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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  September 3, 2024 11:00am-11:59am EDT

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the kit shows you how to get you the cash you need using your home's equity with a reverse mortgage. find out how your home can start taking care of you. call this number. the worry every single month to make that payment was gone our customers' homes are taking care of them. maybe, your home could do the same for you. call finance of america, the country's #1 reverse mortgage lender and get your free info kit. call this number. >> a mob turns around and -- hamas turns around and murders, execution style prisoners and the president of the united states pressuring israel more. >> the president doesn't care and isn't running for reelection
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and doesn't know he's going to win the senate. the senate is what matters most. >> they're against the american worker and american economy and a war on the american worker and global environment and allies. >> income worker are the biggest raise in years and bigger than ever before and in term os f reality, she's way, way off base. >> we don't know what she stands for and going to show up for the debate and what policies she's going to take and in the spur of the moment. stuart: oh, what a song. he's got a great voice too. new york city on a lovely day. sunshine and high 70. 1 11:00 eastern time in new york city. tuesday, september 5. check those markets, please.
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we have a selloff on our hands and manufacturing numbers showed an up tick in prices paid. investors don't like that . dow is up 400 and nasdaq down 405 points. big tech probably almost all down. correct. microsoft, amazon, apple, alphabet, nvidia all down. and coming down 6 basis points 384. not good on the financial markets on this tuesday morning. now this: kamala harris tries to reassure pennsylvaniaens that she would not ban fracking, oh, no. drilling for nat gas is important in that industry and she wouldn't ban it and they're hollow and needing to ban fracking to stop oil and gas production and the greens are successful in court and don't need to fool around with politics or votes and two recent
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courts and it's trusting that. and they did not address risk to wildlife in the gulf of mcellroy koenen and apparently the rice mail is threatened. the jumped's ruling means no new drilling permits till a new risk assessment is issued and even drilling sites are producing oil and may grind to a halt. they know what they're doing and they're using the courts and liberal judges to kill fossil fuels and you will all have to pay a price for this. a separate courtroom killed a permit for liquefied natural gas export project and it's a very big deal. america is supplying low carbon nat gas ashed the world and that helps with co2 emissions, doesn't it? the project didn't take otoacoustic emissions for environmental jus -- account for environmental justice. what does that do for the gas that heats your home? it's not a joke.
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hijacking of energy activists and know how to get their way without a vote. and america's energy securities at stake and vice president harris on the wrong side of energy policy. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: jimmy failla joining me this morning much count matter if kamala harris allows fracking. count matter and the climate crisis going to court and okaying fossil fuels. >> not clear what to allow and kamala vascularizing a debate versus kamala on the issues for two and a half hours and who knows what she stands for. the argument against the greens and they've decimated it in names of placating the lower of emissions and what have they
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done in the long run and environment more filthier and a lot of times importing fuel from places like venezuela and born filthier than we do. >> where they are they? i don't hear the representation. that's my job. it's supposed to happen a lot earlier and can't even promise i'm sobered up yet and we took a chance and here we are. it's on the trial and -- stuart: earlier this year, a ha varicose veined profestivus tore
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published a times and group of stanford publishing on its own it doesn't work. they would keep more massachusetts abandoned dei. >> it's empathetical to what to get done and seen in so many portions of corporate america and dei paying ta taxes and everything except what maybes the company successful. checking boxes and lowering everybody's paychecks and in the process, you fight a lot of the long battles and that was one of the biggest arguments against kamala being appointed to vp and we're slandering her and call her a dei vice president but at the same time they were choose ago vp and no one else here to apply but a black woman for this position and that undermined our belief applicants that check a box and not going to see the
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best applicant get the kid. stuart: a political pundit and how do you -- what do you do about dei? >> hoping the audience drank extra and talking about it on stage and going to a comedy club. they're not going that extra step to find them. and that's the problem with identity politics and we're not catering from efficiency and catering to identity. that's not the move we've crossed and there's no cab driver going to community college and drinks to much on the president and it's not going in charge.
