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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 6, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ ♪ stuart: hold on, by wilson phillips. not sure of the meaning of that one, hold on to your stock. i'll have to talk to the producers later to see what they had in mind here but good morning, everyone. it is 10:00 eastern and it is tuesday, august 6. to the money, please. that's a very modest rebound from yesterday's big losses, but the dow is up 200, s&p up 40 and the nasdaq is up 65. let's have a look at big tech. again this is a very modest rebound after yesterday's losses, in fact some of them are not rebounding. meta and microsoft up but amazon, alphabet, apple down. the 10 year treasury yield is moving up again. now you're looking at 383. the price of oil, not moving that much given this trouble in the mid-east, $73 a barrel. bitcoin, no real recovery there. you're still at 55,000 bucks her-coin, and now this.
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there are dark clouds out there. they're adding up. it is unsettling. last night, a base housing us soldiers was attacked in western iraq. it was a rocket attack by an iran-backed group, multiple injuries. hezbollah fired rockets into northern israel, more injuries. the us aircraft carrier group has moved on-station. israel and iran testing each other, war appears close. in a tweet, the president just says, they are discussing steps to defend our forces, but you know, you don't see the president, and you wonder who really is in charge. it is unsettling. the stock market has taken a nasty turn. modest come back today but the so-called fear index is running hot. when your investments shrink, it is unsettling. especially if you're retired living off your depleted pension plan. wall street is worried about a recession that's unsettling. your challenged financially already. the last thing you want is a recession. shouldn't we hear from the vice
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president? she's consumed with choosing a runningmate but that's complicated by the events of the day. she did not choose pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. if she had chosen him she would have angered the sizable pro-hamas wing of the party. shapiro is jewish and a supporter of israel. in stepped the ap reports she chose minnesota governor tim wal dis: she's throwing it in with far left economics which is exactly what she's trying to getaway from. harris has not held a press conference in more than two weeks. biden rarely appears in public. silence in time of crisis is not helpful. it's unsettling. whose running the country? whose running the campaign? second hour of "varney" just getting started. and now, the breaking political news of the morning. ap reports that harris has chosen minnesota governor
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tim walz her runningmate. listen to this. nancy pelosi is thrilled. >> tim walz i know very well. he served in the house. to characterize him as left is so unreal. it's right down the middle. he's a heartland of america democrat. he brings the credentials and he will do well in america. it's mystifying to me to see someone that i worked with shall we say right down the middle characterized on the left in this regard. stuart: now, jason chaffetz, i'm sorry i'm laughing here, but right down the middle? what do you say to that? >> i have to giggle, because i served in congress with tim walz and nancy pelosi and to suggest that tim walz is the middle of america, are you kidding me? the guy is radical left and what i see from harris is she's playing defense. she's not playing offense. if harris wasn't progressive, and liberal enough, she went and
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got somebody who is by far the most progressive radical leftist governor in the country. stuart: but she's trying to getaway from this leftist -- >> no she's not. this is my argument that she's actually going further to the left. she's trying to protect the left flank. stuart: does she believe she can win on the far left? >> maybe they are going to win minnesota and i'm sure they will win california with their -- but for the rest of america, he's the wrong candidate for the wrong time. we're dealing with safety and security of this country. we're trying to deal with the economics. that's not tim walz's resume. that's not what he's done. that's not what happened when they had the riots. they paired up. the last time we saw kamala harris and tim waltz it was the riots, and he was out there, letting the riots continue and she was out there raising money to get those rioters arrested back out on the streets is the last time they were
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together. stuart: how is the democrat party going to cover this up? how are they going to project her as a completely middle of the road, right down the middle candidate and vice president? >> i think they create this fas aid an the media will let them getaway with it. how can you be a major presidential candidate and not have a single press conference or a serious interview for weeks? and so it's going to be a made for television, let's get steven spielberg there and we'll dress this all up and hope we can get through it, because if you expose them, and they actually have to answer questions, tim walz was just at the white house, walked out of that meeting and said joe biden is just fine. everything is good. i mean, good job, tim. you did a great job telling america how you saw it. you know? lauren: and they had a natural chemistry then, harris and walz. stuart: maybe i'll make one guarantee. when they go on their six or seven-state tour, the two of them together, kamala harris will never ever be separated from a teleprompter. case closed. >> there's no way.
