tv Kudlow FOX Business July 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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gop -- you really been forgotten about. i think those three sectors can be talked about. i think the best trade will be the small caps. russ sellout performed last week that happens when the interest rates come down. fed will cut first time in september. that is when we expect to see real mean reversion in the russell 2000. liz: great to see you, art. fireworks just for you and the rest of our investor audience. [closing bell rings] liz: the dow hit as record close, 40,203. looks like the s&p won't grape through. paramount investor mario today today -- gabelli and -- larry: hello folks, i'm you i'my kudlow. this is "kudlow." we have breaking news.
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president trump has picked senator jd vance of ohio as his running mate and also mr. trump has woken the republican nomination for president. we just heard the count here on the floor. we've got the great senator tommy tuberville on that, much more in just a few moments. but first up, fox news mark meredith standing by with the details. mark, you have got a lot of news today. what's cooking? >> reporter: [laughter]. larry, you're right the convention is just getting started but no shortage of headlines at this hour. the first one that former president trump has selected his running mate, 39-year-old junior senator of ohio jd vance. an iraq war veteran. a graduate of yale and also ohio state. he had been on the short list for this vp contender spot quite a while along with him and senator marco rubio of florida and doug burgum the governor of north dakota. what is fascinating about this, larry, how quickly this frame to fruition as we got closer an
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closer to the roll call vote of the convention. there was a lot of speculation we would find out together just as the convention was happening. word started to leak out who was getting no calls, who would not be the official candidate. it was the former president himself made the announcement on truth social, his social media platform, saying he was going to pick jd vance. this is not necessarily a sure prays of who the short list is on there, it is interesting how well they were able to keep in a secret. the trump campaign is ready to put this out front and center. they blasted it out, they see the trump-vance ticket sign of strength. vance not up for election anytime soon. he got into the senate in 22. his sieve will be safe regardless what happens. ohio is trending so red these last couple years this is certainly not a seat that will be up for grabs in the fall for at least republicans in this case. now let's talk about what will happen next with the convention. the former president he is in
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milwaukee. we're waiting to get an idea when we will actually see him address the delegates. perhaps it is a wave, i remember eight years ago he came out on the first night, a quirk hello, it wasn't a speech, wasn't anything formal. trying to build up momentum for the big event which will be on thursday evening. today the convention will be focused on a few issues, specifically when it comes to the economy, how they believe they can make america wealthy again. talking about how to bring home prices down. what they can do to insure the stock market closing at records would be able to continue from this. we will also likely hear what they believe they can offer going forward. larry, no surprise, of course, it is events from saturday also hung over this entire convention. i talked to a number of folks here who said absolutely this created new meaning, new interest what would be happening here. the former president himself said it would change how he will address the delegates and the country. he will talk more about unity. how much the message changed from what we've gotten used to
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in the trump stump speech in the last couple month. republican convention, larry underway. you can bet there will be a lot of focus on trump, jd vance, a vocal trump critic and now the potential running mate for vice president. larry: mark, we listen to great rock and roll music, which is probably not my favorite. i want to ask you a huge decision in a florida court in south florida on the documents case. really, an incredible decision coming after the assassination attempt on saturday through mr. trump has lived. what can you tell us about that decision because that is a game changer? >> larry, you're right. this was on, it is a fame chinger. it was on nobody's bingo card but there was announcement today down in south florida by judge eileen cannon who said she believes the special counsel jack smith should never have been able to bring this case, because she believes in her view he was not legally appointed to
