tv Kudlow FOX Business August 12, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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the hottest new tax-cut ideas, but when have kelly young conway on that been more just a moment, the first of "fox news" peter ducey is got the news the hottest news from the white house briefing peter when he learned today. >> alliterative over a lot here in the final days of the biden administration. peter: we have kamala harris vice president thing that she's going to release threats of a platform at some point this week i'm a big gauge she's going to be in the interviews, working backwards with the help of white house officials to be drop where she stands on things on southern border gives them point about new york times is now reporting that kamala harris's immigration policies going to be different than biden and they say she's going to be the toughest democratic know make says bill clinton on the border. >> she has a campaign outcome where she is seeing the need
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more border patrol agents president biden doing such a good job, we do we need more pages to back up the president does want more border patrol ages you know it's getting in the way, you know who is getting in the wake them up republicans in congress, debating the way you know who else is getting the way, the former president. contract, you see the way. peter: vice president kamala harris is been very displayed on that coming try to stick to the scripps in the cofounder the questions she's been answer quick passing, and i think end up which is a mistake according to at least one influential liberal talkshow host. >> the bottom of the ninth-inning right, like if you like she should be any everywhere you know having these conversations and i literally do not know why she has not done any interviews yet. >> and something else that we've learned. peter: this white house briefing president biden even though he is set so we hear this from the press secretary, president biden now supports the now taxes on tips proposal which means that
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he is following the vice president kamala harris is also supporting her taxes on the tips even though it appears that she is following with this donald trump and so again we are working backwards they were telling us the president biden is still the leader of the party but, he is doing something their estate the trump did larry. larry: was running the circus and i don't get it to my prison might instill in their and i get that they have their hands full with a lot of world events right now. peter: but if he is such a supporter of the taxes on tips, the proposal, and he has been in office since january of 2021, we are here everyday is the first that i've heard about it. larry: this terrific step peter ducey thank you very very much and so, copycat kamala harris plagiarizing president trump's hot tax-cut is the subject of
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the rift. in this right, copycat kamala harris, is plagiarizing donald trump's idea protects we tips and waiters barbers delivery people, were drivers and okay go economy mr. trump and bill his idea last june and las vegas and kamala harris did it on saturday also in las vegas and many believe and how you trust, here's the key point, if kamala harris really was going to exempt taxes on tips, why did she would have already exempted the taxes on tips and if she was going to do it, that you would've already done it come after all, last february 6 of 2023, the treasury and the irs issues and legal notice 2023 - 13 which contained a proposed a revenue procedure that would establish this service industry, to compliance agreement, the
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sitka program i believe will lead bullet was enough quoted monitoring of employer compliance based on actual annual temp revenue and charged to data from an employer's point of sales system. blah blah blah you get the idea. and look, the irs was inside of the treasury, the treasury is inside of the biden harris excitedly at an presidency and so if she wanted to exempt the tips, or even fall back on chasing the waitresses or the self-employed workers, she could fall back. i'm gotten rid of this obnoxious regulation little bit more than a year earlier, she had a tiebreak vote on the misnamed inflation reduction act. that authored $80 billion and so the irs could add 87000 new agents and this was billed as so
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the rich in effect however, down through the years, these programs always really soaked the waitresses that your favorite diner or soak your door - delivery person you get your food the stories like kamala harris's so-called into the center, is nothing but meeting switches phony baloney i don't mean to be personal, but i'm basing it on shall we say, policy contradictions. it's really a lot like a band on fracking and went second, she's not in favor of that literacy mark then then wine is joe biden's copilot for three and half years, when and she approve the xl pipeline and fracking and really in alaska's for the national petroleum reserve or public lands total meniscal leases in the gulf of mexico banning new lng export terminals because all of that, is the biden and here is more on fossil
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fuels. in many pursuit of the climate change and ev mandates, which really amounts to something pretty close to look like a ban on fracking wooded to say subject to paying taxes on tips, well tipped employees are required to pay both federal income taxes and payroll taxes on the tips they receive the heritage foundation writes that the workers report the tips to their bosses in the 50 percent payroll tax on the employees may have and they just work withholding to account for the tips this quite a burden on your local messenger service pretty and of course kamala harris will save nobody under 400,000 your will be affected by her four - $5 trillion tax hike but then again, we can all scratch or heads to figure out how close your local condone is deliver is to 400,000, really, do you think
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he's below $400,000 of course he is in kamala harris, please stop giving to us meetings which won't work ma'am and you know mr. trump, he cut taxes big time in his first term and he will again if reelected but you will not. and that's nice rift and all right, incident that 20 me know when dear friend kelly and conway and host of here's the deal on fox nation fox news contributor kelly on, you know, plagiarizing and copycatting and i'm a centrist he made her ducey so the white house is saying she is going to be tough on the border annual she really not for the fracking band will of course with a whole posse of the ministration was to begin with limited gas well you think of basically will she get away with it and that is a question.
