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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 14, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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tomorrow when we get walmart numbers which are obviously going to give a big read on the consumer. >> yeah. i mean it's, that consumer segment, that lower end consumer, walmart's even becoming too expensive. they're shopping at alde oar tj maxx stores. that is definitely playing into where we're going the second half of the year. i'm worried for the consumer segment that has into the did not well in the market. not invested in market. [closing bell rings] they don't have 50% home equity. i'm worried about the lower end segment. liz: skylar, we have to run. there is the bell. big show tomorrow, cfo of walmart and ceo of robinhood. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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so president trump in north carolina today, laser-focused on the affordability crisis and the economy. congressman byron donalds and art laffer on all of that in just a moment but first up, fox news aishah hasnie on the ground in ashville, north carolina, with a preview of the trump rally. ashiah, what is cooking. >> reporter: we're seeing remarks. we could see the former president come outlined me. i will let you know. i just got excerpts from his remarks from the campaign. i tell you he will talk about the trump tax cuts. he is saying he makes them permanent if he becomes the president again. he of course will talk about the no tax on tips, something that kamala harris has jumped on as well. and he will also talk about not taxing social security. he will spend quite a bit of time hitting kamala harris pretty hard on her economic policy or lack of economic
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policy, because again we still don't know where she stands. some conservatives have been imploring the former president to sort of president stay away from the personal attacks, stick to the issues, talk about the economy, talk about inflation. that is what these folks you see behind me have been talking about all morning long. they want to hear the economic plan from the former president. so we'll wait and see if he stays away from the personal attacks and sticks to the economy. now north carolina is a must-win state for him, larry. he narrowly won this state in 2020. it is one of the seven battleground states that his super pac, maga incorporated, is dumping $100 million into in ad sales from now until labor day. trump's running mate is on the ground in another swing state, michigan, right now. where trump leads harris by three points in new head-to-head "new york times/sienna poll." this is what vance said about kamala harris and her economic policies. listen.
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>> that is not a reputation or a record to brag on. that's a record to be ashamed of. why did it take them so long to get inflation where it is? why are prices so high? because kamala harris failed to do her job. >> reporter: now everyone here in north carolina that i've talked to, larry, is talking about the cpi numbers, the inflation report and they're telling me it's really impacting them personally. i talked to one woman who has a salon, a beauty parlor. she says she has seen a 30% drop in revenue. people coming in because people just don't want to spend that extra money on anything else when they have to buy the necessities. trump is getting a two-day head start over vice president harris here in this state who is swinging through on friday. she is going to unveil her economic plan and the harris walz ticket says they will make building the middle class up, quote, defining goal of their administration. so here we are in north carolina, a big swing state for both of these
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candidates and we await former president trump making his remarks here in north carolina. larry? larry: great stuff, as kellyanne conway put it the other night on this show insights, not insults, how about that? now, let's swing to go to the white house. fox news peter doocy is there to tell us what's cooking. peter what is going on there? >> reporter: we saw president biden today, larry, speaking over in the old executive office building to 100 content creators. officials here say that even though president biden is not a candidate anymore, they're still trying to reach americans who might not consume news or information in the traditional ways like tv and newspapers and magazines and we have a little clip of the president talking to these mostly young influenceers. president biden: that is a real press or fake press back there?
