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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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ahead of this number? >> just the idea i mentioned this notion of price stability. liz: yeah. >> the risk, the odds are prices at least will be stable. focus on two point something. what if it is next couple years the inflation rate is not the fed's 2% objective, 2.32.4, it really matter to a household that they will make a decision based on few points difference? heil i not probable. the fed has every ability to bring it about. liz: pimco's tony tony. [closing bell rings] liz: nasdaq up 40points. flutter ceo on the outlook of sports betting. we'll see you then. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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president trump and elon musk took the internet by storm last night. we're going to break it down and talk it up with vivek ramaswamy in just a moment but first up breaking news, we're going to fox news peter doocy who caught up with president biden earlier today. peter, this is a remarkable achievement. >> reporter: well, thank you, larry. we did have a chance to chat with president biden on his way down to a cancer moonshot event in louisiana and he has assured us that vice president harris is not as far to the left as her record in 2019 and 2020 would suggest. how progressive is vice president harris than you as a candidate in the general? president biden: the issues we worked on together may make progress economically. no one called what we did on infrastructure progressive. it is a good policy.
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>> reporter: the former biden for president campaign, harris for president campaign tells us that if she is elected president she will not push for "medicare for all" or single-payer health insurance. that is a reversal from where she was at the beginning of her campaign in 2019. and as for hearing about this from harris herself, doesn't sound like she thinks she needs to explain herself anytime soon which means, that a lot of the tape about her talking about big hot-button issues is going to be a couple years old. >> just because she doesn't have anything an interview scheduled on her public schedule doesn't mean she is not taking her message directly to voters. >> reporter: kamala harris.come on, the campaign website has a lot of places to donate to the harris walz ticket but doesn't have anywhere you can click to find out where the two of them stand on the big issues of the day. we've been told to expect a more formal platform by the end of
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this week, larry. larry: peter doocy, thanks ever so much. now donald trump was on message with elon musk last night. that's the subject of the riff. ♪. so the live elon musk interview on "x" with former president donald trump was one massive, humongous, huge event. now there are a lot of numbers being thrown around. according to fox news report at its peak about 1.3 million people were listening live. the trump team has numbers slightly bigger. when they add in impressions, views and posts related to the interview, what you have is a really big, gigantic media live, and unscripted. i know it is an important event because the liberal media is howling against it today. that is a sure fire measuring tool of its success and there is plenty of substance to go that interview. for example, talking about the economy, mr. trump mentioned
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several times how voters want to hear about the economy because they cannot afford groceries. he said he would cut taxes, not only for businesses but for the middle class and he would further deregulate the economy. he said he intends to get rid of the criminals that have been given to us by other countries, and explained that he will get tough on trade, using the principle of reciprocity. he intends to close up the department of education, move it out to the states. he emphasized how in his first term he achieved record unemployment for minorities. he repated over and over how biden-harris energy policies have caused inflation. he also advocated for nuclear power. mr. trump vowed to drill, baby, drill. elon musk said at one point i think we need a government efficiency commission to say, hey, where are we spending all this money?
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elon offered to serve on it and mr. trump immediately said he would love that and called elon the greatest cutter. mr. trump also said that we need more energy in order to power a.i. on foreign policy trump talked about you who he left iran broke, had putin scared. also how he dealt with north korea successfully while biden has allowed a russia china alliance that dangerous to the world. before the interview mr. trump returned to the x site, formerly twitter, and he said are you better off now you were when i was president? good question. he said this to his 89.2 million followers. there is on top of the interview with mr. musk. in other words, one way or another, millions upon millions of people heard donald trump's message in just the last 24 hours. the good news is, mr. trump was
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on message, reminding people of his substantive, successful policies. in other words, full of insights, not insults. good day's work, wouldn't you say, folks? and that's the riff. all right. with great pleasure, joining us now vivek ramaswamy, businessman and author of, truce, the future of america first. vivek as always welcome back. want to get your take on this big media event with elon musk and also trump's return to x, which some people have been advocating. he is on. he has 89 million some odd followers. a whole lot of people listened to the interview last night. there were technical issues. they seemed to have gotten straightened out. all this internet, social media substantive stuff is right up your alley. what do you think about it? >> i think it's great. it is a great chance for americans to see donald trump in long form. that is what we should want of our presidential candidates.
