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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  September 24, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: not sure i know this music were like it but that is what we've got. good morning, 10:00 eastern. it it is tuesday, september 24th. straight to the money. mixed picture emerging, minor losses for the dow, s&p, nasdaq. the 10 year treasury hold holding at high levels, 3. 78% on the 10 year right now. the price of oil firm in the mid 70s. bitcoin holding around $63,400 a coin. a coin. that's the markets and now this. we just got the latest read on consumer confidence. this could move on market. lauren: looking at the number on the screen, 98. 7. we were expecting 104.
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august was revised higher to 105.6, september more than expected to 98.7. there's a lot of anxiety about the election in the labor market. stuart: that's not much of an effect on the market. the nasdaq slipped a couple points but no real impact i don't think. any moment now president biden is addressing leaders of the un general assembly, most likely one of the final times we will see the president on the world stage. we will monitor the speech and bring you any headlines. now this. talk at the un is about america's weakness. president biden scrambling to stop a war in the middle east, he wants a cease-fire but hamas isn't going to oblige. to ukraine striking deep inside russia and iran want a nuke. we look weak and uncertain. our rivals look strong by comparison.
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a little balance here, russia, china, and iran appear resolute. dictatorships always control the message. there's no internal debate to identify weakness or failure. look closely and our rivals are not in great shape, not paying a strong hand. russia is not doing better than ukraine. they lost 22 tanks, 52 armored vehicles, 1500 troops killed or injured. there test rocket for a new weapon system just blowup on the launching pad. not a good image for russians military. zelenskyy's request for weapons inside russia has larry boudin rattled. in china real estate is in virtual collapse. the economy is in recession. xi jinping suggested stimulus program and serious internal conflict because china's pension fund is flat broke and they try to raise the retirement age. you don't hear much about it
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but china is hardly a pillar of strength. as for iran they are in disarray. their economies in shambles, they spend their money fighting endless wars and their leaders know that israel can take out anybody at any time. it is worth pointing out our rivals don't want to see a second trump presidency. making america great again is the last thing on their minds. if it is trump 47, russia, china won't look so strong and we won't look so weak. second hour of varney just getting started. look who is here. we brought him into new york city of all places, steve hilton in california. do you think our foreign adversaries are concerned about second trump presidency? >> that was rather brilliant the way you laid that out.
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very important reminder. stuart: having barneson next to me. >> every aspect of that was right. the china -- wasn't that long ago people were talking about this being a china dominated century. the authoritarian model was superior to the model of democracy and so on. they were not saying as they used to the china's economy, having said that you are completely right about the biden years, what a disaster, from day one he appeased iran and that led directly to the mayhem we see in the middle east, now he's looking for a pat on the back for his leadership. he caused these problems as he did with ukraine where it was the green light to vladimir putin, the disaster in afghanistan. trump stands up to bullies and they know that and so they
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realize the free reign to cause mayhem around the world is only going to last as biden lost. stuart: listen to this. the los angeles times claims san francisco has shifted to the center, this is politically, the city may not be so liberal since a progressive mayoral candidate is being considered, progressive is the underdog in the mayoral race in san francisco. you live there. is that an accurate statement? >> it is. you've seen a shift. first it started with the recall election of obama district attorney. then you had the recall of school board members who instead of opening the schools during the pandemic were fussing about renaming them and taking down murals they considered offensive. they were kicked out by votes in san francisco. now you see the incumbent, the challengers, the ones who are doing well all criticizing,
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from the right, not the left, saying we've got to get tough on crime. you've got ballot initiatives in san francisco voted for, tough on crime. it is clear that the city has had enough of the chaos and his function from the far left experiment. stuart: never happened with a republican mayor. a bridge too far. lauren: san franciscans say i'm a democrat but a moderate democrat. they put that adjective in, they will talk to you from fox because they are moderate. stuart: this is an issue for you. governor newsom has signed a bill that gives school districts two years to ban or restrict cell phone use during school hours. >> generally speaking i can't stand the fact that in california what you've got is this avalanche of legislation coming up. a thousand bills every year churned out by the legislature
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and the governor signs of them. it's 900 so, the latest count, so overregulated in california. they just banned plastic bags for the second time, endless laws. this one i do agree with because it's incredibly important that kids learn in school and form relationships in school. everywhere you've seen this man put in place, florida started that, the improvement in attendance and social relationships, less bullying. it all around good thing. stuart: can i show you a flip phone, very excited. what about that? >> it works. lauren: parents like dumb things for their kids. stuart: you will stay with me
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for the hour whether you like it or not. back to the markets please, the dow is up 28 points, nasdaq down 51. not much price change this morning. cutting rates at an all-time high, that is what we are doing. stocks at an all-time high. is that a good idea do you think? >> we need to be intellectually responsible. the last time we got interest rates really low. and a big run up in stocks the last 15 years. are we expecting to continue with record highs going higher? i know the economy is not always the stock market or vice versa but when was the last time you had the economy at record highs in the stock market at record lows?
