tv Kudlow FOX Business October 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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expectations if you look at the traditional recession indicators inverted yield curve we've blown through those so markets continue to make us look foolish so to speak. we can continue well into 2025. it doesn't mean it's a straight 45-degree angle up. there's fits and starts and that's healthy but we might be at the early innings of this bull market cycle. liz: well, people who disagreed in the past have been burned so thanks, brandon we fresh it. >> [closing bell ringing] liz: folks it does look like a record for the dow jones industrials here. lots of green on the screen, tomorrow, robinhood, don't miss it. we'll see you then. larry: hello folks welcome to kudlow i'm larry kudlow. so president trump hammered away at the key issues in today's fox news town hall with harris faulkner. economy, inflation, energy, border. we've got liz peek, rachel campos-duffy, kennedy is with us
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also how about that special treat. joining us in just a moment, but first up, kamala harris focused on race, space, loan forgiveness and reparations, not to mention a healthy dose of smoking dope. anyway, fox news peter doocy live at the white house with all these goodies. peter? you're back with us. reporter: and larry, good afternoon. vice president harris isn't willing to say that she does support reparations at this moment which would cost several trillion taxpayer dollars, because she just doesn't know enough about it yet. >> what's your stance on reparations? we all know that america became great, you know, off the backs of free black labor. how progressive are you on making it a priority and writing america's wrongs? it's understood that you are running for president for all people of america, asking for specifics for black
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communities doesn't mean don't do for others. >> it has to be studied. there's no question about that and i've been very clear about that position. in terms of my media plan? reporter: the harris team has what they call an opportunity agenda for black men which may be on shakey legal ground for singling out a particular race, so narrowly but it be $20,000 for black entrepreneurs and would legalize recreational pot, and this is the latest reason to ask. why none of this has been addressed in her three and a half years as vp. today though the press secretary insisted president biden has been plenty supportive of the vp and her agenda for years. >> the president has always wanted the vice president to be successful. she's had an impressive record and so anything else beyond that i certainly will leave it to the vice president and her team to speak specifically on. reporter: and the white house can say that president biden wants vice president harris to be successful, but he barely
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campaigns for her and when she's out there, we go to all these events. she barely mentions him. if ever, larry? larry: just sounds like a lover's quarrel to me, peter doocy. i don't know if it can be patched up. time is short. anyway thanks very much for that report. meanwhile president trump in georgia today for a woman's town hall with our own harris faulkner and he had a very different message. madison alworth with all the details. madison? what's the message? reporter: well larry the race for the white house we know it could not be any tighter, so trump's message today when he sat down with our own harris faulkner was to talk to a voting group and win them over. a group he traditionally struggles with, women. they asked questions on some of the issues that matter most to that group and really to any american that's interested in our country. the economy. crime. abortion. child care, illegal immigration, and protecting women and girls in sports. trump really kept going back to his main points, the economy,
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energy, inflation, and almost every chance that's where he went. he focused on tax cuts and making america affordable again, arguing his tariffs and drill baby drill energy agenda would lower costs and fuel economic growth. >> everything is evolving around energy. that's what caused inflation, energy. more than anything else including their stupid spending of the green new deal. they spent money so much money and that caused it also, but the biggest thing was they went away from my energy policy. your energy bill which is a very big bill will be down 50% starting one year from january 20. reporter: when it came to the issue of abortion, he presented a fairly moderate message. trump also touted ivanka's work on child care under his first term and restated his support for ivf. on immigration, he stressed his plan to deport violent criminals but also talked about the importance of skill-based merit immigration. >> in terms of legal
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immigration in this country, what can you get done? >> look, we have a country. it grows nicely over a period of many years. all of a sudden, they are force feeding millions of people, 21 million people came in over the last three-years. we also want to have people come in. we actually need people, but they are going to come in through testing, they are going to come in through like do they love our ca country. reporter: like i said at the top, larry, trump struggled with the female vote in the past and we're what, 20 days away from his next chance to win over those women voters. larry? larry: but he's doing very well against male voters. that's going to offset that and then some. anyway, madison alworth thank you very much. joining us now, star studded panel, liz peek, syndicated columnist, fox news contributor, rachel campos-duffy, host of the brand new spanish language show i'm going to blow this but i'll t try.
