall, as its been called in the past, the rust belt states and i think with that pick that'll solidify and we should keep those states. liz: j.d. vance attended public high school. he was in the marines. he wrote that book "hillbilly eligy" and growing up not wealthy, dennis and i think, congressman, i know you so i feel like i can call you guys by your first names, but one of the things about him is that he has really managed to resonate with the voters because he has those sort of appalachian ethics as he likes to put it. give me your thought that a son of ohio has been named the vice presidential runningmate here. i know it's the opposite party
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but your thoughts. >> well, let me tell you, this is good for ohio and i'm hopeful what it means is a refocus on steel, automotive, aerospace, shipping. ohio used to be the leaders in the world in those areas and to have someone atune from working class that comes from ohio who understands ohio and the midwest i think it's a very positive development and of course, the underlying thing in this election is the economy and people are going to be watching what the proposals are going to be from both parties and of course j.d. vance has a leg up. he has challenged government spying on american citizens. he's got not just a goodbye organize graph it but so far, he's been moving in the right direction, apparently enough that president trump would pick him to be his runningmate. liz: and a graduate of ohio state, so he's a buckeye, so as you say good for ohio, certainly. a lot of attention on that
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state. governor brownback, let's talk a little bit about this cutting taxes, and whether it is on corporations which president trump actually did. he brought the very high corporate rate from 37% down to 21%. some people thought maybe it should have been more like 25%. we now have a very very massive deficit between the amount of revenue that comes in via taxes versus what goes out in spending for this country. how do you expect that donald trump, who under his perview, ballooned the deficit and again, so did biden. president biden did the same but isn't it time, no matter who wins to tackle " the situation? >> i think it's time to tackle the situation but also i think you tackle it with growth. you hold your spending down. we've got to get spending under control. i mean, that's just the key piece of it. i did this as governor and i was
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also on the budget committee when we actually balanced the federal budget, but you've got ahold your spending down and so we've got to slow that growth of spending and get it to zero and pull it down and you've got to have growth in your economy and so that's why i think the tax cuts are key but they've got to be tax cuts that are targeted at growth. like i really like the tax cuts on small business to really stimulate and save the tax cut for a business that makes 150,000 or below, it's a lot of working class people. it's a lot of folks out there that are trying to start a business or have a side job, a side hustle, to make a little bit of money for their family, and target those for growth of both jobs and getting the economy stimulated forward. liz: congressman it's a tough question to ask, but the polls are not looking like they are in favor of president biden at the moment and since that debate, a couple of weeks ago, where he stumbled and he lost his train
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of thought, there has been a democratic push to get somebody else in there. i don't know whether that has changed since this weekend, when there was the attack on president trump but he is, biden is lagging behind trump at least in the fox news poll and this was a july 7 through 10 poll, by 1% here. that said, do you think president biden should stay in the race? >> well, he's going to stay in the race. liz: do you think he should though? do you think he should? >> let me tell you, he is going to stay and again, this is so much a settled question, liz, that i think that we have to recognize what the reality of it is and i think the last few days have assured it. president biden is in the race to stay and the debate will matter less as people start to expect the economy. this election is going to be about the economy and what my friend sam brownback just said has a lot of resonance because
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it is about providing growth in the economy. it is about reducing the deficit and it's about cutting government spending in the one area that the government spending has gone out of control in these forever wars and i think there's a revisiting of that in the next administration whether it's democrat or republican. liz: it's great to have you both. i will say this. i do like the kansas city chiefs, sam, but i am a huge browns fan. i'm sorry. you guys have had your chance. you've won too many super bowls. we need another one. let's make it happen. >> no, no, no, more cheese. chiefs. they are fantastic. liz: it's great to have you both. thank you, both, very much and this kind of conversation between both sides of the aisle is exactly what i do believe our viewers and americans would like to see , respectful disagreement on some matters and agree when it's smart, right? make sure you follow all the rnc
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developments tonight. fox business network, we have full coverage of all the speakers that begins at 7:00 p.m. eastern but this very moment between now and then, we have a lot to cover here. not just how the markets are responding. the dow is kind of a little bit of selling in this late action here, 13 minutes left to trade. we've got the dow up 171. billionaires including tesla ceo elon musk and bill ackman one thing that they jumped into action on right after the attack on former president trump, the failed assassination attempt, they endorsed him. charlie gasparino next on which other billionaires may soon be following in their footsteps. gy and establishes a charitable trust to keep the craft alive for generations to come.
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liz: it has been about 52 minutes since former president trump picked senator jd vance of ohio as his running mate. since then there is some question over whether major billionaires like ken griffin will suddenly pitch in to fully support trump. joining us now charlie gasparino. what are you hearing, charlie? >> you know i heard he was on the fence. not heard, they told me he was on the fence as of a few hours ago, meaning ken griffin's people. listen, why does it matter?
