tv Kudlow FOX Business September 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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can see , folks, these stocks are moving higher. the kweb is the internet stock in china. its got nothing to do with the us and everything to do with china. fxi, same thing. this is the biggest capitalized stocks in china, the most liquid, biggest stocks in china, and the volumes, liz, in both of these, are through the roof. so those be the plays that i be putting out based on the market today, but as you say, if i'm looking within the us, i think power generators as well as many of the other plays that you and i have discussed about uranium and so fourth. i love those. >> [closing bell ringing] liz: s&p clenches a fresh record up 25 points we will see you tomorrow. larry: hello folks welcome to
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kudlow i'm larry kudlow. so kamala harris unveiled her third economic plan in just two months. put it out yesterday. looks like the classic example of big government socialism. dave kevin o'leary and scott bessent will be here to talk about it but jacqui heinrich live at the white house, a new economic plan is just what we wanted. reporter: larry, you know this was the vp's first solo interview on the national stage, but we still didn't get a lot of specifics on how exactly she would achieve some of her big ideas. >> if you can't raise corporate taxes or if gop takes control of the senate, where do you get the money to do that? do you still go forward with those plans and borrow? >> well, but we're going to have to raise corporate taxes, and we're going to have to raise -- we're going to have to make sure that the biggest corporations and billionaires
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pay their fair share. that's just it. reporter: even msnbc anchor stephanie ro had a problem with that and that is something because just days ago, she defended harris for not answering tough policy questions saying she's not running for perfect. she's running against trump but she now acknowledges that harris has to do more to win over voters. >> she doesn't answer the question and she says, we just have to do it. that's great and that's a campaign promise but the issue is, if it means we're just going to borrow again, then what we're doing is we're just never addressing the deficit. >> the interview revives the same criticism that harris received after she sat down the local news station earlier this month. "wall street journal" opinion columnist wrote that harris couldn't or wouldn't answer a single question straight and people could see it. she is an artless dodger, now last night harris did add more detail to her economic plan, including getting rid of degree
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requirements for federal jobs, doubling union apprenticeships and enacting permitting reform to speed up projects. her main message was though to break voters favorable views of trump on the economy, and in that effort, she falsely claimed that trump deserves presided over a loss of 200,000 manufacturing jobs before the pandemic. in fact, he presided over a gain of 414,000 manufacturing jobs during that same time. harris also used the interview though to asail trump's tariff plan. larry? larry: jackie, you're telling me msnbc is turning against harris? reporter: that's something. larry: that's the end of the road that's it. that's game set match. reporter: it was not good for her, for harris at least. larry: thank you jacqui heinrich, we appreciate you very much. all right folks, holistically, big government socialism is a failure. and that's the subject of the rif. no matter what she may say,
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kamala harris a big government socialist, whose alleged economic plan is a classic example of big government socialism. noteworthy, a tip inside poll of 1,488 adults shows that 54% say kamala harris' ideas lean toward socialism. democrats thought 38%, 53% of republicans, 49% of independents, so it's basically across-the-board and as i've said many times it's scored as the most accurate in recent presidential elections so indeed the subtitle of the article says "her holistic socialism exposes deep economic ignorance and total unpreparedness" so take a listen to kamala's holistic word salad yesterday in pittsburgh. >> you know, homeownership for too many people in our country is illusive.