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it is only happening one way. and make sure people realize they were cutting rates for stocks at all-time highs so you can't tell me things are fantastic, and something's got to give. not calling for the stock market to crash, but some sort of correction here. things on main street are not that good. and looking for money to buy a sandwich and sees the all-time record highs in the stock market. stuart: i will change the subject, you got a big new stimulus program from xi jinping in china, trying to get out of recession. does that have any impact on the united states economy? if they are not doing badly.
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>> they may have leverage because their economy is in the doldrums but what they have done overnight and this morning, the press has said it is a bazooka of some sort of rescue stimulus package. they needed to have something like that done. they have the spigots to stop printing money like western economies, and a much bigger way, they've been cutting rates, minimally up until now but they will go after it. that will affect us and our economy, not leverage as far as policy goes but oil already this morning is up, you start to see these things we've been picking up create complacency and copper, and we will see some action in the doldrums. corn and swimming, haven't been buying as much, trump addressed that yesterday. he will start to see some stuff here.
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that is good for us. that could help our economy as well. stuart: we will take it. let's get back to china stocks. lauren: the adrs are rallying today up 40%. beijing fired the big bazooka to rev up the economy. they lowered mortgage rates and boost liquidity. these stocks are up close to 9%. stuart: i don't like what i'm hearing about visa. the justice department going after them and what's happening to the stock. lauren: lauren: the justice department's antitrust division could file a lawsuit as soon as today accusing visa of monopolizing a debit card market. penalizing customers when they tried to use another service to process payment. stuart: you get sued. all of them in the justice
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department. lauren: comparing customers. sometimes it helps customers get the bigger deal. home depot. lauren: it is up 1.5%. oppenheimer is saying interest rates will help home depot and lowe's beginning later in 2025. they upgraded lowe's entirely, lifted the price target of $400 a share almost where they are now. stuart: cnn's anchor dana bash cannot understand why voters want answers from harris. >> you hear time and time again the question from focus groups, undecided voters but what about her policies? what is that about? stuart: it's about getting answers.
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jimmy failla is on the show. the rocket exploded on a highway in israel. the idf says hezbollah has launched a hundred rockets so far today. tensions boiling over and more us troops are heading to the middle east. right on the highway. house republicans are pushing to hold antony blinken in contempt of congress, he refused to provide testimony about the botched afghan withdrawal. jillian turner has the report from the state department next.
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show me the cryptos, relatively strong recently but down this morning. bitcoin is at 63,000, down $67. secretary of state antony blinken was subpoenaed to testify before congress. lawmakers want to know more about the botched afghan withdrawal. jillian turner at the state department. what happens if he does not show up? >> he is not because the secretary is in new york for the un general assembly so what the house foreign affairs committee is planning to do is instead of going forward with the hearing that was supposed to start a few minutes ago they are beginning the process to hold him in contempt of congress. chairman mike mccall says the purpose of this is hopefully to prevent anything like what happened in couple --kabul from happening again. >> us service members,
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veterans, goldstar families who recently received the congressional gold medal in the capital deserve transparency and accountability. those who support this resolution will deliver both. >> the committee and the state department have been trying to set a date for four months now. foreign affairs alleging antony blinken was a decision-maker in the withdrawal that led to 13 us service members losing their lives in afghanistan. blinken's difficult schedule amounts to contempt but the state department is crying foul play. this. >> the secretary has testified about afghanistan 14 times. he has testified before chairman mccall's committee four times. >> some families insist the true details today three years later are not known.