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she's incapable of doing it. she's not driven by principles. she's not. stuart: thanks for being with us this morning, jason. >> nothing going on this week so i'm honored you have me on. stuart: nothing going on my goodness me. thanks, good stuff. lauren how are the republicans reacting to harris' reported pick? lauren: governor ron desantis of florida, harris/walz most left wing ticket in american history, harris egged it on and walz sat by and let minneapolis burn. vivek ramaswamy, this is my favorite. walz is a massive gift to republicans. the media keeps trying to hand kamala harris the race on a silver platter but apparently she refused to accept it. the house majority whip tom emmer, it's not surprising she pick walz to be her runningmate. she embodies the same disastrous, economic, open borders and soft on crime policies. harris has inflicted on our country the last four years.
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walz is an empty suit who has worked to turn minnesota into harris' home state of california and solidifies this ticket's full embrace of radical, america-last agenda. one more, nikki haley, democrats are doubling down on the progressive movement, a win for open borders for socialism and iran and the trump campaign just responded and they said it's no surprise that san francisco liberal kamala harris wants west coast tim walz as her runningmate. he won't tell voters the truth. we will. just like kamala, tim is a dangerously liberal extremist. i think this makes it a lot easier for trump and vance to campaign against them. stuart: so it would seem with their responses right there. let's bring in scott shellady this morning. what do you think of walz as the vice presidential pick, scott? >> well our team here just did a quick little background summary on the guy. look, stuart he's not a serious candidate.
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he signed into law putting feminine hygiene products into little boys bathrooms in junior high school. i mean, right there, that should tell you what the guy stands for. everybody else has already mentioned what he did during the riots of 2020. i'm shocked. i guess the way i looked at it is this. it really showed you how much the democratic party does not like israel or jewish people. i mean, that was a real big sun to shapiro and to sun shapiro for this guy it tells you what they think about israel and the jewish people. i think that really is what i took away from it. stuart: it's an interesting point. now you've been warning about the state of the economy for some time. you come on the show weekly. you always said look, we're in trouble here. now, it's obvious we're in trouble. you feel vindicated? now mainstream, almost? >> you know what, stuart? i'll summit up like this in 20 seconds. i actually got a call
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this morning. i don't actually normally answer my phone if i don't know who it is but it was a minnesota number and i thought what's going on, so i did. it was an older woman and she says hi. she said her name and she says i don't like you. i said okay. she says but i watch your show everyday and you said some things over the last three months especially three weeks ago that i changed my money, i moved my money in my retirement around and you saved me a lot of money, so maybe i don't dislike you as much. stuart: [laughter] >> [laughter] stuart: that's very good. you are indeed vindicated. that's a wonderful thing. scott, i'm afraid we're out of time but we'll see you again real soon. thanks for being with us. >> all right stuart: let's get back to big tech attempting a bounce back, after yesterday's selling, but taylor riggs, it's not going that well is it? taylor: it's not so look you have companies like nvidia that have been down some% in the last
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three days. it's going to take more than a wash out we saw in the last three days to get people to come back and feel vindicated in this market. i'm one of two minds now, stu. on one hand earnings have been look. look at palantir. companies are saying a.i. is here and here to stay and you do have that weakening economic data in the labor market so we sort of just need to digest what the data is saying if you're comfortable you can put that money back to work. stuart: there's lots of talk about an emergency rate cut. i don't know whether ones coming or not but if it did come you think it would set panic in the market? >> i do. i feel like emergency rate cuts come after times of like 9/11, the covid pandemic, big sort of big macer" moving events. i don't think a yesterday 1,000 point drop in the dow is systemic to the economy. yes, it's painful if you're in the market, but the fed doesn't care about the equity market. they care about the economy and price stability, so they need to say the systemic issues within the economy, not the market and i think we've gotten to
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this point where we're so dependent on the fed to bail us out every time there's a 2% drop in the market, some of this is good. this is a healthy correction that frankly should be happening every 18 months. stuart: the fed is not the stock market regulator. all right, taylor stay there please, with us for the hour. lauren is looking at the movers how about crowdstrike? lauren: they have an upgrade to buy at piper sandler. piper says look, the scale of the power outage that they caused, it's unprecedented, but they also say that the ramifications of that event will be short-lived. stocks up 2.5%. stuart: what have you got on dell? lauren: a report they are cutting jobs but also reorganizing their sales team to form a new group and that new group is focused on artificial intelligence. you put a.i. in that job cut story and you still don't get a bounce for the stock it's down 2.6%. stuart: i happen to know that lumen it makes the networking gear for a.i. am i right? lauren: and they secured $5 billion worth of a.i. deals
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from tech companies in the quarter. yes, taylor told me about this stock. she's like you've gotta look at lumen up 54% and one of those deals includes that with microsoft. stuart: glad to hear it. thanks lauren. right now, tropical storm debbie is drenching the southeast with historic rainfall, devastating flooding and threatening to spaun tornadoes? we'll have a report from the torn's path. the bid en harris administration accused of releasing 100 migrants on the terror watch list into america. is there any way of tracking these folks? morgan ortegas answers the question. several american groups injured after a rocket attack on a us military base in iraq. so far, silence from the kamala harris and the biden administration. the report from washington is next. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking...
