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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 15, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: mr. trump is growthier. totally unmessaged, raising paycheck, cutting taxes and inflationment sounds pretty good to me and everybody is going to sound good. elizabeth macdonald up next. liz: thank you so much, larry. welcome to the "evening edit" i'm elizabeth macdonald. former president trump right now taking it right to kamala harris. a press conference, he's doing as she avoids the media.
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he's talking about how he will stop food and grocery inflation and the economic problems biden and kamala harris caused. new polls coming in show the honeymoon, the hype for kamala harris about to end. and the trump campaigns caroline sunshine is here to react as now polls show minority voters moving toward trump. also, tonight, socialism anyone? >> i want to thank-thank you, and let's please -- >> [cheers and applause] >> thank you, thank you. liz: okay, tonight, the very unserious fix kamala harris is expected to announce tomorrow, that will make the economy worse economists say. she wants government price controls on food and groceries. economists have ex core crated that as socialists, steve forbes here with his analysis. also tonight, new revelations on how kamala's runningmate tim walz likes to lead. >> we simply want people to be
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able to call and let folks know it's for their own good. liz: hear that? it's for your own good as in do as the government tells you. that was walz defending his pandemic snitch-line. tonight we'll show you the heavy-handed sound plus president biden getting his revenge. growing white house leaks on his rage and fury at nancy pelosi for pushing him out of the race. former trump deputy press secretary hogan gidley is here to react. >> here is the record of economic calamity that kamala is desperate for voters to ignore. she cast a tie-breaking votes that caused record inflation. she cast the votes. she's tried to blame biden as you know. liz: that was former president trump just moments ago. we're getting highlights of his press conference happening now in bed minster, new jersey. reports also coming in the trump campaign will counter program against the dnc next week and
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president trump and his team will go to the battleground swing states. let's bring in trump campaign deputy communications director caroline sunshine, with her debut. caroline it's good to see you. thanks for joining us. you know, minority voters now reacting positively to trump. a new fox news poll, it's trump plus one over harris nationally. trump has 26% of the black vote. that's rising and 52% of the hispanic vote. he's talking right now. what do you make of all of this? >> oh, well absolutely. you know, you have whether you are black, white, or brown in this country everybody's money is green and nobody has enough of it thanks to kamala harris and joe biden. you know? president trump said it best himself yesterday on stage. he said the woman who broke the economy isn't going to be the one to fix it and americans regardless of race, regardless of gender, are hurting. you know if you go to the grocery store no matter if you're black, white or brown, cereal is the same price, gas is unaffordable, baby formula is unaffordable. gasoline has gone up 50%.
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look at the way kamala harris and joe biden have killed our once-great american energy sector. that's the number one way that we bring down prices in this country and so as you see president trump right now with all of those groceries behind him that no americans can afford and of course, what is kamala harris' suggested solution to this? not to take accountability instead to blame everybody else and suggest price gouging, a socialist measure that happens in third world countries. this country deserves so much better than that and that's what they had under president trump and what they will have again when he's back in the white house. liz: former president trump said that's what causes socialist nations. kamala's idea on price control, steve moore will talk about that in a second. he just said that kamala declared tackling inflation will be a day one priority for her, when day one for her was nearly four years ago, since she's been in the white house. so, they're more of the same big government answers when they never created a job or worked in the private sector, versus those like trump who did.
