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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  July 31, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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of course the bitcoin etf. there are so many interesting portions of the market. art, do you have a favorite right now? >> i tell you this what i think is the best part of market across the month of july has been the rotation which i think has got legs to it. i think it is important we're starting to recognize there are 493 other stocks in the s&p 500 we have not been paying attention to. that puts us into healthier place as we head into the second half of this year, in so much we have a broad rally here. i think that continues especially we see yields on the 10-year. looks like the 10-year 4 1/2%. it was less than 4% a month ago. that is indicative of investors not exiting this market rotating out of tech but actually broading out. [closing bell rings] i don't kenny, art, thanks for having you. market rallies after the fed leaves rates unchanged but signals an a september rate cut. we'll see you tomorrow with the arm ceo. ♪.
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larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. donald trump went into the lion's den in front of the black journalists convention and came out a big winner. that's the subject of the riff. ♪ donald trump went into the lion's den today with a sit-down in front of national association of black journalists in chicago. kamala harris was also invited but she was a no-show. no doubt about it, however, mr. trump has gotten his swag back. one of the questioners was abc reporter rachel scott who opened the q&a by attacking trump and he just fought back, telling her how rude she was after all. he showed up on time. they started 35 minutes late because their audio equipment failed. and after that he thought kamala would be there and she wasn't. she called the event false advertising. take a listen to this whole thing. >> i love the black population of this country.
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i've done so much for the black population of this country. including employment, including opportunities zones. i was invited here and i was told my opponent whether it was biden or kamala, i was told my opponent was going to be here. it turned out my opponent isn't here. you invited me under false pretense. you start off a question and answer period, especially when you're 35 minutes late because you couldn't get your equipment to work, in such a hostile manner, i think it is a disgrace. larry: so, as i said, mr. trump has got his swag back. thank heavens fox's harris faulkner was there to put some sanity into the questions but the key point, is mr. trump's superb messaging throughout. time and again, really no matter what the question, he came back to two key point. the biden-harris open border and the biden-harris inflation. in particular he referenced that
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brac black workers and also hispanic and union workers were the most hurt by flood of illegal immigrants overseen by border czar kamala harris and time and time again he referenced the damages of inflation, which i call kamala-flation because she was the deciding vote in the two big spending bills in march of 2021 and august of 2022, all at that triggered the 9% inflation rate. trump talked about the ravages of inflation and illegal immigration taking away minority and union jobs and reducing real wages. he was asked what his first policy actions would be if elected. and he replied, that he would close the border and restore drill, baby, drill. take a listen to this. >> what do you do on day one if you win? what's your first thing? >> i do two things i can do a lost things simultaneously.
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i close the borer, do drill, baby, drill. energy rates down, interest rates down, in-flation way down. so people can buy bacon again. so people can buy ham sandwich again. larry: love that, ham sandwich again. in face of attack dog questions by two of the three panelists, not harris faulkner. mr. trump kept his cool, frequently answered with humor and stayed on message, the border and inflation, over and over, a very effective presentation. now i'm going to bet this command performance is going to stop any of the so-called kamala momentum because it is the most public mr. trump has been so far rebutting kamala and her pals in the liberal media. oddly, in atlanta, georgia, yesterday, i think, in a rally, kamala decided to take on trump regarding the open border? really? she's saying he stop the bipartisan bill. but that bill would have permitted at least 1 1/2 million
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illegals per year on top of the roughly 10 million already let in by border czar kamala. meanwhile in mr. trump's last three years as president illegal immigration was running well under a million a year. advantage trump on that one. also kamala flip-flopped on her fracking ban but it really doesn't matter. you know what? the biden-harris war against fossil fuels and overregulation to stop leasing drilling, even lng exports is tantamount to a fracking ban including the baloney goal of a carbon-free electric grid and the hugely unpopular mandates jammed down peoples throats to buy electric vehicles. so, speaking in front of the black journalists convention was a big win for mr. trump. kamala wasn't there but i bet she was watching and if she were, she would sure get a taste of what the upcoming debate is
