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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 16, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: i am still standing, does that refer to me at my grand old age? like a beautiful day in new york city, we have a stream of them. 85 degrees, can't beat that. 10:00 eastern. look at your money. we welcomed already, now some red and a little green. dow is up 16, nasdaq 22. the 10 year treasury yield moving down today away from the threat level, $3.90 right now. oil is in limbo, between iran and israel, $76 a barrel on oil. bitcoin $58,200. economic data, the consumer sentiment indicator, it could move the market. do we have a number yet? lauren: we have a number better-than-expected for august.
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and out inflation expectation came in. >> a modest plus for the market. now this. and kamala harris lurches to the left, bringing in a new wave of populism. punishment for businesses that don't tow the line and rant against excessive profits. don't be surprised. harris is the most liberal senator who pushed president biden to the left from the start of his presidency. now she takes economic advice from the socialist wing of the party, one of her advisors is a top aide to elizabeth warren and bernie sanders is always around to offer advice. businesses suspected of price gouging get will be investigated.
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what is an excessive profit? the government will decide. forget the profit margin in grocery stores was a very low 1.6% or nobody ever proved that inflation is the result of corporate greed. bashing business is popular in some quarters and ordering price cuts seems like it would work, it is simplistic, you put the price up, you take the price down but it doesn't work. price controls were tried in 1970s. every time the price of gas goes up democrats investigate the oil companies, price gouging has never been proven, but that's not the point. this is all about politics and getting elected. doesn't matter that it doesn't work economically so long as it works politically. that's the great hope of the harris trip down the populist road, enough people ignore her track record, i think it is a longshot when her opponent donald trump has a track record
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to boast about. second hour of varney just getting started. tammy bruce joins us this morning. i call harris's economic plan socialism. >> historically we see that and this is what they have to do. not just that they want to win. this is the long game for the far left. they create a crisis, they create a horrible economy and there is gait transference, capitalism is the bad party, corporations, businesses that are the bad guy and we are going to control them. price gouging is making inflation happen. we know it is not. they rely on the ignorance of people, flooding the market
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with cash, in our particular instance, antipathy to fossil fuels and the rise of the increase of oil, it's about gas prices but thousands of products rely on petroleum ranging from makeup to electronics to rubber to speakers, other household goods, medical supplies, iv lines. everything in our lives is affected by the price of oil and they are determined to condemn fossil fuels. look what is happening in the middle east, when and if another war breaks out oil goes up again and the problem, people realize this, one. 6% of the profit. if you put a price on the something and everything is more expensive, to get it to your store and and the process of getting products made. if those prices go up and the store can't charge more because they are being charged more
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they won't take that product. because it costs them money to have the product in the store. and shortages, we are not guessing. ask the venezuelans breaking into zoos and eating the zoo animals because there was no food on the shelves. there was no reason to produce of the people surrounding her know this and do not care and proposing it because this was the point. capitalism is the enemy, they can't be held accountable. it feels good. they don't want to stop what they've been doing. they want to flood the market, they want centralized control. it's communism but i have no opinion. we put -- people have to
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realize, nixon tried it. everybody does it. stuart: i remember. liz: we lived through the carter years, this is a failure, she knows it. donald trump had success. in this case it destroys more lives. grocery stores already going away. the city of chicago has government grocery stores, this is their wish fantasy and is going to kill most of us. stuart: i want your opinion on this. i want you to listen to what donald trump said about having nikki haley join him on the campaign. >> nikki haley said republicans need to stop whining about kamala harris, focus on courting independents, moderates out there. what do you think of strategy, would you consider having nikki haley on the campaign trail with you? >> i appreciate her advice
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which iran against her and did it my way. i would love to have her support, she gave me support but i would love to have her campaign. stuart: with that court women voters? liz: i like nikki haley, i did not like the fact she's giving advice in public. if you need to advise him, she has access, that was a bad move. iran against her and he won against her. he has to do his own thing. he is donald trump. everybody has a great idea how things should be done. she is partially correct. everyone. this is got to be all hands on deck and it cannot hurt but my goodness, for nikki haley, advice is terrific but at this time the lives of americans are at stake, she wants to give advice, give it in private. stuart: irresistible, thanks for joining us.
