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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 14, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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my name's trevor. i've tried other diets in the past never lasted before too long my cravings came back especially my sugar cravings and i fell off the wagon. release worked fast. my sweet tooth is gone. i'm so happy with my progress and now i love myself. >> now they're able to cooperate because they've broken inflation where it's not out of control like it was a year ago.
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>> what republicans are going to do is point out all the things you have not liked about the last three and a half years. that's joe biden and kamala harris. one in the same. >> they're in a real pickle because things that consumers need to buy are not coming down from an inflationary standpoint. >> the fact that the ted keeps interest rates so high tells me that the fed is less than von syringes that had inflation will continue to ease. >> two issues that people least want to hear companies provide their views on are political candidates and religion. which is also a good rule of thumb when it. co-s to a dinner party. >> focus on issues that people truly care about and don't care about how many showed up at a rally and anybody's race, gender. that's not important. they do care about whether or not they could afford gasoline and groceries.
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ashley: oh, the great, the who. take a look at fox scare in the sunshine in midtown manhattan. it is 11:00 in the morning on east coast on this wednesday, august 14th. i'm ashley webster in today for stu varney. as we take a look at markets, the dow and the s&p turned positive. very, very modestly so while the nasdaq was down just 36 points. pretty much just treading water so far on the inter-day's session. take a look at big tech names if we can. it was a bit of a mixed bag earlier on. nvidia up by about 1% and google down 3.5% and some concerns it may have to be broken up. not right away but expect that to end up in the courts. 10 year treasury yield down nearly two basis points at
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1.82%. talking about inflation, get together very latest consumer inflation, prices up 2.9% in july and under 3% for the first time in more than 3.5 years and they are making progress. brian brenberg joining me. great to have you. do voters really think kamala harris can bring down inflation? what say you? >> she'd have to say something spes fantastic about it and form an opinion and once she does, she'll have to talk about some of the prices that just don't seem to want to go down. taking you through some of those. shelter is the big one. can't run away from them. shelter price up more than 20% since the biden harris administration started and that just does not seem to be moderating month after month. if you have a home, you got to power the thing. that's where electricity comes in and that one hurts even more.
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prices up almost 30%. 28.5% from january 21 until now. auto insurance prices leave your home and got to get in your car and look at that, ashley. 54.7% to insure that thing and of course when you're in the car, sometimes you've got to stop at, you know, west drive to get something to eat for the kids and eating away from home and 22.9% up during the biden harris administration. the point of all this is these are the kinds of costs that are hard to avoid. it's hard to substitute whether it's ensuring your car, powering your home and living somewhere and cut down on steak and how do you cut down on those things and i'm going to go to iowa state fair this week, ashley, just tomorrow -- sorry, friday, and we're going to talk and get the pulse of the voters on what they think alaska these prices and about the issues. what they think about this race with kamala harris.
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and i'm probably going to eat a lot of things that come on a stick, which i'm very glad to do because i love state fairs and i love to eat. it's all friday, ashley. ashley: i was going to say, if anyone is going byes state fair, swing by and see you and bring you some cotton candy. ashley: i've always got your brachy. a group called evangelicals for harris holding an seventh host of the zoom call is an activist frankly with a history of bashing whiteness. watch this. >> whiteness is wicked. it is wicked. it always means -- it's rooted in violence, it's rooted in theft, it's rooted in plunder and it's rooted in power and privilege. ashley: you know, that woman has also called for destruction of
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police departments and doesn't seem very evangelical to me. why are deputies putting forward someone with such divisive beliefs? >> i have no idea why you would pick someone with with that set of views to be your evangelical representative. so i would think maybe her source would be the bible. if she's an evangelical christian, she should be speaking from the bible and one of the main things the bible teaches everybody is that jesus died for everybody and the color of your skin is not criteria by which you judge and says to me the harris campaign is not as interested in reaching out to christians and that's what they worship and voter beware of that one. ashley: brian, thank you. stay right there. you're with us for the hour.