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the democrats say grilling antony blinken is barking up the wrong tree. >> resolution that says things that are patently false will not help them grieve. will not help them understand what happened. >> reporter: the committee is going to be at this, marking up this report, then goes back to the rules committee in the house about the big picture for everyone to be aware of is if it is going forward, the entire house could be voting on a contempt resolution for antony blinken a couple days from now, later in the week. stuart: thank you very much, the us is sending more troops to the middle east, israel ramping up their attacks on hezbollah targets in lebanon. benjamin netanyahu told residents in part of lebanon evacuate. he says israel's war is not with you but with hezbollah. victoria coates joins me now.
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are we supporting fully netanyahu's fight with hezbollah? >> good to be with you. i don't think we are. the biden/harris administration has been tepid in their support of the israeli prime minister. vice president harris said last march we have to differentiate between the government of israel and the people of israel which is something we would say about communist china. ridiculous comment about the duly elected government of israel and prime minister benjamin netanyahu identified hezbollah as the major enemy that israel faces. hamas is also a problem. he has a deal with getting his citizens back into their homes and restoring the deterrent against hezbollah. stuart: why does it seem the biden/harris team does not want israel to win a conclusive victory against hamas and hezbollah?
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>> this has been mind-boggling for me. what we needed in israel for the last 50 years is a clear demonstration of victory. this is a for they when we lose proposition israel has won every major military engagement in the region against both nationstate actors and terrorist groups such as hamas and hezbollah. it's time for the administration to stop trying to play a double game in which palestinian terrorist groups and israel are somehow equal powers that we can negotiate with in good faith would you can't negotiate with a terrorist group along these lines and so would be much stronger under the kind of policy donald trump and acted which worked strongly in support of israel. stuart: turning to the worn ukraine russia appears to have suffered a, quote, catastrophic failure while testing its new missile system. satellite images appear to show the missile exploded during the test. is this a blow to russia's
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military operation? a significant blow? >> couldn't have happened to a nicer missile system. i think it does show us that russia is not 100 feet high. there victory in ukraine is not inevitable and we are waiting for the congressionally mandated strategy for ukraine the congress demanded from the administration which was due the first week in june. i thought the report on secretary antony blinken being held in contempt for afghanistan was import because it's not just afghanistan. it is ukraine. where is his strategy? it is what is happening in israel, iran's march to the mom. his special envoy for iran is still suspended without pay because of potential security violation. i think all these failures are what we need to focus on. stuart: we appreciate you being with us. president biden is speaking at
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the united nations and just said it was the right move to leave afghanistan, the right move to leave afghanistan. what do you make of that? >> inevitable he would try to do this. he is trying is trying to rewrite history, create some kind of positive legacy from the absolute catastrophe of his foreign policy. you could say strategically it was the right move to try to exit the situation. donald trump was trying to do that but the way he did it, that was the issue. this is on biden because we know from subsequent testimony, sworn testimony to congress that the military leaders, all of them said to biden, let's do it in a manner we don't set an exact date and we leave our resources there and keep
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bagram, he over removed them personally. it is on him. the disaster is a personal catastrophe from biden. he should be held accountable. stuart: thank you. we have donald trump. he has a message for the john deere co. . if they move some production to mexico. watch this. >> if you do that, 200% tariff on everything you sell into the united states we are not going to rip off the united states anymore. stuart: we will see what investors think of that? the chamber of commerce has a warning about harris's proposal to raise the corporate tax rate. it could harm businesses and workers. how does trump's tax plan measure up? grady trimble has that report after this. ♪
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stuart: on the markets we have the dow up want to cover the nasdaq down 78. not much price move. i want to start with boeing. lauren: management sweetens the
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deal to get the union workers off the picket lines. it did not work. management offered a 30% pay bump, reinstating the performance bonus and other measures, the union rejected that deal. stuart: that is down. dj t. lauren: trump media is up almost 6% as we start to hear more about their economic policies. trump will talk taxes, manufacturing in georgia, tomorrow harris will talk about the opportunity economy in pennsylvania and the washington post is reporting she will call for federal incentives for manufacturers. blue one snap. what the deal? lauren: integrating gemini ai into their chat bot, the stock is up 1% on that news. easier for people to do things like that. stuart: thank you. today donald trump will promote his tax policies on the campaign trail. he will be in georgia.
