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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 20, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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and we'll get target this week and i'm focused on the consumer and spending patterns we are seeing or frankly the lack of spending patterns that we're seeing with consumer, maria. maria: it's a great point we'll cover more tomorrow. john your thoughts? >> democrats call for more government intervention in the economy. well, we now have a case study in china where there has been a movement away from markets towards more government intervention and the chinese economy now suffers because of that. maria: i saw that. explain that, john. they want to buy homes from people, right? >> yeah, right. i mean, it just goes over-the-top and of course if you buy homes, people that means higher prices for everybody else. maria: trisha final word. >> this is going to usher us into a new phase of the democrat campaign. the biden-who campaign. maria: "varney" & company picks it up live in chicago stu take it away. stuart: good morning, maria, and good morning, everyone. he spoke late in the night by design the last thing the democrats want is an aging
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president in primetime. he was in tears. delegates chanted "thank you joe." he said "i gave my best to you." the "wall street journal" summed up this morning with these words. poor, unwanted joe biden. tonight, the annointment of kamala harris begins. the pro-hamas demonstrators didn't get inside the convention but we talked to some of them and they displayed ignorance and hatred. today donald trump continues his counterprogramming and his theme at an event in michigan will be keeping america safe again. separately the fbi says iran hacked the trump campaign. to the markets. strong rally yesterday. no pullback this morning of any significance. the dow industrials, the s&p, the nasal down slightly. s&p just north to the tune of a quarter point. the price of gold, very close to yet another record high. 2,564 per ounce today. bitcoin moving up $60,000 and
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change. interest rates steady. the yield on the 10-year treasury at 3.83%. the two-year treasury yield just a fraction above 4% at 4.0 p. no big move in oil. still in the low $70 per barrel range, $74 right now. gas regular at 3.40, diesel 3.73. all right on the show today, you will see aoc trash donald trump. she says he ran away to florida. and our cameras went among the delegates to the convention. they too are in the dark about kamala harris' policies. you will see the media fawning over kamala harris. they love her and they really hate trump. it is tuesday, august 20, 2024. "varney" & company is about to begin.
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♪ stuart: what's this? "hope you're happy now." i'm not sure that, well okay. biden's gone so maybe they are really happy. all right, day one of the democrat convention is complete. there were protests and emotional joe biden and a brief surprise speech from kamala harris. lauren, good morning to you. biden didn't take the stage until 11:30 at night. what did he have to say? lauren: it was hard to stay up. it was the late-late show, as biden was pushed out of the primetime slot, and then spoke for 53 minutes when most americans at least those on the east coast, probably went to bed. he tiered up when he was introduced by his daughter ashley. you can see them there. his speech was likely his last major one as president, right? and he used it to tout his accomplishments, legacy and to rail against donald trump at times pretty angry, but near
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the end, he did what he was there to do and that's pass the torch to the next generation. >> your 46th president of the united states, joe biden. >> [applause] >> let me ask you. are you ready to elect kamala harris and tim walz, president and vice president of the united states? i love the job but i love my country more. >> [applause] >> i love my country more. all this talk about how i'm angry and all those people said that i should step down. >> [chanting] >> that's not true. i've made a lot of mistakes in my career but i gave my best to you. for 50 years. lauren: yeah, stuart, i thought that was the heart-felt moment. i thought that might have been his best moment in his speech and look he's in california today so the dnc continues
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without him. stuart: out of sight, out of mind i suspect. lauren: yeah. stuart: thanks lauren. lawrence jones is here with me in chicago. last night was supposed to be all about biden but he was pushed out of primetime. what are the optics of that? a sitting president pushed out of primetime on his way to california? lawrence: if they are pretending it wasn't intentional i think they are lying to the american people but it goes par for the course for the democrats who kind of prevented the president's condition from the american people until we all witnessed it on the debate stage. i do find it ironic that you have people, especially the same people that were given the reports behind the scenes trying to get him out of the race. everyone was saying they love you. [laughter] i love you, joe. go joe. thank you, joe, and the question is why do you love him and why do you thank him and the reason why they thank him is because he finally caved to the pressure. i just don't understand his speech was, um, i think not
