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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  September 9, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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i'm contradicting on the picture, again new york blue sky and sunshine, low humidity, mid-seventies we had the best summer for one that i remember i lived here for 44 years never been as good as this, good morning, 10:00 o'clock eastern, get to the money, the rally continues the dow is up over 309 points nasdaq getting a 200-point gain, this is a contrast of last week we are bouncing moderately this monday morning the ten year treasury yield back above the yield on the two-year 373 the price of oil well below $70 a barrel, 67 which means gasoline should keep inching lower, as for bitcoin it is up a little, still only at $55600 per coin, that is a look at the market, now this. how do we know kamala harris
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here's policy reversals will stick, we don't know. bernie sanders think she's trying to move to the center just to get elected. that has the ring of truth to it, she is pretending to change, how convenient that she reverses course on tracking she must win pennsylvania and fracking is a big industry there how convenient that she wants to raise capital to only 28% wealthy donors didn't like joe's idea so she to accommodate the wealthy, no tax on to she took that from trump she played well with the casino workers in vegas, nevada like pennsylvania is a must when battleground state kamala harris does not open herself up to interviews she's never been pinned down she went on cnn with tim walz backup but couldn't say what she would do on day one and her only answer to flip-flopping was my values haven't changed her
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website received a policy statement called a new way forward why is anything but clear is the grab bag of b vague statements that are handlers hope will move her to the center to get elected to the nearest loss of momentum. the new york times posters trump leads 48 to 47 the honeymoon has stalled voters don't trust a candidate who's been rapidly invented she is a blank slate, bernie sanders is eager to rewrite her script all over again if she is elected, second hour of varney just getting started. stuart: guy benson is with me, what do you think issue just pretending to go to the center? >> of course i think that is very clear, we both know when
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she had the opportunity to build a governing vision for the country on the ground up and she ran for president last time not long ago at all she went over national television and speeches and interviews and things like that, she laid out what she actually believes which is hard left, bernie sanders understands that he assured nbc viewers that she has an abandoned those positions were those principles, she is just saying what she has to do right now pragmatically in order to win an election that's what this is about and we've gotten exactly 0 explanation from her, none about any of the flip-flop that you mentioned, you only mentioned a few there are a lot more. stuart: i wonder shopper to a serious sitdown interview with a serious journalist and stretch it for an hour. i don't think she will do that what do you say. >> for an hour i do not think so i obviously believe she should call up bret baier and say let's
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do it let's do an hour and asking whatever you want, follow-ups, that is normal a lot of the time the american people especially the last eight years there is clambering and craving for normalcy, what is normal someone seeking the most powerful job in the world to submit him or herself to radical scrutiny, constant interviews, press conferences all of this sort of thing we've gotten the opposite, i'm referring to in a football analogy since nfl is back, her team is playing prevent defense in a tight game it's very risky and they might get away with it what you reference in the new york times poll maybe they won't. stuart: the presidential debate is tomorrow at the new york times poll was siena college gave trump a one point lead overhears nationally has harris lost momentum, i think she has. >> and questionably she has drill, propaganda for so long,
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the race seems to have settled back down into a tie, that's generally assigned if one thing goes one way or another or decisive winner, the number one take away from that poll, the top line of course is interesting and you look at some of the issues he is up 12 or 11 or 13 on the economy the big question do you want change from joe biden and a clear majority want big change from joe biden, 60% want a major change from h him, kamala harris was seen by majority of voters of more of the same, donald trump was seen as the agent of change, i think that right there is a contrast that he can really lean into tomorrow and score some additional points. stuart: we will all be watching i'm sure, guy benson, thank you for being here we will see you soon, nikki haley with trump on
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one particular issue, what is the issue. remember forwarder president trump made a campaign promise or insurance companies would completely cover the fertility treatments for everyone in interview with cbs haley confirmed she disagrees of the policy, she argued she does want ivf to be available for everyone but mandating the coverage isn't the way to achieve that, she is more for making the treatments accessible and more affordable to regulation despite the differences she maintains she is on stand by to campaign for trump, he doesn't seem to have requested that yet. >> i don't think so not yet, we better take another look at apple the big iphone 16 event kicks off at 1:00 p.m. eastern this afternoon, ray wang back with us can you put this into lane man's terms you doesn't do technology very well, if i got an iphone 16 complete with the a.i. what would he do for me?