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>> that's exactly right. president trump says it better than i ever could. her day one was three and a half years ago and americans are asking themselves the famous ronald reagan question. am i better off than i was four years ago and by every economic metric, they aren't. you have to make $100,000 on average in this country to afford the median home price right now. i hear from young people all the time. the number one concern is they can't afford a home. rent and housing prices are more unaffordable than its ever been. meanwhile kamala harris and joe biden have given free flights and housing to illegal immigrants while punishing the american people and look at the credit card apr rate, the number of bankruptcies no matter if you are a business owner, have a young family, we're seeing seniors coming out of retirement they can't afford their bills and they are on fixed incomes and can't afford medications. we're seeing average american family is costing them $28,000 extra a year just to live. this is what kamala harris said also bidenomics which as i said is kamalanomics is on stage
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everyday saying she's so proud. the white house is saying there's no daylight between her and joe biden. they are proud of bidenomics. they think it worked great for the american people. respectfully you would have to have your head as far out of reality as kamala harris does to think this american economy is working for anybody other than career politicians like kamala harris who as you said never worked a private sector job in her entire life. liz: watch former president trump at his rally in north carolina yesterday. this really stood out. >> kamala declared that tackling inflation will be a day one priority. think of it. for her, but day one, for kamala, was three and a half years ago. she says her plan is going to be and bring down prices. you've been there three and a half years. kamala harris won't end the economic crisis. she will only make it worse. she's doing a plan, you know, she's going to announce it this week, maybe. she's waiting for me to announce it so she can copy it.
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everything kamala harris touches turns bad. it all turns bad. san francisco was a great city now it's unliveable. california was a great state. now it's unliveable. she breaks everything just like she broke the border, broke our economy. on my first day back in the oval office i will sign an executive order directing every cabinet secretary and agency head to use every tool and authority at their disposal to defeat inflation and to bring consumer prices rapidly down. liz: do you see that, caroline? he wants to deploy federal agencies in his cabinet to bring inflation down. what do you think of that? how is he going to do that? >> well as we remember when president trump was in office inflation was at 1.9%. you don't want it to be a completely deal but you certainly don't want it where it's at now. we've seen it climb over 20% thanks to the failed economic policies. this is intentional. this economy didn't happen by accident. kamala harris and joe biden broke it, and the people who broke it are not going to be
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the ones to fix it but you know what does fix it? unleashing our great american energy sector. the number one thing we can do to bring down prices in this country. look at our great states of pennsylvania, wisconsin, west virginia. they are the number three largest natural oil reserve in the world. president trump's policy drill baby drill. i'll be shocked when kamala harris decides to copy that next week too as president trump mentioned her only policy ideas are plagerizing hours, he announced his no tax on tips policy you remember kamala harris coming out claiming that as her own. she should have said she endorsed ours but again our energy sector is the key to bringing down prices on all of our household goods that americans are struggling to afford. liz: caroline sunshine thanks for joining us. appreciate you so much. >> yeah. >> he's going to hide in the basement until she's forced out. >> i think it's honestly cowardly of her. >> trying to get votes that's the only reason. she hasn't done crap in three and a half years. why would she do it now? >> why is a one bedroom
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apartment $600? $1,600 like oh, my god. for 500 square foot. >> one at a time i said. >> rent prices is outrageous and then these jobs, they are bare minimum jobs. like i'm supposed to be in customer service. before i was a server and we need them jobs but where are you yelling at me over a burger. the work life, trying to balance out school, finding housing. it's just over-hyped. i really waited my whole life to grow up and do this? liz: that wage increases the genz voter, stunning and msnbc host calling out the biden-harris economy, vice president kamala harris expected to announce price controls as her fix to inflation tomorrow. economists since nixon have slammed that. joining us now forbes media chair and editor in chief, steve forbes. steve, good to see you on the show again. >> good to be with you. liz: when you heard this idea what was your reaction? what effect would this have on
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the us? >> you mentioned nixon in the early 1970s. price controls led to shortages and ended up creating a vast inflation and it goes back in history. whenever governments mess up the economy, as this government has done, this administration has done, they blame the private sector and call for more government power, so she's proposing or will propose looks like a virtual takeover of the food industry. telling them what the profit margins are, who they can hire, when they can do this , when they can do that, what benefits they must offer. it's like the old soviet union. it doesn't work. i think people will see through it. price controls always lead to shortages. yeah, the nominal price may go down but you can't get it anymore, because people aren't producing it, because they can't make a decent wage and profit at it. liz: the former president trump just spoke about this. let's listen to what he had to say about price controls. >> economists are laughing.