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we've locked the studio door. considering a historic move to break up google. grady trimble joining us now. all right, grady, what would that look like? >> i'll give you a couple of examples. the government could force going toll divest the android operating system or divest or license the user data to search engine rivals like being in duck duck go and this by the way is after according to bloomburg and sources unfamiliar with the justice department and with conversation and we reach out to going and will they're not commenting and the doj tells us the breakup and it's in google and it's going to be at&t and the judge in this case found that google monopolizing online searches primarily by paying tens of billions each year to other companies and apple to make it a false search engine
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and other iphone devices. breaking up the company as anything but a done deal. there's likely a long road ahead and no matter what might the outcome be and google plans to appeal the judges decision. on top of that, even if it does get to the stage of trying to dismantle google as we know it, that could hit a wall too. that's decades for when the government tries to break up and microsoft that did create an opening for other companies like google to innovate in the tech space and ultimately the attempt to split microsoft into two companies was overturned after a multiyear ordeal. so could be sometime before we see what happens to google, ash. ashley: it could be years indeed. grady, thank you very much. i'm joined from me now. is this the breaking up of google a realistic possibility? i always thought it was when it comes to monopolies, you have to prove the consumers being
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basically first. is that the case here? how does this play out? >> i agree and it'll be very interesting to see how it plays out and google they bounce back stronger and that's the focus that we'll see and ting take awhile to play out and this is how it'll be and if the ruling end up or ultimate result ends up being google's favor and clearly investors will cheer that and what comes from that and if there is a breakup and what are the buying opportunities with the spinoffs and it's the government mandated spinoff and created buying opportunities for investors if there's the more focused companies and maybe that could be something of interest or rivals if there's a bit more of the -- less monopolist ick behavior out there who could
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step in and be interesting for investors to scoop up on if they're able to get more of the market share. ashley: some of the stock picks and you like nvidia? >> yeah, so if you think about tech stocks that are bouncing back, more than others, clearly google is not but what is nvidia, it got hit harder by the bounce back and it's super impressive here, ashley. if you look at the ai landscape, this is clearly the leader, quadruple earnings and revenue growth quarter after quarter and this is a more simple stock and investors careful and earnings up in two weeks and that's the key and not only for the company and for the market as a whole. ashley: very good. we're already out of time and there's other picks and meta platform and thank you very much for joining us today, alissa. let's bring lauren back in if
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you can, lauren. take a look at tesla. what's going on with tesla? lauren: the ev maker is down sharply over 3% and citi put a chinese competitor byb under 30 day catalyst watch list. they think the stock is going up and it's ejected and they'll sell 5 million cars this year and 55% more than last year. meaning it's everybody's launch and competitors are down. all state going for new record highs and $2 billion deal to off load your employer volunteers vy translation and it's got more capital for the business and 5% gain and still up over 500 and the pringles maker being bought by mars, the snickers people for $36 billion. that's $83.50 a share. stock's up 7%. ashley: that's a lot of pringles. all right, lauren, thank you very much. this just in by the way, the
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hollywood actor's union signed a deal with online marketplace narrative. it will allow actors to sell advertisers the right to digitally recreate their voice using ai. union leaders celebrating the deal calling it a safe and ethical option as a way for brands and companies to use ai. that's a big issue in hollywood. all right, coming up, donald trump is in the battleground state of north carolina today. we're going to tell you what he's pitching to voters in the tarheels state. and the grandma of minnesota is thrown in jail for opening her coffee store during the covid lockdown. she says no one should want tim walz as the vice president. >> tim walz is not some cudly, joyful coach-like. all the things that msns are calling him or some of the things they're calling him.
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that is not who this man is. this man would like to take your rights away. ashley: not cudly. we're going to bring you her full scathing remarks. meanwhile, democrats expediting plans to make it easier for immigrants to become citizens. would that allow them to vote in the upcoming election? mark meredith will have the full report, next.
