tv Kudlow FOX Business September 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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year-to-date, but you're getting a buying opportunity here and that's part of the data center infrastructure and cooling of it which is all going to be needed to run these massive racks and chips to do it. we're going to need the energy and the energy efficiency and the equipment that goes into these centers. we're really at the beginning of this. liz: thomas, thank you very much for sharing your picks with us. we appreciate it. all right, here comes the closing bell, folks. we have the dow down 235 points off the lows of 455, s&p down 20, nasdaq is holding on to 29 points of gains. >> [closing bell ringing] liz: tomorrow we'll break it all down with ceo alan figeson and robert redkin. larry: hello folks welcome to
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kudlow, i'm larry kudlow so former president trump with an optimistic pro-growth aspirational speech on the successes that could happen in a second term if re-elected we have former secretary steve mnuchin on said in just a moment but first up our own charlie gasparino at the speech with all of us and i think he's got a round-up. there is the great charlie gasparino right there. charlie you're still down there. steve mnuchin and i are here onset. what can you tell us? charlie: um, well, i thought it was really good speech. you know, listen. this is a little bit of a skeptical crowd as you know. i've been covering the economic club of new york. i remember coming here listening to alan greenspan back in the day. it's a pro-trade group but i think for the first time donald trump articulated his trade policies why it could be pro-growth and i think he sold it. i also think given everything else he proposed which is cuts in corporate taxes, you know,
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cuts in individual taxes, and some of the social issues which ring very true here about the migrant crisis which if you live in new york you see that everyday and how unsafe the city has become because of that so remarks about how venezuela is safer than new york because of the migrant crisis and because they are all coming here and maybe next year we'll hold the event in curacas. i almost fell to the floor when he said that it was typical trump and really good, off the cuff and here is something else, larry. maybe you could shine some light on this as well. he was more detailed. he was very detailed on what he wants to do, moreso than we are getting on the other side on what kamala harris wants to do, but he was more detailed than kamala harris on what she wants to do. he actually knows her plan. he went through it line-by-line and explained why he thinks it's bad, of course. he spun it his way, but it was much more meat on the bones than we're getting from her. basically, what we're getting from kamala harris right now, and i'll tell you i go around
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and around with mark cuban on this. we're getting like leaked snip-its of this and that and then contradictions of whether she's really for a unrealized capital gains tax and all coming from people like cuban. there's really, she doesn't have a plan right now and it's kind of scary that the leader of the free world, this far into the election cycle does not have a plan. donald trump, whether you agree or not, maya agreement level with him was probably like 80%. i'm a little weary on the tariffs, you know, i think you and i agree on that, but he laid it out pretty coherently and i think he clearly went over the crowd in my view, but we'll see if he can win over the american people with this stuff. larry: charlie that's a very good rundown, and we're grateful for it. basically, i agree. this was a detailed statement of
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his planning intentions, if he's elected. you can't ask anything more than that from soup-to-nuts some people will buy all of it. some can buy 70% of it or 50% of it but he laid it out and i thought the crowd response to him was very very positive, charlie. i mean, i was sitting at the head table, but i thought it was very positive and even had a couple of good laugh lines. charlie i've got the great steve mnuchin here and you are a wonderful person to help us out by previewing this thing and giving your report. we appreciate it, charlie gasparino. take care of yourself. charlie: my pleasure. larry: all right folks now donald trump gave an optimistic pro-growth aspirational speech on the success that could happen in a second term. that is the subject of the rif. so, speaking to the new york economic club, former president trump delivered, yes, optimistic pro-growth aspirational speech and it amounts to a call
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for american renewal. that's how i saw it. he began with a promise, low taxes, low regulations, low energy costs, lower interest rates, secure borders, low crime, and surging incomes for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed, and he ended the speech with a promise to unleash a new era of safety, prosperity and success for our workers. our families, and our businesses, and i've done it before. all right in the middle, he was highly critical of how kamala harris and joe biden ruined his economic miracle. take a listen to this. >> we delivered an economic miracle which kamala and joe turned into an economic disaster, just like they turned the border and indeed the whole world into a catastrophic surrender, starting on day one, kamala launched a war on
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american energy and orchestrated a nation wrecking border invasion with illegal aliens pouring in from countries all over the world. they came in from countries that nobody ever heard the name of that country. those countries from their prisons and jails, there is a difference. from mental institutions and insane asylums as well as record numbers of terrorists, human traffickers, and sex traffickers. numbers that we've never seen before taking place over the last three and a half years. then kamala cast the deciding votes on trillions of dollars in wasteful spending which together with their terrible energy policies gave us the worst inflation, perhaps in the history of our country. larry: all right, so, tough stuff. now, he pledged to liberate the economy from crippling
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regulation and perhaps the biggest applause line came from his mention of elon musk and a new efficiency commission. take a listen to this one. >> at the suggestion of elon musk, who has given me his complete and total endorsement, that's nice, smart guy. he knows what the he's doing. >> [applause] >> he knows what he's doing. very much appreciated. i will create a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms. we need to do it. >> [applause] >> can't go on the way we are now. >> [applause] >> and elon, because he's not very busy, has agreed to head that task force. it'll be interesting, if he has the time, he be a good one to do it but he's agreed to do it.
