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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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derstand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. larry: i'll just say hat's off to robert kennedy or jr. for endorsing donald trump because it's a true pro-democracy movement and the democrats have been anti-dem do crass no matter what they may day. -- they say. and robert kennedy broke through that today for trump, and it's fascinating and hard-hitting, and it's a good move. and now for an even better move, always, liz macdonald, up
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next. elizabeth: larry, i meant the wish you happy birthday, a belatedded one. larry: oh, my gosh. elizabeth: statistics show those who have the most birthdays live the longest. [laughter] larry: i hope that's true. elizabeth: okay, larry, thank you so much. welcome to "the evening edit." i'm elizabeth macdonald. [bleep] told them they need to post some guys over here. i told them that the [bleep] -- >> who? >> the secret service. i told them that [bleep] tuesday. elizabeth: the latest on five secret service agents suspended amid the probe into the assassination attempt on president trump. more information on how bad security really was. also tonight, history today, a kennedy endorsed a republican. rfk jr. with suspends his campaign in the swing states, asks voters there to endorse trump. and his father and uncle, they were assassinated. he warns it is the democrat party that is the threat to democracy.
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trump campaign senior adviser danielle alvarez here to react. plus, the growing backlash against the media falling for the big on vibes dnc and helping kamala harris keep voters in the dark about her bad policies that economists warn are even worse hand bidenomics. senator ron johnson here on that. kamala harris pushes joy as angel moms at the border speak out. >> she was brutally beaten. it was left with no clothing from the waist down. he needs to be in office a, we need to stop this. elizabeth: american majority ceo ned ryan takes on that, but first this: president trump about to hold a campaign rally many just a couple of hours in glendale, arizona. let's get right to grady trimble standing by live in glendale with more. grady, lots of headlines coming out today.
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what's going on? >> reporter: there have been, liz. and since yesterday the trump campaign has been teasing a special guest who will take the stage this evening, widely, of course, expected to be robert f. kennedy jr. who today made headlines because kennedy is bucking the family dynasty and backing former president trump. the former president was in las vegas this afternoon holding a campaign event there to tout his no tax on tips policy, but it coincided with almost exactly when kennedy was making his announcement, so we got a realtime reaction from the former president. listen. >> just had a very nice endorsement from rfk jr., bobby. [cheers and applause] and i'll be talking about that. we're heading out right after this we're going to be going to arizona. it's very nice. that was really very nice. that's big. he's a great guy, respected by everybody. >> reporter: at the peak of
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his presidential campaign, rfk jr. was pulling in double can digits, but since then the fund raising has dried up, the poll numbers have plunged to a small but possibly significant group of voters, liz. when he made his announcement this evening -- or this afternoon, i should say, rfk jr. made a point to say supporters can still vote for him in most states but not the key battlegrounds that likely pave the road to the white house. here he is. >> i've made the heart-wrenching decision to suspend if my campaign and so -- to support president trump. i am not terminating my campaign. i am simply suspending it. in about ten battleground sates where -- states where my presence would be a spoiler, i'm going to remove my name. >> reporter: and almost immediately after rfk jr. said that, the trump campaign was out with a memo with its internal polling saying, as you can clearly see in every single
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state rfk jr.'s vote breaks for president trump. they say this is good news for president trump and his campaign, plain and simple. the harris campaign put out its own statement, no mention of rfk jr. by name or how this will impact the race, but they said for those or who are looking for a new way forward and who are, quote, tired of donald trump, they say they're invited into the harris campaign. we should also note, liz, even if this is not a significant outcome on election day which it very well could be, but even if it's not, at the very least it steals away the headlines from vice president kamala harris after the most significant speech of her political career. now everybody's talking about what's about to happen here in the next couple of hours. elizabeth: we'll stay on it. grady trim, great reporting. thank you so much. let's bring in trump campaign senior adviser danielle alvarez. thank you so much for joining us, we really appreciate it. what's the trump's team reaction to rfk suspending his campaign
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in the swing states? let me back up. he said this is not his father, rfk and jungle jfk's party -- uncle jfk's party anymore, he would be astonished that democrats blackballed him, sued him and jill stein out of the primary, vicious lawfare attacks against trump. what do you guys make of it? >> you know, this is a great win. as president trump had said in the days prior, he would welcome rfk's endorsement. he's put together a broad coalition. i think there were two clear messages that rfk delivered. one, the support of president trump but, two, stating that the democrat party is no longer the same democrat party and that their push and their claims for freedom are just empty promises, that a kamala harris has been a failure. and so we are excited for what this means for our growing coalition as. as was just stated, there is a memo that our campaign put out
