tv Kudlow FOX Business July 31, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm lar ry kudlow. don donald trump wo -- went into t the lion's den and came out a big winner, that is the subject of the riff, he sat down in front of national association of black journalists in chicago, kamala harris was invited but she was a no show. no doubt, mr. trump has gotten his swag back. of the questions abc reporter rachel scott. they started 35 minutes late because their audio equipment failed. after that he thought kamala harris would be there and she was not, then called to false advertising. >> i love the black population of this country. i have done so much for the
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black population. including. employment and opportunities jones, i was invited here, i was told my opponent whether it was biden or kamala harris, i was told my opponent would be here. it turned out my opponent is not here, you invit invited me under false pretends. >> you start in a hostile manner there is a disgrace. larry: mr. trump has his swag back. thank heavens harris faulkner was there to put santee sanity in questions. time and again, no matter the question, he came back to two key points. the biden-harris open border, and biden-harris inflation. in particular, he referenced that black workers and also
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hispanic and union workers were the most hurt by the flooded illegal immigrants overseen bee border czar kamala harris. time and time again, he referenced damages of inflation. which i call kamalaflation. she was deciding vote in two big spending bills in march of 2021 and august 2022, all that triggered the 9% inflation rate. trump talked about ravaging of inflation and illegal ill break, taking away minority and union jobs. and reducing rewages, he asked what his first policy actions would be, replied highhe would close the border and restore drill, baby, drill. >> what do you do on day one if you win. >> two things, i can do a lot of things simultaneously, close the border and i would drill, baby, drill, bring energy
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way down. and bring interests down. bridge inflation way down. team can buy bacon again and buy a ham sandwich again. larry: i love that. in face of attack dog questions by two of three panelists, mr. trump kept his cool. answered with humor, and stayed on message. border and inflation. over and over. a very effective presentation. i'll bet that this command performance will stop any of so-called kamala momentum, that is most public mr. trump has been so far as rebutting kamala and her pals in liberal media. oddly in atlanta, georgia, yesterday, i think in a really, kamala harris decided to take on trump regarding open border? really? she is saying he stopped a bipartisan bill, that bill would have permitted at least 1.5 million illegals
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per year on top of 10 mill already let in my kamala harris, in in mr. trump's last 3 year as president illegal immigration was under a million a year, advantage trump on; that also kamala harris flip-flops on her fracking ban. you know, what biden-harris war against fossil fuels, and over regulations to stop leasing and drilling and lng exports is tantamount to a frack, including pallone goal of carbon free electric grid and jac jamming vehicle vehicles. speaking in front of black journalist convention was a big win for mr. trump, cam , kamala harris was not there, i bet she was
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watch. i bet she was watching, advantage trump. joining us now to talk about this florida congressman byron donalds, welcome back to the show. did you see any part of this discuss? >> i saw most of it then i had to get a clip of the top. at the end of the day your riff is right. a hostile environment, a lot of black journalists lean democrat very left, but donald trump was there to answer the questions about the things that matter to black america that m matter to all of america that securing border, inflation and energy policy and so much more that is a major step forward for president trump and really for the country. he is not afraid of going to any venue at any time anywhere. larry: not all of the questions, our harris faulkner was there to put
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some sanity into it, he was attacked by a couple of the panelists, he held his cool and had a since of humor. >> he did come i think at the beginning, coming out talking about past statements, i hope that kamala is doing the same thing by skype or zoom, my hope is they come out with a tough question about her past statements. all things she stood against, you know rational things like private health care. like wanting to ban fracking, things of that nature, hopefully they go at her with those. at the end of the day, president trump took the incoming fire from the press, it happens, if you are in this business you taken coming fire from press, held firm, but his message was about our country, our economy, our borders and what that means in lives of all americans. >> let's play sound from this. mr. trump on migrants taking
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jobs. >> so she was a border czar, she has done a horrible job, the people are coming into the country and taking black jobs, and hispanic jobs and they are taking union jobs too. larry: i think that is a very fair assessment that is what many, many economists are saying about this situation. they take jobs and or byron keeping real wages, much lower than they should be. >> that is correct point. because when you bring in so much low skilled worker, who that hurts are people who are at bottom end ofure economic ladder, that is black workers, hispanic workers and white workers, people who are driving trucks, working hospitality, working in restaurants, they doe all they can to make i thinks meet and kamala harris is allowed tens of million to enter illegally, they have documents from our government to work, and now they take those jobs.