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that's a joke. that's a joke. >> inflation, mr. president. >> yes, yes, yes. i told you we would have a soft landing. we'll have a soft landing. my policies are working. start writing that way. that is why i invited you to the white house because i'm looking for a job. >> reporter: fact check, true. when you listen to the president talking there, it is clear he is not just trying to reach americans who consume their, who get their news on social media, rather than on tv. he also thinks, based on what he said, that he is not getting a fair shake from people on tv or people who write newspaper columns and so he is trying to rewrite recent history and the way that it is going out by talking to these influencers, hoping that they do start posting things on their feeds about how his economic policy is working. that is something vice president kamala harris disagrees with,
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because "axios" is reporting that she will soon start distancing herself from his unpopular economic platform. larry. larry: now that's interesting, that's very interesting. you're right, she will distance herself. that is going to be, i bet, we'll have to see how that plays out. peter doocy, thank you. >> reporter: i would say the key to that, i talked to the press secretary this a little bit. if president biden's policies were popular as the white house officials and president would say they are, he would still be the candidate but he ses not. larry: he's not. you're absolutely right. peter doocy, thanks very much. folks looks like kamal a still hates business and that is the subject of the riff. ♪ kamala harris expected to give a speech on friday outlining some economic program aiming at biden-harris ongoing virus of high prices. you just watch, all right, just watch. she's going to blame business
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because she always does. earlier in the biden-harris administration when prices started skyrocketing immediately blamed businesses for price gouging. something called excess profits and other thing called corporate freed. then of course they told us the problem would be transitory. well they were wrong own all counts. so they formed a task force. they had the justice department, the federal trade commission, the agriculture department, the energy department, all kinds of other agencies and came up with nothing. it was no proof that food businesses or price gouging or neighborhood gasoline pumps sneaking in excess prices and profits or anything, no prove, nothing, nada. not the oil companies, not the poultry companies. nobody. then, they started blaming junk fees which may be a nuisance but have nothing to do with inflation. then the san francisco fed came out with a study that corporate
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price gouging has not been a primary driver of u.s. inflation. ouch. but i virtually guarranty you kamala will try to make that price gouging case one more time because, even with her recent flip-flopping on all of her left liberal, progressive positions, she still today does not like business, full stop. government is never wrong in her book. it's always businesses that's wrong. so here's something to consider. even today, the level of consumer prices is up over 20% during the 42 month term of biden-harris. that includes a 22% hike in grocery prices, 22% increase in rents, a 32% rise in electricity, and a 50% rise in gasoline. or, in july alone, the the price of fresh fruits and mellons
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jumped 10%. beef prices up 8%, coffee prices up over 3% and real weekly earnings for typical middle income families down 4% because prices have increased more than paychecks. so the long tail of inflation continues to plague middle america. meanwhile the budget deficit for fiscal '24 is expected to hit just south of two trillion dollars. that is nearly 7% of gdp, this is in peacetime, with no national emergencies and an economy only recently left full employment. and the cbo baseline shows two trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see with publicly-held debt rising to 120% of gdp, how about that? miss harris utters not one peep about this insane federal
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spending that really is the root cause of this particular unfortunate cycle of inflation, not a peep, and you won't hear about it in her speech on friday either. the bidens regulatory attack on business, their constant war against fossil fuels, along with their repeated efforts to raise taxes, all of that has muzzled the productive supply side of the economy that creates goods and services. but while they're throwing a wet blanket over production and work incentives, they continue to increase demand through government spending and deficits. these, they main line the money right into your checking accounts, you know? regretly the jay powell fed has been a handmaiden to biden-harris profligacy. too much money, producing too few goods breeds more inflation. the cpi has slowed to 2.9% for all items.
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excluding food and energy, 3.2%. that disinflation will not last long as democrats continue their free spending and borrowing ways. american business didn't force higher government spending or borrowing or regulating or taxing. those mistakes came from government action and unless that government action is curbed inflation is likely to flare up again especially if the wrong crowd is reelected to the white house. get my drift? that's the riff for tonight. all right. let's talk, joining us now welcome back florida congressman byron donalds, art laffer, economist. ought thursday of trumpnomics. arthur, we had to have you back because today's your birthday. we'll celebrate your birthday. byron donalds well celebrate your birthday. i asked milton friedman to come but he is otherwise engaged.