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kamala harris is waiting to later this week to unveil her economic plan. why is the us chamber of commerce sounding the alarm on harris? >> reporter: they have a problem with vice president harris's proposal teresa corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. harris uses the phrase opportunity economy when she discusses how she will help americans financially but the us chamber of commerce is the corporate tax like she's proposing will lead to what lost wages entire prices for every day americans. they crunched the numbers and said over the next we 10 years in new york, texas and california alone it would cost american workers $85 billion in pay and increase prices by one hundred $30 billion, donald trump on the other hand wants to make the tax because he showed in during his term permanent, that decrease the corporate tax rate where it is now, 21%, trump now says he
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wants to go even lower to 15%. >> kamala harris is the tax clean and she's coming for your money, she's coming for your pensions and she's coming for your savings which i will keep her greedy hands out of your pockets and we will deliver you can take tax cuts. i gave you the largest tax cuts in history and we are going to go further. >> reporter: we will hear from trump in georgia. harris is expected to roll out new policies she says will help americans build wealth. she will be in another swing state where trump was yesterday, pennsylvania. stuart: bloomberg reports the commercial property market is coming back to life. mitch rachelle joined me now. is the commercial property market coming back to life? >> when something is dead and starts moving around, maybe there's a sign of life. i have said on this program,
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trying to figure out the date to pull the plug and make me look smart but i never counted a debt. i think the rumors are the demise of the office building market. greatly exaggerated. it to supply and demand problem might housing and if they stop building new supply, the general organic demand will grow into the existing supply. investors are trying to get a hand on it that is why office buildings are going up and interest to make loans again. coming out of the financial crisis, the last rights for the commercial real estate market soon. stuart: a lot of talk quite recently about reusing office space turning into apartment space. have any apartments been made from office buildings?
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>> and hold onto your seat. the rent is $10,000 and that's part of a problem. to adaptively reuse an office building which is considered different than an apartment building and make it work for apartments leads to high rent for tenants. and they grow into apartments with doing it economically and lenders involved, very difficult. stuart: we will see you -- this is about proposal in california. the los angeles times doesn't like it. what's the problem? ashley: proposition 36 for petty crime and reform.
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it loosened penalties for several drug and theft crimes and blamed for the cause of a crime wave, the los angeles times because prop 47 smart and unrelated to the crime problems. the paper blames police for failing to enforce the law but police say misdemeanor arrests are a waste of time and stiffer penalties are needed. and save the the state in prison spending. by admitting the state has a serious property crime problem that gives proposition 36 is not the solution. a recent poll found 70% of likely voters support reforms to prop 37 and will be voting yes on prop 36 in november.
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and feeling the general public sentiments. stuart: did you hear that? $800 million on prison time, letting people steal. >> let me address the facts of the situation. prison spending has increased in california, massively increased even as the prison population, and the prison officers unions have extracted massive pay increases, and democrat cronies. 70% of people in la support the initiative. they support george gascon for reelection, poster child for the extremism.
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stuart: a research, a video has researched that shows kamala harris protesting against deportation back in 2018. not great timing for the campaign. there's a possibility harris could visit the border this week. chad wolf on that. president biden is giving his farewell address to the general assembly. we will bring you commentary from bret baer after this. (cheerful music) (phone ringing) [narrator] not all multi-millionaires built their wealth the same way, you have... the fearless investor. the type a cpa.
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>> the president is speaking before the general assembly and world leaders looking ahead to what's going to govern the united states come january, four months left in president biden's term, the world has a number of complex challenges. lebanon, ukraine, sudan, some of what the president said, i know many look at the world today and see difficulties and react with despair. we do not have that luxury. i recognize the challenges from ukraine to gaza, sudan, biden urged the world not to flinch from the horrors of october 7th, and the civilians in gaza did not ask for this war. ukraine, will not let up support for ukraine and he said he ensured the revival as a free nation. also the withdrawal from afghanistan, afghanistan replaced vietnam as america's largest war, he was determined to end it. it was a hard decision.
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it was accompanied by tragedy. 13 americans lost their lives and hundreds in a suicide bomb. those lost lives, he thinks of them every day. biden arrived in new york last night, received the global citizen award from the clinton global initiative. world leaders are looking at who will be us president in january. the president warned against withdrawal from the world, a reference to donald trump, as they are waiting on details as the vice president or former president. stuart: we appear to have lost rich edge and -- edison. do you have bret baer with us. i didn't realize you were ready. world leaders seem to be rather frightened of a trump presidency. did i get that right?