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decaf. stuart: more than a dozen, i like this one. more than a dozen of the country's top clothing designers teamed up with democrats to release new merchandise for the harris tim walz campaign. it is interesting. what clothes are we going to wear? is there a special color scheme or style? lauren: 16 designers are selling this t-shirt. america is an idea basically sold out. america is an idea. it is a country. does kamala harris have any ideas? longsleeved t-shirt reads reproductive rights now. obviously abortion rights is the crux of her campaign, pink and blue hat, women's rights,
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climate, those are the goals. white tank, not going back, kamala. not back to trump. a black shirt with harris as a young child who says the first but not the last. stuart: heaven forbid there should be any addresses. lauren: there were socks en vogue on them. it was a scarf. stuart: let's get back to the markets. why not? a split decision, dow is off 40, tiny move. ryan payne graciously decided to come back and speak to us this morning because last week he was saying we will see the mother of all melt ups. you were right. does this have legs? >> i take a victory lap i fall on my face. we are seeing a big rebound based on the trade blue up, and
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go to recession, that's not the case, we had a phenomenal cpi number, inflation moderating. labor market relatively strong, consumer spending blue the roof off yesterday, it is pretty good, markets realizing the market, this thing has a lot of legs. a lot of legs. stuart: suppose august 28th nvidia reports if they disappoint, then what? >> if you look, we had a big rotation over the course of the last month or so, many going to other places like financials and places like that. it will not disappoint, it is up one hundred 50% this year, they are looking at 137%
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earnings growth year-over-year which is crazy. stuart: give me a target for the s&p and if you think this rally has legs give me a target. >> i think it was going to melt up. we have $23 trillion in cash but it is insane how much in cash right now and it is time the money come into the market. if it's anything like the bubble you have something like 6500 on the s&p. very highly likely in the next 12 months you could get there. stuart: okay. you got it. thanks for coming back in. good to hear that opinion. see you later. lauren is looking at the movers. walgreens is moving 2.4%. lauren: the stock is down 60%. they are doing as part of a turnaround is adding two new corporate positions, they will
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have a cheap -- chief merchandising officer, the head of digital commerce. stuart: chip equip and is made by applied materials. lauren: recovering a bit, down 40%. they make chip equipment so equipment to make the chips despite all the ai bows their forecast was tepid. the forecasting revenue in the fourth quarter of just under $7 billion slightly above what wall street expect it. we when h&r block, tax people. liz: this is why the stock is at a record high, announced 17% increase in its dividend it to $0.38. stuart: we will take that. democrat national convention kicks off monday in chicago. we will be there live monday through thursday and going to chicago. bottom line will also be there
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live at 6:00 pm eastern. fox business will begin airing full speeches turning at 7:00 pm eastern each night at the chicago convention. millions of social security numbers and other sensitive information could be in the hands of a hacking get group. what you need to know to protect your self. kamala harris will attempt to rebrand bidenomics as she prepares one fail her economic agenda. she. reduce price controls. that is next. ♪ ♪
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energy fuels, a leading american uranium producer, is ramping up production to supply expanding nuclear markets and diversifying into rare earth elements, key ingredients in many clean energy and defense technologies. energy fuels.
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with so much entertainment out there wouldn't it be great... ...if you could find what you want, all in one place? show me paris. xfinity internet customers can enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience and save on some of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. stuart: a mixed picture, not much price movement, the dow this morning down 20, nasdaq up 31.
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the federal price control plan for food and groceries. is this plan getting pushback. >> better get pushback, she's dancing around the edges, and the vice president will pitch an idea that $25,000 financial. and raising rent. the vice president wants to ban companies in bulk and offer increased 3600 per child tax credit as well as $6000 tax credit for a family of kids or with kids under 1-year-old to lower prices, the vice president says she will the power the ftc to go after price gouging causing higher prices. she will not distance herself from bidenomics. >> president biden: the economy
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will continue to grow. >> reporter: the vice president will call out meat processors who fired back, the meat institute represents huge producers like tyson's food. julianne parts said a federal ban on price gouging does not address the causes of inflation, and unfairly targets meat and poultry and does not match the facts, the executive director of the association of meat processors goes farther. it's a direct correlation between energy and regulatory policies of the current administration and increased cost of goods to consumers. when costs become too great the company has to pass them along to consumers to survive and continue to meet customers demands. the food industry really pushing back, you know about those margins. stuart: congressman byron
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donald from florida joins me now. kamala harris will increase price controls today. do they work? >> know they don't work, they never worked. the only reason we need to propose this is trying to run away from your own economic record of a biden/harris administration. this inflation which has harmed working families, middle income families, seniors on fixed income, black people, white people, hispanic people, republicans, democrats, independents, everyone hurting for this inflation is because of kamala harris's tie-breaking vote in the united states senate for the american rescue plan and the inflation reduction act. they created the labor shortage and they stubbornly raised inflation with green new deal policies and now they want to put their boot on the neck of companies, what you will see if she has her way are lower supplies of goods and services to people who need them most.