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stuart: i would say that this rebound, and it is a rebound, i think it's picking up some steam. granted the dow is down 1,000 yesterday, but it is back up 370 this morning. gaining a little steam that's the rebound this morning. several american troops injured in a rocket attack at the air bass in iraq. hezbollah fires rockets into northern israel. more casualties and american aircraft carrier group on station, morgan ortegas joining us this morning. morgan, this is nominated in us. kind of can a war be avoided? >> no, and that is already here, stu. i mean, it's interesting to me that the president said just less than two weeks ago that american troops were not engaged in war around the world under his presidency. that's just not accurate and i keep hearing everyone fret about
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this war. i'm trying to raise the alarm and say listen that is here. we already had three service members killed in jordan by i drone and they are constantly going after us embassy facilities and military bases as we saw last night. listen we have the huthis 1,500 miles away from tel aviv, got dangerously close to hitting the us embassy branch office in tel aviv, 1,500 miles away so whether this is proxies in iraq, which targeted our base, whether it's the huthis, hezbollah, hamas who of course killed americans on october 7 of last year, we have been engaged. the us navy has seen more action in the middle east than they have seen since world war ii. we are at war. the president just hasn't declared it. stuart: but at the moment we're playing defense. do you think it be good to start playing offense, to go after the huthis wherever they are
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and just take offense. should we do that? >> yes, sir, in fact, in december of 2019 in the trump administration, we were dealing with the same thing, very close i think it was december 31, very close to new years day. the militias that targeted our guys yesterday at our base at al-asad, they were targeting troops then. we made it very clear through secretary of state mike pompeo that any attack by iran proxies on american embassy facility, on our military base we would hold iran directly responsible. we said that right before new years day going into 2020 and within a week, within 10 days we had taken out soulemani, so we told the iranians, if you keep doing this we will hold you personally responsible and that is of course whenever we directly took out soulemani so yes we're on defense. the administration has to do something to restore deterrence in the middle east which they
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have unfortunately lost completely. stuart: morgan, we've got a new report between 2021 and 2,023, the administration released into america nearly 100 migrants who were on the terror watch list. is it possible there are i rainn run terror cells already here? >> yes it's absolutely possible and we know this from a few things. first of all we have over 2 million gotaways. we don't know how many people from isis-affiliated networks or iranian networks or chinese networks, we have over 33,000 chinese who have entered through the southern border, so in those 2 million plus gotaways we don't know what terrorists are in there so the hundred number that you cited is just the terrorists stupid enough to get caught by our border patrol so there's a lot of unknowns. what we do know is that iran and i've been saying this for years, people finally paid attention after the assassination attempt on former president trump, but as i've said for years on your
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program, we know from public reporting the us government has been open about this , that the iranian regime is actively planning to kill president trump, secretary of state mike pompeo, brian hook, robert o'brien the former national security advisors and others, in the united states. they have made attempts on us soil, so it be impossible for there to be no iranian proxies yet they still are actively working on attempts to kill these former trump officials and biden officials too by the way. they were also going after general millie. stuart: a showdown with iran looks to be inevitable but probably not take place in the bid en-harris administration. have i got that right? >> i think you've got that right and no matter who wins in november, you are faced unfortunately, i think, my best judgment from the public estimates that i'm reading, is that we will be faced with a nuclear capable iran in the next administration. president trump said that iran would never obtain a nuclear
