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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  July 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: policies, never personala lot relieve or other polices come of the other games begin, and we will let elizabeth mcdonald handle all of this.
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lz: and am trying to find the policy likely to find and that and that's all i have to say. [laughter] and i hope you enjoy that one is good to be back and settle here and let's take it away and welcome to the show and i am elizabeth macdonald and the evening edit starts right now i knew polls show that the honeymoon is over, for kamala harris and president trump is now in record 51 percent approval rating and he never hit 51 percent when he was president is, 50 percent disapprove of wall street terminal full and easily hundred leading kamala harris and pennsylvania michigan in one of the pope that has him tied in wisconsin is leading on the issues, as well and is leading kamala harris in the new york times and cnn polling, and fill decision desk aggregated several dozen pozen trump is leading kamala harris in the spring and james: great to have you back on and so, so it's good to see you again and now the
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voters are focusing more the biden and here's legacy facing america with are the policies to stop the war in energy and gas as of the historic port across is a crisis by kamala harris because interest in invented individuals pouring across and what is a policy issue here. james: well, hit is the biden and harris and we heard kamala harris when she was a candidate that said she was against fracking and drilling and she was against fossil fuels in general, that is not popular in the swing states like pennsylvania, is a popular with the american people are having to pay more for gasoline than they did when donald trump was president in her record as border, being invisible enemy our borders are wide open which is led to an influx of population that is greater public school dollars and trained her medicaid and it's increase the crime hello, i don't think there is anything that kamala harris has done and
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to end inflation because she supported every democrat policy that joe biden and nancy pelosi and chuck schumer have stuck in the throats of the american people in the name of covid-19 and after covid-19 and when they wanted to pastor so-called inflation reduction act actually increase inflation, that is what every american most upset about i think this election is the fact, that every time to go to the grocery store, because morning time to go fill up their car with gas customer because of joe biden and kamala harris. lz: we also should point out a sizable money to percent of new poll say that kamala harris was in on the cover of biden cognitive decline and there's also this, kamala harris is no campaign, on biden or go nowhere supreme court reform and many say that dead on arrival in congress you know is a constitutional amendment you have to change a constitution that requires two thirds of congress and three quarters of the states so that is the
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policy, term limits for justices come go with the presidential immunity when this are committed to supreme court without unconstitutional student loan bailout are that's their policy. james: i mean, no, joe biden is rich to talk about presidential immunity and his family, will be down in history as the most corrupt in the united states and they've taken tens of millions of dollars from her at the series run the world and the neighbor paid any taxes on joe biden was in on it from the start with respect to term limits come i think that joe biden is been in politics since before i was born. many comes out for term limits now and on this very last breath of his political career. i have always supported term limits by the way and a support term limits for everyone in washington but i think it is pretty give a critical thais aln politics, his career will be staying in history books because of the corruption of these family that we comes out with a major initiative is a very it of
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his term as president, to know prevent presidential immunity in the future for they have term limits. do not think the american people by it is too little too little too late for joe biden's already had a career record, that is been negative to the american people. lz: okay so let's back up. nothing just one push radically the spring court. after vice president kamala harris has basically carried to the 10-yard line and now the top of the ticket come even though she got no delegates, into election cycle she got zero votes. she was put in by party elites and donors come another voters and since you know kamala harris has not done one major interview nor press conference. she doing teleprompter speeches must backup, let's listen to this income this woman and admit this good your reaction to autoworker for for michigan and james cargill and david brooks on the giddiness of that kamala harris lien the top of the
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ticket is overblown and watch this. >> is kamala harris getting in the race, does it change the equation and all three their view. >> change it, and ruins it gets and we are done cement been with what. >> america's out for. >> start of the garden party this is true — and okay this is everybody's getting this kind of what is getty lady elation, that is not when be helpful much longer because that is not what we will be faced with. >> because kamala harris of 2020, was a terrible terrible candidate is likely to go back, to the wisdom at 118 is ago is failed vice president had a beginner off of the ticket as of the democratic party they have shifted i don't know whether this is massive gnosis what they think will she really has grown. lz: what you think congressman final work. james: i think james only devout there is any common sense and he's absolutely right on the democratic p.m. hundred kamala harris they did not want her on
