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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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(♪) (♪) voltaren... for long lasting arthritis pain relief. (♪) larry: all right, just saying, kamala is no unicorn just saying. donald trump is growthier and guy benson in for liz macdonald is going to explain it all for us, go, guy, go for it. >> thank you, larry. great to see you. welcome, everyone to the "evening edit" i am guy benson in for e-mac today and tomorrow. tonight, the secret service director,
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kimberly cheatle well her feet were he'll to the fire big time on the hill. >> i would have to get back to you. >> that is a no? your just being completely dishonest. >> that congresswoman nancy mace will be here to talk about that smackdown and for and kamala's first big day after biden bailing? >> joe biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched, in modern history. in one term, he has already, yes, you may clap. >> actually, i'm not going to clap for that plus we're going to reveal the dem donors dumping a lot of money into the campaign but first we have this. >> kamala harris is someone who can bring our party together. she can go toe-to-toe with donald trump and she can win in november.
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>> i have known the vice president for a long time in california politics and as friends, and i can not wait for the country to get to know the vice president and the way that we know her out in california. >> that was national co-chair for kamala harris for president. we're so damn excited my phones blowing up and going crazy. >> this is a woman who has great public value and she knows what she's in the game fighting for. she's fighting for people being left behind. >> well that's the argument. that's the spin, but how about this? the supposed party of democracy, now rallying behind kamala harris, after joe biden has endorsed her, he's of course out of the race as of yesterday. she has raised already a record-setting $81 million in donations in just the first 24 hours of her campaign, but this is kind of strange, because democracy has a meaning, and independent 2,024 presidential candidate rfk jr. is saying democrats might want to actually
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lean into democracy and have more of an open process here. >> do what president obama said which is to have an open process, a genuinely open process, so much of the primary process is rigged. the country knows that. its rigged to benefit the corporate elites, and i think the democratic party really needs to distinguish itself from the republican party. >> looks like the ranks are closing though, around her. it seems like it's going to be her, so what does former president donald trump have to say about all this? well he's slamming democrats for their hypocrisy on this democracy issue as well. >> democrat party bosses are frantically trying to overthrow the results of their own party's primaries to dump crooked joe biden from the ballot. couldn't happen to a nicer guy. the democrat party is not the party of democracy. they are really the enemies of democracy. our leadership the republican party is now the party of the people, where the party of
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hard working americans, of every race, religion, color, and creed. >> [applause] >> well that was on saturday. the next day, biden dropped out and all those primary votes for him, 14.4 million of them, gone. thrown in the ocean. vice president kamala harris did come out and speak today. we heard from her. we haven't heard from biden yet and at one point she had to awkwardly encourage the crowd around her to applaud something about joe biden. >> it's feeling much better and recovering fast, and he looks forward to getting back on the road, and i wanted to say a few words about our president. joe biden's legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history. in one term, he has already -- >> [applause] >> yes, you may clap. [laughter] >> [applause] >> i don't think that's even true, but that's the line they're using, with that let's welcome into the program trump 2,024 senior advisor good to
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see you thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> so i've seen some words being thrown around, hakeem jefferies the democratic leader in the house said republicans are having a meltdown over this. an e-mail from the harris campaign said trump and vance they are terrified of kamala harris and the prospected of facing her ahead of november. what's your reaction to that? >> this is a devil we know, right? so kamala harris is the same person who was in charge of one thing, going to the border, becoming vice president, acting as a vice president, and she failed. so this is not an unknown. this is somebody that was part of the ticket. was part of the last three and a half failed years of presidency and it's somebody who likes as president trump says, to speak in rhymes. that's pretty much all she's good at so no we're not terrified. we saw this one coming a mail away and it's quite honestly the same thing. you know, the reality of the situation is if you look at the polls, it's not trump versus
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biden specifically. it's trump vs. biden and his policies and what he's made america and those policies are the same policies as kamala harris, and she was a part of that term. she is incredibly integral part of that term and frankly a failure like their term. so frankly, fake news, sorry, but that's not the case. team trump is stronger than ever. we're not worried at all. >> would you guys have programmed the convention that just wrapped up from last week differently if you had known a few days earlier that she's the opponent? or would it have been exactly the same? >> no. if you look at what president trump spoke about not once did he mention president biden, because we knew it wasn't going to be joe biden. joe biden, as i've said a million times, cannot walk, cannot spell bob backwards and doesn't know where he is. now, if it was him, i mean, god bless, but it's not something that was not foreseen. realistically, though here we are. it's the same person that was part of that presidency, part of the ticket, part of