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>> she may if you never forced to actually answer a question an interview like this and she's a phrase evident debate as she introduces herself to the first time too many of those enduring fans and the valleys, they may believe her but i think trump has the best opportunity here at all because he is the guy is on into love tax-cut the jobs act at the end of 2017 and patient reminds all for the did the mobile happen it is not extended if it expires next year if kamala harris wanted to do this corporate version, this resulted in 100 percent deductions for so many of the businesses in capitol investments like real estate machinery and a double the personal exemption it doubled the child tax credits and repeat here rated to professionally dollars in wealth and it was overseas in a reduced our corporate tax from 35 percent of the 21 prison the list goes on and on and why is
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the matter to you and me matters to the 622 million people live in roughly the seven swing states and the matters that because in the seven swing states, especially the state of nevada, she lied about being against taxes for tips and she's were taxes for everything by the white and if it does not move actually because ♪ ♪ machines for legislating relating taxing nobody knows that, there, 61 million people in the seven swing set, the economies of his slow to recover from the pandemic and about a possible in the housing costs rep foreclosures are up that one company temporally is immediate all of the way back now kamala harris is looking at the polling of evidence she sees that trump is really about 50 percent and all of the polls against biden is now against her as a state that has not gone republican presidential he says 2004, only the stable we went from them by governor to governor in 2022 there's a hot senate race there this year san fran having trouble really make a big play for the six electoral votes in
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nevada and you have kamala harris hundred year olds buying that she's against taxing tips and she suffered taxing tips, i want her to come forward and say on the tarmac or in one of interviews uncover this he gladly assured take her for the whole hour they reap what to say home going to the tax-cut jobs act of 2017 because all of the growth in the forcing the wage growth in the low unemployment number seven at a look at the fact that corporations invested in the people in research and development and innovation in the product lines she should be for that the other thing is the second anniversary and inflation reduction act, i want her to pull joe manchin, and just about her support and say that we braided medicare to pay for migrants electric vehicles and rate increased irs agents there's no such thing as reduce inflation c1 or just repeat the treasury of the irs order pretty and look at, the last time that i looked, serve the couple of times a government some of you
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and the irs as part of the treasury. the treasury as part of the executive branch is run by mr. biden and kamala harris and therefore they can repeal this rule anytime they want and they won't do it which undercuts but here's the big point about question for you, mr. trump has got to hammer away on what he did and why she would not do what in other words, all these things accredit a gift. enemy t tim walz is a socialist gift okay police flip-flops and the plagiarism's, and so forth, their little gifts videos to turn them into important gifts and he is to hammer away dissing on, enemy, that is what well don't wander off and don't call stupid in all kinds of names, stay on message smith winning formula for president trump is plain to see it is fewer insults more enticing the policy
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contrast and he has that hunger is like the underdog and underestimated the 2016, and then the overly that with the presidential record of what we did have growth we have wage growth and no employment in a home line to you and i know and didn't tax-and-spend tim walz minnesota-based out of it and he will brag to you about taxing is been there and she is no better and so the president trump which is contrast the policies, when because he is a two - one advantage over biden and harris on the economy and inflation on the border on israel hamas in the key issues that are important to people. i don't hear kamala harris talk about abortion anymore because she knows that she's running as the nominee she has got even backtrack their look like she's embedded domestic economy and foreign policy genius has been hiding for three and half years later you know i have talked to since president trump left office will talk about it again today cummins a policy contrast
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no president trump has to do even with elon musk tonight in the interview is a look, everybody's listening no kamala harris fino like me and they don't want me and they don't agree but nobody knows when i am four, for security taxes you relations more energy independence drill baby drill in the ending the wars middle east on the one who had a rent on its heels and so he should say all of that say so if you don't and forth, you know what they are against the contrast. larry: an appointment is a key point, you know say 14, because i did it once before. okay and here's my point about kamala harris, on this the line for example no taxes on tips and so forth and okay, why didn't you do it and you had a chance to do it you did it and mr. trump actually did it which is why he is legit and she is
