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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  August 27, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit david: well, thank you, all for watching this special edition of kudlow. it was my pleasure to be here with you. elizabeth macdonald is up next. liz: good to see you david, thank you so much. welcome to the "evening edit" i'm elizabeth macdonald. >> this issue is about a vanity project for this president. that ain't going to stop them.
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>> [applause] >> no, no. >> [laughter] liz: all right, tonight, kamala harris' campaign is now going sideways after misleading america claiming the border is secure. now harris' copying trump's border wall, backing legislation on that, after she called it racist. coming up joe concha, ready to go on that. also tonight, kamala harris is finally set to make a campaign announcement. where is the joy in double-digit hikes in groceries? leo terrell here to take it on, plus former president trump sets a blistering new intense campaign pace eclipsing harris' headlines. the game plan on that and we've got greg jarrot on this news, jack smith's new push to bring back both the january 6 and classified documents case against former president trump. why jack smith could fail on
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both counts. also the white house making it worse for gold star families. they are now hammering biden and harris' absence from the third anniversary of 13 service members killed in biden's botched exit out of afghanistan. in moments retired lt. kernel bob mcginnis takes that on but first this the update on the need for informed voter consent. facebook's mark zuckerberg admitting he regrets caving to the biden white house pressure to censor americans on covid-19 content and the hunter biden laptop story, keeping people in the dark about all this. hillary vaughn live from capitol hill with more. hillary? reporter: hi, liz. mark zuckerberg is finally telling america what he really thinks, and this apology letter to congress, zuckerberg is admitting what a lot of americans have been thinking all along. that they were wrong, for bening to pressure, from the biden-harris administration to police covid content and that
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they were wrong to censor the hunter biden laptop story. zuckerberg confessing that they should have pushed back against the biden-harris administration saying, "i believe the government pressure was wrong and i regret that we were not more outspoken about it. i also think we made some choices that with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn't make today" but even though he is sorry the white house is not. they don't think they did anything wrong. they don't have any regrets. a white house spokesperson saying er action to zuckerberg's letter, our position has been clear and consistent. we believe tech companies and other private actors should take into account the effects their actions have on the american people while making independent choices about the information they present. but, republicans think that the biden-harris engagement with social media sites went beyond just trying to make sure they were acting responsibly. >> i want to see some people prosecuted for violating the constitution of the united states and that's exactly what they did, by pressuring zuckerberg to censor speech.
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reporter: vice president harris and democrats were hoping for a flood of so-called zucker-buck donations this election cycle. mark zuckerberg is saying even though his spending last cycle was non-partisan it didn't go to a politician or party, he is staying out of this election and keeping his money out of it too. liz? liz: thank you so much, hillary vaughn. good to see you reporter: thank you. >> is the white house still going with russian disinformation? >> it's broadly known and widely known, peter, there was a broad range of recognition disinformation back in 2020. liz: let's get reaction from one of the top columnists in the country leading the charge on censorship for years joining us now the "wall street journal" editorial board member and author kimberley strassel. so you've been talking about this censorship. top-down censorship from the government for a long time, kimberly. good to see you thanks for joining us. shouldn't mark zuckerberg publicly name the biden-harris
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officials and fbi officials who demanded censorship and didn't misinformation on his platform? >> hi, liz, and yeah, absolutely. he should at the very least be handing that over to congress and no doubt that will be a request or a demand that is coming from them soon. i mean, bear in mind the important thing here is we had a little bit of insight into what happened into twitter, because elon musk took it over and the twitter files and he gave some of that up. facebook was much more of a black hole, and now we're getting a little bit of information. it's too late. look, i do give him credit. they at least acknowledged that it happened. they also said that they owned it and also said they were going to make sure it didn't happen again. i'll be curious to know what exactly the plan is for that so they have at least come out with something but not enough. people need more transparency about who was exerting the pressure but also, how they were doing it and whether or not there were threats leveled against the company if they didn't do what were asked. liz: what could they be