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gone is the day of everyone thinking think ecould actually live the american dreams, and looking holistically at the connection between that and housing, and looking holistically at the incentives to actually engage in planning and who holistic manner. let us be inspired of what is possible. let it always inspire us and let that then inspire us by helping us to be inspired to solve the problems that so many face -- larry: all right well that was very holistic. yesterday she unveiled her third economic plan and her two-month long candidacy. it was basically just a repeat of her price controls. $25,000 free money that will boost home prices even more. a $6,000 refundable tax credit for kids that lacks work requirements and will cost over $1 trillion. the whole package was scored at $2 trillion, incredible. plus of course repealing
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the highly successful trump tax cuts which contrary to what kamala says actually boosted blue collar wage, brought down the poverty rate and produced record low minority unemployment. of course, kamala keeps saying it only benefited the rich which has been disproven time and time again. real wages for working folks, went up 7.7% under mr. trump but they fell 2.1% under biden-harris. the only sort of new policy is $100 billion in new tax credits aimed at favored industry, but here's the thing. targeted tax credits never work. better to let folks and businesses just keep their own money. they will spend it more wisely than government bureaucrats will. biden-harris spent trillions of dollars on targeted tax credits, on subsidies, on grants, and
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holistically, it came to nothing. please see the "wall street journal" editorial dated september 23, 2024, "the biden manufacturing boom that isn't, and the sub-heading, us industry output has been flat for two years despite huge subsidies." they note, spending on construction of new factories has doubled from the subsidies and the very rich tax credits, the misnamed inflation reduction act cost $1.2 trillion, but the index for manufacturing declining for two years after the ira and chips act and investment in new industrial equipment is noticeably weaker under mr. biden than mr. trump. biden-harris like to boast about creating 800,000 new manufacturing jobs but actually virtually all of them were bounce backs from the pandemic, as jacqui heinrich noted, under trump about 450,000
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manufacturing jobs were created. okay, and again, factually, manufacturing job growth has been flat for the last two years, even with all that spending. meanwhile, key targeted industries like semiconductors and batteries have experienced significant job losses. meanwhile, real average weekly wages for manufacturing workers, 2.7% lower than in january 2021 when biden-harris came to office. this is why state-directed assistance, whether it's spending or tax credits, never works. the free market, however, does work. donald trump will lower the corporate tax rate across-the-board from 21% to 15% for domestic producers, but he's not going to tell them how to spend their money or what products or innovations or equipment. that be up to them. by the way trump would provide
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100% full expensing for depreciation write-off. harris would end this and of course she wants to raise the top corporate rate to 28% making the us uncompetitive in the global race for business and capital and she would abolish the 199a deduction which would destroy the roughly 26 million small businesses who could no longer deduct 20% of their income from taxation. holistically, this is all insanity. yes, she worked hand in glove with joe biden for nearly four years, and yes, all that really happened was they spent a fortune to bankrupt the federal finances, and got virtually nothing for it. in terms of the private sector investment jobs and wages the private sector has gone nowhere oh, and did i forget the inflation rate in the past three and a half years plus has averaged 5.7% at an annual rate compared to only 1.9%
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for mr. trump. cumulatively cost of living went up over 20%, much more for daily consumer essentials, and of course, the peak rate was 9.1%, the highest in 40 years. so it's true that radical federal reserve tightening has brought inflation down to just under 3% but that's still well-above the fed's 2% target even at this late date so you know what folks? holistholistic big government socialism doesn't work and you know what else? there's a relation capitalist free enterprise out there who is campaigning to overturn all that holistic stuff. that's the rif. that's the rif. joining us now, david malpass, former world bank group president, kevin o'leary, chairman of o'leary ventures and scott bessent, founder of key square group. gentlemen, welcome, welcome.
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o'leary, i've not seen you in so long you've been hiding out from me these many many weeks and i want to ask you about all of this more tax credits, more grants, more subsidies, higher taxes across-the-board, and that's supposed to fix the economy? what do you think about this? >> well, the good news is, harris has started to put policy out there. she's starting to take some level of interview outside of celebrity interviews and we've learned a little bit in the last 48 hours. i'll tell you what i've gleaned from it. number one, she stopped advancing in the polls in the counties in the seven battleground states and so while she's done very well with the all sugar no protein strategy which i don't blame her for because it brought her right to where she is today she's got hard work cut out for her to move men into the camp where she's done so well with women. can't win without some of those men. and those men are concerned about the economy. they are the bread winners in many of these homes as are women, but they are still concerned about the cost of living in michigan and
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pennsylvania and everything else. she also taught us something that i knew from 2019, 2020. when she's forced to do an interview where there are follow-up questions, that's when the verbal soup comes out and trump has lots of problems too. he sometimes runs on too long but she's got verbal soup, and that's an issue and the more she does interviews with real reporters like you, larry and others, that's the verbal soup is her enemy and it's an issue. larry: i'd love to have her but she wouldn't come on here. she lien flunked the msnbc poll interview but scott bessent, i think trump, i'm not sure where kevin o'leary has gone. we're going to give him a second chance on this. i don't think he did well in that first pass, scott. i think trump has been very specific. he was specific at the economics club of new york. you were there. i was there. malpass was sitting next to me, we were all clustered together.