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not now here is good one, i get, i think personal insults are not a good idea really not a good idea. it is a distraction that unnecessary and off message here is mr. trump in bozeman montana couple days ago where he is on message and take a listen to this d. trump: we will stop the biden harris were in american energy we will drill baby drill and i will terminate green new scam, deliver historic regulation come undercuts now in the biden harris electric vehicle mandate on day one and we will pass massive tax cuts for the workers then includes no tax on tips. larry: and that is music to my ears, kellyanne conway and frank sinatra all rolled into one the greatest think from the beatles
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and throwing everybody and just saying, if he just keeps doing that and keep doing that and maybe jive a little bit offer that that is just terrific stuff. kellyanne: that's the difference between them. larry: bedwell because he did that said he has already done it. kellyanne: did it producer she's promised that is a different she's already there last week and she said, when i am present i am going to grow the crime is like your vice president now in front of the resident, doing now by the way last point if she was to imitate and plagiarize donald trump, here's my advice from annuity does the media this guy gives interviews and he goes on podcasts and he is a networks and cable stations and is on the radio and he's truth socially in other words, he is to think and she is yet to face media the face media is to face the voters this of the democratization of information where everybody gets to see what a presidential
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candidate believes and thinks all of the same time and she's not even the camera doing the biden basement strategy right in front of her eyes them on stage in front of the podium of the teleprompter and it just is not the white so she wants to mimic it one more than an electron go face media and answer these questions. larry: you know i would think that she said she's plagiarizing no tax well at least she can noted and if she would have a foot no i.e. same as donald trump, i would've been much nicer than she could kept tenure at her college and university or wherever it was the not even if a foot note, not even okay the best of the best please watch here's the deal with kellyanne conway is terrific stuff approximation coming up your and kudlow present needs to run on his success in the economic record and he has one in our lab floor has new book out the month and talks a lot about the great successes of mr. trump first
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term and that's an important qualifier for legitimacy and ie which was chilly, not fibbing. by the way folks might remember that you can catch kudlow monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. eastern right here on fabulous foxbusiness and for some reason if you can't catch it at 4:00 o'clock, please check your favorite nine -year-old and she will show you at home to dvr the show and you will never miss a footnote to tax cuts, i am kudlow. no. i can do some research. ya know, that's backed by j.p. morgan's leading strategists like us. when you want to invest with more confidence... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management your gut is like a garden growing both good bacteria and bad. that balance is key to a healthy gut environment. benefiber's plant-based prebiotic fiber gently nourishes the good bacteria, working with your body to help your gut, and you, flourish. effortlessly. every day. grow what feels good. with benefiber.
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>> c1 okay president trump very successfully a gimmick record and he should run on it as we discussed in the prior segment that 20s there for more on this is our former reagan economist presidential medal of freedom simeon and author of the coming trump economics right is the sql one of these didn't you. art: we had one and it has new name seymour just told me animal they forgot it. larry: we've all forgotten but the basic throughout his trump economics. it is see when we love dogs and we love you. [laughter] and so here's the thing, kamala harris was that people believe that she is changing and becoming a centrist a very far
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left radical progressive and so forth but she is no evidence about she's been in office for three and half years plus jiggly the tips thinkable with the risen irs treasury rule memo as you can change that if she wanted to however, the point is that trump has a record from his first term and you are chronicling that record okay and whether he had a very good first term and nothing in life is perfect but it was awfully good was not. art: good and kamala harris also has a record and it was not very good and then part of the biden harris team so the stuff that biden harris did, she has to take ownership up as well and trumps record terms write it attacks cut two papers on for two years of the cooperate from 21 percent 39 - 237 and you submitted what i love is expand
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the tax exemption by a lot and that was really super need to operation warp speed the executive order limning operation warp speed for the covid-19 of vaccine and 1111 months and every thought it would be seven years before he would get a vaccine together to get got it done and 11 months agent transparency healthcare transparency fantastic did that price try chronicling desperately ill and enjoy drug. larry: experiment of drugs. art: in the energy we did an energy and you know you have to understand that producing petroleum is not the same thing is money you look at the producers of petroleum have russia, saudi arabia and venezuela, to be far better if we produced it at much lower price much less revenue for the action that you it's amazing and if you look at all the stuff trait i thank you so trade deals pretty good sing a full look of the tray think.
