tv The Evening Edit FOX Business August 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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♪ me and my friends ♪ ♪ life is better with the credit gods are on your side. rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. conference today, mr. trump said in all the years of studying politics, never seen anybody get elected by saying we're going to raise -- give you a tax increase. got that right. tax cutters win, tax hikers law enforcement luisa mack donned up next. liz: larry, not even jimmy carter campaigned on tax hikes.
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larry: hey, now. liz: there you have it. shows how abnormal thing haves been. who would have thunk a president would talk for an hour and take questions from the press. we haven't seen that in four years. you did great today, larry. loved your show. great panelists. welcome to the evening edit. i'm elizabeth macdonald. donald trump gave a much needed brutal reality check about the real kamala harris showing why he should be president. he's a leader and about policy. no raggal person is buying kamala harris trying to fill the grand canyon cavernous void of her policies and tedious anymore bows of narcissism that will not fix america. watch president trump today. >> i think that our country's right now in the most dangerous position it's ever been in from economic standpoint and end up
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in a depression of the 1929 variety, which would be a devastating thing and took many years and decades to recover from it. we're very close tafanely that and close to a world war. liz: joining us is senator ron johnson from senate homeland security. great to see you, gnat torr. this is a much needed course correction to the race. what do you think of president trump here? kamala harris still not talking to the press for three weeks now, and we have break news out of politico, people close to her say she'll not talk to the presm through labor day. >> well, president trump always made himself very accessible to the press and willing to answer questions and able to answer questions, and i think american public needs to really think twice about why kamala harris is not willing to sit down and answer even one question after 18 days of being crowned their nominee without a single vote being cast for her. people have the ultimate back
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room deal and most radical left presidential and vice presidential ticket in american history. it's literally an in your face selection by governor tim walz that's a radical himself and reason they call him tampon tim, it's embarrassing to talk about, but the fact that he promoted and signed a bill that forced schools to install feminine hygiene products in boy's bathrooms. that's just bizarre and they're calling jd vance weird? again, it's topsy turvy and you happen fortunately, this is very unfortunate, most of the people in mainstream media will give her a pass and cover up her past and cover up governor walz's past of stolen valor and not gone -- valour and not going to talk about it and do everything they can to make sure these two win the election without the american public being informed. liz: without the american public like democrat primary voters having a say. i mean, what we're seeing, trump
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is campaigning on making america safe, secure, and prosperous. he's talking jobs, tax cuts, deregulation and kamala harris pes to raise everybody's taxes and crushing the u.s. into a depression. jimmy carter didn't run on that and ruin u.s. energy and trump warned all the really heavy electric trucks and cars that kamala harris wants will destroy america's bridges and roads that they're spending billions to fix. >> i'm no biden fan but the presidency was taken from him and any standpoint, they took the presidency away. we have a very, very sick country right now. you saw the other day with the stock market crash and that was just the beginning. that was just the beginning. it's going to get worse. i'll give them security safety and jobs. a good economy. we have a very bad economy right now. we could literally be on the throws of a depression and if
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the democrats tonight renew them or make it impossible to renew because it's pretty close in terms of votes, if they don't renew them, it's the equivalent of having a four time tax increase from what you have right now and it'll detroit economy. she's incompetent and i watched her. she destroyed california and san francisco. everything she's touched has turned to bad things. ranked dead last gaining 1% of primary democrat voters in 2020. >> well remember, the media elected or helped elect president biden campaigning from his basement. they covered up for him for over three years till it was impossible to high the fact his policies, agenda, ideology, their ideology was putting america on a path of destruction.