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weapon on his watch. vice president kamala harris doesn't answer questions, so we'll have to see if someone actually answers what our iran policy be. stuart: morgan ortegas thank you very much for being with us. thank you. we're going to take a look at energy stocks this morning is that right? look on the screen, are you doing this? energy stocks are up. you do it. lauren: energy stocks are up, stu and for me what's interesting when you think about energy and the impact of oil which we will get to it is all about is this a classic risk on trade? is this a trump energy trade or is this no more worries about a demand side or a supply issue from some of the mid east tensions so certainly today you could say this feels risk on and also maybe cooling of some of the recession fears we had yesterday. stuart: i'm surprised to see oil in the low $70-barrel range. taylor: so interesting oil is always supply and demand. demand is that classic recession fear. yesterday we had early in the morning hence more
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the demand side of things was driving the price of oil much more than the supply side. maybe today you're thinking about if recession fears are taking a back seat, is this supply side? we know that disruption in the middle east and any sort of fears intention does raise up the price of oil as we're thinking is there a supply disruption, and then maybe also, classic risk-on trade if people are feeling like the mood of yesterday is over a little bit, more confident going into some of these risk-on assets. stuart: all right let's, thanks very much. take a look at the ev's that looks like a turnaround. lauren: i'd say so with the exception of tesla, had their strongest start to a quarter ever in china, but yeah, tesla is down 1%. lucid got a $1.5 billion cash injection by a saudi arabia investor that's good news. they are still down despite that news 28% on the year. these have up arrows today but ford is down 20% this year, tesla is down 20% this year,
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general motors is up 11% on the year, but that's like the only one that's higher this year. stuart: and ford motor company paying 6% dividend. $9 a share. check the overall market please we have the dow up 368, the nasdaq up 147. the recovery is picking up a little steam. show me the dow winners, please. there are quite a few. caterpillar, down, american express, disney and nike. s&p winners please that list headed by there you have it, ken view, royal caribbean, uber technologies, i've got a thin slice of that, they reported this morning, baxter international, molson coors beverage. nasdaq winners whose top of that list? it is idex lab, dexcom, csx and old dominion freight line. now this , donald trump wants to win over genz. he's hanging out with influencers and making big promises. >> we're going to save tiktok,
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so all the people for tiktok vote for trump. stuart: will trump's big gen z push pay off and get the youth vote? jimmy failla on that. the markets are trying to turnaround after wall street's worst day in nearly two years. we'll update you on the rebound after this. ♪ were you worried the wedding would be too much? nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? why can't they use my backyard!! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry.
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stuart: the recovery picking up a little steam here, the dow is now up 400 but remember, it was down 1,000 yesterday. the nasdaq is up 155, friday it was down a lot more than that. something of a comeback. taylor riggs still with us looking at the movers, why don't you go through the list starting with nvidia. taylor: nvidia, yeah, so 14% in the last three days, there are you'll or s over the weekend that a.i. chip was delayed but we're getting a bounce back today because we heard similar companies from palantir. lauren correctly pointed out that palantir is coming out and a.i. is very much in demand.
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they are saying it is unrelenting and it goes beyond academic. a.i. is here to stay and nvidia is reminding us of that story. also quickly, wanted to look at lucid. forget about earnings. no one cares this is a sale story, and guess what? they reiterated guidance they want to produce about 9,000 cars this year. a big influx from saudi arabia will keep them in the green in terms of cash through the next year, so pretty good here. the stock up 2%. and this is also an interesting one and last time it looked severely to the downside, still down 23% swinging to a loss. subscribers are down 9% to just 4.4 million and the stock is down 75% this year alone all because of lower revenue from a.i. why would i spend doing all line learning education when i can just type into maya i chatbot and get all of the data i need so this is a company trying to figure out how they participate in an a.i. world. stuart: fast-moving world. tough to keep up.