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the ticket another trying to reinvent history exhibit she's popular and she is this method and massive influx of suspicion of money i'm not buying it and i don't think she has much support is joe biden i think her record is worse than joe biden's think donald trump will successfully define her over the next 210 months. lz: is a pleasure to have you on tonight and noted this. kamala harris martin the idea a few years ago, the president trump push for a border wall, was needed to stop terrorists from crossing and she downplayed going to see the border crisis firsthand watch this and watch president trump. >> is of the question has come up and you hardly here and you hear it again i'm, it is why not visit the border. harris: we visited were so this holcomb this whole thing but the border, we have been to the border. we have into the border. >> you've not been to the border. harris: and i have not been to europe. trump: kamala harris deadly
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description of america's borders is completely and totally disqualifying for her to be president. you cannot have a person like this is president. [applause] [applause] trump: no personally delivered it the release of these kinds of savage criminals to printer youth and honor people, not just youth elderly people as well or in tremendous targets and you never be trusted with power and, she has no clue oh, has no clue and she is evil, the one job that kamala harris had was the border that is the only job is the biggest disaster in all of border history. lz: okay the spring and from his reaction former acting ice director tom ennis get to this news and you heard president trump there and heard kamala harris on the border and so tom, more than 1600 down nearly 1700 illegal thanks to terrorism pop crossing the border under biden now three suspects of pop crossing as well and illegally,
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and the san diego sector top of this is right after the hamas terror attack on israel, did kamala harris and biden said the recent executive action would stop all of this. tom: they do it, but once again, the lines of the market people and you gotta remember under trump four years and we 13. so look, the terrorist organizations are on the rather what about you to the board you can cross the border you will be released and will way to the city of your choice every hotel room, will give you three meals a day only free medical care. and wait for 90 days to get work compensation. the heck would not comment a look, and what concerns me more about the ones they've arrested of the 2 million got away scott 2 million people pay the cartels more i'm not take advantage of the free giveaway stuff they paid more getaway this just scared of every the date we know that the sales because we know the terrorists across the border this administration low, luckily the copy eight a few weeks ago
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but luckily the intelligence community, put them on some chatter and undercover lines, but when we all know that intelligence community is not perfect and they missed 911, they missed the weapons of mass destruction. in iraq and they are not perfect and thank god they found this one but are they going to find the next month. lz: what you say, is very concerning we have a half a dozen house democrats voted for health resolution condemning kamala harris work as a border person going to impact and require in the mean, she is backing off of the idea that she was overseeing and given the job overseeing the border by biden and work in 2021-inch new york times, abc and cbsn nbc apn she is running away from having any responsibility for that job and is the terrorism criminals numbers rapists are caught crossing. and you know, the ages have little to no criminal or tour data overseas on who was crossing the legal gangs
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terrorizing major cities like new york where shootings and pir things scooter robbery home invasion getting some of this in new york city know the cities as well top. tom: will people need to understand that kamala harris picked on the border is hard for one reason because she was not going to fix it they knew she would not fix it and she support sanctuary cities and she can paradise to the kkk pretty and she slandered that many horse patrol for whipping for black migrants and called them braces when we know that was not true and she has spread sing to her s the entire state of california which was attorney general. and they knew this was not supportive of the secure border. they know that she is not in favor of any type of immigration enforcement so that is why she was picked as the border is hard to find at present biden is breaking help illegal crossings or 50 percent they're not but the planning to do a great job in kamala harris is running away from that shows me even nato job
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because the workers out of control wide open border. lz: is a data down 40 percent you know weekly basis when you compare it to the last you must update truck presidency price things are up higher and update willow lake they counting his into the cvp, you know that whenever with the parole program out of you know latin america. tom: is a great question i wish more people would ask that question because you are exactly right, they are saying that illegal crossings of them pretty that's because of a couple one reading thousand of the lingo and is to the cvp went up every day and also bringing 30000 illegal any through the program in the enforce numbers are not from the financial name. lz: think you tom think you for joining us as we deceive and coming up tonight about we will be reporting with the media will not show you as they were all in on the kamala harris honeymoon.