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he was very specific where was it, north carolina where he put out this new american industrialization plan, all he's saying is you've got to produce in the united states and don't be like john deere and don't think you're going to sneak off into mexico in the dead of night and get a 15% tax rate but if you stay here in the united states we'll give you 15% tax rate, which strikes me as very sensible. what do you think, scott? i mean, i think trump has been incredibly specific and detailed about his economic growth plans. >> look, larry, you're exactly right. president trump, we know exactly where he stands. the only thing that i agreed with the vice president harris said yesterday is we have two fundamentally different choices for the way our economies going to go, and this is today is day 1,344 of kamala harris being in
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office, and everything that i've heard in the past days and weeks is there are no new ideas. there's some new spending but it's all the same. it's bigger government. it's more subsidies. it's exactly what gave us the big inflation in 2021, 2022 and 2023 that persist into 2024. larry, everything she's talking about is inflationary. it is clear. she is in coherent when she talks about economics, and i don't want to be accused so i'll say governor tim walz is worse but they clearly have no idea what they are talking about. they have got the same team that did this to the american public and for the past, they have 1,344 days and she, it's the same policies. she is tray trying to convince s
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which is a moderate which is what joe biden did in 2020 and went as a moderate and then went hard left and we know she is hard left. she's bernie sanders. bernie sanders endorsed her policies. larry: let me go to dave ma dave malpass. it was an interview or a speech she gave in pittsburgh. on the other hand she basically said we can't achieve the american dream anymore. that is a, i mean it's a dreadful thing for a politician to say, yeah, but it's just a dreadful thing, okay? if that is true. then she should just hang it up. trump on the other hand is basically saying i'm going to cut your taxes even more, it's going to be trump 2.0 tax cuts 2.0. i want you to stay here. he's not telling you what to do where to do it. they aren't targeted tax credits and they aren't run by big government socialism which flunked time and time again, and
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he's saying, um, at the same time and this was interesting and i thought of you. i believe he was in north carolina yesterday, correct me if i'm wrong, producers. he said once again, as he did at the new york economics club, as he did at the republican convention in milwaukee, the dollar must be the world's reserve currency and if people try to stray from that, i am going to tariff. he will use tariffs to negotiate ends to maybe non-economic and i'm going to give you a strong and stable dollar. now that's growth. private sector growth. >> absolutely and so she's basically saying i'm going to raise your taxes and the american dream is gone. larry: yes. >> so i'm from michigan, you know? if you want to manufacture and they are yearning to manufacture. they are sitting there, saying i'm a manufacturer. i want to do this. they want lower energy prices, they want lower tax rates, and
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they need the dollar to be stable so that they can make their plans. one of the things that's worst for manufactures is uncertainty in what's going to happen. she hasn't given any indication. she's falling into the mitt romney trap. remember how he issued a plan that was too long and people said, you can't do all that. larry: it was 80 pages. >> so that's the mitt romney trap of saying, and people look at that and say, i don't have time to read that. i don't believe you can implement it and, it sounds like what you're telling me is the government is writing to rescue me and i doubt it. larry: you know, kevin o'leary i want to come back to you well because i wasn't happy with you on the first round so we'll give you another chance at this. now, look, basically trump is saying, i want to rebuild country. manufacturing yes, but not limited manufacturing, or maybe let's say manufacturing at-large
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which would include electricity and power, which would also include technology, advanced technologies, quantum computing a.i. and so forth. he says i want to rebuild it but i want the private sector to rebuild it with private investment, kevin. on the other hand, ms. harris is basically saying, i don't want the private sector. they are all a bunch of greedy purchase rich people and i want the government to pick winners and losers and somehow rebuild america so you've got a clear choice, private sector in sent evers versus what i call, what newt gingrich coined many many months ago, big government socialism versus free enterprise. i mean, kevin, the choice couldn't be clearer and i think the answer couldn't be clearer. >> well, i think you're right. there's two different visions here. let's make it really simple. if you go with harris so far, from what we've learned, you as