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and i'm going to practice on it. and airing weekdays at 4:00 p.m. eastern on fox. they slipped that in. reporter: you did good. and kennedy co-host of out numbered. ladies thank you very much. it sounds to me, i'll go to you rachel, first, you're a special, special guest. you're all special guests, actually kennedy is a special guest. >> oh, larry, thank you. larry: he sounded very much on-message is the point i want to make when you go down to inflation, economy, border, and then even to the extent of merit-based immigration policy which is is so important. he got a standing ovation at the chicago economics club. he got a huge ovation at the chicago economics club yesterday when he responded this liberal left host and said, you know what? i'm formation, but i'm for legal immigration and i
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think it sounds like he's made the same point here. rachel: what i think he's been doing well is staying on-message and not getting distracted. they want to talk about abortion. he did what he had to do there but he's like i'm on-message and talk about the economy and the inflation because no matter who you are, you're worried about that, and then i think if you compare that to the clip that you showed before of kamala harris on that radio show it was that sharlemane, he got distracted and like i'll be for that and i'll be for that and that candidate knows exactly who he is and he gives the same message in the bronx as he's giving in rural wisconsin or wherever he's at and the other one keeps shifting and turning because she's not confident. she's afraid of making decisions, and when she's in an environment like an interview like we're here, she's going to say whatever larry wants to hear, you know, if that's the case. larry: no, no.
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kennedy you saw this thing from start to finish. >> i saw some of it. larry: i saw a little bit of it myself that's all but let's go back to that. she's talking about $14 trillion in reparations. i don't think most americans know what that is by the way and repper asians infers something recent, not something hundreds and hundreds of years ago, and of course the biden-harris have already bankrupted us in the first place, so i don't know what that has to do. what i do think people are worried about is prices, economic outlook, can you afford to buy a new home, are we going to close the border, can we bottle up the crime wave that's probably come from the border in large measure? that's what's given trump, i think, a lead right now and has changed the race. he's on-message. she doesn't have a message and her message changes as rachel said almost on a daily basis depending on who she talked to last. >> but he values haven't
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changed. larry: [laughter] >> well what does that mean? so if you're playing, your values haven't changed so what your values originally were, that's what your values are today, so that's what it means when you say my values haven't changed. well in 2019, she was for defunding the police. you know, in 2019 she was against fracking. she was for confiscating wealth. so you have to assume she's for all of those things, and so let's say the conservative estimates for reparations be $5 trillion. if you confiscated all of the wealth of the wealthiest people in this country, all of the billionaires, it doesn't even equal that low estimate so there's no way of doing it. what she should say is i want more of you to be billionaires. i want those young, black men and these underserved schools to dream about what they can do. i want this to be an aspirational economy so you can take your dreams, put them into action, and you can be the one at the table in the future, but she can't even
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articulate that. larry: before i get to liz, let's play some tape on trump's middle class agenda, from the faulkner focus today. >> could you outline your plans to revitalize the economy again as president and policies that specifically support the middle class when re-elected? >> we have tremendous wets in n this country and it's called liquid gold and we'll bring down your energy cost and with that everything will follow. we're also going to make it possible for companies to come into our country again. we have a tax rate that's going to lure them and we'll protect them with tariffs so they can make money and don't get stolen, but we'll have record setting jobs. larry: all right we've got that, and do we have one more on immigration? we have one more on immigration? we skipped over it here in the teleprompter but i want to go back to it here. here is the full immigration answer, please. >> we have to take these murders they've allowed to come through open borders without
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knowing anything about them, we have to take those people and remove them but we also want people to come in. we actually need people, but they are going to come in through testing, they are going to come in through like do they love our country, can they love our country? larry: yes, we had a point system the last year, in the trump administration never got through because ran out of time. clock ran out. liz what do you think of this message across-the-board? >> well i think it's an excellent message across-the-board. it appeals by the way not just to women but to men. it appeals to the entire country. she is continuing the obama approach of slicing and dicing the population, as rachel said. she really is just kind of it's like a bowling ball going from lane-to-lane. it's just not particularly authentic to put it mildly, but i think that she is exposed as someone who doesn't mean what she says, and i think everyone agrees that donald trump, you may not like what he says, but he's authentic and out there saying what he really believes
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and what he really believes is the government should be on the side of the people, it should be empowering the people, not empowering the bureaucrats and i really, you know, i think that's hitting home. larry: from day one. >> by the way, on this immigration thing. i do remember the immigration policy that you guys put out there and guess what? it was very popular if you remember. larry: i know. democrats wouldn't let us take a vote. almost from day one, kamala harris has been unable to convince people that what she says is what she believes, and as kennedy says she dropped back with that values business, so if your values haven't changed and your policies have we have a disconnect. that disconnect does not bode well for her. i think it's a phony candidacy and plagued her from day one. rachel? she's losing hispanic votes, trump is gaining hispanic votes. rachel: it's true. larry: she's going to win the women. okay i get that. on the other hand trump has made tremendous strides with respect to men.