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>> there are world leaders who welcome strength from the us, this is essentially a farewell by president biden, i doubt he will give a speech like this, think about where we've been, referenced that in this speech saying time to pass the baton but the ultimate decision, his party escorted him out after that debate performance. he went around the world looking at hotspots but there are many more hotspots in the world than when he took over in 2021. stuart: the president said he would not let up on support for ukraine.
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thursday of this week, if he's not going to let up on support for ukraine, does that mean we will give ukraine weapons deep into russia. >> i think he's leaning that way. it's very precarious, zelenskyy is going to come to a victory plan in his words and essentially a plan provides with the help of the us a stable position ukraine can get to to get to a negotiated table. no matter how long it takes a what it means for money and support from the us we have yet to see. stuart: kamala harris should have been meeting with world leaders.
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>> president biden's farewell and adding the vice president into that mix, and his thunder away. that speech was delivered fine and you wonder if american power is strong enough to affect those hotspots around the world? stuart: things changed dramatically. at 6:00 pm on fox news channel. next. cardinal dolan was caught off guard by kamala harris skipping the house smith dinner. >> we are not used to this, don't know how to handle it. quite a few years since walter mondale turned down the invitation, he lost 49 of 50 states. stuart: he has a lot to say about this. ♪
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stuart: there you are. your on.
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>> the need to deter iran. let's listen. stuart: you are on with me at the moment. budget is 10:51, our time together. brian: let's do it. stuart: i want to talk to you about donald trump who says he will attend the our smith charity dinner next month. kamala harris will be the first president a candidate to skip it since 1980s. i understand cardinal dolan is talking to top democrats in trying to get them to persuade harris to actually attend the dinner. brian: senator schumer has sway and i sat next to him. i was on the day is for the last five years. henry kissinger, maria is there, people like senator schumer, i sat next to him and we talked about everything that is extremely valuable and the catholic vote, wouldn't that help? do you know how much money they raised for our smith foundation charities?
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millions of dollars but it quadruples now. she's costing charities money and we can read the prompter. all the funny people are voting for her. i'm sure one of these guys like creek - chris rock can have a monologue and do opera's show. one of the reasons he's not going is she loves abortion and loves showing up at abortion clinics. i'm pretty sure catholics are pro-life. maybe she is embarrassed by that or maybe just not comfortable in a social situation and doesn't want to humanize donald trump like jimmy fallon did when he messed up his hair and treated him like a human being, he got blowback. if she has fun with him and laughed and take some hits humorously, you will humanize him and dare i say some people might vote for him. maybe that is it. stuart: i think you are right. donald trump helped a mother of three pay for groceries at a campaign stop in pennsylvania.
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>> going to go down a little bit. just went down a hundred points. we do that from the white house. nice seeing you, everybody. stuart: you spoke to the mother and her husband on fox and friends this morning. watch this. >> you feel like they are gouging you, price gouging. >> those are completely -- >> price goes up. the fuel to get merchandise to the store, produces of the food is the natural thing. stuart: wise the story getting so much attention? >> he went into the supermarket, something no offense but when you watch your channel or any channel and go prices are going up, prices are
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going down, here's a picture of milk. imagine if you go to the store and see the milk or the counter and say i can visualize my counter, my supermarket, the place i go, she's being too much, he knows she's paying too much, he's in the store comparing it. the thing about president biden, you want to make, detached billionaire. he's a blue-collar billionaire. he likes those places. he gave her $100 towards price and he wants to show up and tell people i understand what you're going through by doing it into being there. it was a great move in pennsylvania but the president missed an opportunity to talk about the elephant in the room, not necessarily the supermarket. there was an lng pause in this country, no more liquid gas. you can't produce it, no more new leases, this administration is worried about their left.
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we can afford fracking now, you've got a job now, show us how into fracking you are, lift the ban. lift the pause. then we will see some action behind her empty words we get through that. stuart: thanks for joining us. we are out of time but thanks very much. appreciate it. still ahead. jimmy failla on a cnn anchor who can't understand why voters want more answers from kamala harris. chad wolf on a venezuelan gang building accrual empire in new york city. joann lundberg will tell us what environmentalists think about the 3 mile island nuclear power plant. plus a top democrat says harris will flip florida, north carolina and georgia. we will see what mark teaseon has to say about that. ♪
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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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