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going to look like. like i said, advantage trump. and that's the riff. all right, joining us now to talk about all this florida congressman byron donalds. byron donalds welcome back to the show as usual. byron, did you see any part of this discussion? >> saw most of it, larry. then i had to go back to get a little clip of what happened at the top. look at the end of the day your riff is exactly right, it is a hostile environment obviously. a lot of black journalists tend to lien democrat, lean very left. hostile environment but donald trump was there to answer questions about things that do matter to black america, like matter too all of america and it is securing our border, it is inflation, it is energy policy and so much more. that is a major step forward, not only for president trump but really for our entire country because he is not afraid of going into any venue at anytime anywhere. larry: not all the questions, i mean our harris faulkner was
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there to put some sanity into it but he was attacked by a couple of panelists, fine. i thought he held his cool pretty well, byron. he had a sense of humor about it what did you think. >> no, he did. at the beginning obviously coming right out talking about past statements i hope apparently kamala harris is doing the same thing by skype or buy zoom. my hope they come out with tough questions about her past statements. all the things she stood against. rational things like private health care. like wanting to actually ban fracking, things of that nature. those are her previous statements. i hope they go at her with those. at the end of the day president trump took incoming fire from the press. it happens. if you're in this business you're taking incoming fire from the press, held firm but entire message was our country, our economy, our borders, what that means in the lives of all americans. larry: let's pray some sound, more sound from it. here is mr. trump on migrants
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taking jobs. hang on a minute. >> so she was a border czar. she has done a horrible job. these people are coming into our country and they're taking black jobs and hispanic jobs, frankly they're taking union jobs. larry: now i think that is a very fair assessment. that is what many, many economists are saying about the situation. they're taking jobs and or, byron, they're keeping real wages much lower than they ought to be. what you think? >> that's absolutely the correct point because when you bring in so much low skilled worker, who that really hurts are people who are at the bottom end of our economic ladder. that is black workers, hispanic workers and white workers, people who are driving trucks, working in hospitality, working in restaurants. they're doing everything they can to make ends meet and kamala harris has allowed tens of millions of people to come in our country illegally. they have gotten documents from our government to be able to go work. now they're taking those jobs.
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that is a very credible statement to make. and so at the end of the day the american people have to decide for themselves, are you going to fall prey to the emotions that the democrats are going to try to bring into this election, or, are you going to choose president trump whose going to put the american people first, who is going to get our borders secured, going to get our economy online, by the way, i will also add, get us out of these conflicts across the globe. all of those things matter to the future of our country. larry: one more for you, one more sound on inflation destroying the middle class. here it comes. >> the inflation is absolutely destroying our middle class, our working class, an if you just things they don't include interest rate rates. interest rates weren't from 2.4% to 10%. you can't get the money. people can't buy houses. they no longer have the american dream. younger people, young black people they don't have the
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american dream anymore. larry: this is the affordability crisis you and i talked a lot about, including losing hope for the american dream of buying your own home. i thought trump raid it out very well, what did you think of that one? >> no, he did a great job laying that out and it is true. young people in our country are struggling. black young people, white young people, hispanic young people. they're struggling with the affordability crisis. people need to know the reason we have mass sirf inflation because kamala harris was the tie-breaking vote as vice president of the united states. she walked into the senate chamber. she voted for this massive inflation when joe biden and kamala harris decided they wanted to spend trillions more dollars in an economy that was ready to come back to live after covid-19. that started the massive inflation, which has destroyed the purchasing power of so many young people in our country and so many families in our country. donald trump is 100% correct on that. larry: you know, i just think as
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sort of a last thought, to some extent what mr. trump did and said today, again, he is unafraid of any verbal compact. i thought he held his cool, a good sense of humor on different points. he was on message. this is precursor for the debate. you had little boomlet for kamala harris from the liberal media. she has not been responded to. this is the most public response mr. trump has made. i thought he scored heavily. i think, i don't know what you think about this, but i think i see a debating strategy coming back to the key points on the border, on the economy and inflation. am i wrong about there? is this a harbinger of a debate? >> no, i think you're right. there will be more put on to, put onto the bones of what you're talking about right now, larry. listen, i've been watching kamala harris give her speeches in the last week or so she is not talking about policy, larry.