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ashley: thousands of immigrants are becoming american citizens every week. mark meredith is at the white house this morning. mark, i guess the big question on this is will these people be able to vote in the next
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election? >> ashley, good morning to you. those of course have been granted citizenship will have the option to vote and hearing the arguments here from that and republican leaders are away from early voting getting underway and not enough is being done and we're hearing from rnc leadership and they're asking leaders in eight states to do more and just that and they sent a letter to secretaries of states on the states of the map you're looking at saying noncitizen vote asking a growing concern and we heard from chairman of the rnc writing secure elections start with secure voter roles and significant power to ensure those registered to vote are qualified to vote and includes basic requirement of u.s. st.ship and republicans argue the record level of illegal immigrants crossing into the u.s. over the last few years posed concerns about who will be allowed to cast ballots and the new york times also reports separately from this that the central government in a backlog
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during the trump administration and pandemic. republicans are trying to label vice presidential nominee governor tim walz being too soft on the issue all together after he signed laws allowing illegal immigrants to apply for driver's licenses and vice president harris is talking about immigration issue and trying to neutralize the attack and she was out west just last week and told voters she would sign comprehensive immigration reform legislation. >> we know our immigration system is broke and we know what it takes to fix it. comprehensive reform. that includes strong border security and a pathway to citizenship. >> vice president making it clear she wants to see an extended pathway to citizenship and gallop poll this way and majority of people 55% think the immigration levels in the united states are already too high.
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ashley: congressman chip roy and republican from texas joining me now and great to have you along, kongman. is this a -- congressman. is this a push to register voters and a way to wrack up vote s? >> >> on the ticket and vice presidential nominee for democrats and governor wants guys to get driver's license to people here illegally in the united states and tells you a lot and tells you no longer are they concerned about citizenship. when they talk about a pathway to citizenship, that apparently is totally being fine getting driver's license to them and it'll allow them to be on the role and importantly there's a woman that we saw that interviewed with rnc that said hey, i'm here, i never registered to vote but somehow
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i'm on the roles. that undermines her ability to ever get citizenship and able to stay in this country. they're using these immigrants as political pawns and it's disturbing. americans are dying from fentanyl poisoning and getting killed like laken riley in georgia, and democrats are using these people as their political pawns. we should oppose that and stand up and secure the border but importantly we should ensure that we make sure they're always american citizens that vote many american elections and that's why we pass the save act, my piece of legislation and five democrats join with us to support them and sent to the senate and chuck schumer and democrats. ashley: i want to get to this one and san antonio police department about migrant crime in your district. how bad of a problem is that? >> illegal immigrant that was
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here and unfortunately shot three san antonio police officers and it was a direct consequence of them being released into the united states, these illegal aliens from venezuela and we have rampant crime and six children that died in fentanyl poisoning in the school district in which my wife and two children reside. there's thousands of these examples throughout the state of texas. so i sent a letter to the san antonio police department and demanding information about how much they've had to de-voit resources from the people of san antonio to deal with the massive number of migrants. remember also the burden on texans is also a burden on migrants and we've got people cooked alive in a tractor trailer in san antonio two years ago in the texas heat. any person, any democrat whether it's border czar, so called border czar kamala harris or tim walz and somehow open borders are good for migrants and americans are not and demanding
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information for the san antonio pd and the migrant resource center there is being becaused to funnel people through the cicicities and airports and flym around the country and texas spent $13 billion of money to secure the border and the federal government is supposed to do for us. ashley: it's completely out of control and congressman chip roy, thank you for being here and bringing us that per spect and i have appreciate your comments. i want to bring back brian brenberg into this conversation. brian. look, to the congressman's point, should police be forced to release this because of migrant crimes in their community s? >> i live in a community with a ton of migrants and i have kids and have to raise them and make decisions about when they go out and where they can go, and how to take care of them. why in the world should i not be privy today tafanely on crime by migrants? ashley, there's the policy