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a people as a taxpayer, as a congress, as a country, are trying to ask the government to pick winners and losers in one or two of the 11 sectors that they think should get supported with these tax incentives. in the case of trump by lowering or maintaining the current tax rate, every sector is treated the same and private capital like me and millions of others make our own decisions everyday, millions of decisions that determine the outcome of an economy that's already proven over the last 200 years that knows what it's doing because it's still number one. what really disturbed me about the messaging in the last 48 hours that i'm opposed to, our number one export in america is not a product service a good or a technology or mining or minerals. it's the american dream. i live that. our number one export is the american dream. i don't like anybody, any politician, any leader ever saying that that shouldn't be supported in every way we can. it's not true the american dream is dead. i know it's working.
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ideal with it everyday. i'm the guy that invests in businesses. larry: even if she, i don't mean to cut you off but this is where i really agree with you. even if in here deepest holistic recesses she believed the american dream is dead, you shouldn't say it. that's not leadership. that's not inspiring. that's not anything. that's like throw you back into the tomb stone of some such thing. you follow me? you just don't do that. america has a grand and glorious history of freedom including economic freedom. all right? that's where i'm going with this. >> i agree with you but she's getting a lot of bipartisan criticism on that statement. the american dream is why people risk their lives to crawl under barb wire in rivers to come here. we never ever want to lose that. larry: i've got to get out and let my pal scott bessent give the last word. trump is being accused of
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putting too many tariffs up but i've got to tell you sc scott -- we lost scott. i guess we lost him that's way, anyway, malfas is here, kevin o'leary is here. >> strong dollar, low tax rates, growth and confidence. don't say the american dream is dead. larry: trump will wind up never tariffing john deere. this is where the "wall street journal" went wrong because of his negotiating power and threatening negotiating power. >> deterrence means tools, right? larry: that exactly right. it's not appeasement. i've got to get out we're all cooked here. senator marsha blackburn will travel with president trump to michigan tomorrow to sell new american industrialism and she joins us next and i want to hear more talks about this thanks to david malpass, kevin o'leary and scott bessent, who we lost. anyway senator blackburn coming up right next. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back.
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massively raise wages for american workers and make the united states into a manufacturing powerhouse like it used to be many years ago. larry: joining me is tennessee senator march marsha blackburn traveling with mr. trump helping him out in michigan tomorrow. ma'am, if i have that story right and you know what? we just had david malpass on the set. you know david well and he said one thing mr. trump should emphasize is that in the private sector he was a builder and that the people of michigan and all these trades, you know, and things that have been ignored and the working folks, and the hard hats and whatnot, they are dying to build. they would just lake a little je economic freedom and incentives to build. >> you're exactly right and they want to keep these jobs here in america and that will be the message when we're on the road tomorrow in michigan and visiting with people in the auto industry, doing a town hall with them, and making
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certain that they know that donald trump is there to support them. kamala harris, she supported that $93 trillion green new deal. that would cost as many as 5 million jobs over a decade, and the cost to each american family be over 16 $5,000 and, you know, a lot of people in michigan, larry, know that those 5 million jobs, a lot of those jobs be coming out of their community, and you're so right. they are builders. they are patriots. they love being in the manufacturing trades, and they want to have a president who is going to support them and who is going to support their industry and who believes in made in the usa. larry: you know, it's just strikes me as so positive, the idea of a manufacturing
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renaissance. the idea of the new american industrialization. i just think those are such positive themes and when you look at them, senator, what are they? they are things you and i have campaigned on for decades. they are low taxes, they are deregulation. keep the dollars as the world's reserve currency, things of that sort. there's stuff you've been talking about. i mean they are common sense. it's not big government socialism. it's put pra put private enterpo work. let people keep more of their own money that kind of thing. >> you're exactly right and we know that wonderful formula works every time. less regulation plus less litigation plus less taxation equals more innovation and job creation. donald trump understands that. he did it in his first term as president. he will do it again. he will bring manufacturing back and larry, it just is so exciting to me.