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his job. she is essentially saying the case is null and void. that is the case trump was accused along with some of his aides illegally holding on to documents and not giving them back to the government. there is idea this will be appealed. special counsel certainly put a lot of effort into this. it is gone for now but certainly not forgotten. things could change depending who wins the election. you're right, larry, who would have thought it would be page three of the news. it is a monumental decision coming out of the federal court in florida. larry: thank you very much, mark meredith. we appreciate it. i want you dancing to this rock music. it is unbelievable. moving right along, saved by the graced governor. that is the subject of the riff. ♪. and i'm going to quote directly here. i was saved by the grace of god. that is from former president donald trump said as he recovered from an assassin's
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bullet that providencely just grazed his ear. mr. trump added, let me quote, it was god alone that pevented the unthinkable from happening. now for those of us who worked for donald trump and have come to know him as a personal friend, you can imagine what a shocking event this was and frankly, i'm still in something of a state of shock about my dear friend donald trump. as a person of faith, however, i do believe the lord watches over us every day. over four decades ago as a young man i was sitting in my office in the old executive office building as a assistant director of the office of management and budget when ronald reagan was shot in downtown washington, d.c. we found out later that president reagan was very nearly killed and as we watched in
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horror, this past saturday night, donald trump's life was saved by a millimeter just like president reagan's was. mr. reagan went on to become one of america's greatest presidents. i believe mr. trump is headed for a second term and will join the list of america's very greatest presidents. he has already told us, that success is the best revenge and success will bring unity to the entire country. let me add one more point here, my friend bill barr who was twice the attorney general in the u.s. has said and i'm going to quote, the democrats have to stop their grossly irresponsible talk about trump being an existential threat to democracy. he is not. and mr. barr also talked about this on fox news last night. please take a listen.
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>> you can attack your adversaries, you can attack their character and their policies and so forth but they demonized him calling him adolf hitler, a racist and a fascist and so forth. it's ridiculous. he is not the threat to democracy that they're portraying. larry: mr. trump is no threat to democracy and he never was. democrats have unfortunately caught him every name in the book, tried unsuccess fully convict him of fake charges of impeachment and they were stopped. last year they launched a incredible lawfare campaign against him that campaign has completely fallen apart, providing mr. trump immunity for his official acts. and today a straight-thinking judge in south florida dismissed the classified documents case and charged the special counsel jack smith was
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unconstitutionally appointed to get trump. i say, it is high time that joe biden and the democrats stop all this nonsense. meanwhile mr. trump is a man of exceptional strength and leadership and vision and he has incredibly brushed off all these attacks and that brings me to the gop convention tonight whose theme is, make america wealthy once again. mr. trump has written the growthiest platform since ronald reagan 44 years ago and dedicated it to the forgotten men and women of america. he intends to cut taxes slash regulations, secure fair trade deals, drill, baby, drill to reduce energy costs and keep the dollar as world's reserve currency. what i call king dollar. this means he will end joe biden's 20% increase in the
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cost of living. it means he will give old-fashioned middle class working folks a pay raise as he did as president giving them a take-home pay raise of nearly $6,000 rather than the $2000 joe biden pay cut. trump's growth think platform combined with his pledge to close the border and stop the crime wave will make america strong again and when america is strong at home it will once again be strong abroad. in the new testament the lord said, go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me. after the tumultuous events of recent days i can't think of a better way to end this riff than by citing the lord, his providential wisdom and renewing our faith in american abundance. and that is my riff.