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conversation on this, fine. but there's just the conversation on how do you live in this world and it's just so obvious to me that we're going completely in the wrong direction and nobody seems to care about the livability from date today in this situation and help me to raise my family in this crazy world till somebody can fix it. ashley: amen. all right, brian, thank you very much. i want to get to this story, texas by the way, it's suing general motors. lauren, on what grounds? lauren: car data tracking. the ability to track how you drive is on most gm vehicles starting with the 2015 model here and texas alleges they misled drivers into sharing driving data with the company and gm stole today tafanely brokers and first -- to data brokers and assigns those drivers a risk score that affects their insurance rates
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and the drivers never even knew about this. what does the car know about me? the car, context and driving patterns and speed and break too fast and wear your seatbelt and drive late at night and affects your insurance rate. gm is responding to this saying they're reviewing the complaint, and they share the desire to protect consumer's privacy. ashley: uh-huh. yeah. there is no privacy anymore. we know that. lauren. lauren: i say that every time we go through a yellow light. ashley: take a look at private of gold and the break and it was down slightly earlier in the session and down about $20, $244. price of crypto 61,000 at one point dropped down to $59,300 and ethereum down $64 at 649. coming up, one of the expenses
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is cancer deaths among men will spike over 80% by 2050 and what does marty mccarry tell us if there's -- marty makary kell us if there's truth to that. a business owner had to close his bar and blames tim walz for raising taxes and that story is next. ♪
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ashley: these marks are treading water and dow up 1 146 points ad up four tenths of a percent and flat on the nasdaq ever so slightly and it's from bloomburg. lauren: stock is reporting eli lilly demanding that they stop selling copy cat weight loss drugs and reportedly sent cease
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and desist letters to healthcare providers and have enough of brand drug to meet demand and stop selling the copy cats and cardinal health, it's a drug distributer and they ship around the world. that's a lot of money when you consider increased rates because of the conflict in the middle east and they were able to increase the profit forecast for 2025 and sell are strong. big winner today. ashley: very good. lauren, thank you very much. back to politics and one of the favorite subjects and impact on money and donald trump headed to north carolina today and it's considered a must win state in november. aishah hasnie joining me from beautiful north carolina. what's trump's big message today? reporter: hey, good morning to you. trump's big message will be the economy. that's what this event is being billed as as basically him
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talking about his economic plan and how he's going to bring inflation numbers down. of course this comes after we saw those really terrifying cpi numbers today that prove that people are just not in a good place right now when it comes to just buying regular groceries and any basic needs and that's the thing we've been hearing on the ground in ashville, north carolina, talking to trump supporters out here that have been lined up for quite a few hours and some of them have come from as far as way as georgia, and you take a look mind me and that's just a part of the line here and take a look at this as we pan the camera here, this is the line of supporteers that are is waiting on the former president. it goes on for at least minimum three blocks here and then around a building. corners are building there and this is who is waiting for the former president to take the stage. this afternoon in north carolina, it's an interesting state and trump narrowly won it in 2020 and today he's rallying
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in a part of the state, a county that has gone democrat in really every presidential race since 2008. now, north carolina is also one of the seven battleground states where the super packed maga ink spending $100 million between now and labor day and going to recalibrate with a brand new opponent and former conservative from the great state of california calling on him to stick to the issues. listen. >> one thing republican haves to stop. don't -- quite wining about her. republicans need to fight for suburban women, college educated. independents and moderate republicans and conservative democrats. the campaign is not going to win talking about crowd sizes or what race kamala harris is. it's not going to win talking about whether she's dumb. reporter: definitely talk alaska the crowd size with a huge crowd
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hour in north carolina. president harris is going to swing through the state on friday and she'll unveil her economic plan and harris walz ticket said it'll make building up the middle class the "defining goal of their administration". that's what they say will be their focus, but she's been getting a lot of flak for stealing in taxes on tips policy and first proposed by trump in a memo just out this morning, campaign writes in donald trump's america, working americans pay more and trump after this rally, ashley, will head to bedminster and hold a press conference tomorrow and there's no word yet on what he wants to talk about but i would assume that he's doing this press conference to once again double down on the fact that kamala harris again is the official democratic nominee has still not done one or an interview for that matter. ashley: i think that's a pretty good assums.