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when he talks about repat repatriating, manufacturing, when you look at the opportunities with a.i. and quantum computing, when you look at what is happening with advanced manufacturing, we know we have the greatest skillset, we have the greatest engineers, we have the greatest entrepreneurs right here in the united states, so let's give them something to work hard with and that is what president trump is going to do. larry: what do you think, senator blackburn? you saw, he got a huge vote among the rank-and-file of the teamsters. he's going to win the teamster vote, whatever leadership says. can he tack on the uaw, the auto workers especially with the kind of message that we're talking about? >> i think that watt you're what you'regoing to see is manyf those rank-and-file are going to vote with president donald trump because they know he's out there fighting for them and
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tennessee has a lot of auto manufacturing. we have the gm plant in spring hill. vw is in chattanooga. you've got ford doing a massive plant over in west tennessee. you have the engine plant over the toyota plant over in jackson, tennessee, so there is plenty of auto manufacturing here. nissan is in rutherford county, and we like the fact that our workers know how to make great automobiles. michigan feels the same about their workers, and i think that those rank-and-file are going to be completely supporting president donald trump because they understand economics and you know, another thing they understand is that the federal government is overspent and inflation is too high, and the dollar doesn't go near as far as it did when donald
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trump was president. larry: yes, ma'am, couldn't agree more. thank you ever so much, senator blackburn have fun out in michigan. coming up new york city mayor eric adams is getting busted oh, and kamala harris still won't show up for cardinal dolan and we'll talk about all of it and more with charlie hurt and rich lowry. i'm kudlow, be right back. er to. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief.
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larry: new york city mayor eric adams has been charged with bribery and fraud by the biden justice department, i don't know. joining me is charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor, fox news contributor and rich lowry editor in chief of national review. i mean, rich, i have no idea if he took bribes from the turkish government to build the embassy. they built the embassy or the consolate here in new york, but i'm just saying, i am so, you know, jaded and opposed to
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the biden justice department. i don't want to defend eric adams but there's a part of me that does want to defend eric adams. he may be a crook, he may be a lot of things but so are the justice department under biden. >> yeah, there's a lot of reasons to be suspicious about the biden justice department and the way this system of justice works, and new york, but i have to say, adams has been such a disappointment. he sounded so prom using and the democratic primaries and that campaign, said the right thing about policing and other stuff and then he turned out to be kind of a flake and ineffective and now i'm like you i don't know whether he's guilty of crimes, and corruption but the very least, this is sleazy and the last thing, new york city needs or deserves. larry: well they are, i don't know, a third or a half of his commissioner, the police commissioner has gone down, fire commissioner has gone down, the education commissioner has gone down. pretty soon there won't be any
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commissioners or city government. that could be a good thing in some theoretical free market sense, but they are busting everybody around him, so you kind of have to wonder, you know, when is his turn coming up. rich, still with you? >> sorry, still with me, yeah, look. at the very least he's not running a shop that you can rely on, and this is not good. again, this will be heard by a jury of his peers, but it's just terrible that what's happened in new york, new york should have been so grateful for having rudy giuliani and then mike bloomberg. i was annoyed by bloomberg a lot but that was such a blessing for the city. it put on such a better footing and now we're into this with at the very least if eric adams isn't a criminal, he's mismanaged and engaged in sleazy practices that are very bad for the city. larry: yeah, charlie, i want to come back to this story.