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larry i think it is pathetic kamala harris has not sat down one serious interview, long form or short form with the media of any kind. it was mart with elon, he was correct extending the saline have ittation to kamala harris. i doubt she will take him up on it. but if she does i will give her credit for it because that makes the country stronger. how threatened certain people were by the existence of that interview. kamala harris team was criticizing what donald trump said even though she refuses to be interview. the eu -- united states of america, having for run countries worried about a open conversation with the u.s. president in the united states of america that should be sending alarm bells. i think that dimension was not discussed enough if you ask me. larry: we'll put it into the riff, the eu, had some nerve. was there hacking at the beginning of this thing?
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i don't know what the story was, even if i knew i possibly wouldn't understand it, vivek, what do you think? >> look, hacking or some type of attack or cyberattack that stopped people from joining until elon signaled via tweet. i don't think the technical details matter what happened at start of the interview. if our interview glitched and start talking about ten minutes about it. it was the content of what was discussed, focus on election, sealing the border, growing the economy, staying out of world war iii, reviving national pride. i heard in that conversation yesterday, i think we win the thing handily. more we focus on policy and future, less successful we will be. less focus the less successful we'll be. the point about even foreign interference, when i think about this yesterday, larry, that sent chills down my spine ahead of this interview or this discussion elon musk had with donald trump f that was russia telling a mainstream media news
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outlet ahead of them talking to kamala harris they had to abide by the eu's perspectives on that discussion, imagine what the reaction of this country would be? you know what our reaction shouldn't be any different when the same shoe fits the other foot. that was one of the more alarming things that happened yesterday that escaped notice. larry: i roughed out some of the topics. it was very long interview. i think it was over an hour or so forth. actually might have been two hours. i don't know what you heard of it from the riff tonight, does it sound like mr. trump moved back on message? that is the key. i had kellyanne conway on the show last night. we were going back and forth. we are very dear friends she and i, we both agreed, let's have insights not insults. and it just seems like the speech in montana by mr. trump over the weekend and this interview with mr. elon musk, sounds like he is really kind of back on important messaging. do you think that's correct?
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>> well look, i talk to president trump pretty frequently, one of the things i love about him he is always himself, he is authentic. voters are hungry for that. they don't want a candidate who is managed by the advisor class around them. that is what you get with joe biden. that's what you get with kamala harris. they're really puppets for a system that sits underneath them. donald trump is different in that way. i think the best donald trump is the true donald trump. somebody who is showing voters who he is. at the same time i do think he believes that a focus on policy is the way to win this election because kamala harris has served up a policy record that is really frankly so easy to go after. you don't need to go after her personally. stronger insults are the insults of her policy record. think about somebody despite what she says now, favored single-payer health care system, nationalization of u.s. health care, something the gop has not talked about enough, larry. talk about somebody who favors the green new deal so much so that she cosponsored the legislation. she said she would end the filibuster to ram it through.
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somebody who actually favor as tax on unrealized capital gains. that means many small business owners across this country will literally have to owe taxes they don't have the cash to pay. that is a formula for market crash and second great depression. she leaves a lot pour the picking, if that is what you go with kamala harris. if not come our way and vote for donald trump. i think that is what will win us this election. larry: go back for a he can is the wealth tax on unrealized capital gains. it would kill, retirees would get killed, farmers were get killed, ranchers would get killed. as you said small business people would get killed. i think that one probably deserve as special place in hell. i think it deserves more discussion howed about that would be. that's a, only markets, you know this, an asset is worth only what somebody is going to pay for it. you will set up some irs bureaucracy that is going to make valuations on sales that were never even completed? you're literally taking money
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out of peoples hands and out of their wallets, literally pulling it out one by one that is crazy. that is totally un-american. >> it would also trigger a stock market crash because you have a lot of americans sitting on long-term, sometimes decades honk capital gains that they would then have to sell which creates a technical effect. that is formula for a stock market crash that hurts every day americans, retirees in their 401(k) accounts. you think about landowners and farmers. they are illiquid. they don't have the cash to pay what the government says their land or their business is worth. so this is one of the issues. i think there is two things, larry, that republicans need to focus on that we haven't yet. it is kamala harris's sport for nationalizing u.s. health care system which would devastate health care and focus on unrealized capital-gains tax. that would be economic calamity. if you wanted that, kamala harris is the candidate for you.
