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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  October 1, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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♪ larry: hello, folks, welcome to
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"kudlow." i'm larry kudlow. so is, israel launching a ground invasion. senator john barrasso, congressman byron donalds right here on set in just a few moments. first up, mike tobin live on the ground in haifa, israel. mike, thank you for this. what's cooking out there? >> reporter: well, i can tell you it's all quiet now, but the tension certainly is high as the israeli leadership is going to try to decide exactly how they will respond to the second direct attack now from iran. the largest ballistic missile attack in history, 181 missiles fired for a is 12-minute trip from tehran. most of them were intercepted. a few came down. we're checking on reports of injuries right now. but continuing to add to the provocation, iran's supreme leader, ayatollah khamenei, just sent out a tweet in hebrew, so it was meant for the people of israel. and the tweet reads: the blows
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of the uprising front will become stronger and more painful to the worn and rotting body of the zionist regime. now, adding to the tension there was an attack from within, tel aviv, at the right rail station near the old city, jaffa, which is just next to tel aviv, two attackers let loose. one of them at least had an m-16 style rifle and now 6 people are dead. there was a knife involved in that attack as well. two -- both of the attackers were shot. so things are as tense as they can be. israel is committed now to responding to these attacks and just remains to be seen how exactly they will respond. israel is in a position now when they can do as they wish. they are unrestrained, unchallenged in the air over lebanon, and they've been on the ground, they went in yesterday for a brief incursion. we learned today they have been going into lebanon since november. again, unchallenged by the
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otherwise feared radwan forces of mess -- hezbollah. larry? larry: i'm not supposed to can ask any questions because of time constraints, but what are the americans going to do? do we have any sense of what the united states government's going to do? >> reporter: well, there's a lot of briefing. we know that the u.s. was involved in this. some 12 missile interceptors were fired from system of the ships here in the region. we know that the u.s. is bolstering the personnel by some 2,000 troops. they're not necessarily going if to be troop on the ground, in fact, there won't be troops on the ground. what they're going to do, supplement the fighter squadrons already in the region. larry in. larry: thank you thank you very much, mike tobin. we appreciate pit. please be safe. so israel is defending it, but it's also saving western civilization, and that is the subject of the riff. ♪ larry: if you haven't already read gerry baker's opinion piece in today's "wall street journal," please, go immediately to your computer or whatever you use to pursue information and
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read it. the title is, "israel defends itself, may save western civilization." gerry's an old friend, we used to go back and forth on the old mclachlin group show, and he wrote a truth-telling article. all i can do is quote a few lines, express my complete support and hope that those of you who haven't read it will go out and read it asap. how will we ever repay the debt we owe israel, he asks. it goes on to to say what the jewish state has done in the past year will rank among the the most important contributions to the defense of western severallization in the past three -- civilization in the past three-quarters of a century. he talks about how it is still possible that our western system of free markets and free people can defeat evils like hezbollah, hamas and iran. and my final word on last night's show, i talked about how
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someday people will thank israel for protecting freedom and democracy. and gerry baker spanks the biden-harris administration for trying to restrain israel, and he extends his spanking the europe. and i'm sure he would agree with me that the u.n. should be spanked as well. finish but what israel has done in the past week with, take thing out the murderer haas zahn nasrallah -- hassan, nothing short of a miracle. but if it's a miracle, it's a counterterrorist, technological miracle. they took out a hamas commander in the middle of tehran. they've taken out countless hamas killers in gaza. really it's what israel has done in the past year following the barbarian -- barbarian baric murder of 1200 mensches women, children, peacefully gathered -- men, women, people from dozens of other countries peacefully attending a music festival murdered by hamas terrorist thugs.