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the policies. the change is a zero. it's really ineffective to us as far as i'm concerned, as far as president trump's concerned. this is a hoax on the american people unfortunately, and anybody who was voting democrat has now been told that you don't get to select your nominee. we're going to select it ourselves and by the way it's hillary clinton, bill clinton, and soros. those were the first people that jumped up and said we're backing her. well it's no surprise. the democrats don't give the american people a choice. that's not the way they operate. they tell you who you're going to vote for , and the donors tell you who you're going to vote for. republicans don't work that way and as president trump said in his rally in michigan republicans have become the voice of america and the democrats unfortunately are no longer. >> are you guys going to pursue any legal action? is this maybe problematic they are ignoring their primary? are you going to stay out of that? >> well, you know, as an attorney, i would never speak to any planned strategy on that. i can tell you that much. as an advisor to the campaign, i
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can tell you that listen, law is something that they cooperate and coordinate. at the end of the day, we protect the american people. the american people's ability to vote and what will happen will happen. i think the dfc will speak to that to be honest, and america will november 5 and to the fact they have been told who their nominee is without any opportunity to select it themselves. >> alina habba, thanks for coming in i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> the establishment to a certain extent deciding that they are going to try and avoid some sort of perhaps jungle primary in the timing at this point it's all a blur but at some point over the last 12 days on some cable news show, he ddid elude to this idea of a jungle primary of sorts in chicago and i asked about that. it does not appear based on my most recent conversation, it does not appear that something
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that he necessarily still endorses. >> they're doing all this on the fly. kamala harris leaking a list of possible runningmates in an apparent attempt to pushout any calls for a blitz primary. that list that i alluded to includes some names that may be familiar. michigan governor gretchen whitmer, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, transportation secretary pete buttigieg, among others, you can see some of them there, and with us now to break it down is georgia congressman buddy carter. it's good to see you, congressman. it's going to be her, right? almost everyone has rallied around her with a few exceptions and you get the sense those names are coming sometime soon, also. >> yeah, but it's going to be her. i mean, let's face it. they don't really have any other choice, and what a pitiful situation to be in when she's the only choice. let's keep in mind now, they have disenfranchised 14 million
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american voters by the democratic bosses now making a decision on whose the nominee is going to be, ignoring the will of 14 million people. i mean, this is the party of democracy, but yeah, it's going to be kamala harris. i don't think there's any question about that. the question now is whose she going to pick as a runningmate as if it really matters because i don't personally think it's going to make a difference. >> well talk about the potential runningmate situation, but to the point you just made, and i've kind of made the point as well on the democracy issue here, what the responses from democrats is well, kamala harris actually was voted for in a way. watch this. >> this is a woman whose ready. joe biden knows it better than anyone else. he has worked shoulder-to-shoulder with her for the last four years getting more done than donald trump has ever dreampt of. >> folks have to remember, vice president harris has been on the ticket with vice president biden since this time 2020,
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right? she helped him win that last election against donald trump. >> so she was on the ticket last time, so voters had a chance to vote for her. that's different than a primary, obviously. so let's move to that last point that you made on runningmates, right? she's put the list out. you don't think it's going to make that much of a difference, but they're probably poll testing, focus grouping this. what do you think their strategy is going to be here? >> well, i suspect they will try to get somebody from a swing state. politically that's the smart thing to do. somebody from wisconsin, michigan, possibly pennsylvania, maybe even georgia. i mean, after all, who wouldn't want kamala harris as their president? she's done such an outstanding job as a drug czar and the border czar. i mean, give me a break. let's make no mistake about this. the policies of this administration are the policies of kamala harris. this is a biden-harris policy that we have suffered through for the last three and a half years that have led to record inflation, more than in the past