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censoring now? we've seen an analysis maybe one out of seven or eight voters say they would have maybe voted differently if they knew about the hunter biden laptop story. you know, you notice, kimberly, the white house statement on this conveniently ignores censorship of the hunter biden laptop story. that started with nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, adam schiff, pressuring the fbi in the summer of 2020 before the election to help joe biden. that's what senators chuck grassley and ron johnson say. >> yeah, it's very important to note that zuckerberg actually admitted to two incidents here and it's important to keep them separate because they have different problems for the country. one was he admitted they deep six the hunter laptop story, which was incredibly awful and terrible censorship. it came obviously in the run-up to an election. that information was true. they made it difficult for americans to see it. the second had to do with their response to pressure from biden and harris during the ongoing
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covid issue, and that was horrific in terms of public policy, because they were censoring scientists who deserved to be part of this debate and instead allowing this very elite group of biden-harris advisors and scientific experts to declare and define everything that was going to happen in the country. liz: yeah, i mean, covid-19 content when it was an experimental off the shelf emergency use vaccine that we hadn't seen before but had protein in it that people say, scientists say it caused inflammatory reactions inside people's bodies, so there was medical conditions off of that but you know, kimberly, what's so interesting is why the big confession now from mark zuckerberg? we already knew facebook was demoting the laptop story in october 2020. is it because facebook is in an anti-trust lawsuit to force it to breakup and divest
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instagram and what's app? >> look, i think that all of the social media companies have learned some very hard political lessons over the past four years, which is that you can suck up to people and it doesn't give you any credit. you can stonewall other parties. it doesn't get you any credit. that you are going to make a lot of people mad, so maybe the point here is to finally just start being straight-up about what's happening and not look as though you're playing politics behind the scene. i'd like to hope that is part of the motivation for coming out now with this. liz: kimberley strassel always great analysis. read her columns and books. she's terrific thank you so much. good to see you. >> thanks liz. liz: kamala harris laughing at reporters, firing questions off of what happened on the darkest
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day of the white house. it's biden's botched exit out of afghanistan. critics say biden rushed it to get a positive headline for the 20th anniversary of 9/11. neither of them have apologized for what happened and now 2024 election problem. joining us retired lt. colonel bob mcginnis who served in the us army for 24 years. it's vice president harris did put out a statement. neither of them showed up for these ceremonies. does she know the families of the 13 service members an apology? it's the third anniversary of this. statements didn't show up at memorial ceremonies. what do you think? >> yeah, i think she owes them a grave apology. keep in mind, you know, if you're going to send our children to war and they come home in a box, you better be there and it's not time to check your watch, but it's time to grieve with those parents, and
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those gold star parents have not heard from either biden nor harris since that day in dover where they received those bodies so yes, an apology is due but i think larger perspective, liz. ms. harris said that she was the last in the room with biden when he made this successful decision. well, if that's indicative or what she's going to do as president, then we have a lot more abbey gate catastrophes in our future. liz: the "wall street journal" editorial page agrees with you. watch the white house spokesperson john kirby defend biden claiming no troops died anywhere in the world on his watch. 13 died in afghanistan, three in jordan. he's defending how biden eng engaged, is he engaged in the middle east? he's been taking two weeks off for vacation. you're going to hear from gold star families speaking out after they lost their loved ones. you'll hear john kirby saying he does not regret saying there was
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no chaos in the exit out. watch this. >> we are all grieving over something that should have never ever happened. it's the lack of accountability that has really upset the nation on this. that is the lack of empathy and sympathy for a situation that could have easily been at least say i'm sorry. at least apologize for lack of leadership. >> it remains true that he hasn't reached out to them since being when the bodies were brought home. there's been a lot of frustration he hasn't said their names publicly. does he see this? does he understand kind of the pain the family members reflected related to him? >> i don't think you're ever going to find a commander in the chief of the united states of america and our military who better understands what grieve is like. >> all this talk of chaos, i just didn't see it.
