tv The Evening Edit FOX Business October 16, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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with savings, right? (♪) i wish i had someone like evan when i started. somebody just got their first debit card! ice cream on you? ooo, tacos! i got you. wait hold on, don't you owe me money? what?! your money is a part of your community, so your bank should be too. like, chase! larra rhode islander look at what trump is doing consistently and economy, border and inflation. economy, border and inflation. so consist and that's why he's doing so well. and i'll pass the baton over to somebody else that knows very well. that's elizabeth macdonald. liz: journal reports that kamala
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it on the only thing. also this. >> guy as venture capitalist and going for that and more. not going for that and going to take cohost kevin o'leary taking it on. plus this story. >> limited to a handful of conflicts on. >> do you hear yourself? liz: new surveillance video and a gang beating in that apartment clicks in aurora c undercutting the media narrative and radio host jay con rantz going for this. we have had because of approach
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that recognizes not o overrelyig on drill baby drill. >> going for undercuts for the stance and gop strategist going to tomi lahren joining us with elon musk and now suing state of california from this. liz: hesitating over going over kamala ha harris and peter doocy break news on this and white house with more on this. peter, great to see you. reporter: liz, thank you for having me and vice president harris for sure not knowing
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enough about it. >> stance on reparations and going for america going great. not doing for others. >> on the point of reparations and there's no question. and there's no point about that position. >> media plan. reporter: we've got some media plans here and harris calling opportunity and recently having black men that may be on them and particular race and going for $20,000 for black entrepreneurs and going for reck national pot and the ask why non-has been addressed in the
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speech. >> she's been successful and has been an impressive record. >> white houssaying vice president is supportive of the people in the last couple weeks and he's barely campaigned for her. she barely mentions him if at all. liz. liz: we love your story. great to have it on and joining us now, chicago voter pr easily going to have them speaking out and what's your reaction to this report? what do you think of this this new agenda to get the black vote
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from kamala harris? many people including in states like california that have seen moves like this, these ideas have said wait a second, all taxpayer and black voters having to pay for trillions in ha tax hikes to pay for it. >> it's absolute pandering and i think they're moving on and the pandering is absolutely insulting and very disrespectful. i think that if they spoke to us like regular americans rather than a charity that must be pitied, they will get further but they don't respect us enough to speak to us like americans. liz: kamala harris' handouts and $20,000 loans and opening to all americans on the a neutral basis
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and talking government bailouts and free loans for and he shall all entrepreneurs and everybody will have to pay for that. p-rae. >> again, this was all pandering and this is her plan for black men and black men did not take the bait and she wants to broaden that pandering to everyone that getting it to 300 million people and asinine and i think that the she's part of the biden harris campaign. she's actually giving us her indictment on her former position and we believe that again, we deserve better than her. we are not voting for kamala harris.
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ting over, democratic party. black voter haves moved on and the illegals were the straw that broke the camel's back. liz: why do you say that? >> well, i say that because for generations, my people, the american negro people, we've been in the country paying taxes for generations and never have we ever been offered this type of resources, this type of grace when i came up to chicago trust worthy mississippi, they lived in a boxcar for the first time. there's no reason that illegals should be able to come over here and feast off of our tax dollars and that's to the why we go to work. lp-rae, we can see why people are paying attention and sitting up and taking notice of everything you're saying, p-rae.
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you say it beautifully, elegantly and succinctly. >> support us at and turn the entire country red. god bless america. liz: got it, p-rae. thank you so much. >> might be hard to spend 25 years talking about tariffs and the negatives and have someone explain how you're wrong. >> those people and the higher people are going to have to pay in shops. >> the higher the tariff and the more likely the company comes into the united states and build a factory in the united states and doesn't have to pay the tariff. who are the people doing it and
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very stupid or getting paid off. liz: u.s. ranks among the lowest on tariffs and other nations are hitting the goods on higher tariffs and o'leary venture chairman and mr. wonderful and new season of shark tank airs this friday and would it increase inflation? talk about the real turf war between the united states and china. it's a economic war going on and they do umpire by the by the rurules and company ip and can't use the court systems and litigate us with our american courts and request we use them
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using tariffs as tactical warheads and right now we should be using that as a blow torch on china to squeeze them hit them when they're down and do it now. liz: the u.s. mexico canada agreement came over the tariff agreement and deal with the eu and trifoliated trade deal with china and they will did get passed on inflation?