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that a shows some internal numbers and shows that in every battleground state, you know, rfk was polling at 6%, maybe a little higher, and we're going to to work overtime to earn those votes after having earned rfk's support. elizabeth: so talk toes us about the internal polling you guys are seeing in the swing states. how many points toward trump does rfk dropping out, how much higher is he bumping up in the swing states? >> it really will fend if on every battleground state -- depend on every battleground state and, again, we have to earn those voters' trust. but that rfk endorsement is absolutely helpful and especially his indictment against kamala harris and her absolute failures as was stated, you know? a kennedy supporting a republican, we are ready to get to work and ready to drive this home. elizabeth: we're going to to show the viewer the new abs news/washington post/ipsos poll. trump leads harris on inflation,
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crime and the border. we're seeing that the polling shows rfk dropping out could give anywhere from 2 points to the 5 points to donald trump in the battlegrounds. that's a big swing. turning to the news that the suspect in arizona who made death threats on social media to kill trump is now in custody. he's 600 years plus. what -- 60 years plus. what does the campaign think about the security for president trump now? you have five secret service agents put on administrative leave and one was a secret service agent from trump's personal security detail. four other are from pittsburgh. what do you make of that? how is the trump team feeling about this? >> i will say that president trump hasn't wavered in his admiration and support for his detail. there is nothing braver than the donald trump u.s. secret service detail. during the assassination attempt against president trump in butler, pennsylvania, who within seconds used their bodies to shield the president. he has said over and over again
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how grateful he is. he works, obviously, very closely with them, and they work very diligently to keep him protected. and i don't want to get ahead, obviously, of any sort of u.s. secret service, fbi or congressional investigations happening about butler, but i do want to to echo the president's remarks and just talk about the bravery of those individuals who jumped on stage within sends of hearing that gunshot fire. elizabeth: yeah. cnn is reporting that the secret service detail did not pick up the local police radios that they had set aside for them to use and that within something like three minutes before the shots were fired, if the secret service was on those local police radios, they would have heard or the warning radioed out, a man on the roof. and then, you know, so that means that possibly that shooter could have been taken out sooner and people -- that a man would not have died, and the president would not have been shot and injured. your final world. >> well, without divulging too
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much, i can say that a our donald trump secret service detail has always taken threats against the president very seriously. unfortunately with the temperature of politics right now, that a becomes more frequently hand not. we saw those reports -- than not. we saw those reports of iranian threats and so forth. but, again, donald trump's detail keeps him safe and our campaign definitely trusts them and the work that they do. elizabeth: danielle afl a less, thanks for joining us, good to see you. reactions pouring in, critics say kamala harris' acceptance speech was big on vibes, basically a joyride, a motivational speech. no policy details. nothing really of substance and details. mostly blaming trump when she's been in the white house for four years. nothing on what she will do to fix the problems that blew up on her and biden's watch that they've intensified and created. let's welcome to the show from senate homeland security and senate budget, senator ron johnson joins us. senator, what did you think of the speech? >> elizabeth, well, i didn't
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want watch it live. i've listened to segments, but it was pretty much like the entire dnc convention and their campaign. their game plan is pretty obvious. they're going to try and pull the wool over the american people's eyes. they're going the lie, they're going to gaslight. they're going to pretend that the last three and a half years simply didn't exist. they're going to pretend that they didn't want and cause the open border. they're going to pretend that they didn't pass this massive deficit spending which sparked 40 year high inflation. they're going to pretend that they're not the reason why gas prices are higher than they should be. contributing to inflation. they're going to pretend that they haven't weakened america which has emboldened our enemies and enflamed the world. heir going to pretend all this and, unfortunately, they can rely on the legacy, corporate media not to hold them accountable, not provide scrutiny and pretty well cover up for them. elizabeth: you know, let's listen to the voter reaction in the media here. let's get your reaction to to this. >> she wasn't clear enough on