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that is a credible statement to make, at the end of the day american people have to decide for themselves, are you going to fall prey to the emotions that democrats will pry trito bring into the election or, are you choosing president trump, who will put the american people first, who'll get our border secured and economy on-line, and by the way, i'll add get us out of the conflicts across the globe, they matter to the future of our nation. larry: one more for you. sound on inflation. >> the inflation is destroying our middle class, our working class, and if you just take a look at a lot of things like ib uni-- interest rates, you can't buy houses, people no longer have american dream, young people, don't have the american dream. larry: this is the affordability crisis, that
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we have talked a lot about. including losing hope for american dream of buying your own home, i thought that trump laid it out well, what did you think? >> no did a great job. it is true, young people in our country are struggling, black young people, white young people, his ha hispanic young people, they are struggling with the affordability crisis, people need to know the reason we have massive inflation pause because kamala harris of tie breaking hot. she voted for this massive inflation when joe biden and kamala harris decided they wanted to spend trillions more in an economy that was ready to come back to life after covid. that started the massive inflation, which is destroyed purchasing power of so many young people in the country, and families in the country. donald trump is 100% correct on that. >> i think as last thought,
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to some extent what mr. trump did and said today again he is -- he is unafraid of any verbal compact. this is a precursor to the debate. you know you had a boomlet for kamala harris from liliberal media, she has not been responded to this is most public response mr. trump made, i think -- i don't know when you think, i think i see a debating strategy coming back to the key points on the border, on the economy. and inflation emplo. am i wrong about this? >> i think you are right. there will be more put on to the bones of what you talking about right now. i have been watching kamala harris give her speeches in last week. she is not talking about policy, she is note not
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talking about the issues that american people are actually facing. she is trying to present herself as if she is second coming of barack obama. that just because she so stage it will be all right. but we went through obama presidency, they were not all right. donald trump fixed our country, got it back on track. now we're in the biden harris administration and this country has been broken again. so, this is -- i think the way that this campaign will belayed out going forward, america you have a choice, between kamala harris who never voted for or supported one idea that will fix this country for american people versus donald trump where the entire agenda is on putting the american people first. the choice is clear, donald trump needs to be the next president of the united stated. larry: byron donalds thank you for that run down, we appreciate it. >> coming up we'll talk with steve forbes and judy shelton, today is fed day, i don't know i guess they are
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cutting in september or some such thing? only a quarter of a point. we'll have judy sheldon and steve forbes, you can catch kudlow monday through friday 4 p.m. every day on fabulous fox business. if for some chance you can't catch us then, text your favorite 9-year-old, and she will show you how to dvr the show, and you will never miss a presidential debate or discussion. i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. switch to a king suite. or book a silent retreat. silent retreat! oh! hold up! earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention.
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larry: stock market is up today. gerri willis with more. reporter: we saw big stock gains after the fed kept rates unchanged. j. powell said we'll have a september rate cut or hinted. the dow up 99 after soaring 450. s&p you of 85 and nazdaq up 450, a 2.6% gain. powell saying that inflation has eased pyro pyro-- but remains somewhat
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elevated. chip stocks rallied and also meta was soaring coming ahead of earning that beat top and bottom line expectations. stocks up about 7% from what i've seen. that is not facebook, so amazon up ahead of earnings tomorrow as is apple, and reinforcing powell's view, private sector job gain slowed for a fourth straight month in july labor costs rose less than expected. treasury yield falling on news. 10-year yield 4.08%, 5 year falling below 4%. for first time in months. back to you. larry: all right got it gerri willis thank you. >> joining us steve forbes, forbes media chairman, editor in chief and judy shelton. author of good as gold.
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judy if you want to stem stimulate a better economy why not cut rates and deregulate business. this is not a good policy approach from the fed,y would say how about supply side revolution. lower tax rates, deregulate business. now that would take the economy to 4% plus. >> those would be really improvements. larry: you are with me. >> we're talking about productive economic. larry: now we're talking. >> now we're talking. larry: getting heated up. the other stuff is gibberish i'm sorry. >> it is a shame wire fixated on what a committee of 12 voting members, 8 times a year they meet is deemed to be in charge of the economy. the economy is a productive output of creative
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individuals, who respond well to lower taxes, less regulations, and smart term policy, savvy trade policy all we're misses is stable money, when the fed ratchets up and down that produces the opposite and leaves everyone uncertain. >> steve forbes, i don't care if that i want to drop fed funds rate, i don't care. i would like to see relatively stable interest rates and improvement in fiscal policy, which has been lacking. i say this, not only to knock the fed, but i want to knock the fed they do not control the economy as judy shelton just said, what produces growth, not quarter points? >> no, fed funds rate does not matter any more, big thing is the fed paying on bank reserves, which is a billions and tens of billions a year now 5.4%, it should behalf that if you
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have a real market in interest rate like rent control who gave fed authority to have rent control over what people pay to rent money. just not right. so, the fed should not be in the business of trying to regulate that activity of the economy. it may stimulate it too much. i'm saying a bad word, but i don't, the fact is, fed should leave the economy alone, if they want full employment its role to have a stable d dollar, and let government tax cuts and deregulate, and american economy would pos per -- prosper and the world would imitate us. larry: that is important point. fascinating. by the way if you had 4% growth, federal reserve would tighten interest rates and stop making -- this is coming around full circle. that is how much they don't understand a modern economy or any economy, they don't.
