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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 21, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: beyoncé. to the left to the left. inspiration to democrats i guess. 10:00 eastern, straight to the money, half an hour of business under our belt and got some green, dollars up 90 to manas backup almost 90 points as well, modest gains across the board, the 10 year treasury yield is down. last time we checked was 380, now it is up to 383. the price of oil 72, 73, 7363, bitcoin just under $60,000, 59-8 to be precise. now this. sounded like a throwback to the past, it was a projection to the future, at least the future bernie sanders wants to see, the socialist senator from vermont at the convention last
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night wants a harris administration to go full tilt socialism. he calls himself a democratic socialist but it's the same thing. all government all the time. he believes it is government that can help working people and pointed to the covid relief programs of the biden euro. does he remember all that spending set off inflation which hurt working people, made a series of policy demands for the future, he wants public funding of elections, that will get the big-money out of the vote. in fact he will substitute taxpayer money for private money. he wants healthcare as a human right. that means fully socialized medicine. has he seen what happened to britain's social medicine. and cut prescription drug prices in half. the minimum wage must be a
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living wage as $20 per hour minimum wage for fast food workers is done to the fast food industry. the robots are taking over. a long list of industries you wants to rein in and patrol. and big tech, and those corporate monopolists ruining our society. he was preaching to the far left which has quite a presence at the convention. i wonder what moderates think. is this what middle america wants, all government all the time? democrat elected joe biden thinking he was a moderate, bernie sanders got hold of him and turned him to the left, sanders won't do the same with a harris administration. watch out, margaret, bernie sanders is not going away. second hour of varney just getting started. kim strawser lives in chicago
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sitting next to me. welcome to the show. what do you think of bernie sanders and what impression he made on the crowd last night? >> the pure expression where the party is headed. in the absence of kamala hearst being more honest about what she wants to do you should assume what he said last night's where she will go. stuart: he wants to take her further left if possible. >> there have been all these efforts in the start, when joe suggested he was getting out one of the first people that said i would be on board with a kamala harris presidency was bernie sanders. that's because he was trying to get a little more leverage. that's how they operate. stuart: that is not what middle america wants surely. >> absolutely not. i call it government socialism. rather than just socialism. there will be a transition period if they get their way but that's what they want, the thing that struck me in your opening is the national health service i have experienced and
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you have experienced. free healthcare except nobody stops to think about the lines, there are bureaucrats who decide who gets what procedures because there's not enough money to go around, nobody wants that. stuart: rfk junior's running mate, nicole shanahan, said there campaign could soon drop out and back donald trump. watch this. >> there's two options we are looking at, one is staying in, forming that new party but we will run the risk of kamala harris and chad pergram presidency because we draw votes from trump or we walk away right now and join forces with donald trump. stuart: that's kind of vague. any real effect on the race? >> good question.
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this is what happens when you play dirty, democrats, you should see what they do to the rfk campaign, the lawfair, losses, trying to get him off the ballot, she claims they put a plant in the campaign to do internal disruption. they are worried about rfk junior. i'm not sure what the answer would be. you could say endorse trump. he has four to five points in the swing states. that's a terrible thing if you're talking a close race. do those voters listen to him or are these folks double haters who don't like democrats and don't like republicans? that is why they are going with rfk junior and if he says vote trump i don't know. we don't know. stuart: great to see you in chicago.
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former president barack obama went after donald trump. watch this please. >> we do not need four more years of bluster and bubbling and chaos. we've seen that movie before. and we all know that the sequel is usually worse. america is ready for a new chapter. america is ready for better story. we are ready for president kamala harris. stuart: jason chaffetz is with me. trump, bumbling, excuse me, what do you make of that? >> when the president said bumbling and chaos, i was thinking of the biden/harris administration and michelle obama talked about it has been a long time since we've had something positive and i think talking about biden and harris.
