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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  September 17, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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the world needs more metals to empower a growing population. west red lake gold is embracing the opportunity with unmatched expertise and rapid production. they plan to pour their first gold in 2025. west red lake gold, mining done differently. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job on indeed, it's easier for talented candidates to find it. which makes it easier for you to hire them. visit >> the secret service needs to find an ability to leverage everything they have, to be as creative as the be assassins
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and to make sure that president trump is protected. >> i love what joe biden said right there but with the flick of a pen he could give former president trump the exact same security that he gets. >> all he has to do is pick-up the phone and call mayorkas. he should have done this but that's why we voted to in preach him because he doesn't do his job. >> what i think donald trump should do is be more like clint eastwood. just take it and say you know what? here is what i'm going to do for the country and how i'm going to improve your lives and here is how i'm going to provide safety and security for you and your family. ♪ stuart: it is chuck berry, thank you. with my mic off, i was saying, hoping that it was indeed chuck berry. he gets a great rhythm going. it is 11:00 eastern time and
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tuesday, september 17, and we've got a rallysports fans. the dow and the s&p 500 have both hit intraday all-time highs, dow still up 100, nasdaq up 120 and the s&p is up about a half percentage point 56.58 is where we are. show me big tech. i presume most of them if not all are higher. they are, except apple. amazon is at 1.8%, microsoft is up five bucks it was up more than that earlier, google is up a buck 64 but apple is down all of o $0.19. the 10 year treasury yield has been going up last time it was 3.64 still there right now, 3.64 on the 10-year and now this. i september the last five days in london. it was my first time back in 30 years. here is what i saw. a clean, well-run city. no migrants on the street. very few homeless and it seemed relatively calm. okay, that's a strange word to
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use but in big cities these day calm is a scarce commodity. i didn't feel threatened. convenience stores do not lock things up. transportation, highly efficient and yes, clean. i came away thinking how much better london had become. well, last night, i returned to new york. here is what i saw. a city that's in crisis. the mayor, eric adams, is be sieged by scandal and his police commissioner and chief council have resigned and two former fire chiefs have been charged with bribery. the city is dirty. services are being cut back to pay for migrants who you see everywhere. homeless people beg, openly. there is a pervasive sense of danger, new york feels threatened by the street crime that appears on local news every night and yes stores lock things up which implies a moral problem, just like the buses. half the riders don't pay here. there's a legal problem too. manhattan's district attorney
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alvin bragg rarely turns criminals loose. he's twisted the law to prosecute donald trump and he wants to put him in prison in the middle of a presidential election. this is the city i came back to. this is the city i have lived in for over 40 year. i love it. after all these years i feel like i fit in but it is clearly in crisis. i'm trying to figure out what went wrong. my conclusion is lousy, one party government for the last 10 years complicated by wrong-headed response to the pandemic, and an out of control border that dumps hundreds of thousands of migrants on to our streets and into our schools. london seems to have gotten it right. i never thought i'd say this. new york has not. third hour of "varney" starts now. stuart: jimmy failla with me now. jimmy, why do you think new york is in kind of crisis that i just described? >> well i think it's pretty straightforward. whatever country doesn't have
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prince harry gets, i'm kidding. stuart: [laughter] >> okay? i agree with you on the one party rule issue. i live here in new york. i'm a former cab driver. my wife's family was going to come visit me this weekend but they decided to go some place safer like baghdad and it's a mess because there is no local accountability in government. okay? what we're experiencing in new york is not unique to cities that have one party rule. chicago is a mess. baltimore is a mess. los angeles is a mess. why are they a mess? because there's no accountability at the polls so they are never incentivized to turn things around. you know if you walk around this city it's clearly in decline and it's also a sad commentary on biden's economy that the panhandlers no longer ask for a quarter. they are asking for like 35 bucks, like the numbers changed. used to be like hey you got a quarter and now it's like what's your credit score? like i don't know if i'm in the loop, but that's where we find ourselves because locally, no one says hey, if you guys don't improve something, we're