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young men. i don't want to put you on the spot but you do star in this new show and a lot of this , some of it's blacks, to be sure african americans. rachel: a lot of it is hispanic. larry: what's your theory? rachel: here is my theory. young hispanic men still have our culture, still very traditional. what do they aspire to? to have a family. to get married. to prospect, to provide and yes to protect. those are still values and it is so hard. so the largest population are these young, hispanic men. it's huge, and so they're looking at launching in life in this economy, it's impossible, and so that, it's an economic issue for them. i will say with women, you know, they are saying it's really bad that donald trump says he wants to protect women. i'll tell you hispanic women like that idea. protect me from high prices and from crime, protect my kids when they go jogging on college campus so the protection message that masculine, strong, decisive, the opposite of kamala
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harris, i think is very appealing to hispanics. larry: one more piece of tape. trump on men and women in sports. hang on, kennedy we're coming to you. >> okay. >> we stop at, we absolutely stop it. you can't have it. it's a man playing in the game. i mean physically from a muscular state, even if it was a little bit less, maybe, they do all sorts of tests and everything else. look at what's happened in swimming. you just ban it. the president bans it. you just don't let it happen. >> [applause] >> [cheers and applause] larry: that got a lot of applause. a lot of applause and look at. i just want to add one little thing here. you don't have to be making value judgments about trans or non-trans. this is a different idea. this seems to me about fairness. biological men should not compete in women's sports. that's different. now there are a lot of trans issues. i don't frankly want to go into
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those right now but he's making a separate point, a narrow point and i think that's where he picks up tremendous support. >> yeah, and i think this idea of forcing biological men into women sports. it's actually worse for the trans community. it actually puts trans people at-risk. it doesn't elevate the conversation, but it activates moms. it certainly activates moms wher daughters because all you want is for your kid to be happy and if your kid can be happy playing sports, that feels like a level of success but when they're having to compete against someone would can actually hurt them? it feels like an injustice. it feels like, you know, a rationality is upside down. larry: it's unamerican. >> a lot of independent voters are looking to someone to right us. larry: it's not what we do in this country. >> shouldn't be. larry: liz, three weeks ago, has the tide turned? seriously. has there been a change in
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the momentum? >> and without a doubt. i mean, if the betting odds are at all realistic that shows a tremendous change in the last two or three weeks and i think what happens is her thing just ran out of steam because there isn't any meat on the bones. there's no policy back-up to all those sort of aspirational bologna she was spouting for so long and even democrats, i spent about three hours reading all of the democrat columnists and everything about what they think. they think she needs to do something. larry: i thought she looked a little like that. >> it really was kind of educational. mo larry: she's pretty smart. >> yeah, and she was like, where is your vision? it was interesting. i thought her comment was, didn't she ever take a yellow pad and say why do i want to be president? here are the reasons. here is my policies. i thought that was pretty brilliant, because clearly, she has no idea why she wants to be president. larry: no one is buying it either. rachel give us a couple seconds
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on your new show? rachel: our show is fox and it airs on the fox channel, the fox sports channel but you can also catch it on fox youtube channel and also on fox nation. it's a one hour news show we're doing news, culture, sports, everything. it's great. larry: good luck. >> congratulations. rachel: it's time for it. larry: it's time for it. i can feel it. liz peek, kennedy and rachel campos-duffy, good luck on it all. coming up, reciprocity is the new free-trade. we'll talk about that with kevin hassett and dave malpass next up and remember don't miss our own bret baier's exclusive interview with vice president kamala harris tonight 6:00 p.m. eastern on special report. gotta watch that one, i'm kudlow, we'll be right back.