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just the three of us talking. byron donalds begin with you, you think i'm wrong, do you think kamala harris on friday will unveil some supply side policy or will she blame businesses, private sector, price gouging, corporate freed for inflation? how do you see this, byron? >> larry, i see it how you see it. she will out and use the same progressive talking points to cush prices. the problem is it doesn't work. she gave a speech two years ago, started hinting as a prosecutor she went after corporations for raising prices and things like that. well we all know that if you try to put artificial caps on prices, what you end up doing is raising prices as a result. that doesn't work. she will never look at the fact that she was the tie-breaking vote in the u.s. senate for the american rescue plan which created a labor shortage by paying people to stay home and the inflation reduction act, she was a tie-break vote for that
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too, which supercharged the inflation crisis we have right now. she won't take responsibility for the fact that this inflation spree started in 2021 and the funny thing happened in 2021, larry. donald trump was no longer president of the united states. it was joe biden and kamala harris. this is their record record destroying middle income families, poor families, seniors on fixed income. i don't anticipate any supply side policy agenda from kamala harris. quite the contrary, 2 will be with massive government regulation, having a boot own american business. we all know what that does, that only is going to spur less economic growth and it is actually going to create a more stubborn inflation going forward. larry: arthur laffer, miss harris will say corporations are the problem and she is going to want to tax them and i don't know whether she will go for
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direct price controls, maybe she will. she always attacks them. i think she wants to tax them. i'm trying to make this distinction, art. there is government action and there is free enterprise action. the government action is the problem. that is the problem. the democrats don't see it that way but mr. trump understands that a a liberated free enterprise economy. he is talking about that right now in north carolina, i've seen the draft. he is saying free enterprise that is the solution. now in the face of evidence, art, why do the democrats not understand? why do you think so? >> well i think she doesn't understand and i think byron's comment was really to the point. she was that tie-breaking vote. she owns the inflation reduction act, even more than joe biden. she is the author of the inflation of the bid administration. she really is. if it had been greed, if it had
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been price gouging by businesses wouldn't they have price gouged them way through trump? they didn't. inflation was low under trump when businesses were given rein and she comes into government, bang it goes up. it is clear. there is the evidence for you. she has been in government all her life. that is what she is, lawyer, government all her life, she thinks government is the answer. in fact we think of government as the problem. wasn't that the reagan thing, the seven most scary words in the english language, i'm from the government i'm here to help you? she believes that government is the solution because she is government. she believes she is all power if you recall but she doesn't understand the private sector at all. she wants one-person health care system. she wants all of this national takeover. she want it raise taxes on business. she doesn't think these people respond to incentives and supply side. i think byron is completely
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correct. she is going to go the wrong way much worse than biden. larry: they don't understand markets. they don't understand markets, right? >> they don't. >> no. larry: say, byron, look it, if you're running a company and you raise your prices too much, okay, guess what? consumers will boycott your product and the company will lose money, okay? that's the way a market works. there is supply and there's demand. if the business gets out of line, the consumer slaps the business back into line. that's how markets work okay? if a stock is, is higher than people want to pay for it, then they will hold back their cash and the price of the stock will come down or they will just sell the stock and the price will come down. byron, they don't understand markets and they don't seem to be improving on any of that. i hear no market oriented stuff coming from -- it's, it's kamala
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but it is the whole lot of them. i don't hear any of that and that's where i think the problem is. there is nobody from business. they don't get business and markets, byron donalds. >> not at all. >> look, larry, you're correct. i think it came out the other day starbucks fired their ceo. larry: yes. >> for a similar situation. they were jacking prices on coffee. the customers rejected it. the board is like what the heck is going on? get this guy out of here. they brought in the chipotle ceo. that just happened in the market but it is bigger than that. two things, number one the reason why democrats do not trust markets and don't understand market is because you can't get elected with that kind of policy agenda if you truly believe the market system works. this is about political power, not about economic policy, for the american people. it is important to state for everybody to understand, kamala harris is going to try to distance herself from joe biden's economic record. the problem is like susan rice said the other day, she is, she
