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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  August 28, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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august 1814. what's the answer. i'm to go in 1793, some then, i'm right. congress moved into the new building in november of 1800 but the center portion of the capital building was not completed until 1826 then the british burned it down. vandals and redcoats. were almost out of time, we have ten seconds left, thank you very much for being with us we live e you with the market that's coming down or getting ready for nvidia at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon. neil is all yours. neil: we were going to lead with nvidia. i appreciate you showing that one more time to help us.
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flows very nicely. thank you very much. going back to 1811 and 1812 when we cover them. that stock is a great deal of pressure as were pointed out. nvidia comes on "after the bell". this gets its own attention span because if you think about it this is the signature stock of the year, a lot of people say the decade, it's one of the strongest performances we've ever seen in market history until the undue pressure on
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look, i think so much talk and so much obsession around about the fed and about nvidia. i think it's also important to
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recognize that some of the top performing stocks in the dow this year are not technology companies. they're less dependent on the fed. and i'll give you an example. look, the first non-tech company to get $1 trillion market cap today is berkshire hathaway. and it's the anti nvidia trade. it proves that value based fundamental investing isn't dead. you can make money in railroads insurance and my favorite dairy queen. so i think for a 94 year old man to put together that type of portfolio, investors have to recognize that this obsession around the fed, around politics and obviously around big tech, there's so much more to the us economy. let's not lose sight. there's lots of ways to drive that retirement plan, maybe without the volatility and without the crazy outcomes where you have to have trees grow to the sky to get these multiples and justify them. anyone who saw the value of dairy queen that early is a genius and he just proved it. but but thank you. you're both geniuses yourself. i appreciate invaluable neil. invaluable. valuable is right. just tried the softy swirl. all right, jeremy, we'll be back with us a
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little later. meantime, kelly o'grady is with us right now. she's been following the retailers. they're crucial to follow because they're not always consistent. but everyone not only looks at the revenues and earnings. that's important of course, but what kind of guidance they're providing. and that's an important distinction right there kelly. what are you finding out. yeah that's right neal. it's always about the guidance. so kind of zoom out. i think the headline here is that we have a better than expected current quarter from the folks we heard from today, but a cautious outlook for the rest of the year with the uncertain environment. so i want to start with nordstrom okay. they they are up over 4% today. they beat on top. and bottom line estimates blew past what wall street was expecting. they even improved the bottom end of their sales guidance for the year. so the stock is up today. but where analysts are focusing is on the earnings call because the cfo said the environment is uncertain. remember that word because it's going to come up later in this report. this is a luxury brand, right. and they're seeing most of their growth in nordstrom rack. that's kind of an indication of a trade down from a higher consumer. let's look at next. they also beat on
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earnings. the stock was up earlier today but is now down a point. and a half. i had to zero in on what the ceo said. they've been focused on cost cutting. but he said quote our efforts have yet to fully yield the intended outcome due in part to a continued challenging consumer environment and softness in our core business. our customers exhibited more discretion in their spending, which pressured our sales. that's not what we want to hear about the consumer. that concern came through in the guidance. they raised their profit for the full year, but increased the decline in their their sales to 4 to 6%. let's finish up with abercrombie and fitch again. big beat on wall street expectations. sales increased 21% to 1.13 billion. they actually raised their full year sales guidance to grow 12 to 13%. but the stock is getting hit badly. earlier today. i mean, investors are really honing in on the ceo acknowledging the uncertain environment. there's that word
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again. you can see it's down over 17%. what's likely happening here though is this stock had a you can see this right here monster run up in the stock. the past few weeks. shareholders are pulling back. given that broader economic conditions. so neil kind of to wrap it up today the retailer showed decent to strong second quarter. but the acknowledgment that headwinds are coming. and you see to his numbers, off the charts. customers are not skipping other pets they might be skipping on the kids and food but when it comes to their pets that is not the case, that is doing quite well. when those earnings were announced the backdrop is the consumers mood whether inclined to keep spending like that happen and whether there putting it on plastic which is a big word, rachel cruz going to the ramsey show cohost much, much
