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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  August 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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then the control room puts fireworks up on the screen. s&p, nasdaq lower today. it is marking six sessions. those indices alternated between gains and losses. make sure to tune in tomorrow though. we'll be dissecting new tech in schools. we have samsung. that will be great. as we get to the closing bell. we'll push it forward to larry kudlow. [closing bell rings] who is coming up next. i'm taylor riggs, good to be here for "the claman countdown." good record for the dow, 23rd for this year. ♪. >> hello, folks, welcome to special edition of "kudlow," i'm david asman in for larry kudlow. president biden spoke at the dnc a week ago and has stayed it of the public eye ever since after vacationing in california last week, potus is taking another vacation in delaware as tensions are rising in the middle east.
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byron donalds from florida will weigh in but rich edson in delaware. what is the president doing, david? >> reporter: nothing but phone calls nothing in public. white house pushes back there is no thing as presidential vacation, a white house spokesperson says the president is working no matter where he or she goes. the president arrived in rehoe both. he spent last week in santa barbara wine country. he refused to field questions from reporters on his trip back to the east coast. the last they heard from biden when he left the democratic convention late monday. since then there has been a mass escalation of fighting between hezbollah an israel. the white house maintains the president's closely watching events across the world and that
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biden last week spoke with leaders in egypt, qatar and israel on negotiations to reach a cease-fire and free the hostages. white house national security spokesperson john kirby, despite what republicans are charging joe biden is running the country. >> let me, come on, the president is on vacation but you can never unplug from a job like that, nor does he try to. he is very much in command of making sure we can continue to protect our national security interests. >> reporter: kirby was also asked why biden did not host or attend any public events to commemorate the third anniversary of the attack at abbey gate. he said one of the ways to observe it not with a lot of fanfare to work every day to support the families of those who died across 20 years fighting in afghanistan. on top of all this, the president's national security advisor jake sullivan is traveling to china right now for
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two days of high level meetings in beijing. back to you, david. david: we haven't forgotten about abbey gate. thank you, rich edson. [playing of "taps" ♪ david: that was president trump this morning laying wreaths with family members and survivors of the horrific terrorist bombing during the afghan withdrawal. it is exactly three years ago this day. notably absent of course from the event was the commander-in-chief responsible for the withdrawal and its methods, president biden. joining me now is florida congressman byron donalds for more on this.
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congressman, thank you for being here. it is a somber day. president biden is not far away from arlington cemetery. he is pretty close to where this event was happening. why was he there? >> joe biden is not present because the failure of afghanistan is his and it is shared by kamala harris. if the withdrawal of afghanistan was a success trust me joe biden would be there today, so would kamala harris. they would talk non-stop about his leadership and wonderful she has been as a partner working side by side with him, with respect to afghanistan but it was an absolute debacle, the worst decision-making ever. kamala harris was the last person in the room. she was there with him making this decision and not only was it a terrible withdrawal, we lost 13 men and women. there were hundreds who were wounded. it was a disaster for america. so this is why nobody is seeing joe biden right now. because every decision has been
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a disaster for america and this is also why kamala harris won't answer even the basic questions. if you're going to run for president, shouldn't you talk about america's foreign policy on the third anniversary of the worst withdrawal of america's troops from any theater in the history of our country? she won't answer those questions bah the answers are terrible for her. they're terrible for the democrat party and it is a disrespect, not just to our men and women in our uniform. it is disrespect to the people of our country who do demand answers. david: well those questions will undoubtedly be part of the debate if the debate happens. i want to talk about that but first i want to put up a sound bite from general jack keane who talked about the various cascades of bad things that happened around the world after the world saw what happened in afghanistan. let's roll that tape. the. >> it was no accident then we're isolated that russia moved into
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ukraine as a result of this decision because the u.s. weakness. it is not an accident that iran has operationallized all of the proxies in the middle east to take advantage of what they believe is u.s. weakness. and president xi certainly incentivized by this as well became so aggressive over the last two to three years as a result of it. it is indisputable. you can't walk away from it and not pin the rose here and connect the dots in terms of what happened. david: there was a cascade of events that happened with our position in foreign policy and none of them were good after this afghan withdrawal. >> jack keane is absolutely correct. right after the debacle of afghanistan the russian military started amassing troops on the ukrainian border. they did that for six months. where was kamala harris during this buildup? where was joe biden during this buildup in they were nowhere to