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we've talked about it with newt gingrich yesterday. we talked about it a little bit tuesday. kamala harris made a business big mistakenot going to the al h dinner, for catholic charities. people are saying she doesn't have the cleverness and she really doesn't believe in joy and so forth and so on and she's afraid donald trump will roast her and maybe that's all true but what newt and i were talking about yesterday and i want you both to weigh in on this please. the fact is the democratic party is chalk fill of an anti-catholicism, anti-christianity and anti-god and i'm asking whether kamala harris isn't part of that. >> certainly when you watch her perform with some of these, you know, interviews where she just can't get anything out, she's not able to think, she's not able to answer any questions you do sort of wonder maybe that's what she's afraid of, but it is
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such a dismissal of one of the finest traditions. it's a dismissal of a wonderful charity that does real good work, raises real good money, and it does kind of when you put it up against all of the other things that the biden administration, the harris biden administration has shown such contempt for it does kind of make you wonder, is there something else going on here with her. larry: it's a bad track record. rich lowry, it's a very track record. it's about christianity and catholicism and harassing the little sisters over abortions. >> yup. shameful. larry: it's about the transgender day of visibility which they put on the same day as easter, which is the highest holiday for christianity and is renowned around the world. i mean it just make, i'm not going to say every democrat is godless beings and against catholic. i'm not going to say that but
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i'm going to say on the far left which is to some extent the tail that pulls the democratic dog and maybe pulling kamala harris, there's a lot, they don't like god on the far left of that democratic party. >> yeah, there's a lot of history there and i have to say, larry. she's supposed to be running this cam point that's joyful and here is one event on the campaign agenda, every four year, everyone shows up that actually is nice and funny and is a grace note and is a wonderful tradition no matter how nasty a campaign is and she's not going to show up for that, right? and she's the joy candidate? it's just very telling. we may not think that she's up for this kind of thing and performing this spontaneous setting but what's your telling and a damming indictment is the people closest to her who know her much better than we do and want her to win, don't think she's up for it in this kind of setting. larry: i'm just waiting, charlie, for people to resign from her campaign over this. last word. >> i'm waiting for people to
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resign from the campaign because of her history of being terrible to work for but one true thing is that she believes that the government is the answer for everything and those of us who appreciate our religion appreciate the fact that the government isn't the answer to everything and when she talks about the opportunity economy, which she suddenly started talking about, she's not talking about our opportunity. she's talking about government economy. larry: of course absolutely, holistically. she used that. >> learned how to say that word. larry: i don't know who uses holistically. rich lowry, charlie hurt. thank you. >> it's not one of our words. larry: i'm going to ask the same question texas senator john cornyn. i don't even know what holistically means. kamala uses it constantly. i'm saying she's got a $2 trillion plan plus on top of
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all of the other money spent to raise taxes, regulations and she wants big government socialism to win and she wants pray privae enterprise to lose, soho list ic so holisticor not, trump is a e enterpriser. she's a big government socialist. >> that's her holistic plan for big government takeover next year. actually it's a continuation as you know, of the policies of the biden-harris administration, which she's been trying to runaway from. look, we have a fundamental choice on november 5 between free enterprise, individual freedom, opportunity, things that have made this country the most prosperous nation in the world. the envy of the world, and i know, larry, you've been an advocate for pro-growth policies. we need to get back to those pro-growth policies like we did under the previous trump administration cutting back on unnecessary regulation, taking advantage of the incredible natural resources that we've been blessed with here in
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this country. this is going to be a monumental choice for the american people and i just hope and pray we choose correctly. larry: you know, ms. harris is going to be down by the border some place, i guess it's texas, but i don't know. she's going to the border, and she keeps saying that she's in favor of border control, because she's in favor of a bill the republicans didn't like. as i recall, senator, that bill would have still let 1.5 million illegals through with a lot of phony measurements with respect to asylum seekers and other loopholes people coming in by air, people coming in as gotaways, i mean, that wasn't much of a plan. how much about just close the border and reenacting remain in mexico and building the wall, senator. wouldn't that be a better policy? >> yeah, we just need to return to the previous policies of president trump. what i've been in washington long enough to know and you know this too, larry, that don't