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the policies. i still don't feel like she's ready. she should wait. i don't want to, per se, vote for someone that is a backup. >> but, again, we didn't hear a whole lot about how she was different from the biden administration. >> -- current pilot of the plane is kamala harris. donald trump is not the pilot of the plane, he's right here. [laughter] they want you to vote for a ticket based on absolutely no concrete idea ab what they would to do -- about what they would do once they get in office. >> voters don't feel like they fully understand here. >> for all of the talk and anticipation here and elsewhere that there may be a special guest, i am told by democrats that a kamala harris was their guest. elizabeth: yeah. they thought it was going to be beyonce. i'm sorry, would abraham lincoln and george washington be talking about hollywood celebrities? should it be any surprise voters
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don't understand her since zero democrat primary voters voted for her? there's been no debate with her, no media interviews. now she's saying she may drop that media interview that she promised to do at the end of the month. cnn's scott jennings said, quote, you can't leave the same people in charge who have run the country into the ditch. >> it's basically asking the arsonist to put out the fire, and that's what democrats expect americans to do. let's see the exact same people who caused these problems, let's listen to their lies, their gaslighting, let's listen to them and say, oh, now they're going to fix these problems. no, they're going to double down on the policies that a caused it. it's extremely important what the democrats and the media are trying to do. i have to comment on the big endorsement. i think not only is it good for the campaign, the fact that rfk jr.'s endorsing president trump, i think that's good for america. i've gotten to know bobby kennedy pretty well. first of all, he's a very good
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person. and and he has championed children's health, he's championed addressing chronic illness. i know president trump is very concerned about -- he's the one who cited right to try, so that will be a very effective duo. and this is how you heal america. you have people that don't agree on everything, but agree on big issues coming together, putting political differences aside, joining forces and, hopefully, winning the election. elizabeth: senator johnson, appreciate you. great insights there. thanks for joining us tonight. >> have a great night. >> i [bleep] told them they need to to put the guys [bleep] over here. i told them that the [bleep] -- >> who? >> the secret service. i told them that [bleep] tuesday. elizabeth: coming up, more information coming in on the secret service agents put on leave amid the probe into the assassination attempt on former president trump. also tonight former speaker nancy pelosi appears to obliviously claim there's no political reason for kamala
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harris to drop bidenomics as inflation sticks higher. new polls show a majority of voters significantly blame harris for inflation. breitbart finance editor john carney here to react. also tonight it's day 2 -- day 33 of the harris media blackout, still not talking to the press, but here's how the press is handling there. >> you'll remember where you were. >> something new just got worn. >> the emotion and the feeling down here is, i don't know, 7-year-old birthday party. elizabeth: emotion and feeling and vibes and joy, is that going to fix america? carol roth and kaylee mcghee white here to react. but first, as harris pushes joy at the dnc, angel moms speak out on how their loved ones were killed in the border crisis. american majority ceo ned ryan reacts to their harrowing ordeals next. ♪ >> i really want our words to be heard, and i really want you to
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elizabeth: welcome back. more on this story, former president trump held an emotional news conference at the border in arizona with crime victim families including the mothers of rachel morin and jocelyn nungaray, both killed by illegal alien, all a blaming biden and harris', quote, open border policies. joining us now, american majority ceo ned ryan. ned, good to see you. hanks for joining us again. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: what was your reaction, because the harris campaign was silent on this event, and she's campaigning she is for secure borders. >> which is an absolute lie, liz. again, highlighting, trump's at the border. kamala harris, the supposed border czar, has never once been to the border. and to watch these mothers tell their stories, it's heart-rending, and these tragedies could have been avoided. that, to me, is the staggering part. if we would have actually taken trump seriously -- by that, i mean congress -- and built his $25 the billion wall, that would
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have been a steal. all of the mayhem and personal tragedy that could have been avoided. every year we're losing $451 billion in the health care and law enforcement and education, housing sectors due to this influx of illegal immigrants. and you look at the totality of this from the personal suffering to the massive cost to the american taxpayers, and the only conclusion you can come to is this, that the open border policies are to overt or and intentional warfare against the american people. elizabeth: people don't understand it. it took the her months and months to get to el paso in 2021. but, you know, let me back up, ned. let's get your reaction to patty morin, and watch amanda kieffer. her skull was fractured after an illegal alien drug dealer in san francisco stole her purse. she was then run over with an suv. the drug dealer had already been arrested but was released under a new program by then-d.a. kamala harris. you'll see harris' reaction to this crime.