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unifying to the country, but it also was quite dilutional saying everything is going well. now kamala harris is trying to change that message and is saying i hear your pain and i'm going to change what's happening with inflation when you go to the grocery store but how do you balance the two and they are part of the same ticket. she's still the vice president and he's the president. how do you say things are well at one point and then say things are bad at the same time. stuart: how do you go from that to this? lawrence: it's incredible. stuart: you have amongst the delegates i believe here in chicago yesterday. could any of them tell you specifically what harris' accomplishments were? lawrence: when i talked to the folks and by the way, i haven't been to a dnc convention since i was young back in 2008 when barack obama got the nomination so things have changed a lot, but when i talk with the folks the one thing they said was she was loyal to joe biden, and that is her biggest accomplishment. nothing about policy. nothing about getting the prices of groceries down. nothing about securing the border which was her job as the border czar. nothing about where she stands
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on the world stage in strength when it comes to what's happening between ukraine and russia, or israel and hamas. none of that. it was all about her loyalty to the president. i'm sorry the loyalty to the president doesn't get life better for the american public. they still don't have a message on that so we'll be watching it. maybe when she finally gets to the debate stage she gives a speech for america and says i understand your pain and i'm going to make things better. stuart: that's the opportunity for it, the debate stage. lawrence one more for you. i want you to listen to what one protester had to say about the october 7 attacks on israel. roll it. >> every palestinian, not just me. every palestinian supports hamas. >> you support october 7? >> yes, i do. what's wrong with october 7? you tell me. >> women and children. they were murdered. stuart: oh, lawrence the pro-hamas wing of the democrat party is a big problem for the party.
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lawrence: who was it the that said when people show you who they are, believe them? come on you've got a guy in the middle of the protest, chanting all over the country. we don't know what that means. that's why i don't say it's pro-palestinian. it's pro-hamas. they know exactly what they are doing and it's a big issue for the democratic party, because all they want to pretend like it's unified here. these people vote a different way in michigan and all the other states where it matters it can turn this election. stuart: it's a divided party. lawrence: exactly right. stuart: lawrence thanks for being with us this morning. lawrence: thank you, stu, doing a great job here, man. stuart: trump spoke at a campaign event in pennsylvania. what did he say, lauren? lauren: he largely focused on economic policy in the biggest swing state of pennsylvania. watch here. >> our plan will massively cut taxes, unlock american energy, slash regulations.
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i will tell the frackers and energy workers of pennsylvania to drill, baby drill. when i left office, i handed kamala and crooked joe biden a surging economy with no inflation. now, you have inflation at levels that i don't believe anyones ever seen before. lauren: and trump continues in another swing state today. michigan, his sixth visit this year. the message today, crime and safety. he will speak this afternoon at a sheriff's office in howell. it's being billed as a press conference. that might keep him serious on-message, on-point, and tell american voters especially those undecided how he'll make the country safe again. stuart: all right we'll see. lauren, thank you. just a reminder, our show is here, live, throughout the democrat convention. the bottom line is also here, live, beginning each night at 6:00 p.m. eastern and fox
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business will air full speeches starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern each night. check those markets, please. here we go. we see a little bit of red but not that much after all that green yesterday. david bahnsen joining us this morning. david, the market doesn't seem to care about harris and her policies. it's rallying despite her lead in the polls. what say you on this? >> you know, stuart, i've talked about this a few times. it really is important people realize that the market is not going to care in august, september, it's too close of an election. we're not going to know until november, and the senate matters. i really believe republicans have a good chance to take the majority in the senate. they have to win that montana race. that's the best chance for them to get a majority but let's say that vice president harris does become the next president. none of these policies she's talking about are ever going to become law. markets have to respond to what will be happening legislatively, so, the divided government scenario that we've had most of
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my adult life, markets don't mind that as much. stuart: would you say that the market at this moment is more motivated by interest rate cuts at the fed than by the election or politics? >> no, i don't think that either. i think markets are motivated by earnings, my friend. i don't think that the fed cutting a quarter point or half point in september matters at all, when the markets are telling you they're going to cut by 100 basis points by the end of the year, 200 basis points by next year, the markets are primarily driven by the fact that there's not a lot of other options. us equities look most attractive. there's good double-digit earnings growth. stuart: david thank you very much for being with us, always appreciate it, thanks very much. coming up, kamala's secretary, making the case for a harris economy. >> she knows we need an economy where the costs are low, where people can show up to their jobs
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with dignity and pride. stuart: is kamala harris really the pro-business, pro-worker candidate? charles payne will react to that. donald trump says harris' far-left agenda wrecked her home state. >> our country will be destroyed if she gets in. her radical liberal agenda ruined san francisco. it ruined california when she was the attorney general. stuart: our next guest says voters in california have buyer's remorse on far left leaders. james freeman on that. james is next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. ♪ go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms