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the details this hour and kamala harris is not talking or saying a word about white in economics, when she repeatedly touted it for years and avoid bring in former director those holds he can who knows why she's not talking about it also kamala harris tops up redistribution and tops of equity enforced by the government she will not talk about how she sounds much like her axis professor father, who taught marxist economics and stanford and we have the details this hour on how kamala harris would wipe out tens of thousands of high paying jobs in pennsylvania and joe from the fraternal border police joins us out on how kamala harris is been misleading having her job is to one crime prosecutor when she had wanted to defund the police and much more and could china spy balloon controversy hover over that impact ticket and we will explain. plus president trump has enabled new policy plan to make america
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the crypto though the world and senator bill haggerty is here with with the means for the u.s. economy coming up after the break, new developments broke into the assassination attempt of president trump and "fox news" pulp into my life in pepin for but were busy many with the details coming up next and stay with us and we are back in two. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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lz: welcome back and okay wehavr and the probe the assassination attempt against for under president trump and let's get to fox news jeff paul live in his of any with the latest and jeff it is good to see you. >> this is good to see you as well is over the fbi has conducted roughly 450 interviews as a search for answers as to how and why this happened. jeff: there also sing the croak some of the suspected shooter described him as a loner and highly intelligent and to great lengths to conceal what he was doing they say that over the past year or so, use in the us is going to purchase making firearms purchases as well as materials going to build explosive devices and we are also learning of the register for the rally three days, after it was announced to answers how far oswald was from jfk that very same day they also say that he surveilled the site and
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practice at a gun range using the same ar 15 style rifle but the date of the shooting thomas matthew crooks first visited butler, pennsylvania and then would help in any return flows run low entered local police identified him as a suspicious person takes between local law enforcement nothing by senator chuck grassley appear to show a picture of thomas matthew crooks with a local officer telling the group, that if you want to notify secret service cyber cypress and lookout in the side of him and local s.w.a.t. member jason was telling a busyness but they were supposed have face-to-face briefing secret service commode but that never happened. >> i think i was probably probably pivotal point where i started to think things were wrong because it never happened with no communication with the secret service. jeff: the also detailed that thomas matthew crooks come to the root using the hvac system piping investigators say that he then moved across the rooftops concealing the rifle with a
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collapsible stop and before finding into firing up shots being shot will no one of the fbi's 20 conducted that standard interview and former president trump no word yet on when and the president will come back here for the rally that he said would happen and under the lives of the shooting victims. lz: jeff paul always terrific journalism from you and jordan me know if the way had, from the house will enforcement caucus congressman debbie and what is your reaction to jeff also for me and president trump appearing in public for the first time from without a bandage over his ear at the assassination attempted we make it was going on out. debbie: well, you know, this is a huge security failure in the more we find out, the more mystified i have pretty this stuff just does not add up and so, kill because of this huge security failure and it is totally unacceptable and they weather the u.s. house of representatives is setting up a
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task force to get to the bottom of it. lz: is congresswoman what is disturbing is less go through this, seven president set william mckinley have been either shot at process needed and mckinley was assassinated with eddie roosevelt and if you're from or they were shot at jfk assassinated, gerald ford, reagan trump shut out. and so when you make of these text messages between law enforcement and officers indicating they have the shooter at the rally on their radar, more than 90 minutes before he started to shoot in the protecting photos of him that event is much earlier than initially reported in the also saw him of the rangefinder looking towards the stage were president trump was at. debbie: was a huge security failure to me it looks like there was no communication between the local beaver county sniper, who sure photos of the killer. and why, why, why didn't is