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stuart: thank you, jimmy. the best. best. back to the markets and no real improvement and we've got a ton of red ink there and dow industrials are down 400 points and down nearly 500 and nasdaq down 580 and coming back just a little. stuart: the market came way down. danger on friday this week? >> friday a few days ago and market up about 0.1% and nothing went on in the last two hours and close to talking about s&p 500 up about 1%. and i wouldn't read too much into this and a weak start to august and a very strong close
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to august. now we're starting september and a selloff with a rally on friday afternoon before a long weekend, it's okay. >> giving up 2-2.5% this month, that's okay. what's not okay is if you panic in the middle and start making changes that are not going to be helpful to you for the long term. >> mike, stay there for the hour. >> cutting dogs this month and doing something would make the stock price go up and it's down on the 7%. lauren: it's down almost 60% this year and could be rooted from the dow jones industrial average. stuart: yes, indeed. the best performing dow stock is
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verizon. why is it doing so well? lauren: up 2%. morgan stanley says they expect verizon to increase the dividend for the 18th consecutive year so it would be a five cent increase announced on thursday for morgan stanley. stuart: software. lauren: there's a 10% stake in the company and call ago special meeting to force a vote on whether the ceo and chairman stay on and southwest has not been doing well and they want to change things and maybe change things at the top. stuart: got it. u.s. seized the play on nicolas maduro and now being held at airport in florida. how the maduro regime is responding to that . a group of thieves armed with ar-style rifle caught on camera breaking into a home in suburbs of denver, colorado. that area dealing with an increase in venezuelan gang vines.
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violence. we have the story. president biden took a break from vacation hitting back on critics saying he'd detroit economy. roll it. >> we're going to collapse and all this caving in. interest rates will go through the ceiling. come on, man. stuart: come on, man. we'll find out what grade charles payne would give to the biden economy. that is coming up. ♪
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stuart: the u.s. government has seized a private plane owned by venezuela's dictator nicolas maduro. steve harrigan has the story. steve, how is maduro responding to this? reporter: easy to predict what maduro would say in response. the maduro government calling in a criminal act of pie reigns leading seizure -- piracy and t the election in july and maduro not released the results from that election and trying to have opposition leader arrested instead. that plane was seized by u.s. department of homeland security investigations agents on monday. it was in the domi dominican rec for repairs and snatched the plane and flew to florida at the executive airport and it's a $13 million jet and used by maduro in and out of venezuela, and u.s. officials are saying
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that it was sold to venezuela illegally in violation of u.s. sanctions. >> numerous countries on state visits with nicolas maduro and legalized for official business for the venezuela government. reporter: that plane might end up being sold at a $13 million value and the maduro government will try to fight this legally. stuart back to you. stuart: thank you, steve. now this, biden's border policies created migrant encampments that stretches far south down to mexico city. migrants setting up there and isn't this remain in mexico and biden grabbed a trump policy on the border? >> hi, stuart, thank you for having me back. very imlarra and not the exact same but it is actually resulting in similar results by
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migrants having to stay in mexico for appointment on the app and being displaced further down south into mexico. stuart: they're waiting in mexico to get their visa and they get them and fly to america and go over the border. is that what's happening? >> yes, sir, what you're describe asking the program and the program to be in the home countries and apply for they asylum and flown into the united states to various airports. cbp1 app, they have to make their way to the boarder and they're not waiting now in border cities and they found it safer for the appointment and then they wait and make way up to the boarder and make them with the injury. this is still -- this administration is allowing people to regularly be
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administered for immigration purposes and these are people that are coming from countries and i get we're seeing very dangerous people coming into the united states. stuart: on camera, on tape three masked gunmen caught on camera raid ago home in a denver suburb. they have long guns with them and walk away with a stolen motorcycle. nearby community haves to deal with violent migrant crimes, gangs. sheriff, how do you deal with migrant gangs? >> look, cities and states have become politicized and law enforcement cannot be politicized and we have to abide by the law. strong america relies on a strong boarder and that's still true but the world changes and
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this administration made our border the most vulnerable it's been. stuart: do you see large numbers of migrants going through your county? >> we villanueva slowed double figures in june and jewel and that happens because of hot summer months but we'll have an up tick in august, september and october in the cooler months and substantial increase last week. our portion of the border is different and people want to abscond and we encounter them and they run from us and on the highways it's a high speed pursuit and they want to cross illegally and that's what we're up against here. stuart: sheriff cleveland, thank you for joining us. there's been a series of home
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invasions and burglaries like bellaire, sherman hills and using jammers to get through them. accused of stabbing a 14-year-old girl. thank you for taking me through this one, ashley. ashley: yeah, 26-year-old has been arrested for allegedly using a butcher-style knife to stab a 14-year-old girl from illinois who was with her mother at her brother's baseball game of all things. authorities say yannis was deported to honduras back in 2018 and returned to america illegally and police tracked him down and took him into custody and they believe he may have committed other crimes since he returned to the united states.