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stuart: it is tuesday morning, following a big gain on wall street yesterday. a little bit of red ink this morning dow off 30, nasdaq down 38. no big deal so far. illinois' governor jb pritzker is set to speak tonight likely highlighting chicago's democrat policies however, those policies might say they've done more harm than good. i'm joined by james freeman, and madison alworth. james we'll get to you in one second. madison start with you. the past few years have not been really good for chicago, have they? reporter: no, stuart they really have not been. chicago struggles with a lot of the top issues that voters are worried about this election year. chicago is not doing well with crime. just this past weekend, there were nearly three dozen shootings and five fatalities. on immigration the city of chicago spent over $460 million on migrants that have come to the windy city and when you look at the economy, inflation sits
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at 3.7%. that is nearly a point above the national average. these are all issues voters favor former president donald trump on over vice president harris. despite this , governor pritzker, whose going to talk tonight is a vocal advocate for chicago's policies in the days leading up to the dnc. >> we've demonstrated to the country that democrats deliver in chicago and in the state of illinois. >> [applause] >> so when all these people come from around the country, they get to see what the democratic agenda looks like in action. reporter: elected officials might tout the city but chicago residents are responding with their feet. chicago has seen its population decline for nine years in a row. in 2023 its population was just around 2.6 million people. that's its smallest population since before the 1920 census. if this trend continues chicago could lose its title as the
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third largest us city to houston. both chicago mayor brandon johnson and illinois senator dick durbin spoke last night and neither mentioned anything about chicago's policies. pritzker takes the stage tonight, stu, and we are prepared to hear him talk more about illinois and chicago successes. stuart: i can't wait for that. thank you very much indeed. the dnc platform references biden's second term more than a dozen times. james freeman with me now. would you say a harris presidency be a second biden term or a bernie sanders first term? which do you think it be? >> you have to worry about the second alternative. this draft proposal platform for the party looks a lot like what bernie puts out every year in the senate. every business, every industry is broken. we need more government across the economy. businesses cheating people everywhere and government has to intervene. it's a story of broken markets. that's what bernie tells. now, of course the markets
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so-called markets he admires around the world are terrible. you wouldn't want to live there but that is a concern as you look at this agenda, how far could it go? >> does america really want all governmental the time? because that's what they are going to get in the harris presidency. >> it's interesting because she was one of the progressives, democratic voters rejected when she sought the presidency in 2020. they wanted the more moderate biden. he ended up compromising on the sanders agenda but so far, not just the platform, but her statement suggests she looks at the biden spending binge, which a lot of americans look as an inflationary disaster and she says she wants to finish the parts they didn't get through. in other words even more spending so i think you have to be concerned. this price gouging stuff, this doesn't sound like someone who thinks inflation is going away, and she's looking for the scape goats in business so the forecast is pretty negative economically. stuart: listen to what trump had to say about harris' time
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as california's attorney general. roll it, please. >> kamala harris is an economy-wrecker and a country-destroyer. our country will be destroyed if she gets in. her radical liberal agenda ruined san francisco. it ruined california when she was the attorney general. it crushed our middle class, demolished our border, set the world on fire, and now she wants to be promoted to the job killer-in-chief. stuart: james you have an op-ed detailing her performance as top prosecutor in california. trump says harris is full communist. i suspect that's going a little far. what say you? >> could be a little far but there is an irony here where even california cities have been turning away from the progressive law enforcement mentality. san francisco recalled its d. a. a few years ago. you now have an election
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upcoming. the progressive d. a., who followed kamala harris in san francisco is now the l.a. county prosecutor george gascone. he's 25 points behind in "the l.a. times" poll. in this city, we talked about all of the damage here when states attorney kim fox, cook county, was coming into office in 2016. she asked the transition team to set out a plan co-chaired by california's attorney general, kamala harris, and it is all the bad progressive law enforcement ideas that these cities have been suffering from, and they're now turning away from, so it is, i think, has to strike a lot of people as i don't know if weird is the word but you have big cities turning against this policy, and a major party about to nominate a progressive prosecutor from san francisco. stuart: one of these days, the rest of the media will dig this up and discover it, maybe, but i'm not holding my breath. james, thank you very much, sir. we've got a climate group spending big on ads.