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more than a smart person with can i appear smart, one of the things that i discovered, consumer confidence is holding up quite well. i'm wondering when i hear the distressed stories about consumers tapped out then are they drunk with their answering the surveys or are they genuinely a bifurcation, whatever you want to call it going on and some are doin spiked that causes a lot of fear early on in i think there's a level of consumers that of gotten used to their lifestyle today, we see that on two sides, people living paycheck to paycheck and credit card debt is still on the rise and buy now pay later, all of the programs are high as well but they were also talking to people everyday on the ramsey show and they said and cutting expenses, shopping at cheaper grocery stores and doing what i can to live within my means, it's a tale of two cities at times but i'm glad
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people feel confident but i wanted to be confident in their money not the bank's money. neil: how do you advise them a lot of them of gotten themselves into a pickle and we see it through the retailers say going forward we don't see a lot, not like the customers have been spending like they have been you must welcome something like that, what do you think it means? >> for sure, getting out of debt with the ramsey crew fight in the margin is key for americans, we want to see them become homeowners which the housing market so high we want them to see funding retirement and with $700 a month a used car is 500, student loan payments, all of this when you free up the debt that gives you margin to do things with your money for homeownership, that's really key for consumers regardless for an election-year or where we are and doing a budget being
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intentional but with their income getting out of debt and letting that be a priority does the best for their home there's a lot that we can't control there are things going on with mortgage rates and inflation we can't control it and that's were able to get power back to the making consumer and if you do that in a wise way in a commonsense way you can have peace regardless of who is elected in november. neil: that is interesting poll that shows almost nine out of ten americans think that homeownership is key to life in a big goal in life but only 10% right now see much of a possibility they will achieve it and that's how the all breaks down. i notice is occurring in an environment where mortgage rates drop for the fourth straight month the back to levels a year end a half ago and i'm wondering what do you tell people who have a price at a higher rate mortgage to refinance, what do you say?
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>> when the rates drop refinancing is a great option i want people to look at the overall expense when it comes to housing were finding it talking to people everyday like this when they rushed into the market and they have an adjustable-rate mortgage and other mortgages i even though the rates of conduct, making sure that your renting your mortgage is a realistic part of your budget, 25, 30% is really key and a lot of people are house poor, there may be a bigger conversation for people to say i can't get ahead financially for how expensive my specific living situation is which may mean change, homeownership is possible for home time buyers, we recommend 5% down and having it wears a blessing and not a curse, rates are going down and is encouraging i think that will help hopefully get some homeowners that were on the sidelines going and buying a home.
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i do believe that homeownership needs to be part of your financial plan long-term for sure. if you rent to get yourself in a stable position. when you have the ability to buy a home get into the market. i think when rates go down and people johnson house prices naturally, the demand is high and they may naturally creature, you heard a lot of economists say that. if you can get in now, go ahead and getting. neil: if you can't, you can't, bottom line. rachel good catching up with you, rachel cruz, meanwhile we want to grow your attention to spatiality had it with this world and we want to leave the planet, your options are limited for the time being spacex has delayed the polaris don, this is all private citizen crew, one billionaire returning to space, the first space walk on part of the private citizen that is the goal. will go further than any rocket in the apollo program as far as the elliptical orbit that it will have. again it has to get there first it is not what you do today or
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tomorrow, they're talking about taking another crack at it on friday. we will be keeping an eye on it. meanwhile if you want to leave the planet you're going to have to hold off until friday. after this. ♪ (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. what tractor supply customers experience is personalized service.