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larry: so reciprocity is the new free-trade and that's the subject of the rif. at the chicago economics club yesterday, bloomberg moderator got his clock cleaned by donald trump. not because he's a bad person, but because he's trying to make a free-trade case that is over 25 years old. i'm not even sure he understands this , but the time is long-passed in american politics when the us can stand by and do nothing while our foreign competitors and adversaries take advantage of us. the economics profession unfortunately still clings to a kind of post-world war ii free-trade a appropriate whose time is long gone with the advent of china's joining the world trade organization, and the western powers allowing
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china for high tariffs and other trade barriers while still giving china access to america's consumer markets, you know, what american manufacturing in the midwest and elsewhere got wiped out? china goods were suddenly cheap. america goods expensive. this all really started in the 70s with cheap asian products invading the us but it accelerated after the w. t. o. chinese allowances which still, today, are not fixed. the numbers are very clear about the decline in manufacturing, since the year 2000 and frankly, earlier. donald trump has been completely consistent with this for decades well-before he started running for president. one of his greatest achievements as president was ringing the warning bell on china's unfair trading practices, as well as the rampant intelectual property theft and forced transfer of technology. now again, he could not match with trump largely because trump's position is so strong.
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here is the key. trade reciprocity is now the new free-trade. ironically, the very tariffs that the liberal economic establishment hates so much are the pathway to free-trade. the argument is simple. countries with unfair trading practices will be denied access to the great american market unless they lower their trading barriers. mr. trump is a master negotiator at this , and the us average tariff by the way, even after trump's first term, is still only about 2%. it's the lowest in the world. china, india, brazil, the eu, all have much higher average tariff rates than we do but trump has proven through free-trade deals with south korea, japan, us mca, he's proven he's fully capable of reducing tariffs as he is raising them. those deals brought trade barriers down. nobody seems to remember that. and along the way, mr. trump is
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taking great care to defend american workers and in all likelihood, as trump drives hard bargains with our competitors, by using tariffs to negotiate, the worst case high-tariff rates will probably never come to pass and in addition, mr. trump is willing to provide american companies with a low of 15% corporate tax rate and 100% expensing depreciation for machinery, for equipment, for research, for development, all to help them get through any difficult times, and when you combine trump's tax cuts with his ambitious plan to deregulate the business sector, rollback government intervention in the economy, aka the musk commis sion and of course once again unlocking what he calls liquid gold and add to that a stable king dollar, you have a phenomenal pro-growth package, which will not only create more goods that will reduce prices, but will finally reduce
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government spending, deficits, and debts, as a share of the overall economy. it is all part of a dynamic economic plan that liberal economists just fail to understand. sorry about that, folks and that is the rif. all right let's bring in our guests joining us now kevin hassett former chair of the council of economic advisors, stopping america socialism dave malpass former world bank group president and undersecretary of the treasury. gentlemen, i've got some sound. let's play some sound from trump yesterday on this chicago thing and the tariffs and you'll see what the response is. here it comes. >> it must be hard for you to spend 25 years talking about tariffs being negative and have somebody explain to you that you're totally wrong. it'll have -- >> [laughter] >> it's going to have a massive effect, positive effect. the higher the tariff, the more likely it is that the company will come into the united states
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and build a factory in the united states so it doesn't have to pay the tariff. larry: in a way, there you have it. david malpass, a view of free-trade, i guess, that is 25 years old, or worse. i mean, it's just not real anymore. what do you make of that, because that's what gave trump the upper hand when trump said you're 25 years out of date, you've been wrong for 25 year, david, i think he was being accurate. that's the thing. the economics profession is like the last to get on board with this. >> that's right. the establishment really doesn't want change and we have to recognize the trading system is really broken. we need massive change in that. i would extend that to the budget system. it's broken. we need sweeping change. the federal reserve's models are broken. that's the phillips curve model and so trump's coming in and