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they can't even believe this is happening to our country and she wants a free enterprise-type country into a communist-type country. that's what she knows. liz: so she wants to basically sick the ftc, the justice department, on grocery stores and meat producers? price gouging is already illegal. where is kamala's corporate greed when inflation was around 1.5% under trumps last year? >> well, yes, and then it soared up, we know it happened. nominally the inflation peaked at 9%. if you put in real cost of living like putting in interest rates, was more like 17 or 18% at its height, and so they always fall back on more controls which makes the situation worse, but this is about controlling the economy, not liberating the economy. i think the american people will see through it. this stuff never works. if you want to see how well it works go to north korea, go to cuba, and go to the old soviet
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union. look it up, kamala. you can find it on wikipedia, i think, what happened to the old soviet union. it collapses and i don't think the american voters are going to accept a collapse of the american economy doing things that hurt the economy rather than help it. liberate it as president trump is proposing. take the shackles off. reduce regulation. reduce taxes, and by golly, the american people will come through as they've all done in the past. liz: she never built a business. neither did tim walz and they never met a payroll and it's their big government spending under biden-harris that helped to ignite and drive inflation higher. now they want a big government fix like socialism to stop it, steve. final word. >> well it's modern socialism. you don't take things over. you just regulate it extensively, run it into the ground and blame those who are running it even though you put them out of business. it's a failed formula and i don't think we're going to have to go through it. i think the trump people and the republican party will win in november and we won't have to go
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through this nightmare as we did in the 1970s. liz: steve forbes good to see you again. thanks for coming on the show. coming up another new report the democrat divide getting bigger president biden's anger at nancy pelosi for pushing him out of the race. is this biden getting revenge via leaks in media? also tonight the media shocked to hear how the biden white house withheld documents literally for years on how hunter biden used the power of his father, vice president joe biden, to pressure the obama administration to help hunter's foreign business partners make money. former trump deputy press secretary hogan gidley here to react and the update on this. >> afghanistan. >> yes. >> were you the last person in the room? >> yes. liz: okay, the taliban now parading tens of billions of dollars in us military hardware left behind and biden's catastrophic withdrawal.
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tonight congressman dan musser here to weigh in on that but first an awkward reunion. >> ♪ ♪ liz: that was kamala harris' first joint appearance with president biden amid a brand new controversy involving president biden again reportedly abusing your tax dollars to keep democrats in power. former trump treasury assistant secretary monica crowley here to react, next. >> you want to put a presidency in the united states of america, what you hiding for? and i mean hiding in plain sight. somebody got to say it. somebody got to say it. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa?
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liz: okay, we've got a brand new controversy. lawmakers again accused the biden-harris white house of hiding increases in medicare premiums that they caused. they are going to hide it by spending 5 billion of your tax dollars to soften the blow in order to help kamala harris get elected. fox business grady trimble in washington with more. grady? reporter: liz, this plan from the biden-harris administration would cap the amount premiums
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for medicare part d which covers prescription drugs, can go up from one year to the next, at 35 bucks. that might sound good, but it comes at a cost of as you said, $5 billion to taxpayers for what they're calling a demonstration project, and the reason the federal government is implementing this project in the first place is because of changes to the way the medicare system works brought on by the so-called inflation reduction act. that legislation sought to lower prescription drug prices for older americans and biden and harris say that's what it's doing, but now, companies could be on the hook for what patients used to pay and those companies are expected to pass those new costs on to patients in the form of higher premiums. this $5 billion project seeks to blunt huge yearly price spikes. >> now they're having to take money from the general treasury funds and throw it into medicare part d so that seniors aren't
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chased 90 days before the election with premium increases of 40, 50, 60% this year when they already faced premium increases of 21%. reporter: republicans in congress are fired up about this. senator bill cassidy who works in the medical field. he's a doctor. he says the biden-harris administration is using the federal treasury for political advantage. the treasury is going to borrow more money from this he says. i don't think it matters to biden and harris but it should matter to us as taxpayers. another group of l lawmakers was the government accountability office to take a look at this project which they say shifts costs from plan sponsors to taxpayers. liz? liz: great reporting, grady trimble, thank you so much. >> i co-sponsored legislation led by senator frank church. let medicare negotiate the cost
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of drugs and the law i signed can negotiate prices for another 15 drugs next year, 15 the following and 20 after that until every drug is covered. >> [applause] >> that's the law. now, now. liz: all right, president biden, kamala harris, in maryland today their first joint appearance taking a victory lap on medicare drug prices, saving medicare $6 billion in the first year. let's bring in former treasury secretary for public affairs under former president trump monica crowley. monica, it's great to see you again, but didn't insurers just hike the premiums by double-digits to pay for over the difference after biden's inflation reduction act started the whole problem to begin with, with price caps. >> yeah, this is yet another consequence, liz, of the government intervening in the private sector and intervening in the market and creating unintended consequences, and the ones always holding the bag of these unintended consequences are the taxpayers and the consumers.