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>> is going to do a couple of things is going to make it easier to make notes and interact with the voice assistance and give you the ability to have a better camera is usually a spunk release and that's what people are looking for the ability to have things that are suggested in the ambient level to help you go forward. what it means and where things integrate bacterial life. stuart: you would actually have to live on and off your phone when it you? if this was a 16 and i figure out how to use it it's going to be with me forever day and night isn't it? >> is definitely a set of services that are going to happen on the backend with apple intelligence but there's a big cycle of replacement happening here a lot of folks moving to 5g
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were halfway through the cycle and they're about to begin an a.i. replacement cycle where everyone wants her own agents removing to energetic world in terms of where a.i. is heading and you will see that conversation and that topic speed everywhere in every type of event for the next three months. stuart: i don't want to digress too much but you're the expert having lunch with friends last week and 70 as what my favorite movie was and i said what about bob with bill murray, two hours later my friends had a from what about bob, doesn't listen to all the time? >> it is not supposed to do that but if he did search it might make a suggestion going forward and it depends on what setting it's not necessarily listening to all the time it's what amazon alexa does but i don't think siri does that but if you said something and might use that for future reference in context but you have full control of the privacy settings. stuart: whatever you say. google second antitrust trial begins today do think the
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government should be trying to split up big tech? >> the problem with the lawsuit, the fact that the government has been late this is display ads and google tried to get an ad server updated not to good job so they made an acquisition and they tried to get an ad network that they did not do a good job so they made acquisitions and they tried to put an ad exchange, these are the three components of digital ads today but that is display ads from a decade ago. the d.o.j. continues to prosecute cases that don't make sense, just because you have a monopoly if there's inefficiency or benefit to the consumer you are good was the consumer harm is the question and in this case it does not look so but i think we're going to have to see what happens in the court. stuart: it reminds me of what they did to microsoft 20 odd years ago, they fail to understand how technology early changes rapidly and demolishes existing monopolies, are we in a similar position now with google and the other big text? >> we are in a similar situation
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with most of the d.o.j. lawsuits for changes so rapidly even if you have a position of strength you could be taken out through disruptive technology overnight and these things happen so quickly your siena happening a.i. as well who do we think were to be the winners may not be the winners ten years from now. stuart: i understand that, thank you for joining us i know you will be glued at 1:00 o'clock this afternoon you will probably be there, you will be there? >> this is my hometown. stuart: you are right, we will see you soon. the discount retailer big lots is filing for bankruptcy, what happens next been a immediate next steps we will get the earnings on tuesday later this week they delayed that because clearly all of this was happening in the background but really we kick off the couple kid bankruptcy process there is a pe firm nexus that made an offer to buy big lots, before that's approved we enter a court supervised auction cup process
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so other companies can come in and make a bid which may be better than what's on the table but overall stores and online are good to continue operate as normal management shares a plan to close a number of stores but they did not specify how many, the big looming overall restructuring for this company because you had the discount conscience lower income consumers that say i cannot do this anymore so they're really going to be looking for efficiency. stuart: thank you very much indeed, nobody doug burgum calling out democrats for suddenly embracing former republican vice president cheney after he endorsed kamala harris, the democrats called cheney a genocidal work terminal for decades. house republicans revealed a failure that led to the disaster was draw from afghanistan they claimed biden administration misled and lied to the american people we will speak to a former combat pilot about the scathing report, that is next.he
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♪ m with savings, right? (♪) somebody just got their first debit card! ice cream on you? your money is a part of your community, so your bank should be too. like, chase!