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how much money, lauren? lauren: $55 million and the ads run in the swing states. what they do is i looked at three of them. they connect climate change to the economy. they say harris' transition to green will save you an american family $80 a month on your energy bill, while trump gives tax breaks to big oil companies. stuart: i beg to disagree but we'll get into that later on. thanks, lauren. check those futures, please. just a little bit of red ink after all of the green yesterday. it's really not that bad down 30 on the dow, 38 on the nasdaq. the opening bell is next. ♪
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stuart: about three and a half minutes to go to the opening bell. dow down 40, nasdaq down 40 as well. david nicholas with us this morning. the market doesn't seem to care about a possible harris administration. we seem to be still in a melt-up mode. are we? >> well, stuart, i think we are, but i don't think the market actually believes that kamala harris will win the presidency in november, because again, we're talking
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about price controls, right? we're talking about the federal government dictating to local grocery stores what they can charge their customers. we've seen this with failure throughout human history from the romans to the egyptians, we saw this after the french revolution and the grain shortages after world war ii led to apartment shortages so we need more supply. we need less litigators, less lawyers. we need more job creators and last night, stuart, you were there. correct me if i'm wrong but what i heard is attacking businesses, attacking the wealthy that create those jobs that we so desperately need so no. stuart the market doesn't believe it yet but if that ever changes i think the market is in for a rude awakening. stuart: wattstuart: what do youf the $25,000 for home buyers, what would that do to the housing market? >> stuart, this is another manipulation of the free market. it's the government trying to create demand that doesn't otherwise exist so what happens is this is the consequences stuart is you have homebuilders now will shift to only build
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homes that lower income or first-time homeowners can buy so what you get is a shift from what the market wants and then that credit, the $25,000 credit, it will rib run out at some pot and home prices will drop afterwards so it's a manipulation that won't work but at least the homebuilders being less profitable in the long run. stuart: why do you like gold and treasuries? >> yeah, stuart. i think with the geopolitical risk that we have and also the odds are high that the feds will lower rate, many investors look at gold as a hedge against inflation. gold is actually a hedge against a weak dollar and so as the dollar goes down, that bodes well for gold, just really simple way for out viewers, stuart gdx is the gold miners. i think gold miners will make more money as gold prices go up. stuart: would you have half of your portfolio in gold and treasuries? and half in stocks? is that how you do it? >> you know, stuart that's not a bad allocation. we like that for clients
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especially if you're approaching retirement or in retirement. look i want to be very clear to our viewers, stuart. i think you need a hedge going into the november elections. 50% of your portfolio in gold and treasuries you still want to own stocks, but the volatility that we could see the markets have done well. i don't want to rain on the parade but i think a lot can change very quickly which is a hedge like gold and treasuries makes a lot of sense, stuart. stuart: okay, you make sense to me too. thanks very much for joining us, david. we always like your stuff and we'll see you again real soon. as you can see , they are lining up to press the button and start the trading day today. the backdrop really, the backdrop today is the likely drop in interest rates, maybe hinted at by jay powell of the federal reserve on friday afternoon. >> [opening bell ringing] stuart: and of course yesterday's big rally. off we go off and running and the dow is down just a couple of points down what 42 points in the very early going a fraction of 1% down 33.37 and we've got
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just a few winners on the big board. quite a few losers too, more than half on the downside. the dow jones average is down 24. the s&p 500 is a fractional loss after yesterday's gain. as for the nasdaq, this morning, a tiny loss. down 27 points at .15%. let's have a look at big tech. a mixed picture, alphabet and microsoft are up. apple, amazon and meta platforms, they are down. looking at individual stocks this morning, i want to see eli lilly. look at it go again up another 1%. lauren, do they have more good news on the weight loss drug? lauren: the miracle drugs. yeah, they cut diabetes risk by 94% and patients who are either overweight or pre-diabetic. they also led to a 23% weight loss over three-years. that's a long time. this is the longest study yet on