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there are real questions now for president trump campaign here in georgia at a recent rally in atlanta trump trust the republican governor brian kemp way to repeatedly since the knees came out to make amends and trump licenses georgia republicans cannot play dice. >> the road to 270 electoral votes for republicans runs to the state of georgia, governor
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kemp is on board fully, he and the first lady are helping president trump, he is a marvelous ground gain, political operation, governor kemp does, he's going to put it into play for president trump and all republicans in georgia. >> the ground game is going to be crucial is the former president has a shot of retaking back the state that he wanted 2016. we expect both candidates to spend a lot of time if you can imagine in georgia the latest polls have them leading by only four points. at this point it remains a tossup. neil: i misspoke, obviously the vice presidential candidate was in boston trying to get an endorsement from the firefighters union but they still haven't gotten a yay or nay from the teamsters, the teamsters ceo sean o'brien is still holding back on endorsement weather is good to be donald trump or, the hairs. >> absolutely you mentioned the powerful unions that it meant to make their endorsement and
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timing will be everything for union endorsement because it can shift about a nonstate here or there, working his eichenwald while he was in boston, he will be down here in savannah later today in the joint interview with cnn tomorrow. neil: i also noticed very quickly the first words out of your mouth reporting from a very humid georgia how hot and humid it is and why you didn't wear a tie, it seems like. >> the man in the air-conditioned studio remains comfortable, this is why i love you. neil: it's always cool i sent this to 33 in a believe is 35 right now isn't it. here we go. you don't want to be around in the commercial breaks. mark meredith such a good guy. in the meantime another good guy follows what's going on in the economy very closely this comes at a time when consumer confidence has been taking up but it might seem to be into some of the stories that we've been following for the conference word survey moved up
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to 103.3 and august by july number and is been boosted to one-on-one .9, joseph garrisoned the white house correspondent on how that's connecting and possibly politically, what do you think invited was a candidate in one of his biggest liabilities and voters are giving her and poor marks that they gave biden and when you have these improve confidence levels in the economy that's a good sign for his effectively not trying to run as the income that for vice president kamala harris. neil: you have numbers that are most scary, inflationary numbers showing inflation increasing but at a much slower pace, still
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higher with each and every reading but coming down from the high readings, the administration clings to that and says the improvement is real and now we get the retail sales report, not universally strong but stronger than you would think at this stage of her recovery. how is all about playing out, the market included, about the day today may be ahead of nvidia earnings and the rest, how does that mix in the sauce. >> the trump campaign is still trying to remind voters that kamala harris has been lockstep with joe biden when it comes to the economy over the last four years they have a new ad out this week that shows kamala harris county bidenomics that was the slogan that the biden and harris abandoned several months ago when it was clear the slogan was not clicking and continued anxieties about the stubborn inflation. the trump campaign is trying to make her own that in trying to rely on the fact that there are
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concerns about the economy among voters. neil: are they surprised are not getting more bang with their buck with the declining rate news regardless of what the federal reserve does next month anticipated to cut rates. mortgage rates have been coming down we are at 16 month low, something like that for four weeks in a row the rates have come down, we see a little bit more refinancing not a whole lot of housing mortgage to be an activity but something. what do they cling to right now. >> i think the biden here is the administration has been frustrated that they're not getting more political balance from many positive metrics in the economy right now. as i said earlier, i will say again, she is not getting the negative
