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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  August 18, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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>> this is marie wortham knows hundred and happy we didn't want to look a analyze legal was composition into the reagan and i maria and wall street is watching as kamala harris slowly and bills are big policy and now promising price-fixi groceries o crackdown on inflation and this is early voting some key say start as soon as next month. harris: i will go after the bad actors as president and i will work to pass the first-ever phenergan price gauging on food my plan will include you penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules and we will support small food businesses that are trying to play by the rules and get had in more competition, amines lower prices for you and your family smith no mention of her biden 7 trillion-dollar spending spree, they got us here into
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inflation for your highs and trump on the state is fleming harris for when he is calling, coming as price controls watch. trump: and she wants price controls and if they were, i would go along with her that they don't work and leads to food shortages and rationing and hunger dramatically more inflation we call it the plane like something straight out of it as well, the soviet union people say the going to vote for her and i don't know nothing so i don't think people know who she is yet. maria: in the latest fox news poll, shows truck reentered beating harris by one point nationally and only point lead among innovative voters trump is also coming out on top of the main issues with more than half of the voters putting the trust and trump family economy, governor harris and joining me now is former senior advisor to president trump, kellyanne conway and clinton advisor mark penn a great happy both here and thank you so much for being here and i will begin on these polls, it is surprising to me, given
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the lack of information we had around kamala harris policies, the trump is only leading by one point kellyanne conway by such a tight race and what is behind us before into tight race because of what the president trump just said we do people do not know kamala harris which is completely confounding and g-suit even on the entire biden economic agenda and she let me say something about this price gouging nonsense, is not out price gouging is happens when you spend money we do not have n things we don't need is a federal government when you tax and regulate and legislate small businesses and moms and pops and moms and dads into oblivion when you have supply chain shocks most of the first part of your administration and this is a man rain economic crisis in our country and kamala harris speaks i somebody is never held office before and she was effects all the problems folks re-created those problems really is the
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message here. so this is very simple binary choice, on the economy knew the want record wage growth, household wages and the when implemented lower inflation, lower interest rates month higher morale, higher savings, smiling portfolios, under president trump that we are really henry with the performance of trump with the promises of kamala harris. if you lose the washington post when even the new york times price gouging all since you've got trouble this point kamala harris economic measures of art are some odd combination of either getting donald trump and he did the insulin at $35 a rose garden some of the people pulled the clips of may 2020 and he did doing those no taxes on tips and work some moderate centrist boost up by her something is not met about in office all so she really cannot get away with it and i think she needs to eat
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every god policy. maria: after omar penn, she was the deciding vote for released to massive packages the inflation reduction act and the physical the aptitude actually dollars and 7 trillion spinning also big proponents of the climate change agenda which we expect to continue and that included green energy tax credits etc. and were spinning here and she giveaway with distancing herself from the hars invited biden harris administration and the policies and of the election. mark: for that will be the job of the trump campaign and the harris campaign is been successful so far in step one, bring together the democratic party bring back a lot of voters to you know super wobbly because they just could not stick with joe biden for another term given the health and aged of other
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issues and so she reestablished i think of the 50/50 nature of the country and the neighbor covers is republican, that we saw in the last congressional race brought back those voters. nothing is a relatively uninformed electorate they don't know that much about harris. harris campaign plans to keep the way evidence of popular targeted tax proposals and emphasize the benefits of those proposals on housing, childcare, on food this get about and that is the plan so far from the plan has not been knocked off his pedestal. maria: uninformed electric meaning they do not understand with her policies are now the going to affect their family even though we just saw it in the last four years of three and half years these i'm here also kellyanne conway, for avoiding reporters watch this. >> in the harris campaign is not running a political campaign of the try to produce a movie and
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she never stand to be for the american people without a script, she never talk to the voters is a teleprompter is right in the middle of them and you are afraid of a friendly media the media is been friendly to kamala harris, then how can we possibly trust you to represent us in the world stage. maria: yes and kellyanne conway nothing on her schedule yet is present trial truck rallies over and over again after holding a press conference on thursday for over an hour nap with reporters he answered all their questions kellyanne conway and can she continue to hide in the basement. kellyanne: she can she do the biden basement strategy right in front of our eyes and full arenas to the podium reading from a teleprompter let me tell you something when the famous call comes in at 3:00 a.m. to present energy, there is no teleprompter and look at this split screen candidacy that we have right now, your trump advance on there on the daily engaging on hostile reporters