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but israel has snapped back from that and is taking the fight to their enemies who happen to be our enemies even if the current administration does the not always realize that. if -- always realize that. speaking for myself, israel has manage manied to overcome the appeasement, so-called deescalation policies of the current administration that is constantly preaching ceasefire to israel when, in fact, hamas and hezbollah have never if agreed to a real cease firefire, much less one that returns hostages alive. s it is as though mr. biden has a one-sided cease tier definition -- ceasefire definition. israel, stop defending itself. what about the other side? how about let israel be israel? leapt the idf -- let the idf be the idf? they're winning the war. let them keep winning it. that's why we owe them such an enormous debt of thanks, and that's why sunday the world --
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someday the world are thank israel for standing up to evil and saving western civilization. now, as a befitting his british heritage, gerard baker quotes winston cur chill -- churchill. never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few. let us hope politicians and statesmen around the world read gerard baker's column in the "wall street journal" as soon as possible. and that's the riff. all right. if joining me now to talk about all this, great stuff here on set, wyoming senator john barrasso, florida house member byron donalds. gentlemen, thank you ever sop for to coming on set. senator, first of all, gerry baker's column, i don't think anyone could have said it better. >> you're absolutely right. we need to make sure israel has everything they need not just to defend themselves, but to defeat their enemy. and in the big picture, larry,
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we know the world is a lot more dangerous now under biden-harris a than it was when you were working in the white house with president trump. president trump, in terms of iran, had a full pressure component. now what we have is full appeasement by the democrats. and what we have seen happen with these guys in the office is $100 billion because of relief of sanctions that a went to iran. oil in china, money back to the iran. this is why iran wants kamala harris to get elected, because they know it'll be easier for them. and that's what -- we've had briefings on this in the senate, and what we see is iran is doing what they can to influence the election in the united states to help harris and to hurt president trump. larry: they've hacked many to trump -- >> they have. larry: -- and they sent it over to some campaign staffers. more's kind of coming, i mean, iran's said that, haven't hay? >> they actually want trump dead, they've said that. israel is our greatest ally in
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that part of the world, we need to make sure they are able to actively, aggressively act against iran. larry: you know, byron, to the senator's point, former secretary of state mike pompeo on this set sitting right there where the senator is said he had no doubt in his mind iran would like to assassinate trump on the campaign trail. so what you saying is not farfetched. i want to putting? on the pull screen and get -- full screen and get your response to it. this is the white house talking about the iranian attacks that occurred today. they said, we are actively supporting defensive preparations to defend israel against this attack. now here's the money line, a direct military attack from iran against israel will carry severe consequences for iran. that's from a, quote, senior white house official. if okay? so there's been a direct attack, we would agree on that. what consequences are going to to happen? if so far i've not heard any.
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>> to be honest with you, larry, i don't know. i would say the american people do not know, and i would shudder to think that bibi netanyahu and the military council in israel, they do not know. what has brought us to this point is the weakness from joe biden and kamala harris. it's the moral e request give eleven city, the moral relativism between israel's response to the heinous attacks on october 7th. and because this administration has not clearly stated that they stand behind israel no matter what, it has allowed these constant attacks to precipitate in the middle east. contrast where we are today to where we were four years ago, four and a half years ago when the thing that republicans, democrats, independents all wanted, peace in the middle east, was actually occurring under donald j. trump. now fast forward four years because of weakness on the world stage the middle east is on fire. and the only way you're going to put this fire out is to the stand solely behind israel, make
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sure they have everything they need to finish the job of securing the nation of israel. larry: you know, senator, just building on what byron is saying, i would say strike while the iron is hot. in other words, what israel has just done, just done, they basically have taken out the whole leadership of hezbollah. they had already taken out, basically, the whole leadership of hamas. just let them, let them go. don't restrip them, let -- restrain them. let israel be israel. let the i can df be the idf. they're winning the wars, let them continue to win the wars and and, in fact, it's time for some kind of pincer movement or crusher on iran. iran is crippled. iran has to worry about this. their assets are getting killed on the battlefield, literally, which is a great thing for civilized countries. now, don't stop israel, let them go. or better yet, help them. do something. this, quote, severe -- if you carry out an attack against
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israel, severe consequences for iran, we've not once seen the administration take severe consequences existence iran. not once -- against iran. >> not this administration. larry, look, iran right now is very vulnerable. they're threatened, they should be threatened, they should be vulnerable, and they are. hezbollah, generations of leadership has been wiped out. weaponry, wiped out. hamas, devastated by what has happened to them all by israel being very, very successful. so iran does its attack today. i don't know if they're going to the try to escalate or just go back and hide. either way, israel should be on the move. we have understoods. we need to make sure -- opportunities. we need to make sure israel has the ability not to just defend themselves, but to prosecute the ones trying to kill them. larry: i know you're an energy specialist and, of course, that plays into it because with we lifted the energy sanctions -- >> uh-huh. $1000 billion. larry: that was an enormous mistake, 100billion. is there bipartisan, let me
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just, first of all, anything across the aisle? are there democrats supporting israel, what israel is doing? nowing, i think i know a few. i don't know if they're on your committee. so what might if come out of that? >> i think things could come out successfully. there are democrats supporting israel. but the left wing of the democrat party, the pro-hamas party, they're the tail that's wagging the dog, and you're seeing that prosecuted tonight by j.d. vance tonight the where he's going to make the fundamental case why we need donald trump back in the white house. and it's israel and what our standing is in the world, the the aggressive nature of our enemies against this. but it's also the cost of things, the the open border, our weakness abroad. all of those things, i think he's going to make the case tonight about why america's much better off. if we want to get back on track, we need donald trump because only one in four americans today, larry, say that our country is headed in the right direction. we can't continue this way.