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>> no, it'll change behavior and most of our trading partners, it's ying and yang on tariffs and england, france, switzerland and work it out, canada, mexico,a bit of a tiff going on. they're our allies and we can work it out. they come to the table and china doesn't come to the table. let's hit them hard with harper lanes riffs and i'm good with it. >> this guy is a venture capitalist like he's a cos play and i don't even know what a venture capitalist does most of the time. liz: do you want that guy in your situation room? >> yeah, you know, venture capital, that's called the american dream and created a large economy on earth and 62% of jobs in america. come on. we need venture catapulted life-threatenings and i don't know what he's talking about. liz: kevin o'leary, thank you for joining us. that's terrific stuff.
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thank you. liz: that guy was wrong and byron donalds is right and hammering republicans and trump and claiming violent crime is going up. senator roger marshal from senate homeland security taking it on. plus this story. >> how many gangs are okay and how many properties is okay to take over? how many citizens that are paying their bills is okay to displace? liz: guardrail new disturbing surveillance video coming in of alleged gang beating in a
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apartment medical examiner in aurora, colorado. gangs are taking over buildings. talk radio host jason rantz is here to react. also this, the new kamala harris wants you to believe she loves u.s. oil and gas. that's a new flip-flop and more than a dozen flip-flops now and the sound from harris on tape undercutting her on that. dbrox, op strategist lisa boothe will take it on. plus this. >> just last week, that person was speaking about political retribution on a national stage. and how -- it was very glib and yet he was standing next to a person, candidate that openly promotes working to normalize that language. liz: average california bureaucrat and attacking elon musk for being pro trump and he just violated musk's
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constitutional ri rights and wht musk is now saying. musk is now suing the california regulatory body for discrimination and outkick host tomi lahren is back with us and take it on and break it down. excited for you for this jam packed show tonight. stay right there. >> i think you can see i'm not just maga, i'm dark maga and the true test of someone's character is how to behave under fire. we had one president who couldn't climb a flight of stairs and another who was fist pumping after getting shot. fight fight fight! ♪ where ya headed? susan: where am i headed? am i just gonna take what the markets gives me? no. i can do some research. ya know, that's backed by j.p. morgan's leading strategists like us. when you want to invest with more confidence... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management
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it's our son, he is always up in our business. it's the verizon 5g home internet i got us. oh... he used to be a competitive gamer but with the higher lag, he can't keep up with his squad. so now we're his “squad”. what are kevin's plans for the fall? he's going to college. out of state, yeah. -yeah in the fall. change of plans, i've decided to stay local.
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oh excellent! oh that's great! why would i ever leave this? -aw! we will do anything to get him gaming again. you and kevin need to fix this internet situation. heard my name! i swear to god, kevin! -we told you to wait in the car. everyone in my old squad has xfinity. less lag, better gaming! i'm gonna need to charge you for three people.
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>> going for overall violent crime and coming down and nice one. falling and most places in the country over the last couple of years. >> you're in line. it's fbi and we're releasing and time is going down. liz: all those guys are wrong much the media and president biden claiming violent crime going down and berating anyone that disagrees.