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in 2022 fraud and improper payments alone cost taxpayers an estimated hundreds of billions of dollars as the first order of business this commission will develop an action plan to totally eliminate fraud and improper payments within six months. this will save trillions of dollars. trillions. it's massive. for the same service that you have right now. trillions of dollars is wasted and gone and nobody knows where it went. further taming inflation and bringing prices way down. larry: by the way, this is all very reminiscent of ronald reagan 40 years ago some odd who appointed famous businessman peter grace to the grace commission which combed the federal government for in those days hundreds of billions of dollars which was a big number and he had people from all over the industry and famous ceo's and executives so forth and so on and i think this shows
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mr. trump's bona fide as somebody who wants to restrain federal spending and get rid of waste, fraud, abuse and as he says corruption. now, another big applause line came with mr. trump's support of cryptocurrency. take a listen to this. >> and instead of attacking industries of the future, we will embrace them including making america the world capitol for crypto and bitcoin. larry: all right there you have it. crypto and bitcoin, and then the applause continued when he talked about making the trump tax cuts permanent and then, outlined his tax cuts 2.0. mr. trump pledged to reduce the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% for companies that make their products in america. he blasted kamala harris for her $5 trillion tax hike that's going to affect small businesses, corporations, capital gains, even a wealth tax on unrealized capital gains, and he seemed to introduce
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the concept of smart tariffs, where you pay a tariff if the product comes in from another country but you get a 15% tax rate plus 100% bonus depreciation expensing if the product comes from america. he calls this a pro-american trade policy and he argued that everyone in the world would want to produce here in america. here is how mr. trump described it at the lunch. >> smart tariffs will not create inflation. they will combat inflation. i had almost no inflation and i had the highest tariffs that anyones seen and they were going a lot higher. foreign nations will pay us hundreds of billions of dollars reducing the deficit and driving inflation down and will largely reduce our deficit. in my first term we imposed historic tariffs with no effect on consumer prices or inflation. a combination of fair trade tax cuts, regulatory cuts, and
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energy abundance will allow us to produce more goods, better and cheaper right here in the usa, than we've ever done before. and foreign nations will respect us again. larry: all right there you go. now during the q&a, mr. trump outlined a very strong america-first foreign policy and he wants to win back the respect of the world, not for the purpose of starting new wars but peace through strength including a military build-up. that answer was also received with a lot of applause from the group. purposefully, mr. trump ended his tour deforce speech on a very upbeat optimistic note. here is the vision. inflation conquered, energy unleashed, economy set free, sovereignty restored, citizens will thrive, growth comes roaring back, america's future brighter than ever, and as he has said before, he did it once
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and he can do it again and that's the rif. all right with very great pleasure joining me now dear friend steve mnuchin, thank you for this. so, let's start with the vision thing. low taxes going after spending, maybe more than any of us thought a while back, deregulation of course energy. we'll get to the so-called smart tariff thing in a moment. was the vision thing there some was the growth promise there? was it an optimistic uplift? did he get it done in your judgment? >> i think he did and quite frankly it reminds me of you and i being there in 2016 at the new york economic club. he gave a speech on what trump 1.0 would look like, and it was tax cuts, regulatory relief, trade renegotiation, and energy, and he delivered on that in the first term and i think what you heard today is theres still more work to do, that his
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economic plan is very different than hers, and i think that more tax cuts, extending the trump tax cuts that are expiring. obviously on regulation, we've got a lot more work to do. on trade, i think there's no question that the tariffs on china brought china to the table is the only reason we got renegotiation and more work to be doing there. the reciprocal trade act that you and i worked on, and energy. i think kind of there's a great energy opportunity. we were energy abundant. we were putting sanctions on iran so that they didn't have money, they weren't selling oil. we were putting sanctions on russia and again, i think he can repeat a lot of this where there's more work to be done. larry: so if you go back, when we originally talked your talking about 2016, even 2015, some of the first meetings we had. we wanted lower income tax