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>> look, i think the lines being taken a little bit out of context. i don't regret saying it. liz: he doesn't regret saying it. they are not publicly saying the names of the 13 service members murdered, but then you got hundreds of former aids to push, romney and mccain endorsing harris, and lt. general h. r. mcmaster was trump's national security advisor was saying there's exercises where trump's advisors would flatter trump, so that is all coming out, right? right now, what do you make of all of that in the context of biden's foreign policy here? >> well, i go back to what general mckenzie who was the commander at the time, liz, what he said is that because of the debacle in afghanistan on his watch, biden's watch, that putin took advantage of it and went into ukraine, and the chinese communist leader, president xi, is exercising more
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muscle in the pacific because of that, so there are consequences when you're sitting in the oval office making these tough decisions. if there are dead americans coming home, you have a responsibility, and the same thing elsewhere across the world. liz: let's listen to general mckenzie whose in charge of central command at the time of the botched exit out of afghanistan. listen to this. >> what do you think the consequences are broadly of the collapse and us not being there? >> oh, i think several levels, putin's invasion of ukraine was directly driven by this. i think the chinese were embolden as a result of it. i think that more operationally, i think that isis k flourishes now in afghanistan, the attack in moscow a few months ago is a sign of things to come. liz: your reaction? >> yeah. we're going to see some of the same thing because of an open border and because isis k is still alive as is al qaeda, and we're vulnerable
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today because of those bad decisions. liz: colonel mcginnis thank you so much. good to see you. >> thank you, liz. liz: okay, this. >> folks have plenty enough problems they need a president to focus on instead of a wall. liz: really? well kamala harris' now copying trump's border wall. she supports legislation that reinstates it. tonight joe concha is ready to react on what's either a flip-flop or a blunder. also tonight an msnbc host caught off guard on this. >> what are some of the things or trends that surprised you about some of those conversations? >> well i don't know if it was surprising but certainly eye opening to hear so many people, even people of color and women saying that they are going to support donald trump. liz: why are they surprised? leo terrell is here to react he's not surprised. it's about inflation that is hitting everybody. also tonight, jack smith tries to resurrect both the january 6 and classified documents case
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against former president trump. fox news legal analyst greg jarret is here to react on why jack smith could fail, plus an update on protecting america's vote. the nationwide push and in the swing states to remove in eligible voters and texas over 1.1 million ineligible voters tonight jason chaffetz here to weigh in but first, a new report kamala harris wants to make the first presidential debate with president trump more about identity politics than economic policy or foreign policy. reports that she is looking f for that moment to accuse trump of that like she did with mike pence. lisa booth is coming up on whether that is a good tactic or not is coming up, next. >> i'm proud to be the first president in decades who started no new wars and the reason i started no new wars is they respected the people in
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this room. >> [applause] >> think of it. 18 months not one soldier was killed and i spoke to abdul. i told him you can't do that. can't do it. it be bad, abdul. he said, um, you're excellencey, but why do you send me a picture of my house? >> [laughter] >> did i spend that to you? >> [applause] >> [laughter] ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp?
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liz: we've got breaking news coming in. vice president kamala harris, her runningmate tim walz will sit down on thursday night with cnn at 9:00 p.m. eastern time for her first interview. let's bring in republican strategist lisa booth. it's great to have you on again. why does kamala harris need tim walz in on the interview? why can't she do it solo? >> well i don't think she's got what it takes, liz. i don't know if you read that politico article breaking down the strategy with her campaign and just setting up a basic interview, that they had all these big names, you know, all these people they needed to call-into figure out who do we even sit down with, now we know with cnn but according to the
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article is it savannah guthrie? gayle king? i've worked in politics for a long time before i got into tv. i've done media prep, television prep for candidates, debate prep for candidates. i've never seen that level fora basic sitdown interview. liz: it's normalizing abnormal campaign behavior. i mean, normally, you would have interviews by now. it's now five weeks since she's been the nominee. why dana bash? >> well, you know, i mean look. we've seen cnn's not exactly straight and narrow. they aren't really going to get an objective interview but outside of fox i don't know where they would. look at abc's jonathan carl over the week with senator tim cotton. he played the role of surrogate saying oh, no she switched her position on medicare for all despite the fact that kamala harris has not been out publicly saying that in the media and even if she did she's got a long
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history of supporting medicare for all but he interfered and played basically a surrogate role. liz: we've got news coming in. it's reportedly going to be taped so that's not good either. you want it live, because now it's going to be like oh, was it edited? so they are botching it right and left. now we're hearing she wants to maybe revive this campaign attack line against trump she used against mike pence and their vice presidential debates to get trump to look as if he's to her. there's fights over whether the mics will be muted and nowhere from the harris campaign and abc on whether the mics will be muted. we know they can't bring notes. no questions provided in advance but the trump campaign is really hammering kamala harris with a new campaign ad showing kamala harris debating herself about america's economic problems. lisa let's get your reaction to this , watch. >> everyday prices are too