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going to elect this other party. last time we elected this other party you talk about necessity being the mother of invention i believe it was rudy giuliani when we hit a breaking point in times square but right now we have a democratic party that's so liberal they wanted to defund the village people. there's no accountability and there's no emphasis on the quality of life for the people who live here. stuart: do you think it's going to change? new york city can elect a republican mayor? >> if they do, i don't want to be here when it happens, because it'll mean we hit an absolute breaking point. like we've seen this city in a bad place, but that's what necessitated rudy coming in back when he did. it was the dinkins administration and the city had hit rock bottom, so, if new york is on the verge of electing a republican mayor, i'll be hanging out with your pals in london the year before it happens. i'll be over there. stuart: next one for you, jimmy. sharlemane lagard teamed up with a caller on his show to criticize kamala harris'
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rambling first solo interview, watch. >> i'm on the interview. >> which one? >> kamala. >> oh, the local interview? >> she came out with the same saying, what you going to do for the economy? oh, well i was raised in a middle class, -- >> there's no need for you to be that on-script in a conversation because all the guy asked, said name two things for me that you all going to do for your economy or something like that. that was not the time to go into the script of being raised in the middle class. just tell two things. stuart: jimmy, this word salad, repetitive, i don't think it's working. >> yeah it's not working but what we learned from that interview so now we she normally has tim walz chaparone when she sits down for an interview. she just doesn't have that interest of the grasp of policy. when someone says to you give me one or two specific examples
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that's a specific question, okay? give me one or two specific examples on how you'd bring down pricing and she goes into a memorized 90 second sound bite you've already heard at the debate. that's not addressing the issue head-on and you understand the people voting for her, okay, are voting for her why? because they have a personal an imus towards trump. there's no public-facing posture that galvanized to get a bunch o people because ever time we talk to her, what she is losing support for and what they are speaking to is the reality is we may not have another debate between kamala and trump but voters have a debate every time they look at their bank account, every time they go to a cash register at the grocery store there's a debate and kamala is losing that debate so if they can't at least get her to memorize better talking points than the one she currently has she deserves to lose. stuart: i'm from a middle class family. i've heard that so many times. >> it's nonsense and not even an answer to the question. stu, how you doing today? i played a tree in school in
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third grade. well that wasn't the question. imagine a cop stopped you and you didn't answer the question he was asking he be like step out of the car please, sir? stuart: we'll be watching you on fox news saturday night 10:00 eastern time. eel swe'll see you soon. back to the markets the rally is still with us dow industrial up 150 points, nasdaq up 133, s&p 500 have been up at a new all-time intraday high earlier this morning. mike murphy with us this morning. mike? tomorrow, fed decision day. does it really matter if interest rates are, fed rates go down 25 basis points or 50? does it matter? >> it doesn't, stuart. what matters is that we know what the fed is going to do. they are going to cut rates and the messaging around that, will have an impact longer term but you're seeing markets sit here all-time highs right now because we're about to start a cycle where rates are going to come down, so right now, the market is here, because it still looks
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like the soft landing is in place. it looks like the feds going to be able to reduce lower interest rates, without having a massive slowdown in the economy. that's what the data is telling us now. now that could still change over the next few months, but if it doesn't, that's the fed could then take a victory lap. say we did what we had to do. we reduced rates. we got inflation under control, and us corporations continue to increase earnings. stuart: you never wrecker mend selling out of the market or never is a strong word but you don't normally recommend getting out at any point do you? >> you can use never, because here is the thing. i think the best place for my money and people i advise is to be invested in the market which has been a great wealth create or over the last 100 years. the day i have it all figured out and know when it's going to go up and down on a daily or weekly or monthly basis, i'll come on and share it with the viewers. until that point, the best place for money to go where it's treated the best is to be
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invested in the markets. i'm not trying to pick tops or pick bottoms or pick what, day-to-day movements in the economy or in the global news, what impact they are going to have, invest your money and stay invested. stuart: its been a great run hasn't it? >> there's a lot more room to run. stuart: you've been with me how many years? >> its been quite a while. its been a pleasure. stuart: look back at history. thank you very much mike. stay there please. don't forget fox business will have a commercial-free coverage of the fed decision tomorrow, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. eastern. got it. lauren? you've got to take a look at intel for me. lauren: i mean, 22. remember when they were stuck at 19 for weeks? $22 a share, they are making a.i. chips for amazon's aws. that's the number one cloud computing network, a stamp of approval for their money-losing foundry business, so nice gain today. stuart: tell me about tesla, because i think they are up again as well on this. they are up 2.5%. lauren: they are offering aggressive financing incentives