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be seen. they had nothing to say, then vladmir putin invades, we know what happened there. same thing around what's happened with the aggression of the iranians. it is a decision making of joe biden and kamala harris. and so kamala harris now wants to be commander-in-chief. who are going to be your advisors? is it going to be the same people with the same mindset from the biden-harris administration? if that is the case that is dangerous for the american people but again, kamala harris is nowhere to be seen. she will give you statements on vibes through her press people but she will not speak directly to the american people. david: meanwhile we also got news over the weekend that the u.s. navy has had, been forced to sideline about 17 of our ships because they don't have the personnel to run the ships. extraordinary news, we've been hearing about recruitment and lowering recruitment levels for several months if not years now. this administration appears not to have done anything about it because they're now sidelining
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hardware, serious hardware, 17 ships is not a laughing matter because of person nel difficulties. seems like their whole strategy, the whole dei strategy and recruitment has been a failure? >> it has been a failure. the kamala harris joe biden policy of mass vaccination in the united states military led to a decrease in soldiers from the united states military, that has not recovered. recruitment is massively down in part because of these dei protocols in our military. it is simply not working. so now it hurts our military, it hurts our preparedness. that actually lets our adversaries know that the united states is not serious. this is why we need donald j. trump back in the white house. we need somebody serious with real leadership that our frankly our adversaries don't fear but also respect. david: why with need a solid debate that will get into those
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issues. you made your decision who you will vote for, but still there are a lot of americanses who haven't. they would like to hear both sides. they have only heard vague generalities about the economy, certainly about foreign policy. by the way not a word about afghanistan was mentioned during the dnc. they covered a lot of ground of personal histories but not one word about afghanistan, even though they knew that the next week the anniversary of that withdrawal was coming up. so will there be a debate to sort all this out for the undecided? >> i do believe there's going to be a debate but i would tell president trump and his team to keep the same rules from the joe biden debate. let me be very clear as to why. the reason why kamala harris wants to change the rules now to have open microphones is because she wants to interrupt donald trump. she wants to be able to create a spectacle out of this debate which would prevent her from actually being forced to discuss public policy, discuss her
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positions in detail. she wants to create some sort of moment, some sort of youtube spectacle that can be replayed so she can hide behind the debate as opposed to talking about the policies that impact the american people. she want to be able to create this moment where she owns donald trump for 10 seconds. that is just ridiculous. it is not what matters in our country. donald trump has debated everybody from hillary clinton to joe biden all points in between. he can definitely debate kamala harris but it is in the interests of the american people that kamala harris is not allowed to make this debate a spectacle. this has to be about issues facing america. she has serious questions that she refuses to answer and the way they're campaigning the only way the american people will get a straight answer about her policy positions and the thought process behind them, that is very important, the thought process behind them, is if she actually has a very clear debate
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with donald trump where both people have an opportunity to express themselves without being interrupted, whether it be by the moderators or by the opposing person. kamala harris wants a spectacle. she doesn't want to debate on issues. that's why she wants to change the rules. david: finally i want to switch to a more recent failure of this administration. that is of course what happened six weeks ago with the attempted assassination of the president. it was a deadly attempt by the way because a person died, other people were shot as well. you now have this house task force that is on site in butler, pennsylvania, right now. democrats and republicans are there but already certain republicans, we had the speak of the house himself question whether there was some kind of, an attempt to not get the truth out. maybe 250 early to call it lying to the public but they're not putting out all the facts that they apparently have already. do you think this task fores
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will break through the logjam of silence? >> i do. i know most of the members on that task force. i know them all but know some of them better than others obviously. this is a group of members who will be able to get to the bottom of this relatively quickly. the bigger issue, is that yes, the secret service under the department of homeland security in the biden-harris administration, they have followed the same protocol of every other aspect of the kamala harris, joe biden administration which is stonewalling, nobody is held accountable. there are no anticipates to the crises that were created or things that went wrong, and they basically just try to wait out the news cycle. hopefully some other news breaks, they move onto the next subject, then there is no real changes, no real reforms. this task force is going to do this but america this is why you can not have another four years of the obama-biden, kamala harris agenda.