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three decades, that have led to the border being the worst situation it has been. that have led to a weakness of america abroad, that have led to crime. all of this has kamala harris' fingerprints all over it. >> she was also central to the whole lie that biden was just fine until it became abundantly clear, even they couldn't keep that lie going after the june 27 debate, but it's interesting, congressman. we're seeing some of this jujitsu now on the left. they have dispensed with their nominee whose 81, they are almost immediately turning around though and saying well now the republicans have the old candidate. he's too old, 78-year-old donald trump. they were arguing biden was fine until a few weeks ago and now they are trying to use the age argument against donald trump. do you think that has legs? are they going to be able to pull that off? >> no, it doesn't have legs. look, age is just a number. i'm a healthcare professional, a
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pharmacist, and i can tell you i know, my mother in law is 96 right now. she's sharp as a tack mentally, and i mean that, and you know, donald trump, i mean, i've talked to president trump on numerous occasions. i can tell you, he's as sharp as they comment alley, and i have all the confidence in the world so yeah, people age differently and we have to keep that in mind. >> yup. i think that's exactly right. just like the shame lessness, defending biden when we could all see what was happening now they are going to turn the argument against trump. not sure it'll work but i agree. congressman buddy carter, georgia, thanks for stopping by. >> thank you. >> all right so let's get a quick business alert in here. well the vacation may be over now for one major company's employees. that be san francisco, cloud-based software company salesforce. now reportedly ordering its employees to return to the office for four-to-five days per week, in-person.
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that would start in october. shares of salesforce up nearly 3% today on the news. coming up here, nancy mace had an epic congressional smackdown today. >> i would have to get back to you. >> that is a no. you're just being completely dishonest. >> congresswoman is here with us to talk about that and more. plus, we'll have some other exchanges from today's heated hearing, but first, some democratic amnesia could be running rampant. some folks seem to be forgetting about kamala harris' disfunctional tenure as vp and really before that. we'll give them a reminder. maybe a wakeup call that's next. tamra, izzy and emma... they respond to emails with phone-calls... and they don't "circle back" they're already there. they wear business sneakers and pad their keyboards with something that makes their clickety- clacking...
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and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> well, mounting scrutiny tonight over vice president kamala harris' ability to lead the country as many democrats seem to be overlooking he her my flaws. remember when politico lit told us her office was disfunctional and the washington post told us that harris' staff hated working for her? remember when the hill told us that harris lost 13 high profile aids in the span of less than just two years while she was vp? how about this? remember when less than a year ago the atlantic of all places told us that "few people seem to think she's ready to be
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president." are we all just going to ignore that? is the democratic party? joining me now, a republican from the house homeland security committee, texas congressman tony gonzalez is here. congressman, i feel like we're seeing a huge explosion in fundraising for her. there is enthusiasm for kamala harris on social media, the democrats are rallying to her side. it almost feels like the exuberant honeymoon phase of a forced marriage that didn't even come into existence until the very last minute and i wonder if some of that excitement might wear off as the electorate starts to be reminded of the many shortcomings of this politician. >> guy, thank you for having me on tonight and you're absolutely right. you know, they are going through this honeymoon stage right now where they can do no wrong, but very quickly, people are going to be reminded where was kamala harris when 13 americans were killed after afghanistan? where is kamala harris been in the worst border crisis in our
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nation's history? where is kamala harris when the rise of the cost of living, people can't afford to purchase a home, where has she been? she's been absent so all the money in the world can't change that. i love our odds on the republican side. we have hulk hogan, we've got kid rock, we've got elon musk, not to mention donald j. trump so i think we've got a lot of energy on our own side getting through this but elections are won in november, not in july. >> you know, congressman, you just rattled off a few examples afghanistan, the border, you could even throw in as of last weekend, the assassination attempt against former president trump. no one ever gets fired from the joe biden kamala harris operation. the first person to lose their gig within that world was joe biden. >> guy, you're absolutely right. where is the accountability? i spent 20 years in the military. things go wrong. we get that. as a leader, what you do is you have to make, there has to be some accountability. no one loses their job. no one, there are no
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repercussions. today here in congress, it was great to see a bipartisan moment where both sides come to the conclusion that any presidential candidate shouldn't be assassinated in the united states. shocking, and what we have to hold the secret service and other agencies accountable. i also said on the appropriations committee and i often ask these questions. what resources do you need in order to do your job? i didn't hear any of that today. all i heard was it's always somebody else's fault. no ones to blame. it's absolutely the wrong approach. it's dangerous. it's dangerous to our way of life. let's stick with accountability for just a second. rfk jr. making a point a lot of people are saying well hang on. the decline of joe biden is so precipitous that he can't continue as the nominee of his party. can he really be president. who was helping to cover that up for him? well, it be kamala harris. concealer-in-chief he said. watch this. >> kamala has a lot of