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aishah, thank you very much. huge crowd in north carolina in ashville. thank you very much. the own r of wild bar saloon shut it down and that owner is beg urban and he joins me now. thank you, greg, for joining us. who do you blame for this? would you blame tim walz, the governor? what happened? >> yeah, tim walz is absolutely to blame and he shut our state down for the better part of two years and, of course then in the middle of the state being shut down, we had the riots and minneapolis was completely devastated by the riots and tim walz stood by and let that happen, and after the riots, minneapolis police department was already short staffed lost a significant portion of the
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officers that they had for that, and after that the city fell into dis-repair and tim walz basically stood by and let that happen. it was a terrible thing for the city and tim walz was not there to lead at all. he didn't send the national guardian to quell the riots and had every resource to and didn't send state patrol in to help with the crime after the fact. he was a complete disaster and he allowed the crime to happen in the state of minnesota in particular the twin cities. ashley: yeah, greg, what are you doing now? you had to shut down the business. did you reopen somewhere else? what are you doing? >> we have three more locations in austin, texas; pensacola,
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florida; and lakeland, florida. florida and texas and states that are pro business really are the place to be, and we're glad and happy to operate in those states. ashley: yeah, you think a harris walz ticket maybe not good for the country as a whole let alone minnesota? >> it would be terrible. you know, when i walked into the studio here in minneapolis a little bit ago, i walked past a lot of vacant buildings, and walked down a lot of empty sidewalks getting here and i think that would be representative of a harris walz ticket coming to washington. we really hope that did you want happen. ashley: thank you, greg, for joining us and best for the future. brine brenberg, you're a minnesotan. it always amazes me in blue
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states you have this crime, you have troubles with businesses, all the rest of it and yet the party that bring it is to get voted in and how on earth does it ask. where i come from in minnesota, there was nobody voting for tim walz and can't stand tim walz because he was a tyrant during covid and let rioters do what they wanted to do and business owner like greg, you couldn't be telling and business owners moving them out of minnesota. you've got a governor that didn't stay in business. that's for america. ashley: so frustrating, brian. thank you very much. coming up, a man is suing disney after his wife died in an allergic reaction at the resort. disney said the case should be thrown out because the man signed up for disney+.
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interesting. we'll explain that. a new poll shows once biden dropped out of the race, voter enthusiasm spiked and we'll break down the numbers for you, next. ♪ (♪) car, this isn't the way home. that's right james, it isn't. car, where are we going? we're here. (♪) surprise!!! the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. car, were you in on this? nothing gets by you james. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses
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ashley: so new fox news power rankings and take a lock at three must watch gubernatorial races in new hampshire, north carolina, and washington. interesting stuff. brian llenis joining me now. reporter: the moderate governor christine sununu is not running for reelection and it's the most hotly contested gubernatorial rate in the nation. the fox news power rankings, it's a toss up and new hampshire
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has not held gubernatorial primaries yet and we don't even know the candidates and given new hampshire's left ward drift at presidential level and sununu's strong republican brand there, fox news power rankings predict this election will be close. fox is also keeping an eye on north carolina's race. fox is rating it as leaning democrat, the tarheel state has a history of ticket splitting in its presidential and gubernatorial elections and republicans have won all by one presidential race since 1980 and democratic governor haves the majority of the elections there over the same period and meanwhile fox news power rankings forecast is the race for control of the house is a tossup with a slight edge for republicans and fox forecast republicans saw this with 211 seats and democrats have them closely contested and race toss up and party leads 218 seats for