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rates. we actually wanted a lower corporate tax rate. we did the best you could with congress and so forth and got a pretty effective bill that really launched the economy and middle income wages. he's kind of returning to those very same themes and saying basically look particularly if you produce in america we'll give you 15% rate. he wants the 100% expensing which was hugely important. he didn't go through the individual tax rates but that's part of the package of extending the trump tax cuts. i mean, i've been saying to him, to you, to anybody who would listen, make a growthier. people want growth. let's breakthrough on growth. let's breakthrough on wages. i think he got that done today. >> i think he did and larry, as you know, kind of we lowered corporate taxes and corporate revenues to the government. larry: went way up. >> so it worked and everybody is saying oh, you know, we gave corporations all these things. no. they paid more in taxes.
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expensing worked. it got more investment into the us and i think as you know, we wanted to do more on the individual side. we wanted to make that permanent. we wanted to make the small business tax credit permanent and those all need to be extended, but prior to covid, we were on track to generate significant excess revenues to begin to pay down the deficit and obviously, covid changed things and there, we had to do spending or we would have had a worldwide depression, not recession but the ongoing spending of the biden administration is what created all of this inflation. larry: you know, i don't want to let that point slip by. you are a team leader during the pandemic we went up to the hill, practically lived up there and basically, the thought here was private incomes drying up because of the pandemic. it just shutdown, so we needed temporary government income to take its place, but then, that was supposed to shutdown and it
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didn't and i think what trump was saying h here today, and thy wanted the government income to continue, and continue and continue and so too much money we're chasing too few goods hence the massive inflation problem. i mean, we were going to end that. you were going to end that. that was your premise. they never ended it and biden, if she's elected, her speech on the economy two friday's ago another $2 trillion on top of the tax hikes. >> well again, larry you remember. i shutdown a bunch of the fed helping programs because the emergencying was over and the money congress gave us, we gave it back because we didn't need it and they went on and passed multiple bills of trillions and trillions of dollars that led to inflation and there's just no question the fed was late in seeing this. they were too late in raising interest rates, and now they've been too slow in lowering interest rates. larry: you know surprised that
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didn't come up today but you think they should be dropping their target rate and they will be dropping that? >> i think we're going to see 3.5% funds rates or 3% funds rates as the natural rate. i don't think we're going to go down to 1% or 2% and i think the 10-year has already priced that into the market. larry: whoever is president. that's what the fed is going to do. there's multiple rate cuts? >> the fed has to reduce rates they are just way too high. larry: i think that's their intention. steve mnuchin, smart tariffs, you heard him today. he probably went a little further than people might have thought, although some say it was ambiguous. i'm not sure all things have been filled in. he believes in reciprocity. so do you. so do i. he's tougher on trade though. how do you read this smart tariff business? >> larry, i was sitting next to ambassador lighthizer at lunch and the team was you and me and
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bob working very closely with the president and it worked. president trump was the first president to basically say what we're doing isn't working. kind of we open up to china, they close to us, and there's no question. i remember the first time we went over to china and sat down in a big negotiation. we weren't getting anywhere. we came back. the president said call them up, tell them we're going to put on big tariffs and he's right. now all of a sudden they negotiated and ambassador lighthizer i loved his strategy. he basically said we're going to start with tariffs on things that are critical technology, so that that's in the us. we then went on to use more tariffs to get him to the negotiating table. we eventually got the phase i trade deal done. there's still a lot more work to do so i agree with president trump. we need more tariffs to get them back to the table. ripped up nafta. put in place usmca. great trade agreement that bob got through a bipartisan