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explaining to do because she was seeing president everyday and she was telling the american public again and again and again, he's completely, he's completely capable of running the country. there's no signs of deterioration. there's no signs of cognitive impairment, and that clearly was not true. i think that she, you know, she has a vulnerability there, whoever she runs against. she is a big vulnerability about explaining because she's been the concealer-in-chief. >> congressman, your thoughts and reactions to that, kamala's complicit and should president biden resign the presidency? >> well one, whoever is on the democratic ticket cannot runaway from the failed policies of the biden administration. they can try, but they cannot run away from them. the border is unsecure. i represent nearly half of the overall southern border. we're seeing amount of crimes
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rise throughout the country. you're just seeing failure after failure. as far as biden resigning, it's almost as if he's already resigned, guy, and that's what i'm worried about. i look at it through the lens of as a member of congress, it's my job to make sure that the country is safe. who is doing that right now? i think we need to have more members of congress lead the house needs to lead and no one is holding this administration accountable. >> well that might change and voters will have a say in it in a matter of months. congressman tony gonzalez, republican from texas, thank you. >> thank you, guy. >> now this. reuters reporting nvidia is preparing a version of its new flagship a.i. chip for the chinese market. the computer chipmaker closing up nearly 5% today. it's up a whopping 150% plus year-to-date. coming up, here on the "evening edit", lawmakers grilling the secret service director that was on capitol hill today. we'll have full highlights.
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what are the people who participated was congresswoman nancy mace. she is here joining us on her sharp back and forth, that's coming up. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever
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>> oh, boy, it got hot on capitol hill today. bipartisan lawmakers just excoriating the director of the secret service kimberly cheatle over the assassination attempt against donald trump last weekend. let's watch some of that action. >> you know what director it looks like you won't answer some pretty basic questions, you got a 9% raise and cut corners when it's came to protecting one of the most important, well-known individuals on the planet. a former president, likely the guy is the next president. looks like you guys were cutting corners. >> director cheatlaw cheatle is alive or would have been killed you'd look culpable.
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not only should you resign, if you refuse to do so. president biden needs to fire you, because his life, donald trump's life and all the other people which you protect are at risk because you have no concept of the aspect that the security footprint needs to be correlated to the threat. >> have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee as we asked on july 15, yes or no? >> i would have to get back to you. >> that is a no. you're just being completely dishonest. >> i have admitted this is a -- >> this is a yes or no series of questions. was this a colossal failure, yes or no? >> yes. >> was this tragedy preventable, yes or no? >> yes. >> has the secret service been transparent with this committee? >> yes. >> seems like that lawmaker might beg to differ. she's with us now. it's nancy mace, of south carolina. congresswoman, it's good to see you, welcome in. >> thank you for having me today. >> i'm just going to say, yes,
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that you were not fully satisfied with her performance today. >> oh, no, not at all and i was just saying the exact thing that was on every american's mind that was watching today. she deflected. she dodged, and she refused to answer even the most simple and basic questions like how many secret service agents were at the rally that day. she couldn't even answer the most basic of questions in this congressional inquiry. she should resign or be fired. those are one of the two options we have on the table as of this moment. >> yeah, and we also saw footage earlier. there were lawmakers some of your colleagues, in pennsylvania that were visiting the site where this all happened in pennsylvania about nine days ago. they were on that sloped roof, where the gunman was able to get off all those shots against former president trump. it's just outrageous. one of your questions was, was this preventable. seems to me like it not only was preventable. it should have been prevented like six different ways. >> absolutely, and what
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the members of congress who were on site in pennsylvania today will show you how easy it was to climb up and get on top of that roof, which by the way, that building was never swept by law enforcement, even though it was used as a hold, or holding location for law enforcement agents working that day. the whole thing is crazy, how we got here and someone has to be held accountable and we're calling for transparency, responsibility, and accountability and what you saw today on the oversight committee were both republicans and democrats coming together calling for the resignation of secret service director kim cheatle this afternoon. >> and it's funny. to that point, congresswoman, if you just turn on the tv, have you audio on and sort of squinted you couldn't necessarily tell where the questions were coming from. which side of the aisle. that's rare in washington these days. everyone was really angry, including pretty progressive democrat ro khana of california. watch this exchange that did not go well for the witness.