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high. food, rent, gas, back-to-school clothes. that is called bidenomics. >> how important is it for actual voters in your state for example, to hear her answer tough questions from journal its about key policy issues? >> well, i think sometimes you all over-exaggerate what the importance of it is. we've got to remember, this hasn't been a long time of candidate harris. liz: okay so she is slamming inflation but and the other hand, she's been praising bidenomics. she's been in the white house, lisa, for nearly four years. a senator since 2017. no campaign official website on her policies, so why are democrats saying knock it off and stop pressuring her to do an interview? >> well they are just trying to shield her. they know she doesn't have what it takes. we've all known this for a very long time. even look at one of the only economic policies she's put out so far, price controls.
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you even had liberals on cnn and liberals in the media say whoa whoa whoa, this is taking it way too far. we've tried this. it fails in places like venezuela. this is communism so she clearly doesn't have what it takes, but the challenge is will she be exposed before november? liz: lisa booth always great. >> i don't know. i hope so. liz: we'll see. thank you so much. appreciate you. >> thank you. >> let me be very clear i'm not going for a wall under any circumstances and i do support border security and if we want to talk about that let's do that. liz: you're looking at a campaign all over the map. another day another blunder, or blatant copying of trump. coming up a new report kamala harris does support senate legislation that reinstates trump's border wall. we've got the details and also more on this. why is an msnbc anchor surprised about this? >> what are some of the things or trends that surprised you about some of those conversations? >> i don't know if it was surprising but certainly eye
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opening to hear so many people, even people of color and women saying that they are going to support donald trump. liz: why are they surprised? black voters supporting trump? can you believe it? inflation in high grocery prices have been slamming america for nearly four years. where's the joy in that? leo terrell coming up on that full exchange, next.
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liz: okay, special counsel jack smith making more and new trouble for former president trump. he just refiled an indictment in the january 6 case against trump, even after the supreme court gave trump immunity. and jack smith makes a long shot move trying to bring back the classified documents case against trump. fox news david spunt is live in the justice department. david ursino have a lot of work to do tonight. reporter: a lot going on right now. the first part of the news we'll get to as you mentioned is this new superseding indictment. so, donald trump has been
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re-indicted again if you will with a new grand jury, a grand jury that had not heard the facts before, but these are the same four charges that trump faced on august 1, 2023. what's different in this new indictment to keep everything very simple here is the fact that this now focuses on donald trump more as a candidate, some of his tweets and speeches not in his official acts, because the supreme court remember on july 1 ruled that presidents are largely immune from prosecution for official acts or official duties so essentially, jack smith has rewritten the original indictment so it's actually about 10 pages shorter but no new charges. back to jack smith. he's had a tough year. he expected on january 1 of this year to go through two trials involving donald trump and get two guilty verdicts. the first one in washington d.c. here is somewhat on life support. the other one in florida was completely thrown away by
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the district court judge aileen cannon, a donald trump appointee but jack smith just yesterday went to the appeals court and that's what i'm going to talk to you about now and filed a lengthy appeal telling the judges there that judge canon essentially screwed up in her logic and should have never dismissed the case. she dismissed the case over concerns that jack smith himself was not lawfully appointed special counsel by attorney general merrick garland who named him such in late 2022. canon agreed with trump's legal team smith was not senate confirmed and shouldn't have had the funding. well smith wrote to the appeals court yesterday. the attorney general appointed the special counsel whose also properly funded and ruling otherwise the district court deviated from binding suppress dent, misconstrued the statutes that authorized the special counsel's appointment and took account of the longstanding history of attorney general appointments of special counsel. trump's team has a month to respond. meanwhile, in washington d.c., back to this d.c. case which i led off here with you, they will
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hear from both sides next week on september 5. donald trump is not expected to be here. both sides not officially commenting but sources connected to trump's team and also special counsel jack smith's team they say both sides do not expect this to go to trial before election. this is still severely delayed here in washington d.c. and even more delayed in florida. back to you. liz: david spunt, i don't know how you did it but you did it. thank you so much that was great. thank you. we appreciate you. for more on all of this , let's welcome fox news legal analyst and the author of the terrific mystery book, the constitution of the united states and other patriotic documents we welcome greg jarrot. greg what do you make of all of this? >> well, it was inevitable that smith would appear, which is why judge canon in florida in dismissing the trump case was writing a 93 page opinion carefully crafted. i think it was well-reasoned.
