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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 24, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: congrats to prime minister net an ya haw for an absolutely brilliant speech before congress today. now, let's back him up, for heaven sakes. and let's all listen to edward lawrence, in for liz macdonald, up next. edward: thank you, harry. truly an economic legend, larry, i appreciate it. i'm edward lawrence in for
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elizabeth macdonald. welcome to "the evening edit." kamala harris chooses a so recordty convention over one of america's oldest allies. >> good afternoon! [cheers and applause] to all of the fine members of skate that phi beta incorporate canned. edward: also tonight, new video from trump's assassination attempt. [inaudible conversations] [gunfire] [bleep] edward: plus a congressman who's introducing articles of impeachment against vice president harris. and breaking right now, the dnc is changing their voting rules to push through kamala virtually. we'll have the details. but first -- >> well, guess what? they're trying to push me out of the the race. >> no! >> let me say it as clear as i
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can, i'm staying in the race! i am running and gonna win again! >> you 100% undoubtedly running for re-election? >> 1,000%. >> would you reconsider your decision to the stay in the race? >> no, unless they came back and said there's no way you can win. me. no, i'm saying -- no one's saying that. no poll says that. edward: yeah, well, that changed. [laughter] tonight we're a few hours away from president biden addressing the nation on his decision to drop out of the race. fox business will simulcast the special coverage starting at 8 p.m. eastern, 5 p.m. on the west coast. let's take a closer look at how we got to this moment. >> with the covid -- excuse me, with, dealing with everything we have to do with -- look, if we finally beat medicare -- there's a lot of young women to be raped
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by their in-laws, by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by -- it's just ridiculous. and i'm going to continue to move into until we get the total ban on, the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more board border -- border patrol and more asylum officers. >> president trump? >> i really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. i don't think he knows either. edward: a historically bad debate, the liberal media took notice and piled on. >> that was painful. i love joe biden. i worked for joe biden. he didn't do well at all. >> right now as we speak, there is a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the democratic party. >> biden's answers were in a lot of cases not coherent, deeply problematic. >> he did not do that. he did the opposite of that. he made them more pannished. the people who were -- a panicked. the people actually expected it to be better than it was, is and now they're in a -- i won't say
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a full-fledge ifed panic, but it's getting there. edward: so the next day unequivocally, biden told the us that he's not dropping out. >> i don't want walk as easy as i used to, to i don't speak as smoothly as i used to, i don't debate as well as i used to to, but folks, i give you my word, i would not be running again if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul i can do this job. edward: but it didn't matter how many time it is he said that because democrat elites like former house speaker nancy pelosi didn't get the message. >> does he have your support to be the head of the democrats? >> as long as the president -- it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. we're all encouraging him to, to make that decision because time running short. edward: time's running short. he already said he's staying in. the next announcement, that that large donors dropped biden, the new york times report that the
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liberal wealthy would withhold $90 million unless biden said good-bye. this image beamed around the globe, biden says he has covid, cancels his events and retreats to delaware. during his. -day self-isolation -- 7-day self-isolation, reports start rolling that biden is caving to the democratic elite. finally, last sunday biden posted a letter on social media, and the liberal media pretends the democrat revolt never happened. >> what we saw from this president the last couple days was a human decency, a good man, someone who decided not to to put himself first like we've seen before, but to put the american people first and this country first. >> he has put people over politics and patriotism over personal position, and this is another heroic act many a long-running series of heroic acts by joe biden. >> kind of like when your