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all right. joining me now is the great alabama senator tommy tuberville and dear friend. i'm sorry for all the rock and roll music? sounds like me standing on the sidelines in front of 100,000 people, larry. that is very good. i couldn't have done that. it is hard to think. larry: yes you could, you could have done it. i want to ask you to begin, this whole story is providential by the grace of god and i think that you know as i said at the end of this riff, god's chosen, god's chosen person, what do you make of this, senator tuberville? >> you know i talked to the president this morning about 7:00, 7:15. he was still up. you know he is one of those that doesn't sleep very much. larry: i no. >> a couple hours a night. you can tell he is a little different. coach, it was close. i said, yes, sir, i know it was. when i saw it on television i got emotional. i'm thinking, you think the
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worst unfortunately but he told me he lost part of his ear. it was, he can't come any closer without having massive damage. so he knows by the grace of god, as you said, that he is with us today and so we're thankful for that. he is threw it and, i think i think it brought something to him, a little bit more energy, positive side. he sees the good side of the country. he has always done that but he sees the good side of the country i think a little more. larry: i saw it over 40 years ago with reagan who was hit. reagan was hit in the chest. we learned later he was very close to death. like trump in a way was millimeters and inches. it changed reagan. reagan went for unity. reagan decided he ought to negotiate for soviet communism and world peace. he didn't give up his principles but it did affect him. i have not had a chance to talk
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to the president. i talked to jared kushner, his son-in-law who is a dear friend. i think it may change mr. trump. it is reported he has rewritten his platform speech. success and unity is the best revenge. i think he knows that. he started that theme, probably hear more of that. >> i hope he shows up today. there is chance he might be here today. you know people that don't know president trump like you and i, he is a very compassionate person. larry: yes. >> cares a lot about other people. larry: yes. >> he talked more about the person that got killed behind him and the people that were injured than he did himself. larry: right. >> people need to understand there were collateral damage there. that can really take the wind out of you too, you know, it was meant for you but somebody else took the blow there but he has handled it like he should. again very compassionate. i'm anxious to see how he handles it for the next few weeks because i can't imagine you know a bullet going beside
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my head and knowing that it could have gone either way. larry: one of the news reports was he was playing some golf today. i can't confirm that but that is one of the news reports. senator tuberville, let me ask you, quickly, jd vance going to be the vice-presidential nominee. what you think? >> good friend. president and i talked about this morning. he had four or five good people. we have a very deep again much, larry, very deep bench. a lot of young guys. jd is a young guy. i only know him year-and-a-half, we're going to miss him. we'll miss him in the senate. he and i have been in the trenches together. he works very hard. he is a hard worker like president trump. but he thinks a lot like president trump. i think it is a very good pick. i don't think any picks will help president trump in the terms of the election. he will get his votes but i think for the future of our country, jd is a young star on the rise. larry: how about today, the theme tonight, easy to over look, i don't want to look it, the theme is wealth and the economy. i call it american abundance i
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think is the story of this country in the main. trump's platform was the growthiest i've seen since reagan. what do you make of that? >> this democratic administration is printing $80,000 a second. larry: wow. >> that is how they're pumping up the economy. president trump always told me, coach, only way we can pay town our debt, pay it down is grow this country. bring in more manufacturing in. people make more money. pay more taxes that way. there is no other way. we can try to trick everybody how this will happen, bring this debt down like it has got to, but at the end of the day our country has to start growing again. larry: the difference between growthy on the trump side which will give a pay raise, take-home pay increase to middle class working folks and joe biden's bernie sanders socialism on the other side, which is giving people a pay cut and a 20% increase in the cost of living.
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the difference couldn't be greater. >> yeah. larry since world war ii this country was built on hard work of the american people, your grandfathers and mine all of them. larry: yes. >> but it was done with cheap energy. we can't have 80, 90-dollar-barrel oil. we can't do it. we can't build it back. we have to have cheap energy. we have to forget this foolishness about ev. if you want a ev car, fine. oil and gas is the future of this country. larry: no subsidies for ev. if you want an ev, fine. why does uncle sam, why do middle class folks have to subsidize evs for rich folk. >> don't tell people what to do. give them an option. but we have to have cheap oil and gas. larry: you've been in the senate how long? >> this is my fourth year. larry: you have become a great leader in the senate, you flow that don't you? >> well -- larry: you have become a great leader in the senate. in fact when you smoke for the alabama delegation you almost could hear a pin drop. people wanted to hear everything you said. >> i can't say it is fun, larry.