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she is not talking about any of the issues the american people are actually facing. she is trying to present herself as if she is the second coming of barack obama. that just because she is on the stage everything will be all right but we went through the obama presidency. things were not all right. donald trump fixed our country. got it back on track. now we're in the biden-harris administration and the country has been broken again. so this is, i think the way this campaign is going to be laid outgoing forward. america, you have a choice between kamala harris, who has never voted for one thing or supported one idea that is going to fix this country for the american people, versus donald trump where the entire agenda is about putting the american people first. the choice is clear. donald trump needs to be the next president of the united states. larry: all right. we'll leave it there, byron donalds. thank you for that run-down as always, sir. we totally appreciate it. all right, folks coming up we'll talk to steve forbes, judy shelton. today was fed day. i don't know, i guess they're
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going to cut their interest rate in september or some such thing? only a quarter of a point. i'm not really that excited about it. but we'll have judy shelton. we'll have steve forbes. remember, catch "kudlow" monday through friday 4:00 p.m. every day right here on fabulous fox business. if for some chance you can't catch us at 4:00, please text your favorite nine-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss a presidential debate or discussion. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪.
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i have people come up to me all the time and ask me, "does it really work?" and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. larry: stock market is up today, especially the nasdaq after jay powell day, so, our own gerri willis, standing by with more. gerri, what's's cooking? >> we saw some big stock gains after the fed kept rates unchanged for the 8th straight meeting. jay powell basically said we'll have a september rate cut or at least hinted that. look what happened to these stocks, the dow up 99 points after soaring as much as 450, s&p up 85, nasdaq up 450. as you can see that is a 2.6% gain for the tech heff tech-heavy index. powell saying inflation eased but remains somewhat elevated. he noted cooling in the labor market.
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reaction in the nasdaq pared its losses for the month. chip stocks rallied also in tech. meta, owner of facebook. that stock was soaring coming ahead of earnings which beat both top and bottom line expectations. now the stock is up 7% from what i've seen. that is not facebook, sorry. amazon up sharply ahead of earnings tomorrow as is apple. meanwhile reinforcing powell's view on the jobs market, private sector job gains slowed for the fourth straight month in july as labor costs rose less than expectedp finally in the markets, here is something important, treasury yields falling on all the news. 10-year yield 4.08%. the five-year falling below 4% for the first time in months. back to you, larry. larry: got it gerri willis thank you very much. joining us steve forbes, forbes media chairman editor-in-chief, judy shelton senior fellow at the independent institute, author of, good as gold, how to unleash the power of sound
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money. you know, judy shelton, if you want to stimulate a better economy why not cut tax rates and deregulate business? i know this fed stuff, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, a quarter of a point, really, it is not going to do anything, has no meaning what sorry. it isn't even a good policy approach. i mean i would just say, how about supply side revolution? how about lower tax rates, deregulate business, now, that would take the economy to 4% plus? >> those would be real improvements. larry: you're with me on that, all right. >> now we're talking about product tiff economic -- larry: now we're talking period, right, we're getting heated up here. all this other stuff is gibberish. i'm sorry, please continue. >> it is a shame we end up being so fixated what a committee of 12 voting members, that meets eight times a year, is deemed to be in charge of the economy. the economy is a productive
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output of creative individuals who respond very well to lower taxes, less regulation, smart energy policy, savvy trade policy. all we're miss something stable money. when the fed ratchets up and down it produces just the opposite. it leaves everybody uncertain, wondering what every nuanced statement could possibly mean. larry: steve moore, i don't care they want to drop the fed funds rate a quarter point, half-point, fine, it is not worth fighting over, i would like to see relatively stable interest rates and like to see improvement in fiscal policy which is what has been lacking these many years. i say this not only to knock the fed, i want to knock the fed because they do not control the economy as judy shelton said, what is it that produces growth? it isn't quarter points on the fed funds rate? >> it doesn't matter. the what the fed is baying own bank reserves, tens of billions of dollars.
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5.4%. should be half that if you had a real market. in interest rates it is like rent control, who gave the fed authority to have rent control over what people pay to renter money? it is just not right. so the fed shouldn't even be in the business of trying to regulate the activity of the economy. they may stimulate it too much. i'm going to say a bad word but i won't, it is a family show, the fact of the matter is, the fed should leave the economy alone. if it wants full employment, its role to have a stable dollar, let the government cut taxes, deregulate, by golly the american economy would prosper around the world would imitate us, global prosperity that. >> is exactly right. that is a very important point. that is what happened in the reagan years. reagan slashed tax rates. next decade so did everybody else, fascinating. by the way if you have 4% growth the federal reserve would tighten interest rates. come around full circle. i mean that's how much they don't understand a modern economy or any economy.