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stuart: the dowsing pointed 70-point the nasdaq 216 and steady gains from the morning so far, the house foreign affairs committee just releases scathing report on the administration withdraw from afghanistan julie intern at the state department, what are the big takeaways from the report. >> i would say when the reported 350 pages long it's got thousands of pages of documents addenda to it, the biggest take away and house republicans on this committee no plan to save the escape afghanistan atoll was
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way too late, they're arguing this failure led directly to the deaths ultimately of 13 u.s. service members and the chaos we saw on the ground, the reports one scathing accusation of top officials across the board from the white house, state department and the pentagon everything administration misled in some instances directly lied to the american people at every stage of the withdrawal, chairman mike mccaul since evacuation order by president biden against the advice of the military intelligence advisors, listen. >> the fact is every top general every intelligent community and is the white house is what's happening on the ground and the truth was manipulated and spun out it's going to be just fine. guess what they did not have a
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plan there is no evacuation plan as required in the day it came out the taliban and overran too little too late. the state department and the white house to this they insisted that withdrawal was a historic success in the long term view has proven this, listen to john kirby mckenna for getting american today would look at what were seen today and say i wish we had thousands of troops back in afghanistan and take terrorist out and tell them to account without a large ground force their. >> treatment mccaul has been holding hearings and issuing subpoenas related to this investigation for two years and he told fox news just this morning he is not done yet the latest official in the crosshairs secretary of state anthony blinken who is demanding more from to appear before the committee september 19. gillian turner at the state
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department combat veteran amber smith joins me now. you are a combat pilot veteran in afghanistan i believe, i want to know what do you think about this report. >> i watched the afghanistan withdraw, the chaos in the bloodbath with the evacuation live on tv like the rest of americans and we saw firsthand with her own eyes we have known the truth and as seen the fax for some time. i'm glad the report is out and they are able to see it with the facts behind them but i think it's pretty alarming this morning when the report came out when the harris campaign in the media headlines that we are seeing trying to separate her from the disastrous afghanistan withdraw that resulted in 13 american service members being killed the facts are that she was a vice president, she by her
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own words was the last person in the room when biden with the decision was made for the withdraw and she is complacent, i think when you combine that with this report with the american people want is some accountability and justice report states the administration, divided and here's a administration have lied to the american people about every decision along the way and they continue as we heard with the clip from kirby that they continue to spend the withdraw the evacuation and the people that were killed in the suicide bombing and the fact that they said there is a right to strike taken out at isis terrorists when it was an afghan aid worker that killed ten civilians and they lied about it for weeks and there's been no accountability, the american people are tired of this administration's q. spewing the truth and we want some accountability.
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stuart: do you think america has american foreign policy has ever recovered from the disastrous withdraw or visit color everything that we do a receipt. >> we have not recovered our adversaries were watching every single move how leaders were making decisions in the moment and how you saw with mccaul talking about how there was 0 plan, people need to realize the weight that that carries, we were in afghanistan for 20 years, we had plans to leave and the fact that biden decide to pull the trigger prematurely without getting american them first without getting our equipment out first, 0 plan, turning off the lights at bagram airbase which was a contingency basis while you're trying to get the withdraw out of kabul, the fact that they close that strategic airbase prior to the withdrawal. it is a significant stain on american history not to mention
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the biggest foreign policy disaster that we will carry with us throughout our lifetime. stuart: amber smith thank you for being with us, much appreciated we hope to see you again soon. north dakota doug burgum going after democrats for embracing dick cheney. why argument is all of a sudden okay with cheney. >> used to be the devil incarnate for the democrats but he's endorsing kamala harris period. on nbc's meet the press, governor burgum called out democrats with the abrupt change of heart calling them simply hypocrites were now praising dick cheney, watch this. >> this is darth cheney genocidal work terminal what democrats were calling him for decades. now overnight there embracing him, i'm just wondering maybe
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it'll be on the campaign trail campaigning with senator sanders, this is a season for all couples. >> that will probably be the oddest. dick cheney plans to vote for harris because her opponent former president donald trump can never be trusted with power again. doug burgum went on to question bernie sanders a longtime critic of cheney would now campaign alongside the former vp, sanders who appeared on the same show a little bit later basically sidestep the question but said he applauded dick cheney for defending democracy. stuart: he sidestepped it, why am i not surprised. i wouldn't be surprised if he did. the harris campaign website finally posted her policy positions. it looks like her handlers are hoping the vague statements will move harris towards the center to get elected. joe concha is going to join us to deal with that. one day until the debate the new york times siena poll shows that harry's honeymoon may be over trump leads harris 48 - 47,
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alexander half on how the tube campaigns are preparing for the debate, that is next. ♪ everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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stuart: i like this rally i really do that now is a 408 and s&p .8% and then nasdaq 148.80 look at some of the movers, i want to know what is with starbucks. >> this is the first day on the job for the new ceo brian nichol, their share price soared over 18% when the former aaa ceo agreed to take over the coffee company. allowing him 18% for one new guy? >> this is when they announced it. >> since then. >> he has done really well with aaa. he's good to be under a lot of scrutiny he is coming to seattle three days a week and getting to commute on a private jet and is going to have his work cut out for him, starbucks is dealing with union contract negotiations and a lot of frustration with customers and their lengthy order times, their high prices,
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i will tell you i got an apple crisp maki auto, small one for $7 and i was like weight you want me to pay how much. >> starbucks was a problem they want extraordinary avocado, knows what else. it takes a while to make them in the line goes up. other companies, what else we got. domino's pizza. >> yes, this is one of my absolute favorite things that they're doing, they are calling all these other companies shrinks elation they are saying this is more selection we are going to give you more for less, for two medium-size pizzas with two toppings, you can actually upgrade one of them to a large for free and the whole idea you're out there, you have to pay a ton you should get more for your money and i know exactly what i'm getting this week in the promotion run september 9 through the 29th.