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happen what the secret service have somebody on this roof what was another meeting with the local law enforcement and the secret service predict all of this is a huge security failure and you know, it made me think of the january 6th security failure as well, the whole capitol was broken into. there was not enough security there. in this could've killed the future president of the united states president trump think he was not killed they killed another man and killed another man and seriously injured into other people and this is totally unacceptable and i do know not know what is happening number for the government, but quite frankly do not always trust them they are not doing the job. lz: the other thing is that the trump team is questioning why they were not alerted about that suspicious person lives on the radar screen unit washington post is reporting the members of trumps secret service security detail made aware of this
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suspicious person were tracking that american glass research rooftop was not in the secret service and her security perimeter. i think the range of ar 15 rifle and on five in the arts — 600 yards itself why wasn't it in the perimeter. debbie: exactly, why is too many unanswered questions and you know my fellow calling from arizona, eli crane, is navy seals sniper, he would have on the roof and he said it was not a very sloped roof and so, if unconscionable it is impossible is a huge security failure they killed a man. lz: thank you so much for joining us tonight it's a pleasure to have you on and next, why isn't kamala harris making even a key of about biden economics and why no word on that coming up, co director douglas eakin will tell us why and president trump makes his fish to voters minnesota and many of whom waited in the
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scorching heat to see him and we have more that it also, the paternal order polices and joe is with us next were voided take on kamala harris even the police week on crime punish we have trump in pennsylvania this week advance will go to nevada think him and sent kamala harris but georgia more coming up stay right there. trump: so i sent them the national guard, listen to say many offers while kamala harris sided with the arsonist. meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan.
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lz: welcome back and we have am4 rates from another voters in swing state battlegrounds, they say yes, the kitchen table prices in the economy, the art their top issues according to new fox point edward lawrence is at the white house with more in the state of the here is economy going out of this week's
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the decision whether the fed will cut your borrowing rates and plus leave a new jobs report coming out of his get to edward morrison asked me want the new between former president donald trump, vice president kamala harris when you dig deeper now the people feel on "fox news" pulling that in battleground states across the board, from .d voters are feeling financially falling behind in retelling picture of the financial situation since the month bright president biden came into office and also vice present kamala harris prices are up 19 percent at the food in the grocery source of about 21 percent electricity is up 24 percent new "fox news" pulling so the economy by far, the most important issue facing the voters in battleground states. >> mcdonald's has seen stork decline since 2020, that is devastating it shows the low end consumers are struggling there's also print for company, was to announce, that the restaurant sales were poor the drug
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consumer sales report missile, there is definitely a problem with the consumer right now. edward: vice president kamala harris avoiding the biden harris administration the policy they put in and try to focus and create, fear around former president trump. harris: and decon the dissent the transplants, would reignite inflation and slow economic growth, and to increase unemployment and donald trump intends to cut social security and medicare. in the intends to give the tax breaks, to billions there and big corporations make working families but the bill. edward: and would luke skywalker tell them will amazing every word of what you just think about it was wrong president trump said that he will protect the social security and he said he will protect medicare and he also said that if the trump tax cuts affected all americans, not just the rich ones. liz: traffic rescored reporting
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from the wonderful edward morrison let's get to this we are digging into kamala harris record tonight, she's now noticing that she backs biden economics when she's the record touting every nurse is federal reserve researchers when the government overspending, driven by biden ignited record inflation but she is a record of demanding steeper tech sites debate was loaded with a lot of waste was on tax hikes and even prison invited us children the u.s. into a recession u.s. is now facing manufacturing downturn in joining is now the president of the american action forum, these douglas holds he can in your reaction to all of this douglas was going on when you think. douglas: will i think kamala harris history best map number one is to defend the administration's record and health are handling of the economy you president biden's try to do that with no success was living the voters are not buying it so i do not see that is a problem for very promising segment's go back to normal as