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liz: now we're finding there's more murders, rapes, homicides in 2022 than we originally were told. they were not picked up in the initial go round. this is a problem and what the media is reporting on. they're doing a heck of a job and good people in fbi and data leads out two-thirds of precincts nationwide and going for la and new york city and >> the state of kansas and talking to hundreds of law enforcement officers and he told me over and over cannot arrest
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themselves out of the situation. crime falling for the country and there's senior citizens and many americans don't feel safe in their own homes anymore and damage to the fbi is manipulated and not passing the fbi test and law enforcement officers. liz: got it. terrific to have you back on, sir. thank you for joining us tonight. >> we have had the largest increase in domestic oil production in history because of recognizing that we cannot overrely on foreign oil. liz: look how passional kamala harris is about u.s. domestic oil and she's talking like that. we found the sound that the team does not want you to hear that
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undercuts her new pro u.s. oil stance and gop strategist lisa boothe will take it on. also this -- >> immediately said this cannot be true and only a few apartments. how many is okay and 600 immigrants and that's not counting all the other ones that used to control the property. liz: we've got new disturbing surveillance video coming in and alleged gang beating coming in in aurora, colorado. why has the media been down playing this story? jason rantz reacting to the details next. stay right there, back in two. >> i think it's touch and go right now. i see shades of hillary clinton campaign with arrogance of a democratic priority not attached but electric. >> a lot of biden supporters are not into the harris campaign. >> i don't think harris is going to be good at anything. i think her campaign is based on
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>> tonight, governor tim walz sheering on the u.s. oil industry. >> america is producing more natural gas and more oil than at any time in our history. history >> echoes the same message we've been hearing from kamala harris recently. >> we have had the largest increase in domestic oil production in history because of an approach that recognizes that we cannot overrely on foreign oil. >> rk file reports tonight, it's a sharp turn from where harris once stood on this issue not so very long ago. >> also going after the bad actors and i'm saying about these bill oil companies and fossil fuel companies you should be prepared to look at serious
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fine to be charged with a crime and they need to pay the price. >> for as much as she's trying to criticize donald trump, she's trying to be him and tale his policy ideas and she braises the gods of climate change and a new green deal disciple and credit due where it belongs with this cnn investigation and finding that she's a climate change
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zealot despite lying to the american people and dry trying to get back in now. liz: 160 history with the worst and put in place 250 separate actions to put in side business and wanted to put ceos in jail and prevent investors in getting any return and trump wants to unleash u.s. energy to bring down inflation and interest rates with kamala wanting to prosecute it and biden is harris, when they took office and cost of electricity gone up
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>> looking at democrat platform and look at biden administration and look at what kamala harris believes and not what she's saying now or what she really believes and it's like their entire policy agenda is designed to punish hard working americans to drive up prices for hard working americans to punish patriotic americans and pay taxes and are just trying to do the right thing. policies are twisted and under donald trump, everything was better under him and paying less and we were safer and the border was secure and the world was secure.
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liz: now this report. an alleged assault by a member of the violent tren de aragua gang out of venezuela. this story is hitting the 2024 race. democrats and the media accused of trying to down play this. alicia is in denver, colorado, with more on this story. alicia. >> hi, liz, cbz management said they're just now releasing the images of this november assault because they wanted to "set the record straight". it backs up its claim that gangs have taken over some of its complexes aurora pd arrested a venezuelan migrant and member of tren de aragua and one of ten police identified is belonging to him in aurora. the city acknowledges that tda
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is present and rejects claims of takeover and points to numerous code violations and court orders hanging over the company. now, separately the aurora city council arrested its attorney of whether den fertilizer major conspired to send migrants to aurora with nonprofits tasked to relocate arrivals. the city "took what many saw as a rye sis and turned it into opportunity by partnering with nonprofits to help thousands. the governor's office saying if aurora has evidence of a crime, they should work with law enforcement. liz. liz: great reporting, alicia acuna, thank you so much.
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>> came out that 13,099 were let in during their administration. violent gang members attacking innocent people and tour is in places like new york's time scare. they repeatedly get let out of jail immediately, why? because of the lenient uhl crime laws and happening across the nation. they're calling them wolf pack robberies and fiver or more suspects surround them and use guns and myself. what are you seeing, jason in >> we are seeing this and i hope everyone understands that we have the juvenile crime crisis for all sorts of different reasons, most of which are tied to the criminal justice reforms that we saw 2020-2022 and now
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add the element of them being in the country illegally, it make it is even more difficult for law enforcement potential cooperation between agencies at local level and national level not allowed to occur. we'll continue to see this and especially because the folks know how to play the system the same way that gang members know how to pour into the country illegally because of american citizens.