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to push their end of the quarter sales they want to clear out their built up inventory and get those numbers on the books and this quarter they are just about to wrap. stuart: shopify? lauren: they have business setup their websites grow online. redburn atlantic upgraded them to a buy and they say the stock is going up to $99, that's 40% upside from yesterday's close. this is a gen z stock. they do a lot of social media integration and redburn is saying well, gen z is spending more than baby boomers so this is the place to be. stuart: maybe i should get into a gen z stock. maybe i should. you'd recommend that wouldn't you? >> well stay tuned, because we may talk about it later but i think shopify is doing a lot of interesting things. stuart: got it we'll talk about it later coming up president biden and members of congress say they are ready to give the secret service all the money they need, but is he just a matter of money? the latest from washington on that coming up for you. hours after the second assassination attempt on trump the top house democrat hakeem jefferies put out a post saying trump and maga republicans plus
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be stopped. is that appropriate language? congressman cory mills will discuss that later, he's here. your memory is an amazing thing, but sometimes it can start to slow down. but did you know prevagen can help keep your memory sharp? the secret is the powerful ingredient, apoaequorin, originally discovered in jellyfish and found only in prevagen. in a clinical study, prevagen was shown to improve memory in subgroups of individuals who were cognitively normal or mildly impaired. stay sharp and improve your memory with prevagen. prevagen. in stores everywhere without a prescription.
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with so much great entertainment out there... wouldn't it be easier if you could find what you want, all in one place? my favorites. get xfinity streamsaver with netflix, apple tv+, and peacock included, for only $15 a month. stuart: the secret service could get more funding following the second attempt on trump's life. chad pergram on capitol hill. chad, lawmakers are prepared to pay up, right? reporter: well, stuart, good morning. most lawmakers are happy to provide the secret service with additional funds. there's concerns about the secret service guarding america's political leaders in such a political volatile political climate. the secret service concedes their issues with money.
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>> the secret service operates under a paradox of zero fail mission but also, that we have done more with less for decades, and this goes back many many many decades. we need to get out of a reactive model and get to a readiness model. reporter: more money could help but that isn't the only thing. it's about having the right people at the right place to do the right thing. >> it's not just a money issue. the challenge right now is getting qualified people. it's not just unique to the secret service. our other law enforcement agencies need more people too, and we actually have the slots and we have the fund in slots but it's recruiting, training. reporter: gop florida representative cory mills says former president trump should use private security. some conservatives dismiss the money issue for the secret service. >> i firmly believe we don't need to throw more money at the secret service. we need new leadership.
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i do believe that the secret service needs to be moved from homeland security, which has become really a political tool, i think of this administration when you consider the biggest liar since pinnochio is running homeland security. reporter: there is talk about hooking more money for the secret service to an upcoming spending bill to avert a government shutdown, but the road to pass that bill is unclear, hour attaching secret service money to that plan could sweeten the deal. back to you. stuart: got it thanks so much chad pergram. just hours after the second assassination attempt was reported, house minority leader hakeem jefferies called on his supporters to "stop the extreme maga republicans." he called them the party of a national abortion ban, and trump's project 2025. florida congressman cory mills joins me now. congressman, is that appropriate language at this point? >> well, it's not appropriate language and then he'll
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come back out and say that it's the right who is actually messaging this insightful rhetoric. look, i want to go back for just a moment. the idea, and this is something that was just talked about with regards to attaching more funding to this cr, the american people are not stupid. they see it for what it is. they are trying to attach the shiny bell for the cr to try and get it passed when the reality is that's not really what needs to happen. we need to stop the irresponsible spending. that's what needs to go on and we need to stop dei in our secret service. that's where i looked at the soft operators who are former private security as a temporary solution so we can get new leadership as mark all ford, my colleague has made mention of, so, i just wanted to go back because this idea that we're not going to try and attach more money for the secret service to try and trick the american people as if that's the issue and now we should pass the cr, the same as we should pass and attach the save act which passed july 10, 2024 so i want to be honest to the american viewers. stuart: fair enough congressman