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you just mentioned, that's a record that is hard and progressive and even the administration's record and objective approach one higher resetting program she wanted bigger the deficit they she wanted larger so this would be successful to the voters either so the third path is kimchee to consider from us things that would be good for the u.s. economy, the dirt was with her record in the administration's records into it and 100 days and we saw former president barack obama do this successfully get elected that is a challenge for this vice president and i do not know she will be able to do that. liz: she's on record saying that she wants to wipe out and tens thousands of high-paying jobs in pennsylvania the without fracking and now she has that flipping about to flip flopping over it but per policy seems to want to make the u.s. even more dependent on energy from overseas regime so paid america so much president trump and much kamala harris listen to this ca
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of a lockup 1 penny from social security or medicare and i will not raise the retirement age not by wednesday not by one day and for four years, i did not, for four years you saw that i did not in my by contrast kamala harris cast the tie-breaking vote to cut medicare by $237 billion and you did not know that, the betrayal of american seniors. harris: i am prepared get rid of the filibuster, the past and the deal is no question in favor of banning fracking. >> would you be for offshore drilling. >> yes meghan i worked on that. harris: [laughter] [laughter] >> we need to have medicare for all. har.liz: some of the viewing sad she supports wiping out gas cars and 80 percent income tax supported private in the july jobs report due this friday expected to show a slowdown when their city 5000 drug looming backup, she has said repeatedly
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that she wants a quality of hubs and equity and income redistribution's family enforce for the government, humans by the quality of opportunities weathered and present kamala harris will not tell you . as a fully was hired by stanford university is a marxist professor, to teach marxist economics and he said in his book, karl marx was a theorist of economic excellence we think of all of this. douglas: loneliness was back to her record and is not one that it's her elected president need she was run a record and you can every proposal she had every go she took about it will be successful so there has to be something different is appealing to the american voters something that is not soft to the left wing of the different and something that appeals to middle americans in the swing states so hard not seen it. liz: douglas holtz eakin turning to see you again and thank you for spending time is good having on this watch former president trump at his rally and then
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watch kamala harris say, yes and it's okay to have the rights and 22 money watch this. trump: every veteran minnesota needs to know that when the violent lots been argus litters marxist, they came to burn down minneapolis for years goats come i sent in the national guard to save minneapolis and while kamala harris sided with the arsonist and the writers as you raise money to bail out the criminals to bail them allowed joel. >> how important it is for the process to continue. harris: critically important able to you something, i made a very conscious issue should decision the group in the community, that was not always on the best end of the law enforcement make you can sing the most liberal united states senator. harris: 70 set up initially was mike pence in the debate stage that back. >> actually nonpartisan is rated you with the most liberal
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senator. liz: literally crank is on that one is over the show from the fraternal order national vice president joe is free to see you again in your reaction to what you just heard and kamala harris said you know, it's okay for the rioters to keep writing in 2020 and one time she said that is wrong to put cops on the street saint it claim it is not free safety and she supported defund the police giving about to the boston marathon bomber cutting when the video really dollars for example la's police budget what you think. joe: yes well not only did she support the rioters with them to continue, she actively raise money and encouraged others to donate into never get the red writers average of later on to help the burgers and rapist get out joel and she had she canceled or supported chino of course but she doubled them police riots they cost $2 billion with damage and
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people were murdered and thousands were injured officer shot and rita retired officer shot and killed new think of these things we continue. do you have no soul and of the own strength consequences, 16 american cities experiencing the highest murder rate in recorded history and homicide rate for black men 12 times the rate of anyone else anybody supporting it at this point is a complete lunacy. when people go to the polls in november you will choose between chaos and a nokia or and order choose wisely folks. liz: so this is about policies and she did supported 2020 riots at the time for some neighborhoods and buildings of police stations for now people and cops violently attacked and she could've used her influence to save lives and businesses and said she encouraged the rioters to keep going when a hearing what kamala harris will do to make americans feel safe in all of this matchup of the has rocketed play for prison higher nationwide versus the first half of last year joe the first time