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saying i want a lot of change, and so big government types pushback on that and say oh, no that be the end of the world. vp harris says she wouldn't change anything from biden so really, what we have is this fight where trump is saying, isn't it clear to the whole american public that we need massive sweeping change and trade is one central part of that. larry: you know, kevin hassett, it's funny, because reciprocity is the new free-trade, et cetera et cetera, but if you look at trump's whole package. this is what annoys me. economists, wall street economists and liberal economists, blah blah blah, from bloomberg, they are all focused like crazy on almost like the word free-trade, but you look at this whole package, with tax cuts and a steady dollar as the world reserve currency, you'll cut back on the role of government. that's the elon musk commission, deregulation. it can't possibly be inflationary, and a dynamic
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model, kevin hassett, it can't possibly be anything but pro-growth and counter-inflationary. >> right. and the thing that i want to remind everybody of is that because of the china tariffs, the implied tariff weighed by the amount of imports went from 3% to 14% during president trump's first term and we had 3% growth and 1% inflation so it didn't feed through to inflation and the reason is that a lot of production switched to the us but also to countries other than china, and so the point is, imagine there's a company operating say in canada, shipping stuff into the us and then we put on a tariff. then they could move the factory to the us and avoid the tariff and what's the extra cost really going to be? the point is if you look at the academic literature there's not much of a link between tariffs and inflation and the reason is you can buy from the next-best source and the next-best source couldn't be the guy you used to buy from who just moves to the us and unless you think us
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workers are way worse and way less productive then the extra cost isn't that high. larry: well-said. here is one. federal reserve came up yesterday, chicago. take a listen, folks. >> look, i think it's the greatest job in government. you show up to the office once a month and you say let's see. flip a coin. >> [laughter] >> and everybody talks about you like you're a god. i don't think i should be allowed to order it, but i think i have the right to put in comments as to whether or not interest rates should go up or down. larry: i like that a lot, dave malpass. i don't think i should be able to order it but he has a right to weigh in. he's a citizen. he pays taxes. why can't he have his opinion about interest rates and fed policy? >> he can. and you know, the treasury secretary meets weekly with the fed chairman and they discuss what the interest rates are. nobody is giving guidance to the fed, but they are having input and the business community, wall
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street does of course. so i really liked the direction that this heads of the dollar as a reserve currency. that goes, i heard you say and i liked it, a steady king dollar. so if you say that, and if the world believes that, that means lower interest rates in the us than they otherwise be and that means more jobs. more small business financing can come out of this. if you describe a growth model that's based on supply, you're going to get really positive change and harris, i'll repeat. she doesn't want any change, so she's leaving us stuck with inflation, with the debt going to $50 trillion, no change from her side. larry: kevin, just got 20 seconds sorry, but this is a chance reverse course. you can get government spending, deficits and debt, as a share of the economy bending down for the first time in quite a while. don't you think kevin, this growth model, that's what
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you can get as a share of the economy, all the evils, all the bads if you will, can finally start bending back down again. >> and i know i've got to go fast but think about it this way. the average deficit under the biden administration outside of the covid years has been $1.9 trillion a year under trump it was less than half that and a return to those policies will certainly reduce inflation. larry: thank you ever so much appreciate it kevin hassett and david malpass. coming up sex trafficking surged under the biden-harris administration unbelievably. the numbers are alarming and frankly they have to be held accountable for that. senator marsha blackburn will weigh in next on kudlow.