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next case summit therapeutics i don't know what they do. >> they are a drug maker in the cancer drug is meeting merck and a blockbuster trial, the stock is up over 71% now, they released their late stage trial data showing their experiments along cancer treatment actually works better than merck's hatred of, the drug cut the risk of disease or death by 49% with a common type of lung cancer that is slightly better than the competitor, investors are really excited about this. stuart: 71% up a major breakthrough, thank you so much. tomorrow night the abc debate between trump and harris, tomorrow night alexandria hoff is in philadelphia that's where the debate will take place, how are both candidates preparing? >> first of all, when you imagine presidential debate you have the west wing picture in your mind a mock stage, bright lights, a podium at the right
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height and a stand-in for an opponent to practice pushback. that's exactly the kind of scene that is played out over five days in pittsburgh for vice president harris, intensive training according to the new york times including essentially a trump impersonator. >> how will you handle it on the debate stage if trump decides to launch a personal attack. >> are you ready martin vice president. [crowd boos] ready. >> would ask about preparations on the other side the truck team responded to foxing what is the debate prep and lying that the former president doesn't need practice, they held a rally this week in wisconsin where he said this about the biden here's a administration. >> we are run by stupid people, stupid, stupid people. and we found that out at the debate with joe, how did that work out and will find it out on tuesday night, is anybody going to be watching?
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>> a lot of people are going to be watching the trump campaign has been touting gains in the new york times siena college poll including in the survey 28% of likely voters who said that they still need to learn more about the vice president, less than 10% said the same of a former president, pennsylvania senator john fetterman made his prediction for his party's candidate. >> she is going to do great, of course, donald trump will be good to we can remember he wrecked all of the republicans, he's a good debater. >> i heard you talk about this earlier, in time for the debate the vice president has released a policy page on her campaign website she's been receiving plenty of pushback for not doing the earlier. stuart: thank you so much alexandra. joe concha with me now. a big picture, what advice would you give to harris and what advice would you give to trump for the debate payment let me tackle trump first i would ask a
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lot of questions quite frankly of kamala harris even if he's not allowed to ask questions he can throw it out there to the making people. first i would ask why haven't you done one interview on your own since joe biden dropped out, why is it your running mate tim holt done one interview since he was picked as your vice president in terms of being your number two, do you commit to holding a press conference before the end of the week because i'm going to hold one tomorrow, why are you in your running mate so afraid of a press that adores you, who is income that you are me, the answer is you you own inflation you on reckless spending, troubling people crossing the board illegally, you on hundreds of tears crossing the border illegally, you on people moving out of cities like your former home of san francisco and other cities like new york and chicago due to out-of-control violent crime and theft, by the way you say joe biden is healthy and totally engaged you said on cnn last week why are you lying about that and if you're telling the truth about joe biden's mental health why are you the nominee and not joe biden, why
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are you using my border wall and adds, did you not call my border wall evil and ineffective, i'm 100% for fracking you said 100% against fracking over and over are you flip-flopping because you want to pennsylvania, they get the idea, you throw every position to flip-flop on right back at her and let her explain up with the focus on her. stuart: now what advice for harris? >> my advice for kamala harris to try to bait donald trump into losing his cool, it is that simple. she could have a moment where she could play the victim and she's good at that then you know the media will say she wanted debate, donald trump isn't presidential, she had gravitas, she is presidential all because she baited donald trump into saying something or losing his temper. as result we joe biden in atlanta on june 27 donald trump did not take debate he was very disappointed we will see the same guy again because he knows what the plan is at this point. stuart: the harris campaign, the
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website has finally posted a list of the policy positions, what took so long? >> what are we at eight weeks since she became the democratic nominee it takes eight weeks to put a policy positions and i read it and it was something produced by chat gpt like artificial intelligence actually wrote it at high in the sky, platitude field not a lot of specifics and again, kamala harris has never run a lemonade stand, what makes anybody think she can run the u.s. economy. i want to know how she's going to do that when she's never run a business and her life and it's very clear on the website that she right now is more of the teleporter candidate than somebody who has principles and a vision for the country especially in terms of the economy because that's the number one issue in donald trump peter and pulling on that front. stuart: you are alright joe concha. i know you'll be watching. a quick programming that abc