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so that's exactly right. they were trying to lower drug costs for older americans, and as a result of that, the private companies needed to make up the difference and they of course were going to pass it on to patients, to their members. well, the administration saw that and they saw those letters were going to go out mid-to-late september of this year, and they realized this was going to be a political debacle for them, because older voters are very reliable voting block and they really didn't want to tick them off 90 days before an election so they are raiding the treasury. they are taking taxpayer money, billions of dollars that we don't have and can't afford to try to paper over the difference in cost. it will be temporary, so eventually, at some point, the piper has to be paid here, but going into the election, they didn't want to bear this political cost, and so they're making all of us carry the freight for their
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legislation and their political choices. liz: so monica, again, circumventing congress to spend billions of extra tax money to soften the blow of what they're doing to help get kamala harris elected. she has been touting biden on medicare. you know the biden white house circumvented congress to buy votes with student loan bailouts the supreme court ruled it's unconstitutional and took funds from medicare in their ev mandates. former president biden hammered the ev mandates saying he'll get rid of them from day one. >> yeah, everything with this administration, biden and harris, has been a shell game and they have been moving trillions of dollars into the system and around the system to advance their agenda, liz, it is that simple but as i said, it's always the american consumer who ends upholding the bag and the american taxpayer. they're driving up the debt by doing this , by sending billions of dollars on this medicare
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situation that we don't have and we cannot afford, so while president trump is out there talking about the need to reduce the size of government, reign in government spending, biden and harris and harris is making it a center piece of her campaign, more give-aways like this , like the student loan situation, like this medicare situation. it's give-aways. it's buying votes, and as you say, all of this is legally very dubious. there is no statutory guardrails here for this kind of decision, but as we have seen with biden and harris, they go ahead anyway and try to explain later when the supreme court or other courts overturn them. liz: monica crowley always terrific thank you for being with us. coming up now cnn is shocked to hear new revelations about hunter biden profiting off of his father's job as vice president under obama. former trump deputy press secretary hogan gidley to react
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to the new concerning details but first kamala's runningmate tim walz now also accused of avoiding the media. he reportedly just turned down a new york times interview on how he mishandled the 2020 riots, plus we've got the senator tim walz saying his covid snitchline was for voter's own good. coming up horris cooper from the national center for public policy research. he joins us next after this. >> it's some of the places that are most important to us, namely being your home, to invite a friend over, or a brother-in-law like i normally do, to watch the vikings play the bears is one of the riskiest things we can do right now.
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>> well, essentially, tim walz had shutdown our state with the entire country. was forced to file personal bankruptcy.