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watch. >> rachel was 37 years old. she had five children. she worked, she owned a small business. she worked very hard to support her family. we're here because we're losing our moms, our daughters, our children to criminals. and that shouldn't happen. i hope that you would just take my words to heart because it's devastating to lose a child but even more devastating when you see the pictures or you see the body and you with really understand what's happened to that person. >> my daughter was just 12. she had dreams to be famous. she wanted to be a famous actor. she was so funny. she was her own personality, and it's been very hard. it's been very hard. june s&pth -- 17th was the day
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her life was taken. she was left with no clothing prosecute waist down -- from the waist down, was thrown in a bayou, left, was strangled to death. >> e remember being on a gurney in the hallway of a hospital, and i had to id them. they were laughing as they fractured my skull. what was really the worst part about it all though is when i found out that taxpayer money was paying for job training for this guy who avoided going to prison for the first felony he committed. >> and so when i rolled out back on track a couple years in, we learned that there was, basically, there was a participant who went out during the time he was in the program, committed a robbery. there was a horrible injury to
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the victim and turned out that this individual is an undocumented immigrant. and every concern there was an article that was written and said kamala harris has created a program to shield illegal aliens. elizabeth: okay. so that's kamala harris' reaction at that time about the release program which she said was flawed, but then she's flipping it like it was, you know with, she should not be attacked for it or criticized at all for the program she initiated. >> everything that the biden-harris administration has done from literally day one, liz, with his series dozens and dozens of executive orders literally destroyed any hopes that we had of securing our southern border. everything that they have done has literally been a flashing light. i will say this one thing, trump not only needs to close the border and deport these millions of illegals that have come in, he also needs to defund the ngos that are receiving billions of american taxpayer dollars to that a sill tate this
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crisis. elizabeth: ned ryun, thanks for joining us. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: coming up, will voters go for kamala harris' vibey joyride or is it about stopping inflation? why is nancy pelosi advising hearst to stick with bidenomics? finish the harris to stick with bidenomicingings? john carney here to react. also, it is ca day 33 of kamala harris' media blackout. the media now getting criticized for helping her keep voters in the dark about her policy details. carol roth, kaylee mcghee white, they're fired up, ready to go, coming up. >> you'll remember where you were. >> something new just got born. >> the emotion and the feeling down here is, i don't know, 7-year-old birthday party. ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: welcome back. let's get you updated on what's hitting your kitchen table,
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inflation9 and the federal reserve talking possible rate cuts. edward lawrence live in jackson hole, wyoming, where fed chair powell spoke today. edward, good to see you. >> reporter: good to see you, liz. the federal reserve chairman is now saying he is consistently seeing inflation come back down towards that a 2% target. this is the closest i have ever seen him saying -- seen hem come to saying mission accomplished. the comment that changed the course of monetary policy is this. listen to this. >> the time has come for policy to adjust. the direction of travel is clear, and the timing and pace of rate cuts will depend on incoming data, the evolving outlook and the balance of risks. >> reporter: and that signaled interest rate cuts. now, the debate turns to how many which translates into mortgage rates coming down and cheaper auto loans. we pressed the atlanta fed president, rafael bostick, today who's a voting member on rates
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and where he believes that ends up. listen to this. the last federal reserve projections were two rate cuts year. is that a where you are still? >> i was originally at one. what i will say is the way the data the has a evolved, it's probably appropriate to pull that forward. now, whether that is two, three, like, i don't know. >> reporter: opening the door to three rate cuts this year. three rate cuts could possibly knock off about a percent on the rates. the fed chairman said today as the risks for inflation drop, the risks for unemployment increase. the fed members see the unemployment rate rising because more people are looking for jobs, and companies are limiting hiring. not because of layoffs. >> while there's cooling, that cooling has really been welcomed because they're really now focusing more on skilled labor and then trying to figure out, okay, where do we go here in the next 122 months. 12 months. >> reporter: the fed will be watching to see if that changes