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open boarders, clear dangerous country and 40-year high inflation and the reason your dollars now only worth 83-cents and put home ownership to the american dream out of the reach of so many people, particularly young people and war on fossil fuel driving up prices and the weakness that's emboldened our enemies around the world. set the world in flames. kamala harris supporting all the exact same policies and couldn't cover up for president biden anymore. they got a good field to keep her under wraps for 90 days and slot the @ seizure disorders. i hope it doesn't happen. liz: majority of voters in the polls say the u.s. is on the wrong track under biden is harris. tim walz, picking tim walz as her running -- walz as her running mate, big, big problem and critics looking at his record saying he's to the left of bernie sanders and big government socialist. role call senator is now reporting that wall street and financial firms and ba banks ard
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the nation are warning workers they cannot donate to kamala harris because that would break federal pay to play securities laws. it would be a huge conflict of interest because governor walz is the chairman of the minnesota state board of investment that governs state pension funds and university endowments on the like and they're saying if you contribute that, we'll be breaking federal law. this campaign about to hit a wall, kamala harris and tim walz. >> that's a little bit of problem for the democrats and advantage they have is they've got the media and social media companies that are completely in the tank for them. they'll cover and you happen do everything they can to denigrate president trump and jd vance and that's very powerful thing you're up against and running at republican and against the democrat that media wants. liz: senator johnson, great
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analysis for you. thanks for joining us. >> have a great evening. lauren: that's tim walls and deepens over walz and embellishing and falsifying his military career. watch him falsely imply that he served in afghanistan and iraq and that he carried weapons of war in war and he never saw combat. he was deployed by the national guard to cushy italy and quit his unit for politics before it was deployed to iraq in 2005. watch. >> i spent 24 years in the
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national guard and some of that full-time and artilleryman and deployed in support of operation enduring freedom and provided basic security from the european theater from turkey and england in the early stages of the war and afghanistan and that same battalion is in iraq at this type. those weapons in war i carried in war is the only place where they're at. liz: that's all false. he's taking credit for stuff he never did. these same kinds of controversies jeopardize the politicians that were in the war. bring in lee zeldin. lee served with the u.s. army, was deployed to iraq in 2006 in support of iraqi freedom. what do you make of this, lee? >> there were people that served two years in peacetime and proud of their service. they don't make it out to be anything more than what it actually is. and i'm grateful they served those two years without ever deploying anywhere.
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if you serve 24 years in the military, as long as you don't try to make it out to be anything more than it is, it deserves nothing but gratitude from everybody regardless of politics. what gets very personal, especially for people in the military, is when you have individuals that are trying to make it out to be more than what it is. you point out i was in iraq and with the secondary born division. if, you know, i made it seem like i was -- if i said i was special forces, i wore a green beret tab and army ranger and served there on my tenth deployment and told an imaginary story, you should all get really pissed off at me. it's really important for military veterans not to try and make their service factually more than what it is and it's going to get him in trouble and another reason why harris and walz need to break the silence and have press conferences to answer tough questions and to sit down for tough interviews.
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liz: you know, his false claims are so easily verifiable, congressman. it's a mortal sin among military veterans and families to campaign and claim military service that you didn't do. he took military presence for two dozen years to train and deploy and second he was deployed and ditched his unit for politics and look at what happened, let's go for the time line, that's up to seven years before quitting in 2005 and his unit was deployed to iraq and in february 2005, he filed to run for congress knowing he was going to leave, knowing that he was going to campaign for congress, he puts out a press release in march, a wild press release touting himself as a soldier saying he has a "responsibility to serve with his battalion in iraq and he's going to leave his wife and
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daughter behind". so the falsehoods here, the bombastic history of it all is really shocking. >> duncan hunter jr. ran for congress out in california in 2008 and was deployed during that campaign. they ran an entire campaign back in california while the candidate, the republican candidate in that race, was overseas. this is a decision that was made by candidate and sergeant major in the army, candidate for congress where he wanted to stay here. that decision ended up upsetting people in that unit and those veterans speaking up about their outrage is something that's happened in the past but now that he is the candidate come la harris picks -- kamala harris picks for vice president, it's going to get scrutinized at a whole nother level. he needs to answer questions. liz: he claims he was a command sergeant major and left as master sergeant and listen to
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veterans and analysis here. watch. >> that's way far guard than a lot of people think. it is stolen valor. he's used the rank he never achieved in order to advance his political career and he's done it for decades now basically and maybe not decades but damn close to it. he still says he's a retired command sergeant major to this day and he's not. he uses his rank. uses rank of others to make it look like he's a better person than he is. most people that would mean he was actually in combat carrying a weapon in a combat zone and getting combat pay and in a dangerous environment -- hostile environment where he was getting shot at. if he thinks italy is a combat zone or a war zone and he was carrying that in war, he's delusional.