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if you want economic growth, prosperity, lifting up all americans, the choice could not be clearer, donald trump is the way to go. larry: one more related to the nationalizing of health care and so forth, ending private insurance, which she has said several times, you know -- >> yes. larry: has i looked, 150, 160 million maybe more, most americans get their health care from their employers, okay? or, they have kind of co-payment employer, employee as they do with the stock market. but that's private insurance. that would all be, 150 million. i don't know, maybe more, maybe closer to 200 million people would lose their health insurance if you abolish private insurance. she is for that. i haven't heard her change her mind. anyway, if she flip-flops nobody is going to believe it? >> yeah, look, she was on a democratic debate stage where they asked a flat-out question, this is not some sort of
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wishy-washy extrapolation, raise your hand if you would abolish private health insurance. she raised her hand. she has been crystal clear on this issue. she was the cosponsor, she just didn't support nationalizing u.s. health care, cosponsor of the bill with bernie sanders to actually do it. in certain cases for the green new deal, which included one time national health care she would end the senate filibuster to pass it through. whatever she says in the next three months doesn't matter because her actions speak louder than her words. i do think, you have a real choice here for what direction the future of the country is going to take. single-payer health care reduces health choice for all americans. require as massive bureaucracy to administer. if you like your private health insurance plan right now, flip watching this, if you like your private health insurance plan you better believe and bet that is gone if kamala harris gets her way. maybe some people want that gone, that's great, vote for her. if not, you have a different candidate. i think that choice on policy is about as stark as we've had probably in the 21st century
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between two candidates of very different visions. it is up to the voters to decide which one they want. larry: this came up when the original obamacare came in the idea of abolishing private insurance which is again most people get their health care insurance from their business. it was vastly, vastly unpopular, vastly unpopular. anyway, last one, because a lot of people don't understand that trump does want to limit government and cut back unnecessary and inefficient spending. we have some tape on what mr. trump and mr. musk talked about with respect to government efficiency system, take a listen please. >> i think it would be great to have a government efficiency commission to takes a look at these things. makes sure the taxpayer money, taxpayer hard-earned money is spent in a good way. and i would be happy to help out on such a commission if it were formed. >> i love it. you're the greatest cutter. larry: there you go, you're the greatest cutter.
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when i was a young pup working for reagan, peter grace, the famous businessman headed up the grace commission. he did a fabulous job. i mean he could have saved a couple trillion dollars if there had been any follow through from congress. this is important. put elon on some government spending commission, some government efficiency commission that is the first we heard of mr. trump talk about that. i think that's progress, vivek. give you the last word. >> look, elon is a brilliant guy. he and i talked about this very idea as well. the reality is we don't need four million federal bureaucrats in washington, d.c. that is the second mass deportation we don't talk about. mass deport those federal bureaucrats out of d.c. to the rest of the country so they can get real jobs in the private sector this is moment of clarity for republicans. we do not want, should not want to replace the left-wing nanny state with a right-wing nancy state. we want to dismantle the nanny state. we don't want to displace a left-wing regulatory state with
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a right-wing regulatory state. we should dismantle the regulatory state. that is what draining the swamp actually means. if we are honest there is debate in conservative or republican circles. i come out on one side of the question, shut it down. if we take that approach to government efficiency and bureaucracy, we will save our country. larry: vivek, thank you for your wisdom. count me in. sign me up. we appreciate it. very very. coming up on "kudlow," president trump needs to stay laser-focused on issues. looks like he is talking about this with steve forbes right here on set. remember, catch "kudlow" monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. right here on fabulous fox business. if for some reason you can't catch us at 4:00, please text your favorite nine-year-old, and she will show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss a government efficiency commission. how about that one? i'm kudlow..
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♪ larry: steve forbes writes, here is how tum can defeat kamala and how he can lose. mr. forbes joins me, right here. forbes media editor-in-chief, steve forbes, welcome to the show. >> good to be with you.