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life is good under donald trump. they try to paint him as a monster who was going to destroy democracy. didn't you think it was funny joe biden at the democratic convention was in santa barbara and kamala harris was in wisconsin, neither of the big people were at the event. stuart: quite a split in the democrat party. congressman byron donalds is urging the gop leaders to hold a vote on impeaching biden after the report found biden committed, quote, impeachable offenses. do we want to impeach biden now? would it do any good? >> i don't understand the rush to put kamala harris in the white house. i would not do that. i think the report is scathing. i think it is one of the
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factors the american public should look at. i don't want to brush it under the rug but the voters decide the outcome of this election come november but i think he should be pursued. there are some real potential for criminal charges within the biden family for what they did, how they did it, taking in millions of dollars. the report is solid but i wouldn't impeach. stuart: $27 million to be precise and counting affair. moving on. scott shalladdy. all eyes on chicago. you left chicago, fled to nashville. what do you make of chicago since you left? >> i was back six months ago for a family wedding. this is driving along the streets of chicago i was there three or four days.
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seems as though the best campgrounds in america are in the city of chicago. i was never so surprised to see so many roads in my life. very disappointed since 80 years of 1-party rule but unfortunately migrants everywhere, and don't have a lot of places to go. i'm very disappointed. used to be a great city. used to be a great city. we have family and friends still trying to get out, can't wait for their work from home jobs, it's not safe. in nashville i hear people from chicago working from home because their businesses, tell them to stay on that. that's not the city i remember. stuart: not a pretty picture. listen to what bernie sanders said about corporate greed last night.
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>> at the very top of that to do list is the need to get big money out of our political process. we must take on big pharma, big oil, big bag, big tech, and all the other corporate monopolists whose greed is denying progress for working people. stuart: what do you think would happen to america if bernie sanders has serious influence over a future harris administration? >> he's calling for communism. he left a few things out of that speech. he's trying to nail american innovators, people who invent new medicines. he's going after all the people
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who do things, talking about big tech, big pharma, big bag. he doesn't talk about big government, big government is proposing a tax on capital gains. to me it is unconstitutional and highway robbery. why not go after big government. big government spent $35 trillion, running a $2 trillion deficit. that will put us under, big government. stuart: come back to chicago to see us. you are okay, see you soon. a good man. let's get to lahren -- lauren with the movers. lauren: luxury homebuilder hiked the full year guidance. the ceo says mortgage rates
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lowest point in a year, they are optimistic that demand remains solid through the end of the year into next. good report. stuart: texas instrument the chipmaker. neil: to spending money but less than first thought and citigroup pleased by that, calling it christmas in august. they upgraded this to a by and giving it $230 price target. stuart: a couple retailers, tell me more. lauren: alter beauty is cheaper and after target which is 13%, tjx reported solid numbers. the bottom line is customers want value. we've been preconditioned to because the economy is slowing, paycheck isn't growing as much to seek a deal and these names offered compared to macy's. stuart: thanks very much.
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with no policies on her website voters are waiting to hear more on kamala harris's economic proposals as a report shows regulation from the biden harris administration cost the average family $50,000. hillary vaughan has that coming up. second gentlemen doug emhoff called his wife someone who rises to the occasion. liz peek response next. ♪ ♪ dad: i'm gonna clean the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more...
