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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  July 30, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: right now the senate judiciary and homeland security committees are holding hearing on the assassination attempt on donald trump. the secret service's acting director will face questions about the troubling timeline around the shooting. i will bring you any headlines. it is 10:00 eastern. straight to the money, the dow is up 230 one points. we have to look at what stocks, there must be some real big winners there. up 230 on the dow, 50 on the s&p, the nasdaq holding with a fractional game. the 10 year treasury yield is down to 4. 15%. where is oil, mid 70 per barrel, 74 and 2. bitcoin, no further balance after donald trump's endorsement, 56-numtwo as we speak. the latest reading on important
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indicating indicators the jobs report, job openings. >> the final day of june, the number was one. 8 million jobs, open slightly more than anticipated, more than the month of may. stuart: what about consumer confidence? lauren: it was expected to drop, went to 100. 3, the previous number was 100.4. do not increase, this is the month of july. stuart: ryan brenberg is with us, your reaction to the jolts report, 8.18 job openings? brian:'s where it was. i don't think it will do much for the markets, don't think it changes the fed trajectory but we are definitely seeing a slowing, cooling economy. does it keep going like this or does it drop off a cliff. was jobs sometimes that can be
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the case because employers get nervous and say we are going to stop hiring. >> fewer workers are quitting. if you look at this past month, 3.3 million quit, that was down from 3.5 million the prior month. that would suggest you're nervous about the economy and stick with the job you have. stuart: hard to characterize, there's no clean-cut direction here. brian: it is a holding pattern. right now. stuart: you will be with me for the hour, stay there please. now this. the kamala harris honeymoon has lasted a week, it will not last forever, the bloom is coming up the road, the vice president faces the alice impossible task of reversing her san francisco liberalism. she started he started to flip-flop trying to cover the policy embarrassment of the past, for example, fracking for oil and gas, she wanted to ban it. on friday she said she no longer wants to ban it.
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fracking is a $5 billion industry and must when pennsylvania. every flip-flop opens the door to sharp edged attacks that have already started. democrats deny she was over the border czar, that's just plain denial, latest trump ad on the border has this tagline. >> i haven't been to europe. i don't understand a point you are making. >> kamala harris failed, dangerously liberal. stuart: there's more. she was in favor of a laminating private health insurance, she was. now she's not. she was in favor of mandatory gun buybacks, now she's not. he was in favor of abolishing ice. she hasn't walked that one back yet but she surely will. this will not go unnoticed which the complete reversal of everything she stood for will not fly. the last 2 weeks, harris emerged on top of the ticket, democrats cheered and rushed to support, she went up in the
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polls as her party breather us i believe, they got rid of a president is going to lose and wanted desperately to fall in love with his replacement, will the real kamala harris stand up please? better not. when voters see as san francisco liberal, the honeymoon is over, second hour of varney just getting started. all right. now listen to what congresswoman pramila jayapal asked about the possibility of josh schapiro seeing harrises's vice presidential pick, role this. >> i think it should be somebody who's good in our midwestern states so making sure we can win wisconsin, ohio, some of those places so that brings me, i really like governor walt's because i like the things he has been able to do.
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he has a military background. i like that -- so he would be a great choice. >> schapiro in pennsylvania. >> i'm commenting on who would be a great choice. stuart: why did she snub governor schapiro? any ideas on that? >> i have an idea. we can probably draw our own conclusions, probably has to do with israel and governor schapiro being supportive of israel for various reasons but we've seen this from the left. a push for governor walt's in minnesota, putting pressure on the harris campaign to pick him. i saw mark kelly edging away from the job, one comment i saw may be open for interpretation, josh schapiro still seems like he makes a lot of sense on paper to balance out the ticket in certain ways but there are
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big elements of the base that might be very upset with that pick. on his will, school choice, he nominally supports but has backed away from in reality. we will see. stuart: and we be brave and come out with it and say josh schapiro is jewish and therefore does not appeal to a certain block of the democratic party, can we say that? >> year. unfortunately i think it is inescapable and while he might very much help in pennsylvania he might hurt somewhere else like michigan. stuart: we got to say this straight out. democrat strategist james carville warned kamala harris to prepare for more attacks from republicans. >> they are coming, this is part of -- no different than it was any other time and they've got to get up and get ready and
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be able to defend and attack at the same time. there is going to be a timely struggle who vice president harris is an we better be ready for that. stuart: i just editorialized that the honeymoon is over. do you agree? it is winding down. you agree with that? >> i don't. i think the news media will try to make this a 3-month honeymoon. they are going to occasionally do a bit of journalism but for the most part they are going to try with the rest of their party, the democratic party, journalists and fellow activists will try to drag her to november without serious scrutiny or answer the questions that were raised in your take, whether they will succeed i'm not sure. republicans will do what they can to highlight harris's positions. her 2019-20 cycle positions are her real stances.