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larry: byron, some advice for j.d. vance? i mean, feel free to give advice for governor walz also a, but i have a sense you'd prefer to give it to vance. >> no, i'm not going to give governor walz any advice. there are democrats in the house who stand by israel. the problem is the democrat leadership does not. and the democrat leadership in the house -- and i would argue probably in the senate as a wele house, they are playing this dance of how much do they want to support israel, are they going to lose votes in the election. so they are playing politics with global affairs that could lead us into world war iii. that's a very dangerous place. so my advice for senator vance tonight is to the explain that very clearly to the american people that democrat leadership, kamala harris included, they do not want to actually stand firm for israel because they're more concerned about their votes in michigan and minnesota. that is not the level of presidential leadership we need right now. you have to be firm in the face
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of your adversaries just like donald j. trump has been. and when that happens, what we've seen is peace actually coming to the world which is what donald j. there trump wants, what j.d. vance wants what we all want. larry: peace through strength. we don't have strength right now. by the way, we're cutting the military budget way, way too far. i had senator wicker last night if on the show -- >> and the interest on the debt is what biden has put in his budget for the militaries.. -- military. larry: i'd like to see j.d. vance ask mr. walz, governor walz, and his running mate what exactly they're going to do. a direct military attack by iran against israel will carly severe consequences -- >> i hope they can get answers, larry. larry: something they never seem to do that. they tell, they tell israel to go into a ceasefire every single time. this is not ceasefire. hamas if doesn't agree to the
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cease pete. hezbollah doesn't agree to the ceasefire, iran doesn't -- i'll knock the coffee cup in a minute, i get so excited about this stuff. i just don't understand it. i don't like the cast aspersions, but i just don't understand it. >> this administration projects weakness every day. we need a strong presence by the united states all around the world. donald trump will deliver that. larry: we must if return to the a strong america. i was a reagan kid years ago and then i worked for trump. we must bea strong america. and if israel is going to be the tip of that spear, then god bless 'em. let them do it. all right. john barrasso, senator john barrasso, congressman byron donalds, both of you, thank you for coming. terrific stuff. good luck tonight. folks, coming up, do longshoremen if deserve to make a buck? well, we'll ask former labor secretary gene scalia, old friend of might be. remember, folks, you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday at 4 p.m. on fabulous fox
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business. and for some crazy reason you can't get us at four, please, just text your favorite 9-year-old, and she will show you how to dvr the show, and you will never miss peace through strength. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. thank you, gentlemen. appreciate it very much. ♪ ♪ with the money i saved i thought i'd get a wax figure of myself. oh! right in the temporal lobe! beat it, punks! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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larry: all right, the longshoremen have struck. our own grady trimble live in baltimore. grady, what you got? >> reporter: well, here they are, larry, the the 2400 members of the international long shoremen if's association on strike at this particular port, but 45,000 of them striking at about three dozen ports from texas all the way up to maine, and you can see the result of the strike from where we're standing because that is the port of baltimore right there. the workers tell me those are the cranes that they'd normally be operating. they'd be taking con indianaer thes on -- containers off ships and putting them on. and as a unyou can see, those cranes are static right now, not doing a whole lot. and what that means for you and me, larry, is that we could potentially see some shortages and price hikes at stores if this strike continues for a long time. and for that reason there are a whole host of industry groups representing retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers
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who are calling on the biden-harris administration to do more. they want the president to to invoke the taft-hartley act which would force the workers back on the job while negotiations continue. take a listen the an industry group president who represents well salers who says -- wholesalers who say this is all about election year politics. >> as we're getting this close to the election, it sounds like they don't want the make their friends in big labor unhappy. but in the mean time, the rest of america is going to be unhappy as we're going to see unprecedented supply chain disruptions. >> reporter: yeah, that is potentially the case if this strike lasts for a long time. as far as the costs of this strike, by some estimates it's up to $5 billion every single day that it lasts. on the more conservative, the lower end, some economists are saying around $32. 1 billion for the -- 2.1 billion for the nurse week, but it could get worse because the longer these guys
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are out here picketing, the supply chains are drying up and the goods we have already gotten off the ships, there's -- they've been distributed, and now what happens to all the ships that are waiting to be unloaded? larry, this could become a big problem if it continues and if the president doesn't step n. larry: grady, i just want to ask you one question because the great gene scalia waiting in the wings. do you know how much money made between 2020-2023, do you know how much money their profits were? >> reporter: i don't know that off the top of my head. i know how much the union president, harold dagget, makes, and that's more than $700,000 a year, so he's facing some criticism for that. larry: yeah. so the usmx profits were, wait for it, $400 billion. that is more than they made going all the way back to 1957. just saying.