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i enjoy the competition but i just want more and more people to understand there's no other country, we have no other place to go. we've got to save this country. there is no other country we can run to say this is where we want to go, this is our country, this is where we want to be. american people have to stand up in november, enough is enough. let's go back to our constitution to believe in the american worker. larry: yes, sir. by the grace of god, tommy tuberville, you've been a great friend to this show,been a great friend to me. you're a mentor to almost everybody that knows you. senator tommy tuberville. >> thank you, larry. larry: coming up we'll continue the live coverage at the republican national convention. we're joined by republican byron donalds and senator john cornyn, when "kudlow" returns with rock music in the background.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. ♪. larry: all right, welcome back, everybody. joining me now is florida congressman byron donalds and texas senator john cornyn and a fabulous band. i'm not quite sure who they are.
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we're all dancing to it just before. gentlemen, thank you ever so much. jd vance, byron donalds, jd vance, what you think? >> big pick by the president. jd is an american patriot. he served this country. he worked in the business arena. he's a father. he is grappling with the issues so many young families in america are having to deal with. great pick by the president. we're going to make sure they go in that victorious this november. larry: senator, cornyn, how will it play in texas, new mexico, those southwestern states? >> i think jd will represent the next generation of political leaders and i think the president was wise to pick somebody with that generational cred so to speak. believe it or not jd was a law clerk for me. larry: i didn't know that. >> when he was -- larry: you were holding that back [laughter] >> he was at yale law school. he clerked for me. larry: he clerked for you? >> for me. larry: how was he?
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>> that is before he was fame "almost famous" -- before he was famous. larry: people say he is a hard worker. >> he is a smart guy. incredibly well-spoken. will do a good job in the campaign. larry: byron, i'm not a lawyer. he is the only lawyer here but this decision in south florida by judge eileen cannon essentially saying that special counsel jack smith is unconstitutional, period, full stop, does this end the lawfare? does this end the whole lawfare attack, that plus the supreme court decision? >> definitely think it does because even at a minimum it will stop jack smith and the justice department on their current approach to this entire situation, and especially now with the country moving focused from all of the meandering politics and the backbiting is what's important for the american people going forward.
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this convention is shifting the focus of our country to being a united america. i think lawfare is coming to an end. quite frankly should have never started to begin with. the case never made any sense to begin with. i'm not an attorney, but i can read federal law. presidents have a responsibility to go through their records over a five-year period to negotiate the national archives. this version of the national archives, for whatever reason short-circuited that process. we should never even have been here. larry: senator cornyn, i know you're a lawyer, but i want to ask you, i'm waiting for joe biden, did not say it last night and the democrats to stop, to say they're going to stop calling donald trump an existential threat to democracy which is so inflammatory, so hostile. i'm waiting for that. >> the president spoke last night. he said he wanted to tone the rhetoric down. he can start by looking into the
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mirror because i think there are weak minds, susceptible people who will listen to the inflammatory rhetoric, suggesting that donald trump will be the end of democracy. what i will end democracy is undermining the institution like the fbi, the department of justice, the court system for political purposes. i hope this is the beginning of the end. larry: byron, trump's platform, tonight is about wealth and the economy. trump's platform is the growthiest platform since ronald reagan 44 years ago, across the board, tax cuts, deregulation, drill, baby, drill, keep the u.s. dollar the world's reserve currency as well as closing the border around stopping the crime wave and greater america first presence overseas. what do you make about this? this would be a big turnaround. trump will have to take on the entrenched establishment in washington, d.c., which tried to stop him the last time. what do you think about it? >> well first of all the president is more than prepared
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to deal with the rot that is in washington, d.c. he has seen it and he is coming back to take care of it once and for all. to his strategy, his pro-growth agenda, that is the thing that will break this inflation, that is crippling so many families in this country. it is about price stability but now you need wages to grow. you need small businesses to grow. you have to massively expand energy. you have to stop the overregulation. the biden administration has unleashed $1.3 trillion worth of regulations on american business. how are people supposed to thrive under that? donald trump will end all that. but the biggest thing overall is putting the bureaucracy back in a box because it is the american people, it is a small business engine that is the driver of our country, not bureaucrats on capitol hill. larry: you know senator cornyn, on that very last point, the biden administration is so hostile to business, particularly hostile to