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it is not working for the country and our institutions are rotting as a result. david: congressman, we got to run but very quickly, to put a fine point on it, you do believe that the secret service is stonewalling right now on this subject? >> i believe, yeah, i believe they have been stonewalling the public, they have been stonewalling the press which is why it is unfortunate you have to have a independent body. this is what the purpose of congress is, to investigate the actions in the executive branch and bring real accountability. david: congressman byron donalds, thank you very much for being here, sir, really appreciate it. coming up democrats are not just backing kamala harris's price control plan they're doubling down on it. art laffer will weigh inw" cont. . so i started my own studio. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card
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>> what she is took? her economic spiel as well, i will not hesitate to take on a major corporate interest that is taking advantage of you and exploiting prices. david: that is not happening. gene that is not happening with. >> food, prescription drugs, to help lower prices. >> but, gene, please,. >> to have the negotiations that brought down insulin to $35.
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>> i know, gene, but on the food thing, you know it is a silly argument. you know it's wrong, right? when "washington post" says it is gym myky, "new york times" said it is unrealistic, do you think that was wise for you -- david: that was kamala harris's chief economic advisor gain sperling doubling down on the vp's poorly received call for federal price gouging agency that would impose price controls on food didn'ttores and others she would charge with price gouging. price controls sound familiar it is because we have tried them before. they always fail causing massive shortages along the way, for more we return to the great art laffer, former reagan mon economist and medal of freedom recipient. involved in active debates like the one we saw. cnn, obama economists they all said this is bad policy and yet you now here gene sperling
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doubling down on it. he did so on thursday. what do you think? >> i think that neil cavuto is one of the most brilliant people on the earth for doing what he did there in that debate. he wouldn't let gene sperling get away with it. wage and price controls, government agencies to go after gouging, if you knew there were gouging of course you and i would agree with that. they will define wha, believe me done by enemies of administration. they don't even know what gouging is for goodness sakes. i was there with wage and price controls under nixon. it didn't work then, it will not work now. it will really hurt the country and hurt individual people dramatically. david: by the way, art, did you tell the folks in the inner sanctum around nixon that this wasn't going to work, that it was going to cau shortages which of course it did and repress inflation. >> yes. david: because as soon as you took the controls off it went sky-high? did you tell them and what did
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they respond? >> yes i did, but even more so, my boss told them, george shultz told them this is a stupid idea, it won't work, it is a bad thing but politically they wanted to do it. for george i felt very sorry for him. he had to defend that policy because he was a high-ranking guy. i never had to defend it. i told my mom i wrote a speech for nixon and it was perfect. nixon didn't change a word. everywhere i put is, he put is not, everywhere i put is, he put is not. david: other than that, mom. >> that was the whole nixon -- david: right, but you only, you only hear of these price controls if the government has made a mistake. i mean that's the point because, price controls are only put in by people who refuse to admit that they were the cause of inflation, right? >> well i hope, i think so but you know there are other reasons. price controls, these lefties want to do price controls. they want to control everything
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in your life. i mean it is amazing what they want to dough. yes, generally speaking, the administration made a mistake as nixon did as biden and harris did with high inflation. they want to sit there blame someone else for the policies they made, problems that they caused. david: but they picked a terrible example. i mean, we have got charts, all kinds of charts to disprove there was price gouging in food. you can look at the producer price index, compare that to the consumer price index, you see they track pretty regularly, particularly in the past four-month or so, exactly the time when the gene sperling and others say the bad stuff was being done. then, you can look at the profit margin of the food industry which is way at the bottom, the green line there is the profit margin of the food industry. it is nothing compared to the total market or other industries. apple has a 30% profit margin but 1.6%, really?