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just saying. >> reporter: so do you think they could share it? [laughter] larry: yeah. well, that's going to be part of the discussion, now, won't it? grady trimble, thank you ever so much. let's bring in a very good friend, my former colleague, eugene scalia, former labor secretary. he's been through this before. so, jeep, what's your -- gene, what's your early prognostication? know there's always a certain dance that goes on. tell us how the dancers are going to the cannes. -- dance. >> well, larry, it's good to join you. this is important. this is a coast-wide, you know, dispute we call it. as you heard, ports from houston all the way up to maine are shut down. you know, there are only two labor unions in the country representing longshoremen, essentially, one on the west coast -- and they can take all the ports down and then here on the east coast. back in 2002 on the west coast we actually had the port operators lock out the the longshoremen on the west coast
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ports in 2002 umped president george w. bush -- under president george w. bush. he had to decide whether he was going to use that emergency power to the step in, ask a court to enjoin the lockout, put everybody back to to work. back then we waited i think about 9, 10 days, sought the injunction. but there were decisions we had to make almost immediately, and think those are the kinds of decisions that the biden administration is going to need to be focusing on really this week. certainly, they'll hope that the parties work things out, but there's a risk they don't. and as you heard, if this goes on more than a week or a week and a half, it starts to get very difficult for the rest of the country. larry: so if the economic consequences get bad enough and there's -- it's funny, today there's some reports out, for example, the ism if manufacturing was down again. that thing has been falling for two years. we haven't created a new manufacturing job in about two
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years. and other parts of the economy look pretty soft, the fed is cutting interest rate, blah, blah, blah. so your point is if the economic pressures get great enough, the two sides could come together, is that your experience? >> well, first of all, it's really important to remember that economic pressure is often what solves strikes, right? it's the or pressure on the company, the pressure the workers are feeling. it brings them to the table, it gets things done. and that's why sometimes presidents initially are reluctant to step in. that's why president bush was reluctant to step n. but the problem is that unlike most labor disputes where it's between the company expect workers and not everybody else is feeling it all that much, when you shut the ports down after, you know, a week, two weeks, the whole country feels it. there's a national impact. that's what authorizes the president to go in under the taft-hartley act. and there have been very, very few presidents who have not sought to enjoin these strikes
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on the ports if they carried on for very long. democrats and republicans going all the way back the harry truman have stepped in during ports disputes to to reopen temperature the ports. larry: so i don't want to headache this a strictly numbers exercise, but it's interesting. i've been boning up on some of this stuff. regarding the union, the ila, their first offer -- no. management's first offer, 50% wage hike over 6 years. now, there are other bells and whistles. that would be an 8%, 8.3 per year. that's 50 over 6 years. the ila has countered, they want 77 over 6 years. that would be almost 13% increase per year for their wages, which is a lot, okay? and it's undoubtedly too much, and it's undoubtedly they will settle for something less are. but i do want to say this, gene. i mean, inflation other the last three and a half years plus has
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gone up 20%. consumer price index has gone up 20 the president. to 202%. so the some ec e tent, i can't blame them altogether. they have to make a buck too. real wages over this period have actually fall opinion. they would like them to rise. if -- annualize the c cpi under biden-harris, 5.6. here's my point. once you let the inflation genie out of the bottle, it's tough to get it back n all right in the federal reserve has to raise rates astronomically which is what a navy done. -- they've done. eventually, it harms the economy. the affordability probable, which is what these workers want. yeah, 77% increase over 6 years, that looks too much to me. 8% looks better. but then again the owner-operators head $400 billion in the last three years. i don't know they're profit sharing.