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mom-and-pop businesses, especially hostile to mom-and-pop businesses that succeed. all they want to do is regulate and tax them. this has to stop. >> we made grade inroads in 2017 as you remember. the tax cuts and job act the most pro-growth tax reform we've seen in a generation. president biden wants that to continue -- expire. 3 trillion-dollar tax increase. 62% of american taxpayers would pay more. i think, let's give a lot of credit to president trump and his appointment to the federal judiciary. larry: yes. >> this year's decision by the supreme court have been nothing -- larry: chevron. >> chevron i know it sounds obscure. based on what this means congress will have to do the hard work, not kick the scan down the road to administrative agencies who are unaccountable. larry: before that it was epa versus west virginia which
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pinned the regulatory agency ears back. can we get, i ask you both, i got to get out, we need next year, if mr. trump wins, you need a reconciliation bill which requires a one vote majority. it has to have budget cuts, tax cuts, deregulations, drill, baby, drill. can it be done, senator cornyn? >> it has to be done. we did it in 2017, used the budget reconciliation to do the tax bill. i agree with you, larry, we need to do more, we need to think big. this will require team work, everybody linking arms together with the president to getting it done because no democrat is going to support it. larry: we need team work, byron donalds. >> you are going to get it. i'm telling you right now, donald trump isn't going to settle for anything less. we're coming back to get the job done for the people. larry: terrific stuff, congressman byron donalds, senator john cornyn. great pleasure to be with both
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♪. larry: all right, right here at the republican convention in milwaukee, wisconsin, with a great rock band behind me, we're all boogieing. we'll stop boogieing for a moment, we'll talk to the house republican conference chair elise stefanik. elise, thanks for coming on. >> good to be with you, larry. larry: i have a lot of things to talk about, as somebody who has lived in new york on and off for 50 years, you're saying to me donald trump could conceivably carry new york, really, really? >> that's right, larry. that is what i said on the convention floor.
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in every swing district donald trump is pulling ahead. these were districts joe biden won by 15, 17 points. donald trump is ahead in each of those swing districts. within the state he is within single district. this shows he is growing in the republican party. as we saw in the midterms it was the house that delivered a republican majority. we saw lee zeldin's exceptional run for governor. it is moving in the republican direction. president trump there is enthusiasm behind his candidacy. i brief he will be the first republican president in two generations to win new york, h. larry: who was the last republican. reagan? >> reagan. statewide it was pataki. it was been one generation since we won statewide. larry: george had me, he, i was running a special commission on tax reform and the democrats hated him for it but that is life in the fast lane.
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elise stefanik, we talked earlier in the show, it is high time that joe biden and the democrats stop this nonsense that donald trump is a existential threat to democracy, high time that is inflammatory. now parcel of that is the democratic dei, okay? and i'm arguing, and i have all along that dei is the progenitor of this wave of antisemitism found itself in the center of the democratic party. you stood up on this, and i want you to tell me some thoughts here. >> absolutely, larry. we've seen as we conduct oversight of our higher ed institutions with the infamous congressional hearing with the former presidents of harvard expenn, mit, when we see this anti-semitic rot the dei agenda is propping up antisemitism and propping up anti-americannism. take the case of harvard. even prior to the october
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attacks from hamas on israel there were hundreds of jewish students who reached out to the office of dei. they did not even get a response. shows in the root of dei is antisemitism. we have a nation based upon merit, based on excellence, based upon the american dream and the dell. dei radical left agenda is crushing the american dream. i think that is why you see the president trump support continuing to grow among all groups. african-american historic support. hispanic-american historic support. it is exciting to be here in milwaukee. larry: he is putting together a coalition of working folks, blacks, hispanics asians of the democrats are scared to death about that. it is part of this cancel culture business. it lacks common sense, against traditional middle class values
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that we were brought up with. the democrats want to transform it to some crazy dei socialism. >> you brought up a group young voters. president trump continues to make inroads with young voters. i'm technically a millenial. i was born in 1984. i just turned 40. the inability for young families to purchase their first home. so people are feeling the impact. young families and young professionals are feeling the negative impact of failed bidden economics and they compare that to the strength under president trump's very strong pro-american agenda. larry: trump gave them a raise. biden gave them a pay cut. trump will give them a raise. biden gave them a pay cut. pay cuts always lose. elise stefanik we appreciate your leadership on all these issues. thank you very much.