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>> assassination attempt of former president donald trump on july 13. is the most significant operational failure of the secret service in decades. >> director cheatle, would you agree that this is the most serious security lapse since president reagan was shot in 1981 of the secret service? >> yes, sir, i would. >> and, you know, do you know what stuart knight did when he was in charge at the time of the secret service. do you know what he did afterwards? >> he remained on duty. >> he resigned. he resigned. i just don't think this is partisan. if you have an assassination attempt on a president, a former president, or a candidate, you need to resign. >> i mean, that was very rough for her there. i think it's deserved and it's not just an assassination attempt, right? people might try to kill prominent folks, presidents, former presidents. it's the job of the agency to
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prevent it. this was not a prevented assassination. they got lucky, and god maybe had a hand in it. this had nothing to do with what secret service was able to accomplish. >> right and donald trump was within centimeters of being killed and only by the grace of god did he turn around and look at the screen behind him, because he turned his head, he dodged a bullet and literally, he got hit by that bullet. he took a bullet for his country but it didn't kill him. only by the grace of god and we saw and i talked to democrats today who were very frustrated and in the middle of their hearing and i know they weren't expecting to calling for her resignation today because they were so frustrated they were trying to help her initially but so frustrated by her lack of responsibility. lack of answering the questions. several of them called for her resignation today and i see this as a uniting moment for the country. all of us being able to say this was wrong. someone needs to be held accountable. it is a unifying moment for the nation on both sides of the aisle. we need to treat it that way and
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hold the line until she's out of there and we get real leadership in the secret service. >> congresswoman nancy mace, south carolina, thank you. >> thank you. >> well for more on this let's welcome to the show former dhs advisor chuck marino. a florida man is now under arrest. he's accused of making "written threats to kill both former president trump and senator jd vance, his runningmate plus their families" days after the attempted assassination, nearly successful of trump, that we were just talking about and what's amazing is within this context, some democrats and their friends in the media are somehow complaining that trump hasn't changed his tone. >> well, look, the agency's mission is as important as its ever been today with the elevated threat environment plus we're talking about a former president of the united states who also has an elevated threat environment as both the former president and
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republican nominee, so, i think you saw a real bipartisan recognition today of that threat environment and that the secret service needs to come out of this process as a stronger agency. we knew they were going to take the hit regarding the significant failure that took place, regarding the overall security plan for the event in butler, pennsylvania, and i think at this point in time it be a wise decision by the director based on those bipartisan calls for her resignation to step aside, no longer be a distraction, and let the agency get on with fixing what's broken and coming out stronger on the back end. >> now you're an alum of this agency which is very well-respected for a long time. obviously the word colossal attached to failure no one can argue that. based on what you're hearing from within that community, what's the mood? >> well, look.
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it's down in the dumps, and i think it's time that the agency stop being asked to do more with less. i think there needs to be an internal recognition from the agency that they can't provide world class protection while also doing all of these financial investigations that they inherited when they were at treasury and brought with them to dhs. i think they need to trim down some of the fat regarding things like counterfeit investigations, credit card investigations, and put more resources and focus on the protected mission. you heard that come up today from congressman comer, when he was talking about let's get the agency's resources focused on what they need to get right 100% of the time and that is protection, and then we've got these outside reviews that i think are going to have similar findings, and that is the secret service currently has the money, has the resources, but have those resources been
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managed effectively? and i think based on what you saw today from the director, the answer to that question is no. >> i think a lot of americans including the members of congress from both parties what they saw today was stonewalling, and deflection, some blame shift, and so average americans who don't know all the inner workings here might see all of this , the lack of accountability and wonder, is donald trump safe when he goes out for his next rally? what about vice president harris? what about j.d. vance? there is some shaken faith here. what's your response to that? >> well, that's where the agency really messed up from the beginning and you heard the issue of press conferences come up. the secret service, i agree, should have been the first one to the microphone to say look, we failed here, but regardless of that, the president, the former president, they're all safe right now. we are throwing the kitchen sink at these individuals to keep them safe.