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is intricate, she was right there crafting the economic policy of the biden administration. larry: yes. >> now she is try towing walk away from. she -- successes and failures are hers. larry: right. where is she going to go? going to run away from them at this late date with just a couple months before the election, having unseated him? i mean steve forbes said last night on the show, he may be forced to resign as president after the democratic convention in chicago for all we know but where is she going to run and where is the difference? let me go back to something. arthur you were talking about health care a minute ago. she now flip-flops. she is not really for "medicare for all" although she was. it is 40 trillion-dollar, 40 trillion-dollar program, okay? but she also said in those days which are only a few years ago before she flip-flopped she was against, she would end private health insurance. so i did a little homework
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because i was doing ballpark last night more specifically. listen to these numbers, arthur, 180 million americans through business group health care, that's the private sector, okay? 180 million. pluss arthur, there is another 46 million who buy their own, okay? so you've got 180 million through some kind of group business benefit and you've got 46, that is total of 226 million people that would be disenenfranchised if you ended private health insurance. i got to tell you, art, i don't care how many times she flips, i don't care how many times she flops, in her dna, the dna of her closest advisors the left liberal progressives would like to end private health insurance. what would that do to this country, art laffer, i ask you? >> it would be, it would be
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really very bad for the country and you're completely right. she does have it in her dna. she is a government person from the beginning of time. when bernie sanders wanted single-payer she was right there with bernie. she believes that in the core of her core. now her pollsters tell her don't say that. it will hurt you in the election. she is very cognizant of that. and she may shift. bottom line she is going to do it. she is going to put that through. that will be your health care plan. she should put through medical price transparency the way trump tried to do in his administration, put the executive order in. biden went along with trump. he put in the executive order as well. she is backing away from all of that, because she doesn't believe -- she believes government is the answer to every problem and the private sector is the cause of every prompt. that's in her dna. that is where she has been all of her life and she is not going to change on that, larry. she will not change on any of these things. there will not be one private sector, pro-incentive capitalist
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solution she will proffer ever, ever, ever. it will be more government, more government, more government. if you like government go to the dmv, go to the post office, see how well they run things. larry: buy rohn, last word, 30 seconds plus. look it, all these deficits, 7% of gdp deficits, two trillion dollars as far as the eye can see, over a period of time, the cbo says will be 120% of gdp. that is a wartime number. that is an emergency number. that's a covid number. that's a depression number. we have none of those but they're still spending and bosh rowing like that. byron, i guarranty you, not one wit, not one peep of those deficits and government spending, none of that stuff is going to be in her speech. don't you -- i would be happy if they were but they never talk about curbing spending which really was the proximate cause of inflation in this particular
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cycle. last word, byron. >> you're absolutely right, larry. she is not going to talk about it. she will not talk about cutting spending, ways to pay down debt and get our country out of this massive overspending crisis we're in because kamala harris and joe biden and nancy pelosi, don't forget her, they put us on this trajectory of annual two trillion dollar deficits. she is not going to walk that back because she would lose support inside of the democrat party overnight. i guarranty you she won't say it. larry: you're right. anyway, congressman byron donalds, thank you. happy birthday to my pal art laffer. appreciate it, buddy. coming up here on "kudlow" the long tail of inflation continues to plague middle america. we'll talk about it with kevin hassett next up. i will be right back. it's "kudlow". jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan.