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thanks, taylor. another check of the market, please. what we're looking for is the rebound. how big is it and how powerful. now we're up 300 on the dow. 100 on the nasdaq. look whose here. he's back. jacob joins me. you don't see a major recession on the horizon if i'm not mistaking. i read your stuff so what stocks are you buying? >> one i really like is amazon. amazon is down about 20% from its peak and it got crushed on two counts. first it came into earnings red hot an the earnings were fine, there was tons of growth across businesses. all these businesses and the stock just couldn't gain more and then it got caught up in the broader market and it still bled lower so amazon is way down trading less than 30 times earnings and growing earnings way faster than the s&p 500, and at some price here you'll want to own amazon for the long-term. stuart: amazon is one of the few tech stocks i've never owned in all my 50 years of investing i never owned amazon. maybe i should, jacob.
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>> i think you should. stuart: thank you very much i'll take your queue but my question be why should anybody invest in big tech? at this moments when our government is attacking big tech big time. >> first of all when you look at alphabet, the judge said it was alphabet that you're zeroing in on. there's nothing right now in terms of amazon or microsoft. just for the moment number one. number two, the whole thing it's more bark than bite thing? that has been true for a long time and i understand you might be playing with fire if you continue to think that, but until there is some bite and it's not just bark you're going to get earnings growth and just watch these stocks continue to go higher and be in a bull market and you can't sit on your hands and cash. stuart: i remember the government attacking microsoft 20-odd years ago and they broke microsoft. they were down doing nothing for 10 years. >> yeah, i might be a little bit naive. stuart: you're just young. that's the thing. let's move on. harris has made her pick going
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with tim walz the governor of minnesota. do you think this is for you, jacob. you may look off over there but you've got to look at me. do you think this makes a difference to the market? a very left-wing pair on the democrat ticket. >> no, not yet. i just don't think today the market really has any idea what the policy implications are. the answer to your question might be yes, but i think today, also when you look at the market today the market is stabilizing as you mentioned the dow is down 1,000 points yesterday, so this is a stabilization we're getting in the market. there's a lot of information politically that in august of an election year you don't have yet. stuart: okay fair enough, jacob sonenshine always enjoy it. appreciate it. now then, five states are a using elon musk's a.i. chatbot of spreading election misinformation. good morning, ashley. what do they want musk to do about it? ashley: good morning, stu. well, secretaries of state from minnesota, pennsylvania, washington, michigan, new
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mexico, sent an open letter to musk calling on him to fix x's a.i. chatbot. they claim the platform has spread misinformation related to the upcoming november elections. civil rights groups have also complained about a rise in hate speech of misinformation since musk bought twitter back in 2,022. the states want changes made to x's a.i. search assistant, claiming it provides, yes, inaccurate information. musk says that feature is only available to premium users, but critics say it doesn't matter. the content is being shared with millions of people on social media. there has been no response yet from elon musk but i can imagine what it might be. stu? stuart: thanks, ashley. at least five people are dead in the wake of tropical storm debbie. right now it's dumping historic amounts of rain, maybe catastrophic flooding in the southeast. brandy c campbell, georgia.
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what's "the situation" there? >> good morning, right now you can see the impacts from tropical storm debbie here in savannah causing flooding in this business area, and i do want to note we are also near a creek but you can see the vehicle, that ones stuck but you can also see a truck just off to the left so also doing work to go ahead and clear the water so they can pass on both sides in this area. the storm also unfortunately taking the life of five people. four of those people were in florida and one that's happening here in georgia. officials say a 19-year-old was killed after a tree fell on his home north of the florida/georgia border. now take a look at what people in savannah dealt with yesterday, as over eight inches of rain fell over the area. in savannah we could see 12-18 more inches of rain as debby moves on possibly through thursday. our higher risk of flash flooding will happened to as the center is just south of us moving slowly offshore. now, georgia's governor brian
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kemp spoke in the last hour stating teams are working to respond to impacts while the storm has given us a break in terms of rain but he doesn't want people to think that hadsdebby is done with us. >> do not let this storm lull you to sleep. there's a lot of affected areas right now are not experiencing rain and high winds but both models are showing that rain will come back, potentially in the worst case scenario in a big way. reporter: all right, and in the next days, the bullseye for the heaviest rain is between charleston, south carolina and wilmington, north carolina. charleston already seeing some flooding. both places bracing for extreme impacts along their coast. they could see up to tour feet of storm surge and again the storm heading offshore and it could linger there and eventually i should say, stuart, go back onshore tomorrow so we'll have to wait and see exactly where it goes to see which places will be next in line for impacts.