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she was free to pick any position she chose one starting from scratch, running for president and offering her vision for the country. the vision she painted was a radical left-wing vision even to the left of nancy pelosi, totally non-pragmatic and offensive to many voters who will flip this one way or the other which is why team harris is sprinting away from those positions but they are all on tape in her own words that if she ever decides to give an interview to anyone she might get asked about this index plain why don't you believe these 17 things you said out loud last time you start this office? there isn't a good answer to that question. believe her from 2019. stuart: thanks very much for being here. see you again soon. let's get back to money, specifically big tech, microsoft reports earnings after the bell today. this is a very important
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report, scott shalladd a mac. this will tell us where the godfather of a i, and how it is performing with ai. what do you say? >> hard to disagree with that. all eyes are looking at how they are spending their money, getting more ingratiated within ai. they will look at the money spent. they will see how it is going. i think you are right. it is going to be a bellwether. that's the best way to say it. i've been looking at this. i told you on your show before ai is here to stay. might be a bumpy road and i expect it to be a bumpy road because people get ecstatic but we all got back to the era. i'm old enough to remember it very well but the difference between then and now is we were looking for eyeballs, today we are looking for dollar bills and are getting them.
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last time around with the tech bubble we saw everybody judging companies with how many are looking at going to those websites, not the case now. these folks are making money and it is a lot of money, hard to deny them their successes. there will be times when it is uncomfortable to be holding these stocks but if anything is any good there will be tough times and it will be no big deal. it is here to stay and transformative like a lot of people have said. you've seen this big rotation, people taking profits on what they are talking about and a lot of ai big tech stocks and putting them in things they think will do well with interest rate cuts, smaller companies. let me tell you one thing. in 1950 to that idea came in 1952 that idea came to fruition as the modern portfolio i talked about when i was in finance. won an award in 1955, it's a very old idea where seeing happen in front of our eyes. a lot of people run their lives
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that way anyway. it's going to be bumpy but it's going to be good. stuart: the flip-floping, listen to what kamala harris said in 2019 about fracking. >> i'm in question, banning fracking and working on this issue. to your point, we have to acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the impact on the safety of communities. of the one look at this headline in the general. kamala harris does a fracking flip-flop, reversing her ban on fracking to win pennsylvania. voters going to buy that? >> she's not the border czar, she is the flip-flop czar. every single thing she's flip-flopped on and i think i've always wondered a politician, politicians in this day and age don't realize all these things are on tape but on some reason a lot of people give them a pass, we've got president biden flip-flopping on a lot of things going back to 1988.
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i can't believe people can't look at what was said in 2019 and not think that's one of her core policies going forward. defund the police. anyway, flip-flop czar. blue when you create a new expression, flip-flop czar. it's going to stick. thanks. see you again soon. let's start with an ipo not long ago. lauren: 6% gain, bank of america thinks they are a by, they upgrade the nancy profitability. also the fed expected to lower interest rates in september. stuart: giant liquor company. lauren: north american sales come biggest market down 3%, south american sales down 20%. %. everywhere you look there's a problem, they have a ceo who
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has been there little over a year. stuart: it is your fault, you youngsters are not drinking. lauren: it could be that. stuart: how about paypal? lauren: stocks up 8%, raised their forecast for the full year adjusting profit not once but two times and payment volumes increase. stuart: my family is in the wine business, youngsters are not drinking wine like they did, cocktails as much as new york. thank you. i have seen that one. sprint or something. lauren: we've got to go. stuart: now this. facebook is admitting it wrongly censored trump's fist pump photo. remember when than senator harris compared ice to the kkk? got to roll this. >> the clan was what we would call today at the mystic terrorist group. >> are you aware of the
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perception of many about how power and discretion that ice is being used to enforce, do you see any parallels? >> i do not see any parallels. >> i'm talking about presumption. >> compared to the kkk. former acting ice director tom homan will take that on big time next. what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generac home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted. because when your generac detects a power outage, it automatically powers up, giving your family the security and peace of mind they deserve. we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not.