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all this little minuscule interest rates stuff, they probably try to stop 4%. larry: and ask a simple question. if people started to get raises, are they sweet at night because -- sweat at night because they are overheating. larry: we don't want real beiges to go up. >> the whole idea that economy is over heating, do people sweat when they get more prosperous, i don't think so. larry: fed people say 10 or 11 illegal immigrants is a good thing because is brought down wages for inch everyone, that held down inflation. >> the perverse incentives are all over the place from monetary policy, and i steve made excellent point, you have fed raising interest rates by paying banks not to make loans, like paying people to not work. fiscal irk equivalent,
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like paying farmers to not grow crops this is a perverse incentive, if we kept waiting to when are what next fedspeaker would say, imagine if wily market forces determine the cost of capital. larry: right. >> you thought central planning was better. larry: i want to make sure. i got kamala harris on fracking. talk about this then corporate taxes. here is sound on kamala harris. on fracking ban. september 4 of 2019. >> there is no question i'm in favor of banning fracking, so, yeah. and starting with what we can do on day one around public lands, right? larry: okay, now sp
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steve forbes, her spokesperson said he is no longer believes, that fine. the biden-harris policy toward energy has been a ban on fracking, they did all they could, over regulating it, they are stopping drilling and stopping leasing, and stopping lng, they want to buy electric vehicles, and that no one in particular wants, now. my question here is if you are a businessman, you are a businessman, and you heard -- or woman. >> a business woman, woops. >> you heard higher corporate taxes could be on the way, kamala harris is in favor of higher corporate taxes, what would you do? okay? what would you do? is there uncertainty tax. >> you bet there is, you make an investment not just for 4 months or 5 months or whatever, it is for 4 years, 5 years.
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you will pay attention to tax rates and not just tax rates, also whole slough of regulations. avalanche of regulations that are coming along that raise cost of doing account. take what they want to do on ren control, they want national rent control on apartments, if you are an apartment owner will you invest if you believe that politicians are taking your money or make it not profit in, it hurts that economy. that is why i can't get over these people who portray themselves as tribunes of the people hurt those with the least, everyone. larry: judy shelton, i don't know, question, we had to sweat it out until the election. i think that election, my last money is election more important than the quarter point fed funds rate. >> infinitely more. it is direction of future of country, will we be a country that rewards
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productive activity and en encourages individual creativity and supports small business by giving them a stable certain outlook to trust where the money is dependable and recessi-- regulatory burd e burden has them in mind, that is what we want to encourage. and support. and otherwise we're talking about redistribution and a government knows best mentality. larry: you know what is cool, kamala harris supported a bernie sanders medicare for all, single payer, a price tag there of 32 trillion. okay? that is nothing that piker stuff, janet yel yellen said 3 trillion a year, 78 trillion to stop carbon by 2050, 32 trillion is a bargain for nationalizing health care. this is janet yellen, a
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former fed chair person, who is supposinged to be no -- i have to get out, i want to put that? in. >> no one is accusing kamala of being margaret thatcher, she would have said you can be genius spending other people known. >> a hundred trillion dollars right there. >> then not just 110 trillion but a depressed economy, you know, no activity, high unemployment. >> are tough on them, tough on them. for hef h heaven's sake, steve forbes and judy shelton. iz t. >> we talk with aaron cohen on kudlow.
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thanks to avalara, we can calculate sales tax automatically. avalarahhhhhh what if tax rates change? ahhhhhh filing sales tax returns? ahhhhhh business license guidance? ahhhhhh -cross-border sales? -ahhhhhh -item classification? -ahhhhhh does it connect with acc...? ahhhhhh ahhhhhh ahhhhhh larry: for latest in israel terror wars to fox news trey
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targeted a senior hezbollah commacommander in response to a rocket strike killing 12 druze children. showing that israel is willing to strike in hezbollah strong hold of southern b beirut. they are preparing for possibility any day of iranian retaliation, and part of reason you have seep on going communication between israelis and americans understanding we're one miscalculation away from this unraveling to a broader regional war. larry: all right trey thank you for that. be safe. joining me now aaron cohen, israeli special ops veteran, i am impressed, israel took out one commander in beirut and the other in tehran. it like.