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we're aware of all the threats. we're going to make sure that something like this never happens again, and we're going to make sure that the agency comes out of this in a much, much better place, but when you're quiet, when you're quiet and you allow for other agencies to start speaking for you is where it all starts to go downhill. >> yup, i think that's well-said. chuck marino, thanks for your time to night. >> thank you. >> quick business alert for you here is a toy bidding war brewing? mattel stock surging 15% today as a private equity firm backed by luxury goods maker lvmh approached the toy maker. that move might prompt other offers from different suiters including potentially rival hasbro. mattel spokesperson saying the company does not comment on speculation. coming up here, team harris raising $81 million in her first 24 hours alone. wow. we'll take a look at some of the big far left donors backing that campaign but before we
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get to that let's check in with our pal, jackie deangelis, brian brenberg, they are both in for dagen and sean on the bottom line. what's coming up next guys? >> good to see you, we've got congresswoman anna luna on the big secret service hearing and clay travis on the biden harris switcheroo. jackie: a two-fer with mike huckabee, and lee carter because joe manchin isn't going to challenge kamala, but he's also saying they have a lot of issues to talk about and discuss. brian: discuss amongst yourselves. jackie: we'll see you at the top of the hour. you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance.
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that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> here with us now is fox news contributor david webb. so, david, you know this. the democratic party is basically totally consolidating behind vice president kamala harris on their presidential ticket, the top half of it at least. nancy pelosi, one of many lawmakers and other big wigs coming out for harris and right on queue, many in the media already praising the vp for a parade of firsts. >> if the democrats want to give the white house back to donald trump, let them go into a nomination process, open nomination process and
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disrespect and step over the first black woman vice president in this country and they will be committing absolute suicide. >> what she needs is our faith in her, and our willingness to fight back for her, as we hear all of what we know are going to be a lot of sexist, racist attacks on her. we've got to be ready. >> i've heard from inside republican circles and right wing media that the hate campaign against kamala harris has begun. you'll notice they purposefully pronounce her name wrong. they say kamala, they do it all the time. it is on purpose. >> all right, so we've got identity all over the place, dog whistles they're hearing. david, your reaction to that sound bite, that montage, and also just is it fair to describe kamala harris as a dei nominee as we've heard from some people? >> well, actually, it is only
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because joe biden has said so about a number of nominees not just kamala harris after she could barely get 1% when she ran against him. remember, she's a little girl. the school bus. joe biden, then the racist. then he brings her in. look, first of all it's insulting. it is insulting. joe biden said if you don't vote for me you ain't black, and kamala harris, now they're saying to all people, you must vote for her because she's black, but we're not supposed to look at it that way. just because you attack her based on her policy failures, for example, 39 months since she's been the border czar she's spoken to the border patrol chief once or twice. there's failures. the highest numbers have surpassed the previous administration on a monthly basis. well-over 10 million plus the gotaways, look at all the threats and resources. now they are going to say if you object our policies such as she did in california with mass in
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cars elation of low level offenders primarily minorities to jack up her numbers as attorney general, well if you object to her that's massogonistic. the fact is kamala harris is a failed upwards politician, someone who has basically used others to move ahead in her political career, and to the idea that we're supposed to accept her because of the color of her skin? look, i don't care about the color of your skin or whether you're male or female. are you qualified to do the job? americans need someone whose qualified to do the job on the economy, on domestic security, on foreign policy doctrine, and so many other issues that we deal with every day. kamala harris has been absent for 39 months. she occasionally makes an innocuous statement or gives us a word salad but when you look at her actual record and working record in this white house what do you actually see in the form of accomplishment? >> yeah, and they are saying already, any criticism of her is some equivalent of a hate fest.