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that's gouging? >> differences between apple and apples. apples have no margin. apple has large margins. >> that's a good one. >> the reason they chose to go of a groceries those are the prices that rose. it is not because they did gouging. but prices that rose. want to make sure consumer that goes to the grocery store, my team, harris walz are in favor of helping me, you grocery stores are bad. purely political. has nothing to do economics. it is anti-economics. i was embarrassed by gene sperling's defense of it. i always thought of him being a pretty good guy. this is really disappointing to hear him say this stuff. david: something that defies economist logic but also basic business sense, is this 25,000-dollar gift subsidy for new homebuyers? it is like again, if you're in the business you know that how
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this will play out, but how do you think a 25,000-dollar subsidy for new homebuyers would affect the housing market? >> i don't know how many new homebuyers there. let's say we have four million new homes built a year, half are new homebuyers, all of them, that is 25,000. that is, is that about 100 billion right off the do there? david: yeah. >> 100 billion is a lot of money that will cause people, that is just a straight welfare grant. it will cause people to stop working. it will lower production in output and employment. that will raise the prices of houses by a lot of money, probably about $25,000 for each new home sold. david: exactly. >> just guessing, just guessing and it will also cause interest rates to rise as well. it will lead to more inflation. you will have less employment, higher inflation and higher priced homes and going to have a bigger deficit as a consequence of all of that. how is that good for the
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american people? why would anyone in their right mind vote for such a thing unless they're undertakers and psychiatrists that try to help people in real trouble. these are the only things -- sorry. david: bottom line you don't have to be an economist to understand all of this. it is, you hear it from former president trump quite a bit, it is common sense. very quickly, 10 seconds. >> for gene sperling it take as phd in economics not to understand the obvious. why is he doing that? i was so embraer embraersed for gene. our profession a fine profession we can disagree on lot of stuff, but that is silly. i don't think anyone on the other side really believes that nonsense. they're trying to sell a bill of goods to people and it is embarrassing, art laffer, wonderful to see you, i appreciate it. >> david, you're great. thank you very much. david: thank you very much. >> i love it. i love it. david: rfk, jr. is embracing maga now and it could
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potentially change the course of this whole election. we'll talk about it with matt taibbi when "kudlow" continues. ? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪) wow... are you kidding me? you can do this. at truist, we believe the same is true for banking.
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david: so robert f. kennedy shocked the political world, not to mention members of his own family, on friday he will actively be campaigning for donald trump. is this momentum the trump campaign needed and what about the issues with rfk, jr.? joining me matt taibbi of racket news on substack. great to see you, matt. bobby kennedy talked about the flak he was getting even before he came out and endorsed donald trump from his family members and friends and others. i just want to play a sound bite what he said again, this is before the announcement. this dates back to august 9th. get your reaction. roll tape. >> if you went down the list of every issue that my father briefed in, every issue that my uncle felt was a priority, i
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would check off every single one of those. i don't think, you know i think i represent almost perfectly the democratic party of robert kennedy and john kennedy but i think the tribalism so pronounced in our country and its division that people cannot see beyond the tribal identities and i think it is really bad for our country, that every issue, every person, now has to choose a side and if you're perceived choosing the wrong side, then you're dead to them and that is not healthy for our country. david: matt, what do you think? i happen to agree with him. i don't think it is healthy for our country, do you? >> no, i certainly don't think it's healthy and i think he is speaking to frustrations that a lot of former democrats feel including myself. there are a lot of people who have noticed the pronounced change in the way the democratic party has operated since donald trump's election. there is a new attitude that if