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stuart: new data shows under the biden administration only 4. 4% of the 9.6 million migrants encountered at the border were deported. tom homan joined me now, why is the administration deporting so
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few illegal migrants? >> they've abolish the ice nation. i said from the beginning they will never abolish a federal law enforcement agency, they will starve them of money and that's exactly what the biden administration has done. ice cannot enforce the way they are supposed to. secretary mayorkas said being in the country illegally is not enough and they don't have the beds, the operational expenses, they abolished the mission of ice. stuart: real damage has been done. kamala harris is trying to cover up her record on the border but in 2018, than senator harris compared ice agents to kkk. role tape. >> the clan was what we would call today a domestic terrorist group.
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they tried to use fear and force to a change political environments. >> are you aware of the perception, how the power and discretion ice is being used to enforce the laws and do you see any parallels? >> i don't see any parallels. >> i'm talking about perception. >> i do not see a parallel between what is constitutionally mandated. stuart: have at it. what's your reaction? >> he did a great job. kamala harris, disgusting. of all the things i've heard and seen serving my country is this because i've handed a flag to mamas and wivess of fallen agents who gave the ultimate sacrifice for this country, agents and officers of ice who died in the line of duty.
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this is a stain on their service to country, a stain to the families. without their dad or their husband. i testified once, said i was a big and open testimony. i will say the same thing i told her. if ice officers are racist for enforcing of the gratian law what does that make members of congress, they wrote the law? a president signed the law. ice isn't making this stuff up. they have a constitutional ludi to enforce immigration lien kamala harris need to be reminded, during the trumpet ministration 9 of 10 people that we arrested at ice under my command was either convicted criminal or facing, charges, should we prioritize, ice officers to a great job every day, they put a gun on their hip and were of best and put it on the line for this country to protect the american communities, shame on her, she
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can't walk that back, that statement alone should disqualify her from being the commander in chief. stuart: hope you get your old job back if trump wins. tom homan, you are all right. good to have you on the show always. a program launched by harris when she was district attorney of california kept a migrant criminal on the streets, the victim of a crime is now speaking out. who is it and what is she saying? ashley: 16 years ago amanda keefer was walking down the street in san francisco when alexander is a gerri stall her purse and jumped into awaiting a city, the driver of that vehicle attempted to to leave her with a fractured skull. he was an illegal migrant who had been arrested months earlier on drug charges but was released under a program introduced by kamala harris. that program was built on a smart on crime initiative but
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republicans say harris allowed illegal immigrant drug dealers to enter job training instead of prison. now as we know, harris is framing the president will campaign against donald trump has a choice between a tough prosecutor and a convicted felon. keefer now calling it laughable and says she has the scars to prove it. stuart: what a story. come back in, brian, crime on the border. are they causing some democrats to back trump? >> democrats think that's a risk which is why democrats went after the lawfair strategy, make trump it criminal in order to defuse the issue because people who've been the victims of crime are motivated to change and it is not the earlys, the people who get affected by crime are people whose stories never get told, not the pundits, not the people on media but people and
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communities who don't have a voice which is why the story we told with ashley probably told nowhere else in the mainstream media. ashley: stuart: thanks. we know how much vice president harris loves yellow school buses, see this too. >> i love electric school buses. i just love them. for so many reasons. raise your hand if you went to school on a school bus, right? stuart: it's been 3 years since the administration launched its electric school bus program. it cost billions which how many have been produced. here's a hint, not many. that story is not. ♪
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stuart: we are going to check the cryptos for you this morning, bitcoin and ethereum coming down a little bit, cryptos are big campaign issue
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and kelly o'grady will be anchoring a half-hour special called the crypto campaign that is at 8:00 pm eastern on fox business. lauren, you are looking at the movers, goldman sachs, that's a solid move for a big company like that. lauren: number one on the dow jones industrial average named a top financial pick at bank of america. stuart: tell me about meta-blooge lauren: facial recognition lawsuit with the state of texas for a record $1.4 billion, texas alleged they unlawfully capture the biometric identifier of texans for commercial purposes without their informed consent, settled on the eve of the trial, stocks flat. stuart: we've got stanley, black and decker. >> prices down 1%, volume up 2%, stocks up 8% as they lift therefore your profit forecast
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to make things more affordable as they fix up their homes because they can't afford anything. stuart: 8%, saw that. thank you. come in here, ashley. where our young people getting their financial advice? stuart: social media. where else? a survey conducted by prolific, market research company found 79% of millennials engines thes ers have gotten financial advice from social media but advisers say wait a minute, that can be dangerous because some people offer advice without credentials or any financial background. one financial expert claims 63% of the advice on stocks you can find on tiktok is at the very least misleading. another survey found 30% of jen zers feel financially insecure with half of both groups saying they live paycheck to paycheck. experts say the best advice is
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to create a budget or get a side hustle to make ends meet and more importantly stop to say. stuart: can i make a suggestion, how about this for financial advice, don't spend, invest, don't consume, produce. what's wrong with that? long-term capital growth, capital accumulation is the secret in my personal opinion. brian brenberg. brian: on tiktok, this is what people ought to listen to. let me give you the positive. is the positive. young people want to make money. they want to be prosperous. no one is telling them how to we value wait this advice. a lot of them haven't had jobs which means they don't have a budget to work on. they want a good thing but are going to the wrong place to get it and the school system is failing them. i like your advice.