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of the reasons why people feel like they're really being harmed by inflation is that so many people have car loans and credit card debt and so on and the interest rates on those things have skyrocketed. right now, for example, 47% of americans carry their debt over on their credit card every month so they don't pay it off and the average balance is about $7,000 and the interest rate on that $7,000 is 24%. larry: wow.0 bucks a year in addition to what they're spending on food that's gone through the roof, so people are really suffering because of inflation, a lot more than the cpi, which came out tamer than it has been today. that is not the true indicator how people are doing. larry: people also on, on ces, cpi report, they say there is too much emphasis on rents and housing the reality is mortgage rates are not included and mortgage rates in many cases
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made houses unaffordable. i know home prices are too high. mortgage rates are too high. people with 4 or 5% in the trump years, they don't want to get out, right, because it will be 2 1/2% mortgage. you will go into seven. that is a big problem also. nobody talks about that. >> right, sure. there is something that you probably have shown, professor kudlow on your show, there is something called the housing afford act index. larry: yes. >> it right now it as low as it has been since the '80s. the mortgage rate when trump left office was in the 3s. people are lucky if they get a seven. that really increases the cost of owning a home. that's why people are basically staying put and not moving around so much. larry: kevin, do you think kamala harris will give a speech on the economy, we think on friday, you think she will have a long section on how to curb spending and reduce federal deficits and debt? >> honest to goodness her positions are changing so fast i
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can't predidn't what it is she is going to say. i'm pretty sure the one thing we know, whatever she said yesterday she will say the opposite. so probably she will say that, right. it could actually be but what it means when you're changing your mind all the time what you advocate you don't really believe it. so i don't know what she is going to say and i don't know what she believes and i don't think to quote a great former president i don't think she knows what she thinks. larry: kevin, she never had, never refers to spending. the spending is coming in just under $2 trillion this year. it is 6.7%, almost 7% of gdp, kevin, in peacetime without emergencies, and we're not far from full employment. we've never seen this before. any good keynesian should be objecting but i never hear joe biden and kamala harris talk about spending and deficits. that's why i don't think she will on friday. i know she flip-flops but there are some progressive ideas that are sacrosanct and big deficits
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and spending is one of them. >> right and you know what? where we do see a lot of discussion about reducing spending is in president trump's platform which you know, unlike candidate kamala harris, president trump actually listed all the things i wanted to do at the convention and one of them of course is to rein in spending. the point they won't do it regardless of what they say, since they won't do it the fed's job will be very difficult. everybody celebrating the cpi today. year-over-year cpi is 3.2%. it is way above the target. sure maybe the fed will cut rateses in september but if you go back to the '70s, what happened was, they doubled down on big spending policies. then inflation went back up. that is my bet if -- larry: that's right. i agree with that. by the way mr. trump is coming out with a policywide paper that is terrific, including spending restraints. that will be out before long, including spending restraints. anyway, kevin hassett, the best of the best, thank you ever so
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much. >> thank you. larry: coming up the biden-harris administration granting citizenship at a very rapid rate, the fastest in a decade. you think they're illegals? we don't know. we'll talk about it with house members claudia tenney and scott perry. i'm kudlow next up. ♪.
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larry: the biden-harris administration is granting citizenship at the fastest rate in a decade, completely changing the electorate. i wonder why and how? new york congresswoman claudia tenney, pennsylvania congressman scott perry. claudia, in redding connecticut where i have voted for i don't know, 30 years, all you need is a credit card. that's all you need, okay? i mean i want to give them a license. at least it has a picture of me on there. nope, credit card. now, this massive registration and granting of citizenship,
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where is this coming from? what's this mean and maybe we should stop it? >> it's by design, larry. that is why we have to say that. we know most of the states in the united states do not require proof of citizenship before voting n new york state you can virtually walk up to any dmv, on your honor, sign up for the license which you get in new york and you get protected. it asks you in a tablet, are you a u.s. citizen? you can answer yes or no. once you say yes, it will ask you which party you want to register. off you go. you are now on the rolls. it requires actual real diligence and a very, very good organization on the ground to determine if this ballot gets to the board of elections, if it gets in the box. once it gets in the box, larry, it's over and remember the 2020 election was decided by less than 44,000 votes, if you look at wisconsin, arizona, and georgia, just those three states. larry: i got it. scott perry, though, here's the
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thing, illegals come across, okay? they get a visa. they get a work permit. then in many, many states they get a driver's license and with that driver's license i think in many, many states they will be able to vote and they shouldn't be voting and they probably shouldn't have gotten a driver's license. in fact they shouldn't have gotten the work permit because they're here illegally, scott. this is where this is going. i don't know, "the new york times" is happy with it, are you? >> of course not and this has all been by design from the very beginning. it is like president obama telling us people here illegally wouldn't be able to avail themselves to taxpayer-funded obamacare. of course after the fact we know that is exactly what happened. they have been telling us all along, this isn't about changing the vote. we're cynical, we're mean, we're ethnocentric and ego centric and all these names that they call us but that is exactly what this is by design. just like you said you're given