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you're not completely down the line in favor of, or supportive of the current administration, that you're an enemy and they did this to everyone from bernie sanders to tulsi began barred who just endorsed trump today to rfk, jr., people from the green party who historically lean democratic no longer going to do that likely. this is a new thing. they did this to nader once upon a time but this is now expanding that attitude. david: you can about before nader. go back to the '50s. it is mccarthyism. unless you toe the line you're a communist, period. there were a lot of people caught in that movement couldn't get a job for the less of their lives and government censorship plays right into this and that is one of the big issues rfk, jr. has been pa raising for a couple of years now, trying to
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outlaw one side of the debate plays right into this, doesn't it? >> absolutely and he probably more than any other individual symbolizes the strategies and tendencies of the modern digital censorship movement. obviously i covered the twitter files story. david: yep. >> his name was all over twitter's internal correspondence. he was a central figure in something called the virality project that was run out of stanford university and it was a fascinating thing because they talked about him the kind of repeat offender whose content was almost always reportable. in other words they were not looking at the content of his posts, they judged him guilty before even say anything. that was the concept anyway. he has a right to be very upset about that. the current administration within hours of taking office was already sending out letters to facebook about him. it is very serious and he is
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right to raise the issue. david: now the pandemic of course put the censorship issue in very, very clear focus but it really proceeds the pandemic, doesn't it and it's going on now long after the pandemic. so it's kind of a strategy of the left now. rather than just focusing on one issue. >> yeah, it's certainly been adopted, i would say by the political left who are more accurately like the democratic party or the labour party in britain. they're really the leaders politically in these forms of digital censorship. david: yes. >> but the issue is almost immaterial. there is almost always an emergency that they focus on. david: right. >> first started looking at the twitter files they were talking internally about terrorist attacks in paris and the hage -- the hague being a reason for
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enhanced enforcement in europe. later on russia-gate was causing the senate to heavily pressure twitter. david: climate change. there were congressman were calling for censorship on one side. you can view climate change from a number of different perspectives but you don't want to stifle debate but congresspeople were actually demanding it? >> yeah and this reflect as fundamental misunderstanding not only of the media but of how the american legal structure is set up. david: yeah. >> obviously the first amendment is designed not to give people rights that flow from the government. it's designed to restrain government from interfering in speech. david: yes. >> so this idea that we would now have this new kind of top-down digital censorship regime that decides what is or is not misinformation is anathema how america is set up and it is un-american.
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david: matt, i have to talk about the arrest of the ceo of telegram, messaging app. his name is pavel duro is russian but left russia an enemy of putin in 2014. he is not part of putin anyway. he has been arrested, the question very simply is this an attack on free speech or is it something else? >> absolutely, this is a paradigm shifting moment in the history of free expression in the west. the idea of using the, european digital services act and other laws like that to kelley penalize or detain people for failing to censor is a, is a historic new crossing of a line and it is only going to be the first of many such actions. so we can expect more things like this. david: matt taibbi, glad you're on the case. thank you very much for being here.
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really appreciate it. thanks a lot. >> thank you. david: switching gears will kamala harris ever be forced to address the media and answer any kind of tough question at all? mark simone, wor radio show joe concha, fox news contributor, author of progressively worse. there is the picture of the book. looks nice. another one. you're turning these things out. >> yes. david: mark, let me play a montage as we say from the democratic national convention of various democrat congressman and others with specifics or talking about not really having a need to get into specifics with kamala. roll tape. >> i haven't heard from many voters looking for white papers and policy papers. what they want to hear what her vision for this country. >> the american people don't vote on policy prescriptions. >> i actually think the way the american people think about this choice is less about the minutia of policy and more about the direction of the country. david: isn't that insulting to american voters, mark?