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liz: these gang member have been recruiting >> itched to know how quickly in a sanctuary city like they're calling, athens, georgia, how quickly can released and move the threats to society so our children can go out on a runzas they rightfully should be able to do in a park in the daytime by themselves. >> first of all, we are going to end all sanctuary cities immediately. we're going to end them. because they're really -- wit>> without on executive orde? >> i'll have to do it with an
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executive order. do it with the al aliens act of9 #. 1798 and can move people out of cities and sanctuary cities are meant for one thing to protect criminals. that's what they've become. we're going to end all sanctuary cities in the united states and we're going to go back to normalcy. liz: what do you think, jason? >> i love the idea. not necessarily because i think he can get it done as easily as he claims, which we already know there's going to be a big legal fight, but the message coming from the person who leads the country, the president, needs to take on that position. there's a huge difference between someone who's in this country illegally who is just trying to make a better life and the folks who are committing egregious crimes and they do not deserve the protection democrats give them. liz: jason rantz, always phacolouis to see you. fabulous to see you. thank you. liz: doesn't the biden admin
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have to take blame for the border. for the first three years, you got to lot wrong with the border. liz: charlamagne tha god took touchdown pass vice president harris. coming up, ford o'connell reacting to the sound but first this. >> just last week that person was speaking about political retribution on a national stage. and it was very drib but he was standing next to a person, a candidate, that openly promotes working to normalize that language. liz: okay, that was just your average california bureaucrat regulator bringing his own bias into a decision about spacex. elon musk, he's pro trump and california regulators didn't like it and blocked more spacex launches and now musk is suing california very violating this constitutional right.
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outkick host tomi lahren will take it on and break it down. first, day and sean, they're ready to rumble. let's see what my pals have cooking next hour on the bottom line. >> we're ready to rumble. we have the presidential candidate doing the media rounds and what is the state of this race? we're going to talk to kash patel and david web on that. >> michigan fire fighters and union mayor will not endorse a candidate and john carney weighs in on the gender gab in the economic gap and the race and what's the sleeper issue or maybe it's wide awake. backing women in women sports for the candidates.sw top of theee hour. 's a lot of fe. dad: you wanna help me? dad: aim at the wall, but get closer. daughter: (gasps) what the?! daughter: alright. dad: side to side. when you work with someone who knows a lot and cares even more... you can do this.'re unstoppable. (♪)
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all in one place? my favorites. get xfinity streamsaver with netflix, apple tv+, and peacock included, for only $15 a month. >> dealing with a company that the head of which aggressively injected himself into the presidential race. liz: they're nuts in california and off their rocker. that was a california coastal regulator admitting on camera they did lock more spacex launches in california because of elon musk's politics. because he supports trump. let's bring back to the show, fox news contributor tomi lahren.