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trump used to say, with respect to i believe the taliban mullahs in afghanistan, he would say, i got your telephone number and i know your home address. these terrorists commanders are not safe and israeli intelligence forces are brilliant aaron cohen. [ speaking in spanish ] . spanish wherever you are not looking, we're standing, we had two homers in 24 hours. just so you know. fouad shukur was p partner of the master mind architect behind bombing in '83, that killed over 100 marines. larry: 240 marines, american marines. >> that is right. larry: i - was in reagan white house when that happened. >> that is right that
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assassination that we carried out signals regardless of whether kamala harris or kamala like we say, wants to admit it or not signals to united states that israel has u.s. security interest, always has and always will, we'll continue to take down targets then, the architect, in 2008, his car made funny noises in syria then he disappeared like his partner fouad shukur yesterday. to our friend ismail haniyeh we have been talking about him for 10 months now, it was time, israel carried out its operational objectives with three primary objectives since october 7, one dismantling of manpower of hamas. we killed thousands, i would say 10, 20 thousand more
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terrorists in last 9 months. and we have systematically dismantled the tunnels. we promised we would go after the leadership of hamas, we have systematically. we made it count in iran, you said at the intro, the leaders are not safe, that puts iran in a shaky state. that was not an airstrike that was up close personal hit, i would say it involved a muse ad team, and they didn't have a lot of time to put it program, do you remember how long it took to get bin laden. israel is very good at this you will see more like i have been saying stand by.. larry: i was to say this is important, like, when trump took out soleimani for example, the idea here this
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is u.s. intelligence, but israeli intelligence now, the idea was in all seriousness we know your phone number and we know the address of your home, you are not safe on this planet. if you pull stuff. where i want to go with you, iran predirk predict absaying pla blah we'll take revenge, and handwringers in dc are saying oh, my gosh this could escalate. i believe iranians respect strength and toughness, and they may not be so quick on the trigger, they may hold back, the mullahs could, next for all we know. >> again, you said it only language middle east knows, taken a minute for israel to
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step it up. they want to be careful and really get that actionable intelligence that we know we need to carry out selective strikes in beirut and iran. very selective but the strength is key word. now israel is speaking the strength, i dodge i do think it will pull iran back, i don't think that iran wants to get into a full-blown anything with israel, if they did they would have counter struck iran following the missile attack a couple mops ago. but i -- morning month -- a couple of months ago, i think we're edging closer to a deal, the riengreasons is are you sure you want to go further with this, that is what arabs and middle east and radical islamists understand. >> i think you right, i think one reason is for that
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iranian mullah leaders whoever they are, they don't know if they will wake up tomorrow morning. they don't know. >> only thing scarier than getting killed at hands of israel, is the fear of getting killed by israel. larry: thank you, aaron cohen you are the best of the best, we'll t secret service another time. >> all right. >> turning back to this trump triumph. at the black journalist convention. i think is a game changer. joining us now mark simone, worradio host, joe concha fox news contributor and author of new book, progressively worse. why today's democrats ain't your daddy's donkeys. >> we're so past moby dick. larry: mark simone you saw chicago convention what do you think about trump's
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performance. >> brilliant it was significant, 2016, real got kicked off by the same moment ma ma megan kelly asked him the worst question, he just leveled her, the same thing today. all things you said about black women or whatever. specialty just leveled her. larry: to we have that sound? that sound from the beginning with that ac abc lady who was rude to trump. quick, quick. we'll pull it up. right, go ahead. >> first debate ever in world, he was never in a debate, handled it. she had have realized this is same attack he knows how to respond. >> to refresh. >> i love the black population, of this country, i have done so much for the black population of this country. including employment and
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including opportunities, i was here, i was told my opponent whether it was biden or kamala harris, i was told my opponent would be here. it turned out my opponent is not here, you invited me under false pretends. >> you start answer and question period, you are 35 minutes late, you could not get your equipment to work in a hostile manner, it is a disgrace. larry: a good point, he refused to put on defensive, i was interested in watching, his demeanor, he kept his cool. he had a since of -- sense of humor, i don't think they were expecting that i think and i ask this question of byron donalds. this is a precursor har harbinger of the debate, kamala, i bet she watched this, i will work on that. she watched it, he will come at her on the issues, he has