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congress, and, you know, i think you and i loved the reciprocal trade act, but we never got it passed, but the idea of -- larry: which he now calls the trump reciprocal trade act. >> it was. larry: oh, i thought it was shawn. >> no it was the trump reciprocal trade act but what it was was a very simple thing. you put tariffs on us, we'll put tariffs on you. larry: that's right. >> there are issues with europe. they aren't open with us. there's issues with others and he's using tariffs to renegotiate and make for free and fair trade. larry: he is a negotiator isn't he? in some sense you know what? i'm sitting there listening to this speech thinking to myself, he's negotiating right now. he's starting his negotiations right now. i don't know if he's going to win. i think he's going to win. i mean, i think his polls are the best polls he's ever had at this stage of the game. he's already negotiating. >> that's the way i read this.
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i think he gave a great vision for what trump 2.0 economics looks like and there's a big difference between what a kamala administration and what his administration, i mean we're talking about tax hikes versus tax cuts. we're talking about supporting small business, and as you and i know, this thought of taxing unrealized capital gains, i mean the whole basis of our tax system has been forever that you pay taxes on realized events and there's no better way to shutdown the economy than to start telling people you're going to tax unrealized gains. larry: i could talk to you forever i have to get out. producers are streaming at me. steve mnuchin former treasury secretary now investor thank you ever so much for coming on set. your first time on set here. >> i've been on the show but not in person. larry: we hope you'll come back. folks coming up president trump said he will end kamala harris' anti-energy crusade. we're going to talk about that with an expert north dakota
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governor doug burgum. nobody knows that the story better than he does. i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ nice to meet ya.
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>> first, i will end kamala harris' anti-energy crusade and implement a policy of energy abundance, energy independence, and even energy dominance. we have more liquid gold under our feet than any other country. my plan will cut energy prices in half or more than that within 12 months of taking office. energy was what caused our problem initially. energy is going to bring us back. larry: there you have it. this was trump new york economic club luncheon today. joining us north dakota governor doug burgum. first of all thank you for super-human effort to help us on the show. we appreciate it and i'll just toss it out to you. you've talked to president trump many many many times. $2 gas, cut energy costs in half, can it be done, governor? >> well absolutely, it can and it can be done with president trump back in office.
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his speech today was fantastic. he hit on every button you need to achieve energy dominance which it's cutting regulation. it's opening up the ability for states and private companies to develop their minerals. it's an opportunity for us to do what other countries have done. take norway, even alaska with their own, north dakota. this is the path to prosperity for america and as he just said in the clip you played president trump understands that energy was what underlied the driving up the cost of inflation. it's also key to national security. it's embolden our competitors and our adversaries like russia and iran funding wars against us. he totally gets it. this is super-exciting i feel like he won the election today with his speech. larry: governor burgum, you know, sometimes people don't understand how important petroleum-related products permeate the entire economy,
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affecting consumer goods, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, operating rooms. there's like hundreds of products that are impacted by the cost of petroleum and so if you can drive these prices down by producing more oil & gas, that is a key to inflation. i mean, i don't think folks necessarily understand that as well as you do. >> well, if any of your viewers today whether they are at their home, in their office, you know, watching somewhere. if you take a look around at the products that you're sitting on, you're wearing, you're touching, you know, anything that you're looking at has got an energy component to it and whether that's strictly a component that came from a petroleum product or whether it was the energy to make that product and so it is just fundamental foundational and of course, combined with the energy dominance combined with the tax policies and cutting the regulations, you know, this is going to bring