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stuart: a little background noise at the convention. the dow is down 40, nasdaq up 61. there is increased scrutiny of price-fixing, regulation from the biden/harris administration. hillary vaughan at the white house, how much are we talking about? >> reporter: thousands of dollars a year, the committee to on each prosperity unveiled new regulations put in place under the biden/harris administration and compared it to new regulations put in place during the trump administration. trump caught regulation cost at $10,000. under president biden and harris, $47,000 of new regulations have been push through under their leadership. the committee found biden and harris ramped up regulations, putting in place 84 new rules compared to trump's regulations
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he put in place as president. government regulations are burdening americans, so our high prices, something vice president harris promised to tackle through cracking down on price gouging on groceries and to stop food companies from gouging american consumers. that took center stage at the dnc. >> is oligarchs tell us we shouldn't tax the rich. and we shouldn't take on price target -- price gouging. i've got some bad news. that's what we are going to do. >> they don't work and make things worse. >> it is un-american. let me explain why. in america, we don't tell a farmer what to sell his apple
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for an don't tell a grocer what to sell it for. that's why it works, we don't have a ministry of grossing pricing, shortages and hyperinflation, this policy is beyond bad. >> reporter: harris's inner circle is walking back the idea that as president she would be putting in price controls. they are clarifying a policy she's proposing to tackle price gouging would elevate from the state level to the federal level, rules in place in many states. stuart: listen to what the second gentlemen said last night about his wife. >> kamala is a joyful warrior, doing for her country when she has always done for the people that she loves. her passion will benefit all of us when she is our president. and here's the thing about
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joyful warriors, they are still warriors and kamala is as tough as it comes. with your help, she will lead with joy and justice with compassion and conviction. stuart: look who is here on wednesday morning. he called her a joyful warrior. is that what voters are looking for? >> i don't think so. voters are looking for solutions to rampant crime and unaffordable housing at rising grocery prices. it is funny they keep using the joy word. he is pretty clever because one thing nobody likes about kamala harris is this laugh, the total silliness about this person. translating the media hype into joy so good for her but by the
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way, she has now rolled out a couple policies including the one hillary vaughan was talking about, price controls, price gouging, whatever you want to call it, that is an absurd notion, and her approval ratings already which had been steadily gaining since she was tapped to follow joe biden are coming down a little bit. so the prediction, has her down by five. they are right to keep her off the grid. when they find out what are far left loon she is she won't do very well. stuart: i'm going to listen to top democrat women praising harris during a rollcall last night.
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>> kamala harris will fight for your freedom and we will work together to make washington dc the 51st state. i am governor gretchen witmer. we love texas, we went texas freedoms. we know how to win. >> we are not just great progressive movements, we are the birthplace of shirley chisholm, the birthplace, we are the birthplace of geraldine for aro and we are the home of hillary clinton. stuart: some of the women i know consider that a ranch. >> what are they running on.
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on kamala harris being the first female president and they are running on hatred of donald trump. the other night, president biden says there is no safe harbor for hate. i've never seen more hate in a democratic convention. they may love kamala harris but they hate donald trump because there's nothing for them to run on. is founded on a conceit, the conceit is democrats haven't been in charge and things would be so much better. it's been three years. 16 years, 12 under democratic presidents. how is it trump's fall but everything is so wrong, and 70% of the country.
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and i'm really horrified. stuart: come back soon. see you again soon. i got to tell you. what say you? >> it was awful. it was all about themselves. america wants results. they want america to thrive. the biggest issue is they didn't address inflation, the economy, safety and security on the border and our streets, wars raging overseas, they glance all over that and say we are joyful. i once confidence. that's what america wants. stuart: i've got more for you later. vice president a candidate tim walz will speak tonight. he's an unknown, madison
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alworth will tell us what we can expect. to address the housing crisis, harris floated using government subsidies to make housing affordable. alicia finley says this will create a moral hazard. alicia is next.
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energy fuels, a leading american uranium producer, is ramping up production to supply expanding nuclear markets and diversifying into rare earth elements, key ingredients in many clean energy and defense technologies. energy fuels. everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way?
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happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? stuart: a mixed -- amazon and apple moving higher, and alphabet down 77%. looking at the movers, >> spike of 7%. and the record low, and this is a stock, not fundamentals.
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trump is in north carolina for speech on national security. stuart: will american express. >> despite stellar, the consumer is not strong, bank of america, 2.5%, going to the sidelines, the downgrade is mutual. recent commentary from the retailers, travel companies say the spending is challenging. stuart: not sure i agree with that one. micro strategy. lauren: they own one% of bitcoin in existence. the price of bitcoin is down today, micro strategy is up 2.5%. cancer fitzgerald know she just -- 100 night before price target, that again a 40%. stuart: thanks very much. day 3 of the dnc is a fight for our freedom.
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what can we expect? >> it's become normal with this campaign. doesn't have a ton of details about what that means. harris has done this theme before, they used the same theme. talked about lgbt rights, she talked about freedom to just be. >> ultimately, the freedom to be. to just be. [applause] >> to just be. lauren: now she added tim walz to the ticket hoping for more policy tonight. he will be the keynote speaker. it says, quote, governor tim walz chose a champion for america's working families.