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a work permit. then you're given a driver's license in pennsylvania. i suspect new york, claudia can confirm this. there is motor voter. you're registered to vote. why would they register people to vote that aren't citizens when they know they're not supposed to be voting? but they will do that and of course, as she said, after the fact, there is almost nothing you can do because once that ballot is intermingled with other ballots, there is not one judge in the country that will say, we have to throw those ballots out some of those are fraudulent. they will say we can't throw any of them because one of them might be legitimate. larry: claudia, will this say that, mike johnson and all are pushing? will that stop this? probably run out the clock. not enough time for it. >> look, i think it will make a tremendous difference. obviously requiring proof of citizenship -- larry, it is so critical. we have such a fragile society. it is constitutional republic. it requires citizens to take
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part, the responsibilities of citizenship along with the benefits of citizenship, one citizen, one vote. reason the new york constitution and new york law requires citizenship for voting but the democrats keep putting laws in that undermine our right to vote, that sacred right we have, continue to allow the non-citizens to dilute the vote because they're trying to prime the pump, trying to win at all costs, regardless if they undermine i will say it democracy they claim to protect, completely ridiculous. they don't. larry we have to make voting great again. i came out with a whole plan how we do that, the way that president trump has envisioned this, making sure we do not dilute the rights of our citizens. making sure they are part of this government. by the way as republicans, i know scott agrees with this, we want every legal citizen to vote in elections. we don't want to suppress the vote. but the democrats throw that out that is a distract tore to make you think we're terrible and mean all that. we want every legal citizen to vote. larry: i don't understand, scott, give you last word, 20
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seconds, i don't understand, if you can get a license permit, coming across the border illegally, get a license you vote. i don't know, that is the way, i mean, again i hate to say it, but in redding, connecticut you don't even need an i.d. card, don't need a picture this is a wave. >> that is exactly right. larry: i don't know how you stop it, scott. >> claudia characterized it correctly. it is all on the honor system. no one is checking there is no way to check after the fact which is why elections must be squared away from the beginning. that is why we should vote in person with citizenship and identification requirements on one day unless you can't come and vote you can fill out an absentee ballot that you request, once the election happens no way to rectify it after the fact. that is the democrats no.
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they vote #-d against the safe act. they're not interested in citizens voting but winning at all costs the country be damned. larry: scott perry, thank you, claudia tenney, thank you very much. we appreciate you both very much. moving along, another story, with the democratic convention in chicago backfire on kamala harris? nobody offered that point of view. joining us mark simone, wor hall of fame radio show host, joe concha, fox news contributor. new book, progressively worse, why today's democrats ain't your daddy's donkeys. mark simone, chicago backfire? >> absolutely. first there will be no crime in chicago for a week. they will clean up the streets. larry: [laughter] >> which will drive chicago crazy. a lot of radical speakers, central park five, salaam will speak right before harris. they will try another
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charlottesville, trump took out calling for death penalty, came it was for the central park five who were acquitted. the ad had nothing to do with it. this is like charlottesville, it is a total fraud. larry: left-wing speakers,. >> radical left-wing speakers. larry: they will yell, scream, they're being included. no matter how many flip-flops left-wing speakers. >> call trump racist. play those race cards all that kind of stuff. larry: joe, flip-flop, flip-flop, flip-flop, it is like mike dukakis and john kerry. you know, we should get away with it? everyone is asking will she get away with it? i don't know she will get away with it. what do you think? >> it was a much different media in 1988 when mike dukakis was leading papa bush by 17 points this time in the race. in 2004, more than 50% of the american people trusted the
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media. that number has gone down 20 points, among republicans single digits at this point. you had a media that would hold these candidates accountable based on past rhetoric and record. the tim russerts of the world, play a sound bite in front of the candidate, the candidate would have to defend it. the difference the candidate showed up for the interview. much kamala harris we're 24 days since she basically got the democratic nomination. she has yet to do one interview, take one question of substance. she has under done a press conference since she ran for mt. back in 2019. the reason why, when you take her out of a teleprompter she is human chernobyl. she cannot speak extemporaneously. she will not do an interview until after labor day at this point, until early voting starts in pennsylvania. larry: mark simone, were you shocked she came out for no taxes on steps and failed to footnote donald trump? were you shocked at that? >> they keep telling you -- larry: i was offended on
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academic lines. should at least give him a footnote. >> they tell you trump's campaign is disaster, horrible campaign, if it is so bad why is she copying exactly. copy and paste kamala. copying everything of his. she will have red hats before you know it. larry: in her dna you will not take out the california, san francisco liberal left progressive. that's my -- if you let her loose, and it is going to happen, she will be on her own with somebody, she will say stuff. the dna's there, it will not be pleasant for her. >> no. you know, we got these wacky, crazy d.a.s let the criminals out, progressive d.a.s. people forget she was the first one in san francisco before all these other d.a.s. was for proposition 47, basically legalized shoplifting. proposition 57, let all the dangerous criminals loose, this is horrible stuff. larry: joe concha, how big is the governor ted walz problem? >> tim walz? larry: i beg your pardon.