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for me give but i'm going to change the subject. we've got a new development which i'm sure will be of interest to you. we've got just reports of booby trapped pages deployed across lebanon to target hezbollah. watch this, please. it's brief. flstuart: that's all we know at this point but it's multiple attacks, using pages, it looks like a concerted attack on hezbollah. what do you make of this? >> well, i think we have to acknowledge first that hezbollah and hamas, the iran-backed proxy militias are a terrorist organization and we know that general secretary hasan nosrala from lebanon has continued to launch anti-tank missiles and other attacks across the sea of gallilea, so i think israel has taken precautionary measures to be specific in hinpinpointing those but will nd
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to get further confirmation on whose responsible because i think these are successful operations pinpointed against individuals without collateral damage so it's a good tactic for counterterrorism. stuart: do you think we'll get support from kamala harris for this kind of activity? >> absolutely not. we're going to see exactly what we saw under joe biden that'll be just the joe biden 2.0 version where we'll do nothing to help our allies israel, we'll do nothing to secure our border, do nothing to get inflation under control and we'll continue to prioritize dei, and crt in our educational systems. stuart: congressman thanks so much for dealing with very very short notice. this is just happening and we value your opinion on this particular area. cory mills thank you, sir. >> thank you so much, stuart. stuart: yes, sir. back to the markets, please. i love this rally here we go dow is up 160, nasdaq is up 132 points, and s&p earlier today hit a brand new all-time intraday high, as did the dow industrials. let's get to the cryptos.
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.and the cryptos to be precise. ashley? week me through this new crypto venture for the trump family. ashley: yeah. still need more details, but essentially, the platform is called world liberty financial, and is described as a decentralized finance money-market, or basically, a platform where people can borrow, lend, and earn interest on crypto. it differs from traditional finance in that it doesn't include anyone in the middle to facilitate transactions. everything is done on a blockchain, and governed by the contracts generated. the project will also launch a new cryptocurrency sort of. it's called a governance token wlfi, which will not be transferable. i don't understand that, and it will not earn yield. it can only be used to vote on changes for the project. 63% of the supply will be sold to accredited public investors. at a live stream event last night, donald trump didn't personally speak about
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this project. just broadly about the blockchain industry, but analysts say it does raise questions about constitutional conflicts until we get more details, but it certainly appears that trumps are endorsing the product. stu? stuart: got it thanks very much ashley. mike murphy with me. what do you make of trump creating -- crypto banking platform. you could care less? well, no i think it's very interesting, stuart because it seems like he has a great group around him so it seems like a great business venture, but the timing of it, you don't typically see. like my immediate reaction is you question it. hopefully if he wins, he becomes president in a few months after the election and he's running this crypto platform. you could say i guess he could turn over control of it. it's his son whose running it right now but it definitely, i think, raises some concerns. stuart: doesn't it? i mean, he's running the crypto banking platform and becomes the
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president of the united states. his family is running a crypto banking platform. got to raise your eyebrows at some point. thanks very much. coming up as pro-hamas protests started backup on college campuses tiktok star zach sage fox wanted to see how many people he could get to join a hamas fraternity. >> so basically terms and conditions is take a road trip to jewish-owned businesses to protest. we're literally chanting outside of synagogues, harassing jews, burning israeli flags down for that. stuart: oh, god, zach will tell us how successful that experiment was. donald trump will beholding his first rally since the second assassination attempt. it'll be on long island, nassau county, tomorrow night. the county executive bruce blakeman will layout the security measures to keep trump safe that's next.
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you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. our advanced matching helps find talented candidates, so you can connect with them fast. visit stuart: on the markets that rally continues. dow is up 150, nasdaq is up 127, interest rates are going down, the market likes it. i don't care if it's 25 or 50 basis points. the market is in rally mode. mike murphy is with us.