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shouted from the internet rooftops. stuart: i have a large platform right here. you sound like you are about to tell me get off my lawn. we've got to move on. the debt, the national debt, $35 trillion first time in history. how is the white house getting out of this one? >> nothing yet and i have asked for a statement, they are going to figure out what to tell us, $35 trillion, $104,000 in debt per american. the bipartisan peter peterson foundation says the us is paying 2 billion a day in interest payments, that is money that could be used for other things. republicans say policies and spending from this administration compounded the debt problem. >> the ridiculous project from
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this administration and their handouts to special interest particularly in the green energy lobby that have put this nation so far behind in the result is 40-year high inflation, tripling of mortgage rates and today's cost-of-living crisis. >> reporter: the us need the combination of cutting spending and raising taxes to help a problem with the cutting of spend, democrats agree with raising taxes. meanwhile president biden and vice president harris continue to push for more spending. >> we have made so much progress, historic progress on everything from gun violence prevention to taking on the climate crisis and this november we will win again. >> his first three years in office, donald trump added $5.9 billion to the trillion dollars to the debt held by americans in the first three
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years and 5 months of the biden administration, biden/harris administration, $6 trillion in debt so this keeps growing. stuart: it sure does. thanks very much. back to an old favorite, remember when harris voiced her love for yellow school buses while touting the admin a station's electric bus program. >> here's the thing. doesn't love a yellow school bus? raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus, right? i'm excited about electric school buses. i love electric school buses. i just love them. for so many reasons, maybe because i went to school on a school bus. raise your hand if you went to school anna school bus, right? stuart: does anyone believe we can elect kamala harris as the president of the united states, the gentleman on the right-hand side of the screen is a
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journalist. it's been three years since the $5 billion school bus program was started, can you tell us how many have been produced? >> thank you for having me here, good morning. we looked into this, we decided to look into it because as you are aware president biden trusted kamala harris but very few programs and one of those was this program and we look into an anti-administration's own data showed just 60 school buses across 27 districts have been deployed and as you may recall when kamala harris first announced funding for this program across hundreds of school districts, thousands of school buses so, so far three years after the infrastructure spending law was passed just 60 school buses have been deployed so really a black eye for kamala harris in the
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administration. stuart: this reminds me of the charging station fiasco, we allocated $7 billion to build charging stations and as a moment ago we had only built seven in four states. my conclusion is the government doesn't do this kind of thing very well. your opinion? >> all the evidence would back that point up perfectly. look at the infrastructure law and inflation reduction act and we are talking hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money, that's a lot of money that coincides with your previous statement about trillions of dollars in debt we are backing up and a lot of it on green energy and what this administration is proving is the federal government, bureaucrats in office at all these different agencies aren't able to spend that money appropriately or do in on time. stuart: get it together. thanks for joining us, see you
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again. appreciate it. democrats in the media avenue attack line against trump and j.d. vance. >> not just a weird style he brings but this leads to weird policies. >> that is weird behavior. >> on the other side they are just weird. stuart: weird, word of the week. will it backfire for democrats? bret baer will deal with it next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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stuart: facebook apologized for mistakenly censoring the photo of donald trump raising his fist in the air after he was shot. what is facebook saying? lauren: facebook has a lot of ask my need to do, it mistakenly censored the photograph of donald trump putting his fist in the air after he was shot earlier this month. the company calling the move and error, this fact check applied to a doctored photo sewing secret service agent smiling and incorrectly applied that fact check to the real photo but members on's ais making mistakes. the new york post reporting it asked the engine was the trump assassination fictional to which it responded there was no real assassination attempt on donald trump. sometimes mistakes can occur. meta says they are implanting a
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fixed to provide more up-to-date responses. it is possible people may see inaccurate responses but all this is coming after the auto search feature did not show results related to the attempt on trump's -- google systems have protections against auto complete predictions associated with political violence working as intended. to ensure systems are more up to date. donald trump understandably taking aim at both tech companies talking about how both are facing back lash over censorship claim saying get another attempt at rigging the election. go after meta and google, let them know we are wise to them. i want to say iran a question through meta ai and it says
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these problems have been fixed, a follow-up, was there an attempt at assassination on his life, said it is being investigated as an attempted investigation. it would not go as far as to say yes. stuart: democrats and the media locking into a new buzzword calling donald trump and j.d. vance weird. >> put that in. >> not just a weird style he brings, this leads to weird policies. >> extreme radical. >> they are just weird. >> 32 ounces of weird. >> donald trump and his weirdo running mate. >> it is bazaar. it is weird. >> j.d. vance, just dumb vans, is pre-weird.