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back to you. stuart: that's a lot of rain. brandy, thanks very much for joining us appreciate it. now this , a new, unearthed video of kamala harris shows just how left she really is. roll it. >> we have to stay woke, like everybody needs to be woke. stay more woke than less woke. stuart: okay. she just picked a big time liberal as her runningmate. seven months since the door blew off a boeing plane in skies over portland and now the ntsb holding a hearing to find out what went wrong. we'll bring you the big headlines, next.
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energy fuels, a leading american uranium producer, is ramping up production to supply expanding nuclear markets and diversifying into rare earth elements, key ingredients in many clean energy and defense technologies. energy fuels.
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on the nasdaq. we better check in with big tech again. they took it on the chin yesterday. what about a rebound today? what do we have? taylor: trying to rebound a little bit. meta, microsoft, amazon some of the big leaders i'm mixed here stu. on the one hand, jpmorgan said the yen carry trade is only about half way done so we could have more bottom to find here within these markets. on the other half of that, ubs was out with a note saying these recession fears are overblown and then big tech is the big winner because look at the fundamentals and the earnings growth of these companies and the free cash flow of these companies. these are the really strong winners that win in any environment. stuart: we shall see. thanks, taylor. the national transportation safety board is holding a two-day hearing. they want to know why a door plug flew over a boeing 737 max jet in mid-air. kelly saberi, give us the latest from the hearing. reporter: stuart right now they are going over the little details that make up the process of putting these planes
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together, so they've talked about how there's some 18,000 parts that go into it, and it's just these really small bits so far. so we haven't gotten any real big details yet but just to remind you what happened in january. shirts were ripped off people's bodies, phones flying around and parents had to hold on to their kids. this of course prompting the federal investigations that include this one by the national transportation safety board and that's what brings boeing's leaders to d.c. this morning. we're expecting this to be roughly 20 hours of public hearing in which we'll for the first time get our eyes on 3,800 pages of documents related to the incident. the ntsb has already said the plane lift boeing's washington factory without four bolts needed to safely secure the plug door. boeing blamed the oversight on a lack of paperwork and said there's no paperwork to indicate the bolts were ever removed. boeing also says the workers who were tasked with these
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procedures surrounding the door never thought it would fly in that state. the plane ended up making 153 trips with passengers on it from the time it was delivered to alaska airlines until this incident happened on january 5. thankfully the two seats closest to the door were empty. otherwise, experts say we would have seen fatalities and in another bit of luck the door plug did not hit the tail of the plane which could have affected its ability to fly. when hearing wraps up this week boeing will have a new leader. ceo dave calhoun will step down and kelly ortberg will take over and this isn't the only investigation boeing has dealt with this summer. last month, the company plead guilty to one charge of conspiracy to defraud the us for its role in two fatal 737 crashes and this is something the victims say that they've been easily let off the hook for. stu? stuart: kelly, thank you very much indeed. elon musk closing down
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the x offices in san francisco. all right, ashley. where is he relocating? ashley: yup. not out of state. at least not yet. the workers are being moved elsewhere in the a basis points including offices in palo alto and san jose. musk is previously promising to move the company's headquarters to texas in response to a california law that stopped teachers from forcibly outing the gender identity of students. x of course formerly twitter, has been headquartered in san francisco since its founding in 2006 but it hasn't been a smooth ride. the social media company reportedly missed rent payments and even tried to turn empty office spaces into temporary residences for traveling employees. last month, spacex also owned of course by musk, announced it would move its california headquarters to texas. stu? stuart: all right, thanks, ash. now this. today, kamala harris will kickoff a seven-state tour with her runningmate. that is minnesota governor tim
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walz. it's doubtful reporters will get to ask any questions. a teleprompter will never be far from the vice president's side. that will be my take, top of the hour. plus, the harris campaign wants to change the narrative around trump. they are painting him as the stay-at-home candidate. we'll see what brian kilmeade thinks about that next. ♪ ♪ (alarm sound) ♪ amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ why not? did you forget something? ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ my protein shake. the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf.
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stuart: the rebound continues. we're now up 500 on the dow, 260 on the nasdaq. check the 10 year treasury and the two year treasury yield, please. because they are going up. you're back to 386 on the 10-year, and if you look at the two-year, i think we're pretty close to, or getting closer, a little bit closer to 4%. that's not going down well on wall street particularly because they want to see rates down, not up. we're coming up on 10:51. at the moment, we hit 10:51, brian kilmeade will miraculously appear on the right hand side of the screen and i'll interview him about all kinds of things. here we go it's 10:51.