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>> this is the great, i can't wait to see how this works out. the media, the dems colluding, this will be the greatest hoax ever pulled off, a blank candidate, an empty suit, no policies, no positions. how hard is it to go on a tv show to answer questions? we're doing it right now. it's easy. it's not hard. if they can pull this off, first of all the most frightening thing in the world but i just got to believe in the american public and this all will blow up in their face. david: voters, they just don't need any specifics about how their lives might be changed fundamentally by the next president? >> i when erred that david i went back to nancy pelosi where she said we have to pass the bill in order to find out what's in it. remember that? david: of course. >> during the democratic national convention, donald trump name was brought up 161 times on night one. 160 times on it. >> two and three combined. night four, kamala harris's speech she broached donald trump's name 15 times. you know what word she didn't
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bring up once inflation. david: or afghanistan. >> or afghanistan for that matter. what happened to price fixing, controlling price controlling. that economic proposal came out 10 days ago has entirely vanished. david: i don't think so. we played a sound bite of gene sperling who came up with the idea on thursday on fox. he was doubling down on it. so apparently he is part of the team that wrote it. so no wonder he wants to defend it. >> kamala harris has not talked about it in any way, shape or form. to mark's point how hard is it to prepare an interview with "the view" or rachel maddow or gayle king, pick anyone on cnn? the fact she can ron burgundy her way to the white house, he would read the teleprompter. david: biden wouldn't even have a super bowl interview which is one of the most softball interviews you can get at a president. >> in his basement days, biden did interviews every day. they weren't long, ten minutes
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here or there, but he did it every day. one of the things she doesn't want to policy she with have to get some. i don't do interviews on physics because i don't know anything. i think that is why she doesn't talk about policy. >> i wish i could interview here. david: while gene sperling defends the price controls you're absolutely right about the media. remember,cnn was against it. "washington post," "new york times." the media came out against it. because they knew, they can read history they know it is failed. but i have a feeling they got a phone call from some of the buddies in the white house, guys, lay off. we'll talk about it eventually but right now lay off. >> incumbent upon donald trump during that debate on september 10th. to bring it up. you're for price fixing you think the government should cap prices in supermarkets where they have one toe 2% prices. explain why that is a good idea? if i'm donald trump ask the questions. don't depend own the moderators.
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explain something without a teleprompter, unscripted remarks. how end fossil fuels. end offshore drilling. abolish i.c.e., support sanctuary cities. against border wall construction. against "remain in mexico." free health care for illegals. how will that work. you want to end the private health care industry. how will that work? you want to raise taxes. how high? david: you think the former president himself will ask the questions, can't rely on moderator. give the position 20 seconds, yield the rest of the time to kamala harris to explain her position. put the focus on her, like it happened on june 27th, with joe biden. the more she talks more of a human chernobyl. she doesn't have the ability to extemporaneously -- david: what are you hearing about the debate? questions whether it will go on. will we see the debate? >> i presume. trump is negotiating. david: he went with everything they through at him for the biden debate. there was nothing, some of it
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his team found objectionable they did it anyway. >> originally seated he got it back to standings. something here i want to change. make sure stephanopoulos is nowhere near this. he is currently seeing him. david: there is a lawsuit currently between stephanopoulos. clear conflict of interest if he was the moderator. >> never affected a bc before. david: why should it bother you. we used to leave it up to legal of women voters for those who don't remember. they were the ones who were going to set the parameters of the debate. they did a fairly good job. you can criticize one way or the other maybe they had a bias sometimes. but the fact they did a good job. they took it out of the hands of both candidates and media specifically. should we go back to something like that? >> absolutely. this shouldn't be something negotiated. here are the rules. right. that's the end of it. trump i think it would be a good idea to have his mike muted again. kamala harris remember the debate with mike pence, her big
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line, excuse me, i'm speaking, i'm speaking. if you can't cut her off, that line suppose away. right about the media. we saw "the washington post" put out a story that dug emmove, the husband of cavalry hairs is the modern day sex symbol. quote, move over ryan gosling unquote. want a player what we're seeing. david: say a lot of things -- >> the nanny, wel schwarzenegger. david: eye, eye. that makes him a star in their eye. >> i don't have words. i'm supposed to come on here and talk. david: one ever problems trump will face, he could make charges and statements about joe biden, even when he did wit hillary clinton he may not be able to get away with dealing with kamala. she made victimhood a part of her political life for her entire political life. it is one of the reasons a lot of people said she succeeded. if he tries anything you know
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she will cry victimhood, either race-based or misogynistic. he has to be careful here in the debate. >> he knows that. he was careful with a very feeble joe biden. tulsi gabbard wiped out kamala in a debate. she is helping him. if kamala harris is smart get negotiated with the mic muted when she is on. david: by the way jake tapper and dana bash got high praise from donald trump. >> because theyed is all the questions. david: rules them out for any debate. >> at that time they were trying to hurt biden, trying to get him out of the race. they were trying to help that effort. david: got you. thanks, gentlemen, very much. joe and mark. coming up critics are smashing cam call hairs using images of trump's border wall in new ads publicly opposing it for years. senator kevin cramer is joining us on that next.