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grandpa, you've got to take the keys. and everybody, you've got to take his keys, got to take -- and he's fighting and fighting and everybody's frustrated. you finally get the keys back x. then you just cry. edward: joining me now, retired u.s. army national guard brigadier general and congressman scott perry. what a whirlwind it's been. do you think biden will address any of this tonight? if. >> well, it's great to be with you. i'm not sure what he's going to say. he already said he withdrew from the race, so i'm not sure what there really is to talk about unless we're going to hear something about his presidency. of course, people are questioning if you can't handle the race, how can you handle and how are you equipped to be able to handle the rigors of, of the commander in chief over the next few months. but so i don't know if he's going to add any granularity to that, i don't know if he's going to talk about how he was forced out ott by the democrat elite, i don't know if he's going the talk about the fact that the person he endorsed never won one
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primary in any state the ever and is now poised to to run as the nominee for the president of the united states. so it'll be interesting to see if he's closing ranks with the people that pushed him out for the sake of the power of their party, which is what they're interested in. they're not interested in the well-being of the american people, the safety of the american people. so it'll be interesting if he's going the comment on that or to just be surely -- sheerly for the continuation of holding power for the democrat party and the hard left. edward: you know, representative, this really was a political coup at the top of the democratic party, and does that a say anything about the state of our democracy in the u.s.? >> well, what it does say is that they continue to be the hypocrites and get cover from the mainstream media in this whole conversation. remember, they were telling everybody that president trump was a threat to democracy. meanwhile, they just threw out
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the wishes and votes of millions and millions of americans who selected joe biden to be the nominee, and they just said, you know what? we don't care what you think, it doesn't matter what you think. we're the people that are smart, we're the people that know. we're going to the to select that nominee, and you're going to back them or else. edward: and, you know, it's interesting, we went out and got some sound about what people think about the president stepping down. listen to this quickly. >> -- not running for president anymore. >> that's good, brother. >> cool, great. everything's burning down. >> well, i mean, did you see the debate? >> i think biden doesn't do much of the talking. >> somebody behind him pulling the strings or something. >> do you think he knows he's not running anymore? >> he probably don't. >> what about kamala? >> who's kamala? >> who's her? >> the vice president. >> is she the -- >> how's she doing? if. >> [inaudible] what's she been doing? >> i don't think i want kamala are. >> she's just not good for the people. >> to 20 years ago she wasn't really for my people, so that's
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all i know about her. edward: do people know the real vice president kamala harris and know her liberal policies? >> well, i don't know if they would. they probably just see her on camera, and the times that she has spoken about things and not made any sense. other than that, i don't know of any accomplishments that they would know for, quite honestly,, the president put her in charge of the border. she could barely even get to the border, much less do anything about it. and beyond that, she's literally one of the most, if not the most liberal senator other than bernie sanders in the senate. but she doesn't have a lot of authority as vice president to, you know, for them to see what the successes are. so unless they're told that, i suspect they're going to let -- over the next four months the democrat party is going to turn kamala harris into a combination of taylor swift, margaret thatcher and oprah winfrey and michelle obama, and that's going if to be the new kamala harris
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introduced to us over the next four months regardless of what her past is. edward: we'll have to see how that package works out. again, republicans pushing back. we'll see when that message gets out. congressman, thank you for your time, i appreciate it. >> thank you. god bless you. ed stay tuned to fox business, we're simulcasting special coverage of president biden's address to the nation at 8 p.m. eastern, in about three hours. ♪ >> this is the donald trump that came down the golden escalator and talked about mexican rapists, and he has not changed that tone. >> theyen didn't keep it tight last night. he went off the rails. >> pretty much became the kind of speech we generally hear from donald trump at rallies where he went off script. >> very much the same donald trump that we are used to. edward: but it's unity for thee, not more me with the democrats.