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this stuff is never worked in any country at any time in the history of the world let alone the history of the united states. stuart: there are other parts to this plan. i call it a socialist plan. there are other parts to it. she wants to give $25,000 to first-time homebuyers, first-time homeowners i should say up to 1 million people could qualify. i call that buying votes but it may be popular. >> it is buying votes but you see the price of housing go up. how does this help people? it will help people following the donald trump economic agenda, lower tax rates, lower regulatory burdens, massive increases in domestic energy production. those are the key ingredients you need in order to lower the price of transportation which makes its way into parts of the economy. couple that with lower
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government spending which democrats oppose the you have the recipe for long-term economic success. everything she's proposing might sound good in a speech but it will lead to more stubborn inflation, slower economy and couple that with the fact that she wants to increase the minimum wage, all that will do is displace more workers and move companies to autonation. it sounds good but does not work. kamala harris has never worked in the economy, she always worked in government and you are seeing the lack of experience of how an economy works through this economic plan. stuart: summarize what is trump's plan to get rid of inflation? >> very simple, drill baby drill, cut regulations at the federal level, lower spending and get smarter spending out of washington dc and extend the
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trump tax cuts which has proven it can stimulate economic growth, do those four things you now have the recipe for economic success, that's why donald trump will be the president of the united states. stuart: it is a pivotal election, so much depends on this. >> everything depends on this because our country really is tearing on debt burden, massive $35 trillion and rising, the liabilities are rising. there are conflicts happening thanks to president biden and kamala harris and the southern border is wide open. if we continue down the harris line of this dangerously liberal agenda american people, working families will be the ones who will suffer more than anybody else. it doesn't have to be this way, america, you can change course. we won congressman byron
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donalds, we will see you again real soon. back to the markets. fairly flat this morning, not much movement, no different from yesterday, the dow is down 36 points at 40,500. dow winners, cisco, boeing, jpmorgan chase, the s&p 500 winners, bath and body works, warner bros. discovery, walgreens at the bottom up 2%, nasdaq winners, warner bros. serious, micron technology. still had, wall street journal report says ukrainian troops are in trouble on the eastern front. foreign policy expert christian whiten on this. cease-fire talks will resume after hamas as america warns iran could attack israel in the
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coming days. alex hogan has the latest from tel aviv. what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generac home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted. because when your generac detects a power outage,
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(fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. stuart: on the markets a split
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decision, dow down 40, not much movement. start with meta, it is down. neil: mark zuckerberg got along with bipartisan lawmakers, selling ads on instagram, take users to third-party sites where they can buy illegal drugs like cocaine, caprice kitchen pills and the like. meta needs to provide answers by september 6th. stuart: cruz lines are back in the news. carnival, all down. lauren: hurricane ernesto expected to arrive later today in bermuda packing one hundred mile per hour winds, never good news for the cruise line, they will need to make some arrangements. stuart: emergent bio solutions. lauren: declared local health emergency.
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and more dangerous strain out outside of africa reported in sweden. stuart: have to call it m parks. lauren: i said bumpy it is monkeypox which i can't say that. did you know what m parks was? stuart: hostage and cease-fire talks wrapped up in qatar today without hamas. alex hogan is with us in tel aviv. what kind of negotiations would they have if hamas wasn't there? >> reporter: these were constructive talks, a statement released by the us, qatar, and egypt, saying these talks concluded progress was made and senior mediators will have conversations in the coming days and the israeli delegates are on their way back from qatar to israel, last night in tel aviv families of the hostages gathered in the streets calling on their
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government to accept this deal given they say it could be one of the last chances for these hostages who could be alive. one of the final hopes of them coming back home. >> might be hard to bring them back. with iran and lebanon and hezbollah. the hostages might be neglected. >> reporter: hamas released a statement that any deal would need to be a complete cease-fire, return of the hostages, return of displaced people in gaza and hostage exchange. a lot of details they need to comb thorough. the idf is ordering new investigations and new violence in the west bank, masked israeli settlers swarmed a village to the north of the west bank, setting homes and vehicles on fire.