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they just don't. it is all this little minuscule interest rate stuff. they probably try to stop 4%. >> ask a very simple question, if people started to get raises are they going to start sweating at night because they're overheating? larry: fed would tighten, right. we don't want real wages to go up. >> the idea the economy is overheating. do people sweat when they get more prosperous? i don't think so. larry: these fed people are saying 10 or 11 million illegal immigrants is a good thing, it is a good thing because it brought down wages for everybody. that held down inflation. makes the fed's job easier. that is how perverted this story has become. >> the perverse incentives are all over the place coming from monetary policy. i thought steve made an excellent point because you have the fed raising interest rates by paying banks not to make loans. larry: yes. >> this is like, this is like paying people not to work. the fiscal equivalent. this is like paying farmers not
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to grow crops. it is a perverse incentive and if we would only quit waiting to hear what the next fed speech maker is going to say and instead imagine if we let market forces of demand and supply determine the cost of capital? larry: market forces, right. how about that? i think that through. i had to process that. slipped it in very quickly. >> you thought central planning was better. larry: no, i just wanted to make sure. i got kamala harris on fracking. i want to talk about this. then i want to talk about corporate taxes and uncertainty. here's a sound on kamala harris. i beg your pardon, i want to get that right, kamala harris on the fracking ban. here it is september 4th, 2019. >> there is no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. [applause] yeah. and starting, and starting with what we can do on day one around public lands. larry: okay. so now, steve forbes, she says,
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her spokesperson said that she no longer believes that. okay, fine, the point is, the biden-harris policy towards energy was basically a ban on fracking. they did everything they could. they're over regulating it. they're stopping drilling. they're stopping leasing. they're stopping lng. they want you to buy electric vehicles that no one particularly wants. now, my question here is, if you're a businessman, you are a businessman, and you heard this stuff, businesswoman, whoops, you heard this stuff, and you heard higher corporate taxes could be on the way, kamala is in favor of higher corporate taxes, i got to get her name right, what would you do? what would you do? is there uncertainty tax here? >> you bet there is. when you make an investment it is not just for four months, five months or whatever. it is for four years, five years, 10 years, 20 years. commercial building, 39 kearse
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depreciation. pay attention to tax rates it is uncertain. not just tax rates. whole slew of regulations, avalanche of regulations raise cost of doing business. take what they want to do on rent control. they want national rent control now on apartments. if you're an apartment owner do you think you will invest if you think politicians will take away your money or make it unprofitable to do so? it hurts the economy. i can't get over it. these people portray themselves tribunes of the people end up hurting those with the least, hurting everyone. larry: indeed. judy shelton, i don't know, the question here, we just have to sweat it out until the election. i mean i think the election, here is my last point, is the election more important than the quarter point fed funds rate, that's really the question? >> infit infinitely more important. it is the direction of the future of the country.