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kamala a harris all smiles as the crowd chants lock him up on her campaign debut. >> i took on perpetrators of all kinds -- [inaudible conversations] >> predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type. [cheers and applause] >> lock him up! lock him up! lock him up! edward: democrats oddly silent over the vice president's crowd chanting the jailing of her political opponent. they're also ignoring her open celebration circumventing the democratic process. >> so, wisconsin, i am told as of this morning that we have earned the support of enough
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delegates to secure the democratic nomination -- [cheers and applause] edward: so joining us now, the host and former michigan gop gubernatorial candidate and host of the tudor dixoned podcast, tudor dixon. is trump is really danger to the democracy, or because he need to tone down the talk and not the vice president? [laughter] >> i mean, the fact that the vice president is out there saying that she is going to be the arbiter of legal, the legal system, i mean, that she's going to come out there and start start making sure that we have hard on crime policies, it's absolutely insane. and the fact that she sits there and smiles, the grin that she has when they say lock him up when here we are all on the right saying we've seen what you've been doing, we've seen you trying to lock him up. this is ridiculous. and the fact that nobody in the mainstream media a is calling her out saying is this appropriate when we have him held on all of these charges,
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when he's got these convictions that are all political persecutions, that are all coming directly from the white house? i mean, i think it was kind of a confirmation that that's what they're doing, and that's what she wants to see. edward: i want you to to listen to the former president at the rnc convention. listen to this. >> democrats want to unify our country. they should drop these partisan witch hunts which i have been going through for approximately eight years. the democrat party should immediately stop weaponizing the justice system and labeling their political opponent as an enemy of democracy. [applause] edward: so in this stump speech for vice president kamala harris, she is saying that she's the prosecutor, and the former president's the criminal. it didn't work for biden, as the case is expected to be overturned on appeal, you alluded to that. will it work for her? >> no. i think she has to be very careful. i mean, she did create legal looting in california. let's face it, he is the architect of legal looting. and that that's something that
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people across the country have been affected by. so she's going to come out here and say i'm the prosecutor, i'm the one that's going to save you. wait a minute, i can't even buy a mascara at the walgreens without the person opening the cabinet directly because of kamala harris. i mean, this is her fault. this is -- these are the policies that she has put into place. so she thinks she's going to come out and say, hey, look what i've done. i have been able to create this hard on crime environment. no. california is a terrible example for her, and we will absolutely be telling the truth on that every single day. i mean, just go beyond that to democracy. look at what she's done by being coronated queen. i mean, how does this happen? how do you have no election whatsoever and then you just come out and say we've earned the votes. how -- when did you earn the votes? how could you possibly have earned the votes? if you had no primary. you had no election. you have not earned a single vote. she's not earned a single vote. edward: so, tudor, in the last 30 seconds, the head of the
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teachers' union, randi weingarten, warns of fascism if former president trump wins, but we had four years where the world was at pearks economic prosperity here at home. would that be different the next time around? >> donald trump would absolutely bring back world peace, he would bring back peace in the middle east, he would be a totally different leader than joe biden and, let's face it, look what we have seen under the biden administration. and just this week from kamala harris, she can't even go and sit with one of our world leaders, one of our allies? she is too political to sit with an ally? i'm sorry, but deciding to go and speak with a sorority rather than sitting down with one of our allies and presiding over congress, that is pathetic and it's embarrassing. edward: thank you, due or door dixon. appreciate your help -- tudor do dixon. to to a business alert, lyft says that it will implement a several safety and governance reforms to settle a shareholder
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lawsuit accusing the ride her shave company's officers and directors of not doing enough. the ride-sharing company closing down almost 2%. it's down over 10% this year so far. coming up, as democrats refuse to promote unity, fox obtains new video from trump's failed assassination attempt. [inaudible conversations] >> -- on the roof! [bleep] [gunfire] edward: so next, see the full video. plus, lawmakers demand answers from fbi director wray on his investigation. we'll see if representative andy biggs got the answers he wanted next. ♪
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soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. edward: dramatic new videos from the assassination attempt of former president trump showing the chaos and terror of the day of the shooting. fox news' bryan llenas is live in butler, pennsylvania, digging into this video. what does it show us? >> reporter: edward, good afternoon. we just received this new body camera video that was exclusively obtained by senator chuck gradsly from the beaver county -- grassley from the beaver county emergency services
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unit. take a look at this first video showing the officers rushing to the agr building in the moments after the shooter. this is a lot of confusion if about even how to get on top of the roof. they're looking for a ladder. they end up getting on top and climbing that ladder where crooks' body is found. take a look at this. you'll see the bloody trail on that roof leading to thomas crooks, his body. you'll also see they run into the a a r-15 style rifle that is also on that roof. they also, obviously, found a trove of evidence including a cell phone, they found a transmitter device, and they also were discussing the photos that were exchanged among law enforcement and the secret service before the the shooter fired his first shots. take a listen. >> it is a -- some device. gray in color, about a 5-6 inchessed tall the powered by a