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not losing his cool. he will probably continue his sense of humor and substantively he is winning on those key issues this is the precursor to debate coming up. >> strength versus weakness, as far as that big theme, it was with trump and biden and it is with trump and kamala harris, he showed up and she would not because she has not taken one question from anyone resembling a journalist, 10 days ago she clinched democratic nominee not one question, hey, you wanted to ban fracking, now you don't why, or or you wanted to ban fall fossil fuels and support sanctuary stays and abolish i.c.e., i could go down the line in terms of things she supports like ending private health care and giving fry health care to illegals, she bowl would have to answer. larry: harris faulkner put
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sanity into it today. >> policy-based questions. larry: kamala harris does not -- she won't go before the press even a favorable press or a fawning press. what is up with that. >> she has momentum, at the worst moment, you don't want it in july, you want it in october, she is a tech stocks in 2000, up 30 first week and just in a fizzle. larry: but, what is next. for example, she trying to find a vice president, but all potential vice presidents, pulling out of race, now we've never seen it before, i think trump mentioned that today, you have seen anyone, say i will not take position your vice president, one from north carolina said it, wit mirror whitmer, and cooper and others, what is up with that? she kind find a vice president. >> they know it is a losing
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ticket, they don't am will be like hillary vp choice. larry: tim kaine, senator tim kaine. >> that was the end of his career, no one wants to be her tim kaine. larry: message. open border, high inflation, open border high inflation, harris faulkner, what would you do first, close border drill, baby, drill, he is on message he would not waive ir. waiver. >> and audience were primarily black voters in urban areas who see 10 million people come into country illegally and in like new york, we have seen this sanitation, education, police are all cut, social services because the money is going to taking care of those here illegally instead, he hammered that and talked about anonymous -- a tax on everyone, does not matter what race you are he landed some punches there and everyone is concentrated on fluff and sizzle, but in
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the end donald trump went 2 into the lion's den. >> is harris faulkner able to ask question or will they choose the journalists that into the questions. >> joe concha and mark simone thank you. >> up next, voters rejecting kamala harris open border policies, big time. and drill, baby, drill, no wait. fracking ban, no, wait. i have to figure out what her position it maybe senator katie britt will help us, she will be here, weighing in next on kudlow. meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z?
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year in office 400 thousand came across border illegally and friend 19, 850, even -- his so far below what happened with biden-harris, and so far below this phony compromise bill. i don't think she has leg to stand on, what do you think about that? >> absolutely not, if kamala harris wants to talk about the border, i have to say bring it on, she was put in charge of border and failed at every turn, when she wants to reference so-called bipartisan bill, she in anyway part of that? the answer is, no. she was given a responsibility, instead of digging in and figuring out how to fix it for american people, she walked away, and as she did he had over 10 million people come here illegally, un un-- under her watch and 1.9 to 2 million known got aways come
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in, we have no idea who they are or their intentions, we know terrorists, have been coming over the border, we had more people on terrorist watch list caught at border under her watch. we're seeing the affects of fentanyl all across our nation. knowing it leading cause of eesof death between ages of 18 and 45, that is her, you talk 'so-called border bill that, kamala harris actually had nothing to do with, because she doesn't know how to show leadership. they failed to actually put presidential parole on the table. let's talk about that. if you look under president obama, and obama and trump, they paroled under this presidential parole 30 about 5600 people a year, if you look at joe biden, he has paroled on average over 1 million people a year. in to this nation. under that -- they would not bring that to the table,
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we'll note co -- codify 5,000 a day. obama hochul hockey homeland security sert said a thousand people a day come across our border is a crisis. this is on kamala harris she needs to answer for it. larry: a bad issue, a last one, i got a few 6s, they put out biden-harris administration e-mailing voters about student debt, telling them their student debt is canceled. despite what the supreme court has said, what do you make of this. >> this is lies, the liberal media will not h hold them accountable, supreme court told joe biden he does not have that authority, yet he continues to skirt it, he is pushing that forward, that takes hard working americans who either paid their way to school through school or chose to go to workforce that saddles them
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with somebody else's debt that is unfair. larry: vote buying, senator katie britt thank you, ma'am, we appreciate itgl we'll be back withes my last word. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
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so tell me about your heart attack. our heart attack was... scary! never want to go through that again. but we could. with heart disease, you never know. so we made changes. green juice. yeah, not a fan. diet, exercise... statins helped. but our ldl-c (bad cholesterol)-it was stuck! stuck! just couldn't lower it enough. and high ldl-c meant a real risk of another attack. so i said, "let's ask our doctor about repatha." what can i say? listen to your heart. lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions.
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signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won't let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. (limestone exploding)
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