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now, one argument that we're hearing from her supporters is joe biden maybe he wasn't doing so great with a lot of black voters and latino voters, donald trump making gains kamala harris could change all of that. watch this. >> this changes the race, as peter was talking about, the democrat's ability to say we are the party that has the young person. we are the party that has a person of color and a woman that's running. she also has fared in certain polls with young voters, black and brown voters, to wrap their arms around president biden so there's a lot of the ground that's shifting. >> what do you make of that analysis, david? >> it's the same thing. i'm a black man. i've been black since birth. i am who i am. i have lineage that comes from different ethnicities so am i now required to only respond and vote for the black skinned woman? i mean, this is, they literally gaslight us or would like us to
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buy into the gaslighting that we're supposed to vote based on the color of her skin or the gender, and this is where the democrats have begun to lose it with so many americans who are tired of the failures regardless of the color of their skin. the economy is not a republican or democrat economy. it's not a white or black economy. it is an economy that either works or it does not for americans, or at least gives them a chance, and they have failed miserably so now they want to tell us it's based on color of skin. it's false. >> david, thanks so much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> all right, so here's a question as we turn toward november. does the vice president stand a chance against donald trump and the election? i think she does. we'll check out the polling though after this. >> [applause]
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target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. >> look at giovanni's favorability ready, he was minus 23 points, unfavorable was 20-point fire is favorable then i looked vice president perez is not exactly the love it she's at muslim point, that is a universal away from this minus 3
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points, more than that it is in the team same areas donald trump's, monies 11-point so while harris is no shoo-in for sure, she's much better bet than joe biden. >> well in the wake of president biden's preannouncement yesterday, when his reelection bid, the questions are now inevitably turning to his vice president and how would she stock up against donald trump in and out like week head-to-head match up in harris is learned lot of support and democratic governors, and alex morrison others are campaign is announced raising 81, million dollars in just 24 hours, that is a huge number the record-setting is a more on this, this poignant pretty poster, carly cooper many currently, let's just talk about this number is enormous right smolders to be done resign other some people cranky about it that you can argue with $81 million into monday and how much of that israel like zeal and excitement about, harris specifically and how much of it in your mind, is
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just like this relief and catharsis, that the last three and a half chaos weeks is over. carly: will definitely the latter but it is different about 90 to this point special for the press, it is all mixed into one ac $81 million they come a lot announced in the last 24 hours since her candidacy was there's another $150 million the donors announce, future forward is the super pack, that is supporting the president and the excitement in the campaign and from there is a great enthusiasm among the crowd spent democratic governors tremendous respect for divided been absolutely feel that he needed to step aside, hinder the polling in the numbers show that was very bleak for biden if he were to stay in the campaign so think there's a tremendous relief that it is now to be kamala at the top of the taken willingness and excitement to coalesce around her in to support her and really big shout with money and now it is a question what happens from here.
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>> and you can see it here in your screen, and the vice president is talking to members of her campaign in delaware, were keeping an eye on that in sanctuary ulster carly come the start of the point if you look at it, some survey show that biden underperforms harris against donald trump and simple truth roughly awash in other cases, you know she stronger and kind of depends on the state where she was stronger or weaker and that was at least hypothetical polling and now the polling becomes not hypothetical at all. using numbers in the dated we've seen for the last couple of weeks come as a kind of useful as a baseline or this is now changed dramatically with you expect. carly: will and think there are things we continuing the polling that we have seen because when we look at the polling from a month ago or six weeks ago and even farther back, when, was a hypothetical matchups, she tended to bear worse than joe biden did against donald trump, kamala, however the next few
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weeks after the debate more recently, in the polls last week, as it was mounting pressure in consideration invited dropping out for much we began to see the polls show that they were almost neck and neck against trump and actually the ball started to have her doing better than biden was doing against trump and so i think that speaks to the fact that it was less and less faith in biden and is a candidate against trump and more support and more willing to admit loneliness you behind her and really seeking some alternative and so, i think avoid is enough of the polls show this is a very close race. >> and we will be watching intently with the next couple of days weaker to pummel get a better picture of the following looks right now and carly cooperman thank you and without, i'm doug vincent and for elizabeth mcnutt and mcdonald's and thank you for being here i'll be here tomorrow is time for the bottom line take away jackie and brian. ♪


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