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because if layoffs start to gain momentum, gain steam, that's a red flag for this economy going forward. liz? elizabeth: edward lawrence, thanks for that report. appreciate you so much. >> there issues where she ought to sort of stake the out her own path and consider separating herself from president biden? >> that's up to her. i don't think there's any political reason to do so. elizabeth: no political reason to divert for biden's policies, so stick with bidenomics. sounds like what nancy pelosi's advising. john carney, what do you think of that? do you think nancy pelosi's kind of blip yous here? -- oblivious here? real wages, i think, are down about 3%. >> yeah, look, bidenomics has been a disaster for the united states. claiming that a there's no reason to depart from that is really kind of insane especially because if you look at all of
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the polls that ask people do you approve of biden's economic policies, he's deeply, deeply underwater. if i were kamala harris, i would be running as far away from bidenomics as i and, frankly, that's what they're doing. you wouldn't know that a biden and harris had been in the white house for almost four years now during the convention. they talked as if he were the change agent a, they were the ones going to change things, not the ones who have been running things into the ground. elizabeth: i mean, when you look at this "newsweek" poll, nearly 9 out of 10 think harris is significantly responsible for the bad state of the economy. but she won't talk to policy to the media. going to delay. now she's not going to do a media a interview by the end of the month as she has promised, that's what they're indicating, and she wants $5 trillion in tax hikes and federal price controls. i mean, john, these policies have pushed biden and harris' poll numbers so far underwater,
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they need scuba gear to get out. >> well, look, thed idea of raising taxes when the fed is actually trying right now -- they're signaling that a heir going to cut rates. we just heard rafael bos ec say they might have to do three cuts this year, that's something you only do if you're very worried the economy might be falling apart. you don't hike taxes into an economy that is a barely holding on. the manufacturing sector's been in a recession for almost two years now. we're holding on because of the services sector, because of retail sales, because of consumers. if that cracks, the economy's in a lot of trouble. you do not hike taxes in that a kind of atmosphere. elizabeth: john carney, always great analysis, sir. thanks for joining us. good to the see you. ♪ >> well, the biggest reaction is why didn't she do the things that she's complaining about? all of these things that she talked about a, we're going to do this, we're going to do that, we're going to do the everything, but she didn't do any of it.
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she could have done it three and a half years ago. meth elizabeth that was trump weighing in on the dnc trying the paint kamala harris as some kind of change agent a when she's the incumbent for three and a half years, not fixing any of the on problems. in fact, intensifying them. look at this, "newsweek" reports a new poll, half of voters think the economy did get worse under the biden-harris white house, and 88% hold kamala harris, quote, significantly responsible. let's bring in "newsweek" -- excuse me, fox news contributor, great author and writer liz peek. liz, so you saw the dnc, you see the numbers coming in now. what do you think of the race right now? where does it go? >> well, look, i think the race is very tight, but i think as a people really assess hair own personal -- their own personal economic situation, liz, they are bound to come up with what you just said, that people are are, in fact, worse off under this administration, urn the biden-harris -- under the biden-harris administration. obviously, mainly because of inflation. but now there is another problem
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looming which i think will become more evident over the next couple of months which is what a jay powell is talking about. the job market has shifted significantly. we went from even being able to get a job overnight, millions of jobs going unfilled, etc., to now people are actually having to compete for jobs. a new new york fed survey shows that people are more anxious about becoming unemployed in the near term than they have been in a decade. so i think that there's a different tone emerging on the economy. it is now growing at less than 32%. that -- 2%. that's very close to stall speed. and the reason that jay powell is turning around here and ready to cut rates is he sees that happening. i think they waited probably too long, but, you know, i think people are anxious about what lies ahead. elizabeth: interesting. so the job market is locking up. we know manufacture oring -- manufacturing's been in a recession i think for 22 months
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straight. harris wanting to put more taxes and regulation on top of what could be a stagnation economy. you know, they're saying they, quote, cured and fixed inflation. if they did so ors or then why are harris' price controls, price caps necessary to defeat inflation? i mean, liz, even moody's analytics economist mark zandi says this is way off base. corporate price gouging not to blame for inflation. san francisco fed if reserve bank researchers said the same. >> yeah. i mean, i've looked at probably a dozen companies, maybe 15 in the food processing and distribution industries, grocers, etc., and what happened, liz, is that they all had their costs go up after covid. wages went up, electricity the bills went up, everything got more expensive for companies. and their profit margins went down significantly. so then, of course, like any rational actor they began to raise prices. but most of these companies' gross margins are not back to where they were. so this whole price gouging