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necessarily listen to what people say, watch what they do, and we have a four-year record of incompetency and actually, a plan to make our borders open to not only the good people who want to come across for a better life but to criminals, potential terrorist activities, people who are bringing drugs across the border. this has been a disaster for the country and she decides to show up four years later and say i've changed and now i want to control the border? it's just not credible. larry: 39 republican senators voted for my friend rand paul's budget cutting exercise. i know that stuff requires a majority and somebody in the white house whose sympathetic but that's not bad. 39 republican senators i'd say that's progress, sir. i mean, 39 is a good start. >> well we need to do better next year. senator paul has always been an advocate for fiscal responsibility and i think we're reaching a point where we just
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don't have any other choice but to deal with this incredible debt that we've accumulated. we're now spending more money on interest on the national debt than we are on defense. that's unsustainable and so i can't wait for the opportunity to not only get republican majorities in both houses but to be able to send president trump a bill which will help restore us, put us on a path to fiscal responsibility like growing our economy. larry: terrific stuff, senator john cornyn, we appreciate you very much. folks nuclear and natural gas, those are the base fuels of the future, okay? we'll talk about it with bjorn lomborg on set. we pulled him from sweden to come on set. how about that? e financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice...
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larry: so, nuclear and natural gas really are the baseload of the future for our energy needs joining us is bjorn lomborg. straight from stockholm, he's the president of the copenhagen consensus and author of false alarm and still plugged into the hoover institution, so bjorn good to see you again. so natural gas is a clean
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burning fuel. you've all taught us this. nuclear is a clean burning fuel. nuclear actually is having a bit of a comeback. microsoft is investing in the three mile island, and they all need it to finance the electricity for a.i. and quantum computing, so i'm just waiting. the greenies in europe are smarter. they said nat gas is okay. it's clean burning. the greenies in the us won't acknowledge that yet. you've got work to do, buddy. >> oh, and i'm trying to work on it. it's very obvious. solar and wind is sort of the favorite of a lot of the climate alarmists, but the reality is what are you going to do when the suns not shining an the wind seasoned anf you're running the world with solar and wind and batteries it'll cost the us a third of its gdp every year in buying all the batteries. you'd need about three months of batteries right now in the us has seven minutes, so no, this is just not acceptable and not going to happen, and so we
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need to realize certainly in the short run, gas is going to be a major part and it's still great because its cut carbon emissions dramatically from coal to gas. larry: think about this , this guy that said on the u.n. panel on a thing i did the other day, to build a wind farm you have to do excavation so you need power and electricity to do that so this person said you need natural gas to build your wind farm. how than but they won't let it. they are stopping the current administration doesn't want lng. i mean come on. think ev to lighten up here. >> yes, right now most of the renewable energy industry is powered by fossil fuels. now obviously, they are saying eventually we can get there, but what it shows you is that the world is incredibly powered by fossil fuels. it still powers two-thirds of all electricity and remember, all the other stuff that's not electricity is powered by, you know, four-fifths. larry: bjorn lomborg himself,
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sitting on this platform, has written what the last 10 years? i don't know how many years, globally government spent $12 trillion, fossil fuels is still 80% of our power. >> well, we're just not getting there. we're basically spending like drunken sailors but we're not getting anywhere and of course, this is because everyone in the climate conversation is so scared this is going to happen in the next five years or 12 years or whatever that you're just doing bad decisions. the real and only solution to climate is to invest in green energy r&d. fundamental we need to make nuclear so cheap everyone will buy it. now microsoft has restarted their three mile island which is great, but there's not a lot of other already existing power plants we can restart. we need to build more and they need to be cheaper. larry: you know what? both political parties all of the above, did not rule out 80% of our power. all of the above. bjorn lomborg, we're going to
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larry: holistically, holistically, free enterprise capitalism will always triumph over big government socialism. and holistically, david asman is up next. david: [laughter] don't stick me with that word. thank you very much, larry. appreciate it i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald. welcome to the special edition
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