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will we be a country that rewards productivity, encourages individual creativity, supports small business, giving them certain, stable outhook where they can trust where the money is dependable, when the regulatory burden, has them in mind and they don't have senseless regulations being forced on them, that's what we want to, that's what we want to encourage and support and otherwise we're talking about redistribution and a government knows best mentality. larry: you know what's cool? kamala supported the bernie sanders "medicare for all," single-payer, nationalized health care. there is a price tag there of 32 trillion, okay? but that's nothing. that is piker stuff. janet yellen came out the other day and basically said three trillion a year, $78 trillion to stop carbon by 2050. so 32 trillion is probably a bargain for nationalizing health
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care. we have have 78 trillion. this is janet yellen a former fed chairperson, no, i got to get out. i just wanted to put that in. >> no one is accusing kamala of being margaret thatcher. she would have said sure you can be generous spending other peoples money. larry: that is $100 trillion, my arithmetic. 32 plus 70. >> it is not just 110 trillion. it is depressed economy. you have no activity, high unemployment. larry: too tough on them, steve forbes. way too tough, for heaven's sakes. steve forbes, judy shelton, we didn't do much fed watching. israel to terrorists, i have your home number and home address so beware. we'll talk to idf special-ops veteran aaron cohen. next up on "kudlow." really didn't get to interest rate watching
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♪. larry: for the latest in the israel terrorist wars we go to fox news trey yingst live from tel aviv. trey, how do you read it right now? >> yeah, hey, larry, a lot of news overnight. two senior leaders within these organizations killed in strikes in lebanon and iran. right now we're looking at an unprecedented moment because ismail haniyeh, leader of hamas was killed inside a strike in iran in the iranian capital in tehran. he was at a guest house. he discuss attended the inauguration for the country's new president. he met with the supreme leader, ayatollah khomeni. within hours he was dead. they issued a statement, following this tragic event taken within the borders of islamic republic, it is our duty to take revenge. the region is seeing what the revenge could look like. hours before that strike, in beirut the israelis for the first time since this war erupt in the october targeted a senior
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hezbollah commander. israel says this was in direct response to a rocket strike that killed 12 young druce children in a village in the northern part of the goal hand -- golan heights. it changed the equation, that is rail is will be to strike inside the hezbollah strong hold of southern beirut. i spoke to israeli official, that air defense systems across the country are on high alert. they're preparing for the possibility much any day of iranian retaliation. you've seen on going communications between the israelis and americans, understanding we're one miscalculation of this unraveling into a broader regional war. larry. larry: trey, thanks for the update, as always be safe. joining me aaron cohen, israeli special-ops veteran. aaron cohen, i have to tell you how impressed i am. israel took out one commander in
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beirut, the other commander in tehran. trump used to say, i believe its with the taliban mullahs in afghanistan, it could have been others, i got your telephone number and i know your home address. in other words, these terrorists commanders are not safe and israeli intelligence forces are brilliant, aaron cohen, absolutely brilliant. >> [speaking hebrew] translation, wherever you're not looking, larry, we're standing. larry: yes. >> very significant targeted assassination. we had two triples or two homers in 24 hours. just so you know faud was the partner of imad, the mastermind architect behind the bombing in '83 which killed over 100 marines, yeah. 240 marines. 240 american marines. i was in the reagan white house, when it happened. >> that's right. and that assassination that we
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carried out i think signals very clearly, regardless whether kamala or kamala like you and i would say wants to admit it or not, signals very clearly to the united states that israel has got the u.s. security interests, always has, always will. we've always been your forward operating base in the middle east and we'll continue to take down targets and then imad, that architect, every don't know if you remember, larry, in 2008 his car started making some funny noises in syria. all of sudden we made him disappear like we did his partner fuad just yesterday. to ahmed, to our friend ismail haniyeh, talking about him for 10 months now, larry, it was time. israel carried out the pagessal objectives. they had three primary objectives since october 7th. one was dismantling of the manpower of hamas we regardless whether or not the gaza ministry of health which is hamas wants to admit it, we kill thousands. i would say 10, 20,000 more
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terrorists in the last nine months. that was number one. number two we systematically dismantled those tunnels. that was the second big piece. three, we promised we would go after the leadership of hamas which we have civilally. systematically. we made it count in iran. these leaders are not safe. that puts iran in shaky state. the fact that wasn't an airstrike, larry. that was up close, personal hit, i would say involved a mossad team if i had to speculate. larry: yep. >> along with elements of israel special operations commando forces. they didn't have a lot of time to put to together, larry. remember how long it took to bet bin laden. we've only been at it for nine months. you will see more of it as i've been saying. more to come. secret service, when you're ready to tear that up. larry: this is important, this is like when trump took out soleimani for example, the idea