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news debate between trump and harris, "the bottom line" will begin special coverage from 6 - 8:00 p.m. eastern fox business will simulcast live 9:00 p.m. eastern arkansas senator tom cotton turn the tables during an appearance on cnn. i like the sound of this, what did he say? >> he was on cnn's state of the union, senator cotton pushing back on dana bash when she asked the lawmaker about a recent comment from jd vance that implied school shootings are a fact of life, watch this. >> do you accept that school shootings like this are a way of live now. >> absolutely not, jd vance doesn't either wasn't as bad as it might've been because of police officer on the school premises that neutralize the shooter. kamala harris wants to take police officers out of school she said in the past that supposition, the police officer had not been there and kamala harris got her way, many more
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students and teachers might've been killed. >> take that, by the way the association press headline was later replaced after the vance team and critics call the plainly misleading they went on to praise this will officers of the georgia high school who approached the 14-year-old shooter into commit to custody. he attacks kamala harris for a recently unearthed, about her support for removing police officers from schools, a video from 2019 that shows harris declaring her support for removing police officers from schools in an effort to demilitarized campuses. during her time as california senator. no big surprise, it's unclear where unsure whether harris supports removing police officers from schools. stuart: unclear right now, nice expression, very good. let's listen to this one, a new study ties got health to parkinson's disease, doctor marc
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siegel is going to explain that. the senator for donald trump's near criminal trial has been delayed until after the election, david spunt will give us the election on all of trump's legal cases, that is next. ♪ [city noise] investment opportunities are everywhere you turn. do you charge forward? freeze in your tracks? (♪) or, let curiosity light the way. at t. rowe price, we're asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and how clean water advances can help transform our tomorrows.
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relax, you booked a vrbo. (♪) stuart: trump's sentencing in the near criminal trial has been delayed until after the election, david spunt is with us now can you bring us up to speed on all of trump's legal cases. >> he is a lot going on, no question it does not seem to faze him and actually made out pretty well, on january 1 he was looking out for federal criminal trials staring him down likely before the election and only one came to be, the other they essentially have been on ice for many months. only when they came to be with
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the trial in manhattan the hush money case. i want to tell you the federal trial two of the four that i mentioned are state cases into her federal federal trial in washington, d.c. for trump's alleged attempts to overturn the election that has postponed trial wise until after the election we don't know when it's going to be there is also a trial and four that was when to take place for taking classified documents. that has been dismissed by a federal judge. then we had down south to atlanta, georgia where d.a. fani willis promised the trial month after trying to overturn the 2020 election result months may turn into years, that's a state case so some danger he cannot dismiss the case as if he wins in november but it was delayed because of her personal relationship with the chief prosecutor the only case that i mentioned that went to trial out of the fork and no cases was a state case with a guilty verdict
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this is a manhattan hush money the former president will not know a sense until after the election district attorney alvin bragg agreed to remove until after the trial and the judge signed off on it judge juan mershon noticed that sentencing will be on november 26. in washington, d.c. special counsel jack smith is moving along with this case but ultimately "the bottom line" i mentioned a lot and the last 90 seconds if donald trump wins in november, the two federal criminal cases against him will essentially go away. if he loses he will go to trial in 2025 unless it's always possible he could be pardoned by kamala harris if she wins. stuart: i'm trying to figure out why she would do that but that's another story. you packed a lot into 90 seconds, see you soon. djt shares a proxy for the election fight dropped to a very low level last week.
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how much did trump lose. >> he's lost $4 billion remember in may his stake was worth 6 billion now it is over 2 billion, the argument has been djt is the meme stockett trades with the former president election chances, the stock has lost half of its market value since biden dropped out. to be fair trump's media is expanding their product offerings as runway for the company but it is losing money, the other thing i want to highlight investors are highlighting the lockup . . . that is coming to an end trump in the initial investors could not sell their shares during that window, that comes to close on september 20. a lot of folks are worried trump could sell his shares and try to get liquidity in the stock would drop even more. stuart: thank you. new york governor andrew cuomo denied that his policies were to blame for the nursing home deaths or the number of nursing home deaths during the pandemic. instead he blamed trump. doctor marc siegel would be with us shortly he's going to take that on.