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>> he has used language that has suggested he carried weapons in a fighting situation. there's no evidence that at any time governor walz was in a position of being shot at and some of his language could easily be seen to suggest that he was. so that is absolutely false. liz: he served with tim walz on house veteran committee and walz opposed trump's veteran access to give better access to veterans because it was president trump. final word. >> yeah, this was legislation that really should have been unanimous, bipartisan supported legislation and saw this time again during the trump administration and people pledging to oppose everything and anything and good legislation and especially to help veterans, should have been an easy yes. liz: lee zeldin, pleasure having you on. good to see you. this coming in, breaking news, a new police body cam footage just released to the media through a
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records request. it's from the day of the attempted assassination on president trump. >> [bleep], turn it down on me. he's straight up. liz: we're going through it now and deliver more to you in just a few moments. we have a new report coming in. nancy pelosi said she was "never impressed with biden's reelection campaign operation". more on that and president biden just called it a day at the white house. he's now leaving for a long weekend at the beach, an extremely light schedule this week after he claimed the world is on fire and democracy is at stake. also tonight, biden's justice department finally now admitting what republican lawmakers have been saying all along about hunter biden selling access and influence pedaling based on joe biden's government job. we have the justice department's new reveal and it'll raise eyebrows about double standards in dc. now there's this. >> people dying financially
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because they can't buy bacon, can't buy food, can't buy groceries. liz: inflation still slamming households sistrum and just pointed out what kamala harris and joe biden about to take a victory lap. coming up on anniversary of astronomically costly inflation reduction act, which didn't cut inflation at all. it raised it. don lufkin and steve forbes will debate it. alarmingly bad jobs record as governor of minnesota. virtually no private sector jobs and all jobs based on government. first, an update on terror threat to taylor swift concerts. more details coming in. we have the latest. stay right there, we're coming right back. yeah... one of us always had to be first. first! first! [continue bickering in background] hold on, guys!
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liz: welcome back. we have more details this hour about that terror plot that was aimed at taylor swift's concerts in austria. authorities here back home are really concerned about what's going on. fox news greg palkot in london with the latest. greg. reporter: elizabeth, we're getting more details on what could have been a huge disaster at a taylor swift concert as early as tonight. three concerts in venothat this week con selled by organizers after the austrian government confirmed a planned terror
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attack at a sewage stadium venue. indication indian police detained a 19-year-old and two other teens suspected of plotting attacks on the concerts. police found the main suspect's plans for attack is chemicals, explosives, detonators, myself and machetes and isis terror material and cash. the plot according to police was for the attacker or attackers to know with the crowd opportunistic some 15,000 gathered outside of the stadium to listen to the music and kill as many people as possible before killing themselves. even using a car filled with explosives to be driven into the crowds. as you can imagine, there are a lot of swifties in venothat disappointed today and some traveled from all over europe, but the general consensus is the cancellation was the right thing to do. no makeup concerts are planned. after vienna, swift set for
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london with five huge concerts and the uk has seen a nationwide unrest triggered by a stabbing at a taylor swift themed dance club for young girls. three were killed and nine injured. misinformation online feeding racial anger. big star, big commotion. elizabeth. liz: terrific reporting, greg palkot, thank you so much. now for his reaction, joining us now is house majority whip tom emmer. president trump hammered harris and president biden because people don't feel safe about the u.s. border collapse on their watch. >> the world is on fire and in large part it's due to the weakness that has been projected by kamala harris and joe biden over the course of the last three and a half plus years, liz.
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they look pathetic and with the ally and greatest media ally and when there's no consequences and people don't fear consequences, liz, these are bad people. antony blinken and these guys can talk about diplomacy all they want but you don't vascularized if if people don't fear severe consequences and they just don't under this leadership. liz: don't negotiation witherer tyes and isis is -- negotiate with terrorists and isis is radicalizing teenagers on the social media and number of attacks and planned attacks more than quadrupled in europe and teenagers accounted for nearly two third of isis linked arrests in europe in the prior nine months and two dozen isis linked attacks plans are disrupted since october and 38 out of 58
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suspects between the ages of 15 and 19. >> think about it, liz, eight years under barack obama and he could not take care of isis. in your fears under donald trump, it took him months to break isis. now we bring back the second obama administration and joe biden and in three and a half years, isis is back in business. chris wray, director of fbi said in front of a congressional hearing the terror threats are at all time high and coming at the same time and again, it's because people do not fear this administration and they don't expect them to respond. this is why donald trump is the only option in november. liz: a live shot of president biden heading to the beach amid all this turmoil. congressman emmer, thank you for joining us tonight. it's a pleasure having you on. house majority whip tom emmer
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joining us just there. no stops till he catches the beach in wilmington. the president leaving for a long weekend after a nonexistent workweek. is the president quiet quitting? we have the reaction coming up. also, a new trove of police body cam footage just released from the day of president trump's attempted assassination and we're going through it and will deliver you the moments in just a second. >> [bleep] this close, bud. he turned it on me. he's straight up. ♪ (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator?