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you see, i'm trying the to be balanced. it's a rare moment, kudlow balanced. but the work, you know, working folks, gene, you were the labor secretary. working folks have suffered enormously under this administration. and i know that sounds like an election year, maybe it is. sure it is. but i'm not making that point, all right? i'm not doing it. i'm just saying look at the numbers. they have a gripe. the union has a gripe. whether it's big enough for this or, i don't know, but they have a gripe. what you think on that? don't you think they -- they've got something to stand on here. >> well, you know, there's been a lot of talk over increased union activity, more strikes. remember, the uaw strike the president got on the picket line which a president had never done before just a year ago. why have there been more strikes over the last few years? i do think inflation has been one. here's a really interesting fact, you know, i was reading up on some of the earlier port strikes to come talk to you today, larry, and the last time that we had presidents having to
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use these national emergency injunctions a lot when there were really a lot of serious nationwide strikes was during the period of '722, '74, '75 right after the wage and price controls were lifted. larry: yep. >> so you had this period of serious inflation, the cap was lifted, more inflation, and you ended up with a lot of strikes. so i do think that this is a difficult moment for the president and for the vice president, but there may well be a case to be made that it's partly result of the inflation that i attribute and parts of their policies and i know you do as well. larry: yep, i'm afraid it is. they're probably asking too much. wall street's ganging up on them and businesses, i understand everybody's playing their role. but to put a little bit of balance into the story, i understand, you know? i feel their pain. i mean, i really do. anyway, gene and a lee that -- scalia, terrific stuff. former labor secretary and great friend.
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appreciate you coming on the show. >> coming up on "kudlow," over a million hurricane helene victims are still stranded in blackouts. so where's mr. biden? where ease ms. harris? what should j.d. vance be saying in tonight's debate about that? we'll ask senator tommy tuberville when "kudlow" returnn ♪og so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at growing your business is easy once you know the moves. with godaddy websites plus marketing, you can quickly create a website, and ai will customize it for you. get your business out there and get more customers in here. no sweat... for you anyway. create a beautiful website in minutes with godaddy.
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♪ larry: all right. helene update. biden, harris and trump, fix if news' peter doocy, the the great peter doocy, live from the the white house. peter, where are they all a going? >> reporter: and, larry, i was just in the briefing with dhs secretary mayorkas who oversees the fema response, he says there's only about $1.7 million, million with an m, available to some of the affected storm victims starting tomorrow to help them with immediate needs. everything else, it sounds like, is going to require a little bit more time, especially the fund
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ifing. but they admit, the white house officials at the highest levels, and you'll hear a bite here in a sec, it's not like they can nap their fingers and get the power turned back on or make the cell phones work. here's president biden a few minutes ago. >> it's my top priority to ensure the communities devastated by this hurricane get the help and support they need as quickly as possible. as quickly as possible. it's going to cost billions of dollars to restore these areas to where they were before. until the work is done, we're going to stay. i'm going, to as i said, congress needs to make sure that the states have every available resource. we have an obligation. >> reporter: and tomorrow president biden is going to head to north carolina and south carolina. the vice president will be in georgia. they're trying to fan out to cover as many of the six affected states as possible. that is how they're going to do it. they say harris is going to go to western north carolina at some point over the weekend, but there is a big, big problem that
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lies ahead that is not on anybody's radar during the search and rescue phase of this, but the doingny town of spruce -- tiny town of surprise spruce pine, north carolina, is where the world's pure ifest quartz sand is mined. that is a critical ingredient, a critical component of semiconductors. and if people who live in the community remain isolated cannot get back the work, if they cannot get these mines back online, then prices could go up, and semiconductor production in this country which has been a huge priority for the biden administration since the beginning, could be slowed at a terrible time for them, right before the election. larry: 1000%, peter, phones, cell phones, computers, a.i., you name it, everything, everything this one little town. great reporting. we appreciate it. peter doocy, thank you ever so much. all right, folks, for more on this and the debate tonight, the let's bring in alabama senator tommy tuberville. senator tuberville, are they getting it done, fema and