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stuart: look at this headline in the new york times, democrats could regret calling trump at his supporters weird, written by tom friedman, times columnist in the new york times, the bible of the democrats. me down, will this hurts the democrats, this use of the word across the board weird? >> i think it is weird, using that phrase, in the way that they are because here's what is really happening. the threat to democracy, that donald trump is hitler, the whole thing about he's never going to leave office wasn't sticking, wasn't hitting its mark and the attempted assassination attempt and it quelled all of that. you have a party that's going to have a nominee no one voted
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for in the democratic party in kamala harris so the whole democracy thing, they were searching for something else so they landed on this. i don't think it is a placeholder, what is going to be a barrage of attacks. stuart: is the honeymoon winding down for kamala harris. >> there will be a convention at the whole bunch of recasting. a whole bunch of lifting her up as a great prosecutor, but there will be to james carville's point a barrage of attacks that don't have to do much. stuart: bret baer, sorry to keep it short but we will guarantee on special report, 6:00 pm eastern.
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richard blumenthal on your show, both on the senate judiciary committee on the assassination attempt. there will be more varney after this. daughter: it's a lot of . dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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stuart: the dow is up 190 points, the nasdaq is down 54.
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it is 10:51 eastern time, time for brian kilmeade. the president defend his plan to overhaul the supreme court, claims it will help the country. watch this please. >> bipartisan commission i convened analyst various term limit structures. based on their report i believe the struct -- the best is the 18 -- to ensure the country would not have what it has now, an extreme court. stuart: i think this is a dud. i haven't seen any editorial writers coming out vigorously in favor of the president's suggestions. >> if he was serious about trying to get this past which as a lame-duck president without the majority in the house and a 1-vote majority in the senate is not going to go anywhere. if he was trying to get it to go somewhere he would try to get the attention of leadership in the senate that felt motivated to do something like
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this so people would vote for separately against the supreme court. what it does, it allows him and now her to come out and say the supreme court is corrupt, i'm going to change it. if you listen to me i would make it better for everybody. this corrupt supreme court gave presidential immunity to donald trump. i'm not going to take it but i don't want you to take it and he may have stories that couldn't have happened with chris coons taking place in the 70s when he's 40 years younger than him and 3 years old. i was hosting the 5 yesterday and there were 4 or 5 things he would like to change about the court. fundamentally what he doesn't like about the court is it's more of a conservative court, you know what he should appreciate as a law student who didn't do well at syracuse, this was an institution and a time in which there is more liberals, a lifetime service
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should be what this is about. the average services 18 years, justice thomas for 33, why are they staying so long. we are living longer. to stay in shape and live longer, screwing up social security and lengthening the supreme court, we can adjust both of those things without blowing up the constitution. stuart: next thing, the fbi says donald trump agreed to an interview thursday as part of the assassination attempt. why has it taken so long to interview him and we still don't know? brian: christopher wray, went out of his way to say with donald trump i am sure it was just shrapnel that hit his gear. minimize a bullet that hit his ears saying it might be shrapnel and a couple days later walk it back.
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when i met with president biden i couldn't tell he was freezing up or not all with it but when it comes to a bullet and -- didn't visit the site and didn't see the wounds, make an opinion about that. i thought that was odd. very slow and very political. i'm encouraged about what is happening, you had the acting director telling us a timeline as he knows it, open for questions and challenges, talking about the changes and you have a deputy fbi director who's more forthcoming. you have to understand when you blow up a republican or democrat senator they are the impetus for us. we want to know what happened was we have people that represent us ask questions. when you blow them off your blowing off us. we deserve the right to know, they don't realize that. stuart: thanks for joining us. thank you very much for
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sticking around for the entire hour. got to watch you on "the big money show" on the fox business network. still ahead, tennessee senator bill haggerty on the new acting secret service director testifying about the assassination attempt on trump. jimmy failla holding a white dudes for harris fundraiser and the wall street journal's alicia finley will take j.d. vance to task for his childless cat lady comment. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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