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at least one person is dead. the israeli military has arrested one person. the white house and the israeli government condemned this attack as the us and other european countries called on israel to do more to prevent further violence. antony blinken will meet with benjamin netanyahu on monday and we are learning more as it pertains to cease-fire talks, senior mediators within these negotiations are set to meet in cairo by the end of next week, really showing how prolonged these conversations are going to be as they continue to work through a lot of these details and bring down the tensions in the region. stuart: thanks very much indeed. donald trump went after biden and harris for the botched afghan withdrawal after the taliban was seen parading the weapons and equipment we left behind. >> the single most embarrassing day in the history of our country and yesterday i saw
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they gave $85 billion worth of brand-new military equipment, i rebuilt the military, this was equipment to large extent i bought. brand-new and had a parade yesterday, beautiful parade, we are going to get out with dignity and strength, we left, and that is where the problem started. we didn't have these problems. lauren: stuart: a former state department official, christian whiten. how would harris appear on the world stage? could she command immediate respect? >> it seems the contrary. as vice president you are a member of the national security council along with the secretary of defense and the president and over four years kamala harris staked no position, included no profile for herself, she inherits the downside of the biden administration including this parade by our adversaries of stuff they took away from us
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for free. stuart: let's switch gears. ukraine's offensive in russia. the wall street journal has a story today that reports ukrainian troops in trouble on the eastern front. is kyiv's incursion into russia in trouble? they are making great progress. >> it was a political gamble, military gamble. they took the russians by surprise and made an incursion into russian territory, clearly angered the russians, vladimir putin had a press conference with the governor of the region vote was invaded and appear to be caring about the plight of russians, he feels under pressure but this is a smaller country in a war of attrition and if you are going to deplete forces to have an invasion you will be can forces elsewhere and russia will likely exploit that. stuart: seems like they are
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setting up for a cease-fire. kyiv goes into russia, russia goes into ukraine, they are stalemated, seems like a cease-fire. >> both parties have an incentive to stop, whether this can occur before a presidential transition here. stuart: does trump have to do with this? if a trump presidency looms, what does larry putin do? >> with kyiv, zelenskyy in particular realizing circumstances change and congress under a harris administration will be less inclined to send billions of dollars, he's feeling pressure to reach a conclusion, they are not going to change through military action. stuart: you don't think there could be a cease-fire before the election? >> it is unlikely. it is not even the secretary of state, the cia director talking to the cia director of egypt,
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they are not talking get to hamas directly. it is israel. to have a negotiation, you have to talk to people. stuart: nothing is going anywhere. stuart: thanks for being with us. the personal records, 2. 9 billion people were reportedly stolen a massive hack. i take it that includes social security, 2.9 billion people, 335, is it social security we lost? ashley: they could be on the list multiple times. a common identity thief, according to a class-action lawsuit, the hacking group usdot stole the records of close to a billion people from a company called national
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public data which collects personal information for employers, private investigators, staffing agencies and others doing background checks. you have no privacy these days. they expose the person's name and address and social security numbers and phone numbers. everything a criminal would need to create a fake identity. reports suggest that hackers on april 8th posted a database called national public data on the dark web claiming to hack the records for 2.9 billion individuals asking for a purchase price of 3. $5 million. the lawsuit claims mpd has done nothing to provide any notice to people who may be affected by the breach while security experts recommend consumers put freezes on their credit files if they suspect any suspicious activity. very disturbing. stuart: everybody's information, thanks.