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here, this is u.s. intelligence but it is israeli intelligence now. the idea was, in all seriousness, we know your phone number and we know the address of your home. you are not safe on this planet, if you pull stuff. now where i want to go with you on this, is, iran predictably is coming out saying blah, blah, blah, we are going to take revenge and predictably all the hand-wringers in washington, d.c. are saying, oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, this could escalate. i just think it's possible that the iranians respect strength and toughness as just what happened to their leaders or their allied leaders and they may not be so quick on the trigger. they may hold back a little bit because the mullahs could be next for all we know. what do you think about that? >> again -- [speaking hebrew] you just said it. the only language the
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middle east understands, larry, it has taken a minute for israel to really step it up here because i think they want to be careful, really get that actionable intelligence which we know we need to carry out the selective strikes in both beirut and now iran, very, very selective but strength is the key word you just said and now israel is speaking the strength and i do think that it will pull iran back. i don't think iran wants to get into a full-blown anything with israel. if they did they would have come back after israel, counterstruck iran, following that monster miss till attack a couple months ago but i think that we're starting to edge, if i had to guess, closer to a deal. larry: yeah. >> the reason why is because, are you guys sure that you want to go farther with this? and that's what the arabs, that's what the middle east, that's what the radical islamist s understand. so i think we're inching closer to a deal based on this strategy. larry: i think you're right. i think, one reason for that, is
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that iranian mullah leaders, whoever they are, all these others, they don't know if they will wake up tomorrow morning. they don't know that. >> anything scarier larry, guesting killed at the hands 6 israel is the fear of getting killed by israel. larry: thank you. aaron cohen, best of best. we'll talk secret service another time. so good to see you, my friend. folks, turning back to this trump triumph at the black journalists convention i think is a game changer, joining us mark simone, wor radio host, hall of fame radio host, joe concha, fox news contributor, author of the new book, progressively worse. i love this. why today's democrats ain't your daddy's donkeys. not as long as other book title. we're short on time tonight. >> mark simone, saw the chicago
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convention. what did you think of trump's performance? >> brilliant. tell you why it is so significant. 2016 got kicked off by the same exact moment, make can kelly asked him the worst question of the world, debate, horrible things he said about women he just leveled here. it was the same exact thing. this is all the things you said about black woman and he just leveled her. larry: do we have that sound, do we have that sound from the beginning with that abc lady who was so rude to trump? quick, quick, can we run the sound again. pull it up the megyn kelly story. >> first debate ever in the world. he had never been in debate before. first question handled it brilliantly. she should have realized this is the same exact attack. he knows how to respond. larry: to refresh, here it comes. >> i love the black population of this country. i've done so many for the black population of this country including employment, including
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opportunity zones. i was invited here and i was told my opponent, whether it was biden or kamala, i was told by open meant was going to be here. turns out my opponent isn't here. you invited me under false pretense. you started off question and answer period especially 35 minutes late because you couldn't get your equipment to work in such a hostile manner i think it is a disgrace. larry: you have a good point. it is really a heck of a thing. he refused to be put on the defensive. basically, i was interested in watching, his demeanor. he kept his cool. he had a sense of humor right? i don't think they were expecting that. and i think, and i asked this question of byron donalds who thought it might be right, this is a precursor harbinger of the debate. kamala, i bet she watched this by the way. kamala. i will work on that get it right. the fact she watched it and he is going to come at her on the
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issues and he is not going to lose his cool. he will probably continue his sense of humor and substantively, he is winning on those key issues. this is the precursor to the debate coming up in the next couple months. >> strength versus weakness as far as this big theme with trump and biden. it is with trump and kamala harris because he showed up there and she would not because she has not, larry, and mark, she has not taken one question from anybody resembling a journalist 10 days ago she clinched democratic nominee. not one question, hey, you wanted to ban fracking, now you don't, why is that. you wanted to ban fossil fuels. you want to eliminate all offshore drilling. you support sanctuary cities. you want to abolish i.c.e. you support late-term abortions. i could go down the line in terms of all the things she supports like ending private health care giving free health care to illegals. she would have to answer these questions, especially if harris faulk any is there for example. she refused to show up.
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that is the bigger story. larry: harris faulkner put some sanity into this today. >> policy-based questions. larry: she, kamala, she won't go before the press, even a favorable press, even a fawning press, she won't go before any press. what's up with that? >> she has this incredible momentum at the worst moment, you don't want to have it in july, you want the momentum in october. like one of the tech stocks in 2000, went up 30 points the first week. it was going to fizzle after that. larry: what's next? for example, she is trying to find a vice president but all the potential vice presidents are pulling out of the race. now never seen this before. by the way i think trump mentioned that today. have you ever seen anyone say i will not take the position of your vice president? one from north carolina said it. michigan, whitmer said it. cooper, whitmer. some others have said it. what's up with that? she cannot find a vice president. has to make announcement soon. >> they know this will be a losing ticket.