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amazing how quick it's all gone by. great catching up with you and all this. in the meantime there's another development we brought the legal case that particularly donald trump actions are in the capitol hill riot would go away or disappear and now for subjects smith introduced a new indictment. on the whole matter. it is getting people talking about apart any mccarthy former u.s. attorney a fox news contributor. andy, when this broke yesterday i did not know quite what to make of it. i was frantically telling my staff to call and he can help us out. help us out where this and where this is going, were you think? corks remember the supreme court directed judge to do a searching examination of the indictment to make a determination of what was
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privileged or what was immune and what wasn't that what were official acts and what aren't. there's a variety of ways to go about that. smith's deadline was friday of this week to present his plan for going forward. and i think the most efficient way to do that was to return another indictment. i could not kind of do not understand what the hijab is about it. most notable thing is he has taken stuff out from the original indictment. >> besides us talking about and the media talking about is it really going to influence anyone or to resume this entire matter certainly before the election? that seems unlikely. >> i don't think so. it has run its course as a determinant in the election. nothing is going to happen here because remember, no matter what judge chuckles about the new
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indictment it's still going to be alive immunity issue. which means trump will be able to appeal to the d.c. circuit and the supreme court. this case because an hour before the election but i don't think it's going anywhere before we have the new president. i think to the extent it was a factor in the election that's run its course. >> what about the finance case the sent sentencing for next month. it seems like a bit of a stretch i am not the lawyer, you are. what you think? >> is not a stretch it's a real thing. the manhattan district attorney's office was reckless to prove evidence of trump's official act. they subpoenaed and called to the stand two of his white house staffers they knew the supreme court was reckless on their part to do that but even bragg has
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told judge that he does not object to a postponement of the sentencing. it looks to me too be pretty obvious the sentencing has to be properly postponed. i do not see how it can go forward on september 18 whatever he decides on trump's a new immunity issue based on the supreme court opinion he gets to appeal that. >> thank you for updating me on all the above. any mccarthy good to have you my friend. >> went to l remember the russian in control of this. i like to call a european facebook it's a little cliché and may be oversimplified. he was arrested getting off his private jet earlier this week. he is still due in court ahead of the possible indictment lot of multiple outlets are saying it's a kind of st stuffer crimes are hidden. there's hush money going back and forth over that site and kind of nefarious things that have yet to be proven that are
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out there. full series of indictments could be pending. we have to stick in france for the time being this is all sorted out and adjudicated. there is released on custody. he will have more. (vo) what does it mean to be rich?
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(vo) a law partner rediscovers her grandmother's artistry and establishes a charitable trust to keep the craft alive for generations to come. from preserving a cultural tradition to leaving a legacy, a raymond james financial advisor gets to know you, your passions, and the way you enrich your community. that's life well planned. ♪ ♪. neil: everyone is always amazed how remarkable the markets have been through this entire mid- me east war that has expanded and
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now got people fearing old wider complication of iran attacks, and all of that. the latest reminder besides the fact that virtually all the world markets are higher than they were at the start of the hamas attacks oil prices are lower than they were at the start of october 7. and now, to complete this trifecta if you will, an amazing one of that. the bank of israel is keeping interest rates at 4.5%. keep in mind we are between a five and a quarter of 5.5% per there's rates are lower than ours in a country where you would think the war and inflation will be running rampant. apparently that's not enough to get them to move for the bank of israel keeps things right where they are with that in and of itself is rather remarkable. whether that's wishful thinking as we look at the west bank which could be problematically. let's go to jonathan the former fbi special agent former navy seal. jonathan, you do not mess with him which is why i'm very happy he's on remote.