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larry: i just thought about this we were just talking about this, in the 1988 convention because michael dukakis tried to change all of his liberal left positions as governor of massachusetts. he tried to pawn himself off as some kind of manager. in the crowd, in the convention hall, the republican convention, they go flip-flop, beach slippers, signs, flip-flop. you have and i are only people enough to remember that. maybe hugh hewitt later in the hoe, flip-flop, flip-flop. >> at convention, democrat ric convention trying to show they were all patriotic. reagan made reference to it and they call me an actor? i don't remember that one but that is terrific. what must trump do. >> stick to message as you've been hammering home. very basic issues. don't be humerus about moving to
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venezuela and all that stuff. economy, inflation, border, national security. hammer those. end up with a question we keep something are you better off today than you were four years ago? you have your answer. don't get sidetracked on her what she does or doesn't do. just focus on those issues. that is what people want to know. how do we move ahead. then we can turn this around. just three weeks we've seen a big flip-flop could have thought she would be the new queen whatever, second coming, well, three, four weeks, five weeks, can flip again. the other thing to watch out for, i hope they're preparing for it as a contingency, what if biden resigns after the convention? larry: oh, really? >> what if he resigns and she orders an airstrike against iran? larry: oh, my gosh. wow, i hadn't thought of any of that. >> so they have to be prepared and go on offense say iran would not needed to be attack i had them as i said last night on their knees when i was president. so be prepared so you can hit
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maybe in advance but don't be fooled. larry: you were one of few, you stuck to it, you were there early, not so good, you always said biden would not run and you were correct about that. you were saying possibly, he would just step away? she becomes the president. you do it through the 25th amendment. >> no you just say -- larry: he just resigns. >> resigns. time to pass the torch. larry: she bombs iran? she wouldn't have the you know what's to do that, would she? i don't know. >> to win an election, progressives are ready to have her do anything because they know ultimately she is on their side. you know what will happen to defense spending which is already under pressure if she gets in with that crew. the assets are already there in the middle east. didn't have to be much. oh, yeah, i'm commander-in-chief, by golly i'm willing to defend america. i'm not sure it will happen. i wouldn't bet my 401(k) on it
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but that is the kind of thank they have to scenario out in advance, the trump people, go on offense, look what happened to national defense. why do we have to send assets to middle east? why do which still have american hostages? what they did to defense. they will try to cover it up with something like that but -- larry: some kind of fake bravado. >> fake bravado so people are prepared, not caught off-guard. larry: on that very point, we had some numbers, defense spending as a share of gdp, trump's last budget he had 3.7%, way too low but a big pickup from where he inherited from obama. >> yes. larry: biden by the end of biden's 10-year budget window, 2034, 2.4% of gdp. from 3.7 to 2.4. that's probably 35%, some odd, 40% reduction in defense spending in a very dangerous world which biden-harris have made even more dangerous. we're not equipped for that
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right now. >> that's what trump has to emphasize. we don't have the infrastructure in to build the weaponry that we need. he should make the point. this is the most dangerous period in international affairs since the 1930s and we know where that led because of catastrophic mistakes by people who believed in appeacement. these people believe in appeasement, they will try to cover it up for election day. we have to turn that around this is america's safety at stake. this is the free world at stake. that is the big issue. these people brought us to that position. so did barack obama. now we got to reverse it before it is too late. larry: like to see mr. trump actually talk some more about building up defense. he mentions it. i believe he mentioned it in the elon musk interview though i'm not sure but i know he believes it. >> he, hit, first time in 100 years the united states does not have the biggest navy in the world in terms of warships. how did that allowed to happen when china is getting more aggressive. throw it back at them. larry: we couldn't fight two
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wars anymore. that is what misdemeanor defense experts are say. we used to say we had two-war army. we don't have a two-war army. we need three small war army, vietnam type. >> this is where, put on the table. maybe we work with south korea to build ships. work with japan to use their shipyards. allies resources of free world to confront the threat of the free world. thinking ahead what we do to save the free world. larry: trump made progress you think with this elon musk business last knight? also he went back on "x," twitter. he almost 100 million followers, did he make any progress on the messaging? >> he is moving there but got to tell himself, this is it. only 80, 85 days left. i have to focus on this, like those runners at the olympics. they don't think about anything else. don't worry about anything. focus, getting across that finished line. larry: fabulous, steve forbes, you're terrific, adjuster rusk stuff. >> thank you.