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the glp-1s. three-years, and you lose 23% of your body weight. so what this shows is the drugmakers looking to extend the use of their obesity drugs, so now diabetes, sleep apnea, heart conditions eli lilly at 9.34 up 1.5%. stuart: home improvement store lowe's i know they reported this morning the stock is down just a fraction. how do they do? lauren: i think we knew it wasn't going to be the best report. fewer customers are fixing up their homes. the company blames weather. it was too hot for lawn projects in the summer. their revenue and their same-store sales in the quarter each fell by more than 5% and they cut their annual profit forecast but like i said, weak but expected because we had heard from home depot just a couple of days ago. stuart: palo alto, we've been hearing a lot about them recently. we're hearing a lot about them now because they are up 4% after they reported late yesterday. obviously a good report card. lauren: yeah this is a sign of the times story.
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there's a surg in online threats and that boosts demand for cybersecurity which is what palo alto does. demademand so strong at least et brokerages raising their price target. wedbush goes to 400. dan ives calls this the golden age for cybersecurity and he says it's being led by this company, palo alto. you know, there might have been some nervousness ahead of this report because of the crowdstrike outage in july, but ultimately, i think the street views this as the need to cut dependence on just one vendor for your security needs and to diversify so maybe more business for everybody. more business to go around. stuart: see what you did, when you went on the air it was up 4% and now it's up 5.5%. you can move a market. this news in, europe slashed the tariff on imports of tesla cards made in china. lauren: europe was trying to level the playing field. they thought beijing was offering too many subsidies to car companies and european car
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companies couldn't compete so they did an investigation, went to china and found out it wasn't so bad so now tesla only has to pay a 9% tariff on cars produced in china and then exported to europe. the tariff could have been as high as 36% so 9% is a relief. one in five ev's sold in europe come from china. they also, tesla would have to pay the 9% and then a 10% duty on car imports so there's tons of taxes but it could have been much much worse. stuart: and tesla's up 2% this morning 227. let's go to the chinese ev maker they reported this morning and i guess they didn't do so well. lauren: i'll tell you sales went up by 60%. 60% with that missed expectations, and then they did report a loss, even though it was a bit narrower. stocks down, so china has a cash for clunkers program. they do. they are trying to get drivers
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of old cars, gas-powered cars, to get into new ev's and they are offering them like 2,700 us dollars. i think that helps the ev players in china, but there's so much competition. you have a lot of manufactures. they are making really inexpensive ev's in china, and that's one of the reasons why it's disappointing today. stiff competition. stuart: advanced micro devices. put it on the screen, please. somebody's bullish on them right? lauren: they are still going up. remember the big gain yesterday? so edward jones says they are a buy, adds them to their focus list. so a few years ago, amd bought zt systems the $5 billion deal we told you about yesterday. bottom line it gives them the infrastructure to enable their customers to buy and deploy a.i. chips faster. i'm going to put it another way. i think amd just got the silver medal in a.i. chips. they are way behind the gold
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medalist nvidia but they cemented their second tier, their number two status if you ask me. stuart: an olympic -- lauren: silver medalist. stuart: that really worked. now show me nvidia. they're down a little this morning but way up from their low, right? lauren: yeah, 30% from the low august 7. 31% to be exact. so this is their first decline in seven days. the next catalyst for nvidia is earnings which are due the end of the month, august 28. since the august lows, so nvidia is up almost 31%. super micro is up 26%. marvel technology 25%, and micron 24%, so if you had the stomach to get in then, you made a lot of money and its only been a couple of days. stuart: i missed them all. all right, lauren, thank you. let's check that big board. turning a little further south, now we're down about 80 points but look at the level, 40, 800. there are dow winners and we'll
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put them on the screen for you. right now, the leading winner is merck, nike, 3m, amgen, and s&p 500 we have at the top palo alto networks, now up 6.3%. lilly now up 2.5%. darden restaurants, medtronic and edward life sciences on the list. nasdaq winners palo alto networks, 6% sirius xm radio, paypal, netflix is back on the list up six bucks at 6.94. the yield on the 10-year treasury well-below 4%. i keep saying that but it's true. 3.849% that's down. the price of gold this morning, well-over 2,500 bucks on ounce, 2,559. bitcoin moving to 60,000 bucks a coin, 60, 400. oil around $74 a barrel, 64.68. nat gas right around $2, 2.21. the average price for a gallon of regular down to 3.40 today