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larry: why don't know why some of her friends keep characterizing that. is protectionism from the reality resident with reciprocity and you are treating us unfairly as front of us trump blew the whistle on china is a major turning point you known relations relations and americans have already know it. but he lowered the various with japan it is south korea with australia for example. >> and u.s. and north america yes usmc eights was tight policy was as well. art: right. larry: is really good and i think that everybody will i think to some extent, he has to remind everybody about that. art: he should be telling zone and he showed not be tooted vote. larry: this really true and when you look at this. art: discipline 40 can be things done with all of these other issues from my standpoint, the spring court and economics is wonderful is really the regulatory bodies and you to pass which is the way that is
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supposed to be so across-the-bod and economics of think that is the single best first term president and economics i have ever seen. limiting point is that this will use this what i just by just a stellar record ever. larry: you and i both work for reagan but in reagan's tax cuts were very good the first tax cut to three years face it and you've always been critical because than people just waited until they could be the lower tax rates return the point is that trump was immediate this is legislation was passed, they 2017 to anyone in that helped ignite a strong economy. art: did an amazing job you look of the u.s. growth before the tax cuts and jobs act, we are poor running think and we were a little bit slower than your pipework together with something best, in the u.s. takes off and think after two years, her gdp was to have times do that percent higher than within had we grown at the european rated
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so we whale pays them for the next two years which is all you can ask for that's a lot of money on their of you look at what happened to poverty rates and all these other things larry, is just all amazing with the tax cuts and jobs acted c1 immediately. art: every at the present made a mistake facing the bed reagan wasn't the only one kennedy did it and so did harding and coolidge spaceman because the processions see when did i don't remember that. art: i called them a young researcher and said you talk to harding about this. larry: in a constellation of these troublesome ideas, kamala harris has endorsed and propose with bernie sanders. one-size-fits-all nationalizing medicare for all with a valid single-payer whatever. furiously estimating as much as $32 trillion is probably a lowball estimate and how well
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that would just destroy any free enterprise was an end to private interests of this is something that i think should be brought out. you talk about trump made all of these things more open committee regulated for example they wanted to exactly the reverse now have that impact ordinary people c3 with impeccable but with her doing is that began when industry that is already so misaligned of economic and it's an accident healthcare industry and apostasy share gdp the largest increase of any country in the - the reductions in life expectancy relative the biggest declines in life expectancy because our system is so obscure which you do not know what the cost and you don't know what it does family come in they take advantage of a valley run system and they try to nationalize it which would make it even worse. you know we talk with you make a market make it up this cost
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number estimating that will say visually dollars after three years life expectancy book three years and thankfully good enough deal for you, find a better one. larry: and he will grow were growth for prosperity or opportunity be met wouldn't you like to hear it more himself rated the convention know it was like he is starting to return to that message after may be departing for a bit which is okay nobody's perfect life but to me, growth grow people growth growth there would help when opportunities were prosperity. people think that you and i are boring and dull because we just mary track yes and you is everything middle-class him is only about a. art: everyone does not worry about it all the time myself and as you don't have to worry about it but if you join ball gives the countryside the ball economic growth, all of these other peripheral issues adoption all of these things all the
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crimes, all of these things start to faded and then amazing one on this and they really showed all of the links between economic growth and all of the other social issues defense no the strength in his is economic strength is something push-ups running miles run the trap, this is economics when nobody was to attack a strong country. larry: life and liberty and pursuit of happiness and trump economics yes and three whatever it will be called in thank you art and all right coming up kamala harris one citizenship for millions of illegals and okay, just run right through waited by the way, here's a better story, elon musk having trouble to find 800,000 votes wow and murdoch on all of that up next on kudlow and be right here in thank you arthur, we appreciated.