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hillary. reporter: good evening, liz. vice president kamala harris said the economy is in pretty good shape but promising if she's a president, she'll make it a priority to bring down prices. >> while our economy is doing well by many measures, prices for every day things like groceries are still too high. you know it and i know it. when i'm president, it will be my day one priority to fight to bring down prices. reporter: former president trump and vice presidential candidate jd vance say biden and harris policies are the reason prices are too high. >> bring down prices to to give people prosperity and unleash american energy and unleashing american farmers and not spending like a drunken sailor which is what kamala harris has done during her time in office. reporter: vice president harris was the tie breaking vote on billions in government spending and bidenomics would not be
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possible if it were not for harris' tie breaking vote. liz. liz: thank you, hillary. we want to bring in don lufkin. we need your brilliant brain on this. we don't know what kamala harris' plan is if the u.s. goes into recession. don, what do you think of this. she was campaigning like she was not in the white house for the last four years and finally acknowledging high inflation, high grocery prices and say it'll be a day one priority to bring down the price,. don, why day one? she's been in there for four years and why not if i can it had the last four years? >> they've been saying the cause opportunistic inflation isn't mad spending but corporate greed and price gouging. how do you like that? did you know that 50% of the
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jobs in this country are with companies with less than 50 people? so small businesses that have gotten crushed by the biden/harris inflation are being blamed for it because of corporate greed. what he can do on day one to bring down prices? you've had how will you do that? throw all the managers of the convenient stores in jail? this is just preposterous rhetoric and the trump administration and perspective trump administration has a plan. you played with jd vance. it's bringing down energy prices by unleashing the productive capacity of this country. that's a plan. that's not greed, that's entrepreneurship and that's incentives and capitalism and that's america. liz: bingo. they did the supply side with hot money and trillions of hot money thrown in and crushed -- excuse me, with the demand side.
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they boosted demand with a lot of hot money but crushed supply with all the mandates and overregulation costing american families i think $15,000 a year in new regulation. she's avoiding bidenomics on a campaign trail and wouldn't even do photo shoots or mention joe biden on the trail. can't run away from it. mentioned jd vance. listen to this. watch. >> grocery prices up 50% and gas prices up 50% and rent up over 40% since she took office. every single thing that americans need to buy in order to live a halfway decent life has become more expensive because of kamala harris' economic policies. policies. liz: feels like the u.s. economy has turned into a gigantic huge slosh pit of money from government overspending raising debt ceiling, fed money printing and inflation is higher from all the hot money they've been jamming into the economy. they're about to celebrate the
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anniversary and inflation reduction act that made inflation worse. >> oh, liz, inflation reduct act, really? you mean the 3,000 page piece of legislation where the only time the word inflation is even mention second-degree in the title of the bill? the word -- mentioned is in the title of the bill and doesn't come up one more time in 3,000 pages. give me a break. liz: well, don lufkin, we need you back on with that brain of yours. >> thank you, liz. liz: new body cam video coming into the fox news room. the chaotic moment after president trump was nearly assassinated at his rally in butler, pennsylvania. there's a dozen video clips that we're released by local police. fox news got it. it's showing chaotic scene in butler on july 13th. first video we were about to show you was taken less than five minutes after the president was shot. you will hear the crucial moment when the local police officer yelled out he had just tried to get up onto the rooftop where
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the assassin was but had to drop back when he saw the gunman. watch. >> he's straight up. liz: he pointed a gun at the police officer and had to back down from that. moments later, the same body cam fattening again obtained by fox news shows authorities on the same rooftop where the assassin was hiding and the video you can see the gunman after he was shot dead by a sniper. this is graphic stuff. we'll have to cover it just for the viewer. but just watch this. >> he's got both, ar, mag. liz: sorry, digging through the footage and we'll get you the footage later of the assassin that was taken out by a sniper. we're going through the dozen or
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so videos and we'll keep digging in and we'll share more later today. thank you for that, watching that. now we have to move onto this. jus dis-department indicating plans to mount an aggressive prosecution of hunter bide anne donovan his tax trial in california. bring back to the show former congressional investigator sam dewey. sam, the justice department dropped a bomb shell and confirmed a what lawmakers and congressional investigators have been saying for years that hunter biden "performed almost zero, no work, but got paid millions of dollars in his business deals selling influence over seas with chinese energy companies, cefc and ukrainian energy company burisma". they're finally saying what we've been saying all along, sam. >> it's extraordinary in that sense and anybody that knows and looks at the money, follow the money. i've learned from some great litigators, starting when i was