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ashley: stuart: we have already but not much. dow was down 70, nasdaq down two, s&p down 5, not that much movement compared you yesterday. classic car collectors headed to the pebble beach, max gordon is of their. how much are these classic cars
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going for? >> reporter: great pronunciation. there cars priceless. these are valuable cars and the car competition a different events going on, and the auctions, half a dozen auction houses in the monterey area. we are standing at one of them, gooding and company where we have gorgeous vehicles here, check out these ferraris. $95 million in sales, they likely surpass that, 184 cars here including this one. this is a special vehicle right here, 1938 alpha romeo and it has quite the story. it was stolen and had to be
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recovered by the fbi. the auction block valued at $16, to $22 million. i talked to the founder, how a story can increase the value. >> do they have such a higher price? most definitely. when you tell the human story behind it it becomes more interesting and people are intrigued by that. it makes something separated from something more common. lauren: the auction starts at 4:00 p.m. . let me know if you want to place a bid for you. stuart: you are all right. gas prices in california are
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$4.60 per regular, $1.17 higher than national average. what is governor newsom doing or saying about this? ashley: pitching a plan, we have regulations for a reason but pitching a plan that requires oil refiners to maintain minimum reserves a gasoline to prevent price spikes. that horse has bolted. the energy commission says 63 days, state refiners maintained less then 15 days supply of gasoline which led to higher prices and cost drivers $650 million. california's oil refiners were required to provide resupply plans when they are undergoing maintenance work. the average gasoline prices in the country if not the highest and locking horns with the oil
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industry which calls the latest proposal nothing but a political attack on consumer in the industry. chevron announced it would move its headquarters from california to houston. i wonder if others will follow. stuart: inquiring minds want to know. charlemagne called out new york city mayor adams for change his tune, adams was the one encouraging them to come. ice arrested a peruvian gang leader wanted in his home country for 23 murders. he was originally arrested by border patrol in may but was released into the us. the reality of the biden/harris border.
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stuart: not much price movement. a little bit of red on the left-hand side, dow is down 70, nasdaq down 35. charlemagne went after eric adams for the migrant crisis which is plaguing the city. >> not going to let the
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democrats off the hook who are saying they had sanctuary cities and saying come on in. everybody stop and that is what they are trying to tell you but didn't want to listen. stuart: the texas department of public safety joins me now. the sanctuary laws, that's the real problem apart from an open border. >> great to be with you. look at the messaging about open borders, prohibition activists, wanting immigrants to come to the united states despite the benefits and resources while this is a creation of the situation where if you have that type of messaging you encourage immigrants to make their way to the united states and give them these benefits, that will encourage more to come. they were criticizing the state of texas, governor abbott when he said that created a national
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tension because this is a national problem. but they don't want these people if they are, to see the issues they are having economically and migrant crime taking place because they are allowing somebody people to come into the country and resettling some of these states, all this crime taking place. committal gangs from other countries that establish themselves now in new york city because of what they encourage. it is unfortunate. that's the situation beyond what we've seen now. stuart: ice officials have arrested a peruvian gang leader wanted for 23 murders in his home country. he was arrested by border patrol and released into america. how does a couple migrant fall through the cracks like this? what are we going to do?
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>> this is all too common, you mentioned migrant crime, terrorists coming across the border that have been released, ice or federal authorities, these individuals were wanted or on the terror watch list and they need to find these individuals. policies that were completely dismantled and allowed the situation to take place because now there is no proper a vetting especially from other countries but 160 countries, shared with the united states and they made their way across the border and having to go back to try to find these individuals, this is a reality of the situation.
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we see large groups of illegal immigrants for the border situation, more affordable now than we have ever been because of those threats. stuart: in the late 1970s fidel castro opened the prisons in cuba, shifted went to florida and elsewhere and crimes committed all over the country. seems like some latin american countries are doing the same thing again now. i wish i had more time. see you again soon. we talk about the border, top issue in the election. i know they've done a poll. is the border a number one voter concern? ashley: it is according to the latest fox news national poll, 9 in 10 voters say the situation at the us/mexico border is emergency at 44% or major problem at 43%. those numbers are up since both survey was taken in february. concerned with the border increased most notably among
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those under the age of 30, that grew by 20 points was up 19 points among black voters, 14 points are democrats, 12 points higher among hispanics and 12 points among women. across the board. two other quick observations, 58% favor allowing a label immigrants who have jobs to apply for legal status. that a record low. 30% of people agreed with allowing illegal immigrants to have drivers licenses with 67% opposing. i wonder who's the 33% who think that is okay but moving on. stuart: public opinion is shifting away -- there's a shift. thanks. still had. chris bedford on trump saying harris will kill the american dream if she wins in november. tomi lahren on the harris campaign allowing jobseekers to choose from nine different pronoun options. soccer analyst on the new premier league season the kicks
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10:59 am
do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. call coventry
11:00 am
direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. our friend sold their policy to help pay their medical bills, and that got me thinking. maybe selling our policy could help with our retirement. i'm skeptical, so i did some research and called coventry direct. they explained life insurance is a valuable asset that can be sold. we learned we could sell all of our policy, or keep part of it with no future payments. who knew? we sold our policy. now we can relax and enjoy our retirement as we had planned. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. >> chicago knows absolutely nothing abou


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