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i don't know if it matters maybe a little bit optically. donald trump is not, will haves much money he needs for this race, no doubt about that. not just because of the events of the last 48 hours, following the debate, even before the debate the business community, people, republicans inside of the business community those who were moving away from trump, didn't like what happened during january 6th, come back into the fold. in their view they thought the biden administration was moving so far to the left. by the way you could see it even in moderates. david zaslav, i don't know to be a republican. he is the head of discovery, but he made a point how we need a white house that is pro-business. that was more than a backhanded slap at the biden administration coming from hollywood which will tell you something. you know, that was happening before. this is mainly optics. now if i were to guess, i think
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that, that maybe griffin says no. here's why. jd vance used to be in private equity. jd vance has had an amazing life, let's face it. working class roots. worked his way through college. went to the marines. went to yale. liz: iraq. >> private equity. that was before he wrote, he was a best-selling author. before he was a senator, u.s. senator from ohio and before he was the vp nominee. that said, he's very populist right now and you know -- liz: which is interesting, charlie, because he worked for peter thiel, the big venture capitalist. >> oh, yeah. liz: to be populist, but also surrounded by silicon sally money like that is pretty interesting. >> yeah. one of the things i'm hearing right now, shows you how myopically wall street is focused on their own stuff, if he gets elected, a lot of people
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expect right now, he will get rid of the carried interest deduction. i keep hearing that. it is so amazing. we had one of the most tumultuous weekends ever. the last couple weeks have been crazy, the president may drop out, he may not drop out. the assassination attempt on president trump, and, wall street is worried about carried interest, that vance might be bad for it because he is a populist. liz: we're looking at a market that is roaring ahead possibly on some clarity here especially when you look at the polls. we started out a poll by the economist, shows trump has three out of four, how they put it, 75% chance, but the economist says three out of four. >> remember, remember, liz, remember the random walk down wall street markets are very imperfect in the short term. they react to headlines. i will say this, that there was a trump betting placed on certain sectors of the market
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last week right after the debate. so, this is, this is, this is doubling down on that obviously based on what happened and just how amazing that donald trump looked in terms of being a leader and being resill yen in the face of, you know, his life being put at risk. so i mean it is just, so, again, but remember, markets are reacting to the moment and, this race the last i checked is not over yet. so i would just caution about you know, wall street, short-term market gyrations being your, being your north star on this. liz: and tomorrow gabelli. you have got to stay tuned for that because mario will be talking about paramount obviously. >> can't wait, can't wait. by the way -- liz: something about a quarter of a percent. >> i want to add this, liz, the minute we got off the air on friday said there might be lawsuits he did file something
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in delaware chancery court. not a lawsuit, demand for information from paramount. you should ask him about that. liz: information. we will, charlie, thank you very much. look at the s&p 500. right now it needs 18.56 points to clock a new record. it is up 12.64 at the moment. not quite there. with three minutes left to trade, let's dive right in, more market reaction to trump's vp nomination, b. riley chief market strategist art hogan. art, charlie is right. whether it is some type of an attack or some big news headline sometimes the markets have very short-term reaction and they just completely calm down. what do you think? what will be the longer term vapor trail for all that has happened since saturday to right now? >> i well tell you this, it is interesting. if i told you what the results of the election would be in november you still wouldn't make a good investment choice today.
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it is impossible to engage the economy next year, what will be important. liz: great point. >> i think we're in a place right now where markets are driven by secretary yields over last two weeks. small caps, broadening out is very healthy. everyone that ascertain as trump trade or any kind of trade 112 days before an election is probably on a fool's errand. liz: we have learned from this weekend absolutely anything can happen. let's quickly talk about what you like right now no matter who wins. our viewers can't see in the future either. >> right. i would tell you this, we've been it withing for some mean reversion and broadening out to other sectors that have not had the kind of performance the first half of this year. liz: russell. >> that the "magnificent seven" ha have had. right now when we look at the market, this will be a back half playing catchup. looking at energy will likely do better. financials will certainly catch a bid. when we look about health care as a sector unless you have a
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gop -- you really been forgotten about. i think those three sectors can be talked about. i think the best trade will be the small caps. russ sellout performed last week that happens when the interest rates come down. fed will cut first time in september. that is when we expect to see real mean reversion in the russell 2000. liz: great to see you, art. fireworks just for you and the rest of our investor audience. [closing bell rings] liz: the dow hit as record close, 40,203. looks like the s&p won't grape through. paramount investor mario today today -- gabelli and -- larry: hello folks, i'm you i'my kudlow. this is "kudlow." we havbr


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