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was fined over $300,000 from the attorney general of minnesota, keith ellison, and now i own amazing business in wisconsin because if you look at what tim walz did when he shutdown our state he was crossing the border and coming into wisconsin and going to dinner in wisconsin bars he shutdown in minnesota. he just targeted small businesses that couldn't fight back. we weren't the big stores. we couldn't fight back. liz: that was minnesota small business owner lisa zarza with us last night, on what she endured along with other small businesses under governor tim walz in his pandemic shutdowns. let's welcome to the show national center for public policy research, senior fellow horris cooper. horris, it's great to have you on the show tonight. when you heard that, what was your reaction? >> i was angered. i was actually infuriated. i happened to have spent most of the time with covid in the state of texas and occasionally, i
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would come to the east coast and i was astonished at what people were putting up with, but at least we didn't see the kind of economic devastation that's being described in the state of minnesota. as my old boss dick army would say, you can't be this wrong by accident. liz: you know, under governor tim walz, job creation collapsed in minnesota, and manufacturing, retail, professional services, accounting, i mean it's like every sub-category. they created jobs that are funded by the government like healthcare and social services. people were leaving the state. now, tim walz is also avoiding the media. he's turning down new york times requests for an interview on how he handled the 2020 riots. >> see , we were told during the whole covid period and the summer of love to shut up and sit down if we didn't want to add adulation and positive
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commentary to what was going on. there were many americans. our organization put together a blueprint called never again. all of the excesses that we saw, and we weren't even seeing things that were as awful as what we see in minnesota. it is ironic now. now, that there's an opportunity to discuss the policies that were undertaken, and how harmful and how destructive that they have been. suddenly, governor walz doesn't want to talk about it. soon, we're going to see the numbers with regard to education. too many working class kids who overwhelmingly populate our public schools suffered as a result of these policies. i promise you an examination of minnesota will show very very harmful outcomes. liz: horace, let's listen to
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governor walz on his covid hot line where neighbors in minnesota could snitch on each other calling it to snitch on people if they violated his stay-at-home orders. he's saying the snitch line was "for their own good." watch. >> we simply want people to be able to call and let folks know and it's for their own good. we have numbers if somebody sees a fire at a neighbor's house they want to tell them. if we see people that may not be as informed on this it's an educational piece, so we're certainly going to do that. we're not going to take down a telephone number that allows people to just try and keep their neighbors safe. liz: really? that's what it's about? you know, he's going to have other people keep other people safe? i mean, that was wrong with the pandemic. it turned everybody into little bureaucrats. he was quick to crackdown during covid but local voters say not on rioters burning down small businesses and neighborhoods in the 2020 riots. >> you will obey, and we have a
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line setup just so you can snitch on your neighbors. this country was founded on the premise of self-government. the idea that we as citizens were the best judge of what to do with our lives, and to hand policy decisions over, not to tell us what to do, how to breathe, where to eat, but to assist us. these rules did not. they are more equivalent to socialism than they are to freedom. liz: horace cooper thank you for joining us. it's good to see you tonight. >> thank you. >> ahead of the democratic national convention, kamala harris and tim walz are taking a bus tour together through pennsylvania. >> [applause] >> this is the same bus the democrats threw president biden under. liz: okay, that's jimmy fall on and now this story. cnn joins a growing number of
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reports that president biden really angry at nancy pelosi. he's not speaking to her after she got him to dropout. let's bring in national review staff writer caroline downey. what do you think of this story? >> oh, boy, liz. biden's handlers are really trying to insure his legacy is defined by something other than his self-destruction. they are trying to canonize him, but history will remember his exit as humiliating and his administration as not only an open border but an economic disaster. even kamala harris is trying to distance herself from biden's economic policies which of course were hers as well. she's trying to repackage inflation, not as a consequence of their reckless fiscal spending but of corporate price gouging but all in all, biden's story is tragic because he was back stabbed by the democratic power brokers that first lifted him up. he's backed really radical proposals like packing the supreme court. my guess is that's a last ditch
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attempt to save face to get a progressive win on the board and to stick it to those democratic establishment that dumped him. liz: cnn is also reporting that behind the scenes biden is doing "eye rolling" when he hears public tributes from certain democrat party members who most actively tried to push him out of the race. >> yeah, well, these are the king makers of the democratic party. pelosi, schumer, obama. obama has especially that coalition-wide credibility and stature that when he got biden to stepping down, biden couldn't say no and i think there's a lot of bitterness on biden's part because of this , and what we saw was a very stark contrast between kamala harris' treatment. she was anointed by those three individuals i just named. she was installed and biden was ousted and he was thrown into press conferences on purpose, because it was to expose his frailty. kamala harris is now being
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insulated from the media lions den, also on purpose. liz: let's listen to biden's former chief of staff. >> you know, the president was pushed by public calls from elected officials for him to dropout, from donors calling him to dropout. i think it was unfortunate because i think that the president had won the nomination fair and square. 14 million people went and voted for him and the vice president. liz: wow, he shouldn't have dropped out. final word, caroline. >> that's an old school take these days to say hey what about the democratically nominated nominee? why doesn't he actually become the guy whose on the ticket rather than this random kind of puppet who was put in at the last minute. she didn't win a single primary vote. we don't know what she stands for or rather we know she's linked to the last administration, but now she's pulling 180s on all of those policies, so i mean, yeah.