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by the way, the 14-year-old victim was treated for her injuries at a local hospital before being released and recently arrived migrants are flooding the gate. people are being arrested in midtown manhattan in recent months like assault, robbery and domestic violence are all migrants and thanks to century city laws and new york cops simply are not allowed to work with ice on cases in which they believe suspects are in the country illegally. it makes no sense. stuart: it's hard to believe this is happening. ashley: i don't get it. stay where you are. the biggest losers on the dow.
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stuart: down 6% and caterpillar, goldman all down 2% plus. losers on nasdaq, constellation energy, global founders and all down 6% plus. that's a selloff. you can see the vix is spiking today and going 16 point gain right there. construction of apartments on the decline. it's in rear state investors and there's a growing trend in the work force and that means younger workers are kept off and high paying leadership roles. should there be a change and if so, how do you do it? charles payne is here to answer all the questions. charles is next. ♪
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well, the next time you go through it, don't make it so hard on yourself. have a generac home standby generator. call or go online now to request your free quote with one of generac's nationwide dealers. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. the call is free, the quote is free, and there's no obligation to buy. call or go online now, so the next time there's a power outage, your home powers up. power your life with generac. call or go online to request your free quote today. stuart: on the marks this morning. that is pretty much a selloff, isn't it. down 400 for the dow, down 387 on the nasdaq. mike murphy is here with a stock
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pick. and amazingly that stock pick down 7% today. >> 7% today and just about 15% in the last week, stuart. the earnings came out and not quite what wall street wanted, but it was a great quarter from nvidia. when this cane is on sale down 15% for people at home not having a opportunity to be along for the ride, it's a great opportunity, 15% on sale. stuart: you'd be a dip -- not you personally, other people would be a dip buyer. >> i own nvidia and haven't added but if the weakness continues, i probably will. stuart: netflix on a tear recently and backed off 3% today and netflix is really winning the streaming wars. >> there's a few hundred more points by the end of the year and some weakness here and when you see what everyone else is announcing and what's coming out of netflix they're winning and have pricing power and have
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customer demand and password protection going with them on netflix to rally into the end of the year. stuart: king of the streamers and going to compare for them. stuart: ashley: stay there and a lot more to come. biden and harris spent baylor day on the came pan trail and he said his department created 16 million more jobs. how many jobs did biden create? not add back, create, edward? reporter: 6.4 million. according to to his administration, jobs is at a pivotal point and the economy is the number one issue for voters and the president, you know, has to deal with going forward how he describes this economy. the last jobs report showing a bit of slow down and the next jobs report see what it comes out what the federal reserve
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chairman outweighs risk of inflation and we hear president joe biden is vice president kamala harris trying to convince americans they've create thed more jobs than the previous administration. stuart: kamala and i are so proud of the greatest z job creation in american history. reporter: the president's official page got it right and in the next post, they went back to misleading persons and the all the jobs shed and created
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173,000 and over the past few months and manufacturing lost 5,000 under this administration. stuart: edward lawrence, thank you for joining us. >> selling continues and red ink continues and nasdaq down 391 and virtually every sector of the market shows a lot of selling. charles payne with us this morning. they're brushing them off today. >> we open down under a lot of pressure and had to have manufacturing number and came aboard and construction came
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with the consensus and negative three months in a row and crazy considering all the money that's been thrown at construction if that number cons to get hammered and of course and manufacturing and contraction and it's ironic coming out of the stock and bragging about manufacturing and market is an odd place all sentedderred on the fed. stuart: last jobs report in august was strong and the market tanked. what about this friday's job report? every thought the fed was off and have to speed the fed up for cutting and it was so weak that it felt like the fed was
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springing into action and maybe behind the curve and they can get wall street a lot more juice sooner and they'll be going there. >> i think they're behind and should have started cutting a long time ago. stuart: people are putting off retirement and it's young workers. get that, charles. it's going for the senior positions. should older people, charles, be forced. forced to retire for youngsters. >> not forced but magnetic. stuart: it's a few months. >> there's a lot of potential real estate for folks that are moving. it is interesting and i think it was ironic about it and union jobs are toughest and seniority