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legacy media facing the voters that trump back on twitter none of this action people were starving and thirsty for the trump content look at the hundreds of millions of engagement just in the trump spaces and even apart from his interview with my continued face facing the reporters and is unafraid is presided over the door populated information we have achieved what all teleprompter that the convention they went that they're producing movie not really a traditional campaign, that's true because traditional campaigns in 2024, do a lot more engagement with the voters and i'm glad that trump and vance are doing that. maria: what groups do they need to reach mark, do you see conviction on the part of kamala harris of the conviction from the voters of the part of kamala harris or do you see really, independence and of those out there so zero in the great you think of a supported right now. mark: well, when sums favorable goes from 38 to 47, the basis of
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no actual accomplishment, those votes are soft this when i say uninformed electric could move back relatively quickly. look about having woody comes to voters concerned about immigration, trump does not need to waste talk about that because he has all of this voters know the crime voters probably as well the voters who really up for grabs, those with felt the pitch of inflation in the economy that's why harris is moving to address the economy as quickly as possible because the swing voters are really working-class voters who are filling the impact of the economy no .2 though for new and ministration unless they have a clue conviction on one of the candidate candidates on the economy. maria: that's a great analysis, mark penn and kellyanne conway thank you and meanwhile the best week of the year so far for the s&p 500, in hopes of a soft landing herring and soft iron
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jamie? maria: welcome back the marketsr cooling inflation data strongly retail sales and earnings bees the down the s&p 500 and ethical seen the best week of the year, will the momentum continued 20 me now that bear tracks report founder, larry mcdonald it's going to see larry when you make of this momentum the stock. larry: well you know we are at this point now were politically, we are talking about 90s of these type price controls and reassuring in protectionism, bigger government and a lot of fiscal policy overdosing and so it's injects the synergy into the market but what is really happening behind the scenes is gold is that that all-time high this weekend people are really the markets we see a massive shift of our from growth to value.
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it is like a 1968 - 1981 probe portfolio the looks a lot different than 2010 - 2020 portfolio and so, was having his people are starting to shift course in 1968, 1981 portfolio. maria: what is a portfolio look like in a sound like this is very dependent upon the upcoming elections and kamala harris wins what has come a talking about a very different agenda and the president trump goes back to the white house and president trump is wanting to tap into our oil capacity and lower the taxes and kamala harris will likely raise taxes on the highest earners and certainly she will tell the corporations that their rules in place of that there's not know price gouging. that is like price-fixing is in it. larry: yes, and it's really scaring the investors anything about this multipolar world as well right, the last four years up biden and harris, had a
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benchmark multi global conflicts the really is much more sustained inflation is when people moving into the valleys docs and part assets in the nasdaq tested well but underneath the surface physical also historic migration anything of the day the 1968 - 81 portfolio would not. ended, you had industrials cereals in oil gas for 49 percent of s&p 500 composition right within that number with since 1981, we got down to the last home with them only 12 percent three groups, 1g back to maybe 20 - 25 percent composition of energy industrial oil and gas. maria: meanwhile cooler than expected inflation numbers as we, the safer the fed to cut rates in september and the futures market for the pricing 25 basis point rate cuts for the upcoming meeting larry, do you
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think you will be more than that because you know their betting along that japanese carry trade, that we've seen emergency meeting for at the perhaps 75 basis points and what you looking for. larry: what if you look behind like inside of the market, the regional banks performance this week, versus the market, it's their serving and super regional banks of the big big super u.s. bank and so something's going on in the consumer looking on people, really earnings this week pretty out of the consumer discretionary are underperforming yes, the bottom 60 percent of the consumers are hurting and i will have huge effect in the election but at the end of the data for those interest of the interest is a percentage of tax receipts, and we keep the right ear, 25 percent some interest in the federal debt, versus tax receipts, 25 percent and aaa rated countries on this five and
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earth between what and up to 7 percent and other words, goal silliness right now some assets are telling us that people are very shocked with the potential change into kamala harris and that insurgency plus the fact that interest is percentage of those tax receipts, soi is written for both started because this kind of like massive shift in uncertainty immigration. maria: nvidia seems to be the big story of the day when reports earnings and we can have since reporting is quarterly numbers on the 28th when you buy shares of nvidia. larry: no, we been recommending the client shorting in recent last month and a half and it's a white, when we have clients and institutional clients that we talked to in a regular basis, our company really talks to a lot of the institutions we set out the people silicon valley window over 20 years the point