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senator, this is extraordinary and i just want to play from abc, i think this is just yesterday on abc, one of their sunday programs, acknowledging that the harris team is stealing shots of donald trump's border wall, claiming it is their efforts that made it happen, roll tape. >> but if you take a look at that ad, one thing i found striking if you look, i think we have the images here, there are at least three points in that ad that show the border wall, donald trump's border wall. is it now the position of the democrats that they favor the border wall? david: senator, what do you make of this? >> well, given her history as a united states senator, first of all where she pledged to this?
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>> well, given her history as a united states senator, first of all where she pledged to stop any funding for donald trump's border wall. david: yes. >> the fact that the only responsibility she was ever given as vice president was to solve the border crisis, it is unserious and unbelievable. however, david, if in fact she is able to convince people that she's for the border wall and for stopping illegal immigration, she runs if not much risk of offending the lunatic left and she does convincing reasonable moderates in swing states. the whole thing makes her look silly. david: she said these things in the past, supposedly because she had inclination toward believing them, but go so far in reverse, remember in the debate she was still in 2020, still one of the contenders for the democratic nomination, she raised her hand as fast as anyone else for her for complete welfare for anything that the immigrants coming across wanted.
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has she changed her mind on that? because that acts as a magnet to pull migrants in? >> therein lies the problem. she is inconsistent on other things as well. like john kerry he was against it before he was for it. she will say she was against it before she was for it. this frankly says more about her character, than it does her position. we like a redemption story, i like a good conversion story. this is hard to believe. david: i converted to things in my life, it doesn't happen on a dime. it takes years and years for it to happen. a lot of people believe her heart is in a different place what she is talking about and energy, of course, near and dear to your heart as a senator from north dakota is part of it all. her fracking, she was as clear she could possibly be. she said there is no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. and now, it is not put out by her, by the way. some of her aides have whispered
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it to journalists she actually is in favor of fracking. i mean she has to be called out on these issues. >> therein lies the big problem, right? once we get past labor day. now that the dnc is over. the scrutiny hopefully becomes a little clearer and a little more aggressive with her, she has to be called out on these things. the fact she hasn't done a significant interview and no news conferences for, 36, 3, 38 days tells you that she will try to avoid further explanation because as long as it is somebody else, a spokesperson or an unnamed source within the campaign. david: right. >> this whispering these things you can sort of believe what you want about her. the problem, david, is, we don't live in a time like that anymore. we live in a time where there is a lot of information available to voters. they know how to get your positions assuming you have a position. i think not having a position, being vague about a position, speaks to the lack of real
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ability to be a leader that is believable. david: but voters particularly in oil heavy states or states where fracking is, pennsylvania, perfect example, that is a real case where it could go in either direction right now. there are 123,000 jobs in pennsylvania that depend on fracking and oil business in general. $75 billion in economic activity. how many jobs in north dakota depend on fracking? >> a whole bunch of them, david. remember, it is not just the direct jobs and fracking industry if you will, everything, across the entire economy that the whole value chain is dependent on this one technology that works and by the way there is not a state in the united states of america that doesn't have some part of the supply chain, value chain, in oil and gas development. david: that's right. >> at the very least, everybody uses the product, whether they know it or not, they use gas, they use oil, they use gasoline.
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david: can't avoid it. senator cramer, great to see you. thanks for being here, appreciate it. more "kudlow" right after this. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ♪re c.
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david: thank you, everybody, for watching this special edition of kudlow. i hope you're enjoying the weather, and i know liz macdonald was last weekend because we talked before the show. liz, it's all yours. liz: and i enjoyed the show, david. good job. welcome to the evening edit. i'm elizabeth macdonald.


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