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if i even ask accidentally a tough question he cannot hit me. [laughter] it is honored to have you back thank you very much. >> good to be with you. neil: 's talk about the wonky stuff but to the point to there is a disconnect between some of the fears growing in the middle east and markets essentially including israel saying this might all work out. what you think? >> versa vault that shows the confidence israel has in fighting their fights it. and also where those fights are located in gaza, and the west bank. of the controlled territory in lebanon. you don't actually see the fighting occur except for when they are lobbying their missiles and are carrying out a terrorist attack inside israel. you do not see the battle pushing into israel itself. where the israelis are. that shows you has the israel
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government and the idf can control and contain these areas where the fight is located. it's interesting that people do not realize all of these different battles have different names yet the gaza strip, you have hezbollah there fighting up there. you have iran throwing a different types of attacks in there. but it's all the same group that once the elimination of israel. some of the areas where the fighting is happening is in israel. approximate two israel are far away from israel. but it's all the same war. that's what israel realizes as they contain those fights they can also contain the sporadic behavior of their market. neil: you have the separate between hamas and israel the memes by which iran can hold back a retaliatory attack. everyone has been waiting for
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that and the few weeks since israel took out or presumably he took out this top hamas leader in iran but i wonder what you make it that and if there is any quid pro quo? >> it's very difficult. because you've got to realize these are two groups. these are not like other wars we have seen for instance in the ukraine were russia once land and the ukraine does not want russia to have that land. in this case you have two groups who believe their rights. one group once the elimination of the other. the other has to defend themselves and fight for their life. so these types of quid pro quo or peace deals are only a band-aid on an arterial bleed. the more proactive israel can be in the way they fight this war and going in and directly attacking the targe targets sucy did in lebanon with hezbollah
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was a remarkable hit. they went directly after the preparations for an attack that were about to happen. the more they can do that and push back those who are wanting to eliminate them, the more they are going to be able to control. right now israel's biggest threat is comfort. they get comfortable in an area iran will take full advantage of that will start to press forward. neil: i always learn a lot. thank you very much but also for your service for your remarkable service defending your country principles. durov the real deal here. meanwhile do your landlords have a deal for you? if you pay on time they're looking to reward you. they don't say anything about if you don't. ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders!
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neil: maybe it landlords are remembering that motion picture rate a very popular broadway show and say we've got to avoid a scene like that. a lot of them are trying to do with rent inflation whatever you want to call it trade and offer incentives for tenants to pay their rent on time. some of those incentives are pretty impressive. we have more from chicago. what is going on here? >> hi, i performed that scene every month when i pay my rent. some financial experts are talking to us about new consumer programs like steak, incentive, piñata signaling can be good opportunities for people who want to build their credit. but otherwise may be not as helpful because we are kind of in this points obsessed of society. they are worried that instead of taking concessions they are accepting points instead.
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let's talk about with him these benefits are. we spoke to the people at piñata. for example at piñata 2 million users under their program receive about one $125 aback per year on average through some sort of points. per the wall street journal that comes to about .6% of annual average rent in the united states. let's compare that to the average concession for the first half of 2024 that was equivalent to about 5% of annual rent. a little over $1000 according to moody's. >> because the consumer feels like they are getting something it is easier on down the line for the landlord to extend the lease and even raise the rent. it goes back to the perceived value of i am getting something in return. so maybe i'll keep walking down this road even though it may not be the best deal. >> if you do want to increase your credit score, we are told at piñata users can generally do have between three and six
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months it's about 65-point increase. >> what are the biggest things they focus on and therefore we focus on in the reporting with the increase in on time printing month over month right now it's about 14.5% increase in on-time rent payment and reduction. and that's another and we are always looking at. >> this comes in 2022 a harvard report found about 12 million people were putting half of their income towards housing. back to you. neil: kelly thank you for that you learn something new every day. ambassador food and agriculture organization during the trump association bird that may seemed like a bit of a disconnect after story like this but one of the things i did want to pursue with you is this inflation argument and a one of the things i noticed is that it is everywhere. obviously in food and you do something you know quite a bit