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matters and it's senior leadership and 45 through 54 and 15% and 64 and almost 15% and that's when you really have it. like a lot of other places will lay older workers off to save their money. and so that's when you really have these problems more or more acute than in the regular private sector jobs. stuart: i'll call that a duck, charles. very well done i'd say. absolutely. last one for you, biden hit back at critics who doubted his ability to improve the economy. watch this. going for the economy and the collapse and all this caving in. interest rates going through the keeling. >> 2,000 ceiling ands 1980s ceiling ands tickled the
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1970s ceiling ands more. stuart: what grade would you give the biden economy? >> if i owned a home and top 8% and they're going on the home and making as much money and putting trillions into the economy, eventually going to have the corporate bottom profits and hits the stock market and eventually most of the money going to the wealthiest folks in the country ask tell you who won't give them an edge and having less than a high school education and some colleges are 2 million fewer workers than in the january 2020. >> if you have a college degree in the biden economy, you're working and paying learns and money for ev and earnings on the tax credit and there's more because he's in the latest president. if you're not a homeowner, forget about it because the median income is 83,000 and
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median income needed to buy a home is 119,000 and as far as overall economy, grew by $7 trillion since the fourth quartier 2020 and costs $8.5 trillion in debt. stuart: very good. very good numbers. charles, we'll be watching you on making money 2:00 p.m. eastern here on fox. >> thank as lot. stuart: mike murphy, what grade would you give biden's economy? >> probably a c. for that he did get the upper part of the economy going and the measure on the pockmark, there's an a -- stock market and you saw interest rates go through the roof and not good for most americans. i don't want to give it a d or f because for some, the economy was strong but for the majority, it hasn't been. look at what's going to happen with the illegal migrants now
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what we're going to do with they will, who are not they're going to work and how they impact the blue collar workers in the country and could get worse if there's -- it will get worse. stuart: give them a c but not a great rating. >> a gentleman's c. stuart: not used to that ♪
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stuart: construction of new apartments is slowing down. ashley, what's that doing to rental prices, rental levels? ashley: rent prices are heading higher thanks to sip million improvement and compared to building frenzy of early days of the pandemic and in some cases and developers are struggling to get the financing needed to complete the projects. in july the annual price of multifamily building stocks was down 22% from the same month a year earlier. the interest rates and going higher and higher and property values lower all of which is discouraged with builders and investors are getting started on new buildings and prices are
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going flat in most cities and expected to rise. >> i think rents are going to continue to move higher for the foreseeable future and talk about residential rents, there's just too many people out there that can't afford to buy a home as interest rates come lower, that'll have an impact. what's also good, stuart, new york city rents high end commercial real estate and starting to hit record levels and very high end commercial real estate in new york city being priced at levels we've never heard of before and going back to 2007, 2000, the lower end it's like getting a barbell and lower end is stagnant but the higher end, the new buildings in and put them all in during covid, they're getting real estate and rental prices
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and going down. stuart: thanks very much indeed. all state is raising california home insurance rates by 34%. that's an average, believe it or not. average up 34%. max jordon joining me in malibu, california. how is that 34% average increase justified? >> well, home building prices ps and up tick in severe weather events in california and mainly wild fires and they've gotten larger and more destructive and they've needed to raise rates in the state. >> they're approving the need to raise rates and increasing for home insurance and this after state farm pulled out of california neighborhoods and risk too high and go longer new
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home insurance policies in the state and it's mutual and ending dwelling fire pol policies in california. we talked with the homeowner in the sacramento area and larry langford saying they ended coverage because too much debris in the yard and trees in the yard they said posed too big of a risk. >> the rules within the state and expenses and policies and government or whoever you want to talk about and it's said to me to know these companies are trying to sure out of california. reporter: the increased concession cost dealt a blow to the bottom lines and some consumer advocates say it's being used as excuse to raise rates further than needed for the take of profit.