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he's brought stock picks with him. let's start with number one, chipotle. >> chipotle. so you talk about gen z stocks. the younger generation looks at this as a healthier fast food but what are they doing? way to increase their margins, they are focusing a lot on robots. automating how they make the food and this is going to be direct hit to their bottom line, in a good way, so the stocks trading in the high-50s right now about 58. it was up almost $70 a share. there's a lot more upside for chipotle from here. stuart: i have been told chipotle has some of the best profit margins in the industry. >> they do, and they are able to get them by putting the product that the customer wants. stuart: in front of them. >> yes. stuart: you like shopify, i know. explain. >> so, you know, shopify if i remember, after covid this was up almost $200 a share, so now we're sitting here in $75 a share range, but what shopify is doing, they're helping all the people who are starting businesses now when you
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see different types of consumer companies popping up, they go to shopify. shopify gives them a one stop shop to get their product on their website on, they can sell it. what they're doing for start-up businesses is different than what people can go anywhere else to get so i think shopify is going to be able to ride the wave as in a good economy, new businesses being started. look at shopify to lead the way. stuart: 75 bucks a share now, going to where? >> call it 100 for the short-term. stuart: short-term, end of the year? >six months? >> we'll say six months to 100 yes. stuart: 33% gain, i'll take that too. thanks. now this. wait times for the new york police department to respond to 911 calls, longest they've been in decades. ashley what is the average response time? ashley: yeah, the average of 50 minutes 23 seconds to respond to 911 calls. that's according to the latest mayor's management report that
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shows response times are nearly a minute longer than the previous year, and almost five minutes more than four years ago, so the question is what's going on? the police union says it has the fewest number of officers since 1990 there's that. authorities also blame traffic congestion, its always been bad in manhattan but also an overall increase in emergency calls, but democrat cancel says there's an even bigger problem saying major felony crimes in new york city are up by over 30% since before covid and he says the turnover and turmoil at the nypd is simply undermining public safety. city hall has yet to respond. stu? stuart: thanks very much, ash. tomorrow night, donald trump will hold a rally in nassau county, long island in the new york city suburbs, basically. it's his first rally since the latest assassination attempt. nassau county chief executive bruce blakeman joins me now. this is going to be a
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massive crowd i'm told maybe 25,000 people in nassau colosseum. what do you have in mind for security? >> well, first of all we have one of the largest police departments in the united states. the men and women of our police department are some of the best-trained most-experienced police officers. we have dignitaries come through nassau county all the time. we're larger than 10 tates inflation. two weeks ago we had the dalai lama. this sunday we have prime minister modi, coming in from the largest country in the world india. friday, we have an outdoor concert there will be 30,000 people there, so we're used to big events. we have it under control and we're working with the secret service. our federal state and local partners, and we will have all of the assets necessary to make sure that president trump is safe and that everybody whose will be safe. stuart: it's going to be a very popular rally i think. i am told that maybe 25,000 people are going to show up. that's a very big crowd.
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>> we think that's on the low side. 60,000 people have registered to attend the rally. stuart: 60,000, whoa, whoa, bruce i didn't realize. bruce? 60,000? >> yes. the trump team is now renting large screen tv's. as i like to say there will be more pick-up trucks in nassau colosseum than in georgia and north carolina, all with trump flags and american flags. stuart: you seem to love it, bruce you really do. i'm going to change the subject though. this is something you might not like. >> go ahead. stuart: nassau county lawmakers have approved a lease for a brand new las vegas sands casino in new york. it's getting a lot of backlash from the residents. what's your response to that? >> well actually the opposition is very minimal. there's just a few groups that are opposing it. i believe that if they put up the world class hotel, spa,
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entertainment center and casino, at the colosseum site that it will be the highest grossing casino in the united states. it'll be a tremendous success. it will create many construction jobs. thousands of them here in nassau county in the metropolitan area and there will be thousands of permanent jobs. it will give revenue to the local communities and to the local governments. it's a home run to have las vegas sands here, so we feel confidence that we have the best application and that it will be approved. stuart: okay we hear you. bruce blakeman, very positive guy. thanks for joining us, bruce. we like that. come and see us again. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: thank you very much. internet gambling, setting new records in new jersey. ashley? tell me if you know. how much revenue did it bring in last month? ashley: i'm the man in the know, stu. just in the month of august, internet gambling in new jersey brought in more than $198 million in revenue.