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but i always like to tell you in california the average price for regular is 4.59. coming up, did nancy pelosi confirm top democrats orchestrated biden leaving the race? listen. >> he made the decision for the country. my concern was not about the president. it was about his campaign. stuart: well what does newt gingrich think about all that? he's on the show a little bit. aoc had some harsh words for trump last night. >> we know that donald trump would sell this country for a dollar if it meant lining his own pockets and greasing the palms of his wall street friends. stuart: whoa hold on a second. who exactly are trump's wall street friends? new york congressman like lawler will react in the 11:00 hour. kamala harris wants to raise the corporate tax rate to 28%.
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a big reversal of the trump era tax. how will that affect the economy? art laffer will respond, next. ♪ moving forward with node-positive breast cancer. my fear of recurrence could've held me back. but i'm staying focused. and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for
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stuart: we are 12 minutes into the trading session and it's a mixed picture. we have the s&p and the nasdaq up ever so slightly. the dow is down 40 points. this of course follows a significant gain yesterday. then we have kamala harris making big spending promises. hillary vaughn at the white house. what is she proposing now, hillary? reporter: stuart vice president harris promising to build 3 million homes in four years. her way to bring affordable housing to americans, but if it sounds too good to be true it might be because other billion dollar programs that biden and harris already have in place for things like ev charging stations and high speed internet
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have not produced much due to state and local hold-ups. industry groups warn that harris throwing money at the housing crisis without addressing regulations won't actually make the cost of building a home cheaper. the national association of homebuilders saying "unfortunately, the plan makes no mention of reducing federal regulations that add to the 24% cost burden on single family home construction or the almost 41% increase on the construction of a multi-family unit." harris also has a plan to provide all first time home buyers $25,000 in down payment assistance. experts warn that could aggravate the shortage she's trying to fix bringing even more first time home buyers into an already-strained competitive market with low inventory. one financial advise or saying in my opinion it's just an attempt to garner more votes for the upcoming election by utilizing hand-outs. this plan would further inflate the real estate market, put the us further into a financial deficit and be another reason for the government to increase taxes, and this promise of government spending really is out of harris' hands if she
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becomes president. she needs congress to pass that legislation and approve that spending and unless there's some major democratic sweep in the house, they add seats in the senate it's unlikely to happen. stuart? stuart: we hear it. hillary thank you very much indeed. art laffer with me now. all right, art. part of harris' economic plan to raise the corporate tax rate to 28% from 21%. what would that do to the economy? >> well, what we know what happened when we lower the corporate profits tax rate to 21%, it paid for itself. the deficit actually went down as a result of those revenues. in the two years after it was done, we also know that the us gdp severed itself from europe and in fact, we grew 2.5% higher gdp as a result of those tax cuts. we also know that the poorer the minority after those tax cuts were at their lowest levels. if she's going reverse that you're going reverse the results, stuart. facts is facts and that is what
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will happen, and i don't know why someone doesn't tell her that but that's the truth. stuart: but it's not just about raising money. it's about ideology. harris hates, harris dislikes business and wants to punish business. that's where it's coming from isn't it? >> well that could be. i mean, maybe she's just misinformed. if she is misinformed there should be an economist on her staff to get the correct numbers for her but if she wants to raise those tax rates she will lose revenue. she really will. she will make the economy worse, and it will have its major impact on the poor, the minorities and disenfranchised. median wages will go down relative to what they would do if she didn't do that. she's a government person, stuart. she's never been a working class, she's a lawyer. she's not trained as an entrepreneur and always thinks of government having the answers and government never causes the problem. that's what kamala harris is. stuart: hold on. i've got to go.