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buttigieg and mr. biden and mr. harris? people are in trouble in georgia, they're in trouble in carolina. they may be in trouble in tennessee, i don't know everything there is to know. so far nobody's been down there. our peter doocy says they've only ponied up emergency money of a million four. doesn't sound fabulous to me, senator, what do you think? >> no. i don't know where the money's at. they find money to send to ukraine and all over the world, but for the people in the eastern part of the country, they need help. all you have to do is look at the videos, larry. it's absolutely horrible what they've gone through. now, we're going on six days, and where's biden and harris been? president trump's been on the ground raising money, doing everything he can possibly do. this is multi, multibillion dollar damage. i heard peter doocy just talking about the quartz. that's going to be a huge problem. i tell you another problem, this is right in the middle of harvest season for our farmers, and especially on the east coast
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with cotton, soybeans, peanuts, larry, they're in trouble. they were in trouble before because of all the input costs and the prices that are going down, but a lot of people in trouble. this is going to take years to get back on the ground. we have zero leadership in this white house. you don't know whether, you know, what either one of these people are going to do in terms of biden and harris. but it looked like they're at least going to go, but they're more worried about getting elected and keeping power than they are helping the people in this country. stuart: do you reckon it's going to to come up in the debate tonight, j.d. vance versus ted walz? sorry. do we don't know the moderators, how they're going to handle this, but if i was drafting somebody the debate if from the senate that i know, the people that i know, it'd either be j.d. vance, ted cruz or mike lee. j.d. vance is really good. he's going to have to bring if out some things that weren't brought in the other one like men playing in women's sports.
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as you said, all about the farmers that are going broke all over the country. we're spending $80,000 a second. this country's in so bad shape that j.d.'s not going to have any if problem of just picking one or two things to bring up. but this clown, walz, i don't know the direction he's going to go because he's never done this before. he's been a governor, he should be well versed, but i tell you what, i got my money on j.d. vance because he's been going in harm's way in the last 600, 700 days -- of 0 -- 60, 70, cnn, msnbc, "meet the press," he's done a great job of doing that. walz has not done that. neither he nor harris has gone into harm's way, and i'm looking forward to see is how walz reacts. larry: j.d. will go into the lions' den, no question about that. i'm hoping he ties everything to the economy. i was looking at polls today, senator. the economy's, you know, it's
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bigger than immigration, it's bigger than abortion, it's bigger than anything. it should be a referendum on bidenomics where ms. harris -- joe biden has said ms. harris was by his side the whole three and a half p four years. it should be a referendum on that if j.d. can pull it off. >> you're exactly right. and, larry, remember this now, we're paying $3 billion a day on the interest on the $35 trillion that we owe. but i'm going the tell to you something, larry, i've been all over the cunninger, everybody's -- country, everybody's been talking about the economy. the number one thing they say, coach, is my vote going to count. they are so worried about the shenanigans going on again in this election. and if they do, you know, people are going to recognize it this time. last time they were cough off guard, but this time people are ready for it. i just hope the people across the country understand what we're getting ready to go into in this election. larry: just went a little off the beat, but it's actually on the beat.
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i want this administration before they're out, let israel be israel. let the idf be the idf. they have done marvelous things. let 'em do it. i want to hear the bidens just let 'em do it. quit talking ceasefire and all that stuff. last word, senator tuberville. >> well, get out of the way. you know, it's amazing to me how the biden and harris administration knows whenever iran iran's coming into israel. it look like war games. obviously, it's not for israel. they're having to knock all these missiles down, but we all knew they were coming. april the 14th and today, iran, the white house, they'd already told the white house they were coming in, ready the go. and, you know, but the white house has allowed them to do this, larry, because they have given them billions of dollars because of taking off the sanctions that president trump had on iran when he left office. larry: thank you, senator tuberville. we appreciate your wisdom, as always, sir. talk soon. and, folks, remember, tune in to our special coverage of tonight's vice presidential
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debate right here on fabulous fox business. we'll be doing predebate analysis, we'll be carrying the debate itself at 9 p.m. eastern. you don't want to miss it. coming up here on "can kudlow," how does j.d. vance win the vice presidential debate or will he in all-star cast right here on set. don't forget kudlow. i'm not a potted plant, you know. ♪ ♪ that's right james, it isn't. car, where are we going? we're here. (♪) surprise!!! the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. car, were you in on this? nothing gets by you james. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. larry: all right, how does j.d. vance win the vice presidential debate with tim walz, if he does win? rich lowry, editor-in-chief of the national review, mark simone, wor radio host, joe concha, author of "progressively worse." joe concha, start us off. how does he win? how does. >> d -- j.d. win? >> he anticipates the lies we're going to the hear from tim walz tonight as we did with kamala harris. she said trump wants a federal ban on abortion, and that's got to be batted back. that trump wanted to ban ivf, that's got to be batted back. that the trump tax cuts only benefited the rich. or he'll bring up donald trump is preparing a bloodbath if he doesn't win. so tim walz is going to tray to make this a referendum on donald