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and for and fundamental freedoms. you spoke to a working family who was devastated under the tim walz governorship, against tim walz, because of that she was sentenced to jail for 90 days in violation of those orders. she doesn't feel tim walz is a defender of freedom? >> the business was destroyed, we know as minnesotans what tim walz is capable of. he the tyrant of tyrants. lauren: we will hear from tim walz tonight. interesting to hear his position but it will be on lgbt on reproductive rights, gun rights, things of that nature. stuart: take a look at this headline. here comes kamala's mortgage forgiveness. editorial board member alicia finley is with me.
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everything else is being forgiven. is this another round of vote buying for harris? >> without payment assistance, we've seen this movie, starting with the subsidies, student loans and they move to the profit plan, they can afford to repay, unable to repay some. with student loans forgiven, what the biden administration is doing is writing down more modification or retention plans. made one million more jig -- mortgage modifications for those who don't repay their housing debts. stuart: isn't there a moral hazard question? if everything is being forgiven, that's moral hazard surely.
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>> of course it is. i had a friend who mentioned his daughter asked why should i bother paying my student debt. the government, why should i take out private debt? if i take out a loan for the government, there is a huge moral hazard that will lead, the biden administration loves this, lead to more consumption. what happens when people can't repay their debt? it gets to the taxpayers, taxes have to go up on these giveaways. stuart: the world turned upside down. see you again in new york. this is just coming into us. we are learning about a job revisions number. what have we got? lauren: the number of jobs was cut in one year by 818,000.
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we were looking for the never to revised from 16,000, to 1 million, came in as down, revised down 18,000 snack tab in the middle there. when you have relatively strong jobs report as get the revisions, is the job market really strong? the federal reserve goes with the numbers they get and determine where they keep interest rates. seeing payrolls were revised down by this number will they be more trigger-happy when they meet in 28 days? do they do the 50 point cut or the 25 point cut. adding something from the fed, expectations of losing one's job rose to an all-time high, 4. 4%, that could capture the feeling out there. they keep telling us the job
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market is strong but doesn't feel like it is. stuart: that another hit on bidenomics. still ahead, the happiest place on earth is straining family budgets, families going into debt for disney. we have the story. florida governor ron desantis suffered a setback in his attempt to reshape the education system, majority of school board candidates lost their races. ashley has that story after this. ♪ tamra, izzy and emma... they respond to emails with phone-calls...
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car, where are we going? we're here. (♪) surprise!!! the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. car, were you in on this? nothing gets by you james. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at stuart: as we look at the market action. 818,000 fewer jobs than reported in the year between march 2023, march 2024.
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serious downgrade in the number of jobs in this economy. many school board candidates import by governor desantis in florida lost their elections. what does this mean for education in florida? ashley: good question. desantis endorsed 23 school board candidates across florida. the results were underwhelming. 11 of his picks, six having 2 runoffs in november. although the school board positions are not partisan, for years, democrats in the florida teachers union have supported certain candidate so desantis says i'm trying to level the playing field. despite these primary results, florida's governor will continue to push his education agenda which revolves around parental rights which came over the battle over shutdowns during the pandemic where he proclaimed in person learning is the only way and that proved to be true.
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desantis leading the charge for curriculum clarity. the biggest issue is school choice, florida expanded eligibility for school choice vouchers regardless of income and the results have been remarkable. 68,000 florida students have moved to charter schools. 50,000 left for private schools. homeschooling has increased by 58.6%. the shift was so dramatically that they've seen classroom size shrink. in brevard county authorities are considering closing 42 schools and combining classes. i mentioned school board positions in florida are nonpartisan but in november those who are going to decide a constitutional amendment that would change that beginning in 2026, no matter what happened
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last night, ron desantis is carrying on his education plans. stuart: tune in for education in america all next week on fox business. families going into debt just to go to disney. how much is it for a family of four to go to disney? lauren: for one week not including a flight or souvenir, 6400 $15,560. one week from people, that's a big range. it matters how you do it, how fancy ago. lending tree find 40% of families go into debt just to afford disney. the question is why? it's our right of passage and many parents say kids don't say young forever so they are making this investment going into debt to pay for it. our strategy was one anna done. we went for one day. we fed them sugar all day.