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listen to what aoc had to say about harris. >> in kamala harris, we have a chance to elect a president who is for the middle class, because she is from the middle class. >> [applause] >> she understands the urgency of rent checks and groceries and prescriptions. she is as committed to our reproductive and civil rights as she is to taking on corporate greed. i see a leader with a real commitment to a better future for working families. stuart: harris has not held a private sector job in her life. do you think she understands the working class? >> no. stuart: 30 seconds art is all you've got. >> of course not. no she can not. she does not. that's a complete mis-description of aoc, and she's exactly the opposite. she's a trained lawyer, been in governmental the time, attorney general of california, vice president of the united states.
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that's not a working class american, that's a government person through and through and that's who she is and what she will do. stuart: all governmental the time. art laffer great stuff. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: biden speaks last night went way past midnight. he teared up and said i gave my best to you. now the party doesn't want to know him. he's off on a two-week vacation in california. out of sight out of mind. next week, the bar ball will ben trump's court. he has to stay on message. chicago police arrest several pro-hamas protesters after dem demonstrators reach the fence. we have the full story coming up for you, next. ♪
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stuart: protesters broke through police fencing surrounding the dnc here in chicago
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yesterday. police made several arrests. steve harrigan joins me. what's the latest on those protests? reporter: well, stuart, some of the protesters, a few dozen, did manage to breakthrough an outer security fence about two blocks north of the dnc. they did not make it to the second perimeter fence. they are scheduled to march along a one-mile loop about three or 4,000 of the demonstrators. it's a small group that broke off but it looked like some were organized for trouble. one had a sledgehammer and another had chains to try and remove that fence and some of the hamas flags the terrorist organization were flying in the group as well. most of the ring leaders also wearing masks but police really gave a determined and careful response even though they were pelted with rocks and cans at the very beginning, riot police arrived on the scene, really at a jog. they had helmets on and batons also across their chest. they pinned the protesters in the small group and ghana resting the ring leaders and law
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enforcement officials have been clear here to say they will not allow any destruction of property. >> when you have people who infiltrate a crowd and they want to commit acts of violence and vandalism, we are going to stop them. nobody is going to come to chicago and destroy this city. reporter: at least four arrests were made. at one point police did put on their gas masks but no canisters were fired. stuart back to you. stuart: we got it, steve thanks very much indeed. quick check of the markets in business now for about 23 minutes. we have the dow down 60 but the nasdaq is coming back 24 points. it was a big gain yesterday. dow winners on your screen, please. topping that list, we have johnson & johnson, walmart, 3m, merck, microsoft is on the list as well. the s&p 500 whip 500 winners pao networks, eli lilly up another 4% at 37 points. nasdaq winners put them on
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the screen please quite a few this morning. palo alto networks there again, 22 bucks higher, sirius xm, netflix, paypal, advanced micro devices. the yield on the 10-year treasury down to 3.84% the price of gold near a record high 2,568. bitcoin 60,000 bucks a coin and change. oil, 74 bucks a barrel. nat gas about 220 this morning and the average price for a gallon of regular 3.40. look at california. 4.59. lucky people. still ahead, newt gingrich will react to nancy pelosi admitting she "did what she had to do" to get biden out of the race. new york governor kathy hochul bragging about trump's conviction, calling him a fraud and a felon. brian kilmeade on that. iran could have nuclear weapons by the end of the year? new york congressman mike lawler will be here. house republicans finding biden engaged in impeachable conduct?
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congressman james comer has the latest. the 10:00 hour is next. ♪ tamra, izzy and emma... they respond to emails with phone-calls... and they don't "circle back" they're already there. .. that makes their clickety- clacking... clickety-clackier. but no one loves logistics as much as they do.
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10:00 am
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