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thing is just a way of deflecting blame. we all know, any reasonable economist will tell you that the fact that a our spending is way out of sync with he is to have call norms is the reason -- historical norms is the reason for inflation. and that has nothing the to do with corporate behavior. elizabeth: wartime spending without the war here in the u.s. >> right. elizabeth: liz peek, thank you so much. >> alpha one, bravo one. i told 'em to post [bleep] guys over here. elizabeth: coming up, the latest on secret service agents put on leave amid many -- amid the probe into the trump assassination attempt. also when will the media finally push back on the harris campaign? she's saying she may not do that interview she promised by the end of the month. she's keeping voters in the dark. she never got -- she didn't get one democrat primary voters. carol roth and kayly mcgee white to weigh many on that. let's check in with tammy bruce and sean duffy, what's coming up
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on "the bomb line"? a. sean: the 20 to 224 presidential race has been wild. rfk endorsing donald trump today. we have mike huckabee on that as well as paul mauro to discuss several secret service agents being suspended based on what happened in pennsylvania. tammy: wonder what that's really about. and ben ferguson, of course, host of the ben ferguson show and kevin brady, the former congressman from texas. we've got you covered. we're all good to go here. not that a there's anything to talk about. ♪to ♪ so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at
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i'm so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to >> you'll remember where you were when you heard this speech tonight from the vice president of the united states. kamala harris really introducing herself to the nation. you're going to remember where you were on this night. this is an inflection point in history. >> how quickly does she need to start making herself available to do interviews? >> the regular voters actually don't care that much about a her not giving interviews. right now, it's really, really important for her to be talking less to us. elizabeth: did you hear that? the voters don't need interviews. they're all about vibes and stuff like that at msnbc. sean davis at the federallest tweeted this: the entire democrat campaign will now be focused on gaslighting america
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into somehow believing trump has been president for the last four years. kamala has just been an innocent bystander the whole time. for more on this, let's welcome conservative commentator kaylee mcghee white and wall street pro and author carol roth. carol, this, sean davis says they can't run on her record, so they're going to invent one and lie about it. >> yeah. i mean, listen to the what rachel maddow said. she said that camilla a hearst a was introducing herself. introducing herself? she's been the vice president of the united states for the last three and a half years, and her fingerprints all are all over every policy that's come out of this administration more than almost any other vp. she broke the tie on the american rescue plan. she broke the tie on the inflation reduction act. so she actually put those into motion. the idea that, you know, we haven't had three and a half years of her, that we didn't live under a trump presidency and that the media, the corporate press media has become this propaganda wing of the democratic party is just
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absolutely flabbergasting. elizabeth: yeah. so what carol said, kaylee. i mean, it seems that so many voters or out there are being kept in the dark by this media bubble that's so out of touch with american families. i mean, rfk jr. just said it's democrats that are the threat to democracy. his uncle and father assassinated. he said with the dnc with the media are rigging the election to hype up kamala harris who got zero democrat primary votes, zero debate, zero media a interviews, but they've basically blackballed rfk jr. and jill stein and threatening them and suing them in court to stop their candidacies. that's not democracy. >> yeah. i was at the democratic national convention in chicago earlier this week and as i'm sure you well know, it was completely devoid of policy, completely devoid of substance. it was all a joy and donald trump and joy and -- over and over again. and they barely talked about the
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agenda that kamala harris would implement if elected. the only time they really mentioned it was when the delegates had to vote that to approve if it. and this is deliberate, liz of9 it's not that they don't have policies that they plan to roll out if harris wins, it's that their poles are so obviously bay bad that they know that the swing state voters will run for the hills if they get a good look at them. and we need only look at the few economic policies that kamala harris has already rolled out to see a great example of this. her scheme to, you know, cut down on price gouging, whatever that's supposed to the mean, went off so poorly that even the leftist media had to take a break from clear heeding for her to blast her for the policy. this is why we should expect not to see anything else from here, because -- from her, because she knows it's a threat to her bid for the campaign. elizabeth: yeah, so let's listen to what democrat voters think. watch this. ♪ ♪ >> i mean, yeah. i mean, i'm doing an interview. sure, right? but let's give some time, right?