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an immigrant. yeah, well, if they had all been properly vetted that probably wouldn't have happened. larry: oh, my god. a politician told the truth. that there is a gaf for sure. joining us tennessee senator marsha blackburn. senator welcome back, ma'am. i mean, there is bill clinton. i don't know, obviously or not, whether he realized he was saying it, lacon riley killed tragically in georgia because she was not vetted, none had been vetted. 10 million hadn't been vetted or whatever the right number is but i wanted to ask you, your view. there's another horrible, horrible subject. sex trafficking, and i don't know how good these numbers are, but there were coming from the department of the health and human services. no, homeland security. i beg your pardon. 1,837 young sex traffic, youth sex trafficking under biden-harris. got as high as 2,226 in 2022.
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trump's was only about one-third of that because he cut back so much and what we don't know either as you probably know, we don't know. there are all kinds of hundreds of thousands of children that are out there. they have no idea where they are. i mean, this is part of the tragedy that probably may not get enough discussion. >> larry, you are so right about this , and we all remember when the democrats would repeatedly say that we have to pass this , that, or the other for the children, and then you look at this administration and how difficult it has been on women and children and a big part of that is what is happening with the sex trafficking. now one of the reasons you've seen such an uptick in number of girls that are being trafficked in, specifically for the sex trade, is because you are not
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doing dna testing at the border. the biden administration cut that out. trump did it. we found out that about 40% of all the girls that were being trafficked in were coming in with someone they were not related to, or children that were being brought into the country. now, we also know that these big social media platforms, instagram, snapchat, facebook, they have sites that are setup that deal in trafficking, boys and girls, for the sex trade. we know that every two minutes, every two minutes, a child is bought or sold for sex in this country, and there are remedies that we have brought forward reinstating the dna testing, stiffer penalties on these traffickers, making certain that we pass the kids
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online safety act that would hold social media responsible for some of these bad actors that are on their platform, and we're needing to get that through the house as quickly as we can. we continue to the over 300,000 kids that dhs lost track of that, of these children. i want your audience to understand. these are migrant children that came in and, larry, homeland security and hhs health and human services, these are the agencies responsible. they cannot tell you where these children are. they cannot tell you if they're dead or alive. their sponsors were not properly vetted, just like it takes too much time so let's just rush it on through, and bill clinton said the quiet part outloud. people are not being properly
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vetted. this administration has pushed more than 10 million illegal aliens across that border into this country. the american people are less safe. you have more women and girls being trafficked now than ever. it is a $15 billion a year business in this country, and it is imperative that we secure the border, that we begin to find these children under president donald trump, you will have an administration that will take this seriously and will do the job. larry: you know, you're so eloquent on this matter, senator, and we appreciate it. i just want to say in the last few moments. what you're advocating can be done. the border can be closed. the vetting can occur. the tracking of people coming in and out, it can be done. border agents will stay on if
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trump wins. apparently they want to leave if harris wins. i mean, it can be done, ma'am. isn't that the bottom line here? >> that is the bottom line. there is a way to do this. president trump did it in his administration. the biden administration does not take border security seriously, and obviously, they do not respect the border personnel. that is why you are hearing the cbp, the border personnel members say, if kamala harris wins, they're quitting. they are not going to put up with four more years of this , where you are empowering illegal entry and you're disrespecting the border patrol agents that are doing the heavy lift. they've asked for three things for years. a border barrier, better technology, and more officers and agents.