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we'll go with grady trimble. rumor has it he is in milwaukee someplace. he may be playing the cymbals behind me. what can you report? >> no cymbals here. we're a stone's throw away from where you are. you can see the fiserv arena behind me. we report hopefully in the next few minutes we will see the official nominee for president of the republican party, former president donald trump for the third time taking the stage at the convention and later this week accepting the nomination formally but in a few minutes, joining his vice president pick, senator jd vance for the first time that we've seen them together since we got that news. a little bit more on vance for those who are not too familiar with him. he is a junior senator from ohio after all but he had quite an accomplished career in his own right even before he became a senator. he was a marine corps veteran a yale law school graduate,
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perhaps most known for his book, "hillbilly elegy" which became a major motion picture. like i said they could come out any minute from now. so we're monitoring for that. since former president trump made the announcement that jd vance is his running mate on truth social about an hour or so ago it has been universal praise from republicans and universal condemnation from democrats. take a look at what president joe biden had to say about jd vance. he talk as big game about working people but now he and trump want to raise taxes on middle-class families while pushing more tax cuts for the rich. you see the photo there. protect democracy, defeat trump vance. interesting to see that rhetoric once again about protecting democracy when so much has been made about the democrats call, or allegation i should say that former president trump is a threat to democracy and now calling for a tamping down of
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political rhetoric but once again they're saying protect democracy. i want to move on to some big news in the world of former president trump, a big boost for him today, that is completely unrecommended from the convention, unrelated to the convention. that is the judge in the documents case in that has dismissed that case, a huge story there. judge eileen cannon ruled that special counsel jack smith was appointed basically against the constitution. that he wasn't can -- confirmed by the senate. that his funding for the office wasn't approved by the senate. therefore he didn't have authority to bring those charges against president trump so she dismissed the case entirely. i want to talk about what we saw over the weekend, larry. i'm sure you covered it already on the show. that is the assassination attempt on former president trump. it is certainly on peoples' minds here as we talk to folks.
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the republican national committee, made it clear they don't want that to be the focuses of this convention. they want to stick themes for today. the theme today is make america wealthy once again. we await former president and his running mate. jd vance, his pick, we're expecting a slate of speakers, on the rnc platform, cutting taxes for workers,. larry: we'll wait for david bossie. not up on the teleprompter. now it is, david bossie is the 2024 convention co-chair, so we have to be very nice to him. and david webb, fox news contributor. mr. bossy was deputy campaign manager in 2016. he was done the lord's work for
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many years. did you know jd vance was a law clerk for john corn anyone, once upon a time. >> no i did not. wilson moment once again. larry: let's leave edith out for a moment. senator cornyn said on the set. i had no idea. are you happy with jd vance? >> i think it is a good pick also. now the onus is on mike dewine when it comes to selection of the replacement. republicans don't lose a seat in the senate because of that and jd vance is next generation, thinker, a is about man and he has got some experience dealing with the congress. if you have the house and the senate you have somebody you can negotiate with them. that is kind of the role of a vice president sometime. larry: mike dewine is governor of ohio, right? >> right. larry: i know mike. has been around a long time. he will 57 point be a point a republican. there is no loss. >> we need every vote in the united states senate. we'll need even more of them
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with our major victory this november, not only taking the white house, picking up seats in the house and senate. jd vance is a exciting, transformative leader. we're so excited donald trump has chosen him to be the vice-presidential nominee. we'll get a chance to learn a lot about jd vance this week. i think it will be a introduction america will like coming off of what happened in pennsylvania. larry: i interviewed him by the way, i interviewed him by the way. he is very smart, no question about that. he is a pro-growth guy. i put him squarely in the growth camp what i care about because i've only been saying that for about 45 years. the other thing today, really earth shaking news is, is squawk smith ruled unconstitutional as special counsel by judge eileen cannon in south florida on the classified documents case, which in effect along with the supreme
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court immunity decision ruins the democratic lawfare attack. i'm not going to point fingers about anything to do with saturday night which is a tragedy. thank god by the grace of god president trump is, he is live and well, thank god for all of that but the reality is if joe biden says let's pull back and lower the temperature, he should say this was a mistake. lawfare is over. we're going to stop this. he is not a existential threat to democracy. that is utter nonsense and bs, david webb, and i think if the democrats don't say that, that republicans have to go after them right on that point. >> even if they say it, larry, they don't mean it. they have already begun to pivot back to existential threat. look, for a moment they had, we have a brief respite. judge cannon made a good decision. democrats will still fight it. they already comebacks out. you just saw what president biden said about jd vans.