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tomi, we've never seen anything like this and elon musk sued california claiming they violated his first amendment rights. what do you think? >> well, i'll tell you this, liz, wouldn't it be nice if those in california as well as in federal government cared about diversity of thought as much as they care about diversity of everything else, including appearance? it's quite obvious they don't value those things. but elon musk has a couple of things and that make him very dangerous to the left and to the politicians in california on the left. he has influence and resources. so he is able to fight back against these egregious lawsuits and these egregious regulations and he has the money to do that and most average americans don't have that or the tools to fight back in many ways he's a martyr and not just because of that but what he's been able to do with x and formally twitter and making it a free speech platform, he's provided transparency i don't know what we'd do without this elect cycle. he's a genius and entrepreneur
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and innovator and not backing down. liz: mark cuban claim that had trump will target business leaders that don't support him and there's no evidence of that. doesn't that sound like what's happening right now with elon musk and his companies? talking the sec, ftc, fa a and more agencies going after him. and making electric cars and relying on the green agenda and star link used in ukraine and spacex keeping the u.s. in the space race and sounds like how the democrats launch an attack and more on trump and to impeach him, even before trump sat in the oval office and let's show the democrat action they're attacking trump. what the democrats did in trying to pursue trump and going after him was egregious, tomi, what do you think? >> yeah, everything they accused donald trump of doing, they either have already done or in the process of doing or will do. i think that's quite obvious and
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it's projection and deflection and it's gaslighting and the fact that donald trump was already in office for four years and none of their claims came true, i think it's evidence enough to show that everything they're saying is simply fear mongering and we don't have an agenda for the american people and that's what makes donald trump dangerous to them and he speaks the truth and he's uncontrollable and unmanageable and same with elon musk who's also un-criminal and will unmanageable and -- uncontrollable and unmanageable and have to give them credit for variable to withstand. liz: are voters going to do this. >> i think they are. they value authenticity and transparency and going for elon musk and from donald trump and you're not seeing it from this current administration and don't know who's running our country right now, liz. americans would like to know. liz: tomi lahren, come back soon. good to hear from you.
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this story coming up, charlamagne tha god's interview with vice president harris not entirely a lay off. he went after harris on the boarder and much more. we got the sound, ford o'connell is there to react. stay right there. >> don't biden have to take a lot of blame for the border because the first three years y'all did get a lot wrong with the border. advil liqui-gels are faster and stronger than tylenol rapid release gels. ♪ also from advil, advil targeted relief, the only topical with 4 powerful pain fighting ingredients
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the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management >> does that mean bibl -- the biden administration has to take some blame for the border, first three years you did a lot of things wrong with the border, folks say you are very scripted. you like to stick to your talking points. >> that would be called discipline. elizabeth: you and joe biden are to blame for fueling border collapse, joining us now, g.o.p. strategist, ford o'connel. her answer was, a bill on immigration. it is up to 22 million illegal aliens lives in the u.s. likely higher. what do you think? >> everything that kamala
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harris says about the border is a straight up lie, you do not need congress to act it sesecure the border. in this law she cites the republicans done pass -- didn't pass it was a bill with a mechanism, it was an amnesty bill to bring more illegals in. elizabeth: another caller into the show asked whether kamala harris would keep sending money to overseas when people need it here at home. >> my question for kamala is why are we and i say we, my tax dollars is sending that money, why are we sending money to other countries when we need it here for homeless, housing resources, or whatever. that is my determining factor if i vote for kamala
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or not. >> that is one of the reasons that america first rhetoric resonates, no one would cam plain where american money was going. what do you say? >> we could do it all. we do. >> m . >> first, i maintain very strongly america should never pull ourselves away from our responsibility as a world leader. and that is in the best interest of our national security. elizabeth: she says we can continue to do it all. we are doing it. meaning paying for everything. helping homeless veterans and helping you know, minorities in inner-cities, are we doing it all? >> no we're not, she is so bad at this, every time she speaks in last two weeks she shows why she is unqualified to be next president of united states, there s an old saying how come we have
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money for the war in ukraine but we don't have enough for our homeless. elizabeth: biden-harris white house announced millions for ukraine victims, yet we have hurricane victims still suffering. >> that is why if north carolina were ukraine the problems would be solved. this is the sad state of affairs that biden-harris puts america last. elizabeth: kamala harris has been accused of pandering now we have breaking news, the "wall street journal" is now saying kamala harrisment wants to blowout her free give aways a million loans of $20 thousand each she wants to bailout tax payers to play for, for black entrepreneurs, now she wants to blow it out for every entrepreneur, we're talking trillions, we're in little political silly
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season. >> she does not have a message with three weeks to any, that is why donald trump will be 47th president of united states. >> how will you see it ford. >> donald trump winning with more lek . >> he will take pennsylvania, michigan, southeast and southwest unsunsure about nevada. elizabeth: i am elizabeth macdonald thank you for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. dvr us. now again as we have said, to dagen and sean. dagen: i shrank, thank you. elizabeth: okay. dagen: goo
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