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i think this class of old school journalists would say what about the guy we actually nominated? liz: caroline downey, thanks for joining us. good to see you coming up this story. now, even cnn joins everybody else, shocked to hear about the new revelations about hunter biden, how he profited, yes, off his father's job as vice president, pressuring the obama white house to help hunter's foreign business partners and the white house sat on this information for years the new york times reports. plus, this. >> [laughter] >> [applause] liz: okay, that was kamala harris laughing. this is not laughing matter. the taliban now flaunting the billions of dollars in us military gear that the us pretty much gave them during biden's catastrophic withdrawal. tonight, congressman
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dan meusser here to weigh in but let's check in with dagen and sean to see what's coming up. >> hey, e-mac so it has been three-years to the day since the taliban took afghanistan or the taliban took kabul and army ranger tim kennedy here to discuss and a marine corps veteran and afghanistan marine corps veteran as well. we have to unpack all this. big deal. dagen: here on president trump's press conference, also there is no daylight between kamalanomics and biden nominated ices, we dig into that and then ej antoni on kamala harris' idea to cap prices. you can't make it up. soviet-style empty shelves, top of the hour. rs. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal
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the son of then-vice president biden, for burisma where hunter was working to get a deal in italy. joining us the hill political reporter julia manchester and former trump deputy press secretary hogan gidley. the times reports the biden white house literally sat on this information for years. why do you think it's coming out now because we know ukraine's burisma, hired hunter and paid him a million bucks a year after president obama made then-vice president biden point man on ukraine and eastern europe. why is it leaking now? >> well first of all i'm not going to pat the press on the back for doing its job, because they've been covering up so many things for so long. imagine what happens when the media finds out that the hunter biden laptop is real, or that joe biden is old and has physical problems as well. imagine what they are going to do and what they are going to say. this is another instance where
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everyone knows what's going on. they're hiding it, covering it up but the reason it's coming out now, liz, is because it is very clear that joe biden is used up. they don't need him anymore for any political victories. they have cast him aside for someone new, and now, they could do this investigation and you're going to start to see more and more of this come out because it is obvious that the biden family is corrupt and it's obvious that joe biden knew about it, but the more information that comes out you're going to see just how problematic this would have been politically for the president but also, i think, criminally as well. liz: you know what hogan just said, julie we would like you to react to sound without of the white house. hunter biden is about to stand trial on federal tax charges for evading 1.4 million in taxes on things like these overseas deals. he's trying to exclude evidence from his upcoming trial of his alleged improper lobbying and more, so you're going to hear the non-denial from white house
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secretary karine jean-pierre. watch this. the new york times is reporting that hunter biden sought help from a us ambassador on behalf of burisma while biden was vice president, so what's biden's reaction to this and is he concerned about what this looks like to the american public? >> well again i've said this before. the president was not in business with his son and this is the first time he was aware of this and for anything further you'd have to reach out to biden, hunter. liz: okay, you know, they have been moving the goal post, julia. first he never spoke to hunter about business. then it was he never helped his son. then joe biden never profited from hunter's deals. what do you think of all of this , julia? >> look it goes to show that hunter biden continues to be a headache for the biden administration even after joe biden is no longer the nominee for the democratic presidential ticket, so what you're seeing here is that the stories are trickling out ahead of that
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federal trial hunter biden has next month and we know that prosecutors have said they would like to present evidence and, you know, correspondence that hunter biden had with other officials related to his burisma dealing, so this is not come at a good time for hunter biden, ahead of that trial and look, you know, it's interesting, because we know that the white house has i guess in terms of that statement from karine jean-pierre that they distanced themselves from hunter biden in that regard but at the same time, we see hunter biden has very much been close to the president. he's at the white house quite a bit. he's with president biden at public events, and that's not only recently. that's been for years now so there are a lot of questions as to how connected president biden was when he was vice president. he was to his son and i think a lot of that could come out in the coming weeks going into this trial. liz: okay so what julia just said, you know, we're seeing doj saying, hogan, that basically,