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is this, these cheap financial officers of the big tech companies have spent the really overdosing on caps with no plan for return of the best of the capitol so another words limits of us like the sopranos the offense of their heads and they all have to invest terrified like five or ten years from now because of it displaced from future disruption, so there over investing is so companies that have been very well they fit lots of cash to buybacks like microsoft and google, these companies are now couple intrinsic businesses and their capitol expenditures are exploding outdoors for the above that they have to invest any yes really it is like well massive game fear they have to invest without any real visibility of return on capitol. maria: okay will leave it there is always a pleasure to talk with you and thank you so much. larry: thank you. maria: will see you soon larry mcdonald joining us and ti tim z
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>> minneapolis was completelydem walz stood by and let that happen he was a complete disaster. >> we were left helpless and helpless without her police were safety. >> this man that the city of minneapolis from. maria: governor tim walz crime under fire from his own constituents constituents business owners slamming the soft on crime aussies during the riots in 2020 and minnesota and destroyed hundreds of businesses and cost roughly $500 million in
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damages and joe is the federal prosecutor her charge of of the rioters and he said that tim walz led to city burn and joe was also a republican minnesota second congressional district today, and he joins me right now is going to see you and thank you so much for being here to get your take on tim walz record and what you know about him. joe: what we know about him is that he was a failure in minnesota during the riots, he said his hands for multiple days we did not have a strong national guard presents for three days and all the while city burn in multiple businesses, they were burned at the other people like me federal prosecutor had a fill in the gap with the state failed to been charge to people who through cocktails into a courthouse people burned out small businesses absolutely unacceptable and tim walz has to answer for that. maria: so will you press him for answers about your opponent in this congressional race. joe: yes will my opponent, angie
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wanted really tim walz to be on the ticket with kamala harris and that's exactly what she got anything that tim walz has to answer for this there's a man admit is that a criminal named my on burrell some people might know the story coming his blood's criminal gang member and charged them in a more recent case but he shot and killed and 11 girl who was doing kitchen table in minneapolis. he was convicted and he did almost 20 years in prison and after he maintained his innocence will she definitely wasn't, guess who came in this set this, tim walz did not long after being offered probation for three months, this criminal burrell got picked up for having drugs and he got in his car guess who built them out, because he was that come gets to about minnesota free to fund the same but the ten at ten kamala
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harris was soliciting funds for during the riots and so this point some of the democratic party tim walz and kamala harris, they have to answer for that as of this minute, opponent auntie craig. maria: well jd vance is been ripping into tim walz's record as well is what he had to say watch. >> tim walz said that he carried a weapon and more any never went to war and i think the victims the veterans who are having their service disparaged because the guy was to be the vice president is why instead of telling the truth. maria: well joe, your marine corps veteran and think you so much for your service to our great nation and how you feel about all of this. joe: i feel absolutely betrayed by it and look, i was motivated to join the marine corps because no school, i met a friend who had previously served in the marine corps and stepped on an ied in iraq in effect that he legs anymore, does not lie about his honor and his integrity but tim walz lies in tim walz lied
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about his record, lied about carrying weapons and more from he lied about the battalions command sergeant major and all we have to do is veterans is be honest about our record interservice and i am proud to be the marine officer to be a lawyer and i did not kick outdoors is a marine lawyer but i was proud of it my service to deploy to iraq and tim walz has to be straightforward and he is not been about his record sweetie will keep a spotlight of all of this and continue following this and joe thanks we will be watching your work and one important thing you need to know about ahead of next week, that's next and stay wit maya knows how quality care can bring out a smile.
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week, globetrotters get ready to pack your bags, august 23rd, is national cheap flight day except many saving season for the air travel industry historically one of the best times to snag a deal as kids go back to school this summer travel search it's in a report from travel agency, cheapo where shows the average cost of u.s. domestic flight dropping by more than one third since june 1st with international ticket prices down 10 percent and u.s. airlines looking to boost the sales during the typical will demand major carriers are in the red for the year and we will be following all of this on mornings with maria bartiromo right here on foxbusiness i hope you will join me every weekday bright and early and that's it for us here on foxbusiness and thank you so much for joining this weekend, having right rest of you you next time. >> barron's roundtable sponsored by global x etf. ♪ ♪ ♪


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