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it's not bulletproof of course, liz and the 11th circuit might reverse but eventually it'll land at the us supreme court where her decision, i think, will be greeted with support because the appointment of jack smith was unlike other special counsels who had at some point been senate confirmed. smith never was. garland essentially appointed a private citizen, gave him unlimited power to prosecute a former president. gave him the kind of authority reserved only for senate confirmed us attorneys. smith was never confirmed to anything, so that violates the constitution's appointments clause, because the attorney general is not allowed to use the legislative right of congress and the separation of powers which are cherished. liz: jack smith seems like he's arguing tradition. the tradition of special counsels, right?
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but you know, they should not be getting unlimited funding that congress never appropriated or approved that's going around the constitutional authority of congress so that's another reason why judge aileen cannon tossed out the classified documents case. the bottom line is that it's doubtful jack smith can get judge canon removed from the christ. she's citing justice clarence thomas his opinion on the trump immunity case. he went out of his way to also question jack smith's appointment as unlawful. he has no lawful standing or authority to do this. >> yeah, and you know, it's true that other special counsels have operated with some legitimate authority. mueller, durham, but all of them had one thing in common. they were presidentially appointed. senate approved to prior positions. that satisfies the constitution. jack smith doesn't qualify. liz: maybe it's time to clean it
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all up, greg, and stop the appointments of special counsel to attack political opponents and ri rivals. greg jarrett, thank you so much. >> what did they think about harris? did they have anything to say about her? >> they did. listen, it depends on where you are. for the most part, in pittsburgh or the jersey shore in atlantic city, in ohio especially, many people did not know who she was, right? they weren't familiar with her so i think she has to reintroduce herself to the public but for him, i think that they thought he's better for the economy, and that again, that he gave them, that he brought money into the community and that he was on black people's side, but there were a lot of black men, jen, who said that they were supporting donald trump simply because he gave them a stimulus check. he gave them the $1,200 back when he was president.
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they did not somehow remember that the current president also gave them a stimulus check. liz: okay, that's msnbc jen psaki talking to cnn anchor don lemon about his interviews across the country with black voters. they say they want trump. let's welcome fox news contributor leo terrell. what do you make of this? >> i'll tell you what i make. it's simply this. don lemon is living back in the 1960s. black men under 50, black americans under 50 are voting for trump. why? liz? because they had a better quality of life. they don't like inflation. they don't like illegal immigration. they don't like sanctuary cities. black americans want the same thing all americans want and if don lemon thinks black americans are going to vote for kamala harris, because they share the same skin color forget it. that is shifting and if kamala harris doesn't get 90% of the black vote she's going to lose the battleground states, liz. liz: you know, it's interesting
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you say that because a month after she's been named the nominee, newsweek is reporting kamala harris' campaign is finally shifting its attention to inflation. it's going to talk about spending more money to fix inflation like building homes over four-year period and she's trying to blame trump for inflation because he wants to keep his trump tax hikes when she wants to raise taxes by $5 trillion over 10 years plus she wants about $2 trillion more in inflationary spending. leo, biden and obama economists and federal reserve researchers are saying this is what is fueling inflation. she approved the tie-breaking vote in the senate on $2 trillion on spending under biden. she's the queen of inflation. she cost the tie breaking vote and she bragged about bidenomics. black americans, all americans whose the vice president has been the last three and a half years it's kamala harris. she's trying to reinvent herself
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and gaslight black americans and i've got news, liz. black americans are not going to believe that she is aware of the community by going to an naacp convention. she needs to go into the black community. trump went to the bronx and i'll tell you, just like i did at 2020. black americans want a better quality of life, the same as all americans, and that's why you see the numbers. donald trump will get historic numbers with black americans that's why i'm voting for him. liz: you've got crazy columnists saying oh, inflation is statistically fading. no it's not. i mean, history shows that inflation turns people into one-term presidency. it happened to gerald ford and jimmy carter. >> you know what? the number one issue is the economy and inflation and paul krugman is a democrat surrogate and that chart you put up there is a perfect example. that's the number one issue and that's why trump is going to win. liz: leo terrell thank you so