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now, look. it's a lot easier, of course to bet online. you can hang on the sofa, stay-at-home, save gas money, but after driving the traffic to the casino, find a parking space so on and so on and as a result the casino's core business, that be money from in-person gamblers, well that continues to struggle. six of the nine casinos in atlantic city saw less income from in-person gamblers than they did in august 2019 before the pandemic broke out, but that said, when you combine money from sports betting and internet gambling last month plus the amount won by the casinos, the two horse tracks that accept sports bets and their online partners and the grand total comes to $555 million, just in the month of august. we're in the wrong business. stuart: no wonder it's legalized. you can't say no to that kind of money. which politician said no i don't want that. thanks, ash. here is what we have coming up. a former secret service agent says the agency needs more
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funding and officers. okay is it just that simple, just shell out more money and everything is fixed? i put the question to senator mike braun. meta just announced a new instagram account just for teenagers. how does it work? madison alworth will tell us next. what does a good investment opportunity look like? at t. rowe price we let curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and what promising new treatment advances can make a new tomorrow possible. better questions.
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protections with these teen accounts. all teen accounts will be switched over to private. there will be restrictions on who they can message only friends, and what content they can see. a big part is also time management, because let's be honest. even adults struggle with how much time they spend on social media, so teen accounts will enter sleep mode at night which will prevent them from getting notifications, and parents can limit how much time teens spend on the app. it can be as much as two hours, or as little as 15 minutes and once they hit that, the teen will be locked out of the app until the next day. participants will also have the ability to see who their teen is messaging over the last seven days. they can see the the but they can't see the content of the messages. i asked meta's global head of safety why they stopped there. >> one of the things to understand is theres someone else on the other side of that message so we wouldn't be just sharing the teen's content, but we'd actually be sharing somebody else's content which
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creates real privacy concerns. reporter: now, teens cannot adjust the settings without parental approval, and if they try to change their birth date to make them older so they don't fall into this category, they will need to provide a valid id. this is a major change for the social media platform. meta and instagram are really going well-beyond their contemporaries with a goal to get teens on instagram less, but meta tells me they are okay with that if it means healthier and happier users over the long-haul. but this is also coming at a time when social media is really under pressure. parents are on capitol hill this week lobbying congress to pass tougher regulations like the kids online safety act, or kosa, which would restrict social media companies with minors . >> it's a good first step that we're seeing some of these changes by the platforms to protect teens, but even with these changes, we still need to enact federal legislation to make sure that these platforms
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are protected based on teen's best interests, more than the best interests of those who are likely to make a profit from their data. reporter: this change rolls out today and over the next 60 days all teen accounts will be switched over. stuart? stuart: got it madison thank you very much indeed. i want to bring in tiktok star zach sage fox the man himself right next to me. is instagram for teens really just a way to get more kids online with parental approval? >> yeah it kind of feels like tricks, like silly rabbit, instagram's for kids. my big fear though is that it's going to drive more teens to just go on tiktok which we all know is completely run by china. i'm at a point now where my videos have gotten so suppressed whenever i talk about anything pro-america, pro-israel or trying to comb combat anti-sem. i imagine president xi is scrolling and deleting. i really don't know what else to say. stuart: you come out with pro-israel stuff and try to put it on tiktok and is it blocked?
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>> it's blocked and i have about 120,000 on instagram follower, the videos get it's an average. i just did all the calculations. 100 times less views on tiktok than instagram and i know jewish advocacy groups that are having their tiktok shutdown for just posting pro-jewish, pro-israel content. stuart: let's get into this. you've got a new video out. you pretended to be from a hamas fraternity and trying to get people to sign up watch this , folks. >> are you guys anti-israel? >> yeah. >> a hamas fraternity. >> so basically terms and conditions, take a road trip to jewish-owned businesses to protest. >> we're literally chanting outside synagogues, harassing jews and burning israeli flags, you down for that? all the proceeds go to funding terrorism. thank you so much. stuart: well, zach, i presume you edited that so not all responses are on the video? >> no but it was about half. stuart: half said yes, they
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would join this? >> yes, and we had about a two hour shoot plan, we left after 30 minutes because we got so much. it was overwhelming how much people were willing to sign up for this. stuart: where was this? >> this was in washington square which we shoot a lot of content there and we're trying to get college students because it's a theater for colleges all across the city so get columbia, nyu students but the social experiment proved one there's anti-semitism but two, you can even see kids that are just willing to jump on the jew-hating train if it means they get community and friends with it. i'm sure the hitler youth parties were lit. it really is. if you can make something fun, like thi these encampments -- stuart: are these kids anti-semites, or they say oh, yeah i hate jews too because i heard someone else saying it? >> i think it's a combination of both. stuart: you're not wearing young protesyourstar of david i take ? >> no.