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donald trump gave it to them. joe biden and kamala harris took it away. wouldn't even go to the border. she did an 11th hour photo op and she was down there for 20 minutes. you can't even get in the car and go out on patrol in 20 minutes. i thought it was insulting. larry: thank you, senator blackburn. yes, we appreciate your time, very very much, good luck. all right folks. changing gears a little bit. we've got mark simone wor host and joe concha, fox news contributor, running a little short of time. just one quickie. joe concha. maybe the flap about the fbi statistics, this was the abc debate, blah blah blah, and trump was fact checked on the spot. harris wasn't, trump was. turns out what? there's a big surprise here. >> donald trump said during that debate that violent crime had increased and was driving
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americans out of major cities. we do see that happening, and then david muir, one of the moderators in the most condescending fashion said actually we fact checked this and the fbi reports say that crime is actually decreased in this country, mr. trump. media outlets ran with it and said wow this is a big moment. well it turns out the fbi has revised their statement or their report now, actually, violent crime we're talking murder, rapes, robberies, aggravated assaults has increased a 7 point swing from decreased to increased. the problem is 65 million people were watching that debate. this revision very few people will hear about or talk about. larry: did abc say they were wrong? >> of course not. larry: they must have forgot. >> they have world news tonight in two hours. let's see if he fact checks himself. i have a feeling that won't happen. the chance of that happening are 0.0. larry: mark simone? >> they rigged the last crime report and left out los angeles, new york, chicago, baltimore, philadelphia, washington d.c. >> those are safe cities. >> that's where the crime is.
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larry: i know. but can i just say, it's part of the corruption of these beltway agencies. you know? really? and the fbi. i was reading up about this and you have to have magnifying glass. you have to know what you're looking for to even interpret the fbi statistics. that's how hard they try to hide the fact that they were wrong and trump was right. i mean really? i hope elon musk comes in there with a machete and a hatchet all at once and goes after the economic agencies, but also, the security agencies, law and order agencies and the intelligence agencies. it's all just infuriating what they try to pull. constantly. >> and the jobs reports by the way. ever notice like oh, wow great job increases. 16 of the last 19 months, the job reports have been revised downwards, in terms of jobs added. why is that i wonder? larry: you going to the al smith dinner?
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>> yeah, tomorrow night. larry: we'll probably sit at the same table. last i heard kamala is doing a video. i heard that's the plan. larry: what kind of video? >> well you're supposed to be there and speak. it's even more insulting. larry: that's worse. >> i said that in the green room. >> you've got time to do the video show up. larry: that will look worse. is this race slipping away? we're three weeks away. okay? is the race slipping away? put away the polls we can talk about polls for hours and hours but just your gut feeling. >> it is totally slipping away and the real polls they know it's slipping away. her strategy was high. don't do any interviews. now she's doing fox, anything and everything. that's total opposite. she's in panic mode. larry: i just want to say, i'm glad she's doing an interview with bret baier because he is honest but i don't think people from day one, this came up at the very beginning of the show. we had our ladies panel. i don't think she has been believed from day one. her policies have changed but
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her values are the same. the whole thing. she gets caught tying her shoe laces everyday. >> she never says what she means and never means what she says and people can see a phony from a mile away. here is the bottom line. she wouldn't be doing all these shows to try to court black voters. you're the black presidential candidate and you're struggling there? you're struggling with spanish and unions? that's the core of the democratic base. if she can't get those three groups -- larry: you're right. mark simone, joe concha, you're both right. sorry time is short and money. coming up the ev mandates that harris favors are killing jobs are going to affect the outcome of this big senate race. we're going to talk about it with republican michigan senate candidate mike rogers and also moving ram trucks to mexico. you won't get your 15% tax break. that's all. to your monster to-t .
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larry: joining me now republican senate candidate from michigan, mr. mike rogers. mike good to see you. so what about this ev mandate coming down from biden-harris, laying off workers, pushing stuff to china. i'm sure it's a hot campaign issue. can you win on this issue? >> it's going to be significant, larry. we're gathering up auto workers
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all across the state. think of it 1.1 million workers in michigan tied to the gas engine production in one way or another. 40% less labor according to ceo of ford. you do the math that's 400,000 manufacturing jobs and they are using taxpayer money to bring in chinese companies to build the product that will result in less michigan orders. i don't know anybody that thinks that's a good idea. you can have any color you want in america under biden and harris, as long as it's an electric vehicle. these mandates are killing the auto industry. 2,400 layoffs, 2 1,000 at general motors and stelantis pulling out of michigan ford has lost $5 billion in their ev unit. it's a disaster. larry: mike rogers good luck out there. it's a great issue. it's a tough issue. be strong, sir. thanks very much for coming on. e right back. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out
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