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i can't remember his name, hilary's vp choice. >> kaine, virginia. larry: i would have had to think twice, tim kaine, senator tim kaine. >> it was the end of his what rear being on the sinking ship. nobody wants to be her tim kaine. larry: message, message, message. open border, high inflation. open border,-inflation. >> yes. larry: harris faulkner, what would you do first, close the border, drill, baby, drill, to end inflation. completely on message. he wouldn't waiver. that is what is so fascinating. >> completely. the audience he was speaking to were primarily black voters in urban areas who see 10 million people come into this country illegally. places like new york, see this up close, sanitation, education, police are all cut. social services because the money is going towards taking care of those who are here illegally instead. he hammered that. inflation, attacks on everybody, doesn't matter what race you are. i think he really landed punches there. everybody else is concentrating
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on the fluff and sizzle. in the end donald trump went into the lion's den. kamala harris will do it by zoom. larry: is she in fact, is she going to zoom with them? >> yeah. but is harris faulkner going to be able to ask questions or choose journalists that do? larry: thank goodness for harris. joe concha, mark simone. thank you, gentlemen. coming up next voters are rejecting kamala harris's open borders policies big time. drill, baby, drill. wait a minute, no. fracking ban, wait a minute. i have to figure out what her position is. maybe senator katie britt will help us. she will be here next up on "kudlow".
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larry: joining us now alabama senator indicated tee brit -- katie britt. senator britt welcome back to the show as always. i want to ask you, there are a couple things here about kamala harris. she wants to debate tum over the open border. her point now is, that trump blocked this bipartisan bill, which as you may know 4,000 a day and 1 1/2 million for a year. that is what it would allow, on top of the 10 million or whatever the number is. we went back to look at mr. trump's numbers. in 2020, his last year in office
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400,000 came across the border illegally. in 2019 it was50. and in 20178 it was 400,000. his was so far below what happened with biden-harris, so far below this known any compromise bill, i don't think she has a leg to stand own but the important thing what do you think about that? >> oh absolutely not. if kamala harris wants to talk about the border, all i have to say is bring it on. she was actually put in charge of the border and has failed at every turn. when she wants to reference a so-called bipartisan bill, would she in any way part of that? the answer is no. she was given a responsibility. instead of digging in, figureing how how to fix it for the american people she walked away. as she walked away we had 10 million people come in here illegally under her watch.
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we have 1.9 million got-aways come into the country. we have no idea where they're going, what their intentions are. we know terrorist the coming over the border. more people on the terrorist watch list cause at the border under her watch. we're seeing effects of fentanyl across the nation. it is leading cause of death in ages 18 to 45 and that is on her. when you talk about the so-called border bill kamala harris had nothing to do with, because she doesn't know how to show leadership or exhibit it in places like that, they failed to actually even put presidential parole on the table. let's talk about that. if you look under president obama and yep, obama and trump, they paroled under this presidential parole authority, larry, about 5600 people a year. if you look what joe biden was doing, larry, he has a rolled on average over one million people a year into this nation under that. they wouldn't even bring that to the table. we're certainly not going to
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codify 4 or 5,000 a day. we want to drive the numbers down. obama's secretary of state, obama's secretary of homeland security said that 1000 people coming across our border a day would be a crisis. the biden-harris administration far surpassed that and every bit of that is on the border czar kamala harris. and she needs to answer for it. larry: a bad issue. one last one. larry: i have 30, 40, 50 seconds, they're putting out, biden-harris administration is emailing voters about student debt, telephoning them all their student debt is canceled despite what the supreme court has said. what do you make of that? >> larry, it is lies. the liberal media will not hold them accountable. we have to make sure they do. the supreme court already told joe biden he doesn't have that authority yet he continues to skirt it. he thinks he is above the law. he is pushing that forward. you know what that does? take hard-working americans who paid their way to school, through school, go straight into
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the workforce, saddles them with someone else's debt, totally unfair. larry: vote buying is all it is. senator katie britt. thank you, ma'am as always but i'm staying focused. and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive early breast cancer... ...with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence versus hormone therapy alone. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are nursing, pregnant, or plan to be.
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changer today at the block journalist convention. kept his cool, on message and had a lot of humor. i would say advantage trump. that's my view. and then i'll say advantage liz macdonald. liz: that was creative, larry.
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