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capital flows to the place where it's going to get the highest return and what he's describing is what many red states have done and it's what he did when he was president but if you look at where people are moving to in our country. they are moving to red states, red states have lower taxes less regulation. if you take a look at the states thriving right now a lot are red state energy states like north dakota where we've got the highest gdp growth in the country in spite of the biden administration where we're currently fighting the biden administration, the harris administration on 30 different federal rulemaking efforts that are trying to restrict us energy. larry: you know, one of the other points he's making is that the miss-named inflation reduction act has to go. i mean, that thing is now scored at over a trillion dollars as i think you know, and it's just chalk full of all of these green new deal subsidies and electric vehicle subsidies and no time limits and he mentioned potential elon musk efficiency commission and so fourth, but i mean, he's going to go right after that as a means of cutting
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the budgets and i don't think he's ever been quite as explicit, governor burgum. people have questioned his budget cutting credentials. i don't think they should. i think he laid it out pretty good today. >> he was very clear and it's very smart what he described because the inflation reduction act was exactly the opposite. it was the inflation creation act and in those subsidies, one of the largest and most massive miss allocations of capital we've ever seen. they moved mo moved towards this completely uneconomic. the ev subsidies was tying our future to buying batteries from china and doing it at a cost of 10 to 15 times for every ton of co 2 avoided versus what the we could do with conventional methods here with liquid-fueled engines in america, the internal combustion machine which again we need for aviation, transportation, we need for farming. all of these things, so
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those policies in the inflation act that kamala harris who is the deciding vote on that, that stuff has been fundamental to driving inflation up in our country which has pushed everything up that pushed up interest rates. that killed the american dream. drove up housing costs, everything ties back to that. larry: all right well governor doug burgum we can't thank you enough. i know you made an effort to help us and we are so grateful to you. thank you for your insights, thanks for coming back on the show, sir. we appreciate it very very much. all right, folks. moving ahead coming up on kudlow we've got more on president trump's very optimistic, very pro-growth, very aspirational speech today. we've got charlie hurt, we've got breitbart john carney, david malpas, stick around lots more to do. the fence. daughter: it's a lot of fence. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer.
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speech at the new york economic club today address the affordability crisis? joining us now charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor, john carney, breitbart economics editor and author of the breitbart business digest, david malpass, former president of the world bank group. john, you're my affordability expert. i mean, i think he hammered pretty hard today but i'll ask you did he get it done? >> he did get it done. he addressed housing affordability which is a big problem in the united states. it's one of the things all surveys show are really hurting people and he's going to open up land that we can build on and he's going to do permitting reform to make energy affordable. that's absolutely necessary. those are two things that when you ask people one of the thins that bother them the most about the biden-harris affordability crisis. housing and energy are two things. larry: so he mentioned opening up federal lands for housing
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purposes. >> right there's a lot of -- larry: bad enough they won't do it for oil & gas i understand that but he threw in housing which i think is a new wrinkle? >> it is a new wrinkle. the other thing he mentioned as well is theres a lot of regulation, environmental regulation in particular that stands in the way of building houses, right now, today. if you talk to builders they say trying to get the permits the regulatory permits to build houses gets in the way. that can be addressed at the presidential at a federal level because a lot is federal regulation. larry: david i'm coming to you in a second. i want to inject politics into the discussion. charlie hurt a couple days after labor day and a couple days before the debate. did mr. trump turn the tables, restart, reignite, whatever you want to call it? what were the politics of this speech today? >> yeah, i think he did and i think that he did it by talking about these issues that matter to people and matter a lot to people on a very personal way, and i think the timing is perfect. i think it of course happens
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as this honeymoon in the media that kamala harris has enjoyed for the past six months is coming to a natural end. you can't keep that sort of thing going forever though they tried their hardest to keep it going, and look. the campaign began this week. it began on tuesday. we had labor day and now they are off to the races, and they are basically where biden were six weeks ago, so i feel very good about where things are and trump is talking about the issues. we're going to have a debate next week. the idea that she's going to suddenly come out and talk about issues in a way that's compelling and sell something that people want, i have a hard time believing that because if she has that why hasn't she already been doing it? she's not doing it because she doesn't have it. larry: david ma almostpass, charlie gasparino who reported at the top of the show made a very interesting point. it's like mr. trump knows kamala