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open to close, beautiful memories. i'm all good. stuart: thanks. new york city's mayor eric adams came to chicago to speak about immigration but his speaking spot at the convention was taken away. chuck schumer backed donald trump, he said trump handles anti-semitism and rubs elbows with white supremacists. serious accusations and we have trump's response next.
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stuart: chicago is reeling from the migrant crisis but it's not talked about at the dnc. how much are the migrants costing the city? >> $460 million is what it is costing the last two years, two thirds of that money provides free healthcare to 46,000 migrants who have arrived and some migrants have been offered $15,000 free rental stipends. this is money that could be
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going to half-million chicago residents living in poverty. today the migrant crisis is not as evident in the streets. the number of shelters is down to 5600 and migrant encampments cleared out by the city but for the start of the dnc but they remember migrants sleeping in police stations and airports and are still bitter particularly in minority communities about resources being diverted away from them. >> if you're helping others we have to make sure the citizens of the city are in better position than they were in past years? >> they were sleeping in front of the police station. the police station is where you go to get protected and it was always dirty. >> not just families and stuff but gang members from venezuela. we have enough issues already.
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our mayor, our governor do not understand that. >> some chicago democrats say immigration needs to be talked about more at the dnc. >> an apology from kamala harris. as borders are, we allowed 8 million people to manipulate our asylum process. i know i'm not going to get that but i want to some recognition we have to do something that fixes the front door so everyone isn't relying on the back door to get into this country. >> levered references immigration at the dnc in the form of attacks against donald trump. what we do not hurt is an acknowledgment of the pain and stress and strain this crisis because to the residents of chicago and cities nationwide. stuart: i don't think we will hear this. chuck schumer went after donald trump at the dnc. watch this. >> donald trump, this is a guy
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who peddles anti-semitic stereotypes. he even invited a white supremacists to mar-a-lago. he fuels islam phobia and you should a muslim been as president. our children and our grandchildren, no matter their race, no matter their creed, their gender or family deserve better than donald trump's american carnage. stuart: a reporter asked trump why he was going to a town in michigan that was linked to white supremacy. here's how trump responded. >> for being -- >> they were -- >> who was here in 2021? thank you. stuart: what is your reaction to this?
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>> every accusation from the democrats is a confession. we saw that with president biden, his speech where he repeated the lie that donald trump called neo-nazis very fine people in charlottesville and a few minute later president biden himself said the protesters outside, the pro-hamas protesters had a point. projection. confession. president obama last night came out here and said the other side demonizing donald trump and a minute later complains about polarization. look in the mirror. every accusation is a confession. get to chuck schumer's commentary that donald trump traffics in anti-semitism. it wasn't at the rnc that you had protesters sanctioned by
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the democrats chasing down orthodox jews to chant at them that zion is in is going to fall. that happened here. they are telling on themselves. their party right now is struggling with anti-semitism and sanctioning it within their ranks. we went split by activism. that party is split on that issue. eric adams came here with the intention of speaking about the migrant crisis but his speaking spot on the convention was taken away. why did adams lose his speaking spot in chicago? >> democrats have a real problem which is they cannot admit the truth which is that kamala harris was the border czar, kamala harris was part of one of the most devastating administrations to working-class americans in decades, she was there in the room when all these disastrous
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decisions were being made on the economy and immigration, the democrats are catering to their base which is college-educated voters who are people who consume the cheap labor of immigrants so they love the open border. the working-class pays for it and they are not interested in catering to them. stuart: adams can't speak. check the market fast. it turned negative despite the job revision. 818,000 fewer jobs than we thought were reported. the market turned around, the dow is down 85 points. nasdaq clinging get to a 5 point game. shannon bream on bernie sanders calling to overturn the citizens united decision. he wants the public funding of elections. bill hemmer on the obamas warning this race is going to be very close, jobs data showing the labor market much weaker than previously reported. the 11:00 hour of "varney and company" is next. ♪
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