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keep up the good fight. larry: i hope, biden steps down, she steps in bombs iran. i have to process that. that is really something. but you have a lot of foresight on these matters. thank you for your wisdom. anyway, folks, coming up kamala harris cannot flip-flop her way out of her failed border record and other things. i want to pursue steve forbes's concerns about defense and what we can and cannot do, what might or might not happen. we have hugh hewitt coming up. we have byron york coming up all when "kudlow" returns. thank you, steve, terrific. ♪. there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. across all your benefits and savings options. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. they really know how to put
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larry: all right, so kamala harris cannot flip-flop her way out of her failed border record and a few dozen other things. joining us now hugh hewitt, host of the hugh hewitt show, byron york, chief political correspondent for "the washington examiner" and fox news contributor. hugh, you are old enough, you
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will be complicit with kudlow and forbes, you can remember the 1988 convention. papa bush under lee at water's tutelage, got a few things right and they had the dukakis flip-flops. dukakis road around in a tank with a helmet on and practically ruined him. all the people in the convention, go flip-flop, flip-flop, speaker after speaker. maybe we reenact that or maybe that is what the kamala harris thing is all about. >> i was listening, larry, i remember the campaign, talking about the hatch act restricted position, i watched it nevertheless very closely. george h.w. bush was down 17 points in july of 1988. he won by 8 points, 25 point swing in month. however the republicans went second that year. so they could do what that did. in other words under all the flip-flopping. the republicans are not going to
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have that opportunity this time. i think the vice president has a pretty easy two week stretch ahead of her. after that the going will get very tough very quickly. larry: very quickly. well, byron, won't she be held to some account for all these flip-flops? i mean it is not just the border. it is a flip-flop on health care. it's a flip-flop on fracking. you've been writing about this. i know her polls look better although rasmussen by the way doesn't think so. his daily polling still shows that trump is ahead but putting all the polling aside for a minute, will she not be held account for all these flip-flops? >> you know i have to tell you i don't actually know right now. so far she hasn't been. she said a few weeks now of absolutely celebrator press, no reason to talk to journalists or anybody else. she whose gotten a glowing press without saying anything to
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anybody. as a matter of fact her incentive is to keep not saying anything to anybody. so i really don't see her being pressed on this anytime soon. perhaps if she submitted herself to a press conference situation where there were multiple journalists, but she, as far as one-on-one interviews she could pick a very friendly interview and never have to deal with this at all. larry: i thought for sure she would submit herself to a lie-detector test? [laughter] >> talking about a big press conference, larry. larry: byron, joke, joke. i would never insist on such a thing. maybe i would. hugh hewitt wrote a tough column she is basically not qualified to be president. i don't know if you heard what steve forbes said. steve forbes raised the threat after the dnc convention mr. biden would step down, she would assume the presidency. to show how tough she is she would bomb iran. he didn't forecast it. she said that's a possibility.
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you're saying she is not qualified to do any of the above? >> no, she is not. i think right now, in fact i heard steve forbes say that, okay i hadn't considered that possibility, and everyone should -- the fact of the matter she has been in public life for 20 plus years. she never achieved anything. her one job with the biden administration, tasked to her in march of 2021, was to control the border flow and to fix the problem in central america. of course that did not happen. i believe this issue is the great white whale of the election. it is beneath the surface at this point but it matters very much in pennsylvania, very much in michigan, very much in wisconsin, the three states that will decide this fairly early on election night. there are lots of costs associated with 10 million people coming in uninvited into the united states. costs that are present and covered almost 24/7 on some networks and i believe very much not quite as present, top of mind as what you're paying for
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for your groceries but inflation, immigration and israel are the three big is, i hope the former president sticks on those three things like flies on fly paper. larry: byron york i thought trump made a good showing on all three interviews hugh mentioned on the interview with elon musk. the liberal media is hating, yelling, grousing but the fact it hit a lot of people. he has gone back on twitter/x, which is hitting another 100 million. god knows how many hundreds of millions of people he has been in contact with one way last 24, 48 hours. sounds like he is back on message to me? >> it has been completely trashed as you suggest in many media outlets. most of them dealing with whatever technical glitches happened at the start. so it started at 8:45 p.m. eastern time instead of 8:00 eastern time. that is the big deal apparently. my feeling was it was a real net
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plus for him because americans got to hear trump in a little bit of a different way. it wasn't entirely the way trump speaks in conversation but it was a lot closer than listening to him in a speech or something like that. so it was actually, he got to make all of his points on all of his issues. it wasn't like a disciplined bullet point sort of talk because it was a conversation but, i think overall it was a real net positive and it's the kind of thing, not like one live tv event in the way-back time people could only watch it at one time. they will listen to snippets of this for white quite hot stuff. >> larry i played interview on my show this morning parts of it were prevock tiff and piercing especially elon musk that america faces existential threat and 4%. population and 10% of the world wanting to move here.