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99-volt battery. >> whose backpack is that? >> [inaudible] if. >> the back backpack he had. so this was a picture -- there it is. [background sounds] >> looks like one, two, three, fur -- four, five, six, seven, eight. at least eight. >> reporter: those were the at least eight shells that we know he fired on that day, edward. these grassley videos are important because it confirms the secret service and law enforcement were, in fact, exchanging photos of the suspicious person which was crooks and evidence attached to him in the moments before that shooting. edward? edward: bryan, just incredible proreporting and video there. i appreciate it, thank you. i want to turn now the investigation into the security lapses, fbi director christopher wray hammered by congress. listen to this. >> 4:00 p.m -- >> two hours before he's flying a drone in the vicinity of --
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>> about 200 yards away. >> that's important information. >> if you can describe what he would have been observing with the drone can and how you determined that, please. >> so this is something that's very much ongoing right now. we're going back and forth with our lab as they continue to do work on it. erred. edward: so joining me now, congressman andy biggs you saw there. you were there when we learned some new information like the hooter had a drone -- shooter had a drone that he flew over this vent. are we going to get to the bottom of where the breakdown in security happened, or are the bureaucrats going to stand in the way? >> i'm hoping we're going to get to the bottom of it, edward, because the fbi gave us information that we didn't have before the drone, the angle, what the shooter would have been looking at, but they don't have video because he was live streaming it. the secret service is director, when she was in and we were asking questions pertaining to what they knew, when they knew, communications, she was very deflecktive. she didn't want to give us the
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information. i thought direct director wray was a little more wholesome in his answers and, you know, for instance, on the drone, for instance, on the collapsible stock, for instance, on the body, those types of things. so i hope we can get more information. we're going to have to peel this thing back. edward: and this begs the question, did other trump rallies have the same type of security and we just got lucky. >> yeah, i mean, that's the big question because the fbi director said he doesn't know how many police officers, credit service agents and everybody, security personnel who were there, and the president secret service wouldn't give us that information. i know of at least two two investigations going on and one internal investigation going on right now, and the heart of your question is are we going to get to the bottom of it. and are we just lucky. that is because we don't -- there's not a lot of trust left
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in america with our institutions, and we're going to the the find out if we can trust them and the information that they'll give us. edward: let me ask you this, do you think that the rhetoric from president biden and now vice president harris that former president trump is a threat to democracy, played a role in this assassination attempt? >> well, maybe not -- we don't know what this guy was looking at directly except for he was looking at the jfk assassination. he was interested in that. but the kind of rhetoric that we're hearing, the magazine article that comes out and portrays trump as hitler, those types of things, they really do pay a price for our trust for how america looks at our political leaders. and one thing that christopher wray said today, director wray said today, he's never seen threat assessment like with the danger signals we have today and especially how dangerous it is to be the a high profile political officer today. edward: so one last question here for you in the last 30
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seconds that we have, i'm going to change subjects briefly. reportedlying or vice president kamala harris is thinking of selecting senator mark kelly as his running mate. you're from arizona. what do you think about that move? >> well, arizona's a state that she wants to pick up, she wants to put it in play. mark kelly is, he's kept a low profile, and he's not ticked off a lot of people, and that's hard to do in politics. so it would not surprise me if that happens. edward: yeah. congressman biggs, i appreciate it, from the great state of arizona. thank you very much. >> thanks, edward. edward: so a michigan man kills himself after running over an 80-year-old trump support, this after a florida man arrested for written threats to kill trump advanced after, days after the assassination attempt. the liberal media and democrats ignoring what the president and vice president are saying, still worried about trump's tone. listen to this. >> there's energy down here now, but during that speech there
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definitely were some folks dozing off, a few lawmakers snuck out early. >> it's a bizarre feeling that i'm not sure i'm able to pulley articulate right now -- fully articulate. they're painting it as a party, but it is a deeply divisive message. it was a message of literally kicking millions of people out of country. edward: joining me now is pennsylvania congressman dan meuser. now, you were feet away from president trump when the bullet hit him in the ear and murdered corey comperatore. you're getting, are you getting the answers that you want about how this attempt could have happened? >> absolutely not. there were multiple failures, as we all know at this point. from advance to to response to why weren't the simple things such as a rooftop, such as where the shooter was, why wasn't that covered? the other day when we had director cheatle speak and testify, that was awful.