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>> those are real drivers and they're creating shortages and you approve what we're demanding cooling down at the state and going for the lineup. >> there's a insurer of last year and it's inspired and the dwindling number of insurance and the spare plan is becoming some folk's only option. stu. stuart: i love that for california. max gordon, thank you. show me the dow 30. i expect a ton of red ink or a bitless less than expecting and nine winners and 21 losers and 435 points lower. >> show me kamala harris latest polls and she has a double dick emberd lead with women
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voters and tomi lahren has more on that coming up next. ♪
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stuart: state of the unions at columbia return to class today and pro hamas protests are already happening and see it right there. alexis mcadams is there and tell us about the new report from the school's anti-semitism task force. reporter: hey, stuart, i want to say makes us feel like we're having deja vu and people at home are like this is happening again? this is first day of school and students couldn't get into class and already pro palestinian protests and the new report a few days ago and dapping for collum -- damning for columbia university and it was answering a survey and going for the task force saying they were spat on, pushed up against walls and more all because of their religion and i tried to talk to the people here today who are
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protesting again this use of answers and here's what we're watching. >> the united states is material and responsible for this genocide. reporter: are you a student here? >> i am a student. reporter: just wonder, is there going to be a will the of protests this year? last year was a bit and people thought it was disruptive and they were upset. what's happening in year? >> we are clear this will not stop till columbia divested from the complicity in israel's january side of the palestinian people. that's all i have to say. reporter: they're also handing out papers like this that say while you're learning, gaza is burning and columbia is the war machine. maybe their parents are watching at home and these are at columbia and it's all over new york city yesterday. watch what happened next.
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about 5,000 or more protests walking in the street here and one protester and coming up on this now and it's going with hamas flag. going through the streets and it's directive in the hours after the murder and going on them showing the ph photos and they're not forgotten and that means those people there on the screens and the families say final good buys including the family of hersch goldburg, who is a american citizen and his mom saying through tears his life was taken too soon all because of religion. kids could not get on to the
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campus and this happened a few months ago and see how the university handles it this time around. stuart. stuart: thanks, alexis. tomi lahren joining me now. day one and protests have started and it's incumbent on columbia to do something. right now, a lot of americans are sick of the task forces and assembling the task force in congress and task force at these universities and shouldn't take the task force enforcing de-ken seizure disorders on campuses and going for them and a lot of these state of the unions here are using educational time to protest and might be the same ones to have the student loans forgiven by you and me and spending time on that. they're spending time on activism. stuart: just doing this real fast and kamala harris with a 13 point lead over trump. how can trump win back for vo
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voters. >> he needs to bridge the gap and a few thins to do and in terms of reinforcing his policy and that's with all voters and that's prices at grocery stores and they're past moms and directly impacts families and might have been important and emphasizing business and in the 2016 campaign ivanka trump was instrumental in women and businesses and going in terms of optics and would be helpful for him to have tulsi gabbard on the campaign trail for me and that is the fact of the matter. stuart: see you again real soon. i promise. t the tuesday trivia question. how many pounds does the brain weigh on average? i guess and one, five, seven
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pounds? .. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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stuart: you may well ask where do they come up with these questions. i asked one of our producers,
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rob does this. how many pounds does the brain way? one, 3, five, seven pounds? ashley? ashley: if you are crystal palace support, i will say 7 pounds, going big. number 4. lauren: how many drugs you do? 3 pounds. >> i will go with ashley. seven pounds. stuart: i am going with 3. i say 3 pounds. there are 86 billion new ones, the average weight is 3 pounds. out of time. david asman, it's yours. david: your brain weighs 8 pounds. welcome to cavuto coast-to-coast. i'm david asman. markets takingor


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