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people would see it says hamas, in plain letters and were more than happy to come and approach us and engage with us. stuart: what do jewish activists think of you dressing up in hamas whatever it is? >> i think i got a lot of street credit because me and this a cr amazing comedian, i tk people appreciated we were willing to go undercover and do the dirty work to show not only are things worse than last semitism, but you know, they may actually be growing and expanding on college campuses. stuart: zach sage fox, i think you're all right. >> i think you are too. when are we getting drinks? we have to hang. stuart: it shall be arranged. it's that time. show me the dow 30. i want a sense of the market. i sense some buying here, sports fans. i see most of the preponderance of green, and the dow is up 125 points. its set a new intraday all-time high earlier today, and then there's this. two senators going after influencers and telehealth companies for how they promote
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weight loss drugs. these senators say they are purposefully misleading consumers. senator mike braun is here. he's going to explain it all, next. ♪ choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle,
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goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. ♪ ♪
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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs]
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a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. stuart: former secret service agent says the agency needs more officers in the wake of the second trump assassination attempt. watch this. >> the secret service does need more manpower. they need to expand. they need to stop raising their hand saying that they can do more with less. the former president is far too predictable and what we saw here was a suspect that played the odds. he camped out for over 12 hours and he played the odds that the president was going to show up and you know what? he did and the secrets out of the bag. the secret service needs to become much more nimble of an agency in this dynamic threat environment. stuart: indiana senator mike braun joins us now. mr. senator, is it just a question of money, give them more money and everything is fine. it can't be that simple, can it? >> no and you know, stu, i've
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preached on this since i've been here. we're $2 trillion now borrowing in this place and we don't have a lack of money. it's sloshing around all over the place here. this is about being clumsy all the way back to things like afghanistan, how they barged into ukraine. we saw it for a long time. then you need more money to remediate it. here, he is a president that's running again. this should have been done with forethought months ago and now you talk about more money? this is on the biden-harris administration. it should have been on this a long time ago. it's not resources. it's about effectiveness. stuart: senator, i don't want to go off on a tangent here but what do you think about elon musk being brought into slash the federal bureaucracy and save a ton of money? do you like the idea or no? wel>> well i love that idea because when you're borrowing as much as you're spending on
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defense which is a trillion dollars a year, and you look at my time here, a little over five and a half years, we were borrowing a trillion dollars annually baseline through obama, trump, biden's taking it up to new heights of 2 trillion a year. somebody, even if it's elon musk, needs to come in and run this place. we're not borrowing from our kids and grandkids. that's clear. stuart: i've got to get this in. you and democrat whip illinois senator dick durbin are going after influencers and telehealth companies for how they promote weight loss drugs. what's the problem here, senator? >> the problem on drugs in general is the lack of transparency. they advertise them, end up, for instance on a lot of the expensive ones say you can get them for five bucks when the truth is for thousands. here, it's about putting it out on a portal so all of us that use any prescription can see clearly what's in it, transparency is the disinfectant
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for anything. the healthcare industry is beriddled with a lack of transparency, the lack of competition. we need to shine light on it. that's why somebody like a dick durbin and someone like me, if you don't believe in transparency, that's bad in any aspect of government or business. stuart: got to do something. senator always a pleasure. its been a while since you've been with us. please don't be a stranger, come back and see us real soon please, senator. thanks very much, sir. now it's time for wait for it, the tuesday trivia question. this i think is a little obscure. venice, as in italy, is made up of how many islands? random numbers here, 118, 125, 133 or 146? how many islands make up venice? we'll be back with the correct answer, don't look it up.
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stuart: the tuesday trivia question. venice, italy, is made up of how many islands? we are all playing, we've not looked it up. what have you got? ashley: it is a gas, not educated, i go with number 3,
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133 islands. stuart: would you tell us why you are going with number 3? totally random? ashley: i always go with the first number that stands out. no reason, that one did. stuart: you usually get these right. >> it to guess. i was looking at three but i will go with number 2, 125 islands. stuart: it's the lowest number. the city is facing, as sinking into the water since the early 20th century. and 120 islands to choose from. >> coast-to-coast starts now


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