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>> stolen valor, let minneapolis burn to the ground. i know one ticket believes we shut keep men out of women's sports. one ticket that we keep tampons in he will americantry schoolboys bathrooms. that is tim walz position. that gets exposed in the debate. larry: there was nasty story he was hanging out with muslim guy who hates jewish people, talks about adolf hitler. he has a checkered past. i don't know how much it really matters. >> one i've putt for kamala harris. shoes josh shapiro, 65% approval in toss-up state. whoever wins pennsylvania likely wins the election. went with tampon tim. that is the first major decision she made as a candidate. boy the wrong one. larry: mark simone, there we go. thank you very much. coming up joe biden's unconstitutional student bail out is blocked once again by a federal district court.
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biden's stupid loan cancellations are unconstitutional. by the way this judge slammed lower courts and, i mean slammed the administration for not listening to lower courts and they still want to do it, mr. cornyn. how is this possible? >> well they're lawless. they simply don't believe in enforcing the law at the border. they don't believe in following the law and they believe they can gain some sort of political advantage but transferring the obligations of these stunt student borrowers to taxpayers. many of whom didn't have the resources to go to college themselves. larry: sir, it is costing a fortune. the estimates of these cancellations run frankly from 500 billion to up to one trillion dollars, adding to the deficit and debt and they don't care about that either, sir. >> no. and, you would know as well as anybody, larry, but i think this
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is also inflationary. people wonder why prices are so high, even though inflation is starting to tick down a little bit but the cumulative price increases on everything from groceries to gas, to rent, to mortgage payments has been sky-high, 40 year high inflation rate. this is one of the policies that contributed to that. larry: now i know you've been involved in the discussion about the budget reconciliation package next year, taxes and spending but i want to ask you, during this broadcast with elon musk and mr. trump, as you probably have heard, elon propose this is government efficiency commission and he said he would serve on it and mr. trump said absolutely without a doubt, you will come and serve on it. you're the greatest cutter. i wonder what john cornyn thought about that. are we going to start up a commission and put mr. musk in charge? listen, i have heard worse ideas? >> i think he would make a great
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contributor to that effort but you know, larry, this is really congress' responsibility and when congress won't do it under the biden administration, we've seen $35 trillion in debt and what i'm hoping for after a good election on november the 5th, is that we can then pass a responsible budget, put all six trillion dollars that the federal government spends on the table and say what should be our priorities? one of those priorities needs to be able to chip away at the national debt by cutting spending. that's the problem. democrats think we don't tax people enough but it is really a spending problem. i'm for anybody, including elon who wants to help contribute to that effort. larry: i think it is encouraging, mr. trump really wants to go after spending and he has got a white paper, policy paper combing out that underscores that. so i think that they will help you, senator cornyn, all i'm saying they will help you. >> i want to be part of that effort. larry: okay. thank you, sorry we're a little short today.
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larry: the long tail of consumer price increases continues to plague middle america. it's not the fault of business, it's too much government spending, deficits and borrowing. let's cut spending. that's my take. and the next take is liz macdonald. take over. elizabeth: yeah, i'm going to to the take this over right from the baton from you, larry. we'r


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