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in a word. she was evasive, she was unprepared, perhaps deliberately did not have any specifics for us. so it definitely has eroded trust. even more than that, have no confidence in what the transparency and accountability of our government. she also went on to talk about the layers of bureaucracy that stood in the way of the chain of command. boy, oh, boy, we need some effective people, some leadership, some sense of you are general is city -- urgency and seriousness. edward: right. >> and frankly, you know what? the trump administers' going to bring that -- administration's. edward: secret service recommends no more outdoor rallies following the assassination attempt. do you think that's necessary? >> well, i do. under the current circumstances, they're not discussing what went wrong so, again, identify how to improve it moving forward so we can assure or the safety of the president as well as people showing up at these rallies. as we can see, there are a lot of crazies out there.
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you mentioned in michigan, in florida and this iranian threat that existed which, by the way, the secret service leadership knew about going into the rally. so, of course he's got to take those sort of precautions -- edward: yeah, and talking about the political environment where this happened, president biden, vice president harris, do they bear any responsibility for their rhetoric targeting former president trump as a threat to democracy? >> yeah, edward, i'll tell you, you know, absolutely, okay? i don't want to sugar coat it. because when you continue to make, create an atmosphere, environment of accusations, of personal attacks, of referencing adolf hitler, for crying out loud, that he's going to undermine democracy, just look at today. vice president kamala harris did not show up at the netanyahu joint session of congress. what was that message, that we're turning our back on israel in that the protesters might be somewhat right? might be very right in meanwhile, they're rampaging our streets. they done understand -- don't understand leadership.
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where's the leadership to say, no, that's wrong, terrorists are wrong, a free freedom-fighting democracy such as israel is right. now let's complete this job as well as we can, e limb meating hamas. edward: i want to get this in, there's another name on the short list, it's the pennsylvania governor, josh shapiro. but the vice president made it clear that she does not support frack which would crush large business in your state. if what do you think about that move if he gets on the ticket? >> well, a, banning tracking is totally unrealistic and foolish and naive, and she doesn't understand the benefits of natural gas or economics or pennsylvania's industries. josh shapiro, know him very welsh governor shapiro, i don't think he wants the attach himself to the losing policies and failures of the biden-harris administration. so i doubt he'll be the pick, but he's, he's a decent man. edward: yeah, but pennsylvania
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is in play, and, you know, democrats believe they can win it. so we'll see what happens. congressman miers, i appreciate it. thank you very much for your time. >> i appreciate it too, thanks. edward: wall street analysts now saying that a delta could take a half a billion dollar hit to its bottom line this quarter after crowdstrike had that outage last week. delta's stock closing down almost 22%. it's up over -- 2%. it's up over 6% this year. kamala ditching one of our oldest allies for a sorority convention. >> good afternoon! [cheers and applause] to all of the fine members of -- edward: next, a congressman who was mt. room, plus he's also introducing articles of impeachable against vice president harris. congressman andy ogles explains why next. ♪
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edward: vice president kamala harris hitting the campaign trail in indianapolis today as democrats feel totally comfortable boycotting one of our oldest allies despite democratic leaders joining the invitation from house speaker mike johnson. >> i'm really disappointed that he has been invited to speak at, in the united states. so many people want to see the hostages come out, and they are not going to because he doesn't care about them. netanyahu is a terrible leader. he is a danger to the state of israel, and i don't want to be there. i will -- >> i will not be at the address today. how could he in the face of the inhumanity that is going on in gaza and in the west with bank, how could he be here? >> i just think benjamin netanyahu's got his own agenda, and it's not the agenda of the people i talk to in east israel or palestine. edward: the presumptive
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presidential candidate, harris, also skipping the address to a joint session of congress. instead, speaking with black sororities. the people harris supports surrounding the u.s. capitol today where things started to get a little violent. this as israel confirming the deaths of two more hostages in gaza is. 120 topeople are being held captive by a hamas. the israel prime minister had a message for those protest thing. listen. if. >> that the incredibly, many anti-israel protests, many choose to stand with evil. they stand with hamas. they stand with rapist and murders. they stand -- murderers. they stand with people who came into the kibbutz, into a home, the parents hid the children, the two babies in a secret attic. they murdered the families. the parents. they found the secret latch to the to the hidden attic, and then they murdered the babies.