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a kid from my grandfather in these types of cases, you follow the money. the money doesn't lie, and anybody who looked at this knew this. liz: the other thing, they reportedly plan to show that, yes, foreign interest did pay hunter biden to influence the u.s. government under the biden white house while joe biden was vice president. but, sam, they're not going to, you know, file a violation of foreign lobbying laws against hunter. he doesn't face those charges but should he? they're using it to show his frame of mind he wanted to evade taxes. what do you think? >> it's hard to say that he had -- this was an ill intent on invading taxes on one hand but on the other, we're not going to charge for the violation. if you structure the payments to avoid fera, in most cases that's chargeable too . i would expect the reason that that is not being charged is then the issue of what type of
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influences it's pedaled and links to father's administration or father's vice presidential office would be a lot more relevant and don't want to get into that. liz: interesting stuff. we'll stay on it. sam, i'll have you back on soon appreciate your analysis. coming up, it is president biden's big beach weekend. the president making his way out of town right now on his way to wilmington for a long weekend at his beach house. this after just a couple of phone calls this week. he has been saying democracy is under attack. he's checking out. do you have the same luxury and any ceo going to keep their job doing stuff like that. we take it on next. plus, we're waltzing tim walz into a green electric bill. your electric bills could pop and far left liberal energy policies that would ruin american households coming up. first, check in with my buddiess
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day began and sean on the bottom line. >> hey, emac. donald trump doing a full loaded press conference today and kamala harris running for president for almost three weeks and no press conference and where is joe biden? we have those topics and more. >> congressman james comer on the freak show known as tim walls. we can go down the list but he's also very, walz s cozy with china and dig into that and tom phillipson called this two years ago. we let him say i told you so that biden has -- because the inflation reduction act medicare part d premiums are going to spike and they're trying to stop it before the election. yeah, seniors, buckle up. top of the hour. ♪ chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking.
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liz: president biden left for a long weekend and heading to his vacation house in wilmington. he's been claiming democracy is under attack. iraqi stock market, possible recession and war over seas and took one phone call today and monday and nothing tuesday, or wednesday. he ignored questions about a biden harris recession.
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>> he's gone to north carolina, new jersey, new york, georgia, pennsylvania, i know that's a commonwealth but he's been to six. and in that time, he has engaged directly, directly with the american public. and you've seen the enthusiasm and the energy. liz: really? maybe his staff is quiet quitting too. they're no longer trying to block the press and its view of him walking. nor trying to pre-send he's the most energetic -- pretend he's the most energetic president ever. >> i would put the president's stamina, wisdom, ability to get this done on half of the american people against anyone. liz: we're excited to have lauren tomlinson and
5:48 pm political writer guy benson. guy, first to you. doesn't it show how abnormal the last four years has been under biden is trump did an hour-long press conference and took questions from reporters and biden, we haven't said that -- you said it and haven't seen that in like four years. >> there's a striking difference in departure and what's interesting is, liz, if you look at schedule you put on the screen coming up here for biden all week and off to the beach. that's a little lighter than it's been over the course of his presidency but not much. this is sort of what he'd done and big difference is they lied about it more and he's no longer the avatar of team blue tribe and the things the press ignored or lied about activity already
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awhile, they're sort of like i guess that was true but doesn't matter anymore. who cares. liz: what guy just astutely pointed out, we should care, it matters. this is abnormal. we've got world war iii, lauren, possibly brewing in israel. shaky markets at home, and a possible u.s. recession. >> i think in an ideal situation what we'd see from the biden admin vagues is very force -- administration is forceful communication about a leader in charge, an america strong, especially to our international allies and adversaries and they'd give space as they should to kamala harris and walz right now as they do the campaigning and as she introduces herself otothe american people, but you want the president out there talking about what's going on with the country because again, it's very important internationally and very important for the national security, and i also think, you know, from the biden perspective, why would you not want to spend this time legacy
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building and talking about the things that you've done. i think as a communication strategist, that's what we would recommend is go out there and talk about the things you've done and define your experience and make sure that people have a positive view of you not just the last impression, which was the debate. liz: yeah, >> the misleading was industrial strength and pelosi guy saying she was long upset and dissatisfied with biden's campaign before dropping out and we are now dealing with a candidate and kamala harris did not win one democrat primary vote, only got ranked dead last with 1% of the vote in the 2020 democrat primary. but now she's the candidate.