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much. >> thank you, liz. >> let's be perfectly clear. the president's medieval vanity project is not going to stop them. [applause] liz: okay, she was against it before, she was for it. kamala harris now reportedly back-set senate bill that would reinstate trump's border wall. will anyone buy this flip-flop or is it just another blunder? we've got joe concha, batya ungar-sargon fired up and ready to go on that one. also, coming up. the race nationwide to secure our next election. the push to clean-up the vote. is it enough? now the swing states are cracking down. removing thousands of in eligible voters, texas just booted out 1.1 million in eligible voters from its state voter roles. former oversight chair jason chaffetz takes this on, but first, we're so excited to find out about what's coming up on the hit show the bottom line the next hour from our friends
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dagen and sean. >> thank you, e-mac. mark zuckerberg has regret over facebook's censorship of the american citizens and one who was censored will join the show as well as missouri attorney general andrew bailey. dagen: mark murano is here to talk about the government that means kamala harris and joe biden, tried to scare things off your kindergarteners about climate change. yes showing them images of the east coast being flooded. what won't they do? well, california has voted to give illegal migrants no money down, no interest loans, to buy houses. can't make it up. we discuss, tomi lahren is here and also cnn gets the first interview with harris and walz. she can't do it by herself? top of the hour.
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ruri: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) ruri: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) hina: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) akari: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) (♪) (♪) you were made to chase your passions. we were made to put them in a package.
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>> folks have plenty enough problems that they need their president to focus on instead of our wall. >> on the subject of trans-national gangs let's be perfectly clear. the president's medieval vanity project is not going to stop them. >> he talks about this wall. i always say let me know how high it is but 25 feet then i'll invest in the 30-foot ladder
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factory. liz: that was both kamala harris and tim walz slamming trump's border wall. now axios is calling out kamala harris that looks like a brand new flip-flop. now she says she signed the senate border bill that would reinstate trump's border wall. that she's for that. let's bring in fox news contributor and author joe concha along with columnist and author batya ungar-sargon. first, you, batya. wasn't this racist? >> [laughter] that's exactly right, liz. this isn't just any flip flop like when she flip flopped on tracking. this is the mother of all flip-flops because if you recall the democrats built their entire political identity from 2016-2020 around the idea that donald trump is a racist because he's trying to protect working class americans from all of this competition from illegal workers. if you'll recall in 2019 in the democratic presidential primary debate they were asked, would you decriminalize illegal
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border crossing and liz, you better believe kamala harris raised her hand. they all raised their hands and that's exactly what they did under joe biden. liz: i mean, you know, what batya said, joe, what are her policies? she's copying trump on the border wall, copied trump's no taxes on tips. she's flip flopping on her past liberal positions, the government-run health insurance and banning fracking. what's she going to do next? drop government mandated electric vehicles? >> oh, liz i'm waiting for the kamala harris tim walz bumper sticker, make america joyful and great again. why not just steal that at this point? because this is where we're at. the etch-a-sketch campaign. we are witnessing the most preposterous, absurd campaign we have ever witnessed in our collective lifetimes. she's called the border wall unamerican, a waste of taxpayer money. you played the clips and she called it medieval and she said it would do nothing to stop