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appear, please. thank you. kilmeade, brian, kamala harris has chosen minnesota governor tim walz as her runningmate. sources tell fox harris didn't pick josh shapiro because she was concerned it's his personal ambitions would upstage her. what do you make of that, brian? brian: number one, how terrible of the camp to leak that out. not only do you not pick him but you tar him. first off, you don't get to be governor of a state and not have ambition. he's mentored by barack obama so he's on the path he wants to be president so if that's the truth, to leak that out is so unprofessional and classless, but it's everywhere. i just saw that, evidently he cut a tape over the weekend pitching himself as the vp. i don't know, when j.d. vance was asked by our own lawrence jones, how would you feel if you don't get it. he says i be disappointed. is that too ambitious? so you don't pick governor
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shapiro and good luck with that maybe walk that back and define it. tim walz wanted it and he has great personality and i appreciate his national guard experience but if you look at what he's proud of most of the stuff bernie sanders be high-fiving him so if you're happy with that this is your ticket but we've always been told and going to school on this stuff since the 60s you try to balance out your ticket, if you're trying to get somebody young, more mad rat you get someone conservative, if you have george w. bush that makes the old school republicans feel good that means dick cheney. we always saw joe biden with his foreign policy experience to balance out young barack obama. this doesn't balance. this reinforces what i thought kamala harris was, but i'm not really sure what she is. if you go to her website, it says nothing on her platform. she doesn't give interviews. sarah could say she's changed about 12 policies so this is really a lot of question marks.
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stuart: look at the other side of the coin. the harris campaign is trying to say trump is low energy. they use this comparison of schedules. that's what they call low energy. how could anyone call trump low energy, brian? brian: he only has montana on friday, and they are barn storming the country because she just picked a runningmate. look, trump, this is his third rodeo. this guy was on the road even during the pandemic and getting criticized for it. so even in 2022 he was doing rallies. 2021 he's at a rally so i don't think his appearances will be an issue. what he's doing too is meeting with people everyday and doing interviews almost everyday. he did one yesterday with a streamer. the other day he did maria. did laura ingraham, so he was on with us on our radio show two weeks ago, did shawn hannity so he's getting to millions of people let alone the clips the other networks are running. what is kamala harris doing?
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when you see her she reads the prompter and she leaves. stuart: yeah, look, trump joined as you say the conservative streamer on his live stream yesterday. listen to what trump had to say about harris roll it. >> she hasn't done one interview. she's not doing any interviews because if she did one interview where hard question is asked she's incapable of answering it. stuart: the youth vote, by appearing with young creators on tiktok. that's a strategy, right? brian: it is. he's disappointing me but i understand he's on tiktok. i'm dead set against it, china's loving it. all the followers they get their information too, so i hope we go back to banning it but he's going look, we actually -- stuart: he's very good with technology, that's donald trump. in 2016, he effectively used twitter. now, he's not above using tiktok. brian: but for stuart, something else you'd appreciate. where was he last week? he was in nashville. he was meeting with, there was a
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bitcoin conference. cryptocurrency and he's open to it and in the beginning he says it's kind of weird just like jamie dimon was saying but now he's saying let me figure this out. what are you doing? what are you up to? let me go to the conference and find out about it and that's one advantage of jd vance. he knows a.i. and crypto, so if he's 78 years old but he's so open to other things. why? because he likes young people. what was he doing with his free time? he says he's got a youtube channel. stuart: it's great stuff. brian we're out of time. mr. kilmeade we'll see you again real soon. brian: see you in the hall, stuart. stuart: we always do. taylor thanks very much for sticking around with us. taylor: my pleasure. stuart: we will watch you of course on "the big money show", live at 1:00 p.m. eastern here, on fox business. jimmy failla on kamala harris, years-long mission to keep
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people woke. that's coming up for you. charlie hurt on the democrat squad member whose warning people not to label hamas as terrorists? what? abbey hornacek will take on the gender controversy at the olympics and we'll be tracking the market turnaround. the 11:00 hour of "varney" & company is next. ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat?
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