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the story line that's been on the hunter biden side of the aisle, it was that they were calling all of this lobbies like management services in order to protect joe biden, that it wouldn't have political ramifications on joe biden. that's the justice department saying this. what do you think, final word. >> well of course it is. this is all politics. they knew about this for years. this is clearly a fara violation at the very least. $20 million, 20 shell organizations, e-mails, text messages. the coordination between joe biden and hunter biden is so obvious and i'm sure they will get to that eventually but right now as these domino's begin to fall, they are doing so because joe biden isn't needed anymore, so this could blow up in their face in a big way in the next coming weeks and months. liz: mark, julia, thanks so much for joining us great to have you on both. coming up we've got also this. fox business coverage alert. do not forget to tune in next week for our live coverage of the democrat national convention in chicago. we're going together taking
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the speeches in full starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. next up the taliban openly mocking the biden-harris administration, parading the tens and billions of dollars in us military gear that the white house left behind during biden's catastrophic withdrawal. congressman dan meuser on that next. >> afghanistan. >> yes. >> were you the last person in the room? >> yes.
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liz: this disturbing story. the taliban celebrated the third anniversary of biden's botched withdrawal from afghanistan parading around bagram air force base with tens of billions of dollars in american military gear that was abandoned. joining us now pennsylvania congressman dan meuser. congressman, good to see you. what do you think of this story? i mean, 13 service members were murdered. thousands of americans stranded. tax dollars wasted. what do you think? >> well, liz, an absolute tragedy. it was a tragic day, a tragic episode in american history. let's face it. joe biden and kamala harris disregarded the advice of the generals including austin, including milley, to hold on to bagram. they then had a unbelievably pathetic withdrawal surrender
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from afghanistan. they have yet to even state once that the names are even recognized our 13 lost brave military men. i was at the state of the union when the father of one of the soldiers who was killed that day yelled out, initially was arrested and biden or harris never did anything after that to talk to them, so look. they don't have any respect for our military and in many ways they meaning biden-harris don't have much respect for our allies of israel, sympathize with terrorists and do everything backwards as americans believe it should be. liz, $82 billion of equipment was left behind. that was verified. $82 billion and here we are afghanistanisans three-years later parading american
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helicopters and m-raps through the streets. liz: vice president kamala harris said she was the last person in the room and felt comfortable with the decisions that joe biden made here. >> unbelievable. unbelievable and meanwhile, they are proud of the fact, she was proud of that which was incredible to listen to. we've also been given the biden administration, biden-harris, i'm sure harris approved this too, nearly $2 billion, get this , of humanitarian aid to taliban, which they announced by the way, they enforce sria law which means women have no rights whatsoever, and here you have kamala harris stating she was proud of this situation, and we have hostages over there. i have a former constituent of mine ryan corbitt, held hostage for over 500 days now, and we're sending humanitarian aid. i'm legislating a bill, writing
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a legislation right now, to cease all humanitarian aid until all american hostages are released from afghanistan. liz: all right, we got this story final word. border agents caught a palestinian terror suspect allegedly history of using explosives crossing el little law enforcement into the us. final word. >> well look he and 270 others and let's face it one and a half million gotaways and liz why would an under the circumstances, why would anyone want to be a got away other than because they have a criminal record? let's face it because they come in, we give them food, give them a vehicle, give them anything they want, we give them phones, hotels. that's the wonderful path to take, so the people must be really bad who are the gotaways, so harris is responsible. the former border czar. liz: got it. congressman meuser, thanks for joining us we ran out of time. let's send it over to dagen and sean on the bottom line. dagen: thanks, e-mac


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