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time, america's biggest pharmacy giant, cbs, they said that yes crime and shoplifting is behind their store closures in washington dc but she defund the police movement is a getaway joe. joe: while she is running from that defund the police position and about his quick enough to win the gold medal in paris because she realizes that defund the police movement has been a complete it has to faith. she loudly and proudly supported and she prays mary garcetti many cut hundred and 50 milli- dollars from eli police funny led to the highest murder rate in decades there mass resignations and so after seeing how horrific it could be in every other place, why would you still supported in fact of the matter is that defund the police as a far less radical position is not supported by the populist is only 50 percent of the people who even wanted to defund the police 47 percent wanted more funding for the police officers so anyway this point still
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supported defunding the police, should not be anywhere near leadership position in this country let alone president of the united states. liz: is good to see you again joe will have you on again soon quit having on and coming up, could president trump's new policy announcement on crypto i'm going to make you money we have similar bill agony weighing it is a bold new plan and plus is a possible kamala harris vice presidential pick center market kelly does he have a spy balloon problem really going to dig into that the first, let's check in with my buddies dagan to come up on the bottom my. >> will that's right, will have chairman, jim jordan on to talk about joe biden's plan to take over the supreme court hand cory mills on the latest with the assassination attempt on donald trump. liz: daniel cameron on kamala harris's campaign and how it is
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segregating supporters of the why do this over there white ladies here cannot make it up and then on tony on, kamala harris will don't you just love the yellow school bus. and 5 billion invested in you have 60 buses. in the top of the hour. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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>> the 20s spy balloon flowing with the country come in tonight to associated u.s. is not ruled out chewing gum the chinese by blimps was a risk to civilians closely exceeded obtain this exclusive video of the blue columbia missouri. >> this by blue chuck number the u.s. when f-22 and teams moving quickly to recover key pieces spent the biden administration committed an unprecedented national security blunder of incalculable damage. liz: those attorneys spy balloon controversy last year and is a similar totally separate controversy hovering over the race the spring it stevenson to fellow sarah bedford american principles project president and first you to write emily harris reportedly looking us in her mark kelly to be her pretty made there's a lot of talk about this clear politics story and ico's
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also reported this in her mark kelly cofounded the company, that specializes in surveillance balloons that you spent thinning on vanessa and noah and is nothing to do absolutely zero nothing, sir kelly is nothing to do that chinese by controversy and there's talk about that company that he cofounded was funded in part by 20s venture capitalist firm close ties to communist party in 2020 think terry. terry: when a first with the news by the client seven more like the plot new james bond movie right, not the blood of u.s. senator is a potential vp running mate and i thank you so problematic we have your senators then taking serious foreign cash into their own businesses wonder if it was this close i do think there needs to be looked into with the situation as it could be a national security threat sweetie what things are i think in center is nothing to do with the chinese spy balloon controversy missiles like an unfortunate coincidence just under kelly
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police took away from his position at that company when he ran for the senate is investment in the company is an appointed trustee when you make of this sarah. sarah: i think that kamala harris you know she does not have a lot of room for error with the little runway left and elections and why she would choose someone the sum of the biden calls attention to the fact that the biden administration is perceived as being so week of national security and foreign policy that is become a mess on biden and kamala harris's watch and to that does not seem to make a lot of sense except, not a lot about with the democrats have been doing lately it makes a lot of sense unless we look at it through the lens of them just wanting to win election arizona is a key state and mark kelly is from the key state missing to be some of the only calculations going into the vp search who helps kamala harris when unnecessarily he was the best
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governing parker. liz: okay so what sarah is saying and you also say terry, this races about foreign policy may have multiple wars and conflicts breaking out overseas of the commander in shaping ready for that money phone call will watch kamala harris talk about how she was behind the botched exit out of afghanistan 13 u.s. service members were killed in the withdrawal listen to this. harris: he just made a big decision afghanistan yes. >> we last person in the room. harris: yes. >> and you feel come the most mcadoo. >> the united states shares very important relationship which is in alliance with the republican north korea speakers human suffering when you make of these comments here. terry: bullet, this is a disaster we although that kamala harris for policy will change one iota from joe biden's been told will my mirror our enemies