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threat to democracy. larry: all over again. >> neanderthal. genesis lie, i keep repeating it, you heard me say it, joe biden started with a life. they're not going to start. you know this, you're part of the legal battle. larry: got a little bit left, i'm sorry. >> let me, if i could on judge cannon. larry: no. >> on judge cannon. larry: you will do it anyway. >> i was in court. my legal team participated in the legal argument in that case just a little over three weeks ago. larry: okay. >> i watched judge cannon supervise that oral argument. was an incredible experience for me. to win that case, to help donald trump get rid of jack smith, an unconstitutionally appointed prosecutor it is a great day for america, great day for the country. >> a great day for law. larry: by the way that is true. a great day for the constitution. jack smith was biden's instrument, make no mistake about that. >> he still is. larry: i have to get out. david bossie giving me orders as long as we've known each other,
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david webb, the smartest chap i know. folks coming up we have much more. we have senator kevin cramer. we have a rock band. we have the republican national convention. i'm kudlow. please, folks, stick around. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance! -it's a little pill with a ♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes
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[cheering] ♪ there is things to be done all over the world let's rebuild america first ♪ ♪. ♪. ♪ who is on the hill and watching the valley, who is in charge of it all ♪ ♪ god bless the army and god bless our liberty, that is the rest of it all ♪ larry: all right, as we watch jd vance make his way to the platform, we are watched by north dakota senator kevin cramer, vivek ramaswamy, trump
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campaign surrogate. jd will be jd. everyone, this is the unity convention. this is about wealth and the economy. >> yep. larry: just in a couple of minutes, i'm going to argue that drill, baby, drill and 40 to 50-dollar a barrel oil and cheaper electricity wins elections. >> absolutely does. larry: kevin cramer, what do you think? >> it brings down inflation for everything. it raises the standard of living for everyone. it makes america more secure and i think doug burgum would be a great energy czar to oversee the whole thing on behalf of all the agencies. larry: vivek, i want to go with this too, i will argue that low taxes win elections, high taxes lose elections. i'm going to argue that a regulatory state loses elections and unleashing mom-and-pop businesses and entrepreneurs win elections. >> yes. one method, shut down the regulatory state. that is how you grow the
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economy. flatten the tax base. you know what? it is national unity is really the theme at this convention. i sensed it, larry. one thing that unites the country is economic growth. put money in americans pockets that unites us. larry: you know how that, send as chill down my spine, economic growth. four decades, overfour decades. it is fabulous. listen, lower energy, i know you're not johnny one footnote, you come from north dakota, the second biggest oil and gas producing state in america. lower energy prices permeates the entire goods, health care goods, operating in the hospital, emergency room goods, but it also is like a tax cut for individuals. i mean that's part of the deal. >> well high energy costs mean that the cost of everything is high because if you're not using oil or gas as an input, if you're not using it to produce something you're using it to move something. you're using it to move products
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to market back and forth, no question about it. then it is a tax, mostly on the middle class and lower class. larry: sure. they can least afford it. >> exactly. larry: vivek, the other thing is, part of this convention, of course it is through god's grace, donald trump is going to be here at this convention as he has said. when will the democrats stop saying that he, trump, is a threat to democracy? because that is incendiary and americans know that. i got a minute left. i have 30 seconds left. >> is has to be now. joe biden has to face a fork in the road. he either doubles down which i don't think he will do, or he doesn't have a message left. either way he doesn't have a message. the more successful we'll be focus on our own agenda, regardless of democrat, great point. they have extra time. they're running through it. that is great.