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>> she dropped out before iowa and looked at political operation and pol polling and decided, oh, wait, our nominee, elected nominee skin come bent president can't win and force him out and nullify our election. that's what they've done and replaced him with his vice president. there's been this unbelievable police of propaganda and pr for her and she's on the rise and tied or ahead in a lot of polling and the question you asked is why would anyone vote for more of us considering how unhappy most are with the direction of the country, and the answer comes down to partisan polarization and a lot of people don't want to vote for donald trump. there's a strong case to be made and we have to get out and need a change and there's many millions of americans that stick with the democrats no matter what or if they're waiverring, they don't want trump back. that's what the republicans have to overcome. liz: that's where we're at.
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watch president trump on this. >> to have done it this way is pretty severe, pretty horrible. you would have thought they'd have gone out to a vote, they would have had a primary system and done something but to just take it away from them like he was a child and he's a very angry man. i can tell you that. he's not happy with obama or nancy pelosi, crazy nancy and she's crazy too . liz: what do you think, lauren? >> yeah, i think that this is a message that isn't going to necessarily win very very small amount of undecided voters and are now going to be deciding this election and guy was saying, you have very enthused bases right now because of kamala and however she got to the ticket, that's just the reality so my hope is that the trump campaign really take this is time to continue to message the case, the policy case of how unhappy people are in their current situation as you were saying about the economy. liz: lauren tomlinson, guy
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benson, always terrific. come back soon. kamala harris just moments ago finally speak to reporters dodging questions about tim walz, her running mate, faking and falsifying his military career and we'll talk to steve forbes about it next. ♪ america is always on the move. moving forward. moving up. moving home. and whether you're moving across town or across the country, pods delivers when we say we will, with no surprise costs.
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elizabeth: vice president kamala harris spoke to reporters moments ago avoiding questions about tim walz's falsifying and embellishing his military record. >> president trump had a press conference today, talked about a lot of things, do you have a reaction? >> i am glad he agreed to a debate. i am looking forward to it hope he shows up. >> are you open to more debates. >> i'm happy to have conversation about additional debate. -- i am beyod speculating. >> can you comment on some other criticism, a litany of them today. >> i depart i didn't hear them there about
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your vice presidential pick. and the national guard, said he deserted his troops. >> i praise anyone who has -- i think that we should. >> a lot of questions about when you will sit down for your fi first interview. >> before the end of the month. elizabeth: an interview before the end of the month, bringing in forbe's media chair, steve forbes, what do you make. >> after three weeks big deal, a handful of questions, you could barely hear her, she ducked the debate. , she wants one and president trump wants plea, tim walz she ducked on that one on that question, you
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just answer it. donald trump dother candidates have done and move on. elizabeth: is it showing how abnormal last 4 years have been, donald trump spoke for an hour could took questions from the press, this is the first time she spoke to the press in i think three weeks biden hardly ever took media questions. >> they didn't want to answer the questions about their miserable record and socialist agenda. taking away your car without congressional approval. a dishwasher that does not wash dishes and air-conditioners that won't work. taking away the gas stove, and putting onus regulations on businesses which is costs jobs. no wonder they didn't want to talk to the press. >> steve forbes you are great, thank you so much. >> thank you. elizabeth: now to dagen and sean on "the bottom line." dagen: thank you, emac. elizabeth:
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