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these protesters stand with them. they should be ashamed of themselves! edward: joining me now is congressman andy ogles. you were in the room with the israeli prime minister addressing congress. why did so many democrats, including the vice president, boycott the speech? >> welsh you know, what was their original intent for boycotting? you'll have to ask them. what i can say is the slap in the face of israel and the prime minister, look, on october 7th terrorists came into israel. they committed atrocities. they murdered, they raped, they tortured babies, they tortured children. they literally were dismembering babies. and so when you talk about inhumanity, let's go back to october 7th. i stand with israel. we stand with israel. they are our eyes and ears in this region on this war of terror that's going on around the world. so for them to skip, it really speaks more about a them. and not only did some of them skip, some of them came and at the appropriate moments when he's talking about the hostages,
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they wouldn't even stand. edward: you were there in the room, vice president kamala harris was not. why did you file articles to to. of impeachment against the vice president? >> in my articles, which i have right here, it outlines the case of how she fade us as vice president. the -- failed us as vice president. the harris-biden administration has failed us on the border. you look at every small town in america because of fentanyl is a border town. you look at the girls across this country 12, 13, 14 years old in iowa, virginia and new york, texas, louisiana that have been raped. the one in texas was murdered. those brutal assaults, that as -- that hurt, that's on the hands of kamala harris. those should have never occurred. so in my articles, if you go to page 3, line 11, we go true some of those offenses. and if there was 3000,000 overdoses under the republican regime, the leftist media would be crying foul, but because it's the biden and harris regime,
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they're not saying anything. we have to define her and her failures before the woke, leftist media reinvents her which is currently underway. edward: yeah, and we are seeing that softening of her image there. representative ogles, i appreciate it. from the if great state of tennessee, thank you very much. >> absolutely, thank you. edward: to another business alert. more supply chain problems. coffee prices are poised to surge due to bean shortages. starbucks' preferred beans rose $2.332 per pound last month, a 64% increase compared to june 2020. coming up, calls from liberal immediate to -- media to minority voters meant to pressure them to fall in line. also former president trump moments away from his first campaign rally since vice president took the democratic crown. next on "the evening edit." but first, let's check in with jackie deangelis and guy benson in for sean and dagen to see what a they have coming up next hour. couldn't possibly be better than this hour. jackie: hey, edward, good to see
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you. guy: we're going to try. [laughter] we've got a great lineup at the top of the hour. dana if lash in the house as is steve forbes, great conversation there. jackie: and we've also got former energy secretary rick perry because you take the two candidates we have, and you compare them, their track record, that is. one said she wanted to ban fracking, the other one's saying drill, baby, drill. so we'll have a conversation with him. and tammy bruce will be here to weigh in on what we can expect from this address from president biden, 8 p.m. eastern time tonight. all eyes will be on that. we'll be talking about it at the see you then. ♪ you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance.