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senator cramer, can we get the trump agenda? let us assume, let us assume republicans win the senate and carry the house? the issue comes down it has a name reconciliation. >> yes. larry: it is just a big budget package. >> yes. larry: one vote required. all you need is 51 votes. >> or 50 plus the vice president. >> that's right. larry: budget cuts, tax cuts, regulatory cuts, permitting reform, can such a thing be done? >> it can be done especially on the revenue side. remember, larry, the tax cuts and jobs act was done with reconciliation. larry: yes. >> we can do that again. even make it better. even figure out a way to flatten that tax code more, make it better. on the spending side, regulatory side, remember since the supreme versus epa, with major questions doctrine, overturned all -- >> chevron. >> chevron doctrine, all these other thingso the elected office
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don't need all those bureaucrats. they no longer have the authority they used to have. let's drain the swamp by not appropriating money to things that don't have authority to do. larry: vivek, yes, here it is, things that don't have authority to do, deregulation, deregulation, deregulation, wind at your back from supreme court decisions very important. democrats call this extreme, anti-democracy. nonsense. now it is up to the gop and trump leadership to implement what the supreme court has opened? >> a lot of people who criticize president trump saying oh, he didn't quite drank the swamp, missed this fact. he didn't have the supreme court precedent in 2017 he has today. in a second trump term president trump is armed with the constitutional precedent. the democrats say this is anti-democratic. wrong. what is anti-democratic now is the administrative state. the people we never elected to run the government who are actually making the rules. that is a betrayal what the
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american founding was baset alse our constitutional republic, that create a government accountable to us not to bureaucrats in d.c. larry: senator cramer, will there be investigations in the senate of what happened last saturday with respect to the secret service and the fbi? we are for the secret service. they're very brave men and women. obviously big mistakes were made. investigations are coming. >> democrats have the gavel. even though could not see what happened in pennsylvania not insist on a investigation. president insisted he would go
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along with independent visions investigations. speaking appropriatedtores, speaking of money, if the fbi and secret service and doj comes out says you know what? we don't have resources because we don't have financial resources national security, border security, safety of elected officials people of america is paramount number one. one legitimate larry: i mean, the sek secret service, i don't want to blast them, i've been around two administrations of the secret service but obviously a huge mistake was made but the point is they should triple the resources for the donald trump campaign. that be the common sense thing to do. >> and the reality is this will be decisions that every american regardless of their affiliation would go back and regret. there's no better resource than to make sure we're protecting
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the people who run for president of the unite the administrative state, even the individuals in the secret service, the people who put their own bodies on the line, we got to separate those individuals from what we see as the machine and the machine in d.c., that's our real enemy and this is i think a moment for national unity, but part of that is we look at our fellow citizens they aren't our enemy but the enemy is the ideology and our opponent is that machine so we can say we're going to dismantle that machine while still recognizing there's senator kevin cramer, vivek ramaswamy, folks i'll sign off. lizzy macdonald is up next. j.d. vance we'll talk about it. we're here at the republican convention. my honor, my last word is by the grace of god, to keep donald trump alive. liz: absolutely right thank you so much, larry. great show. president trump picks ohio senator j.d. vance as his runningmate. welcome to then milwaukee toda
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