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. stuart: this is become the
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microwave. >> that's right according to six republicans and three democrats on the new york city council they did not men's words writing to governor hochul in part the inability to ice to cooperate fully with local law enforcement due to existing sanctuary city laws severely hampers our efforts to ensure the safety of our residents they go on to remind how cool that some of the eight nationals were suspected ties to isis were arrested here in new york and they also mentioned other high-profile cases like the arrest of daniel devaughn via an illegal migrant from nicaragua accused of raping a woman near coney island back in august but endemic, councilman is calling for changes migrant crisis is also a huge burden on city resources. >> that is a battle weather weekend afford to keep our cops on the street or hire more cops because of leaving the job and hire firefighters and teachers we simply do not have the
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resources to keep putting this bill. the plea comes as we learn the city used the existing funds for a pilot program to help migrant families and select shelters to find permanent housing fox confirms as december, 150 eligible families received up to $4000 each and the city says it's assessing the program for moving forward and were told that migrant families and pregnant women living in a few emergency shelters who have already identified permanent housing were eligible to apply, today, we contacted governor hochul's office but she hasn't responded to the latest call to take action, last fall she did share support for change in the city's right to shelter law. a lot more to watch with the story clearly. stuart: i wonder if they will abandon the sanctuary city. it doesn't seemed like it, good stuff. check at the market. of 400 points, pretty much
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holding the nasdaq coming back well over 100 points 91 points higher half a percentage point. show me the dow winners, topped by boeing the have a deal with the union that is help but huawei, the avenue ceo. >> obviously boeing is low expectation, the stock has lost a lot over the while but investors seem to be happy with the new ceo today with the new deal 30.4%. >> i see american express and intel on the active list but it shot at $20 a share, that is coming up a lot about the s&p 500 winners topping the list is maternal are we back to vaccinations? >> i hope not. stuart: it is up 6%. >> boeing on the list, monster beverage, caffeine and sugar, good for you.
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>> i think you provide a little bit of context, the jobs report was fine on friday but really folks are looking ahead to the fed rate cut, i think you see the excitement in the market today. >> it could be, with the consumer price index on wednesday morning, if that were really favorable, i think the market could do very well, what do i know. but the nasdaq winners, do we have some, yes we do, moderna is at the top of that, 6%, monster beverage, decks come, tesla up 2.5% at 216 on tesla, they have good news out of china i think that's what happened. move on to the bond market, interest-rate the yield on the ten year treasury, 3.71%, there you have it, interesting thing for a long, long time the yield on the two-year treasury was above the yield on the ten year, that was supposed to be a recession forecast.
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now it has been reversed, now you have the tenure above the two-year they reversed the recession indicator, whatever that means i don't know i think the inverse indicator has predicted eight of the last 25 recessions. >> they call it an inverted yield curve, this is more what you expect to see as we going to potential rate cut and people feeling a little bit more comfortable when you have the folks investing in the two-year, they are not as excited about the economy. stuart: goal $202,025 per ounce, bitcoin no bounce up $1000, still at $54 per coin. the price of oil down to $68 a barrel. i think gas prices will continue to fall because of that, not gas to 17 here's average for a gallon of regular gasoline 3.2
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seven i am paying 3.10 and parts of new jersey and we have 11 states, all in the south where it is $3 a gallon or less. we always show you this, california, 4.71 per gallon in the form of the golden state. thank you very much for being with us and sticking around, we appreciated. still ahead brian brenberg on the proposal to expand the child tax credit it's popping on both sides, is it a good idea steve forbes on the surge of foreign-born workers, and dave portnoy on tomorrow's big debate, how does he see it playing out the 11:00 o'clock hour of "varney & company" is next. ♪
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chase knows how to put the hart in your local community. evan! you're helping them with savings, right? (♪) somebody just got their first debit card! ice cream on you? your money is a part of your community, so your bank should be too. like, chase! ...
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>> people say to themselves, my goodness, this woman will say whatever she has to say to get herself elected and i think that's a pretty fair assessment. >> we are in an a.i. bubble and what it means for the mag7


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