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this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> if you have a problem figure out whether you're for me or trump, then you ain't black. edward: msnbc's joy reid taking a cue9 from the last biden campaign saying that black voters will look, quote, real weird if they don't vote for kamala harris. watch this. >> you're gonna look real crazy being on the other side of that line, particularly as a person of color. but really as a anyone who claims to have any connection to the culture. you gonna look real weird if real lonely on that side. edward: so let's turn to fox
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news contributor and civil rights attorney leo terrell. leo, thank you for being here, first of all if. would you feel real weird about not voting for vice president harris? >> no. but joy reid and kamala harris can call me weird and crazy because i'm voting for president trump. you see, the democrats do not want to talk about kamala harris' policies. this is a rabbit hole. they want to play the race card to to distract. i'm voting for trump because i want a secure border, i want low prices. i don't like inflation. on the other hand, you've got kamala harris who wants open borders, who wants to eliminate if i.c.e., who compared i.c.e. with the kkk. i don't like those policies. but they insult the the intelligence of every black american because they're the asking black americans to vote based on skin color. i am an american who wants a strong country, and that's why i'm voting for donald trump. edward: and that's the distinction, trying to get back
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to the policy and see what she actually stands for related to this. what do you think about democrats constantly turning to this narrative of shaming voters? clearly, the democrats believe that minority if voters are their key to win. >> they cannot win without the black vote, and donald trump, edward, gets anywhere between 18-20% of the black vote, game over. but they only have the race card to play. you know, think about it, what joy reid is saying to every black american is forget how empty your pocketbook is, forget about the gas prices, you are obligated to vote for her because of skin color. that is insulting andly ridiculous. -- ridiculous. so i think what the democrats are doing and what that monoif taj is basically to use the emotional a race card or -- montage. one other point, that video you played what joe biden said, if you don't vote for me, you ain't black? that is the number one reason why i left the democrats in 2020 the and became a trump
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republican. edward: "the new york times" cites that in 2020 joe biden won 932% of support from black voters -- 9222%, but recent polls show about 15% of black voters say they would support former president trump p an increase from 2020. do you think black voters will be energized now by vice president kamala harris? >> absolutely not. and i want to be clear on your program right now, you are -- president trump will receive the largest black vote for a republican in the last 50 years. and i will submit to you that the hispanic vote is going to follow. why? because the hispanics do not like that open border policy. you have a video montage of kamala harris wants to decriminalize illegal crossing. i mean, this is outrageous. she is so -- she's more liberal than the squad. [laughter] so george mcgovern, walter mondale, step aside. you're going to have company. she's going to lose by a landslide in november 2024. if. edward: it goes back to the
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policies and eventually the media will get back to talking about what she believes. leo terrell, incredible insight, as always. thank you very much, i appreciate it. >> thank you, sir. edward: so the dnc is now changing their voting rules to to push through kamala virtually. plus, the trump campaign filing a campaign finance complaint over biden passing his millions in donations over to the vice president. from surrogate and attorney lee zeldin weighs in next. ♪ ♪ ♪ progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online.
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edward: former president trump's rally in charlotte, north carolina to begin any minute, this is trump's first rally since elite crowned harris, as democratic champion. democrats have not held pack when allegedly campaign finance violations again former president trump. now. the shoe is on the other foot, his campaign filed a complaints with federal election commission accusing president biden and vice president kamala harris of violating finance laws by transfers the campaign cash to her new campaign. say it would be biggest violation in history of joining us now to discuss,
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lee zeldin. good to see you. democrats are trying to do this quickly, spend the money, and then say i'm sorry after the election, if not found illegal. >> it will take some time, complaint gets filed not like the next day, you would expect fec to rule in your fair or, chairman in this case posted rkd putting out the letter of the law. the cfr word for word saying that when a candidate for general election pulls out of the race that money needs to be refunded. it can't just be transferred to some other candidate. who was not the candidate for president, democrats on other side are making their own interpretation, they don't want to have to refund almost a hundred million dollars but what is telling is that the fec chairman
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letter of the law says it can't be done. brian: i want to get to this things, your take on west virginia attorney general patrick morrissey we newing his call on 25 amendment to be used to president biden do you see a scenario where president biden does not finish out his term. >> it is possible, although kamala harris ends' president, i would rather have joe biden on his worst day than kamala harris on her best day, she is further left, i hope that americans in november don't give her 4 years as president. edward: they are voting a virtual roll call to install vice president kamala harris as their nominee, what do you think of them by passing normal convention process this way. >> i was in ohio campaigning for bernie moreno running for senate. and there are democrats in the state, not only not happen with what happened
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with president biden and brown for port of his effort to railroad biden out. there are primary voters for president biden. they will be disenfranchised voters who feel alienated by elites taking their power away. edward: this will be very interesting how this plays out. lee zeldin, you have been through a lot over and over related to political campaign side. it will be interesting to watch exee we'll have balk to talk about it. >> thank you,. edward: stay tuned to fox business we're simulcasting coverage of president biden's address to national 8 p.m. east eastern, 5:00 p.m. on west coast, i am edward lawrence in for elizabeth macdonald, thank you for watching "the evening edit" on fox business, time for "the bottom line," jackie and guy. jackie: thank yo


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