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illegal immigration and now only through leaks from her staff and not her own mouth she's all for border walls? and by the way, liz, as vice president she's repeatedly told us the border was secure so why do we need a wall anyway? this is so insane and i hope voters are smart enough to see she's attempting make an argument that is good to their ears, just to get to the oval office and we know she's going to flip back to ever she is and we don't know who she is frankly because 38 days since she's done an interview i guess she's doning one later in the week with cnn. she will say and do anything to get elected, include completely contradicting herself. liz: what joe said and she's also, its been i think she hasn't done a press conference since december of last year, taking questions from the press. you know, so what joe just said, amateur hour sure looks like that. batya, now she's going to do a taped interview with dana
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bash on cnn on thursday night at 9:00 p.m. but have tim walz at her side. why does she need walz at her side? >> it's such bad optics. i'm shocked they are going through with this and i can not imagine what those conversations are like between vice president harris and her team to where they all agree that if she just goes out there and tells the truth and is her real self that this is a liability for her. can you imagine running for president and thinking that being yourself is a liability? that would keep you out of office? it's absolutely insane. liz: doesn't scripted interviews remind you of biden? why didn't joe biden, wasn't he toward the end doing scripted interviews, joe? >> completely and if you're cnn and call yourself a news organization why are you doing this in a pre-taped fashion? in other words, this should be a live interview. let's see it in realtime. instead this gives cnn the network time to post-edit. we all know what that mean, after the fact, create a package
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that maybe puts kamala harris in a good light instead of seeing her in realtime try to speak extemporaneously. liz: joe concha, batya ungar-sargon, thanks for joining us. good to see you. this story. the race is on nationwide to secure the vote. the rnc is all over this and states are too. it's happening across the us. even the swing states moving on this. they're knocking out ineligible voters from state voters and texas just removed more than 1.1 million. what's going on here? are our elections as secure as they should be? former oversight chair jason chaffetz takes on the details, next. you ever try cashbacking? it's earning 3% at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i can save on something special for a first date?
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elizabeth: welcome back this is a huge number. governor of texas, abbott announced texas removed over 1.1 million ineligible voters from texas voter roms since 2021. joining us now former utah congressman, jason chaffetz. what say huge number. we're seeing a push nationwide including in swing states, to fix the vote, show about what is going on in pennsylvania, ohio, arizona, georgia to
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stop ineligible voters do things like paper ballots and stop people to try to fix after the pack fail in ballots is that enough. >> i -- it is a step in the right direction, in begs question what are the other states doing. everything should have to vote in person. don't like early voting, you should vote same time, same information in person with a voter i.d. that gets rid of a lot of the problem with changes that voters, in the way they do, it is up to lieutenant governors and secretaries of state to clean up their voter rolls to work if postal service. if someone moves, then that is something that is publicly available, they should make sure they are not residing in two states with two ballots then people who are undocumented. they are hire illegally. -- they are here illegally, the other point up to attorneys general they need to prosecute people, until
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someone sees someone el do to jail for inappropriately registering and voting, it is probably going to continue. elizabeth: a lot of people were mad when nancy pelosi and democrats during the pandemic pushed for more early voting mail in ballots, people wanted to bring it back to voting on one day, use voter photo i.d. yes, because you have to have photo i.d. to open a bank account or adopt a p pet, the voter id -- identity is used in wisconsin and ohio. how about back to voting on one day. and having voter i.d.? right? 36 states including swing states say yes, voter photo i.d. >> democrats argue that is voter suppression, i believe it is about the in iny
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integrity of the ballot. the states that are not doing it beg the question what are they doing there are a lot of people concerned. diddud not give you an excuse to not vote, you need to vote, i liked it better when we 'paper ballots in person with an i.d., i believe this everyone appreciates that. elizabeth: jason chaffetz terrific thank you, i am elizabeth macdonald thank you for watching "the evening edit." on fox business, dvrs, we appreciate it. hope you enjoy the show. guess who has a hot show coming up, dagen mcdowell and sean duffy at "the bottom line" you are fired up. dagen: thank you. elizabeth: sur


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