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are filling voted to invade other countries including china now talking strongly about going into taiwan this is an absolute disaster with up to $80 billion of machinery and equipment in afghanistan with the chinese don't run kabul airport with things that's most is a link was a 13 people to kill in a disastrous poll out in your joe biden checked his watch with every casket that came off. kamala harris did not even show up. liz: you been at the diverse in ceremony three bodies back home welcome them back home sir a final. sarah: i think the biden administration will do anything possible to watch kamala harris clean of the biden administration is true that elections are not what an awesome foreign policy with them is that we seen around the world stage on biden and kamala harris's watch is the -underscore of the deeper perception of people in charge you not know the joy on any front on the economy and on the
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border and on foreign policy thing on the front kamala harris will have a hard time reassuring to people that she is the steady hand that can fix everything to your post very steady and competent very good thank you we appreciate you joining us tonight's good have you back on we will see you soon and former president trump announced a bold an ambitious plan to make united states crypto capitol of the world and will talk about what this means for the economy with senator bill haggerty coming up next, see right there, back into. trump: this afternoon i'm laying out my plan to ensure in front of states will be the crypto capitol of the planet and the coin superpower of the world. daughter: hey, dad. dad: hey, sweetheart. daughter: what are you doing? dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer.
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trump: the states will be thecrf the big growing soup now the world and want to be minded minted and made in the usa and it will be coming it will not be made anywhere else going this way the moon as we say i'm going to the moon and among america to be the nation for the leads that way and on day one, i will fire gary gensler. [applause] [applause] trump: i will appoint a new sec
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chairman who believes that america should to build the future, not block the future which is what they're doing. liz: will big point has been popping of president trump's remarks the saying that he will make the u.s. the crypto capitol of the world, if he's reelected and for more in all of this, this will come back to the show senator will haggerty from senate banking and senator is good to see you you were at the 2024 conference national were president trump spoken would you make of it. bill: the energy there was electric liz the ground was so responsive to president trump and if you think about the alignment for the basic fundamental republican principles of freedom and liberty to president trump is speaking to his audience is a big white horse and very much in that same vein i think they saw the alignment president trump is very quickly he wants to see this invasion happen here in america i'm not force not the way the current administration so he is embracing like the
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greatest most impactful technologies that we've seen for our nations future and productivity gains that we will see will be in rs we need to see it happening here in short president trump made that message extorted clear the crowd responded you can probably hear in a very very exciting electric way. liz: no senator, present proposal talk about creating a big point strategic reserve when using the currency, the u.s. government already holds any said you know he will fire the sec chair please also sing that he does not want a key west federal reserve governing digital currency and is a true coming somebody saying he would you make of it. bill: it's true and i think the last point is probably the most critical, because we have seen this administration, take every move in the direction creed what is known as a central bank digital currency produce was begun communist china right now with a digital quad is a centralized product that would allow the government surveillance and control of our financial transactions the big point community you think everybody the conference was to
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see something decentralized and something not centrally controlled by the federal government is that allows individuals to custom to their own wealth known currency and this is something that is a gift, fundamentally marking those who want liberty and freedom appreciate and appreciate it does want centralized control of the current administration one of moving the absolute exact opposite direction which i think that underlies the reason they been so hostile to the crypto currency apartment. liz: so there is a serious push ws digital currency is the true. bill: seem to be the pushing number nations but the evers and weigert required at this point but what we have seen a significant efforts by this administration moving in that direction. liz: center think you for joining us is good have you want to be optimal like we have senators marshall ron johnson and morgan octavius 20 is in thank you for watching the evening edit on foxbusiness now the one and only dagan and charlie taken away guys.


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