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>> c1 we have a big crowd here and say, let's talk, closing the water and if that weren't enough, unleashing elon musk. larry: turning out to talk about is shaun duffy cohost of the bottom line right here in fabulous foxbusiness, plus murdoch talked and fox news contributor and journalist author of second-class on a placed tape and this is for jd mance on the sunday talk shows the closing the border or something yes will play the immigration versus go ahead. >> he deport a lot of violent criminals and plankton for frank they can make it harder to hire illegal think it would go a long way to solving the illegal immigration problem and i think it is interesting that the people focus on deport 18 million people start with 1 million. larry: okay the start with one but it's good to criminals first and wouldn't you think about that is healing message. >> will this election cycle is not about left versus right and
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you have donald trump running on and i think working-class jobs and kamala harris lean on you know freedom right vibes of freedom. and you have of the country which can afford about based on vibes enjoy and then you have the other half of the country that is struggling to feed their families. and there is no issue that distinguishes these two halves of our nation, the college-educated elites working-class like immigration because of course some of the immigrants come here and they compete with working-class americans for jobs and living down the wages of the working class illegal immigrant. larry: legal would be hold of the story because they would have to pass accredits houston a points test they would have to show they've job and i just want to verify this. i'm a strong believer in legal ration trump administration for some around, they had a very good point system like successful places like canada using that in australia for example the really do a better
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job in immigration that we do and is the illegals that are doing so much damage on crime and by the public safety anything also they are taking wages away illegitimately. >> will yes. larry: one more pass. >> will i have to say when you talk to working-class americans, they want much less immigration. legal and illegal why there he because it is the boss have supplied to be had. and the more you have of something of the cheaper it is said that les you of something, the more expensive it is that we will labor to be expensive and with working-class people to have middle-class lives. larry: fine okay they would say we take a million a year in legal immigration we have done that for a long time but in this case, i think jd vance and i guess you tell me, kamala harris is now was was she's going to be tough on immigration and she blames donald trump for the
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immigration problem leaving it up. >> this is like an upside down stand you have kamala harris say that she step of the four the donald j trump is fully open borders that is 180 degrees opposite reality so she three have years of sitting at the borders they are wishing to the sibling the apps into billy people broken into this country have the right to be here for linking to the united states opposed rita in 1963 he went to the usmc costa rica and filled out a visa application and you fill out a visa application and you are healthy crime free and able to work great will bring you and you can enjoy the american dream and contribute take into this country have no right to be here and then you should be deported just like obama did with five-point $3m illegal aliens see when he was tougher way tougher. >> yes. larry: and sean duffy of the other issue is i think jd vance's on this year and i think it would be wise also to talk about deporting criminals first in other words, breakthrough the sanctuary city wall and allow
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the local cops to cooperate with the border authorities and go after the criminals that are literally killing people from this illegal waves. sean: is a focus on something that everybody agrees on right if you to the point system is a good people good opportunities for the jobs coming the country don't normally criminals country lisa with the ravaging or strengthening see them in new york city as it is a that avenging people driving around these motorcycles and robbing people from the purses with the purses be with us people of the country but this also comes right on crime wages but also juan josé doctor about this a lot driving up the cost of housing as well legal immigration is also fitting and what inflation as well and i think if donald trump and judy vance been focus on the name-calling, financially the policy issues that can impact people's lives make a better and kamala harris can laugh and she can talk about all kinds of things but if you talk as a candidate about what i care
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about my family cares about my i will vote for you. larry: i think so and don't go personal polar stupid. there's a lot about that with kelly and you know personally don't think that kamala harris is stupid and never said that and what is wrong here she is wrong and she is wrongheaded and she's wrong direction be met. sean: the voter can make up their own conclusion you don't have to leave them there's big look at her and now she laughs and can't answer questions that make up your minds. larry: okay will do think he needs to emphasize his record on these matters for example, can immigration illegal immigration down, to have a million year which is the lowest and longtime. and this is something that biden it harris can only dream about frankly scenic donald trump was the first american president is 60 years to shrink wealth inequality in the market which
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is something he wants to talk about his free market, does not really care about in the left does not want to give them credit for it donald trump shrink the wage gap between working-class and college-educated. larry: that's with the free markets do. >> income tax rates we let people he moreover the hard. sean: just go to larry's economic c1 will i do love her she's almost there. larry: she still needs to get through the second half of the book. >> tariffs are not free market, i am sorry. larry: reciprocity and by the way, the guy sitting next to your was a house coin mr. trump a silly right now let me move on the one talk about elon musk to the rescue and you know he's going to list what weight is going to register or produce another 800,000 votes because he's getting a fair amount of money and essentially this is his version of the sucker box to
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make it simpler and you know something about this i'm told. sean: in wisconsin well they had huge impact on our elections is a when into leading areas was able to get the information about who had register and who voted powerful he would frighten them prep for the polls is swing state like this was the name of voters the publicly trump, that elon musk will focus on and when them yes and that's right and also encourage the voters to vote early to do legally good the polls get the votes cast early on election day in a water main breaks for if machines of them you've already cast your ballot if i think those things v get back. larry: i am so impressed that you speak in terms of low propensity filter and this is part of that target the needs more ventilation and visibility
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is actually is going to be the case and if you read the campaign documents and from the atlantic magazine news article article home article about the lastly suzie this is a talk about, 20 think and we depend can mr. trump depend on me elon musk big story the wall street journal today pretty big of a. >> elon musk has control one of the best technical platforms of the world, huge enormous which i think what about a dues get back x is true social which is terrific. larry: recently justice reopen the x account former twitter insulate the prey of 60 or 70 million people. larry: he is doing it. >> he needs to be on there all the time. larry: you know who elon musk is. >> yes we love cars. larry: he was illegal immigrant, no no. [laughter] and i need to go. >> 20000 governors that did not vote last election.