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donald trump in conversation, not hostile, i played it again and again and again. it was a fabulous evening for the former president. larry: that's important because hugh hewitt, you have a bigger following than elon musk. everybody listens to your radio show. they have for a good many years. thank you for coming on our tv show. thank you. byron york as always, thank you very much. all right, folks coming to another story or back around on another story this defense spending issue. joining us now texas congressman wesley hunt who was an army combat vet deployed to iraq among other places. wesley hunt, thank you for coming on. you know we were talking about this -- >> thank you, larry. larry: the defense preparedness which seems like it is at a low pint right now. steve forbes san i were talking about it earlier in the show. i will start the chat on this, mr. trump's last budget, 2020, defense as a share of gdp, 3.7% and he had built that up to five or 6% if there had been a second
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term. now, mr. biden is out to 2034, 2034, defense to gdp, 2.4. so from 3.7 to 2.4. i don't know what the arithmetic is, 35, 40% drop. i want to tell you something else too, if i'm reading this, i will ascribe it to my dear friend larry lindsey, hope he doesn't get cross, personnel are short, number of active duty personnel is down 39% since 2008. recruitment shortfalls are large and growing. and last year, the army and air force were each down over 10,000. those are remarkably bad, weak numbers at a time when the world is sort of blowing up. what do you make of it, sir? >> well, it is my responsibility to be good stewards of the american tax paying dollar but also my responsibility to make sure americans are safe and our
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allies are safe. this is the weakest we have seen our military in generations because we're focused on woke ideology instead of enlisting people that want to fight for this country, to protect and serve this nation. we have got to get back to that. i think that will be a priority for president trump coming up here. we also have got to rebuild our military. if you're not paying attention to what is going on around the world with china and with russia and's happening in the middle east with israel a strong military is something we absolutely have to have. we have to have peace through strength. that is the most important piece of this. we're sending $200 billion to other countries. reason that is happening aside from our defense budget, the reason that is happening we're viewed as the weakest we've seen in generation the. we have to have a strong leader back. reinvest to our military. find young people that want to serve this country and not woke ideology. larry: congressman, you look at this, look at the oversaul story, let's take peace through strength a phrase that goes back
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to ronald reagan, my former boss a long time ago, four decades ago but it stood the test of time, i think you would agree, the strength is home on the economy. the economy if it's strong and you are removing barriers like taxes and regulatory barriers or fossil fuel barriers, all right, that throws off the resources that enable us to pick up our defense spending, and improve our list. you know, instead of being down, the navy is down 6,000 from its own-goal. we couldn't fight a two-war doctrine anymore. in other words, peace through strength. peace, yes, but we need a strong economy to have the kind of defense strength so people will, you know what? machiavelli, better to be feared than loved, always. that is what hundreds and hundreds of years and centuries shown. we're not there right now. we're not there right now. >> that's right. president trump wants to unleash american energy, keeping in mind
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when president trump was president iran was broke. hezbollah would never have made a move on israel like we're seeing right now. the world was a safer place because we had a thriving economy. we had the highest growth of our gdp and our economy in modern history. if people realized that the night was a force to be reckoned with especially came to our strong economy. how we were able to protect our world through strength. so president trump which i think he is going to do by unleashing american energy, getting a lot of tax revenue back, building up the military, paving down our debt, these are all basic principles about the economy, democrats have no idea what they're talking about. furthermore i want to talk about kamala harris. could you imagine kamala harris negotiating with vladmir putin or xi xinping? it would be a complete disaster. america has to wake up and realize, we need a strong man back in this room because these people are taking advantage of us. they will continue to do so. peace through strength is tenet that started off with reagan. president trump carried the banner. we have to have him back to carry the banner again in 2024