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are you kidding? this is just happening now. >> ye, she -- it's up to her. yes, and i think she will. i think think right now our main concern is uniting the party and once that's done, i think she's going to come out and speak to the american people. >> i think just be patient because it's all going to come. >> she needs to come in her own way, and she's coming in her own way. i think when she's ready, she'll be ready, and she's going to step right on in. i think after this convention she will do it. >> given the alternative, when they have to resort to those tactics and the name calling and the vitriolling and the misogynystic, he's back to 2016 when he was against hillary. elizabeth: carol, what do you think? [laughter] >> i mean, there's no sense of urgency, liz. it's not like we don't have an election that that's coming up at the beginning of november. whenever she gets around to it, it'll be great to maybe here a -- hear a few things. i do think this is basement biden 2.0. kamala harris, yeah, she can
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read off a teleprompter, but when it comes to actually having to answer questions and do the improvisation, we've heard that over the last three and a half years, and we know that is an epic disaster. and i don't know they want to have the same thing that happened with biden where everybody realizes, oh, this person is not in a person that we thought it was. so i think that's what we're seeing here. elizabeth: yeah. they're talking, reporting $5 trillion in tax hikes. kaylee mcghee white, carol roth, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> alpha one, bravo one. [background sounds] >> i told 'em to post [bleep] guys over here. elizabeth: details coming in, multiple secret service agent put on leave -- agents put on leave. we've got former assistant fbi director chris swecker to react. that's next. ♪ ♪ >> and i have great respect for secret service. the job they do, including a month and a half ago when they were jumping on top of me,
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bullets flying right at a 'em. so mistakes were made, and they're going to learn prosecute mistakes, but i have great respect. ♪ ♪ (♪) (♪)
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to post the guys, i told the secret service, i told them that tuesday, i told them to post guys over here. >> what. >> we were inside. >> i t told them to post [bleep] guys over here. >> that the day of the trump shooting criticizing secret service, five secret service agents placed on leave amid the probe into the trump assassination attempt in pennsylvania. it includes a member of trump's personal detail, head of the pittsburgh field office and three other agents in the office. for more that's welcome back conservative commentator kaylee mcghee white and carol roth. how real gold are voters about this, what do you think. >> i don't think there as rattled as they normally would
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be. people want to have answers and accountability and i think we haven't gotten those or got net very slowly because the corporate price has not covered this in the same way they would have had this happen to a democrat. if this happens to somebody with the d next to their name this will be plastered all over the news 24/7 for weeks on end. because trump's stood up as a pastry and popped his face in the air, he said fight, that help them and they swept it out of the new cycle as fast as possible so voters are not as concerned and they don't have the answers and accountability. liz: cnn, local cops in butler pennsylvania say the secret service never used local radios that could've stopped the term probably shooting because they would've heard local police radioing out there that there was a man on the roof. this is going on three minutes before the shooter open fire on trump killing another man and wounded another lexus into acting secret service ronald
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rowe answer questions about the missing radio transmission on the day of the shooting. watch. >> secret service radio was not communicating with the locals. >> the crib and other agencies putting out radio transmissions and they will work with the fbi to bend back to the unified command post and maybe not have made it over the pennsylvania state police. that is something that were going to look into and definitely something we are moving forward, we want to remedy this going forward. elizabeth: that sounds like a prevarication. >> there were so many operational failures that day in the problem even though the fbi is running its own investigation into this in the secret service is apparently taking action with the latest move to put five
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agents on leave the problem it's operating in an environment where very few people have any trust in the agencies to do their jobs well. we knew very few people trust the justice department or the fbi because of their historywitd trump in particular. whether were going to get questions answered about what happened that day remains to be seen. elizabeth: kaylee mcghee white, carol roth, thank you for sticking with us, thank you for watching i am elizabeth macdonald, thank you for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. don't forget to dvr us we enjoy it when you do it. we hope you enjoy the show were to stand the headlines and now it's time to send it over to "the bottom line" let's send it over to tammy and sean ♪ ♪ >> we had a very nic


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