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the majority and there's a thin four seat advantage and they'll have 230 seats and that'll expand their lead to 13 seats. as for the race and u.s. senate fox forecast and ultimately where the republican cans take back control of the senate and will likely be decided races in nevada and ohio and keep an eye on governor larry hogan in maryland and it's a race that fox is leaning democrat. ashley: could be very close indeed. thank you very much. by the way, a new poll with a remarkable shift of voter enthusiasm since kamala harris entered the race. lauren is here with us. lauren, is this enthusiasm just among democrats? lauren: it's most notably among democrats and independents too and this is from monmouth university and enthusiasm for a
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trump biden race back in june was at 48%. now that it's trump harris, it spiked to 68% among democrats and among independents and went from 34% to 53%. meanwhile republicans are holding steady behind tram within that enthusiasm level at 71% and i say both sides, extremely enthused now that the race is set and who shows up to vote. ashley: the markets are picked up steam on the dow and 172 points and is good for the coast with the game of home depot and travelers and american express at top intel with merck and nike at the bottom of the dow 30 and nice gain for the dow. ai could soon be asking you to
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doctor. great to see you. i thought we were getting better at detecting and treating cancer. so, what's going on? well, the advances in cancer care are really focused in leukemia lymphoma. when you talk about solid tumors, specifically colon cancer and some other solid tumors that are rising in young people, we're actually going backwards a little bit and we may be on the wrong track in terms of how we've approached cancer. it's not just the chemotherapy to treat it. we need to look at the environmental exposures that are causing it. and the microbiome may be playing a massive role. we alter the microbiome in many ways in modern society, those bacteria that line the gut may be involved in the inflammation promoting cancer. so those medicines, the biotics that you can buy are they are they worth trying? there's a lot of
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probiotics out there, and people love their probiotics, but there's very little research on which ones are effective. and most of them just go right through your system. so we need more research on that. great. all right. let's get to this one, researchers claim they've come up with an ai model that can detect diseases just by looking at someone's tongue, do you know how this exactly works? well, in the old days, we would just eyeball somebody's tongue with no magnification and no real science behind it. but these researchers now are saying, let's catalog which medical conditions people have. take the images in microscopic high resolution and see if there's some correlation using ai. and there are some interesting suggestions here. we've known that if you're anemic, your tongue looks a little white. if you're jaundiced, your tongue looks a little yellow. and in chinese medicine, they've used a lot of these clues for a long time.
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maybe i can teach us more about diagnosing from these tongue images. do you think ai is going to revolutionize medicine in some various ways across all different areas? you know, ashley, sometimes i get excited about ai in certain pockets of medicine where we use a spot diagnosis and images are read, but other times i think we just need ai. in medicine. it is such a broken system. we don't need ai, we just need ai to fix a lot of our basic problems. very good. while i have you here, have we heard the back of covid? i mean, i know we're in the outdoors season right now, but we've we've, you know, it tends to mutate all the time. anything new on that front? it appears as if it's following the pattern we predicted. that is, it's becoming a seasonal common cold virus. a little more in the hot season, in air
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conditioned environments. but covid, you know, states are now even democrat blue states are banning masks because of people doing crimes with masks. who would have thunk it? doctor martin mccarry as always, great stuff doc. thanks for joining us. okay, now it is time for the wednesday trivia question. how many states end in the letter? a? there's a bunch of them. is it? 1317, 21, 25? think about it. then we'll have the answer when we get back. when you can't watch, listen, get the latest news, business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening.
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12:00 pm
how many states send in the letter a? all right, brian, you guess i wrote them out 21 i'm confident. ooh impressive lauren i agree 21 well, if you wrote them out brian brenberg i'm going with 21. and the answer is 21. there you go. including minnesota. yes. thank you very much. you can see them all laid out on the map. now we're out of time. brian, thank you so much for being here for the hour. we are out of time, but it's coast to coast, which starts now. all right. thank you very much for that. we are seeing all


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