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and 2025. larry: one more quickly, congressman, 30 seconds, please, black unemployment, i'm sorry brac male unemployment has gone from 4.6% to 6.6%. i know you worked on this. byron donalds worked on this. mr. trump is working on this. 30 seconds, your assessment, kamala harris cut into that or can mr. trump maintain his margins among the minority groups and black males included? >> larry, joe biden and kamala harris have got to own this mess. they have got to own what they have done to the black community. it is their failed policies, it is increase in the price of gas, the increase of inflation has destroyed the middle class, particularly black males. also with this immigration crisis that we have seen where president trump said they were taking black jobs, they are absolutely taking black working class jobs this is a fact. they're taking american working class jobs. kamala harris has been
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vice president for four years. this is her mess. these are her policies. if she gets reelected expect four more years of this and more. that is why this election is so consequential. larry: thank you. congressman wesley hunt, appreciate it as always. >> god bless you as always, larry, we'll have senator bill hagerty next up on the iran threat to israel. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart ♪ ♪ as time went on, it was easy to seeee ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c ♪
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get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. larry: joining us now tennessee senator bill hagerty. senator hagerty welcome. i will play quick tape this is hot off the press. president biden on the tarmac in new orleans. take a listen. president biden: see what iran does, we'll see what happens. larry: we'll see what iran does. they're asking him a question what will happen. see what iran does. is that a policy? is that a statement, we'll see what iran does? i thought he was engaged in one thing -- really? see what iran does? they're in the driver's seat, not us? >> well they have been ever since biden took office. the biden-harris administration basically pursued a policy of appeasement since the day donald trump stepped out of office. larry you know when i work the together for president trump impose the maximum pressure campaign on iran and took them
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out of terror in the middle east. president trump took out soleimani. we delivered peace throughout the region. biden comes, starts appeasement process plays both sides of everything. instead of speaking from position of strength we're seeing what iran does? unbelievable. larry: he doesn't seen say, he first didn't say, don't, not that ma therred, putin didn't care about don't either, john roberts said don't is what you say to your dog to stop him from taking your socks. to your point there will be consequences, there will be hell to pay, there will be this. why does it say i got your phone number and home address? anything, anything except this sort of passive non-reactive phase. >> there is a very simple and regrettable reason and that's because vice president harris is very much appeasing the hamas left in her own party, the pro-hamas left in the democrat party. they're focused on what is happening in michigan and minnesota. that is what is happening right now. that is why joe biden can't be
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deliberative. he can't be throughoutful. all he does is react in knee-jerk way. they try to play both sides appease everybody in the process. making the entire region a catastrophe. larry: i'm not privy to the national security stuff but i say this israel has knocked out all the commanders, they knocked out hezbollah commanders there in beirut, they knocked out the hamas commander there in tehran. that has got to give iran, hezbollah and iran, hezbollah and hamas some pause. i mean israel is not a paper tiger. i don't know about the united states but israel, the idf is not a paper tiger. >> yes. i think iran actually is a paper tiger though. that is why they rely on terror. that's why they rely on proxies. they're talking big game right now. when president trump was in office we took out soleimani, iran couldn't respond, they didn't. now what they're trying to do is draw the united states into this, draw other western nations into this, argue the cease-fire deal must be accepted by israel.
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a cease-fire deal will not be a good deal for israel. it is basically a win for hamas, it keeps them in business. israel needs to finish the job. united states clearly needs to support that. that will put an end to this. i fear given political climate here in america. given harris need to appease the pro-hamas left in her own party, she will weigh in on this thing trying to support iran in the process. larry: i've seen some u.s. military men say, you know, putin doesn't want iran to hit is railing. putin needs iranian drones and iranian weapons for their fight in ukraine and that might somehow be a restraining influence on iran. give you the last word on it. >> well, i think the best way to restrain iran is for the united states to speak from position of strength. in your previous segment with congressman hunt you did a great job. we need a strong economy, need a strong military and speak with strength. thank you, larry. larry: you're for peace through strength. senator bill hagerty.
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