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trumping all j.d. vance has to do is stick to the issues in terms of the economy, ask tim walz, hey, do you really support taxing unrealized capital gains, for example? do you really support price fixing? hey, you once said you wanted to buy a ladder company so you could get over donald trump east wall on cn if n. there are a thousands things you could throw back at tim walz. it's like box. j.d. vance has done dozens of interviews in hostel praise. -- place. he's been sparring and training, tim walz has not taken one tough question, that will be exposed tonight. larry: rich, does j.d. vance succeed in tying walz to harris, yes, but also joe biden? >> yes. so it's not enough just to win the debate against walz. any hit you make against wales walz has to go back to the biden or harris to one of these larger themes of the campaign. and i'm pretty bullish about j.d., he's been such an effective spokesman. he's gone everywhere. there's nothing that's going to
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come up tonight that he hasn't already been asked multiple times. my fear is the media a declares tim walz is winner anyway. [laughter] larry: mark simone, how would you advice vise him? if go ahead. >> he doesn't need my at -- advice. he's the king at swatting away these gotcha stupid questions about the cat ladies and eating dogs. he'll say are you going to get to policy? let's talk about policy. larry: he'll go after it, just as a thought. let me ask it as a question, will he go after the moderators if they moderate9 with a buy whereas? >> yes. he's great at that, and he's been doing these totally corrupt sunday shows, all of them, so he's got a lot of practice doing that. as we speak or, it's getting worse for walz. he's got to defend a port strike, all things breaking out in israel. he -- vance can tie harris to biden. she's got to admit she was part of that where she's saying she had a no-show job for four years. >> the mod raters will surely be
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biased, but at least they're not going to fact check in realtime can which is one of the factors that made that abc debate such a debalking. larry: does this kind of bait move the needle at all? >> let's be honest, we've had, like to, three -- like, three memorable moments, you're probably just looking for a favorable news cycle or two, develop a theme or two -- larry: i still yearn for the sarah palin debate. much better than anyone gave her relate for. [laughter] does this matter? >> i believe it does because i look at the audience, it's going to be 60 million people. that's about the number of people that watched pence and harris, and this is the last big moment of this campaign in terms of having two candidates on each ticket going against each other. there's probably not going to be any more debates, so this is the last impression that particularly kamala harris and tim walz have to make because we don't really know anything about
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them. if you're j.d. vance, you do the fact checking, right? larry: the race is close. or seems to be so close. poll after poll after poll. it may or may not come down to pennsylvania, but it's just a very close race. that's' why i'm thinking politically for a veep to debate, this one may have a wee bit more meaning than your normal run of the milker who cares veep debate -- mill, who cares veep debate. >> yeah. first of all, supporters weren't is so sure about vance. he wasn't their choice. so he'll win them over tonight. also there's stuff that wasn't really prosecuted in that first debate like the riots, that whole summer of riots where people like walz did nothing about it. he'll have to answer for that tonight. i don't know how he's going to do that. >> i want the hear him answer, why did you go to china more than 30 times? larry: what is it about this chinese story? if i keep -- i mean, is there corruption or is it just like chinese? did he bring business to minnesota? i mean, he's been there a lot of
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i think he's been there more than hunter biden's been there. [laughter] i just keep asking, why? why was he there? minnesota, i mean, i don't see a virulent connection. >> this isn't going to arby's, a right in this is a 24-hour flight. you do it 30 times? what business were you conducting as the folksy midwest governor? that's a very, very good question, and now james comer's actually opening an investigation into this. larry: mark simone, i can't hele bit left. eric adams, i want to say he deserves his day in court. what's more, the more i read about the charges against him, a couple of first class tickets on the airplane, it doesn't move me. it doesn't move me at all. i think they are coming after him because he criticized the administration. >> well, he deserves his day in court, and he'll get a couple hundred of them coming up. [laughter] i think what it is, at least menendez, gold bars -- larry: i know, that was real assets. eric adams gets a plane ticket, for god sakes. >> even under biden --
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>> that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪ good evening,


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