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harris' platform better than she knows her platform and of course he laid out his platform in some considerable detail. now i would think both of those like the pro and the conor the con and the pro be very valuable in this debate next week. >> that's right it seemed to be good debate prep and for kamala he was specific on what the problems are, that she's caused inflation, because of the spending, that the regulation and the energy hammering is really hurting on the inflation and affordability crisis, so he really hit the high points. i think he talked specifically about the american dream, about having the middle class be the largest ever, and about how to do that with regulation, with small business, with manufacturing. each of those and there was detail. a woman came up to me after and i said whoa, what did you think? and she said well i'm undecided, but this persuaded me toward trump because she hasn't liked
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the rallies but this gave a full feeling that boy, he's got a lot of details. larry: see that's the thing. it might have been too long, maybe but that's a trump thing. i said wasn't it long? she said that's okay with me. larry: she loved every minute of it. >> well she said i'm still undecided. larry: i never did have my lunch but the point i was going to get to you is he showed a mastery of detail, which i think after all these biden years and harris years, people want the commander-in-chief to know what the hell's going on in the office, you know what i mean? and of course as you know him, from meetings and whatnot, he always knows details and i think he showed today. that's not a small thing. >> that came through and this was a giant audience that listened spell-bound. larry: john carney, you're my affordability expert and also my smart tariff expert. >> [laughter]
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larry: smart tariffs, now he spent a lot of time on that, and he echoed something you have said many times. tariffs are not necessarily inflationary. the chinese tariffs were never inflationary, and he created a package. as i read him, and i read the speech and i have to read it again basically saying taxes, regulations, spending restraint, lower energy prices, along with smart tariffs, cannot possibly be inflationary. now what did you make of all of that? >> it's not only not inflationary. remember combining tax cuts with tariffs actually means that businesses are paying less to the government, even the importers ended up seeing their stock value which is a reflection of their earnings go up, when donald trump cut taxes, people said oh, no, that be inflationary. even the tax cut they accused be inflationary. larry: yes, goofballs demand ciders on wall street, goldman
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sachs is saying the corporate tax cut is inflationary. honestly, really? and they get paid for that? >> what happened when they cut taxes? the stock market went up immediately afterwards about 10%, about 1% for every point you cutoff the corporate tax, you get a point up in earnings per share which just raises the stock price instantly. it's not inflationary. the tariffs weren't last time. i track them every single month. the prices of everything. i look through every cpi report. nothing went up. one thing, bicycles and i think that's telling because we do import a lot of bicycles from china. larry: my navigator suv has that. nothing subject to the china tariffs went up. the steel and aluminum tariffs went up and they said it's going to raise the price of beer. beer prices didn't go up because the aluminum tariffs went up. larry: charlie hurt, some point during this luncheon
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i come back to this luncheon and there's another story cooking and i have to get your quick take on this story. hunter biden out of the blue. he's in this tax trial only there's not going to be a trial because he shows up at the non-trial trial and says i'm get it. i'm guilty. could you just in 20 words or less explain this? what's going on? i know there's endless speculation and analysis and it but what do you think? >> he has no one to blame but himself for this obviously because he committed the crime, according to himself, and his own lawyer but also because the biden administration and hunter biden used all of his efforts to try to protect himself from prosecution and his son from prosecution that here we are now. he's got nowhere else to turn but to plead guilty to this. larry: so he pleads guilty so there's going to be some sentencing? >> oh, yeah. larry: his father will give him a pardon anyway, no matter what happens. he's there until january 20.