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larry: those voters. sean: are celestial up. larry: you do when the price sargon on murdoch and sean duffy think you so much and be sure to catch sean duffy along with cohost dagen mcdowell on the bottom line weeknights at 6:00 p.m. eastern every day right here on fabulous foxbusiness and coming up on kudlow, on peace and track invited harris, iran in pennsylvania, we are talking sonia, winnable seat candidate david mccormick a good friend of ours is going be right on our show it please stick around. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds)
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>> i'm prepared to get rid offiw deal doses question amen favorite banning a fraction we know 43 people undocumented across borders criminals that's correct. larry: okay, there's some of it fabulous and so the question is can david mccormick who offered that add special pennsylvania senate seat is now the aforementioned david mccormick candidate thank you david and so does my dad one of the earliest the most tough at any site will you trust me how much can you
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trust she said she's against abandoned fracking and most recently she said she really wants to end the taxes and tips she did about the different up donald trump what she should've. she said three nephews to do it and so how will this play in pennsylvania so far. david: while i think the more as many voters want about kamala harris the more they'll realize that those san francisco liberal policies are just too extreme for pennsylvania gets you mentioned abetting a fracking and transition of energy workers, mandatory buyback of guns, and the restricting red meat consumption a group in rural pennsylvania say wanted in the fracking something away but is already went back of this just a way to sell pennsylvania and bob casey, has been 98 percent the both so you have a week senator who is too liberal for pennsylvania. larry: so even more, issues that
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i think that have yet been completely developed, kamala harris is signing on to joe biden's perhaps four or 5 trillion-dollar tax hikes and she does not want to extend the trump tax cuts and that's one thing no commend there to restrain the spending up there given a second term are borrowing what usually dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. or david, inflation that is the inevitable result of this loose fiscal policies how does it play in pennsylvania and how you entered. david: will the economy is the number one issue and 60 percent pennsylvania live paycheck to paycheck itself when you have a rise in prices of 40 percent fuel prices and more than 20 percent food, people are getting squeezed out food and fuel and rent and if segments direct consequence of $7 trillion of additional spending under biden and harrison casey but beyond that is also related to the war on fossil fuels that is a huge deal
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for pennsylvania course because the fourth-largest natural gas reserves in the world so people are feeling in the pocketbooks in the issue is not republican issue, the democratic issue, everybody parole for urban one think of this there and everybody's fine and you know the biden policies, biden harris casey policies are not a big deal for well-to-do at living in dc, new york core door, if you're living in pennsylvania where they median income is $52000 you can be living paycheck and it is really hurting people mess with evil thoughts on. larry: pushes one more on the fracking, the current administration was to elegy installations and projects in lng exports for example and i would guess as you said who the fourth-largest natural gas producer pennsylvania, liquid it natural gas a.k.a. natural gas
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some be a killer for pennsylvania this what they said they want fan the lng part. >> will this the perfect example with a radical green agenda has hijacked policy under 600,000 workers in the energy industry the related to the energy industry audible of the mark natural gas energy purple and perfect example because that import rotates another come he wrote a stern letter to president biden saying that he should not put in these elegy again. this politics and vowing to the green agenda this exactly what kamala harris will do when she's president if she ever becomes president bob casey ♪ ♪ for her 28 percent of the time as of this will destroy pennsylvania if in fact we get on this path is what we need to leadership in the white house new leadership said. c1 david mccormick terrific military veteran under secretary of the treasury depends longtime
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a toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. larry: that is it for, think you for watching folks. (dramatic music) sina will b
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