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about. and in rent and solution by it landlords who try to incentivize people to make those payments. it appears to be working. what do you think? >> when i look at our industry a lot of it has been driven by some of the changes in our supply chain. but a lot has been driven by the biden administration creating nearly $1.6 trillion worth of new regulatory burdens on americans. when under trump he actually reduced the cost of regulations almost $100 billion. that comes at a cost to every american at the dinner table at night. neil: or talking about this presidential race. vice president harris is talking about essentially price controls food price controls. i know richard nixon tried that particularly your expertise and i remember farmers in this country that did not like that. and remember at times a lot of
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who were trying to work their way around that. what do you think of the whole thing? >> what she is proposing is a socialist agenda there is no question about that. it destroys innovation it destroys productivity it destroys our individual liberties. like you said it's a socialist agenda would need to be focused on allowing companies to do if they do best there is no monopoly in the food system at all today. it's a very fragmented industry. it is large-scale. they operate with lean margins on high volumes. and so you go from the dirt to the dinner table there are no monopolies. neil: is stubborn and persistent problem. a lot of people, even the look of the particulars like this, like the idea of maybe blaming someone else for this. and saying it's got to beat those companies is gotta be the greedy grocery stores. it is got to be the food conglomerates and the rest and
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generally in a good deal of support for this and that surprised me. your quite right economically about the spotty history on this. what do you make of the ground she's making doing this? >> there is no grounds for her to stand on. it's a socialist agenda. tried by obviously richard nixon did it was all the bread lines that occurred in history and russia. some people say we are only three meals away from chaos anywhere in the world. we need to allow companies to continue to innovate and farmers continue to innovate. we need to invest in our farms. our margins are the thinnest they've ever been. in fact we are a negative territory right now. that is because energy cost to run our equipment and our operations has nearly doubled during the biden administration put our cost of electricity -- mike and then we look at this green agenda that's being rolled forward to us forced down our throats. this is again going to increase the cost of the consumer even more. today we know they're spending 30% more for food today than
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what they did back in 2020 early on. a lot of that is what took place during culvert. we had the federal government come out here and put stimulus money in our hands. we had too few goods chased by a lot of money. neil: will watch it very closely. beat might be shocked to hear the harris folks are saying the exact opposite of what you're saying we have reached out to them to try to get them to come on i di did it more on your word show their view as we wait for the representative to come on said everything he said there is wrong but that is politics that is going on. by the way crowdstrike earnings are coming out for a lot of people are looking at that as to whether this outage had a huge impact on how much money they made or did not make it. so, and any other day this will be a big development of one to watch closely. it's getting all of the attention. i was a crowdstrike gets a silver after this.
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everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ ♪ ♪.
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neil: i know everyone is focused but crowdstrike earnings are coming out as well. first chance to see with the global outage has that affected microsoft all these financial houses. dollars to damage there. jeremy, on any other day with this be the biggie of the day that takes silver but this is an important number, isn't it? >> it really is. is been fastening to watch a delta and crowdstrike go back and forth with lawyer letters that tell us a little bit about what is happening here in terms of what money the low in the end. neil: i am wondering in their case, they said this is not all of them. i think they went back to delta saying it's all you it's not on us. delta was disproportionately affected. why weren't other airlines is damaged as you work? the recriminations back and forth go on. but crowdstrike is still around. delta lesson i checked still
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around have gotten over this? will this regurgitate all over again? >> we are not over yet. there is how much do you owe? what we learned back and forth is crowdstrike does have a low liabilities in the contract that is not to worry. the worry is the contracts they were going to sign and then or could sign in the future and how those customers are going to react to this. they are in the last two weeks of the fiscal quarter when this happened that's 20 -- 25% of their business get signed it. no one was signing in those two weeks after this went on. and now they're going back to those customers think you want a new contract? what do you think they are saying? they're not exactly real to re- up with crowdstrike which is the same number or a higher number. they are dealing with that right now. they're going to have to bake that into the forecast that's really what they're looking for. what is the forecast and how much is going to hurt? neil: did not mean to jump on you there. it's all about the need for
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cybersecurity at a time when everyone is being hacked and what have you. this is the cybersecurity firm that it self was imploding. that did not help much faith in the whole field, right? >> it doesn't. cybersecurity is very splintered. it's a very small sectors. crowdstrike is the best of breed of what it offers it's going to be very hard for some to switch off and go somewhere else. neil: got it great seeing you. market watch the podcast host makes you think about a lot of things were watching that one. watching nvidia on the big money show as they get ready to parse out the next roughly three hours of trading. >> parsing through the big moments is finally here for just after the closing bell is in it? thank you. hello everyone i am taylor riggs. >> i am bria


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