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he will pardon him, you know he will. >> i be shocked if he does not pardon him. larry: right. shocked. >> it's easy to plead guilty help you already have a get out of jail free card in your hand. and hunter biden has the get out of jail free. larry: they dodged the trial which would have brought out a lot of very ugly things including all these income from china and russia and romania and all this other stuff that was so damn corrupt. now that stuff will never see the light of day, and he will be pardoned. >> so i think he would have, he could have pardoned him before he pleaded guilty but the problem was, i think that they were hoping maybe he might be able to beat it and then he wouldn't have to pardon him. larry: he didn't beat it. i was going to come back to you and ask you about the growth component. i want us to get back to 3% plus growth, and what i heard today was lower taxes, lower regulations, lower spending
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pleasantly, energy deregulation. to me, we could get back to 3% growth under this kind of program, but you're better on this what do you think? >> we sure can, and economists use this concept of potential gdp that there's some kind of glass sealing. there's not. as you create the small business and manufacturing sector with energy output, you can get to that and he said one other really important thing. dollar has reserve currency. sound money is critical to growth he said it. larry: somebody once called that king dollar. i have to make room for newt gingrich. you guys are fabulous, hunter biden not. coming up, did president trump destroy big government socialism in his speech today? the author of that term the great newt gingrich when kudlow returns, thank you, gentlemen. terrific stuff.
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an important contrast, so he had his own optimistic aspirational plan, so i'll ask you. did he take out big government socialism? >> well, i think he's created the choice, and as you know, larry, basically, choosing between free enterprise capitalism and big government socialism americans break about 59 to 16 in favor of free enterprise capitalism. i thought trump laid out a very workable plan. i think bringing housing in was brilliant. it's the number one concern of younger americans, because right now they don't see how they will be able to buy a house. he, i think showed great strength. he has great things going for him. one is he has a real plan an the other is he has a real record and the record says he can get the plan done, so he's really offering to revitalize america, lower our energy cost, reestablish entrepreneurialism
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and he had a very specific message for minorities in terms of setting up enterprise zones, maximizing the chance for people to have an incentive to go out and work and save and have a better life. i have to comment on one other thing that came up with your guest, larry. trump knows a lot because trump knows a lot. larry: [laughter] yes, right. >> kamala doesn't know a lot because kamala doesn't know a lot. i mean, it may sound silly, but the truth is, he's done a lot in his life. he's made big decisions as a businessman. he made big decisions as a president for four straight years. she basically has floated through life with staff protecting her and i think the difference in the two is just gigantic in terms of shear capability. larry: you know, key point. newt, you have seen him in the oval cross-examine all of us. you've seen it. that's what he's so great and he's not afraid of details, for all the reasons you just gave and she has none of that
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business experience. she doesn't have much experience at all. you know, newt, i just thought the speech, you know, stepping back from all of the details in the speech and programmatically it was very strong, but it was aspirational. it was like a call for renewal is the way i saw it. all right? and as somebody who was a product of the reagan era, i think to some extent you are too, it had that kind of optimistic reagan feel to it. let's renew. here is how to do it. we've done it before. let's do it again. >> look, remember, his basic slogan "make america great again" is pretty darn aspirational. larry: yes. >> because it means also having every american have a chance to be part of greatness and i think he believes it. again this is a guy whose been an entrepreneur his whole life and done big things, had big dreams, worked his tail off and he knows, because he did it once, that give him a shot and
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he knows a lot more now than he did when he left office in 2021. he's had four years to think it through, to contemplate on lessons learned, to listen to people like you and others, and i think to come up with a plan i thought it was a very impressive speech which does set the pat the pattern for the future and leaders around the world should be reading that speech because that's what they are dealing with when he's president. he's a very straight guy, about what he wants to get done. he tells you what he wants to get done. he goes out and gets it done. he tells you he got it done. very different from the kamala harris kind of phoniness. larry: just the last 20 seconds. that speech was to a broader audience. you're 100% right, newt, and as i said to charlie hurt or somebody, i said to steve mnuchin, he's already starting to negotiate. he was already starting a national negotiation in that very speech. anyway, the great newt gingrich. speaker of the house, dear
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friend, big government socialist, newt, thank you, sirm appreciate it very mucarh folks) e right back. around here? the restaurants are they good, bad, meh? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done? (opponent) you gonna move, or what? (marci) oh, i'm sorry. it's a lovely neighborhood. (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm coming! (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. (marci) you wanna give me a hand? (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots.
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